HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-11-02, Page 2RAILWAY t 1 TO HUDSON BAY'o; rest freight,4(0of Xtra► ibeleaves w to Europe and Asia. WILL OPEN UP A - WONDERFUL- In the (hipnient of grain to LY RICH DISTRICT. Europe the Dew route offers several advantages, not only shorter dis- New Railway Build- ing From Win- lances and lower rates, but economy nipeg North Has Vast of handling. 'the railway haul from Possibilities. the wheat fields will not bo more than 650 miles, and the time will Canadians have an epigram that noun cone when all of the vast area while the nineteenth century was the along the tracks of the new road century of the United States, the will he planted to wheat and other twentieth century will be the cm- breadstuf!s, which will require only tury of Canada, and there is some- twee j'andling'—from thu tragi n to thing more in it than a Mutat. the ear and from the cur to the writes nill min E. Curtis in the ship. I'ven this distance unity be Chicago Ilec.,rcl-herald. They intent. considerable shortened by plating a line of steamers upon the Nelson River, which is as Targe as the St. Lawrence and is the outlet of Lake Winnipeg. Lake Manitoba. Lake of rho Woods and other largo bodies of fresh water. Hudson Pay is as large as the Mediterranean—a great inland sen. and its 1 elegies, whit!' have net er been developed, aro as valuable as those of I ahrador. It is not in the (toren zone. The winters aro cold, but not se (•0141 or stoney as along the Atlantic coast of upper Canada and the United States. On its shores are immense bodies of timber which have never even been tailored, and 10 the westward are mountains perhaps. that the territory of the United States has been thoroughly xplored and the development of its resources already undertaken, whiles Canada is practically unknown and remains to be exploited. But this is a misapprehension. Canada is not unknown. The British poesessious r • stretching from Ole northern n e bound- aryr13 of the Heated States to the Arc- tic Ocean, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, have been thoroughly explored since the early part of the seventeenth century, and their re- sources are well understood. ' The statisticians at Ottawa can give you almost the exact amount of timber and the acreage of the ranges and agricultural lands; they can tell you where the minerals oro located; where vest beds of coal (more valu- able than gold or silver) lie, and the various approaches to the Klon- dike are known. Some of them have even been surveyed. 'There will be a railroad to the Klondike with- in the next few y,•nrs, and already the Canadian Northern Company is 1ayinl: its tracks to Hudson any. This may scent incredible to people who have not watched the progress of our northern neighbors. Take a map of the British posses - believed to be as RIC•11 IN MINERALS AS T111: K LO N DI K I•:. The foothills of these mountains are covered with nutritious grass, of- fering line cattle ranges, and they slope down to open, well -watered prairies of great fertility. There is scarcely any rock. This is an int - portant consideration for railway builders as well as for the farmers who are likely to locate there with- in the next decade; for it is beyond controversy that the district be- tween the great Lakes and Hudson Bions for a moment and see how the ft will he settled like Minnesotaland lies. Between Winnipeg and and the Dakotas before this genera - Hudson Day, a distance of about tion passes. 