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Sanders do Creech, Props.
A•tron Musser left last week for ('ran -
brook, B.C. where he has secured a
gond position at $5 per day. Ile bus
for a ntiusber of years past been saw-
yer in Mr. McBath's sawmill, Kippen.
-The weather during the past few
days has been quite winter -like, con-
sequently putting up stoves is the or-
der of the day. -Barry Guenther has
the contract of grading a road into
Staple Grove.--Gen.I{uby, who recent-
ly returned from Parkhill, has opened
up a butchering business on his OWD
account here. \\'e wish hint every
Fall wheat is looking splendid all
over the township. The farmers are
Into their roots and fall plowing. -The
Dairy Butter Company have just tin-
ished the most successful year in its
history, over sixty tons of butter hav-
ing been Grade. -After an absence of
twen tyy-six years in Manitoba, Mr.
Pollick is here renewing acquaintanc-
es and visiting his brother. He left
the Sanhle line many years ago going
to Manitoba, where he accumulated
property and wealth. He is accom-
panied by his son. They brought two
carload of cattle with them.
Mr. Geo. Seale is in a very low state
of health and not expected to recover.
-Miss Jane Cunningham is visiting
her niece, Mrs. Yager, in Exeter. -The
Fowl Supper held in connection with
the Methodist church here on Tuesday
night was largely attended and proved
a success in every particular. A splen-
did program was rendered after the
supper. -The re -opening of St. James
church is Sunday next and hnomises
to be an interesting event. T1' o serv-
ices will he held, one at 11 a. m. and
the other at 7 p. in., when the Rev.
Rural Dean Taylor of Perth will oc-
cupy the pulpit. On Tuesday evening
a fowl supper will he served, followed
by a choice program.
The Flax mill has once more started
for the winter season --Miss Tilly Ma-
son called on friends here Sunday. -
Simon Sweitzer has rented Geo. Kel-
lerinan's farm at Dashwood. -Miss
Josie Flanagan, who has been sewing
at Mrs. S. Sweitzer's, returned to her
home Sunday. -Jacob Geiser purchas-
ed a horse at Nelson St. (lair's sale on
Wednesday. -Messrs. Wm. Gower and
Peter McPhee, who have been in Man-
itoba for the past year. have returned
home.-Sauuiel Sw•eitzer is orf out his
annual deer hunt in Muskoka. We
wish hint all kinds of Inck. Four of
our village sports attended the shoot-
ing snatch held by 13. Cunningham at
Khiva last week and report a good
time. Sandy McEachen was a shooter
on the outside, and succeeded in bag-
ging 15 birds while his chums only got
two each. The latter attribute Sandy's
good luck to his red hut, it serving as
a decoy.
Grand fiend
Several front hero attended the
shooting match at Khiva Thursday. -
Messrs, P. Sipple and H. Rau of 'Zurich
were in our burgh Thursday. -Mrs. '1'.
Mollau•d, who has been on the sick list,
is improving. -SI iss Alice (lilt has gone
to Stratford to visit. -Chas. Morrish
will hold a sale Tuesday of his stock
and implements.--I)atl llaat•t.leibuf Ex-
eter spent Friday here,--$nrunel Grat-
ton is on the sick list. --Mr. Heitman,
who has been ht're for the past two
weeks, has returned to his home in
London. -31r. Canning of Claandehoye.
who has been in the West, has re.
turned and is working for Mr. Fritz. -
Jos. (fill has had a rock well dug -re -
suit: water four feet from the top. -
G. W. Southcott of Toronto brought a
load of furniture here last week and
has had it stored away for the winter.
Ile intends spending the winter in Cal-
ifornia and will return in the spring,
when he will build a cottage and make
his home here.
What are your friends saying
about you? That your grey
hair makes you look old?
And yet, you are not forty 1
Poatpoa• this looking old.
tInir Vigor
Use Ayer's Hair Vigor sad
restore to your tray hair s11
the deep, dark, rich color of
early fife. Theo be satisfied.
" Afwh Mak Ryer restored 4M mows'
MK'w mut
Y. 1.3. caro & , >tudraWstn� P. i.
w • s tt1.,
o. am oo..
for 0. sr....,
Dark Hair
ifyoo, your friends or relatives suffer with
Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus Mance, cr Falun,;
Siiknc,s, write for a 1-1.11 bottle and valuable
treatise on such d'teaser to Tur. Leiser Co..
174) Kin; Street, 11'., Toronto, Canada. All
drugoi ;s sell or can obi r you
313, Carmel.
