HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-16, Page 2STORIES WITH A SHIVER hem's therefore,
of tee
n hat
It teas aloe. I was fourteen years
of age that what 1 aur about to re-
•.late took place. I had been out in
the country, carne hound late. and,
being tired, i wcnt straight to Led.
I dreamt 1 sew my father on what
was culled the Hook Bridge, to
Queer coincidences are always in- which 1 have referred already. 1
teresting and the London Psychical SAW bin► (Wvnn: ing through a tog,
Society thinks that they are worth and in front of hint was
studying from a scicii(i: point of
'view. hence the opportunity recent-
' ly embraced by the London Daily
Graphic to gather in farm reliable
quarters n great number (1f curiosi-
ties of toincidtance. Thr (:s'hie's 111111e8 b.•tw•r.•n the rails; a cloud of
sywpo,ium includes all sorts of cu- tonna from an engine blew up
incidences, some supplied by persons through the spening to which my
of high repute in literature and sci- lather tens advancing, uucuusciouO
encs. The epr.ndc•d spec" ns will of the danger. and aloe/icing to
serve to Ind'. oto the character of what looked like a certain death. for
the stories:
Belated by Men and
Women of Standing and
Conceded Sanity.
1 rr.n to meet hint, and found that
between him and rnvs,'lf was a gal,
caused by the removal of s;•veral
Mrs. Katherine Tynan, the well-
known novelist. sends the following:
there was a drop int. the river of
something like 34 ,ret, with a rush-
ing tide below. i awoke, v ry much
This may be a coincidence. On the frightened, and immediately went to
other hand, it may be a ghost story.
11 happened to one near and dear to
ate. It was in his college, days, and
it was a long vacation, during which
he had elected to stay in his college
moms and work. The rooms veru
at the top of tho highest houses in
tho ancient foundation of Queen
Elizabeth, T. C. 1). 'There was not
a soul in 010 house but himself, and
the quads and buildings were full
of echoing emptiness rafter nightfall.
He was not nervous in the ordinary
sense of the word, and did not ob-
ject to his solitude 111 this eyrie, al-
theugh an impressionable Celtic visi-
tor calling on 1 ' (tele afternoon re-
marked that he would not. occupy
the rooms in the empty house in the
empty college for a single night, no
matter what inducements were of-
fered to hint to du it. It was a
his room, only to find that he had
not come home. No one in the
house knew where he was. I dressed
and went to the Custom house. It
was in darkness. '1h' junior officer
in charge of the outdoor department
of the customs was a men called
Lockwood. I went to his house and
rang him up, told hint my story, and
insisted upon his dressing. Ile knew
nothing of my father's whereabouts.
but on my expressing my cl•teruaina-
tion to go to the bridge he said:
"Well, if you will go on this wild
goose chase I suppose I had better
go and look after you," or words
to that effect. When we got on to
the (look Itoad there was rt dense
mist arising from the river. We
made our way to the bridge, and
we had not walked far before the
heard steps coming in our direct. .
night or two later. The solo ecce_ 1 ("1141 forward, and there was before
part of No.- awoke in the dark. Ile
had been awakened by an unusual
sound at such a time -the sound of
a foot. on his stairs. Ile heard the
feat ascend and pause outside his
door. Ile sprang out of bed and
me the whole picture of )ny dream.
A cloud of steam was coming
through a wide opening in the bridge
and my father was within twenty
feet of it, eoming to his doom, with
his swinging, quick stride that I
knew so well.
May 1 add I had never been on the
I1y the time he had got it he heard bridge before. No one was allowed
the foot going dualist/Ors again. to cross save the officials of the
Ile hurried to his door, opened it, company and the officers of customs,
and listened. Alt was silent as the who did so at their own risk. Thorn
grave in the empty house. He re-
turned to bed mystified, and slept
ill! morning. In the morning, as
he trade his own breakfast and
thought of his intsterions visitor of
th3 night before, he glanced toward part of the bridge to be taken up,
the door and noticed something he would have continued walking on
white half -way under the door -a throughout the length of the bridge.
ing. both 1 1 berth, it doubtful Africa o r h t Potatoes -Ontario, on track
visiting card. Ile picked it up. It
Some unknown influence caused a I e Y fi0c to ?Oc per bag, ..,c to R.)c out
atone, and pay for what you cut at
compel ,roof of this, though the cu- who have lived there all their live.;. lof store• Thu demand for eastc:n
was the curd o( a man he L.uew-u picture of that bridge to appear 111 the restaurant.
