HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-02, Page 3♦ *+*+.0+Q+0+0+0+f +*4»+*+*+1i +4).0+0+)+4)+.0,f4
iTHE 11E11 OF .
But you shan't marry lady Norah,! •1♦♦/•+•+++44+++++♦+♦♦
you ohxn't come betweY`tl her Cyril
and her! You shan't do that!" Z
"What will you do, lay little Boo. .4. t
ca?" + About the Farm t
"What will I do?" sho repeated +
"1'11 go to her to -morrow -yes. to- O
morrow -and I'll to -11 her how you'• o •
serval me. Perhaps sho thinks yo 14
aro honest and strati ht like Mr. ♦+++++++++++♦++♦+♦++++
• Cyril; she Shall know w hat sort of a
man you are! You thuugh6 1'1IIr1.P NOTES.
you Weald servo inc as yo'm It is very di:licult to fatten a
} Iikod and lrextt 1110 like dirt. and got poor sheep in cold weather.
rid of uta when you ;Acuson, and (;et the sheep in gotoi condition
that I'd hear it, and do nothing!" before whiter sets in.
she laughed, harshly. "Mut you if ivou value tho wool product, an
0+0+4a♦ %�E4,.,,,,,,,a +tifci4*+fito+3E+30E♦ill♦*+04i +)0Eii0f+r , can't, Mr. 'Berton! Lady Norah— cien condition must be kept up.
late and his lordship --and overybody A poor sheep will tat as much and
went to tho sideboard -•'let Ino give. s}'all know how you've tested ate, require as much labor in securing
and ton,orruw, it I'm alive!" its hoose as a good ono.
you a glass of wine." I
I don't want any," sho said in z Sho drew her shawl around her horsemen who divide their stock
ywith shaking hands, and moved to- up into smell flocks are recognizod
low voice. I with! the dour.
"Nocsensu! Welt. 1f you won't." as Guildford lit-rton's face had grotto-
the most succa+stul ahophcrds and
she repeated tho geoture. "I will. j ally gono paler and paler during her have the healthiest and host foveate r
You don't mind my smoking?". Ilo ! passionate outburst; but tl o amilct ed shctep-
lit another cigar. "Now, Mecca. lot's still remained -a ghastly mockery vt It is a mistake
hear what's tho mutter," and ho a smile -on his tightly annpro .S i ; telt silo of flock
seattd himoult at tho table near her, lips. With a laugh lie got up from • outcome of the
and looked at her with a smile. "Boo _t_ tho table, and stretchod himself, 6ti'1 , estimatcd-
I know what it ie beforo you tell watrhiog her from beneath his hulk'-' Thu shepherd who has a lot of
me. You've taken it into that fool- glow,' olds.; good fat sheep oath winter, will
is1, little head of yours to no joalouo. -We". you'vo workod yourself i:ntalind his feeding pays quite as well
CHAPTER XXL -(Continued).
Perhaps, he thought, he uiii;ht offer
her Inoue:. but thoi o was not ,uu1h
encouragoinont in the idea. lkcca
Was not the kind of girl to be bought
alt; but still, ho might try it.
Ilo put her out of his nand after a
tow ininutes, and walked on slowly,
smoking his cigar -a very good (glo-
om! [wilding castles in tho air.
What a fortuno and a carocr lay
beforo him! As tho husband of Lady
Norah and the owner of tho Arrow-
dalo wealth hu would bo almost tho
most iluportuut - porson in the coua-
try-ho, who had been looked down
upon by the swells. Ito would pay
thein back in stuns way whoa his day
Ile would show them that the st-
wartl's son could Le as good and as
grand a gentleman as any of them.
Tit wus enjoying himself in this
fashion when ho retched the small
door In tho high wall of his ch or -
loss cottage. and had inserted the
key in the lock, when he felt a touch
'Don his artn, and a voice said:
Ile turned and saw Becca standing
n the shadow beside him; and with
difficulty repressed the oath of im-
patience and annoyance which roso to
his lips.
The touch and voice of tho girl ho
had deecived knocked down hie
castles tri tho air liko a houso of
cards. but his voice was as coniposol
and suave as usual as he said in a
tono of pleasant surprise:
"Ah, is that you, Mecca?"
"Yes, it's me. I -I want to speak
to you. Mr. Merton."
