Exeter Advocate, 1905-11-02, Page 110c. inadvance
will pay
for the Anvoca.r •:
until January 1,19013.
Subscribe now and
get the benefit. You
cunt do better.
clef tibist
Farm Village
or i.tic
het p1(pet ty,eld,
bought or exchanged
for yeti at I easo,able
COW II Appiy-
. . The . e
the right place to buy your "Winter Wants," We have
best of everything required for the "cold weather" that
ney can buy. We will always be pleased to see you and
ow you our big range of Dress Goods, Furs, Underwearand
ding. Below are 6 specials for next week:
All wool, good heavy hose, ribbed or Neck Ruffs $1 to $15; Sable Ruffs,
plain, sizes 4i to 8. A big snap—per good ones, *Al; Fur Caps, $1 to 57; La -
pair 15c. All wool worsted hose. good dies' coats, $30 to 847; Men's coats, $20
quality 25c. The best worsted on the to $38. A big selection.
The large Flannelette blankets,white
or grey for $1; wool blankets bought
before the raise of price in wool. A
large; soft, fluffy blanket, pure wool,
$3, $4. $5.
We shine in thein on cloudy, wet
days. Three-quarter coats, light color,
54.75; three quarter coats, dark color,
$5.73; long rain coats for $2, $4, $(3, $10.
1.ten and boys who want the newest
cloth in the latest fashion should not
flail to see our Leaders. Boy's Leaders,
54, 55, 56; Men's Leaders 58, $10, $15;
Boys' Reefers, 52, $3.
The "Astoria" is leading. We are
selling a lot of theta. Be as good as
your neighbor and have a pair of the
best that is going. None too good for
you. Popular price $4.00.
Plain Cloth, Plaids and Tweeds are very fashionable this season. Our
ock is made up of all the new colors in these goods.
are .note than likely the result of
strained eyes. No dt ngs ot• dieting
will curt. them as long as Only 5 Cents a Glass.
Hot Drinks for
The Cold Weather
I have just purchased from the Ar-
mour Company of Chicago one of their
famous Hot Drink Machines, "The
Viktoria," together with a full line of
Fluids, consisting of
Vigoral, Tomato Bouillon,
French Bouillon, Fluid
Beef Extract, and also
Chicken Broth,
one Or all of which will be served to
customers at any time for
ten,:aira tllllt)oke'et after. 1f ►.a 1)•a+11 1•x Oysters served in all styles except
amine your eyes, we. caul tell you in- in the shell.
stant ly if they are the cause 1)f yuan•
headache. if so we can cure them Wa Ja STATHAM
permanently by supplying Koper
glasses to relieve the strain. We have
cohred many people. Shall we relieve
W. S. powEr, rams.
Baker and Confectioner.
Auction Sales.
Fanners ant others will d" well to get their tole
bill, print.d at the Avowals office. Remember we
wise %on a fr.-, nottee in the Anv„CAt■ whi.•hg.xs
Chemist and Optician. EXETER ton.arlh er•n home li the distri•-t. We arrange
dates for 11. Brown, auctioneer.
FRIDAY, Nov. 1145 --Fano, being int 5, eon. 10
Medlest klrnilli.ray , Farm Stn. -k and Ingd.•rnent., the pro -
F. MAI.1)Y, H. I1 (Tar. t'nlv.l MF'dRFR pert) of Thos. J. Atkinson. Sale at 1 o'-lr:,-k. H.
Aa college of Physicians and «argeon., Ontario, (frown Auctioneer. —
Former iL.ata.- Surgeon Toronto westernhospital.
Su 'e.,nr to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night gall .t office,
Mrs. Follick is visiting her son and
daughter in St. Marys.
Mr. Simile) Day of Evelyn is spend-
ing a few days in town, the guest of
Mr. Rich. Davis.
Miss Edythe Beers of London anti
1. 11. Drra.on her brother, Will, Of Henssll visited
their parents Thanksgiving Day.
Legal .
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Holwns (tank, etc.
Motley to toast se lowest rates of Interest.