' actuent was specially aimed at the 1 rofessor Macallum said he ' f;
college acquaintance. whom we shall III mind, and, Stanger still, to There are several decks in the.
runaway (:retnu Green matches. I course could not go Into a lengthy stock is Bond, 90c to 95c out of
call Itolnnd White. In the corner pr( lett in my alined also a situation steamer, each known by natnes, such 1 dged from Dixon's of:er to n,rt,v store and lac to 80c on track.
u discussion of the work of the asstL'01ed Hay -$3.60 for No. 1 limo-
of the card was trritteo in pencil, of immediate danger while my father ns Kaiser, Washington, itoosevelt nal me on hand that. he does not bother dation, but he gave an extremely ill- thyper
".lust passing through." The mys_ was some throe or four miles lis- Cleveland. Evidently the company himself about the matter. teresting account of what he saw. 1 ton in car lots here and $11
tory was not cleared. %1'hv on earth tans from the scene, and we ask: desire to eater t0 the American 1 ascertained by inquiry in the vil- Fw)M CAPE 'TOWN TO Dt'1,IlA•� :for No. 2.
was never a doubt in my father's
Mind that my appearance saved hint
from death, as it was imp( ssible to
see the opening because ui rho fog
and the steam: and, never expecting
rick for Ma(ur(luy evening (the tGRETNA GREEN WEDDINGS' land and finally the actual Scoteht LEADING
eighth) and acre again told that all and English boundary, the little
the seats had been taken, but al- -- ! stone bridge over the Sark, beyon'1
most immediately afterward it was HALCYON DAYS OF ROMANTTC which lay
discovered that there were two seats MATCHES. I 7'111: HAPPY 11E1tEA1"T1:1t.
in the upper circle to bo had, Nos.
15 anti 16. An Erstwhile Carpenter Is Play- On occasions of great emergency !t
P Y- was necessary only to ting the labor -
THE NEP! O LAN- QUEEN, ing the Role of the Black- Ing horses over this bridge and to
smith of Tradition. I make u dash fur the little tollhouse
The Steamship Amerika-Largest
Steamship Afloat.
Il(tEA7 rs• i t - i :S,
'Toronto, Nov. 11.-\! heat -Ontario
-80c for No. white and ;tic for
red or mixed to get supplies. Bids
aro generally 1c below these prices.
uu the other side, un! if ,u ,ca eoul•1 Goose is firmer at 73c to 76c, ons
Gretna Grew, the little Scotci► 1 I s))'in• 7•!c to 73e.
be barricaded out white somebody- I 6
village just across lite 1•order front 40) matter who-h•u•ried through 11'ht•at-Mfuuitoba-8tic for No. 1
The Amerika, the last new steam,- Cumberland, is Wit easing a revival some fore. of ceremony -no mutter 11011 hem and 14 lc for Nu. 2 north-'
ship of the homburg -American eau:• of the weddings which made it faun- w).at so lung as it was an agree- cos
puny, eclipses the record in the line ous in the romantic lass of yore. tuent to marriage ill the presence of hour -Ontario -Exporters are bid-
ui palatial steamships. There is no writes an Edinburgh corres tone sic. Witnesses -all was well and the mat- ding bolo to *3.15 for Ontnrio U0
steamship on any other lino that un- One Peter Dixon, a carpenter. is rtuge held good in spite of the worst per cent. patents, buyers' bags, at
steamProaches her in site, in fittings or in plas ing, the role of the blacksmith of that papa could do. ur.tsida petals, but are • • t'
tradition, (411(1 sit area dot's it pay b Igetting no
general magnificence. The North (ler- Until 18_6 these marriages were utters, the lowest asked is i:i.'_0,
than Llo3'd boats, such as the Kaia.r- hint that he has abandoned his trade mostly conducted at the little toll- \lunituba Som • wes .•
41114) m, are tho only ones afloat in to devote himself exclusi,ely to the house. ,111(1 first officiated weans to s. c t )t)) millers e are
of nuptial knots fur couples selling fir,, bakers'
;.t ,and, hale
