HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-02, Page 7M
Can 111 be Cured by the Use of He Discourses on the Importance
Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills. of Wearing Good Clothes.
More than half the disease in the "I would recommend," said the
world is caused by bail blood—weak man of fallen fortunes, "that every
Monet. 1,100(1 1 oisoutd by impurities. man keep where be can rte it a
]lad blood to the one cause of all the photograph of himself as he looked
Lew:aches and backaches, the luta- at his best, in good clothes, to an
sago and Iheunattisux, the neuralgia incentive to him to keep up appear -
and sciatica, the debility and bilious- 1 am.es.
nese and indigestion, the paleness "Next to a stout heart nothing
and pimple• and all the ("figuring helps ,s a man so touch in the world
skin diseases like eCICIlla, that show 1
how impure the blood actually 1s, , as a good appearance, and it often
It is no use trying a different rhe+li-' happens that unless a man present a
Lino for .rest disease, because they limn and sightly exterior he can't
even get past the barriers that
all spring from tile ono caueo—pad hedge
blood. '10 -ore discard you trust ,In the strong man ho svauts to reach
get right clown to the root of the. the than of Intelligence, as well as
trouble in the blood. That is what of power and authority, who is able
lir. 1Tilliams' 1'ink fills do. They Ito judge a Iran independently of his
make new rich, blood. Common clothes. And then good clothes pro -
medicines only touch the sympto us (note their wearer's confidence in his
of ;disease. 11r. Williams' Pink Pills own stseegth, and so are an aid to
root out the cause. That is why'him.
those pills cure when doctors awl) •"17te fact is that, while we may
comment medicine; fail. Here is pos- lack initiative, the most of us dis-
ltivo proof:—"I suffered ngony from cover strength if we are put to it,
lndigeetion," Bays Itlr. Fred. Fillis, and good elothes give a man coat -
of Grand Desert, N.11. '•1 had no demo in himself and so help hint to
appetite for iny meals and no energy develop his own strength. They help
for my work; my stornach caused ole to make him feel that ho is as gond
tonstnnt distress, and everything 1 as anybody, which is a great help.
ate lay like lead on my chest. At Tiny help to make him not afraid
titre* I felt. iny life a burden. I was and they also tend, In every healthy
always doctoring, but it did me no minded man, to make hint feel that
good. Then a little book cattle into he must keep his end up amtmg his
my hands, and I road that Dr. fellows, that ho must snake good,
Williams' fink Pills would cure indt- just aH shabby clothe; make a man
gestion. I got thein and begun tak erlhy of his fellows, and shy or cloth-
ing thein, and I soon found they were
ful In the exercise of his own abili-
helping ma My appetite began to tics, and content with the path
improve, and my food to digest bet -
which, with his clothna, he natural -
ter. I listed the pills for a couple of
months end I was well. Now I aly travels which 1s outside the
always ready for my 'neater and I can fence.
eat anything, and all the credit is 'All of which Is brought to me by
duo to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I, the finding of a picture of myself
keep the pills in the house all the taken twenty years ago, when I
time, and I occasionally take a few wore good clothes, trite garments
as a precaution. I can honesty ad- and faultless linen and perfectly
vise all dyspeptics to use this medi- kept shoes. Homely details theme,
cine, as. I am sure it will cure them but the picture, corse upon nuthlcrily,
as It did me." brought to me for the first time
Give 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills a fair strikingly the difference in myself
trial and they will cure you, simply between that time and this; now
tbec•ause they make that rich, strong not unkempt, perhaps not untidy,
blood that d:eense cannot resist. Sere but still approaching to shabbiness,
that you get the genuine pills, with wearing abroad now garments in
the full name "lir. Williams' Pink which I then would never have
fills for l'ale I'eople," on the wren- dreamed of appearing and content—
per around every box. You can get and here is the dreadful trouble —
thcm from your medicine dealer or by content to appear in them.
