HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-16, Page 4Child's Signet Ring Sot With Semi Diamond $1.00 FIR GENTLEJIBN. FUR LADIES Gentlemen's Signet Ring Solid gold, tok, handsomely carved, with one letter, $5.00. 14k, from $7•oo to 12.00. Ladies' Signet Ring Solid gold, rok, with rich flower or fancy scroll carving, engraved with one initial, $3.00 If more than one letter is desired extra charge will he made. These Rings are very special values. I guarantee them, and will refund the money if you are not satisfied. Send for a Size Card. J. S. Barnard 170 Dundas St., LONDON, - - ONT. exefet Aiuoi ate, Sanders t& Creech, Props. THURSDAY, NOV. 16, '05 Justices of the Peace for Middle- sex. Below is a partial list of persons ap- pointed Justices of the Peace for the county of Middlesex: Biddnlpph—Wm. Dublin Stanley, Jas. Grant, Samuel H. Hodgins, Patrick Breen, John McMellen, James Toohey, W. W. Revington. McGillivray— Wan. L. Corbett, John D. Drutumnnd, Thoe. W. Amos. -Parkhill—Wm. Stanley, John .It Gibbs. Ltrc:tn- -Jas. it. McComb, Baynard Stanley. Wn►. Ellwood. Tuekersinith. Mies Landsboro who recently under- went an operation at the Clinton 11os- pit;.t, is rapidly regaining strength. The news will be beard with pleasure by her many friends. —Duncan McTav- ish has sold his farm on the Mill road to S. Eagleson of North Dakota, a fot•- mer resident of Stanley. The farm is one of the best in this district. it con- tains 10) acres, and has on it a large bank barn with stone stabling and a brick honse. The price is $O.DtM). Mr. McTavish is smitten on the West and intends going to Edmonton.-- F. ('rich has disposed of hie tarn, at present leased by W. Nott, to Mr. S. Sweitzer, of God.'rich township. The farm con- tains i(x) acres and was sold for $0,00). Mr. Sweat ewe will trove to his plat in the course of to few weeks. DEATH of Mee. DAROH.—Sudden, sad and unexpected MIA the death that took plaice at the hone. or Mt•. Peter Robertson, of the Huron road on Wed- nesday night of last week, when Mrs. Darch was taken suddenly ill and with- in a few hours she lay a corpse. The deceased had been eitg.iged with Mr. ROherts•an for the past few years :and bed always enjoyed comparatively good health until the night of her death. She had eaten a hearty sup- per and not feeling very well said she would lay down. This she did but her case soon assumed at serious nature. Medical aid wile inintediately summon- ed,h'lt all was in vain she passed a way about eleven o'clock that night. heart trouble being the cause of death. Mrs. Starch's maiden name was Eva Pass- , l more. dsughter of Mr. Henry Pow more. et l sls,rue, from whose honer 13 the funeral took place to the Exeter B cemetery on Saturday. The deceased 1,1 (eaves one little daughter to mourn ill her death. Khivls mi. Jahn Itattz bad the misfortune of lo.aog two of his %soaking horses through death. --Mrs. Yager of Exeter is visiting her brother, B. Cunning- ham. --Thos. McCann has taken it po- sition as clerk with Mr. 11. \Ping at Shipka. Mr. N'iug may congratulate himself on securing stab n fine young matt.—J. Shaffer of Parkhill paid the town a visit on Monday.- Miss /laaird, who has been visiting Mrs. J. Apple- ton. has returned horse. Her absence will cause tilt aching void with "some." swe— Eliin1'IIle 1Vhiteford, south of here, last Friday bought Mr. John T.Atkin• son's farm in McGillivt•aty, being Int 5. on the 10th Con.—M t s. John Pincouihe, while leading a horse nn Friday hast, woe in some manner thrown down and in the fall sustained a badly sprained Mrs. T. Soule visited the Miss- es Towle 1)t Zion last week.—We un- derstand that Mt'. George Kellett will leave shortly for the Old Country to claim a large fortune that has been left hint by sante rich relative.—The dredge is now on Mr. Jas. Earl's farm. Owing to cont.inncd breakages it is Making slow progress. Winchelsea Mrs. D. Golding, with Master Roy, returned home on 'Thursday of last week, after a visit of a tunnttt with friends in Saginaw, Croswell and Bad Axe, Mich.—Mr. and Mrs. John Herat and Mt'. and Mrs. Philip Horn return- ed house on Friday of last week, after a two months' visit with friends and relatives in the North West.—Miss Gertrude Miller is visiting friends in Kirkton.