HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-09, Page 5/l THE IA TRULY IDEAL WIFE (Utter abuorate, published every Thurri•y Morning at the Offi e MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. ---Ry the ADVOCATE POOL ISM iNO COMPANY TERMS OF sl ItsCRI1'tI N. One Dollar per annum if paid in advance, $1.110 if not so paid. JLdwreszela3aat ideates or, Ja.pppllc .- ttox. No pater discontinued until all errearaitce &relaid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charge.! an•ordingly. Liberal discount made for tranalent advertisements inserted for long periods. Eseryy description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, stoney orders, lt••., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to Ise made payable 0 Sanders & Creech, PROi'RIETORS Prorerrlcaal Cards. Honor graduate of ToroTorontoUn ver etY. S., DENTIST, Teeth Office inracted Fansou'eithout any Block, west sideMaiinn stbad reett, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. LDS DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Poet Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentlstery (with honorable mention.) AUuminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER Vigorous Health 1e the Ur.at Source of the Power to Inspire and Encoeuage —All Women Should Beek It. One of the most noted, successful and richest men of this century, in a recent article, has said, " Whatever 1 alt and whatever success 1 have attained in this world 1 owe all to my wife. From the day 1 tirst knew her she has been an inspiration, and the greatest help - Mate of my life." To be such a successful wife, to re- tain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, should be a woman's constant study. If a woman finds that her energies are flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, she has backache, headaches, bearing - down pains, nervousness, whites„ irreg- ularities or the blues, she should start ' at once to build up her system by a tonic with specific powers, such as pound. k Following we publish by request a letter from ayoung wife: Dear Mrs. Pinktuun: " Ever since my child was born I have suf- fered, as I hope few women ever have, with in- , flamtnation, female weakness, bearing -down pains, backeehe and wretched headaches. It affected sty stomach so I could not enjoy my meals, and half my time was spent imbed. "Lydia E. 1'inkhant's Vegetable Compound made rue a well woman, and 1 feel so grateful that I ant glad to writa-and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought mo health, new life and vitality."—Mrs. Bessie Ainsley, 611 South loth Street, Tacoma, Kash. I what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. If you have symptoms you don't un- derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. !ler advice is free and always helpful. Lydia E. Pin haul's Vegetable Com - Ane tleneere IL] BROWN, wWinchelsea.i.i••ened Auctioneer 11 • for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Uahorne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Bales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. ANTED. -LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in II V this county and adjoining territories, to repre- sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary V.50 per day with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when neceseaay; position permanent. Address BLEW RR08., S CO., Dept. 6, Motion Bldg., Chicago, 111. At Exeter and Centralia Storehouses Now ready for use the best Cement and Lime That money can buy, also COAL for Everybody at the lowest Jos. Cobbledick prices, Wood's Ph The Great Engti.ch Remedy. A positive cure for all forms o sexual w•eaknese, hlental and 51r„s1AND arras train worry, Rmissionn, Spe rnutorrhorve, Impotency Effects w. cts of Abuse or Excess. all of which feed to Consumption, Infirmity, insanity and an early grave. 11ri fa per eke six for 15. Ono will please, Fix will cure. Hold by alldruggiste or mailed in plain package onreceipt ofprice.' ritsfurl'autphlet. The Mood Medicine Co.. Vdtudaur, Ontario, tk nfik .ek ieva& t& 4 Buy your Piano from the • Home Dealer, t Creditoll Floui'I�s.M°oUR&tin S°=& fltl...li11..11.0s 0.424)C.CCerteCe fifie Instruments are thor- Otu' Roller Flour is at the very tog) of the list of good flours. '!'here is none better made. l t makes the good wife smile. Try it. GRI."I'ING and CIIOPPING DONE PROMI''PLY. t•1. SWEITZER NOTICE Ti Faimers alli IQC PvI1c II BepEl11. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all your olditruck such as Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson &. Son Meld Street, Exeter. One door South of Metropolitan Hotel That's whets' you will get the highest rtshprice for then,. oughly reliable. So aro we. We will suit you in Goods, also in Prices and Terms. We are offering a five - drawer guaranteed Sewing Machine for $21. Call and see it. S. MARTIN&SON EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 1Vheat. 