HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-16, Page 1$1 ill advance i• will pay for the ADvotaTE until January 1,11107. Subscribe now and get the benefit. You can't do better. ettf ithiot lc. Farin,.'ilH�"; of her propel t V sold, I,u i ht or exchanged for you at rea,.onatiIk• cuuunissiun. Apply- ti.\NHMV' & CHI Ft .TINE'I'EENTH YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOV. 16. 1905. SANDERS & CREECH, Pl'Op's • Capital, Reserves & Undivided Profits over $2,000,000 Total Assets, over $12,000,000 WHY NOT USE A Sovereign Bank of Canada Money Order Payable Anywhere EXETER $5 and tinder 3c. Ot•et• $5 not exceeding $10Oe. ,. $10 " " $3o...1Oe. $30 " $50...15e. CARLING BROS. Here are a few snappy prices for the next week. These goods can only be had for a few days as the quantities are limited. Black Corsets -Sizes 23, 24, 25, 26. Regular 75c. cor- sets the next week for 37c. a pair. Embroidered Turnovers -A large range of patterns worth 10, 15, 20c. The next week for 5c. each. Wool Hose -Sizes 4Ji to 8. All wool, regular 25c. hose. The next week for 15c. a pair. Ladies' Raincoats -Good grey cravenette, with small cape. Always sold for $6.00. The next week $4 Men's Raincoats -A regular $10 fancy tweed craven- ette coat. newest cut, belted back, for only $7.50. Ladies' Flannellette Wear -We have a full stock of Ladies' Flannellette Night Gowns for 50c., 75c., $1; Ladies' Drawers 25 and 50c.; Ladies' Corset covers 25c. and 35c. Misses' and Children's Night Gowns -M 1 sizes from 3 ears to 15 years in Pink and White, 50 to 75c, Y CARLING BROS. OUR GLASSES BEAT THE WORLD. \Vliy? Because they never go hack en us. We have an unbroken record of satisll'rd patrons. IT iMP_AIRS EYESiGIHT to wear glasses improperly fitted to your eyes. We never allow that to happen. 'that's why our customers have good eyesight. 1t isn't (Lurteged by worth- 0111less glasses. W. S. �OET, ram.a. Hot Drinks for The Cold Weather I have just purchased from the Ar- mour Company of Chicago one of their famous Hot Drink Machines. "The The Council for 1906 Is a Thought that should be in the Mind of Each Ratepayer The sa•as 1905 is fast drawing to a close, which fact brings vividly before our Minds that before many weeks and Kippon ft•it•urls. elapse the tittle will be upon us when Miss Olive %Vestcott is visiting at w•e shall he called upon to say by our Hetsall find hippen. votes who shall have the conducting Mr. David Gillis visited his sister in of urn• municipal affairs for the commis Iln,uilton part of Iiist week. year, consequently it is not too early sirs. Young of \Vingbatn is visiting to begin the agitationof framing a at Mrs. Peter (1av i ls, usborne. council for 141(10. Let •18 poke up the 11 r. Alex. Dow left Monday with a coals, place a few fagots under "the carload of horses for the West. pot" and "let her boil" It is too often Dr. Tennant has returned to Winni- the case th.tt the subject is allowed to peg after spending a few Meeks here. remain undiscussed until a few days Mr. Robt. Sanders leaves to -day for prior to nomination day, or until the Bruce county on a shooting expedition. day itself, when some one in the as- Mr. %%'nr. `Nilson is spending the lat- selublage shout~ out a nacre without ter part of the week visiting in Lon - regard to qualification, fitness or any- don. thing else. It's "hurrah boys he's a Mrs. Fraser Guenther of St. John's hail -fellow, well met," and in heoes 1l\'rat is visiting her sister, Mts. floc - with a rush, repentance corning when key. it is too lateen(' the people find that Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Sheere left Mote their interests are only half looked day to visit their son. Garfield, in after. It is not hail -fellows that the Brantford. town wants in the