"All right, Mivv South. Why Becoo
why ant I 'Mister Berton,' instead of
'Guildford,' oh?" and ho tried tottako
her hand and draw her to him, but
Ilocca put her hand behind her and
drew back. "What! In ono of your
tantrums again, Mecca?" ho said,
smiling. "What's tho matter now?
Aro you offended bocauso I didn't
dance with you to -night?"
"No!" roplied Mecca.
"Well, I'm glad of that, because it
havo boon unreasonable. You
ow how careful we have to be.
cca. Wu don't want all tho world
in our confidence. do we? Wo don't
want all Santleigh and l'arkham
chattering about our littlo atlhirs,
Berea looked at him with a mix-
turo of distrust and anxiety. Iter
Paco was pale, and her eyes we: o
swollen with crying, but there was
an expression of determination in
them which Guildford liortou did not
fail to notice.
"What is it you want to say to
me, Berea?" he asked after a mom-
ent's pause, during which ho was
wondering how ho could get rid of
"I wnnt to speak to you, to ask
you a question.,.
"Auk mo anything you liko, Becca,"
ho said, ploasantly, "But don't 1st
Ws stand hero; it's rather cool. Como
"I'm not cold." sho said, curtly.
"But I am. Como, don't he dio-
agreeable. You may as well costo
in and talk comfortably as stand
outside here, you silly girl."
Ilo unlocked and opened tho door
as ho spoke, and walked into tho
garden, and Mecca, after a momen-
tary hesitation, followed hint.
Then tho door closed with a clang
which should have found an an.s ie: -
tug echo in Mecca's heart.
ile led tho way to tho house, and
struck a match. `
"Sit down, Berea," he said, an 1
ho set tho lantern on the table and
closed tho shutters, yawning as he
did so.
"Are you very tired, Becca? I nm.
it has poen a confoundedly long day,
!Shand I've wished it over hours ago. '
Becca did not sit down, but stood
by oho table, upon which she leaned
with one hand.
"Now. what is it? But I wish
you'd it down. hero" -he roso, and
Throat Coughs
A tickling in the throat;
hoarseness at tittles; adcep
breath irritates it;—these
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ceptive and a cough mix-
ture won't cure then'.
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membranes, enrich the
blood and tone up the
lv sterol
Scott's Emulsion
is just such a remedy.
It has wonderful healing
and nourishing rower.
Removes the cause of
the cough and the whole
system is given new
strength and vigor .•. .'.
a.itfir f•r.tt.'i.
SCOTT & BOWNE, cbtatiu
Tsrost,, Oat.
fpr, eel $1.O0. Alf*waist,
to ignore tho tout -
returns when the
huslneas is being
That's it., isn't it? Oh, I know you, a nice tamper, Boren," ho said. "Voa
Rocca, you sco. You think 1 ought silly child, you'll be sorry for it long
to kayo paid you a little attention beforo you get home. Como now -
to -night, and you're riled bocauso I let us stake friends and talk sensibly.
didn't choose to let everybody know, Wo'll bo married as soon os you like;
how fond 1 utu of my pretty littlo
"I-Iwant to ask you a question.
I want to ask you if you havo for-
gotten what you promised me?"
"What a question to ask a man at
this time of night!" ho said, with a
laugh. "'lave I forgotten what, yo'i
silly child?"
That you promised to marry ate."
"'lave I forgotten it? What a
question! Is it likely that a man
would forget such a thin;,, my deir
Becca? Of course I promised! But
what makes you come and ask mo
on this of all nights?"
"llecauso-because I can't trust
you. I haven't trusted you for weeks
past. You've changed to mo."
"Oh, nonsenoe," ho broke In lightly.
"You'vo altered Sino-sinco-sho
"She? Who? Oh, you mean Lady
Norah, I suppose! Don't be absurd,
"Since she canto you've kept out
of my way, and -and put mo off. lt':s
not my fancy; I'm not blind." 'dor
voice grew more hurried and excit-
ed. but she still spoku in a low tone.
"I've seen it, and -and others have
seen it, and -and to -night moro than
"There, I told you you were jeal-
ous) My dear Ikcca, it you knew a
little moro of the world you'd un-
derstand that I am obliged to be at-
tentivo to the daughter of my bolt
friend. Of courso I danced with her
and -and talked to her. Why, Becca,
you don't want nut to lose all my
friends when 1 marry you?"
"No. I understand quite well,
though I ant only a poor. ignorant
girl. It's not mo you want, but
Lady Norah!"