rho Same class as the Amerika. The { be quite doubtful, and the only re:+5- •nrds ;4.:SU, bakers' 51..'U, end, while
consequence is that while erikn.ships "116 aro inn bony to get s[,liccd• on fo supposing that a blacks,mtr1 the lur•ger companies ,
on other lines, even in the busy sea-' I found Dixon in a public Nous bud ttnytlung to do with it Is tl►e ex- 1 n1 reported to
the center of 1111 admiring throng of isteucu of the truditiut itself. Tho 1/e making cuncesaiuns from quoted
sun, have vacant space, those of Der- t Wagers. Ifo 1s a good typo of the
!prices on saps of lucre lots, their
man lines are always full and to ever bfirst niarriugo of which tu)y record
flowing. canny Scot of middle age, with exists wits conducted by K. John general quotations are: $4.90 for
The Amerika arrived the r!a� shrewd eyes, iron -gray hair and u Paisley, a tobacconist. But there is first patent, F-4.50 for second and
at New Amerika
from ri Chtheou other nn l mouth screened by a full beard that a legend that Paisley himself wars, '•111 fur onta s
covered a distance of 3,054) knots is: can ,cell keep its owner's Owl! coon- initiated by a Solway lixhernun, At uilfw•d-(,nturi(ar )o [t $1:3.fi0 to
7 days, 17 hours 12 minutes. !'his set. Ile was not at all averse to one lima there were four establish 4,1:3 per ton, in car lots, at outside
of course, is nut rapid time, because drinking at h stranger's expense, but Inerts it which these irregular core- points; shorts, 816.50 to $15; Mani -
the Amerika 15 not u flyer. But sal- )rot even Scotch whisky, that most monies were conducted. one ,lohn' tabu bran, F15.50 to $16, shorts
though there was rough weather ("'tent encourager of loquacity, could Llnto, dissatisfied with this state of 517.5(1 to $19 at Toronto and steal
most all the way and high head wind in'!uce hit, to be communicative alluirs, made a bold hid for a mon- freight points,
the vessel was very steady, and ono about 11i; signular oceupntiun•
()ply of the swell portion (1f the mat-! (►ars-341,c to :3.;Sc at outside
would have supposed for to be sail- 1 "I don't ,cant anything published slimedal - patronage by building 'clots.
Ing through some inland lake. in the papers about 1))y business," t.e (:reale !full, a large syuure bete.'; 13ar1 y -32c to u'3c for No. 2, 51c
Phis vessel heti many prominent said' with n special bridal chamber sump t o L'.• for 1�To. 3 extra, and 4ac t1
characteristics. She isi reallyt «But publicity would increaseyour ,
unset t0,, ,y fitted up. In this /wormier& 17c fon 1u. 3, �a ..:.,-
able owing to the large number (•f!'J'�ur business," I suggeslecl• the propriclur (Tit•' t ! 11'
t. might, he admitted, "but it o 111 (x a11c nus sun
transverse bulkheads and system n(` atter him until the runaway marriage
water -tight doors. The doors are; ,night also increase competition awl busiursss declined to such an extent
worked automatically, and are clos- u (Dirt the
any ether folks gelling' that it ceased to be profitable. Pete.
ed by turning a handle feet, the,
p e Lallle line here. There ain't Dixon will never succeed in making
bridge. There is great steadiness any muco in it than just keeps )ere it anything like what it used to let
when in motion owing to the huge going comfortably, and as 1 start e.1
displacement of the ship, which is it 1 think I'm entitled to all there is
the largest afloat. 'There are sub- )n it:. I
marine bell signals to give warning he "se m'i!lagers noti(1`1 VISITED SOUTH AFRICA
of approaching dangers -wireless tel their heads approvingly.
graphy us on other ships. Perfectly "No I ain't," nlheyanswere(lske"Youd. I WHAT TORONTO PROFESSORS nutter -!'rices are quoted un-
balanced engines, therefore no vibr't- don't have to ben parson to mar :vchanged.
tion. Ventilation on a new system, HAVE TO SAY.