council. It is round Miss Nora Sanders, who thinking men, who are able to discern past summer in Toronto, a gond thing when they see it. and to bottle Fridat. conduct the town's business as the • AL•s. Phippet and family on Monday would their own, that are wanted. left for Winnipeg where they will re- vue make no mention of the present side in future. council; let their deeds of stewardship Miss Minnie Horney was a delegate speak for them. Let us not allow our- tet the Epworth League Convention in selves to imagine that there are only London last week. half a do:en persons in town who are Miss Annie Seldon and Miss Neva capable and (notified to till the offices. Snell of Ingersoll are visiting Mr. and There are plenty of mete good and lyes. Gen- Santwell. true. Let its throw aside all "petty Mrs. Levett of Parkhill, after a differences" and see if we can't get week's visit with her son here, return- 8o01e new teen into the field -not that ed to her home on Friday. those who have served its in the pest Miss Clara Duncan of Farquhar iso] have not performed the arduous ditties a two weeks' visit to her friend, Miss ,1f their office faithfully and well - hitt Tryphene Thomson, at London. did it ever occur to you, fellow rate- Mr. Alex. Cwlquhoun, who has been 1 payer, that the honors we so reluctant- visiting old friends in Exeter for a ly confer upon these gentlemen are in time, left Monday for hie home in realityltweive months gratuitous labor Douglas, Man. • In disguise, with a superabundance Of Airs. Steinhagen and daughter, Lulu, "thanks" in the forth of abuse thrown of Dashwood are visiting Mrs, C. W. in, and that some of these veterans (Cann, while little Miss Laura Cann is would gladly step aside and see others visiting in Dashwood, "roan the ship of state" for 1906. lint Mrs. Alex. Box and son, Kenneth, I are there not abundance of other res- who have been on a several weeks'vis- sons ithy we should try to get some it with friends in Palmerston and Mt. new then to fill these offices -pantie- Fereet. returned home Friday. eilarly the office of Reeve? These old me. rind Mrs. (aadtnan. wen hate "war officers" are perhaps not only been visiting their son, Mr. F. %V. weary of lung service. but. are liable to Madman, for some time left Friday for be reunited from our midst, or get in- their hnnfe in Peterborough. to positions which call them away so Mrs. Wm. 'Trott last week returned that they cannot attend to the duties to her home in Beenlstille. She was that devolve upon thecal and we want accompanied by Mr. Geo. Rooke of others to have experience in these L"slsn•ne who will visit t here for a time. matters. What say the .ratepayers Miss 011ie m(4.8110hl41 left Monday Itil.117 • PERSONAL. Miss Hose Hatton is visiting friends in Kipper). 111r•. Getman ('ruikshanks spent Sun- day it►Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Dayuran is visiting Hen - spent the returned about getting 0111 worthy come), Mr' to visit friends in iolndnn 1Voerdetock John Taylor back into harness and anti13rantfurd prior to ' leaving for give hire the position he so deservedly Winnipeg, where we understand she merits, that of the reevcship? The will shortly he uuuried to Mr. Stan - best interests of the town would be lev of that city. subserved and the welfare of the town :11 r. end J1►s. Donald Mcinnes who as far as the reevcship is concerned hate he'r'o 00 an extended visit in vr►r- cnuld not be committed to safer or ions parts of the Northwest returned more capable keeping. He is a man home on Friday last. Mr. McInnis is of no little practical experience, has a 1011(1 praise of the Nest and while spotless record, public and private, 18 there invested in considerable Innd. unbiased by any narrow minded