"rut, tut! I don't want to marry
Lady Noi'ah,I want to marry you,
and I mean to."
"When?" he repented. but sho stop-
ped hint with a gesture.
"You no in't trouble to toll ate
any moro li.w. I don't believe them.
l'vo been a fool to bo!f.,vo them brt-
fore, You won't marry one, and 1
know it. It's Laity Norah—"
"Now, be sensible, Mecca. You
think you aro very sharp, but you
don't seem to eco all that goes on
under your oyes nevertholess. My
dear child, if I wanted to marr_.
Lady Norah ever so badly I haven't
a chance. 'There's some ono else be-
fore Inc. I'm not the favored indivi-
dual. Lady Norah doesn't rive ix
thought to too. It's Cyril Borne --
who, by the way, seems a special
favorite of yours."
"Mr. Iturne's nothing to nuc, and I
know he'd like to starry her. altd Ile
ought. Pets, 1 know that, and you
are trying to come botween therm."
"Yes, I'm not blind now, if I was
before. glut -but lio's a gentleman
and ho shall havo her. 1 know you'vo
been trying to do all the day -to
tomo between hint and her, and you
think you've done it!" Her voice
grew louder. and tho old spirit of
dolluuco gleamed in her black eyes.
"But you shan't! You think be-
causo he's gene that you'll be ahlo to
poison her against him and have it
all your Own way. You forget hi
could write—"
"Oh, so he lino written to Lady
Norah? and you are carrying the
letter to her, eh, ilecea?"
ilecca could not keep her hand from
straying to her bosom, and tho in-
voluntary action rovealed the pres-
ence of the hidden letter to him an
plainly as if lin had seen tt.
"Well. Mecca," ho said. "you aro
' perfectly at liberty to net us post-
man for Mr. t'yril Burne if you like,
and i wish him every success in his
"You'd like hitn to marry her!
1 B I 1e't t to talk
we'll go away together to -morrow
to somo pretty place, and be uharriod
Um on o ()idol--"
"It's too late," sho Enid sullrn)y.
"I don't want to marry you. I
wouldn't if you went down on your
knees and bogged mo to."
"And you'll cry the wholo business
ovor the place to -morrow?" ho askoa
with a swills. "Oh, Deem!""
"Yes," silo responded, doggodly,
"I'll tell Lady Norah everything the
moment I sco her."
"You mean it. Theca? You mean
to make a scandal of our littlo love
Sho put her hand upon tho . door,
and vouchsafed no reply.
"Well," he said, "1 don't know
why I should care. After all, i`er-
hal's"-he went on talking incoher-
ently to gain limo es he approached
her -"after all -here, you havo drop-
ped yipur handkerchief, Mecca."
She turned, and saw that ho had
wound his handkcrchicf over his own
mouth, laid as alio stood wondering,
halt fearfully, at his action, he
sprang upon her, clipped het' arias
with ono hand, find held the phial
to her face.
Otto cry, and that only a faint,
gnsping ono, rose from her lips, than
her head foil forward, and she slipped
limp end helpless to tho ground.
Guildford Berton, atter a glance at
her, let her lio as sho had fallen,
until he had carefully ro:orltetl tho
phial and put it, in his pocket; then
he slowly removed oho handkerchief
from his mouth and bent over her.
"Almost instantaneous." ho mut-
tered, with n grim smile; "a wonder-
ful discovery. Now, my goo:' lk'ct.t,
just let us have Dlr. Cyril Burne s
Ito toot it front Iter dress, and,
leaving her lying on tho ground as ifh•r
sho wero no consideration wata
ever, Ito carried the letter to the lan-
tern and road it.
"(ions for months, perhaps!" he
muttered. "What o chance for nu!
Leaves the !loud open for months.
What could i not do in that Limo if
-if-1 could keep her from hearing
from him, and silence this silly littlo
fool! Heaven and earth, what a
Ho stood with the letter in his
hand for a minute or two, staring
beforo him, then ho put it in his
ith a
if he had forgottend almost wthe presence of
the unconscious girl, tui nod and knelt
beide her.
"AlrtloSt time she canto to," he
ntutteret; "and when she does? The
littlo fool Is like a wild cat, and will
carry nut her threats. Good -by. thein
to all my hopes and ambitious! Oh.