800 miles, lies one of the finest 'the Canadian Northern ('nulpnny, countries in the world. It is chiefly which is building from Winnipeg a prairie witit fertile soil, and carp- northward to Iludson Bay and able of raising any amount of northwestward to the Pacific, has %HEAT ANI) oATS. no subsidy from the government. The season is short, however, the but has a land grant of 12,600 winters ate cold, and there is usual- acres a utile. It now has 2,510 ly a heavy snowfall; but the tern- miles of track in operation and is perature, as recorded for generations extending its line so rapidly that at the various northern posts of the before the end of the present year Hudson Bay Company, is not lower it will have 3,000 miles. The firer Haan at Winnipeg, Regina. Calgary of Mackenzie en Mann of Toronto are or other prairie cities, and actually practically the owners. Mr. Mac - averages higher than that of Munt_ kenzie was originally a street rail - real. There are also vast ranges for way operator, and still owns the cattle on n thousand hills covered tramways of 'Torcnto, Mr. Mann with nutritious grass, 11 the land is a well-known engineer and con - is plowed and planted with timothy strutter and according to lu 01 au - seed it tvi11 produce heavy crops of thorities has built more miles of hay, which are necessary to feed the track than any man in Canada — cattle through the winter. The rang- Perhaps more than any other man es are open about seven months in in America. These gentlemen began the, year. in n small way, and It is said that There are more rivers and lakes in 1893 enc! 1899 they tiered their than you can count, and they are attire interests to the Canadian Pa- tI1cd with fish—the same whitefish and also to the Grana Trunk and trout that live in Lake Super- Company for $250,000. Now they inr—end the farther north you go say they would not sell out for fifty the sweeter and firmer is the flesh. millions. They have built theirlino The value of the fish resources of the shorty, nnd it. has paid for itself. It Northwest Territory and the district crosses a country with an enormous, lying between Lake Superior and extraordinary producing cnpncity, Hodson flay is incalculable. People and the government land grant has are already beginning to ship fish by leen 83)1(1 to actual settlers almost refrigerator cars to St. Paul and ns fast as it has been earned. Ile Chicago. The fisheries are not or- company is now building at the genteel as yet, but every one of the rate of six miles a (lay. thousand little lakes you sec on the The main line runs from Port map is full (if fish—n source of Arthur to Edmonton, n distance of wealth (hit does not usually enter 1,500 miles. Between Winnipeg and into the calculations at the political Eilmenton, 900 miles. it has exactly economist•:. The attention of the 100 stations, every one of themex- Canndians, as well as outsiders, has Copt two being wheal-reteicing cen- thus inr been Absorbed by the wheat. lands Another line runs north to - lands and the timber, and the fish- ward Iludson Iiay, and there are cries have not received considera- numerous spurs, reaching into the tion. richest wheat Nelda of Canada. You can go almost from Winnipeg is the ambition of Mackenzie lc to Hudson Bay by boat already, via Mann to own n lint of track he Winnipeg lake and Nelson Ititer, tavern the Atlantic and the Pacific. and the Canadian Northern I{ailrond They ender -rem -eel to secure the fran- Compnny is building a line along chile which the government has rec- ently granter( to the (:rand 'hunk of the greatest significance and im- 1'aelfic. This failure, however, has portance, not only to Canadians, but to the farmers and railroad glen of the United States, When that lino is completed according to the pr,:cr''' surveys it will shorten the distance from the wheat fields and cattle ranges of Canada to Liver- pool more thnn a thousand tnilcs, and ►educe• the rail 1113111 10 a few hundred miles. Between 40,000 and 50,000 head of cattle are now shipped item Can- ada to England every year, and they are hauled I'y rail three-fourths of the nay across the continent to Quebec. 1'orthrnd, Me., Boston and to other Atlantic ports, losing more Onto 20 per cent. in weight and 30 per cent. in value during the nine g days' jnurney. When they arrive at The plans of the railroads are all nearly 5.00(1 fret in the first fifty - Liverpool. particularly if the ocean hese! upon a continuation of the six tiiiles. 