so that the air in all the rooms ) folk in Scotland. I can tie 'em to- Creamery, prints 22e to 23c
automatically changed every fe•v gether just as hard and fast as any It Is a Land of Wonderful Re- do sul►(18 21c to 211e
minutes. She Iles excellent romen- minister in the 40,1(1. It you oro Dairy ]b. rolls, good to
P thinking of gettingmarried, youngsources and Very Diiiicult
ado decks, with special space for n11111, just. fetch alongthe d Problems.
dancing. There are two fine proof- „ girl and
enacts deck:- for the second-class pas- I'll do the job for you. You'll tin 4 I)r. A. 13 Macnliunm and Profess )r
sengers, end also promenade d(•cl s it'll cost you a lut more than 1 0. P. Coleman of Toronto University
for the third and fourth-class charge you to get it undone." tubo have been absent since the fir;t,
pussy r t"\DI:K SCU'1'CII 1,:%\V week in attending the meeting
gees. Telephones Connecting all th • July
stateroom.; with acelebrate' ani f Association for the 4c!
Peas -73c outside.
Ryc-72c to 73c outside.
Buckwh(sat-56c to 57e outside.
Corn -New American is easier at
58c, 'Toronto freights.
Rolled Oats -,$,'5.05 for barrels on
track here, and $1.80 in bags; 25e
more for broken lots here and -!OC
out side.
ehuiee ...... ...... ........ 1.9c to 20jc
d0 medium 17c to 180
do tubs, good to
choice 17c to 18c
do inferior
15c to lOc
Cheese 124c to 121e per lb.
central a mat( -Ingo can he. u the nr•ItlsIi Eggs -The bulk of the business is
station, a!( information ot)4ce, gymnu tnhrre and at any hour of the day vat)cct»eat of Science, have returned doing at 21e, although some sales
stun,, electric elevators and a medical! or night for the ceremony in its home. are still being matte at 20c.
stall with nurses. . I siu,plest form consists in merely a They speak of the hospitality of Poultry -Fat chickens, 8c to 9c.
An innovation on this vessel is the couple agreeing before witnesses to the bout') African Governments ns thin re to 6c; (at hens, 6c, thin 4c
a la carte restaurant. This feature !s take each other for husband and wife. 80tnething quite astonishing. Every to 5e'; duck),, 8c to Oc, thin Go to
so successful that the capacity of the, Ono of the contracting parties is re- fucicity arts given the scientists for Re; turkeys, 12c to 13e; geese, 7c to.
kitchen has to be doubled. You r,:ut quired to have resided in Scotland seeing the country, and they were 8c.
buy your ticket as formerly, inclu.l- (04 21 days before the marriage, bur able to learn more about S t t !
meas and or bor:h is if steps are taken to rica and its problems than manhere,
should Boland
..1anc1 Rhite have called in
the dead waste nntl middle of the
night? Ile heard of him a few days
ago as enjo3 ing himself, thoroughly,
grouse shooting in the West. A day distress, for it was uncertain %%91e -
or two passed. As he came into col- Cher we should ever meet again, and
lege one afternoon he was slopped we were greatly attached to one an -
by one of the porters. "Very sail other. it has been our custon for
about poor Mr. White?" "Haven't
you heard, sir'? It's in the evening
paupers." It was the familiar acci-
dent of the trigger of a gun catching
in a twig as the sportsman scram -
"WAS 1'1' CHANCi';?"
About ten years ago, writes a wo-
man, my husband was in Africa, and
we had parted in great sorrow and
some years previously to go to a
"watch -night service" together on
New Vear's Eve. %then the day of
the year carte round my thought na-
turally reverted to this, and 1 re -
bled through a fence. Shot in the tired to rest feeling intensely ,sad
head, Roland White had died within and lonely, and longing for his Are-
a few minutes of the accident, ,.once. Some hours after -1 cannot
On a recent occasion, writes Mines nix the time -I smirk/Hy awakened
Sarah Grand, I was driving front from something utterly different
Charing Cross to Dover street. and from an ordinary (!ream -as different
on the pavement in Piccadilly, st•ol- (rola dreaming ns dreaming is from
ling along through the crowd with wnkii g, is the nearest description I
n detached air, I saw a kinsman of can give. I was absolutely convinc-
mine whop( 1 had not net for some ed that my husband had been there
time. 1 was not surprised to see with me. 1 had seen him, spoke): to
him, but what did strike the as odd him, felt his arms round me. Leagues
was that he should be wcnring in of stormy ocean had been annihi-
London, in the height of the season. toted somehow, (lint were rolling In. -
nn overcoat green with age, and n tweet, us, and of course, we were
bowler hat which he used to weer in overjoyed to be logeth_•r again. I
the depths of • the country in bawl said: "This does not look like being
weather. I tried to catch his at- 'parted forever, does it?" But 1 (lo
tention as I lia ised. but he i not remember all we said; but 1
know he asked me: "Is this too ex-
citing for you? ('nn you bear it?"