The yellow tint of samara is fast;
how lug its color in our forests indi-
raling to us in nature that ('a►ada's
Winter is approaching. -Hatt Regan,
who has been on the sick list, is, we
pleased to learn, conerdeseing.- Miss
N. Coughlin, trio has been teaching
school at Drysdale. has been engaged
to teach the R.C. school her e fur the
year 100l3. The trustees are to be con-
gratulated on securing such an effleient
teacher for their school. -51r.and Mrs.
Thos. Hall have returned from Lon-
don where they were attending the
marriage of the la tter's brother. -W.
Schnieder has purchased a 60•uete
farm sit Khiva and will move to it the
first of December.
Mowbray has returned from Le -
can. -Henry Iauikin is suffering from
an attack of appcnalieitis. The news
will be learned with regret by his
many friends and the wish is that he
will soon recover. -l'. M. Webb has
returned to Toronto. -Ike 3liddleton
has returned from an extended trip to
Moose Jaw. -31r. and Mrs. SI. Walden
left Thursday for Manitoba where
they will reside. A number of friends
were at the station to see them of.
The hest wishes of all accompany them
to their new home.--Itev. and Mrs.
Gilmour left last week for their new
home in Penetang, accompanied by
the good wishes of the community of
all denominations. Prior to her de-
parture Mrs. Gilmour was made the
recipient of a purse on Saturday even-
ing asa tribute of the respect and
friendship of the ladies of the congre-
Alex. McBeeth has been busy dur-
ing the past few days shipping his tim-
ber. He had about 300,0()0 feet. -Af-
ter a few weeks' visit with friends in
Bad Axe, Mich, Mrs. Alair and daugh-
ter, Miss Emma, have returned hone
again. --John Jones has returned from
an extended visit with friends in and
around Belleville. -The Kippen branch
of the Bible Sociesy held their annual
meeting on Thursday evening in the
Methodist church. Rev. Urquhart ad-
dressed the meeting on the aims and
works of the society. -Mrs. John Mc -
Nevin intends leaving shortly for God-
erich where she will make her future
home. 'We are sorry to lose them
but we wish them every happiness in
their new•lhoule.-John Berry has dis-
posed of his fifty acres with stock and
implements to Mr. Ricker for $4,000.
Mr. Bei -s -y} and family intend moving
to Hensel!. We are indeed sorry to
part with this estin)hblo family as they
were always willing workers in the
church and were good neighbors.
DE.'TII.-It is our painful duty this
week to record the death of Elenor
Gibson, beloved wife of Malcolm Fish-
er, who was called to the better land
on Saturday ht the age of 77 year's.
Deceased has not enjoyed the best of
health for some months, but was able
to be up around until a few weeks ago
when she began to rapidly decine, her
trouble being an affection of the heart.
Mrs. Fisher. with her husband, came
to this township many years ago, sett-
ling on the :3rd concession of Stanley,
She was a lady of very kindly and
helpful wnys,adevoted wife and moth-
er, as well as an obliging neighbor and
she leaves a vacant place in many
hearts. Mrs. Fisher was a faithful
member of St. Andrews Presbyterian
church and left behind her a bright
testimony of trust in Christ for salva-
tion. Besides a host of friends she
leaves an aged husband, two sons Pet-
er on the hotnestend, Robert in Mani-
toba, i:sd one daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Hood. One brother and two sisters
also survives her.
Mc(killiv ray
John Fraser, who recently under-
went aux operation for np!pcndieitis, iv
petting along nicely. -Mrs. John Gi1•
nett, who has been very poorly lately,
is, we are plena(11 to learn, convales-
cing. --Geo. Sanders recently lust n
yrtlarable horse. -The tax collector will
soon been his rounds. -Neil McEwen
and J. C. Dorman of the 7th have each
had artesian wells pot down on their
forme. -Mrs. E. Marks' many friends
will be pleased to learn that she is re-
covering from the effects of her recent
accident. While going to the harp the
wind blew the Karn door open strik-
ing her and throwing her against a
wagon. She received a gash which ne-
cessitated eleven stitches to close the
woind. She has since been staying
at the home of her sister. Mrs. henry
Mack, at Parkhill. -Chas. Scott has
hem Il re-efa (d at the !Amory school
for another year. -A. 11. liodgins has
•a fine crap of roots this season. He
has just flnished harvesting them and
A very low estimate puts them at
2,300) bushels.