'Thence it goes through voyage las been stormy, the steers present Immigration, nod it them the inlri:ate gorges of the sierras are not only grently reduced, but should be a succession (if crops like till it tunnels the An(I.. at an alti- tnany of them are in that of the present year, and the lode of 1-,(345 fort. the highest A 1•'1?V1'llISlt CONDITION, Present prosperity should not be in- point in the world where a piston• tetrupted, there is no doubt that rod is moved shy steam. The wonder Which makes them unfit inr food and the population and wealth of the is increnscd by remembering that th v are immediately condemned and Dominion will be doubled within the this elevation is Erachrd in seventy- t:latigh'rred by the British inspet- next twenty ycnrs. A11 of the rail- eight miles. tors- Thus. according to Mr. Sun• way plans are hared upon that ex - d, 11041 1 of the Canadian Northern pi -elation. — —♦---- linilread, the value of the 50,000 The Canadian Pacific, as you will head of cattle Is reduced on an aver- remember, was originally started ego r 1 80 per cent. purely as a government road, and Ily the prole.,ed rotate at least de early history Is worth the care - one -half of this wastage should be ful study of those who believe i•► saved. Instead of n nine Clays' government ownership. 11 was l'"- Jour•ey by rail. the cattle con be gun In 1881, and when the govern - philtre (roar the rnngcs of western :tient had batik 925 miles of track Canasta to Port Nelson in twenty- 10 eastern Canada. 115 utiles in four or thirly-six hours—so short a Ilinnitobn and 251) miles nn the I'a- Joureey that they will not have to cific roast L. ens e up the job Itt ),o taken ea the enrs to be rested. deepen. nr(1 turned !h • property over 'flee maximttni haul is only about to n corporation called the Canadi- Wee mike:, and the rota is already an Pacific Company. That corpora- (•nt1rected for half that. distance. tion rereited $25,000,(100 cash sub - From fort Kelson, on Iludson' Btny, sidy fcr the main line and $5,000, - to Liverpool i:+ 2,1)2.1 miles by 000 for the branches, together with writer -10n mites t.hee ler then from 25,000.000 nerve of land for a total New Vert. and 1110 miles shorter of 4,315 miies, and the government than front llontrenl. From fort gate it the roads nlreedy construct - Nelson to Vancouver by land is 1,- rd as n present. Since then it has 408 tuiles and the distenee' from pushed northwnr •1 mei westward. l.it-crpnr.l to Vokohenin, Shanghai has been building "feeders" to tench and other Asiatic ports is 2.0('O the most fertile pmts of the Dentin - line to entertain tourists, land seek- ers and the public generally. It is a titanic corporation, with a policy more conlprehensivo and libeled than that of any other corporation I know. It has steamship lines to Europe. Asia and Alaska, and not only handles the freight that its ter- ritory naturally allot -els but creates hall of its own traffic.. BEAD OF TI!IE CUNARD LINE. Was a Picturesque Figure in Shipping Circles. SOME MARVELLOUS FEATS MODERN ENGINEE- RS DO CLEV• ER WORK. Ships Built and B- ridges Erected Almost While Yon Wait. The Japanese have just offered us a good example of quick work. Ikr- ing the metal operations outbid() fort Arthur a destroyer was badly damaged; about one-third of her stern was destroyed by a shell, tend she was beached. Later on when danger was pest elle was salved, and the damaged stern was cut away abaft the machinery epace, which an installation of these im'plem'ents which could pour 150,000 tons 01 coal into ships if they could all get alongside in one day to receive it. '1'hc unloading of oro for the blast furnaces is aceolaplished with aston- ishing expedition. and a single roll- ing twill will turn out in a clay 2.- 700 tons of rails, or enough to lay twenty-one miles of track. Thu modern ste:aut shovel, or dig- ger, used in heavy cngiurering works can raise 3,C00 tons of soft materi- al In a working day, 3(13.1 thus dues the work of 2,100 men; while a sand -pump dredger such as those used on the Mersey Nucha up 3,000 tons of sand from the bed of a channel in 'TI1REE QUARTERS OF AN HOUR. LEADING MARKETS lilt(•:ADS'I'UFF'S. Toronto, Oct. 31.