pre- Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Petrolea ar- jndices and is in every way qualified rived here last week on their honey- moon trip from Brantford and visited the latter's mother, Mtw. Harney. Mr. Wilson has returned to Petrolea, while Mrs. Wilson will visit here for a time. Vigoral," together with a full line of for the position. However, we leave Fluids, consisting of it with you, but let there be sante rip- ples on the municipal sea at once, re- membering that eternal vigilance is not only the price we pay for liberty, but it is also the price we pay for mun- icipal government. Vigoral, Tomato Bouillon, French Bouillon, Fluid Beef Extract, and also Chicken Broth, one or all ,1f which will be served to customers at any time for Only 5 Cents a Glass. Oysters served in all styles except in the shell. W. J. STATHAM Baker laid Confectioner. Auction Sales. F.unier, arid other. will .10 wrll to get their sale bills printed at the Ants sr* oltire. Remember we gilt )uu a free note in the Ai.) a. tea which goes to nearly eSery home in the district. We arrange dates for 11. Brown, auctioneer. Chemist and Optician. EXETER SATURSDAT, Nov. IS -Household effects, etc., - the .rapert) of Robert Gurnee, at the Opera (louse Exeter. Sale at one o'clock. John (:ill, Auct. Medical AP. MA1.Li1•, M. R. (Tor Univ.) MEMBER -- • (college of Physician. an.1 Surgeons, Ontario. Former Muse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. • Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night call at office, ggekR Ontario. Legal. D151('hvoN & CARLIVO, It%RMUSTP.R* aol.trr• tars. Notaries, con.eysn.•erP. Coml5issionen. Lawns for Lawns Bank, etc. Moe.y to Loa* at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street. F.xetei. 1-8. CARt,ltm, ILA I. 11. Dtcleo:r ONEY TO LOAN. We have s WV' amount of pr. ate fund• to loan 00 farm and +illage properties at lou rates of inter- est. OLADMAN & STANRI'RY, ltarristers, Solicitors,Maln st., Exeter Oat Strayed Heifer. There etra)ell from the premises of the nnderelgn- e.l 1. Stephen, on or stent (r. t. 11111. a )catling h. ifer. fight red in color with a few while spots. Any person giving information that .,ill lead to its recovery will i.e rewarded. FRANK TKIEBNER, Exeter P. o. Estray Calf. There came unto the premises of the umlersi stilt Int 27, son 1, t•+luso.• .n or shoot the middle of August. *small heifer salt. Owner ran have tame by peening property and paying expenses. PETER MCTAGOERT, Hay P. O. Woodham Wi t)t,IN0,--Among the many mar- riages that have taken place in this LLOYD P. JONES town few happy participants will have tante nnivet•sally the good wishes of Orgsniet an.i Choir Master of the Tri%it' MPmnr(al our cit izetIs for their feint happiness Church. Teacher Piano, Organ, Voice, It.rm•mi and prosper it than the voting folks Modern netball. Thnr.au•hnese who were united in marriage on Wed. Money To Loan.nestlay. The happy event took place y ! at "Maple (trove, ' the home of Mr. 1 have pri'ste fun.►, 0, toss nn farm *red 1111*.( and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, when the properties at lowest rates of Interest. for ►r)l is sister, Miss Mary Johnston, • ERNE -KT EI.i.IOT gate her heart and hand to Mr. Alex. OT• -e opposite Central Hotel, Main (., Exete► Johnston. A large netnews ofIlesis ' had been invited end witnessed the • cet•enuity pet formed by the Rev. C.C. ('onzens. The M ide wine a vert• neat Afine pasture farm inthe Tow nehipof Ilan, near and becoming rnsttlnt.. Ceremony Sarapta; one hundred acre., 91 acres seeded, frame se ee amt good 'tete, god water, et• self) cnnftral lllntions being over all sat down to +► well laden and dsinty 10pl1Pt Another lest acre farm for sale, in the township of : which was A credit to those who served rib -nee. south of Exeter. con)en(ent to "1"'""ii it. The presents were placed in the drained, stall oreh*rel. 10 a -r.