75 75 llat'ley :is 10 Oats :32 32 Pens 0(1 65 Potatoes. per bag........ 75 80 Hay. per ton 6 01) 6 59 F Imo', per cwt., fancily 2 25 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 25 1 25 Butter 20 Eggs I8 Livehogs, per cwt 5 25 Shorts per ton 17 011 18 00 Bran per ton 14 110 14 (10 CENTRAL Jj�,l��•�.�/C/ t STRATFORD, ONT. This small adverti.ement represents one of the largest and best business colieges in ('&halo No school in the II.noi111i11 d"es more lir its students than we doTo our knowledge not one of nor grate nates 1s unemployed. We get far more applications than we can meet. Ton may enter at any time. Write tor our baed.otae catalogue, ELLIOTT it Mef.ACHLAN, Principals. Coon's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe ee.etual wonthl7 medictneon which women eau depend. Sold In two degrees of atr.ngth- No 1. for ordinary eases, 11per hoe; No. 1. to de - gees stronger for special G�aitela. $3 per box. Sold by nit drunifists. Ask for C'ook's Col- ton Roos Compound ; take tan Paled ante. Tee COOk Medicine Co.. Windsor. Ontario VEGETABLE S/CILIA Hair Renewe W'by eat stop "' fill of oT ur 6dr? At this metro verM Looe be .' ' J fef�lem H 11 Ila�� �t Ger ,bat Hall's air Reaever k and 1>Aftt - h . w. Ptak' "k'�i'il�"• AROUND ABOUT US. l'atkhill: 'Thos. ,iblock's ir:f..nt child passed away Sunday evening. Seam tb: F, Schuler eel the lop tit! one of his lingers on Tuesday in Citta & Sons' planing twill. Clinton: On !timidity eve.,:ng'tV.1). Fair was presented with a handsome piece of furniture called a cell/tut-He. 1',u khill: Bet nerd Dignan has put - chased A. W. Ili twet's !mutt -stead at Sylvan and will move there with his son shortly. Seaforih: 1Vhile moving* few days ago Sidney Jacobs slipped while curry- ing a 'bureau and ernsh(•d the first tin - ger of his right hand. Mel{ II lop: The 50 -,tete grass faun MI the 12th con., belonging to the Mor- i iso) estate, has been purchased by W. Morrison for $2000. Morris: The marriage of \1r. W. J. Johnston's daughter, Miss Sarah J., to Jatttt•s Peacock of Jamestown. took iI►lace 00 Wednesday, the Rev. Geo. iBaket' officiating. St. Marys; Mrs. Ilitternen, who lives with her daughter. .Mrs. John Connor, fell and fractured iter right arm between the elbow and wrist on Thursday morning. Clinton: On Friday Mrs. Will Mof- fitt t passed away at the age of 25 years. The deceased hall been ailing for some time but the intttediate cause of death was heart failure. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. An- drew's, Clinton: 11. B. Concbe has disposed of his drug store to W. S. R. Holmes and thus the oldest drug business in the county changed hands. It was es- tablished by the late James Coombe in 1859 andconductedby hitt until his death in 1899. Hullett: Last week the barn of Frank Wiltse, of the 10th cen., was completely destroyed by fire together with all its contents, including sixty tons of bay, 800 bushels of oats and three horses. That* was nobody about the place at the time. There was an insurance of $800 ou the contents. The barn was owned by Mrs, Robert Cole, now of London. Goderich: Chas. Edwards, son of Peter Edwards. who has lately settled here,died very suddenly in bed Friday night. Edwards had cun►e to his fath- er's home ill, but was able to be about, retiring as usual Friday night in a bed with his brother. The brother arose early to go to work, and noticed noth- ing unusual with Charles, but a mem- ber of the family going to arouse hint later found him dead. Grey: On Tuesday Wm. Ziegler. aged 60 years, who was assisting in h ruling in hay from the stack into the barn, suet with an accident which proved fatal in a few hours. Deceased was up in the stow of the barn wl.en in some way he slipped and fell to the fluor, to distance of 16 feet, striking the wagon rack in his descent. He was carried to the house and on examina- tion it was found that his back was broken. Although conscious and able to speak until the last he only lived a few fissure. Ooderich; On Monday Robert Wal- lis an innate of the jail, passed away after being confined to led for a few days. Mr. Wallis had been at the jail off and on for about twenty years and for over three years past has been an inmate continuously. Clinton: Augustine church, Winni- peg, was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, when Miss Lillian, youngest daughter of Mrs. S. E. And- rews of Clinton, became the wife of Lorne E. Mackenzie. The ceremony was pet formed by the Rev. Dr. 1Viltton Miss Robertson presided at the organ. The Bride was given away by her brother. Rufus Andrews of Cleveland, and attended by Miss Pearl (craves. 