Guildford, my friend, what an insen-
sat,t &SO you were to be led away by
it fancy for a pretty face! What shall
do to pomade her to hold her
tongue? If I could only keep her
quiet for, sat', six to eight weeks,
while this fellow was out of the
While he was muttering and musing
comic-Mumhe was fanning the face of the+ un-
comic -Mum girl, and auddenlY a change
swept over the moody expression of
his face, and ho hent lower and pla--
cd his ear to her lips. Then n Ile star-
ed to his feet, ,and, snatching tho lair
tern from tho table, kn'It down and
hold the light close to her face.
Ile peered into it keenly for a cou-
ple of minutes; then, with an inarti-
culate cry. shrank back, and, still
storing down at her, with horror im-
printed on overy feature, gaspod:
"Dry God! Sho's dead!
('1'o bo Continual),
('asst -"1 say, my man. how long
been have you beit waiter in this
cafe?" Waiter -"About six months,
sir." Gutet-"Oh! Then it cant be
about air. Burne 1t want an answortYou that I gave my order to."
to my qu'stion. Wren -when aro
you going to marry nie, Mr. Berton?'
and oho eyed him with a curious
' look, half determined.
"You're' in a great hurry, Ikeca,
and so nut i but for both our sakes
as the average.
Only the very best sheep, animals
which aro true to their specific vario-
ties of broods and full of prontiso,
should be selected for breeding pur-
Ina majority of cares sire Is only
a secondary consideration. provided
only that tho annual is fat, smooth
and triol.
Not only does it cost leas to make
a pound of young flesh, but tho
former is worth moro in mark -tit.
The man who makes his sheop ns
good as ho can before sending to
market, need have no fear of his
place in market.
A thrifty arirnal, full of robust
health and vigorous strength, is
moro capablo of resifting tho poison
of contagious dicta rens succossfully
thnn the unthrifty animal.
if thero aro any sick or unthrifty
sheep in the flock, nem -trate thein
and if possible, market them in
mane way. 1t will not pay to win-
ter them.
In buying sheep to freed this win-
ter, buy good ones. l'he value of
the feed is the same whether ted to
good sheep or poor ones; the differ-
ence in tho profits wilt 1,o with tho
With the sheep selected for breed-
ing, the natural growth and char-
acter of the wool of the animals to
he mated should bo a matter of first
class importance.
The bast interests of sheep hus-
bandry docs not so much call for
extoaordinary weights as they do
for tho production of muttons of
moderate weight and choice quality.
Valualslo as blood is in breeding,
it bas a very necessary adjunct and
that is, individual merit. I'edigroo
is of littlo valuo in itself unless
backed by individual merit.
However well grounded the posi-
tion of the wool grower may be at
any time, he In short-sighted it he
neglects to look after the mutton
siedu of hia business. But at the
samo tine, ho should neglect the
quality of wool and tho interests of
sheer Inerenetes so rapidly and
mature at such an early ago and
their flesh is so wholesome for food
thnt on tho majority of farms a
flock can readily be made profitable.
It is claimed that ono sheep for
each cow can ho kept with elery
lift(', if any additdonul expensa as
tho sheep consumes much that the
cow will refuse.
Lambs intended its next year's
elves should not bo broil at this
aethsOa as it is better to give them
plenty of time to mature well.
Wool is a product from feeding
just tlho stupe as fat or flesh, and
the (lock should bo fed and managed
with a view to wool growth and
that of fine quality.
Whilo thero la a great advantage
in securing good blooded stock, the
profits of the herd or flock depend
equally as much upon the caro as on
Um blood.
No sheep should be allowed to dio
frog• old age, but ail should bo fat-
tened and sent to oho butcher be-
o-fort their vitality hos impaired to
such en extent as is impair their
fattening qualities or depreciate
their value.
%hilt there in an ah'tndanco of
good pasturage is ono of the boost
times to ration sheep that have
passed their prime.
1.ittle rot (on her knees, before
ret firing) -Mamma, may I pray for
rain'! Manunn-Ys-s, if you want
to; but why? "Suylo St uckup
i I should have liked to put it off a didn't invite oto to her picnic."
littlo longer; but as you aro in such
,t. )nsrry Doc for--Wltest ran von too too me
•"rhat's enouch! Don't tn'u)ilo to bill for curing yes of "insomnio'•7
i'atient-I don't know, floc. -I sleep
so soundly now that my wife goes
through my pockets most every
night. and takes everything.
tell mo any more lies! You don't
mean to marry not. Mr. Berton, and
if you did I wouldn't marry you'"
lie was startled out of his affect.xl
"No' 1 might have done so once.