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes ..For we do not realize the grade -
for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams lions by which we descend; we don't
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. realize what we have come to look
Successful Trick Played on a
Paris Dentist.
A variation of the pearl in the oy-
ster trick hos leen successfully play-
ed on a prominent dentist of Paris.
A roan who said a hard substance
bad sunk in a decayed tooth while
eating an oyster called on him. The
dentist extracted the substance, and
found it to bo a large pearl. The
patient then declared that he had
lett his purse at home, and begged
the dentist to accept the pearl as
his fee.
The dentist was too honest to
take so valuable a jewel, and gave
the man $10 for it. When the client
had gone he discovered that the
pearl was not genuine. Ile gave
Chase• and captured the man.
At the police rotation the man con -
termed that he had played the sarne
trick eight antes success'ully that
'The well baby is never a crone
baby When baby cries; or is fretful,
i1 is taking the only wry it can to
let mother know that there is HAMA."When Michael Burke joined
thing wne . That amnethtng ie bruthtr James in thea country,
probably ovine derangement of the money he brought over, added
etaniach or bowels, or perhaps' the Jatnrc'a savings, tnahled them
pain of teething. '!'hese troubles are go into the ice huainess. In tours• of
(ipetelily removed and tared b} time their cuetom increaped, and it
Baby's Own Tabletm, tinct tiaby Pmit.' 1 es'amo aeceFeary fur them to have
again -1n fact there is a smile in an office. la this James Boon 10 -
every dose. Mr'+ Mary E. Adame, rtnll(d a nice roll-top deck.
I e►►e Cwrge, N }1 , rah« --' T lave' 'Ilia one deck will do for the two
found 1laby'' Own Tublote so hoed of us'' he explained, the day it was
fur the lllr of little our* that I
like; we aro satisfied with ourselves
as we are. And we may have con-
stant. Mende upon whom, ns upon
ourselves, the change in us has came
gradually, who may give Little
thought to it. But even they do
insensibly realize it, and it has its
effect upon them. you may be sure;
n hllc upon the stranger—highly im-
portant is it for you to get this
firmly fixed in your mind—upon the
stronger the impression you produce
is of what you are to -day. Ile
doesn't know what you once were —
how could he?--hc assesses you for
what you appear to be to him. And
he wouldn't be far wrong.
"It is good business to wear gool
clothes. As old man Polonius said
to son L,aertes:
"Costly thy habit as thy purse
can buy,
But not cxpreseed in fancy; rich, not
For the apparel oft proclaires the
"It is true, and I think I'll have
to get some new cloths myself and
buck up."
NOT B t' I t lr FOR TWO.
would net like to be %Silent thorn
'flint is the experienct of all mothers
Who hove tried the tablet!+, and ttity
]new thee loetlicine a safe, for it ie
guaranteed to contain no opiate or
poneonuure soothing lituf7. Equally
good fee the child just horn or well
advanced in years. Hold by all
drugg;sts or mailed nt 25 rents n
box by uritiog the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont.
It would Indeed he a queer hlehop
who couid not tell a good 'tory on
himself. 'Ilio late }ttshop Dudley of
Kentucky was wont to relate with
which relish an interesting experieiice
which he once had in connection with
At a tine obi A'irginin hnme•ttend
wIere Ie wan a frequent. ;nest the
wnRlea were always relnarknbly
Or morning, es breakfast dreg'
near an era, an tidy little linera-
eentrrl black boy who screed at table
approached Rtthop Dudley nral nei.el
Ill n low h ()ice:
"Bishop, won't y' fin . e ei cr waf-
"Vex," erid the genial bishop, •'1
believe I will."
'Iley nirt' no mo'," then oak] the
nice little black boy.
"Well," exclaimed the ger; re.ei
reverend gel tleuunn, "if there aro n't
any more 0Rm(s, w11nt rondo you ask
me if i nitrate' another one?"