1)r. William Arnold actelf as best than. St. Malys A .a(1 and unexpected bereavement betel the fetidly of W. .1. Evans on Met.trdtty in the sudden taking Away of the 'beloved wife and another. Mr. Evans left Isis wife in aplear••ntly the best of health &boat seven n Block in the evening. Shortly after he had reached the (.'ar:er store wee d was brought him of his wife's .Iness anti before he reached home a sin .he had !mese(' quietly away. D •ethwits diseto nconglitination of the blood. Resides her hiishitnd, six child- ren Inn rive her. three daughters, in• eluding a 1 wo weeks' old baby girl, and lure 81,518. Airs. Evens was 11 years And a native of Buffalo. McKillop: James Henderson, sr. I roe "f the lith con., passed away Monday at t lie age of 88 years. He had been in feeble health for bevel al year., St. Marys: Miss Augusta Starr left on Monday for Jattuutzia, it suburb of Los Angeles, California, where she will make her bottle in fauna.. Blyth: Gilbert. Snunmers has resign- ed his position as principal of our pub. school. lie has been appointed pi in - riled of the New Hamburg public school at it larger salary than he was getting here. He will enter upon his new duties the fleet of next month. Clinton: I). S. Carter has moved to the farm iu Ooderich township which he rented from Ute. Thos. Webster, who will take up her abode in Holnu•s- ville.—Mrs. F.ttsou of (ioderich tp„ is occupying Mrs. Clark's house, the lat- ter having tue,ved to Guelph. Bad Wiegham Fire. \Vingham, Nov. 1. -The glutton Block was almost completely wiped out by fire het e to -day. Several families who lived in the block escaped in their night clothes. There were several narrow escapes from death. The total dam- age is placed at $12,000. Fite had brok- en out in the block Mond'ty afteeuonp, but had been put out. It is thought that it smouldered between the parti- tions and was overlooked till it got such headway at 5 a.m. that it could not be checked. THE RUSH IS ON. During the past week a few dozen copies of the beautiful picture. entitled Queen Alexandra, Her Grandchildren and Dogs," have been distributed in this section. and every person who has seen it has no hesitation in pronounc- ing it the finest picture ever issued by that great Weekly, the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. To say it is a beauty does not begin to do it justice. It charms every one at sight. We learn that it is offered absolutely free to all who Fray a ear's subscription to the Family Herald and Weekly Star, the price of which is only one dollar per year. No wonder there is a big rush of subscriptions through the mails these days going to the Family Herald office. It is the biggest value offered this season by long odds. Moray Miss Mary Loye has been re-engaged in S.S. No. 13 for the year 1900.—Rev. G. 1.. and Mrs. Durr have returned from their visit to Port Huron.—Miss Jessie Millard has returned to London after a pleasant visit with her friend, Miss Beatrice Hill,—Alliin Patton,who has been residing in Cleveland fur some time, has returned to his home in Moray.—Tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed at Salem, 18th con„ on Sunday.—Messrs. Jos. Maw - son, Walker Durr•, George Thompson and Fred Windsor who have spent the past six week in Manitoba have re- turned home. Khlva John Querrin has engaged to work for John O'll:u•it. We are sorry to lose John.—Herman Neeb and Ezra Witzel have engaged with John Rietz for the winter.—David Lippert, of whom men- tion was made in the Khivacorrespon- dent of the Parkhill Post last week as bring i11, thinks the writer sicker than he himself was or that the correspond- ent's orthography has been sadly neg- lected.— The shouting match in con- nection with the l{hivii ifotel last week ,was a success in every ptarticnlnr. Fullotwiug is the score, ten lairds hav- ing been the her of bite's shot at by each shooter:—D, llartleib 0; K. Sheatelown 7; C. Fritz 6; J. Rant 4: E. Brenner 8; J. Mitchell 7; W. Fritz 5; J. Dodds 8; G. Mawhinney 4; J. Brenner 6; M. Bremer 0. Drysdale Ben Charrette has been busy the past few days shelling out the clover seed with his new clover huller. He seems to give entire satisfaction among the fanners everywhere. --E. C'. Stelk had tate misfortune to lose a Valuable horse recently. --James Pollick has t e - turned from (loderich where he was attending the funeral of his sister. the late Mrs. Morrow.--Alex.('hallette has gone to Stratford where he %sill en- gage in the apple packing industry.— Fred Gravelle of California is on a vis- it to friends in and around Drys(lele. Miss N.Cougblin has tendered her res- ignation as teacher in the R.C. school in Stanley to accept a position in a school in Mt. Carmel.