—Wheat—Ont art* —No. 2 red and mixed are quoted at 751c to 76c, at outside points, with No. 2 white at 761e, and goose and spring at 70c. Wheat—Ma nitoba—Priers at la ports are l.rmer, No. 1 hard 66c 8G N . t u 1 northern i 83c to 8.3jc. No. northern 81c to 81 jc, and No. 3 norther') 79e. Lord levet-chide, chairman and head Flour—Outurio — Exporters aro bid,lir,r $3.05 fur 90 per cent. pat- cf tho Cunard Steamship Comi`tny, ('lits. buyers' bags, at outside points. died recently ut. 1Vemyss Bay, Scot - Blended fur domestic consnm'rlion land. Sir fisogo Arbuthnot Burns, 1 second and third Baron L'verclvtle was protected only by it bulkhead. are $3.40 to $3.50 outside in car teas the and h Sir .Jahn Berns. sea In iodublry haste is everything, fur lots she was tatted to port and du k. ; tinto lust means the loss of trade. Mend oba—$4.90 to $5 for first Baron inverclyde, who was also 'It within four days a third of the new •110., is, the hosiery factor there nutrias, I.L0 to one time chairman of the Cunard stern had beta built, and in a month y to $ $1.00 for second liteainship Company. Tho two men ere machines which make no fewer patents, and S I.10 to 1.50 for 411 she was once more complete and sea- than 800,000 stitches in a minute, balers'. were influential and picturesque lig- worthy. and ready to resume her !, • fig- ures in the circle of shipping enter- and the boot tract lea: superseder! Millfeed—Ontario—Bran in ear lots with (1 - i / the fleet. prise. The sen was well known as duty hand labor with maeihines which dueled at $12.:,0 to $la at outside being a "chip ell the old (,luck," And The records of modern efficiency drive home 300 steel rivets n min- points. shorts $10 to 817.50. Mani - inherited 'natty of the vigorous) traits aro full of wonders such as this. The uto and build up 1,500 pairs of heels tuba Fran 816 to $17 and shorts that made his father famous in light- Carmutnia. the new Cunarder, o gran- itt a day. ;;17.5() to $19 ut Toronto and ing other comfaniea in rate years. ster whielt weighed 13,500 tons at Cutler• ertn chole. :1 butcher's knife equal points. One of these wars was waged be- her launch and has u gross displace- in ten cheater. v.! i L olive occupied Onts—Ontario prices are firmer and tween the Berms Line of steamers, eluent of nearly 30,000 tons, WAS a hand -workman !'1.. ho•ir:. and a the general quotation is a3c lit out - which plied between Glasgow and the completed at l'lydebank. Scotland, nail -maker, tvorki0;; with machines, side points, with 6c more at favor - north of Ireland, and u vital fleet. i0 nine and a half months from the icon fill ct 100 pc.unci keg in two able freights. 1Vhen the rivalry had reduced the .l.ty the keel was laid down, and the hours, though in the old days the Ihtt'1•y—Soma• dealers report 50e rate: so low that they could go no steel work was built into her hull task would have engaged him' for a I•:ri4' freely for No. 2. but (he grner- further, the hither won by publishing at the rate of 1,420 toms a month. couple of weeks. `crew -making has al qu0icttion is slight ly below t his the following advertisement: Bridges were wanted to cross the been so revolutionized by machinery figure at 9.9e for No. 2, 47c for No. "On and niter the Best of May. Tugela lit Cokiiso and 1 he l:heauwk- that whereas It took a man seven 8 extra, and 44c for No. 3 at out - 18—, steerage passengers will bo car- raus River 3(t 1'rcrc The order was or eight minutes to make tt screw- side points. rigid to all ports in the north of Ire- niter to re \Vednesbury company on post by hand, one person lending Peas—The market is t!rut at 71c to land free of charge. Lec'emiber 21st; each of the 'evert twelve machines can now turn them 72c uutsido, "The chic( steward has insiruclior's spam• required weighed 105 3ool, out 4,000 tunes as rapidly, or nine Rye—'file market is steady at 640 - 1 to supply each passenger with ono and 1111,000 rivet holes had to 1•.r screw -posts every second. to O rat outside points. bottle of :ae.'r gratis upon npplica- Funcherl, but the ;eie-:run •.e ,'s c.:'- A mule frame, with a than and l:uckwheat—'There is a fair business tion, after caving pont." %cried into the finished bri•i,ie at two boys, now spine as much cotton at 55r to 56c 3(t. outside points. The son e(rned a repntntir_n for b.