and 1 answered, "Oh, no, no! Don't
go hack yet." On waking 1 at
once made a pencil entry in a little
book of texts that is nlwnys on my
table, and 1 have it now. But the
most tui ilius part is this: Next day,
January 1st, 1 wrote and told him
of thio strange visit. and aaked hire
had he dr.nnit anything 1)1 this sort
that night. NOW, he wrote to me
on .ianuary 8th, and our letters
dressed, nsking me the same thing.
Roth letters are now in my posses -
Fail it was 1.-," "lint it ons
!: -," "Well.1 protested. "ell. T should sign. TCaturnlly, they are of too in -
have said to myself," h • rrsuir. theat e n nature for publication; but
dispassionately, but for three things. 1 would show them to any nrcrerliterl
1.- at the present moment Is the fa- Member of the 1 sl,'nt al Society It
ther of a family, n senior olllcer, considered of sufficient interest. As
And n middle-aged turn. '!'hat ons Tong its my husband lived, and later,
1.-- nt eighteen." there seemedto be some occult link
So it Awes: but there is neither "r communication het ween tis. We
time nor space in the flush of vivid were not Spiritinlis to in the nrdin-
r(collo(tion, nal the impossibility of
ary sense of the word. nor what one
every -
peeing him agent ns he was when ( ttould rail very religious in very-
kr.ew hitt best had not struck ane. I (hay phrase, but. m• hu' h thought the
'that et ening I went hone•, and iforeg(ling experir•n.c was allowed by
/here, to my surpriw•. T foetal await -
a kind Providence to comfort us in
ing me n letter from L-. It was I AN !ENFORCED ABSENCE.
,ihe last thing 1 should have expect- 1 was 011 my way through town
ed. so len;; had the eorrespondener• :,with my daughter in the beginning
erase&. Some meddling woven had ; of .f ulv for a few weeks' holiday,
1)11) NO'!' 1.,00K MY WAY.
A few days later I was walking
/r•.nr !:over street with another
kinsman, a cousin of mine, to have
ten with him at his flub in Pall
Mall. and again 1 saw, quite close
to tie in Piccadilly, my young kins-
man in the (•1(1 overvoat and bowler
hat. "Oh! there's 1.-" 1 exclaim-
ed: "1 must speak to hitt," and 1
ran on to overtake hien; but he had
disappeared in the crowd. My co•t-
sin. who had also seen hire. remark-
ed: "nell. I should certainly have
crowd, which of course is their larg-
est customer.
The vessel has accommodation for s of p ne;
3,057 passengers and a crew of 520 t Y
Her displacement is 92,00(1 tons. She
more by the romantic associations of occasion the boundless hospitality of New Von;, Nov. l 1.-\\'heat-Sp.,t
is 687 feet long, 74 fort 6 inches the place and t.l:(s unconventional the South African Government. New
No. 2 red, !) a in ehevat„r
broad arid 'for
53 feet deep. She has n form of maniugc than by new Hetes- From Cape Town they went to and Pflic f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 north -
greater displacement than any other • sity for defeating the machinations of 1)eAttr, than through Bloemfontein to ern Duluth, 99.1c f.o.b. afloat; No.
ship in the world. Her gross ton-
hostile relatives, Most of these ma -
tinge Johannesburg, and from thyro to 1 northern Manilobu, 971c f.o.b.