—The pleasant days of last week proved delightful to our amateur hunters and sportsmen, who roamed the woods everywhere in search of game. Although game seems to be getting scourer every year, yet we see theta returning with a rabbit, sometintesa partridge and once in a while with reynitrd as it captive. DRATH. —Thin week we are; railed upon to chronicle the death of Alpert. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. August Challett, who passed away Sunday at the home of his parents, Sauble line. For some time deceased had been suf- fering from ailments, which gradually developed into a cotnplication of dis- eases, and finally terminated his earth- ly career. All that loving hands and medical assistance could do was done to relieve the young sufferer, but all was unavailable. Albert, who hod at- tained the age of 16 years,will be much missed by his companions es well as by the older people as he was a bright, active little fellow. The remains were Interred in the Hayfield cemetery on Wednesday, Rev, ('at'riere of Grand Bend conducting the services. The little casket was nearly covered with wreaths, testifying to the tribute of respect held for the little fellow. To the bereaved parents we extend our sympathy. How's Titin? We offer One hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cnre•i by stall's Ca- tarrh otarrh Cure. F. J. ('l1ENF.V d CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. 1. Cheney f,.r the last 1'. veer., and believe hien perfectly hon• nraide In all business transactions and financially able to catty nett any obligations orale by his finn. Wu.ntao, Rrvx.asa Maayis, Wholesale Druegists Toledo, li. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actingdi- meth upon the hbxxl and nm ous surfaces oithe .v.tent. Testimonials sent free. Price ;5 cents pet bottle. Sold by all !Nogg sts Take Hall's Family 1111. for • onetipation. Good tea must be grown under proper conditions LOW, damp or swampy lands in a warm, humid climate produce tea of rank, rapid growth, coarse in texture, woody fibred, rudely flavored - - makes a cup heavy, murky in color, rough-ta,ting- -it is poor tea. But the Indian and Ceylon teas used to make the Red Rose brand are grown on the high lands of India and the mountain sides of Ceylon. These teas are grown in clear dry sunshine, they mature slowly, the leaves of the Ceylon teas are tender, delicate, finely flavored, hut not strong. The Indian teas thus grown are full bodied, richly flavored, smooth in texture, strong. Such Indian and Ceylon teas combined in Red Rose Tea produce a cup of a rich rosy brown, stronc and smooth—all the richness and strength of Indian, all the delicacy and fragrance of Ceylon teas --that " rich, fruity flavor " which belongs alone to Red Tea—more qualities of tea excellence than any Indian or brand of Ceylon alone can possess. Red Ro is good Tca T. H. Esta'J-..-)e• i s St. John, N.B., Toroni.e, \', Hitipeg Morris: Monday Mrs. Arthur Cant- lon,3rd line, fell down stairs and broke her left arm above the wrist. Her right knee was put out of joint and she was otherwise bruised. Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pet- rick, Misses Nettie and Ethel Pertrick of Ilfracombe, South Devon, England. arrived in town on Monday with the intention of making their house here. Gregg Shorthand is ca'w to learn, easy to write and a to read after it i, written. The students of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College are subjected to the test of the Business Educators' Association of Canada for diplomas. 95% pass and 65% take honors. Catalogue will give you some pointers about our system and is free for the asking. School term—Sept. till June inclusive. J. W. WEST1RVELT, Principal. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. LONDON, ONT. s I PSYCHINE HAS TRIUMPHED OVER AND VANQUISHED CONSUMPTION Had Galloping Consumption Tw•ly• Tears Ago—Lir•• Today Through tieing Psyohln•. "it is twelve years ago since Psychine cured me of galloping consumption. 1 caught the cold work- ing as fireman on the C.P.R. The doctors said there was no hope for inc. I had Night Sweats, Chills and Fever, and frequently coughed pieces of my lungs. 1 was fast sinking away. 1Vas advised to try Psychine and two months treatment put me right on rely feet again. Have bad no return of lung trouble since Psychine saved tae. To -day i work on my farm near here. 1 am sig feet tall and weigh over 173 pounds. Use my testioionial and photo if you so desire." Aug. 2 th, '04. A. f. MUMrORD. PSYOHINE is pronounced SI -KEEN. For sale by all druggist. at $i.nn per borer. For further advice or information write or call at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 579 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE.