Exeter Advocate, 1905-10-26, Page 11OC. in advance will pay fur the Anv11t ATE until January 1,1908. Subscribe now and get the benefit. You can't do better. NINETEENTH YEAR. eter MEMIO ilbot ft. Farm, \`ill:'K`• ,•t 1e 1 piopert)• sold. Iseight or. '• .Banged for you at teasunable commission. Alt O S.t'. (wits & l'hF:E,I1. EXETER, ONTARIO. TIIURSDAY, OCT. 26, 1905. SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's (NewReading Hatter appears in this apace each week.) Like A Plant In The Spring. Tour xa%ings grow, when placed in this Bank. A Lv,A account cultivates and encourages thirfty habits --such ae all iucce..ful people ha' e. $1 opens a "growing" a,'•ount, to •hich 1'ou van add when you like a144 withdraw when you lease u, tiny sized amounts We aid Interest to the prim- _lpal and compound it FUCK times a year, on 31 Jan., 3t, April, 31 July, and 31 October. New accounts are always welcome. We have the test farllatles :or banking at the most reason - *hie rates and terms eonsistemt with consen ative tanking. Ve in, i1e your buslmess. Brunches in Moron County at EXETER, CREDITON, DASII WOOD, IIENSALL. ZURICH, CI.INTON THE SOVEREIGN • BANK OF CANADA Maims* & Stsrbary, Solicitors Joseph Snell, Manager EXETER, 1•a+hwood and Zurich branches. CARLING BROS. Is the right place to buy your "Winter Wants" We have e best of everything required for the cold weather" that oney can buy. We will always be pleased to see you and how you our big range of Dress Goods) Furs, Undc wear and Bedding. Below are 6 specials for next week: HOSE All wool, good heavy hose, ribbed or plain, sizes 44to 8. A big snap -per pair 15c. All wool worsted hose, good quality 25c. The hest worsted on the market. BLANKETS The large Flannelette blankets, white or grey for $1; wool blankets bought before the raise of price in wool. A large, soft, fluffy blanket, pure wool, $3, $4, $5. RAIN COATS We shine in then( on cloudy, wet days. Three-quarter coats, Tight color, $4.75; three quarter coats, dark color, $5.75; long rain coats for $2, $4, $6,$10. FURS Neck Rubs $1 to $15; Sable Ruffs, good ones, $20; Fur Caps, $1 to $7; i.a- died coats, $30 to $47; Men's coats, $20 to $38. A big selection. OVERCOATS Men and boys who want the newest cloth in the latest fashion should not fail to see our Leaders. Boy's Leaders, $4, $5, $6; Men's Leaders $8, $10, $15; Boys' Reefers, $2, $3. SHOES The "Astoria" is leading. We are selling a lot of them. Be as good as your neighbor and have a pair of the best that is going. None too good for you. Popular price $4.00. DRESS COODS Plain Cloth, Plaids and Tweeds are very fashionable this Stock is made up of all the new colors in these Roods. season. Our CARLING BROS. WHEN YOU DROP YOUR EYE GLASSES it's two to one you find on picking then( up• that something is broken. Bring thecal to us and we will match the broken part and repair it for a notnieal stun. WE REPAIR EYE GLASSES so they are as good as when first pur- chased. We snatch any lenses that you hf•e:►k, or supply new ones entire. Our entire optical stock is so well 80- lectcd we can please the whole town, I • W. S. POWEY, PQII1J. Chemist and Optician. EXETER Medica, AF. MALU)Y, M. B. (Tor. I'nle.) MEMBER . College of Physi.ians and Surgeons, Ontario. Fornn•r Meuse Surgeon Toronto Western hospital. Suc, ewor to 1)t. J. A. ilollins. Night ".11 at office. Exeter, Ontario. -- --. — LeeaI. DICESOv k CARLiNO, RARRISTF.R.a. 9n1,Ici• 11 tor., Notaries, ('on%eyancer., commissioners. Bolieiton for Molsons Rant, etc. ritos.T to Leas at towest rate. of interest. Offices, Mato street, Exeter, 1. R. CAauee. R A., I. 11. ntcnaos MONET TO LOAN. _, We have a Iarge amount of pri, ate funds to loan On farm and s illage properties at lea rates of inter. kg. OLAi'MAN h STANnL•RY, Barrister., llolicitors.Main et., Exeter Ont LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Herter of the Tri. itt Memorial Ohur•-h. Teacher Pians, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern method•. Thorou; hoes, Money To Loan. 1 hare private ands to ken mi farm and . Mee properties at lowest rates of interest I:RNI::T 1:I.t.IoT office opposite Central ',Mil, Main at., Exeter Take Notice. Notl.e is hereby derrnentioned date 1 will debt or debts contracted p.err,n's name, ex, ep.t e'l tracte,l by me. e1 Oct. 'th, 1906. gi,en that after the un not be responsible for any in my name or in any other as are personally con Mn. Ann Cornish, Woodham. Ont. Farms for Sale. A first -clans fann in the Township of ('shorn., near ITtn» ille; one hundred acres, good buildings. Well drained, well waterer and modern Inprose- menta. A fine pasture farm in the Ton nship of ilay, near Sarepta; one hundred acres, 115 acres seeded, frame house and good stable, good water, etc., Apply to SANDERS fi (REECH. Exeter. Auction Sales. Farmers and others will do well to get their sale bills printed at the Ancavrs oM e. Remember me give you a free notice in the Anyucan which gees to nearly every home In the district. We arrange dates for O. Brown, auctioneer. TUESDAY, OCT 31.t.—Parte Stock and imple- ments, the property of Thos. Houlden, Lot It, (om• 7, I'eborne. Sale at 1 o'clock. 1I, Brown Auc- tioneer. W,DStuo*T, Nov. 1 --Fart stock mod Implements, the property of Nelson tit. Clair, I.ot 8, (bra. 15, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. E'1; iloew-nbcrry, Auct. -- ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs, J. R. }nksater, of Paris, is here spending Thanksgiving with relatives. Rey. Godwin was in St. Thomas on Monday officiating at the funeral of an old friend. Mr. 1Iarold Bissett hes returned to 1114 (duties front a two weeks visit in Delhi and Norwich. Mrs. W. Cunningham nl ('landehoye and Mrs. 13. Cunningham and child of Khiva, are guests of Mrs. Yager. Messrs. Jos. and John Hawkins at- tended the funeral of their cousin, the late T. P. Smith, at Elora, on Monday. Mrs. J. A. Munroe and Miss Hattie Follick are attending the Convention of the Ontario Sunday School Associa- tion at innldon. Mr. Ed. 'Whack, the last of tltefern- ilyy residing in Exeter North, left on Monday for London where he will re- side with the rest of the family. Mrs. Wood, who has been in town some time in attendance on her aunt. Mrs. Kernick, who has been ill, left for her home in Detroit Tuesday. Mr. R. E. Pickard and fatnily, after a few months' sojourn in the West, re- turned home last week. Mr. Pickard will make the hip again shortly. Mrs. James Ferguson of London is here at present nwinpj to the illness of her mother, Mi a, \\ illi:tnls, who is, we are pleased to state, improving nicely. Dr..T.J. Williams, Medical Superb). tendent of the new hospital at Wood- stock, was visiting at the Trivitt Me. moria) Rectory last week. Ile woe eccotnpanie'd hy Mrs. Williams and daughter. Corbett James Johnson has rented the Sidle can farm and has started plowing on it. ---Miss Marion Laurie has gone on a visit to Crumlin and Delaware, --J. R. McPherson and son, Crawforl, have returned from a seven weeks' trip to Manitoba. They report a pieasent and - --- ---- East on Thursday was fairly well at - profitable trip. ---T a axle of Samuel lireenway 1 Crediton Miss J. M. buster, of London, is the Rev. G. D. U,tnun is attendinst the guest of Miss Carrie E. Wilson. --Mar) Provincial Snt:d,►y School Convention E. \Vilson, who has spent the summer in in this vicinity left Monday to visit' Kett., who this week, -two Evelyyn friends, prior to leaving for her home Keret Ul has been 111.. a two Iowais.e in Boston, Mass. -Mr. and Mrs,J. Fos- last to k icago. returned home ter returned home Wednesday front last werleowing to the serious illnessth Petrolca, whet t. t1e•t• have bccn attentl- and subs. neat death of her father, the late John Kerr. -MS's, Rutz,'noth- ing the funeral of the fot•uler's brother. erof V. Ratz, M.P., still ('uutinuee ill N. Hayter and family have moyed to at her house bear here.- -Mr. and Mrs, the residence, formerly occupied by Matthew Mol lock have returned from Geo. Shank.- Jas. Brophy has return- a visit with their son in Zion City, II1. ed from Bine Point.- Rev. Dr. Medd __-There will be Thanksgiving services of 110118all will deliver his popular lac- in the Evangelical licul church next Sunday lure, "wooing tied Wedding on Mon- day In evening,Nov.6th, in Boston Meth- will give his first series of three ser- odist church. mons on Boiling. The sermon next Clandebo ye. Sunday evening will tie '"The Bible un Miss Della liarltun of London is vis- doctors and medicines." The service itis friends here. -Mrs. B. Cunning-ul the evening will be in the English Language..-August Kuhn shot sever - ham of Khiva spent a few days in the al fine black squirrels last week. He village visiting friend.. ---Miss Bella is a crack shot and seldom plisses his Hodgins Of Landon is here attending mark. He says he will make it inter- the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. esting for any one corning around the Canning. -Mr. Chown is attending the hank after nudnight.-On Monday ev- S. 5. Convention in London this week. ening a horse, owned by a Mr. Gil- -Quite a number from bele attended more of Bt•insley attempted to enter the Silver wedding held at the home Brown's store by walking through the of ,Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hodgins, Lon- large plate glass window. The crash don Township. Friday evening- -Mrs. brought many of our citizens to the W. Cunningham is visiting her (laugh- street and it was indeed fortunate that ter, Mrs. Yager, of E,teter.