—The Debate and Spelling Match by the pupils of our school was a decided success. The subject, "Re- solved that city life is preferable to couuti y life" is tin old one. but was nevertheless warmly contested. The affirmative was upheld by Newton Clarke, who dwelt plainly on the relig- ions and educational advantages of our cities, while Willie Elford upheld the place in which he was born, showing that for health. freedom and purity one need not despise the rural dis- tricts. Each boy was assisted by two girls and while it must be admit- ted that both sides did exceptionally well we have decided that the affirm- ative won the debate. It niay be con- tested again at the close of the school terni. The best spellers at this meet- ing were Peril Guhr and Willie Elford. Dashwood On Tuesday of last week a Sunday School rally was held in the Evangeli- cal church here, but owing to the very unfavorable weather not many attend- ed. The meeting was addressed by .1r. Hardy of Toronto.—Miss Annie Hatt - man is visiting friends here. It is said that she has sold her home here.—On Wednesday of last week Miss Annie Stauhus and Win. Dabus were married at Hensel'.—E. M.I3rokenshire, Health Inspector, fumigated Mr. Louis Schu- macher's house on Saturday. Mr. Schumacher had been ill of typhoid fe- ver.—David Wise of Dresden was here during the past week laking orders for the Thos. Bowman's Nursery stock. -- David Geiger, ,after a visit of several weeks among friends has returned to his home here.—Edmund Wuerth of Crediton spent several days Inst week with friends here.—Jacol, Kellerman is this week moving into Mr. Beaver's house.-1Vni. Tiernan, who hits been working in South River (luring the past sum:nets returned here Saturday evening.—Sunday was Missionary day with t le. Evangelical people here. Dur- ing the day collection and subscrip- tions were taken to the amount of about $111) for the mission cause. --Miss Clara Itatz of iChiva is learning dress- making with ,Mrs.('allfas.—Daniel Me- isaac, who has been working 1)t block- eniithing in Hickson for at few weeks t retmrned home Sat tird,ty. (,'rontarly `. 7 Luella ItemesinuitsD.--The following front the Mitchell Advocate of last week has reference to it former and highly respected Limonite. "On Tuesday yv- • ening Mr. Carter, before leaving for his new home in Wardsville, was ten- dered it farewell banquet in N. E. Cop - pin's parlors by about thirty of his friends in recognition of the ieelieg held toward thea while at resident of this town. Dr Atkinson occupied the chair and after luncheon was over, in- troduced tate guest of the evening in More than it few complimentary re- marks. After the toasts had been re- sponded to "Our Guest" was present- ed with a handsome travelling hag. A number of Mi. Carter's late scholars were also present and they presented hits with a pair of gold lined cuff - buttons. After the various speakers were through with their many flatter- ing remarks towards Mr. Carter as a duan, a teacher and a citizen, they were all favorably replied to by " Our Guest" who thanked his many friends for the kindness shown himi during his stay in Mitchell and pr 'sed that they would never be forgotten" McGillivray Miss Bertha Wilson, daughter of John Wilson, 7th con., who has been residing in Rat Pottage for the past two years, has returned home. Her many friends are pleased to see her again.—Mrs. Patton, a graduate of the Forest City Business College, is assist- ing W. Puinphfrey of Parkhill.—Jno. McIntosh hats returned from the West. Dan. Campbell, who recently returned front Manitoba, is suffering from a se- vere attack of typhoid fever. It is thought he contracted the disease out there. His many friends hope soon to beat of his recovery.—Clifford Cassidy left recently for Lancaster, Mass., to take a position as expert on one of the most progressive fauns in America. C. V. bas made some long strides in knowledge as to breeding high class Plymouth hocks.—A quiet wedding took place at the Nairn manse the oth- er day when Mr. Fred Cameron and Miss Maggie Ross joined hearts and hands for life. Mrs. Cameron will vis- it hero for some time, prior to leaving for her home in Sarnia. We extend OM' hearty congratulations to the young people. --Mrs. J. Lightfoot, who has been quite ill of late. is daily re- covering.