PRETTY 1VEDDINu.-On Wednesday
the home of 31,•. and Mrs. John Kent
were thronged by a large concourse of
people who had assembled to witness
the marriage of their youngest daugh-
ter, Miss Lillie, to Mr, Ed. Morgan.
At high noon the company gathered
in the parlor where Miss Andrews was
:rea lerung the wedding march. In
.t few minutes the bride, gowned in an
.•s4luinite costume of dark blue silk.
t situated with satin with lace yoke and
a+prying is bouquet of carnations. en-
tete'd and took her place beside the
groom. Beside them atood Mies Kent
of lateen and Mr. Faulder who ably RS-
si-ted them through the trying ordeal.
It••v. Mr. Andrews of Crediton was the
'illriating minister. At the conch's -
ion of this miiatial service, congratila-
t tour were in order, the bride being
hexer tily felicitated on the hsppy (x
...stn. i11 the dining room the table
foully groaned under the weight of
g•'+'el things placed upon it, but ere
long the guests sat down and each one
.lid justice to the inner man. in an
adjacent room the gifts were laid, but
Mr. Editor, space will not permit UR to
numerate them, but this we will say
Ii. it probably no bride in McGillivray
.aver received such valuable or nuwer-
' a• gifts es the present one did, which
e.t sties in a small degree the esteem
in which the hater;; couple are held by
their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mor-
se n spent their honeymoon in Detroit
tad other points. Your correspondent
joins with the ninny Hiends in wish
ing this happy couple a long and pros.
sepsis married life.
Seeforth: Miss Mabel Doherty of
'10 ton has been engaged as %t1CCeteo,
'liss Miller in the Seafot (h ('olleg
ate Institute at a salary of $700.
"Royal Household"
is in a class by itself.
Flour that gives half nourishment and
double work to digegt is not good flour.
Cheap and inferior flour gives the
digestive organs double work and
half pay -inferior flours contain in-
digestible waste-
-this waste must first be overcome
by nature, -that means extra digest-
ive work.
Indigestibles destroy the nutriment
of flour, therefore poor flour gives
more work and less nutriment to the
Royal Household Flour is in a class
by itself -it is the only really pure
flour --and it is pure because it is
purified and sterilized12y electricity.
-it is the most easily digested and
most nourishing because it is abso-
lutely pure.
The moment a woman puts her
hands into " Royal Household" she
knows it is a finer flour than she ever
used before.
The anniversary services in connec-
tion with the Varna rna Presbyterian
church will he held on Sunday. The
Rev. Mcl. Snaith of Hensall will preach
at. 11 A.M. 33114 7 pan. -Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Cook have taken up their
abode in Hensel). The business bete
will he carried on by their son, Harry.
-The remains of Jos. Douglas' little
boy were brought here from ,Michigan
hast week, the interment taking place
to the Hayfield cemetery. Mrs. Doug-
las was formerly .Diss Rachael Caar•nie
of the Brouster line. Their little girl,
who has been quite ill, is somewhat
improved. -The little son of Mrs. S.
Bothwell is very ill.- Miss Mary Rath -
well of Corrie is here on a visit. -The
little daughter of ?drs. Barbour (nee
Miss Harriett Keys) died at Orillin
the o41101 day, after n few days illness.
--T. 1%'1lr•d of Wet►sking, Alb., at for-
mer resident of this sector, threshed
13,000 bushels of gratin on his premises
this year. how's that for nn Alberta
farmer? He says he got his training
in Huron.
Operations hate begun in the Flax
mill. The men are engaged in sCuth-
big the vetted flax. -Miss Alice John-
ston has returned from her visit to
Clinton. -Hiss Maggie Schnell of De-
troit is on r► visit to her home on the
11th. -The dwelling attached to the
tinshop has been inoved to J. Pre'eter's
lot.-Abrahaun Geiger has disposed of
his property, at present occupied b)•
Wm. Hildebrand, to Mrs, Sarah \filler,
realizing $Obs) for it. Mr. Hildehrsnd
has moved it:to the house vacated by
\its. Miller. -After a3 pleasant visit
with friends here Mr. and Jlt•s. Wei('
man have returned to their home in
Pigeon, Mich. -Isaac Wisner, who has
been residing on the Babylon line for
some time, moved hack to Preston best
week where be has secured is position
in (Tare Bros.' foundry. - Frank t'tt.-
ley won a valuable horse in a raffle at
Grand Bend on Thanksgiving Day.