•. t^,•h, frame hoose, !.gens stable and grainer,. , sitting loom, and welt. mush Admired. i testifying as they did, to the esteem tlret 018* Rri.-k Cottage, Andres street, raster, • and geed wishes enlet twined for the suck sale The cottage is well arranged within, bride and groom. Your enrrespeed• •almost new and in good repa.r. Co" eniently etll joins with the host of friends in --sees sere to j wishing them a p1e(isant s•►i1 over the S.tNntalx eQ (It l.:lo H, Exeter. � rlli t11Iilntlial sea. Property for Sale The Chance is Yours To Express your Opinions on Matters of Interest. The ',oldie sumetitnt a gets a wrong idea into its head. One of those hap. I til. -"Mr. and J1Is.G. F. Saul, W111 have pens to he that it is the, duty of the teen visiting Conrad Kuhn and the nets -paper m in o,ly to do what he J[IPPI'N Kuhn the past week, returned -- Crediton Itt•(istht be remarked for the benefit of the Advocate subscribers and others that the proprietors can sive 'on a Clubbing Rate equal to "the very best." IG SALE OF OVERCOATS No other competitor will sell at as low a price as we will, because we want every overcoat sold by Jan. 1st., 1906. $12.00 and $10.00 Overcoats for $8.25 9.00 do 7.50 8.00 (10 6.50 7.50 do 6.00 do 5 50 do 4.73 do Etc,, Etc., Etc., 25 per cent. off on lien's and Boy's Suits. Don't Forget Our Big Retiring sale. It's Money to you) To iluuFrog Os. It's a Saving to you Its Money made) 600 4.75 4.50 3.75 All accounts due us must be paid by Dec. 1st. 1905. Poplestone & Gardiner One door north of Post Office. C. Bluett, vocal solo, Miss Beulah Bea- 'SIX cars export cattle; Brown et Law - vet; piano solo, Mr. herb Eilber. The son,, two cars cattle and one lu.td hogs; Society will meet at the home of Mr. Parsons As Davis, car butter and eggs; C. Beaver, 00 Friday, Nov. 17. T. Elston, five cars lumber; Quarry h Carroll one car sugar beets. Weimer. -A former Crediton boy, Christian F. Zwieker of London was on Wednesday of last week married to Miss Minnie Evelyn Jones of the same place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dyson Hague at the Mfetnorial church London. The bride looked chat'nting in A travelling suit of blue and carried a sheaf of creast roses. The bridesmaid, Miss E. I)arvell, was daintily dressed in white silk and car- ried pink roses. The groom teas assist- ed by his brother, Mn. Albert Zwicker of London. After• the ceremony a dainty breakfast was served at the home of the to ide's parents. The groom's gift to the bride was 11 hesuti- fnl pendant of pearls and diamonds; to the bridesmaid a handsome pearl cres- cent. and to the groomsman a saphire scarf pin. The many costly and hand - solve presents showed tete great es- teem in which the couple are held. The happy young couple left in the morning train fora trip to Mentieal, New �'utk and eastern points. Chris' many friends here extend hearty con- gratulations. Cent rat iii Mr. and Mrs. T. Willis visited in Clandeboye Sunday. -Mr. F. E. Karn of London wits a guest at the hunt.. of Mr. and Mrs. Wnl. Elliott last I'hurs- day evening. -Thos. Hennisey, wife and family of 1 ucan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes.11odgins Sunday. - Mr. Frank White of San Francisco and niece, Miss Edith White, are visiting the former's brother, %Vat. White, - Pat. Boyle, who has been in Killarney, Man., for the past four months return- ed home Saturday evening. He re ports a fine fall out in the prairie country. -Wm. Taylor has just com- pleted his contract of loading Mr. El - Our cit izens awoke Tuesday morning store's lumber. ile loaded seyeral cars to find Jack Frost in full possession of l hast week which were shipped to Listo- nurther catch. --Mr. and Mrs. Thos. wel.