- nixteen working does, and in teeent.- yarn as 1,100 women working by Corn—No new crap is yet in Ing wide awake as to the conditions three days from the receipt of the hand could do before the Sys - on shipboard that kept the officers P power sys- market. American old is nominal order tem L•egain and a power -loom wetly- nee to GO e. equally awake. Late one afternoon 3 he was nuking an inspection of ono THE WORK WAS 'HIPPIE. er produces fifty times the amount cf trolled Oats—.Steady at 54.75 to of the Burns steamers which was o►t Three weeks was all the time this work of the old hand -loom weavers, barrels on track here, and $4.50 in the point ( 1 leaving l:lasgow for her 'ccetnpally required to convert the pig- and does it much more easily. Nor bags; 25c more for broken lots hero• regular run to Dublin, when his i lean into a steel bridge a'3ti feet lung are these marvellous speed records and 4(►c outside. suspicions acro groused by some awl to ship it to Ecuador. unassailable, for they are being slight irregularity in the stewnrel'a' Railway engineers pride themselves broken every day. The one desire of COUNTnY PRODUCE. department. Ile made no remark, • every producer is to save) time, for P e on the dispatch with which they can Butter—Tho market is steady. and the vessel proceeded as usual. time to -day is more truly money 1carry out hrat_y Inbor. LaraCreamery prints ... 22c to 23e But when the passengers from the, g b than ever it was. Therefore. quick 2 autumn an old wrought -iron brill () do solids Ie to 21 c- midnight train got aboard at An- work is imperative. and the old spanning the canal near Allc•rcliffe Dairy Ib. rolls, good to drossan pier, the last point of call in Road Station, Shrffreld, had to bu country is as smart as any of them, choice • .. 19c to 201e Scotland, Lard Invercl-dt unexpec•t- removed and a modern steel bridge as the facts show.—Loudon Tit -Bit;. do medium 17c to 18c wily appeared. The chief steward substituted for it. The engineers was hopelessly intoxicated, and was g ♦ do tubs, good to choice 17e to lt'c promptly dumped un the pier with got possession of the line at 9.20 do inferior • 15c to 1(3c ' the discharge tied about his neck. one Sunday morning. in less than Cheese—The local prices for job• Lord Inv'erclede was 44 years old, three hours the old bridge had been SORE BEAUTY IN PEOPLE letsheldsteady at 12;c (01'�,t_ having been born on September 17, raised, placed on trolleys, and Potatoes—Ontario stocks are rfuot- 1861. Ile was deputy lieutenant fur hauled away on a temporary line of LONDON MEN AND WOMEN IM- cd at OOc to 70 per bag on track, the county, justice of the peace for rails to a place where it could be PROVED IN APPEARANCE. and 75c to 80, out of store; New Lanarkshire. and lord dean of the broken up. A quarter of an hour Brunswick at 85c per bag on track guild of the city of Glasgow from later the new bridge was in position Better Health Is Duo to Air, Sun- and 9Uc of store. 1902 to 190.1. His brother, the lion. though it weighed sixty tons. iho Poultry—Dressed cout turkeys Fre 1Go >rrn'anent way was laid en it, and shine and Muscular to 17c; live weights are, turkeys • James C. Burns, succeeds to the 1 by title. at 2.:30 p.m. the traffic was resumed. Manipulation, lac to 1•Ic, fat hens tic to 7c, thin ¢-- A few weeks ago, during (hes con- Londoners are becoming more and 5c to Ge, chickens 8c to 9c, thiu- struction of the pneumatic signal:ilii more sic kly from a preventable to 7c, (h.cla 7c to 8c. LADY LANSDOWPJE IN INDIA. system on the South -Western trail- cause, says one authority. The gold- Iloney—a1.50 to 82 per dozen fo -- way, the contractors started ono en age of English I:eauty, owing to combs, and 7c to 8c per pound for Saved An Innocent Man From Be- Sunday morning 3(t ,.40 to creel. a the more healthful manner of living, strained. ing Hanged for Murder. steel signal platform weighing eight ltas arritwd, says another. Physio- Beans—Are quiet at $1.75 to $1 Lord Lansdowne has a real help- tons. The material and tackle were bitornists, physical culture experts, 80 per bushel for hand-picked,cl.- tnrrt in his wife, who is a gift((! wo- loaded un to trolleys and drawn l,- and beauty specialists, who congre- 60 to $1.65 for prime, and $1.25 (0 men, says an exchange. She is a 900 yards by hand, the work was gate in Bond street, see an extra- $1.50 for undergrades. keen politician and such an excellent clone and bolted up for riveting, and ordinary change for the better in Iloi.s—Quirt, about l8c to 2!)c for diplomatist that Iiismarck, the iron the tackle was back at the station natic'nal looks day by day. They new Canadian crop. Chancellor, once said of her that she in less than five hours. say the people are growing more Baled Ray—Firm at 58.50 for No, wits too clever for Host his nmbas- Steel building construction is tae- 1 timothy per ton in ear lots on. bca'atiful. slithers. When Lord Lansdowne was complished wits remarkable celerity. Both earn and women of the up_ track here and $0 for No. 2. Viceroy of India Lady Lansdowne last year ()fifteen -storey o0ice build- Inpeclasses," says one of the leading IIaIed barna—Quiet at 56 per ton managed to acquire a wonderful ing in \I'illiam Street. New York, beauty r•pecinlists in London, "aro un truck here in car lots. knowledge of native life and affairs. was erected; in twenty --five days the improving in feature, in coloring, Iic•r information was not merelysteel skeleton was ready for the BUFFALO MARKETS. — and in physique. Nowhere in the gained at second hand, for. disguised stone and brickwork, and six weeks world can you se.• such handsome Buffalos Oct. 81—Flour—Piero. as a native, she used to visit the nfterwnrrls the place was completed poorest quarters of Calcutta. She and filled with tenants. The time often ran considerable risks, but she of tennnts in sky -scrapers such as had plenty of courage, and the in- these is very Twee -intim, and the de- formation sho gained was sometimes enter is designed to save it. 'I'be. valuable. maximum speed of the express ele- I'or instance, she was once abbe to v'atcn• is save an innocent men from being ABOUT 1,500 FT. A MINUTE, hanged for murder. The judge who so that the hustlers tnay be shot was trying the case was dining at heavenward ut. the rate of a toile in the viceregal lodge. During the ev- ening little more than three minutes.(131 lady boor•:downe look him '1•here is nu rest in this hurryin4 aside and said: "The man who is see ttntl the machine is made to aid r heel ed with that reorder is inft0- the hustler. A German firth has just only stimulated their ambit inn. and cent. 1f you will send a detective to Inrrodu(crd a crockery -webbing nrn- they are new driving their line to- nue 1 will show the house where the chmc which will'noshand dry 6,000 ward the Pacific on their own nc- murderer be" ekune in an beta; there is an electric count. depending upon their own Thanks to Lady Lansdowne, the shoe -black which shines rix pets of resources and a real culprit was caught and the In - slime. 