Oficee, Hain street, F.ceter,
1. R. C aat.au, ti A ,
Messrs. Mervin Huston of Mil verton
MONEY TO LOAN. - and Harty Huston of Waterloo spent
We have a large amount of private funds to loan the holiday with their parents here.
stn farm ami ,illaye lrnlsrtlea .1 *05 rate. of inter• Mrs. John Ker slake and daughter.
(MADMAN A STANRl*tY, Miss Rhoda, on Monday last attended
Barristers, Ilolicitors,Main et., Exeter Ont the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. John
- _ !sane, London East.
LLOYD P. JONES I Mrs. Huhn. Sweet of Clinton is the
guest of Mr. and MIS. Jas. Sweet. Mr.
(stymie end choir Hester of the Tris itt Memorial Sweet wan Irl town Wednesday but is
Ohureh. Teacher --Piano, organ, Voice, harmony. flow working ill London.
Modern method& TSorouehneas I Me««t•«. Fwirnnnd an(1 %Vilhurt 1.an1-
brook (f Fort 1Vaytle, 111(1., and Miss
Montsgoo, of ('hathntn, returned to
their homes Tuesday after a pleasant
see private funds to loan on faun and s Maize t•isit here.
p at lowed rete. of interest.
F.LLtnl i Mr. Alfred Sheers., who has been fed-
office npp•n.ite ('entrap !dorsa, MAin .t , ):A. ter lowing the trade of masonry in Mani-
- -- tuba during the past few months. ar-
t ived home Monday morning to spend
Farms for Sale. the winter.
Mr. Theodore Sweet and Mrs. Sweet
A Art -close farm In the Tomn.hip of l•.horne. „f St. Catharines spent the. Thanks -
nest I:hn,ville; one hondre.i a re., g•tiVl buildings givi• nghnlldafs with relatives here.
Nell drained, well •.tere.l and modem i.nprvi e-
onent.. Mr. Sweet is this year Mayor of St.
- - -- ('atharines and from all reports his sd•
A fine pasture farm 1. the Township of dray. near tnini.tretion of the city's affair's has
Rare t• one hundred rcnw, fay ar res re: -fed, frame been each that he will undoubtedly
bon., Amt gond alalae, gnnd water, et" ,
sets) to receive a second term without opposi•
SANnetts & ( Remit. Exeter. tion.
Money To Loan.
Mr. L. 11. Dickson on Saturday re- Kbiva
's• • 1 word of the death of his father, uu) a nu la. comp completed 11)
James 13. Dickson, in Renfrew, and he i brickwork of JacuhQntrtin huu.e,lInd
left the sande evening to Ile present at the paioteishave given it one. coat of
the funeral. i paint, which adds neatly to its a
Miss Maud Harness left Monday on I pearance.—Miss Katie Currie spent a
a visit to relatives in Port Hope. She few days at Greenway last Werk with
w•as aecot')i tried by her cousin, Mr. i her friend, Miss Iraetle.--John Ratz
11"1"'rt 11 ten` >-, "1"'hitt' visit.' was in Ileini erg last week ,attending
here for some time. I the funeral of his mother. --Frank Gla -
Messrs. \V. J. Carling of town. John yin and family were visiting with his
Tiuney of 11ey. '1'. 1'udelicembe of i (,aunts last week.—Mrs. Angus Mc-
Ilay sville, 1leg. Elliot l et' Norwich, and + 1)wisld has returned frees a couple of
others left Monday- on a shooting ex- I weeks' visit with her Leather iu (%lore,
cnrsion to Muskoka. I
Mr. and \I rs. Das id McGill of Lon-
don spent Muuday in town, after hav-
ing been for:somal• days the guests of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kreeger• near Dashwood.
Mrs. Jus. ('ohbl.•dick, who spent East
week in Brantford. returned Monday
accompanied by Mr. Nelson Cobble -
disk's little daughter. Marjory, who
will spend some weeks ha'l'e.
Messrs. \Cu). Bowden and Al. Mc-
Donell of the firm of Bowden & Mc-
Doue11, lee semen, left 011 Thursday.
last for England to purchase it number
of horses for their stables here.