—Mrs. Wm. Whiteford, who resides south of Elimville, purchased the hundred -acre farm put up by auc- tion at Mr. John T. Atkinson's sale on Friday last, being lot 5. con. 10, Mc- Gillivray. The price paid was $5,910. PR13 mel'ATIOs.—A social function of more than ordinary importance took place at the home of Jos. 11. Atnos, the other evening. The people of Mare's Hill church and Sunday school took advantage of the occasion to rentetu- het• Miss May Amos on the anniversary of her birthday, anti having assembled there in large and representative num- bers, Miss Selina Hardy came forward and react an address, while Misses Ruby A. Pierce and 1Vinnifred Ma- thers presented Miss Amos with a handsome gold watch and chain. Miss Antos made an appropriate reply, thanking the friends for remembering her so kindly and expressing a hope that she might be aide to continue in the service of the church. The pastor. Rev. A. Mc1Cibbin, then took up an improvised program which occupied shout an hour. After this the elder ladies had one equally interesting in the form of good things to eat. At a reasonable hour the company dis- persed feeling that they had enjoyed a happy evening with tIr. Amos and fluffily. and feeling richer in heart for having had some part in offering it tribute to a noble and useful person. Heiman John Macartbtn' has rented starry 'atylo1's arty house and will stove in- n it shortly.—Mrs. W. It. McLean has (eremite a resident of our town, having 'loved here from Se.afin th. She will wcupy pact of 1)r. ('hesney's residence. Ker nick has returned front his trip o the ►Vest.—The Misses Annie and Millie Beek of inondon were home last week attending the marriage of their sister.—%V. Sinclair has returned from a month's visit to Oshaw t and \Vhit- by.—After a two months' visit with his cousin at Allenford, Lon McTaggart has returned home.-1Ves Yiinghlot haps gone to Berlin where he has ac- cepted et position in a shoe store.—J. Berry has purchased T. Welsh's new reaidenee and will occupy it in the spring.— Mrs. 1Vood has purchased the new t•esiderice erected by 1V. J. Miller, at present occupied by J. Mucarthur. --Mre. (Seo. Moir has returned from at three months' trip to Inwood. --Af- ter an extended visit at Bothwell Mrs, M. Stuatthas returned to town.—Miss Olive Sellery of Kincardine is visiting at the home of her brother, Dr. Sel- lery,--Miss Carrie Macarthor, who has been ill. has sufficiently_ recovered as to he able to return to Toronto. --Con- siderable grain is being brought to market and meets with a ready de- mend.—Mrs. Fleming of Milton was a pleasant visitor tat the mem* last week. —Thos. Shepherd of IA Chute, near Montreal, is here on a visit to his heather, John. He is accompanied by Mr•s.Grahsm's mother who lives in the same section.—W, It. Hodgioswes cell- ed to 1Vocslstock ttiis week owing to the set inusillnessends'lhsequent death of his daughter, Mrs. Ambrose Smith. Mertelen.--The Methodist parsonage was on Wednesday last the scene of a pretty wedding. the contracting par- ties being 1Villintn Kemp of St.Merys, son of. J. Kemp (4 this pinre, and Miss Hilda May, eldest daughter of Mrs. Rich. Beek, also of this plaice. The in- teresting rerwmony took place at 2.30 o'clock and was performed by the Rev. 1)r. Medd. The lit We, who was getvnc•(t in n handsome costume of cream crepe de chene with ehiffen bertha, %ts.( et - tended by her sister. Miss A. \I. Beek, who was also becomingly attired. The greorr, was srtpported by 'i'. ('ahtwrll. of St. \tart's. At the conclusion of the ceremony- the brid,(I party repair- ed to the home of the bride's mother where the bride and groom received /War f y cotigrattl )tis frons 111. fri.'n.ls. A dainty slipper was then served to all preeent. The bride, et• tired itt s pretty gown of Mlle chiffon cloth, left with her husband on the eeerair.g train for her fnt.tre home in St. Marys, That Mrs. Kemp was hon- ot••d 4.11(1 respected w.as shown by the tn:.gniflcent array of gifte which she reeeit ed. We ti silt their future lite niay be one of 0nint,•1ruptell joy. Rev. Mr. Cranston preached anni- versary services in Zion church on Sendai)•.—\ft's. Win. Carruthers, nee ,Miss.Minnie Speare) of Vancouver, B. ('., spent Last week with her sister. Mrs. Win. Butler.—Mr. and Mrs. %V, Melstien spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents at Walton.—Mr. Harry Speare, stenographer for the Ontario Life Insurance Co., Toronto, returned niter spending it week with his parents here. --Miss Minnie Luxton of Eden spent part of last week the guest of We. Jno. Leary. --Miss S. Calloway, who has taught successfully for the nest year in S.M. No. 8, has resigned or the purpose of taking a school carer horse. Mise M. Davis of Staffs ars been engaged to fill the vacancy. While we are sorry to lose .Miss ('silo• viol we wish her success in ber new told of labor. DI(ATH.—The death of Miss Sedie ostler daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. otter on Sunday has cast a gloom ver the entire comtnunity. Deceased id been ill a little over a week with t vphoid fever. Miss Butler was one of t he most popular and esteemed young Indies in this district. She was a mem- lies of Snags Methodist church and also choir and Epworth League and had been to church the Sunday prev- ious to her illness. The funeral on Tuesday was very largely attended, it short service tieing held at the Boater prior to leaving for the church, where R -v. Mr. Wilson preached the timers) sermon, taking for his text, Rev. ?.2.11, '•And he that is righteous let him 1* I ighteous still." Interment took place in the Staffs cemetery. Besides the so. e:y afflicted parents two sisters and three brothers remain to mourn her denth. One of the brothers went West on the harvest excursion this fall and wss linable to get home to attend the tonere!. The church wss beautifully dtaaped se was assn the chair in the choir recently ocenpied by the deceas- ed. The floral offerings consisted of it pillow from the choir, :a wreath front her uneles in Tnt not n a 0(1*1 broken cir- cle from a near friend. To the bereav- ed ones the sincerest sympathy of tn.muy friends is extended and the va- car,r plane in the home anti church will taut easily be filled. Ayer's Give nature three helps, end nearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh air, moat important of all. Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. -7 Ar.t us.4 £yen's Ct.rry restos"' w year, ego 1 have eviia tarr:Sa• eat•• of lama At. *sane eor.4 by Itt am novae withovf ALARM? 0. Haata.r.aar, r&,1s . orb we.. Sat- . In 10. J. 0. a Tin m.. Alt tr1.... ""t.. a. for 1nw01. Mai, Consumption Health demands dally action of thtl Thr oyster slipper recently held at 1V,sNlham proved n smrress in every I. a,ticular.-" Mrs Ii Penwarden is c.•ntined to her bed through illness. Her many friend. hope that her re- owets. Atd naturewtth Ayer '• PING. "''t y i'e;.y be speedy. St...Josej)h N. N. ('antis is away on ;t hu.iue.� trip t•• Eastern ,tints. --it has been !r- pm ted that the Bccigneul wine factory will Matt operations again this win- ter. - Jos. 13e•da, d, jr., left it few days ago for Chat/min while be bee secured a good position. Joe is a steady young nt:u1 aMI we are certain that he will give the best of satisfact' .—Miss Emily abuse's many friends will be pleased to learn that she has fully re - coveted from her recent illness.—Den- nis Bedard has had a kitchen added to his residence.—Soloniou'1'illi:uns has moved his household effects from here to the Parkhill road where lie will re- side in fature.--lieorge Campbell has been appointed foreman of the con- struction works at St.Joseph's harbor. Zurich Mrs. James Pollock *if Drysdale is. we are sorry to learn,. in a very low state of health.—Metier Bros. have closed down their evaporator for the winter.—Mts. xhard ibis purchased the residence belonging to the 11ier- onYuius estate for which sh0 pit id $825. — rank Hassow Inas returned from his trip to the West. —Miss Maty Schenek of trip is a visitor at the notte Of her brother, William Schenck.—Our worthy townsman. Nicholas Foster-, celebrated his 83rd birthday on Nov. 1. He is still hale and hetirt% :tad the wish of his many friends is that he luny continue so.—C. ilartleib who has been ill is on the mend.—Chas. Fritz attended the funeral of his brother-in- law, Mr. Gerber, at Buffalo last week. —M. Kestle of Crediton is engaged as harnessmaker with C. liartleih,—J. J. Me rner has purchased &nacres of land in Alberta from Wm. Keys. a former resident of Stanley township. --J. A. Williams has installed a strata heating system in his dwelling. The steam is led to the house through a pipe con- nected to the boiler at the mill. The house is comfortably heated by this means and the system is pronounced a success.—Robt. F. Stelck who recently returned from the West intends leav- ing shortly for Toronto where he will attend College.—John Deichert, jr., who has been selling weef to the farm- ers in Hay nncl Stanley during the summer, has completed that work and has now opened up his tailor shop.— Mellie, the young son of David Bock, met with a painful accident on Mon- day. He was driving the tenni of i.. Burkholder, of Dixie, when he lost his balance and fell off the wagon. He held onto the limes and was dragged 8011)0 distance, when his head came in contact with a sharp stone which caused a nasty scalp wound four or live inches long, exposing part of the skull. It required a untidier of stitch- es to close the wound. The little fel- low is doing nicely.—Mie. Conrad Tremmnet• of Hay, south of this place, who recently underwent an operation for the removal of a cancer at the hands of Dr. Gunn tit Clinton and Dr. Buchanan, is daily recovering. Her many friends wish her it speedy and complete recovery. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold In two degrees of strength—No. 1, for ordinary cages, 31 per box ; No. 2, 10 de- ggreed stronger for special eases 18 per box. 1Sold by all druggrixfs. Ask for l'ook's Cot- ton Root Compound; take no snt..tituto. The Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor. Untartcr RED Ifynn, your Wends or relatives suffer with' Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a tial bottle and valuable! treatise on such diseases to Tux I.rtatc; Co.. 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. A11 druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIG'SFITCURE To make the best Bread you must have the best Flour. When the dough is flat, sour, heavy, will not rise,—when the bread is soggy, tasteless, indigestible—then you have cheap and inferior flour. You may use pure fresh yeast, faithfully adhere to the old-time suc- cessful bread making traditions, the methods usually successful—but the baking turns out badly—simply _ because you have not used the right kind of flour. Royal Household Flour is purified and sterilized by electricity, it is there- fore uniformly pure and wholesome. And because it is thoroughly purified it will yield a sweet, wholesome, light sponge that will bake into flaky, deli- ciously flavored, nourishing bread or pastry. It is really the only absolutely pure flour you can get. Guaranteed by Branded its makers and Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour. THE MOLSONS BANK P P (Inrorlrorate.l tit Art of Parliament 15551 Head Office, Capital Paid II Reserved Fund•- Office, Ca ital Paid V Reserved Fund.... • • • . • , FORTY-EiGIHT BRANCHES IN 7'I11': Montreal $3,000,000 Montreal $3,000,000 • • • •X3,000,000 • • • • $3,000,000 1)0.11iNION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH (*TICE iHOU'RS 10 a. in. to 3 p. in. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A OENP.RAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United Suttee bought and sold 1)t lowest 'Ate( of Exchange. Ai)VANCES trade to Fanners, Stock Dealer and Business Men at lowest rate's and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest . nits of current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department$1 and upwards received. Intere.t .nm• poundcd halt -yearly ad added to principal June st.tb and De, ember 31st. - Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DiCKeoN St CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. 1). IIURDON, Manager. Y2' • - - -. 4 • t r l► ''tea„ �/•riJ Fes --r4.,. WI. Maple Leaf Rubbers "staple Lcaf" Long Rubber L'(,c;ts are (loudly strengthened at points where the wear is greatest, an(1 are made throughout of only the toughest wearing material. Insist on " Maple Leaf" brand rulel,crs for :!ll purposes—they fit cvcry shape and style (.f rlcn'::, women's and children's shoes. Are warm, perfect fitting and lasting. 11 Maple Leaf " brand rubbers please the (sealer because they satisfy his customers and increase trade. Sold by all (maters. sr MEaF .�� LE.FY Dr1P. f 7,1(.0E' MA %•, Iie.S• a's .4 t