3(L it time, and takes only 2 VALUABLE LAND SUBSiDY. nocent men set free; but she would thoerminutes to do it; ten machines will Thus, within n few years, it is al- not reveal how she had gainer) her wrap up and fold all the powders most crrt0in that ('sonde will have knowledge• of the actual facts of the rase- Tho incident mode her very which are consumed in (:rout liri- three traps( cent lines, 'rhe lute, and do the work of hundreds Grand 'Plunk Company is also build - culla with the natives of Cal- of hands. ing across the continent with great culla Among recent inventions is a cher- enrrl;y• +` c:acnte and sweetmeat. wrapping ma- in an era of railway building i(I•:MAIlICA111.1•: RAiLWAY. thine which folds up ninety pnekets itt ('nnada. Many people think it An uphill railway, perhaps the « minute. and saves its enter in fin- is being overdone, and (hut the pre- most remarkable in the world, is foil; and n lath -splitting machine sent exertion will be followed by n the Oroyo, in Peru. It runs from has been introduced which rends c•olinpsn. similar to that experienced in Callao to the goldfields of Cerro de from the Liork 52,000 laths n day— in the United bumf's some years faseo. I•'rotn Callao it ascends the the work of forty Igen. al;o, under the same cirrumstanr`'9 Barrow valley of the Ranee. ricin Once the manufacture of paper was a tedious process, but it is no long- er. Some time ago at i'Iscnthal, in Norway, three trees were felle 1 ns an experiment in the presence of a notary who was charged to certify the time token. The rutting began at 7.35 a.m., the wood WAS reduced to small pieces, dee•orticated and converted into pulp, and at 9.34 the first sheet of paper was finished. Tho sheet() were then driven two miles to a printing office and just after ten CHINA'S 1l1-' (C'I:('F,3, o'clock a paper was printed, so that According to information the in 2 lambs 25 minutes the wood of snnrming population of t'hina has n standing tree was converted into a failed to appreciate one of the great- journal est sources of wealth of that. coup- Ri:ADY F011 DE.LiVEJtV, try, natnely, its vast nrens of hillside The loading and unloading of and mom,t.ain.land suitable for gr 17,- bulky matte ials canned prolonged de- ing tattle. sheep n -td horses. They lays before mechanism Was applir•1 time the trees fur lumber and the t() the task. Now tnnrvele nre nc- brushwood for fuel, nppnrently with- complished with The ease. grain out thinking of the innnense pasta - elevator sucks wheat ue. from the egos which the luxuriant growth of hold of n ship or from trucks at the genes would supply. It is thought rate of 15,000 to 20,000 bushels nn that this may be due in part to the hoer. and there is a machine which prohibition of meat -eating by Budd - with six shoots automat batty ha, but at (,resent almost all classes of Chinese int meat whenever they con get it. On the other hand, fish- eries of nil kinds have been carefully developed in China. 11111(5 1e58 than ht• any other route. ion, has put up sawmills and emelt- This 1s n cowlick -ration of import- ers where private (apitn! hal been once in cor:n•ction with the frons- too timid to go, has established a portatlon of maills as well 415 pas- (string of sixteen hotels along Its SUCH IS Lii'E. "1'ou remember Smith, who saved n lady's life by Jumping into the wan, r, end married her afterwards?" "Yes. that become of him?" s'ae's just drowned himself." mere and women as are to bo met When(—Spring unttetted; No. 1 any morning in Piccadilly and Ilyde Northern, carloads, 901c; Winter• part.. nominal. Cont—Stronger; No. 2 "The women are nttacltimg inert as- yellow, Ole; No. 2 white, 591e. tints ing importance to the necessity of •-Strong. No. '2 white, 33: to 34c; preserving and perfecting their looks. No. 2 mixed, :32; to 32.1e. Marley Powder and paint nur out of date, strung; Winter, c.i.f., 45 to 57c. and alas age, electricity, and rntecu- Rye—Firm; No. 1, 72e. Canal: lar manipulation have taken their freights—hirnr, place Complexions have improved hecatise of the rage for fresh air, t'A'ITI.E MARKET. and carriage has been Inlwensely Toronto, Oct. :31.—The run of benefited by physicnl culture. The stock 3(t the Western Cattle Market men are quite as wager as the Wo i this morning was moderately heavy, men to cultivate gond looks• but trade in all lines was steady.ACED PEOPLE PATRONS. Export Cattle' --Choice are quoted "1 have on my b('n'.a an sex -cabin- at $4A0 to 54.65, good to medium et. minister who sought. nay advice at 51 tr, 54.30, other's at 53 80 toconcerning n little bald spot on his 54.10, hulls at 53.75 to $4.'15. 