"itishop," t'.plaine(1 the little
block boy, "you's done et ten
a'r nay. an' 1 t'otieht y' wouldn't'
want no tae'."
Nene the Tonga Islands. in the
Peelle-, some time ego, a fish net
was sank 2.' .(.rn fret I.elow the sur-
face. Thatis the deepest haul ever strong and supple again. erect in
made. It took n whole clay to sink fgere and can vrnik with anybody.
the net and raise it. i.ife was (mind and enjoy It." Name given by POP -
et en at that depth. over four toile*, um ('o . Ret le Creek, ]]flet.
where the temperature Wes just"'There's n Mitten."
also troii•g end the pressure 9,. i Read the little book, "The Bend
LJOO ins. to the square inch. Ito Weill -ills," in every pkg.
set up. "And here are two keys: one
for you, Micky, and one for elle."
Michael accepted the key, but seem-
ed to be studying the desk.
" i'tiat's all right." he mall. "But
where is my keyhole?"
Ile real conqucrers of the world
are the thinkers.
Ile Soto looked for the secret of
youth in n spring el gushing, life-
giving waters. which he was aure he
would find in the New World. Al-
chemists and save (thousands of
them), have spent their lives in
quest for it, but it is only found by
those happy people who tan digcnt
sort sissimilate the right focal which
►e. l.s the physical body perfect that
pence and comfort are the sure re-
A remarkable man M f14 says:
"1- or many Tong se -are 1 suffered
more or lean with chronic coetive-
nese and painful indigestion. This
condition rondo life n great burden
to Inc. as you may well Imagine.
"Two yearn ngn 1 hegan to Ilse
Crape-Niuts an fond, and am thank-
ful that 1 did. it hen been n bless- .
ing to me in every way. I fires no -
tired ant it had restored my diges-
tion. 'Chin Was a great gain. but
wag nr,thirg to compere in import -
are a with the tart that in n short
time my towels were rcetorel to
free and r.nnnal nction.
"The cure s,'metl to be cnmpiete;
for two entire I have had none of the
old trouble. I use the (]rape -Nuts
fool every morning for hreakfaset.
and frequently eat nothing else. 'rhe
use line made me comfortable and
happy. and although I will be t14
years old nest fell, 1 hove become
Wash oildoths
and Ilr)oleums with
warm water and
Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe
dry. The colors will be preserved
and the surface unharmed.
Common soaps fade the colors and
injure the surface. Sunlight Soap cleans, freshens and preserves
oilcloths and linoleums.
Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the
delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing
injure either clothes or hands.
Sun!i ht Soap is better
than other soaps, but is best
when used in the Sunlight
way (follow directions).
Equally geed t , th hard
or soft w..ter.
LEVER SROItitRS Wear!), Toronto
that can
Origin of Many Conunon Names in
Easily Found.
Nearly all the surnames originally
had a meaning. They were descrip-
tive of their owners. In a word, they
were nicknames, like "Skinny," or
"Shorty," or "Pod."
Peel is a surname that ahem; the
original I'eel to have been ball.
Grace means fat—Irom the French
"grant." (:rant, from "grand,"
means big.
Au Oliphant should be a clumsy
and unwieldy person, This surname
was "elephant" originally.
The Parkers were keepers of noble-
men's parks. The Warmers were war-
reners, or rabbit tenders. The Bark-
ers prepared bark for tanning. The
Laboucheres were butchers.
Bell meant handsome- Cameron
meant crook -nose. Curtis meant po-
lite. And Forster meant a forester;
Napier, a servant in charge of the
table linen; Palmer a pilgrim; Wain-
wright, a waggon builder; Waller, et
wall builder: Webster, a weaver;
Wright, a carpenter.