Mrs. harry Hopper, accompanied
by lion ewe children, returned to Bel -
grave Saturday evening. after a few
days' visit at the home of her sister,
Mi C. 1:;rney. Mrs, flipper, sr., was
also here on Thursday.
c.1 ea 1 tJ. t 11• f r•. l• d tilt!
firs. Robt. Dalton has purchased the
house owned by Mr. Elliott and is mov-
ing into it at present.—Harry Yee,
who has spent the Bummer in the west
has returned to his home here. Mr.
Yue has been quite i11 since coining
home and has not been able to be out
since his return,—Mrs. Jeffery, sr., is
confined to her bed through illtaess,
That she may have a speedy recovery
is the wish of her many friends. --Rev.
R. S. and Mts. Wilson spent a few
days in London during the week. --
Miss Ada Drake is on a visit to her
aunt, 21res Rich. Hothant, at Kinbur•n.
--Thos. Rntlierhatn, the new tailor at
F. D. 11utchinson's,has moved his fam-
ily 111)11• from Toronto. We welcome
them to 1)111 midst and wish them
every happiness. --Frank Catlin is the
new clerk at F. D. Hutchinson's store.
Frank is an obliging fellow and the
people ere sure to be pleased wit h hien,
—Mrs. Dan McDougall, who has been
out. Nest for the past two months has
1 et nr lied. She reports a pleasant and
profit,ahle trip.- -'Tate !Meth; dist people
are holding a fowl supper in their
church on Nov. flth. The Senfnreh im-
perial reale quartette and }' I4'1 Feeley
of Seeforth will odd to the e'vening's
On Friday evening of last week the
Evangelical choir elected their oflirers
for the corning year as follows:-- ('hide
Leader, (}odfreid Oe•streicher; Assist-
ant, Miss Lizzie Finkbeiner; President,
Jacob Kellernlann; Vice -Pres., Rev.
M. Clemens. Sec'-1'reas., Jos. Wain•
bold; Librarian, Miss Atnelia WitzeL--
Mrs. \'ismer• of Catupden is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Clemens.—
Art Trueman of Stratford Business
College spent his Thanksgiving hull
days at his horue 00 the Goshen Line.
--Henry I:hlr rs' sale on Tuesday was
Largely attended and good prices were
realized. \lr. Fd. Ilos,enberry wield-
ed the hammer. --One day last week
a youth of the village took upon hitu-
self to relieve Mr. i'tlkey's till of some
of its cash. Ile was, however, caught
and given a severe reprimand and al-
lowed to go. One would suppose this
would have been siefticient to last the
rest of his natural life. but on Monday
night he g:ailred an entrance to Mr.
Paulin's hardware store by way of a
broken window in the cell er,nnd help-
ed himself to some cartridges, evident-
ly anticipating 9 good day's sport.
His aht11ipatinn, however, was turned
into gi icf, the strong 9110 of the eon -
stall.' Laid held of the lad and he nils
plowed in custody till the case was set-
tled. Surely this will be c► warning to
this lad and else to all olher boys giv-
en to doing mti«chievons things. The
wrong deer, whoever he may be, finds
sooner 00 later that the officers of the
will be upon him. Little things which
seem small at first, when aired in the
court esItlme a serious aspect. So,
boys,take the advise of one who seeks
your welfare. I3e manly at all times.
Remember there is a limit to human
endurance, and these people whom
you molest, or whose property you de-
stroy are going to boil over snare day.
So beware. --As Mr. Jos. Wambold
was lighting the street lights one eve-
ning last week he accidently spilled
sonde gasoline on his clothing which
ignited and burned him severely under
the chin. it was lucky Ire soon got it
extinguished, ethetsise it might have
resulted seriously. -- On Tuesday eve-
ning a meeting in the interest of Brit-
ish and Foreign Billie Society was held
in the church here. The meeting was
addressed by Rev. Mr. Owen of Heys -
vine which eddre«s was interesting
--- - -
Grand Bend
Jonah Green, who has been suffering
from an attack of typhus fever, is, we
etre pleased to learn, on a fair way to
recovery.—After an absence of nine
years in California and other points,
Alfred Gravelle has returned home.
His neatly friends are pleased to see
hire around again.-- Our pier has suf-
fered some damage as a result of the
heavy blots from the Northwest.—Jos.