1311(1 head. Not only is the modern man cows lit 52.75 to $3.50. and woman better looking, but there Butcher Cattle—Picked 'cots. 84 ti o4; tto- is a ch•tenninntion to retain good ! a.tiO t looks as long ns pneei'.le." 54.40; Rood to choice, fair to good, $:3 to $;u.40; 0 o 84; on, Brighter eyes, clearer completions, 52 to $2.75; cows, 52 to $3.25, an`1 and a morn erect carriage are the 1.111114 51r.75 t 53 'l5. �1 three main directions in which lip- Moc,kes nood heeders—Short-krep penitence -re have improved. As for feeders ore quoted at 58-75 to 53.- the decker tide of the shield, "it Is 90, go' d feeders at 58.544 to 58.- seid ththe mhn_gd 75, in,',lin:n at nil to 53 40, and beccnringat deteclir [oratedateof, the IrelannutyIs hulls at 52 to 52.75. (:nod stock: of the lnndscnpn estroyed, the pro- re's tun at 53 to 53.50, rough (hrctiveness of thde earth drereaserl to common at 89 to 53, and bulls at 51 75 to 52.50. Milch ('ows—Thw range of prices is unchanged at 525 to FRO end). Calves—Pries were easier lit 52 to 510 cacti and 31c to 54c per patina. Sheep and Larches—Pei' , s heeld steady at 54 to j•'•4.25 for export ewee. and $:I to 53.50 for bucks and culls. Lnmhs were dull and rosy in tone at 55.50 to 5010. flogs—Priem) showed a deelate .,f 2Se per cwt. to 55.75 for selects and 5: 5', ter lights and fats, owing to the loss of sunshine, which plays so Important n part in life." 'Phut spoke Prof. Thomas Oliver in the course of a lecture at the Royal Institute of Public TIenith. in which he threw attention to the dangers which menace communities living in a dusty atmosphere. 110111: DUST, LESS 1-UN1411iN1:. "The presence of duet and smoke in the atmosphere often nssists in the formation of fags and mists, and some authorities assert that Eng- land receitcs less sunshine new-a- dnys than was the case years ago, when the atmosphere was clearer. Since the introduction of wood paving," he continuer(, "tnnny com- plaints nre heard of the irritating ef- fect of dist on tan throat au,4 eyes, anti it was questioned how far this might he reepnnsible for the large nutnh'r of rimer of pnenrnonla In England. ihn•ieg the last summer the dust raising propensities of auto- ntobilee, too, hail crentod it condi- tion of (Waite: which, it unattended to, might be followed by eerious weighs, registers, begs, ties up, and consequences. The dust that Is delivers 7,200 sacks of grain an rained by wheels in trnfTlc carries In - hour. to the atmosphere germs of every "'he Lents Renter cranes at the thrtc'ription, crtwti)g incalculable (lute Docks. ('ardiff, have poured in- Ini.scl.Ief." to the hold of It steamer 9,234 tons of mal in twenty-eight hours. trim- ming it automatically; and et i'r.rry 11e--"1'id her father lead her to n vessel has been brought ii.to the Ilse alter?" She—"f,rnd her to the dock, lond(d with 1,100 tons of altar' She could hate /mind her coal, and made ready to soil en tar tvay l•+ the altar in the dark any same tide. Baltimore Claims to hate time these dozen years back." 4 5225.(:00 }'Olt A TABLE. The Vienna collectors have leen ninth engaged over the !rive realised for a famous writing -table which once beloni ed to Napoleon, and (0139 giten by hit() to' Prince Clement l o - than Metternich, the Austrian Im- perial Chancellor. The latter wished it 10 be a family he•i1lootr, but the Austrinn law dors not permit of fresh entails, reo it hod to be sold, and ware knocked down to n well• known i'rene t nnintertr for 3225,000. The table is n h,'n'ttifill one of ems wool encrusted with gold, and vOolit originally mode for Loots XiV., who gave it as a present to tho Due de Chniseu1. "NEVER NO M0111 .1." "Mercy! Don't you loot•' ender rho bed before you retire?" "No, 1 used to. 1,10 1 got a :Lock one night that glade ole ('J:. it,►" "no-oo-nn! Dhrl you eet: a—" "1 saw a mouse!" 1