Cures of Rheumatism and Dropsy
by Canada's Great Kidney
Yellow Grass, Arise., N. W. T.,
Oct. 2:1---(Special).—"I think I
should let the public know the bene-
fit I derived from Dodd's Kkiney
Fills." The speaker was Mr. John
White, well-known here, and he
voices, the sentiments of many a
men on those western prairies who
has Len relieved of his pains and
misery by the great Canadian Kid-
ney i'tetn(.dy.
"I have been afflicted with Rheu-
matism for yearn," Mr. White con-
tinued. "I tried doctors and medi-
cines, but never got anything to flu
oto much good till 1 tried Dodd's
Kidney Pills. What they did for me
was wonderful.
"I also know the Harris family,
and I saw their little girl. Edith,
who was cured of Dropsy by Aodd'a
Kidney Ville. I know that to be
true. 1 tell you I feel like recent -
mending Dodd's; Kidney fills even
stronger than I talk."
There is no Kidney Piaearie that
Dodd's Kidney Pills cannot cure.
When somebody asked Graham
Saunders why he (lid nut go to %lett
the'quire'r family any more, he hes-
itated far a moment before he ven-
tured to pea his reason into words.
"I'm not non that's looking for
alights," he etlewled at hest, "and I
never pnld touch attention when they
spoke about folks that generally
come at meal -time', nor any of their
remarks about large appetites. Nor
I never applied any IS their state-
ments in regard to not wailing for
invitations or outstaying your Wel-
come to myself. 1 consiJertxl such
talk wasn't worth noticing.
"taut when rewire route out to Inc
at 8t, hilt four thutty one afternoon,
wheu I could smell baked beans cook-
ing as easy as I'm sitting here, and
said he'd count it a favor it I'd note
down where the glass stood on our
north porch at six o'clock that night
and at eight in the morning, twelve
thutty at noon and six p. in. for the
three (lay', and then let him know at
the post-ofttce so's he could compare
it with theirs—I called it pretty con-
elderable like a hint for a man that
Claims to have good manners, given
to one that's got a sensitive strenk,
same as I have, tbough I try to keep
it out o' sight."
"A typographical error,•" said a
physician, "nearly cauetd me once to
sire a Chicago paper for libel. I was
called to Chicago to consult on a
serious case. A number of report-
ers were handling the case, and one
of them were about me:
" 'Tete doctor felt the patient's
pulse and then preacribed for him.°
"But the compositor made this
harmless 'internee reed:
'The doctor telt the patient's
purse and then proscribed tbr,hisa •I
• "I don't know anyone so slipshod
as my husband; his buttons are for-
ever corning off," complained Mrs.
"But," suggested Mrs. Goode,
"perhaps they are not sewed on pro-
"That's just it. Ile's awfully twee -
less about his sewing."
AN DOLT TAMMY et itktn diseases U the ore
Ienerally deseribnd by the wont Femme.. In all
ts forms 1t rtvists nrdti ate treatment. but is
��p1�Lely eared by Weaseri °,rate used in son.
ae ntlon with Weaver's Syrup
Mrs. Stubb—"It is rcmnrkable how
many things that patent medicine
pedlar clnimetl his remedy would
cure." lir. Stable—"Yes: ho was
about to tell me It would aure a
ham, and I set 'Dowser on him."
Why go limping and whining about
your corns when a 25 cent bottle of
Holloway's Corn Cure will remove
them? Ulve it a trial and you will 001,
regret ie.
Nervous Youth (lo charming girl,
who has been trying to set him at
his ease)—"He, he! I always—er—
feiel rather shy with pretty girls, yo.r
know, but I'm quite at home with
Cholera and all summer eomplalnts
are so quick in their action that the
cold hand of death Is upon the virttn.s
before they are nwaro that dr.n✓.'r ra
near. 1f attacked do not delay inet-
tin the proper meticIne. Try a hose
el Dr. .1. D. Kellogg's ))yo'ntery Cor-
dial, and you will get hnu.cdiate relief.
It acts with wonderful rapidity and
never fail to effect a cure.