The animal cost Frank twenty -flue
cents and he is congratulating himself
on his luck. -Arthur Walper, who has
been engaged with J. i'reeter as clerk
for some time, has severed his connec-
tion with that eatthlishrnent, and left
hist week for Fort Wayne, ind., where
he has secured a good position in e
wholesale drvgords house. The peo-
ple of Fort Wayne will find in him a
young man of sterling integrity, sues•
dy and trustworthy, and his many
fi lends here wish him every success in
his new calling. Fred Riekheil, who
recently returned from the West, will
he Arthur's successor in Mr. Preet.•r's
stole. Fred is aux obliging young man
and we are pleased to see }ails in his
old stand again. -Mr. and Mrs. Ahaa3-
h:am Lehman have moved to the vol•
loge anti are occupying the house they
e(•ewit, pin chased from the &tile es-
tate. 4%4' welcome this vein thy old
couple to our midst and tram they
will fled rest scud happiness from the
settye ditties of farm life. -Root. La-
mont and family have removed to
Peter iaamont's home, about a mile
east of the tillage, 33110,1' they will re.
ids fur the winter. -1)r. Norman 1).
Buchanan has lelormai flout spending
tAVO yParsAna 1111(•4' !mint he in Berlin,
Vienne. lent) tars/tie 841,1 E•) nbergh
'1 nal recti v.d the degrees of 1'.R.('. S..
l') rah,rgh; M.R.C.S., Itiogh(nd, Hsi
L. it CP., London.
Fillatrton: The little six•yesr old
laughter of 1'htlip reel•arh died 1V1(11
nestle,- front an attacko( acute cholera.
Thames Road
11r. Ovens will be at the Commercial hotel, Exeter
Saturday, Nov, 18th. See "Ad."
Mr. and Mrs. John Cann have re-
turned from their visit to Stratford. -
Mrs. Matthew Miller, who has been
spending the past summer with rela-
tives and friends in Manitoba has re-
turned home. -Apple packets are busy
In this section. --`Vat, Passmore, son
of Samuel Passmore, who has been
suffering from an attack of appendi-
citis, is showing some signs of improve-
ment, which news will be learned with
pleasure by his many friends. -Mrs.
Purvis of Owen Sound is visiting at
the home of her brother, E. Stone. -
John Slnallacombe, who had the nils•
fortune to get his leg broken while cut -
ling rails at 1Vnu. Monteith's, is get-
ting /along as well as can be expected,
- Master John Cornish, who has been
working with .1. Cole, had the misfor-
tune to fall from an apple tree and
break the small borne in his arm. The
little fellow was taken to his home in
Elimville, where he is getting along
nicely. -Thomas ('inn has leased his
farm to Fred Hankin, reserving the
Immo for his own uses -Wm. Fletcher
of Cabotne township sold his farm to
Rieb. Scott of the same township.
Mr. Scott will not take possession for
a year.
Child's Signet Ring
sst With Rost Diamond
Gentiemen's Signet Ring
Solid gold, sok, handsomely carved,
with one letter, $5.00. 24k, from
$7.00 to 14.00.
Ladies' Signet Ring
Solid gold, rok, with rich flower of
fancy scroll carving. engraved with
one initial, $3.00
if niore than one letter is desired
extra charge will be made.
These Rings are very special values,
1 guaran:ce them, and will refund the
money if you are not satis:;ed.
Send for a Size Card.
Gorgeous Production of
or rw
aw.r a.[,... leAsir L VN
4M01r••l DIRAM4
c •; O is
40 9. , :,.....
-MT`TAKII Na W 1 routs VRANCI*.$
e r t
Oki�a'1illf ��ya\r�,'[}
. /
6 IL _
..... ,...,. .,...,.... ,
„......_ ........,.
Featuring the Emotional Actress
Miss Irene Taylor
- AS -
Without Question the
greatest emotional drama
of the present generation.
Special Scenery.
Magnificent Wardrobe.
A Highclass Production
At Bargain Day Prices.