tinge is :1,000, and when loaded car•' leen Gretna Green weddings take Durban, where they were joiner! by afloat
firs 10,000 tons of cargo, which i► , place at Dixon's own bolts,•, n toned the other members of the assucia-
pluced on freight cars would reach n tenement In the main street of the lion. They all then returned to leeGA'I'TL1: lilARKi:1`
distance of more than ten utiles. 5ilinge, but those who want a little A+t r, where they branched off to Kim -
more style have the ceremony per- her•let. Professor Coleman and the 'J'orc+oto. Noir. 11.-1'l:u impro '-
foreed at the Queen's Head hotel. other geologists were all over the 1►tet)t in the cattle trade noticed at
OUR NEW SETTLERS. Dixon keeps a rnarringc regist.r country. the opening of this week was fully
which he declines to show anyone.) I.11S1.1 AN ENCHANTED LAND, maintained at the City Cattle Mar -
Nor will he tell what his fees are, ken to -day. •',
Where the Many Future Citizens Professor
of the things which imprrssel 1:xport. cattle, choice $1 00 to F1
Are Coming From. 11(1 is not giving away any one of I rofessor• Mucullui,i most was the do tnedium .. gr:3 85 :3 9(t
the secrets of his "business,”
Canada has received 165,000 !tri- It is just. about half a century titan 1Colony, atoo lcsa thigh in lltableland (il lit light . •3 05 00,r
tish immigrants in the last nine siuco (110 little 1►mnfries village ..t which only a feat succulent plant du cmcs ""' "" 75 3
years. Gretna Gran fell back into the n:a- ua;ually grow.2
For every British Immigrant to tIvo obscurity out of which a 111 ),t (tut when n rain falls, which only13utchen' picks! ... 4 tU
ncine years there has been an A)ueri singular fortune had temporarily' lift- happens Mout once in two 410 choirs ,.. :3 90
ed it, ant fon which it is nova year:' tlo medium .. :3 :30
Sixty per cent. of total immigra- emerging. Up to the year 1751, flonersthis desert. 18 converted into a bed e:
lion for nine years has been English- there .as no need for a couple of inking, ., isfeso is the spoil. lit
speaking, 40 per cent. foreign. English lovers tosbe scampering 1.,1 sinking trolls spots in this desert
P g have been rendered productive by inn -
The British lmrnigrantiou of 1!)01 to Scotland to get married. Ever
Increased 8, ;52 over 190:3, the Ant-; since the (reformation had repudiated (,n' ion,
erican decreased 4,802. 1 the Council of Trent., and most of 3'vb
loge that in the course of the 'feted_ Atter the association had complete!• hailed Straw -Unchanged at 80 per
ton fur car Iota on track here•
ing week he had married half n dozen its deliberations at ('ape Town the
couples, but it is probable that most members journeyed by rail, -t ) i
of the loving swains were attracted 011 trequcr.tly nnQ enjoying on ev•� NEW YORK WHEAT 31ARKI•:!'.S.
do light 2 75
do butts ... .... 2 00
Canners 1 75
Stackers, choice ... 3 25
do common ... ...... 3 00
do �ulls 2 25
3 00
4 30
4 10
3 65
:1 00
:1 2 50
2 25
The gold mines at. .Tohannesbur • 25
Curt of bringing • taunt •rnnlR to doings, English and the diunumd trines lit Kimberley 2 't0
e 6 g� b g• g practices in the m 1•.- were visited. Then north to Hula- Heavy feeders ... .3 50 :1 60
Canada, 14)01: Co,timeital, $2.21 ter of marriages had been growing w'ayo, the ancient capital of the Short -keep .• 3 75per 3 t►0
tel St+ntcs( real. $4.53; general
$4.644; I:ni- more and more lax and irregular. '1'0 .l(ntnbeles, they went; through the Milch coww, chulco .. .21i411
i0 00 GO 00
general av'cras;e, Put all end to the scnnelal the roar- rocky, mountainous reign of Matapas do common ... 244 00 an 00
$:3.418. Wage act of 17:i4 was passed. It t••-. to the magnificent park donated +,• `;beep. export, ewtst :3 Sri 4 tis
Tho i1•migrntion of 190.1 w;(s quired aft persons Cecil Males in Rhodesia to the p•( do barks
(louhle that for 1902; treble that of
EXCEPT •• e e the greatpromoter is beets 1, (10 culls
1899, i I I )b1%S AND QUAKERS %here
The ilritish immigrants fur 490*, to et married -if fit 1111-1m a Church They proceeded through the Zion- Lambs, per cwt.
were: 116.69.1 English, 141,552 Scotch, of England and nccording to the hest Pulley, (ailed by Livingstone the Calves. each ...