Many men have ability, few have
genius, but fewer still have charac-
ter. Character is the rarest thing In
England.—John Oliver Hobbes.
Nor Mart Mee a Polhltd BMNIL,
—Mr.. Ism.!. Singlet,. 'Pelee Islas
Ont.. Mays: "I was for Ave years af-
flicted with dyspepsia, constipation.
heart 1110•411111 and nirvana prowtratlen.
I cured the heart trouble with Dr.
Agnew's Cur* for the ileart, and the
ether ailments vani.b.d like mist. Bad
relief is haU an hour atter the lest
dw. "--97
Pigg,nim—Ilere's an advertisement
that guarantees to make antique fur-
niture richt out of the factory and
make tt look one hundred years old.
Ilistuukcer--'Shat'. nothing. My two
children can beat that, and not halt
try. They've already done it with
the parlor set.
Mother Desiree' Worm P zterad•ater
le pleasant is take; ours aad effectual
M destryleg worms. Keay bald tried
it with best results.
If we nurceed in giving the lore of
learning, the learning itself is aure
to follow.
Irallgkt leap Is letter than otter seams,
kat i• best whoa good in tks $aalight way.
Bay gaslight bap sad follow firostioss.
Experiments aimed at developing
the reesiatance of brass to the action
of sea -water, with a view to its em-
ployment for constructing eubmarines
in France, nave shown some remarl(-
able Tesulte front the a(idition of
aluminum. The internal structure of
the allay is Ftrikingly changed by a
very Mall percentage of aluminum,
and the calor changes are surprising.
Front half of one per cent. up to five
per cent. of aluminum gives the brass
a deep golden color. 1f the quantity
of alumin'Im Is increased beyond five
per cent. n "superb rose -color" re -
suite, which reaches its maximum
when the aluminum amounts to
Seven per cent. With ten per cent.
of aluminum the color turns to a
silvery white.
The Refreshing Fragranco
of a hot Cup of steaming
TPA Is the comfort of all the wom n who have tried it. TIRED NERVE!
are soothed and tired muscles INVIUORATPD, TIME FLAVOR t'6 (WS1
"Commercial do Rouen," a photo-
graphic Institute at Zurich, has con-
ceived the idea of an insurance post-
card*. This crud, which costs only
twenty centimes (4 cents), will in-
sure lite per. on to whorl it is rent
against accident or death during et
period of thirty days. Moreover, it
is petinisr.ible to address the ,•ard to
oneself. In case of death $200 is
paid the next -of -kite, and In case of
non-fatal accidents 81.76 Pel' week
during such time as the holder may
be unable to work.
FRRR0V1St, WIIaT IN 1T? It is the name el
the beat tonic. 11 bukds up Uae ey•.tem. gives
new lite makos people well eeletron,. Be sure
you get (he genre no •' Ferr.vlm."
The true glory of a nation docs not
consist in the extei:t of its dominion,
in the fertility of the soil, or the
beauty cf Nature, but rather in the
moral and intellectual eminence of
the people.
It is an 1';lixtr of Ltto.—Since forgot.
ten (Inc.iteen have been seeking for
the Elixir of -I ife, which tradition save
(10011 existed. Dr. Thomas' i•:cluteric bit
Is an 1•'itxlr, before which pain cannot
live. 11 is made up of mix essential
oil«. eare4ulty blcatled so that their car•
atite properties are concentrated in ens
it has no equal to the treatment of
lumbago, rheumatism, and all bodily
George—"Women aro et ill pushing
their way into all the industries.
Jack—"That's so. I have just been
dischureed to make wo.v for a wo-
man." '•You have? Well! well!
What aro you going to do now?" "I
am trying to marry the woman."
Nalpless as a Baby. —South American
Rheumatic Cure strikes the root of the
ailment and strikes it quick. R. W.