Gill has purchased L. Ravelle's house
at Bosanquet,—The service in the
Methodist church on Sunday was on
behalf of the Sunday school and the
convention report was given.
Moses Simpson was in London Sat-
urday on business.—The Maccabees in-
tend giving a concert in their hall
shortly. --Messrs. Gordon Bleoilfleld
end John Gilmore left'Tuesday morn-
ing for Port Arthur on a shooting ex-
pedition.—Miss Ella Barnes, clerk at
Mr. Bloornsfleld's store, spent the hol-
idays at her house ie) Thedford.—Miss
Pearl Simpson spent Monday in Credi-
tou.—Adam Neil, of the 2nd, left Sat-
urday evening for New Mexico with
font carload of sheep.—Messrs. Percy
Simpson and Ansley Neil attended the
fowl supper and concert at Luc,tn on
Thanksgiving evening.—The farmers
in this section are busy lifting their
roots.- -James Morgan disposed of ten
pieces of timber to Mr. Perry for which
he realized a handsome figure.—Win.
Fraser is recovering from the effects of
his recent accident. He was engaged
at Geo. Lewis' when in some manner
the axe he was using slipped, inflicting
•► severe gash in his left foot.—Itiessel
Simpson while assisting ata threshing
a few clays ago had the misfortune to
eut his foot with an axe. which neces-
sitated his laying off work for a few
days. Ile is around again as usual.
Clandt b(: ye.
Ernie Williams left Monday on as
shooting expedition to Muskoka,—Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Stinelwrimbee marred to
London hast week where they will re
side in future.—We are passed to hear
that Gen. Seale is recovering fo'itu his
recent illness. --We tine pleased to see
Andy Clark and family mewing into
village.—C. Neil of Brantford spent
Thanksgiving with his mother and sis-
ter here.—Miss Della Harlton has re-
turned to London after spending sev-
eral here.—Mr. Dt'Wolfe of 13elerave
is visiting friends here. --W. Neil and
daughter, Minnie, have moved into
the house recently vacated by Mr. Ai-
kius and f:unily.—I). F. McGregor
called on friends here Monday on his
way to I'alulet•ston.—Pringle Morley
visited his brother, John, in Exeter,
during the past week.—Mrs. F. Brown's
sisters visited her during the Thanks-
giving holidays.—Mr. Kilrnere and
family spent Sunday with Mr. ('how -
en. --Miss hicks of Centralia returned
home Monday, after spending several
days with her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Jones.
--Mrs. Ardell of Gorr ie, Mr. and Mrs,
James Hodgins, Mr. and Nies. A. (.'el -
will and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Htslgins of
Centralia were the guests of Susan
Hodgins on Sunday.
Albert Morlock has started it black-
smith shop in \lt•. Wenzers building,
Mr. Hergott, who formerly worked for
Mr. Wenzel, has been engaged to as-
sist at the trade.—Miss Mot timore,
nurse at Victoria Hospital, i.ondon,
w'ho was in attendance nt the bedside
of the late John Kerr, hats returned to
London.-- Walter Clark hes been a
busy man the past week delivering
trees and shrubs from the Pelhelnt
Nursery, Termite,—A new plate glass
has boon placed in position in Brown's
store, in place of tate one broken last
week. ---Art %wicker was in London
Monday Peening. --W. H. Kerr, who
was celled here owing to death of his
father, the late John Kerr, left Satur-
day evening for his home in Chicago.
Thanksgiving Day passed off quietly.
Some of our boys took to the woods
with guns of modern and ancient make
and after a hard half day's tramp, the
majority of thein carne home empty
handed.-- (garnet Baker of i.ondon
was in the village 'Thanksgiving Day
visiting friends.-- Miss Farrow spent
the Thanksgiving holidays with her
parent sin Goderich,--Tuesday evening
was Hallowe'en. The usual tricks,
such alt removing gates and e•arrying
and instinctiVC'.-- Whilein the woods Dltck ri•lantern«, took pante. Mr. and
on Thank«giving day Silas /1(1,1118 ettC•
seeded in bagging a fine fax, four rale
hits. two owls, and a hawk, besides
other small game.
The murder charge against Mrs.