8,128 Iris[, ('hutch of England ritual. A great "Valley of Death," where the 'veined' hogs. selects
Foreign arrivals, 11401, were: -(int many people resented the new lana•, ,nen hail ample opportunity to study
clans, 7,729 ; Germans, 2,985 Huu- !i and as it did not apply to Scotlnaa, malarial lovers,
gnrians, 1,207; other Austrians, 2, I tho most obvious way to escape .11 OYER '1'111•: %.\�1131:Si FALLS.201; Scandinavians, 4.'203; Russians. was to flit across the border, _But! At Victoria Falls Professor (leorje
and Films, 2,4406; French and Dcl flight ons not nlwnys easY. titan Darwin, president of the association,
glans, 2,892. i erous stories were told of sensational formally opened the bridge,
'Ihe i 'gratlon of 1901 averaged chasers, of broken down vehicles, of
2,500 per week.
3 00 A 50
3 00 8 50
5 25 565
2 (10 10 00
5 50
do lights and fats. 5 00 5 25
o seen u• nett and Will Take Thirteen Days Out of
bnrrienthel roads, and of the hors,•a Uio taht beefing the scientists was Month of February.
of pursuing carriages bring shot t t I t"Southe first to cross the bridge
"oulh Africa," said Profess A despatch from St. peter berg
give gay Lothar•ius in front hist. tiro 1lacallu, , "appears to me to be a says: 'The new ern in Ru-s(in will be
to get over the bridge into the land country of wunlerlul possihilitl,sa, )ttorkecl by a change front the Julian
of liberty. When the names of greet -
One Year's Disasters on United lords rind ladies began to be mixed °it with pulitirnl, racial, e.onomlc to the Gregorian calendar. I'ho
u) with such ronu)nce41 weddings ed problems, which appear niftiest ir,- use of the old calendar. which 4s
State:) Railroads. 1 surmountable. thirt(t•n days behind Glut of ether
Gretna (lrecn began to be almost as , ' civilizrlf rountics, bus he(sn rho
According to figures furnished Inv fashiotnble as are those at Satan Alt.: DT1•'1'iC(Ji:1. 1 ROIIJ,EMS.
the Putted States interstate ('ort- (leorge'n, Hanover Square. I "Imagine n white population „( Canso of in la i�e confuslo,. Tho
rnerce Commission, ,J, passengers hlft y such marriages in the course eight hundred thnusnnl mixed w;t b Ara1k•nty of Sciences has 410nlready
were killer! and 10,4140 injured, nn<1 of a month weer by no teens onus_ from live to seven million blacks( 4'e_ sullmitted n pine to shorten the Rus -
.1,261 employes were killed and 45 -; unl at one bine. Aming the earliest sides there are the mend jealnusi •g situ' February by thirteen days and
426 injured on the railroads in tho recorder) marriages at (:ret nn Green tool nnitnos;illes between the British • to legln March 1 in the new style.
fiscal pont. was that of !lichen! Avnell Edg-' and the liners.
The Inial number of passengers worth who, in the course of his cc "I would not commit myself to its4-
killed in train accidents was 850;, centric career marl•ied four wives- scribing the causes which lie at the
)passengers Milli NI in train accident, 1 one of them n deceased wife's sister -4 root of these difficulti • TIiRT MONTHS'BOUNTIES.
made mischief far air poses of their !sas another contributor, when she
t;'•14)rt' The total bur of eni' °V3s and had nineteen children, among' Resting menns for remedying Iron and Steel —
1 1 ` killed in train accidents was 71)44; in- Received $384,802,
^tan, in r1 nx,•rlurnre of which three • suggestc41 that We should stay there Maria F.(1.%• ti the novelist. Then But the fart remains that conditions
lives had boll wrecked, not tho n hew days and seo some of the lured, 7,0.;2. There were lA7 pas- followed several lords, among whom' pre5ttil which mast seriously hntnp,sr Petroleum ;83,103•
blame of it all had 1 eon ingeniously theatres. We were not far from the stingers killer! in other than train n•: were Brougham, !:Iden, Dundonald the develepmeat of the country." A despnl('h from Ottawa says: 1'or
ins upon g c4,I ;i(, nod :4.54. injured, and 2.- end Ersk ine, besides ninny Rri()ns :f Ile. (!.•scribes the T3oern as staple!•'- the quarter ending Oct. 81, $381,-
4a3 employes killed in other than noble end distinguished houses. ing very primitive methods in agri- 802 was pail out in bounties tort
train accidents, and :1H,:17 1 injure•!; The little Dumfries village to Whish culture and grating. The ngricul- iron and steel, $83.101 in bounties
a grand total of all classes of .,`17 these infatuated folk mule a dasn, Oral station at Korinspruit is doing for crude petroleum, and $241,268 la
passengers killed and 10,(1.10 injured, Some of them with indignant parents excellent work in educating the bounties on lead.