Wright, o1 Daniel street, Brockville,
Ont., for twelso years a great sufferer
from rheumatism, couldn't wash him-
self, fend hirnself or dress himself. After
u«ing AIX bottles was able to go to
work, and Buys' •'1 think pain has
Left she forever." -20
"Why does Amelia hate Charlie
so?" "Why, when she told hi,n she
could never learn to love him, he in-
sisted that erne was never too old
to learn.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A handsome illustrated treatise, giv-
ing full .losrr:utlon c' Fheumatiem and
Paralysis. with instructions for a com-
piete home euro, describing the most
successful treatment la the world, re-
commended hy the Ministry and endors-
ed by medical mon. This highly in-
etrnctive book wee written by W. 1i.
veno, a geatfeman who has made. •
study .1 these diseaees. The prefaces is
hy a graduate of the University et
urtzburg tend posts! to -day and
',au will recelve the hook free by re-
(urn.—Addrese, '19re Veno Drug Cd., 14
Slug tit , %Utrot, Tv' onto.
Customer—"You say, then, that
this material is the Intent?" Shorn
very latest, madam."
"But will it fade in the sun?" "Why,
it has been lying is the window for
two years, ant leek how well it has
A Tonle for the Debilitated—Parece.
lee's Vegetable Pills by swung niftily
bat tberetiekle as the seeretless el the
soity as a valuable tonic, stlirula(cag
the lading orgasm to healthful settee
lied swoons thea to fell vi+en lee,
sea be Mat in graduated Jeers sad
se used that they eau be disco et►arsad
At any thee eft, out return of tee
lusts "thick they were used to ally,
Doctor—Your husband needs a rest,
madam. Mrs. Cabbie—Yea, Doctor,
but he won't listen to ole. Doctor
—Don't make it necessary for hint to
lieten to you. madam. That's the
sort of rest he seed* newt.
A Veteran's Mary. —George Lewis, of
Shamokin. Pa., writes: "i as eighty
years of age 1 have tees troubled
with Catarrh for Atty years. and In ui7
time baso used a great ataxy catarrh
tures, b'it miler had any relief until I
arced Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal 1'ewder.
Une bee sured me completely," ISO
seats. -20
A young lawyer, whose love of
rowers and all things green and
growing compelled him to establish
his home in one of the suburbon
towns, invited hib old them Brown,
also of tho Ila', to spend Sunday
on the farm.
Brown was received with appro-
priate honors, and all the attrac-
tions were duly (Replayed to his
polite but not over -keen gave. for he
was eomcwhat debclent in that prim-
al passion ler a garden which has
come down through the generations
from Adam.
At each meal he lietened courteous-
ly to eulogies of "our own snake'
"lettuce from that frame you saw,"
"peas off the vine," and Po on. But
at last It got to this.—
"}tarry, I can recommend this
chicken especially. I raised it my-
Then tho we rm turned—after
first rnouthf,,l of chicken—and
a sad senile he remnrked:—
••No, Will, I can't believe
Yoti'tc nnly been hero a little
two years. '•
Doctor (to lire. Perkins, whose
husband to 111)—IIas he had any lucid
int crvals?
Mrs. Perkins (with dignity)—'F's
'ad nothing except a hat you ordered,
Mankland Herd Yorkshires
Good breeding stock (all ages) for
sale at reasonable prices.
l'ergus, Ont.
Practliel everyday Lesson! cn
Far 760. post 13.10.
Sol 1.5. t GAL bar. 0.14
�ti=TCfU k
t !I r ILT-
A M E Gb.us.re.
77 =Salty 3:11n•wr'8 T ceaoato
LINED COATS of every kind. ItswJJtbingi in
Furs at eh** prices. THE maim SUP-
PLIED. Head for catalog.