-- Bert Ward, who has been with Trevethick s ,cut Sunday with Mr. 'Phos. Willis at the Shamrock cream - and M_n. and N1rs. Ect. Kestle, I'sborne ery since April, left Monday fol• his home in Stratford, where he will spend the winter. Bert will he much missed by the young people here. -A very pleasant evening was spent by about fifty invited guests at the house of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Elliott., near Fairfield, on Thursday night last. -A number of our citizens attended the church open- ing in ( 'I:tndebeye Sunda y. --Mr. D. L. t 'redi- O'13ti.n if the Sovereign Hank, Credi- ton, spent Sunday in town. %Ve are always glad to see Dennis,-- M. Kel- lam], who has been confined to the house for some time with a severe cold, is able to be around ngatn.-Geo. Es - fieryfiery, wife end family visited friends in Es- , Sunday.- Shipments mule during the week: ('urtin & Coughlin, can tot 1lie geed of the town in which 1 to their horse in London Monday. - On Mo0day eter.ing the ('enttali;t Ep• worth Length. visited the League of the Methodist church here. A very in• Wresting program was rendered after which all did justice to t lunch. -Mr. and Mrs. (has. Civet) f Zurich were newspaper columns arc always open gurus of Mr. and Mrs. August Hill on for the expression of ideas or for Sunday.-Jatnes Lawson, 9th con., is friendly criticism, either favorable or wearing a smile- ason.-Mrs. Edwards adverse, upon any scheme which is of of Sarnia is visiting Mn. and Mrs. W. interest to a colllrllltnity, and every person has a chance to give an idea publicity through the papers. Editors are not tete only people with ideas, then .le not expeet them:to be always bringing forth some bright and bril- liant thought. Do a lade thinking y out self and when you believe you have a good thing write it down, hand it to the Editor and have it published. i)on't go on blaming the editor for not talking lowland long about something which yon believe would be gond lend which possibly he may know nothing ,Ibn11t. ~illi. months Pince in vetiver- . hehies. I tie the newspaper loon has it excellent chance through the col - 111118 of his paper to "boost or Rust" any scheme he may think worthy or unworthy. But hamN not the other fel- low• just as goixl nn npportunityi The sni ion tt it'( :4 bOsiness 111AU we heard hits retnal k that t he newspaper should "talk up" n canning factory for Exe- ter. Perhaps it is title. but should it not ia' rep to the mein who thinks a canning factory the pioptr1hing,todo e► little of tile• heisting. Ile. perhaps. has merle a study of it and should be elite to say something of interest with• out "k► ocking" the editor for not talk- ing about something he knows noth- ing about. it is just NP tmnch to the interest of the tnenchnnt end profes- sional 171411 as it 19 to the prllrlis ler to increase the industries of the town, then remember that the chance is yours, And use it. Perhaps you can strike the proper key to set the ball rolling when we might he fot ever mak- ing unpleasant discoid. Wheat ('an do, we do. ('orale thou NMI do like- wise. Liberal Victory to Alberta. Complete returns from Alberta, where the fleet Provincial election to,k place on Thntsdey last, stateth,41 only two ConiervetiVeil were elected, at Rosebud nnd High River. There at ttxcut y -fixe const itmoicies. Lewis. --Our burgh is all astir this week. A big wedding huts taken place of which more particulars will follow and Another one is to take place next week. Cupid has indeed been very 11(1Py and from all appearance has done his duty well. --Messrs. McDonald and Wray of London visited! Chas. Fahner a few days hast. week. -MIs, Valentine Rats of Parkhill visited her daughter. Mrs. Chas Zwicker, on Tuesday. -Mes- srs. Prank Sites and Robt.Gnwt•r have returned from the Northwest, where they hate been working during the harvest. - (:eo, Hoftneyer and Nide (nee Miss ld,t Win.r•)ot New Hamburg visited Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Winer last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ilofrneyer will make their taut home in Guelph. We juin in wishing them it long sled !nippy married life.