Reck nor and her daughter at St, a( ford
was dismissed, but the elder woman is
held on a charge of concealment of
birt h.
A 11:171) on St. George's island in
Halifax harbor. in which a lergequan-
tity of explosives are stored, caused
touch excitement in the city. The loss
to the Imperial authorities may
amount to $O,(M10.
St. Marys: The funeral of Mrs. Ellen
Mellalt' took place Wccdnesday morn•
imp( front the tesidence of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. Routley, Queen street, to
the It. 1.'. church. Interment was
made in alt Nat t M
Mrs. John Wilson of 1Vierton, John
Nilson of Corinth and Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Wood of London, were here last
week attending the funeral of the late
John Kerr. —The sale of the personal
effects of the late John Either, which
took place on Saturday afternoon, was
well attended and the goads brought
good Noires --John Trietz moved in•
to our village nn Monday. We wet -
come himself and family to our midst.
--The Literary Society stet on Friday
evening, Oct. 27, when the following
short progrern was rendered: Piano
solo, Mies 011ie Holtzman; [nixed quar-
tette, Misses Beaver and Messrs. hither
and Brown; piano solo, Herb Either.
The programs were arranged and will
he ready for distribution in a few days,
Next meeting will beheld on Nov. 3,
at Mr. Hluett's hnrne.
This. Bennett. a wealthy tourist
from Blackpool England, fell down a
Thousands of Dollars Worth of the
Very Best of Goods Still in Stock.
The Cheapest Spot in the County at Present Time.
Lots of Dry Goods left,
Lots of Groceries yet,
Lots of Hats in stock,
Lots of Clothing bought.
We have Wall Papers galore,
Boots and Shoes on the ground floor,
Rubbers by the boxful,
Caps by the tubful.
Everything must go. Profits are out of the calculation.
We want everything sold by January 1, 1906.
Sample—Nairn's 4 yard wide Linoleum at 81.75
Terms—Produce or Cash,
Poplestone & Gardiner
One door north of Post Office.
Mrs.(Rev.) Baugh has returned from
her visit to Loudon,—Mr. Powell of
the Exeter Branch has taken ► posi-
tron in the Sovereign Bank.—G. F.
1 uughlut spent a few days in Berlin
during the week.—Mrs. wm. Church
of Milwaukie, Wis., is visiting at the
house of her cousin, Geo. Trott.—J,
Shaffer has gone to Parkhill to take
charge of the hotel business, which he
recently purchased.—Miss Bell of To-
ronto spent the holidays at her hone.
here. --The G.T.R.has greatly improv-
ed their cattle pens at this station,
mrtking them much more convenient
for shippers.-- W. J. Miller is construct-
ing two fine bake wagons for business
mien in Calgary, N. W.T. Ile expects
to go out there in a few weeks.— A. T.
Case, railway agent at Dot•fleld, is vis-
iting his parents and other friends in
this neigllbor'hnnd,— Mi'. King has 11. -
turned from his visit in different p:rl•ts
of the county. --R. Wilstel recently
accepted a situation at Newbury.—
Miss Carrie Macau'their, who was ob-
liged to return from Toronto a few
days ago owing to suffering front poi-
son ivy, is getting better. ---J. I). Ste-
wart will tetra!) to town shortly and
occupy his dwelling. ---The Misses lila
so p London
and Annie Richardson c f Lc nd n
were home for the holidays.—George
Joynt is recovering from the effects of
his recent accident. He stepped into
a new open drain and received painful
injuries.—Tbe price of whiskey went
up on Monday, our hotelkeeper charg-
ing ten cents a glass forit.—Miss Belle
Thompson has accepted a position ars
teacher at S.S..No. 14, Hay, for the
encoming year. The trustees ars to
he congratulated on securing such an
efficient teacher.—Henry Taylor's new
dwelling is fast nearing completion.—
At Hold \iPA! thur, of Toronto spent ,t.
few days in town during the week.—
J. F. W. Pitterson will occupy rooms
in Petty's block, until the completion
of his own dwelling. --Rey. 1). Rochaan-
an and Mrs. Buchanan, held a farewell
meeting in Carmel church Friday ev-
ening. They left this week fee New
York and the Argentine, where they
will resume missionary work. Ilen-
8)111 people will trot. have an opportuni-
ppor t uni-
ty of hearing them for at least six
years.--Thoma:+s Dick continues to im-
prove, whirl) will be learned with plea-
sure h) his many friends.—Rey. M. J.