ADMISSION 25 and 35 Cents -
L..> . at ai ....a. ..&likialLJacJaL J& Jek AkJeb JalJeL JikAlan iii
(incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865)
Head Office,
- Montreal
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
Reserved Fund-- • • • • • • • • • $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. an. to 3 p. r+a. FATCRUAI'ti, 18 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain anti United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES Glade to Fainters, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Siring Bank Departments i,rp'o+itsof S1 sod upwurfs rereirrd. Interest and December 31cum•
pound+vl hal •yearly ami added to principal June 30st. th
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, .Solicitors. N. D. III?I{DON, Manager,
i1' virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the Corporation of the County of
iharon, (531(4 the 55.1 day n( July. 1380, .•onuuanding nae to levy upon the lands hereinafter described, for
the arrest/int laics respectively due thereon. together with costs, a once is hereby giver, that iinleas such
taxes and costa are sooner paid I shall, In rompltanee with the A.rasnaent A. t, pro,ced to sell by public
auction theroid lands, or .o much thereof a. naay 1.e uroe+vey to diw harge the san+r, at the Court noose,
in the town of (inderieh, nn Tuesday, the 11111day of November, 1943., at two 0•< lock in the afternoon. All
these lots are patented.
Lot or Part of Lot.
N. F corner W44 14
W. !a !ir 33
Part 3
Part 13
td. Piet 44.
Con. Acre., Arrears of Taxes.
F 1a• c.
�► 4.91
N. T. P. 431. 19.31
4 5.27
Maitland 4 91 2.23
do ti 2.41 4.25
54 EH 226
59 254 2.25
54 5.20 2.25
1 H. 1t R. 5i v.91 Y.TS
4 H. R. R. 1 11.14) 2.30
C. 23 938 2.55
5', 191
WI. 1101,11Es.
county Treasurer.
4 r••
t?ount, Tre•sur , :Office, Gorterieh, July 31.5, 191 5.
�. r•.
i 1.)18
2.50 4.41
School Reports.
The following is the report for S. S.
No. 2, Stephen, for October: V. --
Roy Hill 80, Eva Ilit tzel 78. Sr. iV.
Laura Situs and Olive King 80, (lay -
ten Sims and Stewart .Mitehell 70.
Herbert Mitchell 00, Everett Siris 13.
Jr. IV. -Beryl Hill 30, Mary ('hampers
52. Jr. 111. -Eli Sims 77. Ethel Sinis
77, Lillian Stehle 73, Tillie Edwards 72.
Jr. 1L -Viola Cornish 833, Sydney
Smart 80. Irving Stehls M, Andrew
F lune+ggan 30. Sr. Part 1. -(cert tide
King 84 Lizzie Sims 73. Jr. Pt. I. -
Myrtle Minis 78.
O. M. Turner. Teacher.
The following is the report of the
four highest classes of S.S, No. 3, Us•
borne. The sultjeets examined were
etoograaphis gra /o11, 15•. history andspel-
ling. Sr. 1 \ . - \1•erilnnm roar ks 300.
• h.a iJKl 3& &* M Herbert Hieset5 137, Neiman Pei kine
111. ---Jr. IV. Maix.:4*3.-Wm. Sillery
170 Dundas St., 2.12. l,tovcl Rivers 134, Gordon lley-
waaod 1:33, Emily 1'oltl 11r2, Ht'i 1115D
hayman88. se. 111. Max, 300. -Mary
Kydd 2(17, Myrtle Moodie 184, Ilazel
Bissett 161, Zoe Sillery 137, John Riley
We Victor Heywood 30. Jr. i11, Max.
150. -Elva Ford 32. Blanche Foiil 2L
The following is the report for Oc-
tober of S.S. No. I, 1'slxn•ne, V.---
I:dna Luxton, Eileen ('itv's. 1V.--
M'ssel l May, Frank Rook, A r t h sr Kers-
lake, Ernie Luxton, Willie Webber
N013.1 McCurdy, Frank ilandford, Will
Esse i y, Bella Das is, Cecil Skinne
Vint) Kerslake. 111.- girdles, Mar, I
Willie 1Valke•r, Annie McCuttly,Thos.'
Coates. George Davis, Awa Sk miter,
('aerie May, bila ('reiathlon, Rcrkie
Tolbert. Sr. 11. - Marry McCurdy, Fred
1Ve1abt r, ('lair:a Edits. Wesley Colbert.
Jr. 11. -Allis. Hunter, Lena ('gates,
Leda Hauliers, Verna Costes. )thea
Me('uldy, Alir•e Creighton. Pant 11.
Eddie Kellett 5, Thclm Mk inner, Minnie
May. SAM. Nh('orily, Frank Coates.
Sr.• 1. Roy Thompson, Hoy 1Vebbcr,
Irene Mc(;nldy. Jr. 1.- Vet da 11icks,
Carrie Thompson. Ave, age attend-
' amp :zi.--\1'. A. Davidson, Teacher.