- We are pleased to learn that Mrs. I1. Kuhn, who has been vet y ill, is recovering. --Our town can boast of some expert checker play- ers. Why not organizers club and chal- lenge some club in the neighborhood. At Goderich last week the cane of Fehner vP. Brown, an action for dame ages for breach of contract to convey iends fur the defendant's testator to the plaintiff, the plaintiff having occu- pied the (ands and been dispossessed by defendant in favor of another pur- chaser, was distnissed with costs b His Lordship. owing to the plaintiff not appearing at the trial. The Literary Society met at Mr. Wm. Lewis' home, on Friday evening. Nov. 10th. The following program was rendered: Piano (nett, Misses Vivian And Ella Beaver: paper on "Lord Stratheona" by Mips Carrie Kuhn, Mfano 9,11(1, Miss Myrtle Clark; reading. ien Ella Link: an Address on "Mar. coni and \Virclei.Telegiephy" by Mr. BIRTHS TRIMMER --In Stephen, on Nov. 5. to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Triebner, a daughter. MARRIA011S. DABUS-STAUBUS-In Ilensall,on Nov. 8, by Rev. Medd, Mr. \Vol. D.tbus, to Miss Anne Stauhus, of Dashwood. •Io11NSToN-JUHNSTON-At Woodham, nn Nov. 8, by Rev. Couzens, Alex, Johnston to Miss Mary Johnston. Zwn't:ER- -JONES --Atthe Memorial church, London, ort Nov. 8, by Rev. Hague, Mr. Christian '!.wicker, to Miss Minnie Jones, both of London. F.tllNtat-\W't:IN-In Stephen,on Nov. l5, by Itev. 0. D. Datum, Mr. Henry Feltner to Miss Lydi.i, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Wein, Lot 21, Con. i, all of Stephen. NAsti-FANsoe-In Exeter, on Nov, 1, by Rev. Godwin, 11r. John Nash, of London, to Miss llatnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fanson, Ex- eter. KEMP--I1REK-At the Methodistpar- sonage Hensel], on Nov. 8, by Hey. Medd. Wm. Kemp. of St. Marys, to Miss Il.ida Maw, eldest daughter of Mrs. Rich. Beck of Hensall. Sw.r.t.nw•.--Mangum-In Constance, on Nov. 8, by Rev. Carswell, George Swallow of llolntesville, to Mrs. M. 1). Jiergttis of Fullerton. DEATHS 'I'R1RIM Eft. --01 Stephen, on Nov. 11, infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tektites, aged 1 day. HCN KIN- In Crandall, Man., on Nov. I, Thomas J. Hunkin, in his 21th year. Dvett --In Casevillt•, Mich„ on Nov. 8, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Dyer, aged 4 years, 0 months, Doftw•ooti - in Pollinate 111., on Nov. 12, Mary Keegan, wife of Mr. Chas. i)nrwood, formerly of I.xetet, in her Atith year. DAIt(•it- in Tut'kersmith, on Nov. 8, Mrs. Eva Derek, daughter (if Henry Passmore, in the :kith year of her age. J++tettiv. --[n Exeter, on Nov 1107, William Jamieson, aged fi;i years, 8 *months. SMITII -in Woodstnek Hospital. on Nov. I I. Alher•tha 1'. }heights, wife ,1f AinIii•ose Smith, formerly of Ex- eter, aged al years, f) months and 26 de y8. Don't Wait for Winter Buy your Stove Now Our stock of RANGES is very complete : Souvenir, Garlands, Hurons and Happy Thoughts from $26 to $50 Steel Ranges with tank and shelf $43 IN HEATERS We have all the best kinds - Art Garlands, Art Souvenirs, Empire Garlands and Jewels, with double heater and oven. $32 to $43 Oaks, Hot Blasts, Globe Heaters from $3.60 to $16 Coal Oil Heaters from $4.50 up Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards, at right prices. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.