RAW IORO WANTED, 11111 F11 Fillet LIST
Nnw is the time to rano up your hones Ac
and cattle ; they aro geilrg into dry while:
7 feeding. s.id 1t rant kept in prime oundittun
'T will depreciate in value hdndreds of dot -
',f ian. A very little attention and a small +
iinvestuent hi our Tonle anti Iliad Purtfler Cj
will brlug them out Li the sp:tag *leek ac +
eelis, end you will have "no col -actor of your eg
feed to sell. 1f any have rpnvinl etc.. use
our owed) and cure there. �To doubt
If your dealer dem not have our goods +
send dliert and we Kill supply you.
q,v tai.r....lusAA4 ,cipAy mompe•i•ko.M...--.-
Willie to the circus went.
Ile thought it was immense;
Ilis little heart went patter -pat,
For the excitement wits in tents.
Rade- the Nov" lash -.-The torture
and torment of tho victim of nervous
prostration and nervous debility nu
one can rightly estimate who has not
been under the ruthless lash of three
relenticse homier' foes. 1I. Williams, of
For•dwich. (Int., wase fu: four years a n.u-
vuus wreck. `ix bottles of South
American Nervine worked a miracle,
and his doctor confirmed it. -48
Stern Parent—"Now, Georgie, I'd
like to put in a whole day without
once scolding or punishing you."
Georg'ie--"Well, you have my con-
Serl t . "
wgf.e0relt As RVI(SHINS atter sterni is the
relief when an ebethtato, pitiless cough has been
driven away by Alles's Luo( Balsam. Nu .ilium
is it. The ge.d effect lasts.
Pessirnisu: usually comes from a
"bud liver."
Ts present tt Setter Then to Recant.
A little medicine In the shape cd Use
wowderiul toilets which are known as
Mataeales's Vegetable Pills. administer•e.t
at the peeper Pow and with tie diree.
Mans adhered to often prevent • serious
attest ref Meer noes and save am any
which would go to the doctor In all
irregularities pf the digestive organs
thr) are as Issaluable rurrective rr d
by cleansing the bleed they clear the
skla of iraperlectiene.
The very procccrs el acquiring kcow-
Iedge is a privilege isnot a h!eeslug.
It tined to be amid that there was
no royal road to learning; It would
be more true to say shut the avenues
leading to it are all royal.
MAWS A SOTS OV rt. "The Da L" Menthe))
dashes M gnaesiMeal M COM the wont care of
headache, stitches. Avd4 wMtttatet.
tae gnasiae maps by Davis a Iawreuw
1 UFFICTi•;t`'FLY ItEPRE911:NT1 D.
"What does your wife think of wo-
man's FilflrIge?"
"Not emcee- untcscaed Mr. Me"k-
ton "`he belie\zs that u women
who enntt make at levet one mein
vote the wny rhe wants hien to
doesn't deserve to have any influence
In affairs.'t
Cath or Cure
1I S1.1oi,'. C.}ie• Cure 1.1 to rush
year Grid we Cotrgit you pt deck a!! yw
pod ier it. Yea the ewe ei • Cure et
the Cash.
III it email • see tae, this eller would
not be made.
Can earthi•t Ice fairer )
If you Lave • Cos, Cogh er ass .liw se
e) the Treat, Lump ea Ai Pamirs, try
;Se. per Leak. An dealers taaraatee d.
"What a beautiful home yea have,'-'
said the old-time friend.
"Yon mustn't let mother and the
els hear you speak of it so patron-
izingly," answered Mr. Cumrox.
"This ain't a home. This is n resi-
tereent of either me deetria( to re Ake ttt to
11S�(( ppie�r w..k at hem. In why. N 'pare 1401
lnrftrg eke f�111ul wiwl1yyr om s, In 'will .ntirety
sew sad
els r.flta►1. Ptcsinee( [bat will
tasrosrsa tovaet((sUen. send 'tempter illuetrst.
ed booklet and 111111 partkalers.
MONTREAL 8('rrLY CO., It.ntresi
T N 11 ISSUE 1s0. 43--03