tato Reatc were scut in, Nos. 15 and and 8.261 employes killed and •15,- and gunrdinns at their heels, is n Boers
16, in the upper circle, which en 1(; injured. dull little place nt the head of the This institution is tinder the man -
went05816.41 ourselves nt. We (410)1 This shows len increase of 117 pas-
w.•nt on to'the Prince of %\'ale., and stingers killed and 1,96:3 injured, and
were agnin 10141 that the good swats n decrease of 2,160 employee injured.
for Friday evening ithe seventh) There were 6.221 collisions during
111e. My kinsman had by r Gaiety at the time, and on inquiry
a••ci.le't discovered the troth. and !there We were told that all the
had Written at once to express4)48lsrats find been looked for that even -
011 regret for ever halving doubted r big As the Were leaving, however
me; and then he went eat to recall
the time When are were young to-
gether. and the .1.1 great cent ting-
ed With gree and the bowler hat
that had hoped n ronxpic part
in our ouldnor' life in the country.
1'art of my youth, Write. Forbes
Phillips, vicar of Gorleston, wax
spent nt Goole, a port on the River ' upper clod • over,• available for that
()124.' in Yorkshire. A huge bridge evening. 11e looked on this as a
t•pnns the river, which 'semi/tufa the piece of groat good 1110k, but
rniiway from honealtel. to i(ul!. and 1hnucht it veru tad that the sen (s
this structure i. Whorl Ino miles wees in the Hume port of the houve
from Goole. My father ,las in the ins the Gni •ty, And the flame mini -
fret plait., and his duty took him out !tiers
Solway Firth, about ten miles north- agement of n Cenndian, Mr. Palmer, �♦
west of Carlisle. The railway drops who is a graduate of the Ontario WRECKED 2,000 HOMES.
its passengers there now, hut in it. Agricultural College
were taken, hut they suddenly alis- the tear, with n money loss of $1,- palmy days of romance panting The visitors had opportunity to Typhoon Causes Great Damage
n:, $ young couples sped furiously nlnn;! study the primitive sustain" of the YP ag in
catered that Nos 1.; and t6 in the 8f9, 1, and 5,871 derailments, with the. road thrnur;h the fr i,lantatinns! negroes. A marriage festival and Japanese Province.
a mater loss of $4,8a2,6(►2; a total and ()ter the dreary "detestable' vitriol's war (lanes were among f•, A despatch from Tokio "rays. A
of 11.595 collisions and derailments, land'' of bog and peat, in earlier' teresting exhibit tone witnessed (hs-- typhoon 0hi(h took phi, •• .,i Tues -
end a total money loss of $3,711,656
being damage to cors, engines and
The hot-headed fellow is generally
at al! hours, day and night. A. aur 1\e then tried our luck at the Gar- quickest to get cold feet.
days the scene of 54) rsnny deepernt,•' ir'g Hal • tinsels through :Mouth
encounters lsetween Picts mid Nerlh-( Africa.
umbrinns. '1 he beginning ( f the emit ----�
of the journey Wns the brl:Ilt;e over! Ity this time the let -cream freeze.'
the frond English I'sk, *hen cat,. 1111'. departed for the cellar on a pro -
two letel miles oer the debatable lonfied vacation.
day, has a -relight etten..n•• .levagta-
tion in the T'ro%in.. of (►rhino), and
111 the islonde rtrljnee(it tl.-rete over
2,00) buildings hese been 1e•atro.,r.d
and a stentner, it is snot, has l,wr'n
wrecked. No lose of life is n•portod.