1'd havo done so now if you'd met
Officer -"What is the complaint
mo fair and honest to -night; but you here?" (orderly (oflt'ring besllt)-
ain't fair or honest. I know what '•Taste that. sir." 011icer (tasting)
you are now! You speak against -.'Well, 1 think it's excolleut soup."
Mr. Cyril! You! ilo's n gentleman, Orderly -"•Yrs, sir; that's the trou-
while you -you are only a sham! I we, they want to persuade us it's
know you now, and -and I wouldn't test.'•
marry you if you went down un yoar
lineal to molt
Her vole* broke and she press -'d her
clinched hand against her bosom to
still the treating of her heart. and ho
watched her with close attention, as
• keeper watolies some furious ani - se should I," said Mr. Byres, with
sale oacertlag earnestness.
"I should like to see somebody
nt-duct nit•." maid Mrs. Hymen at
tho breakfast -table the other morn-
ing. ''II'nu' so should 1, my door-
Ceylon Tea has a deliciotasncss all its own
Sold only sealed In !cad pickets at ooc, soc. and boo per Ib.
Ily all grocers,
Highost Award, - - St. Louls, 1904.
you aro feeding your cows too much
is to watch tho mangers after thu
animals have finished tutting. A lot
of hay left over shows (tvur-feeding.
1' armory should not only bred
pure bred bulls but they should
raiso morn calves and havo more
cattlo on the farts and not depend
upon buying feeders that they should
raiso upon the farm.
'1 ha
improved breeds of pedigree
stock add a new prosperity to the
farts and a young farmer can make
mow money in ten years with pedi-
greo stock than 1119 father has in a
lifetimo with common or scrub
stock The day of the scrub has
If old brimllo should get the start
of you and reach the orchard don't
get excited if sho does happen to
choke even if sho is bloating when
you find her. Geta stick about two
inches or a little Inoro in diatnoter
put it into her moult like a bit
and fasten it there with a ropo
made fast at each end and looped
over herr horns. Probably silo will
not liko tho treatment but tho
chances are against the apple; and
this method also tends to keep tho
bloat down.
A Place in Germany Where the
Children Learn the Game.
Dissection Was Practised in City
of Alexandria.
Dr. William. Williams Keen tolls
some interesting facts regarding the
ta'ly hi -tory of di.Secticn. Tae first
'human anatomists wero in Alexan.%
dria three centuries before Christ,
and they and their successors for
2.000 years wero commonly re-
ported to have indulgent in antomor•-
teut dissection. Says Dr. Kean:
"Vesalius was shipwrecked and died
while !toeing for his lifo on such a
charge. Tho 1•'wlinburgh act of 1505,
giving the surgeons the body of one
criminal annually 'to stake an ana-
tomio of.' Was guarded by the pro-
viso 'after he be deid.' Even
poetry has lent its aid to perpetuate
tho legend of tho 'invisiblo girl,'
whose ghost was believoti to haunt
Sir Charles Bell's anatomical rooms,
whore she had befit dissected alive on
tho night preceding that appointed
for her utarrrago."
For a long Limo Alexandria was
the only medical centre of the world,
and the, physician Galen (born about
180 A. D.) had to journey from
Rome to tho African city even to
see a skeleton. Ho sent his studonta
to the German battlefields to dissect
oho bodies of the national enemies,
While he himself used apes as most
resembling human beings. Human
dissection was revived in Bologna in
the fourteenth century, whore Ma-
donna Manzolina later was professor
of anatomy, undoubtedly ono of the
first woolen doctors, if not tho very
first. Leonard da 'Vinci. painter of
"Tho Lord's Supper," Was a great
anatomist', but dissection had fallen
into disuse when Vesalius finally re-
vived it about the tuiddlo of tho six-
teenth century.
Even in comparatively modern
times anatomists have Leen the ob-
jects of attacks by the populaee. In
1703 lir. John Shippen of Philadel-
phia was mobbed as a grave robber.
Doctors' riots in New York occurred
twenty-three years later and were
due to the belief that tho medical
students robbed graves continually.
It was the lack of opportunity that
led to the practice of grave robbing
and originated what Dr. Keen calls
"n set of tho lowest possiblo vil-
lains -the resurrectionists."