Wilson, 13.A., 11.1)., of Teesewater,
formerly junior pastor here, will
preach Anniversary sermons at Be-
thesda nn Sunda .—The` execiitnrs of SAott in Clinton, nn Oct. 21, Amelia
the estate of the late Mrs. Wal. Doug-
all. sr., have disposed of her dwelling ('ouch, wife of George Sage, aged
to Geo. Ferguson.—John Malcolm, our 4R yens, i) days.
pioneer milkman, has purchased War. RonlNSoe --in Mitchell, on Oct. 27,
Hoggerth's farts at Rodgerville for Wm Rubinson, in his 84th year.
something over $0.000.—iter. Medd (}ATr•:\nY - I11 Mitchell,on 0c1.26, Lucy
delivered his popular lecture "Won- second daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Jou
ing and Wedding" at Boston Metho- (}atenby, aged 15 years.
dist church, Greenway, on Monday j ALLEN— fn St, hferye.on Oct. 26, Ethel
evening last_ Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
St. Marys: E. W. Harding passed ('has. Allen, ,geed 38 years.
Miss Lizzie Foster of Petrolea is vis-
iting her cousin, Miss Lillie Foster.—
Miss Carrie E. 1Vils_iu entertained a
member of the young people Tuesday,
Oct. 24th. Every one reported a good
tiwe.—Alex. Hutson, who spent part
of the ammeter in Manitoba, has re-
turned home.—Mrs. John Shmitt en-
tertained the (members of her class on
Tuesday evening. The class is loud in
their praise toward Mrs. Shulittas an
entertainer as each and every one en-
joyed the evening very much.—Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Wilson spent Tuesday
and Wednesday in London.
IAN -runes —A full house greeted Dr.
Medd on Monday evening at his lec-
ture in the Boston Methodist church,
and during the course of the evening
the audience were amply repaid for
their attendance by the eloquent dis-
course to winch they listened. The
1)r. was perfectly at house with his
subject "Wooing and Wedding.' and
his pleasing; manner, together with his
life like portrayal of human nature and
the excellent advice he imparted, en-
deared hien in t he heat t of his hearers.
The add!esv lasted 1(18)ut two hours
but was so replete with mirth and wit
and the question et issue' was of such
vital impel trance that no one wearied.
This was the Doctor's first appearance
before a Green way audience and he has
made a lasting impression and will he
heartily welcomed nn his next visit.
HAO*(IAW--In Stephen, on Oct. 28, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bagshaw, a son,
('hlttSTIR--iei Stephen, on Oct. :its, to
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie, a son.
Bowes—OLlvt•:n—In St. Marys, on
Oct, 25, by Rev. R. C. Rolpb, Rev.
John 11. Bowen 00 Manitoba, to Miss
.Editb Oliver, of St. Marys.
BEATY M.551N -At t he home of the
bride !nether, on Oct. '2- th, by Rod.
McLean, Geo. Beatty of Ashtabula,
Ohio, to ('Lara. third daughter• of
'hits. Fiances Mason, of Blyth.
PI':sNleuTos- - Planet? ---At 1Vesley
Parsonage, t Oct.•r
1 urs naagt, n ) .mild, by itev,
Manning„Icahn Pennington,to
daughter of Peter Perdue, both of
�- --
away oil Tuesday at the age of (JO I McHAt.t!---rn St. Marys.on Oct. 2-4 Mut.
years, after a year's illness. Ellen Melfale, aged 80 years.
Are you needing a New Range? If
so, call and examine our stock of fine
Ranges and Heaters.
Ranges from $26.00 to $50.00
Double Heaters with oven, $30 to $43
Don't forget that we are in the furnace business and make
a specialty of Hot -Air Heating. Work promptly attended to.
Mr11a1e, who 1)181' neinepttr health cellar gangway nt Pert Elgin and neama
for some. time, died Tuesday, aged 80. broke his tleck,dying almost instantly.
n's Hardware & Stove Store.