In a plain of the Harz Mountains,
a tow milts distant from tho quaint
old town of Halberstadt, Germany,
lies tho village of Strobeck. The
history of Strobeck and its people
has for hundreds of years been as-
sociated with the game of chefs. It
is a veritable chess village, a nur-
sery garden for that ancient game.
From earliest childhood tho boys
and girls aro made familiar with
board and mon. At school chess is
treated as nn obligatory sublject, and
is taught systematically. As soon
as pupils havo mastered the moves
and the rules of tho game, they aro
osaouragod to undertake the solu-
tion of chess problems and to invent
now ones, just as an English school-
boy is sot to making Latin verse.
At Easter thorn aro chess examin-
ations and tournarnents among the
school children. Three awards of
honor in tho shape of chess -boards
bearing tho inscription, "Tho Re-
ward of Industry," are given by the
village community. 'Those tourna-
ments aro attended by lovers of
chess from far and near. I)uring thu
last half -century several chess con-
gresses of wide interest have also
been held et Strobeck.
From a vett' early time the Stro-
becckcrs hnvo had the privilege of
challenging to a game of chess any
prince or nobleman or exalted per-
sonago who happens to pass through
their village. In the year 11131 the
"Great Elector" of llrandenl*irg was
challenged in this way, and in mem-
ory of the event presented to the
villagers a carved hoard and a set
of silver chessmen, still prtrerved.
How chess became the ruling pas-
sion of Strobeck has never been as-
certained, but the legend most gen-
erally believed sets forth that in the
eleventh century a famous political
prisoner was confined in en ancient
tower which still stands In the cen-
tro of the village. '1'imo hung heavy
on his hoyods, and being a lover of
cheers, ho''beggcd for a set of men.
Nono was to bo had. 'Then ton pris-
oner carved a net for bimfelf.
But he must have antagonists. Ono
by woe his warders learned tho game.
The peasants of tho villago wort
takiug turns to guard him. Soon
thoy all know how to play, and all
became enthusiasts.
Any unusual method of milking
not only causes a diminished yield
front milk, but also causes the milk
•which is obtained to be of poorer
quality. as shown by the per cent.
of fat. The variations in quality
are usually much greater than those
in the yield. Experiments iu which
ono teat at a tinto was milked
caused a falling off from one to tivo
per cent. of fat in the milk t,Itained.
Slow milking gave, on the a't'rage,
0.4 per cent. loss than fast milking,
and with soino rows more than ono
per cent. The difference in yield of
fat from vino cows experimented up-
on was moro than one pound of but-
ter per day. A change of milkers
also had a marked elTect, but in this
case tht individuality of the milker
seemed to lir the thief fact?r, as
certain milkers xiw;.ya obtLit.cd but-
ter milk than others. and this was
the case whim both the rnilkers aero
thought to be expert. The cows
were clean milked in every case. In
a test with four cows, which was
continued over porlode of one week
with oath milker, the milk obtained
by ono of these milkers contained
nearly one-half per cent of fat more
than the other. This was repeated
in every cane in favor of the memo
milker. The most fatarked effect
way found when cnwn were milked
with milking tubes, oho quality of
milk being Invariably poorer when
the tubes used than when tho cows
were milked by hand.
FAitht"NO Ti•',8
A good way to aa:ertada whethete
She -"Your dog was trying to bite
me, sir!" Ifo (touching his hat. -
"Yes, nadntu' he has a avert
"Have you a modern street rail-
way system In your town?" wrote
the Eastern capitalist.
"Our sttttttt railway Nystrom"
wrote tho Western real estate agent
and town boomer, in reply, "is
strictly up -to -dale. Forty-seven per-
sons hero havo been run over by the
cars or knocked off the track in Um
last six months alono."
"No," said Pompus, "I shall not
notice his comment at all."
"But," protested the friend, "he
called you a blithering idiot."
"Exactly, and there is no such
word as blithering in the English
Singleton -Have you decided what
you aro going to call the baby, old
W,•tl.ierton-('ertninly. I'm going to
call hits whatever any wife nautili
"i.ragg delis ton he got inlaid up
in ei scrap ycstci'day." "Did he
got • the lost of it?" "Of course;
otherwise ho wouldn't have said
anything about it."
Ferhnpn a man dy somet imoo dot)•
bed a "bad egg" beonuso i1 is dim -
agreeable to have hint strike you
when he is broke.
OW, Omit