-Mr•, and the occupants of the buggy, it woman Mrs. J. Melton' entertained a few of and two small children, were not in - their friends Monday evening. -Ar- ted. The window was smashed into rangetuents have (leen Made for the re- hirundreds of pieces and with the dam - opening of St. Jaynes church, Sunday. aged goods in the show window it will Nov. 12th. The Bishop of Huron is he a heavy hill of expense for some expected to Ile present. -On Tuesday one to pay. -Mr. Lindsay, of Colling- evening, Nov. 14th, a fowl supper will wood, was in the village Monday on be served in the basement of the business --We are pleased to see Mrs, church, followed by a choice prograr'i I{ev.) Damm, ltfiss Lydia Finkheiner, -The Methodist church cnngregation Mrs. Chas. Brown, and Royal Brown will hold theirunnual fowl supper on a round again after their recent illness. Tuesday evening, Nov. 7th. -Mise 01- -John Simms is now comfortably set- ive Carter of Granton spent Sunday tled in the house he recently purchased with her cousin. Miss Lizzie Carter. from Adam Finkbeiner.-On Monday — — evening next. Miss Lula Esset•y will McGillivray assist at the concert given in the Ftll- Mrs. Hayes, of the 181,11 con., sutler- larton Methodist cburch.-Mrs. Rohl. r(1 a stroke of paralysis the other day. Sweet is recoverinir from her recent As she is over eighty years of age tt illness. -John Trantz has become a is feared that she will not recover._ citizen of our town. -John Wein has Mrs. Farmer, of the townline, bas re- purchased Philip Hartnlan'sfaun near turned from her visit to Mt. Pleasant. Sarepta and intends moving there in -A little sun 811(1 heir has arrived at the course of a few days, the home of Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Nickle. R. T. D. CLUB. -The "Reduced to --We are sorry to learn of the con- Despair Club" will hold its next meet - tinned low state of health of Mrs. ing 00 \Vednesday evening next at Carr, townline west. We trust her the usual place. Alt ladies reduced recovery may Ite speedy. -John Light- (for reasons too obvious to mention) foot was recently fined $15.63 for al- to this state of mind and who can lowing pigs to run at large in this comply with the necessary qualiflca- township.-Miss McPhee is on an ex- tion are cordially invited to enrol tended visit to Detroit.-- C. V. Cassi- themselves as members, when they dy made a Kood sale recently in Barred will be entitled to the assistance of the Rocks, selling a pullet for $50,11 Cock- organization in attaining their object erel for $25 and a Cock bud for $15, in life. all to one man; also a trio to another OFFiCERS Eexcret. -The fleet sleet roan $30. Who says thoroughbred ing of the Crediton Literary Society chicken do not pay? -Mr. and Mts. was held on the evening of Oct 13th, Jas. Weir, of Battle ('teek, Mich., rue fit the house of Mrs. Bluett. The fol - on an extended visit to friends in this lowing efticet•s were elected: Hon. vicinity. -P. Ryan, 18th con., has re- Presidents, Revs. Datum and Andrews; turned from a two months' trip to the Pres., Mr. ('laude Bluett; Vice Pres., West. -- Oswald Ward, who has been Mrs. W. W. Ket r and Mrs. C. Zwicker; with Mr. Ritchie this summer and in Secy, Miss Beulah Beaver; Assistant our vicinity for the past three years, Sec'y, Mr. Ira Brown; Librarian. Mr. left last week for his home in England Herbert K. Eilber. The Society will where he will spend the winter. He meet every Friday evening. The first intends returning in the spring. -Jno. meeting will he held at Mi -s. Bluett'e Retan, who moved from hereto Kings- home on the evening of Oct. 27 A full ton Minot a year and a half ago, has attendance is requested and an invite - moved with his family to Parkhill, tion is extended to any who may de - where he, with Sanford Hill, will en- sire to join the Society. ter into partnership and purchase and s operate the old brickyard(. We wish DEATH OF JoriN ICBM—The !WW John every success. -On Wednesday. of the death of Mr. John Kerr, which Oct. 1101, a very happy event took was circulated on Monday morning. place at Strathroy, it Feeing the mar- wits received with keen regret by his ring. of Edward Perry to Miss Fier- many friends in the village and emin- ence Retan. The ceremony was per- try it was received also with some formed by the Rey. \I r. Hobbs, of surprise as it was known to conlpara- Stralhroy. The young people have tiyely sew that Mr. Kerr was anything taken up their• residence on the town- like dangerously ill. }le had been in line. We join with Mr. Perry's friends his usually gond health up to two in wishing himself and estimable. bride weeks ago When he was attacked with a long and happy marriage life, en intestinal trouble and developing into hloodyy-flux he succus bed to iia Dashwooddeadly effects on Monday evening Adan) Schrader, accompanied by his aboral 10:30 o'clock. Born near Tubber - aunt of Pittsburg, Pit., is spending a curry, in the County of Sligo, Ireland, few go►ict holidays hely. They have in the year 1f 39, lie came to Canada been In t hulling a large huariing when about 18 years of age and took house at the above place for sever,'l tel' 111s abode 111 Hamilton where he re - years, but a short time ago disposed untitled a shot•[ time and then came to of same' to Felix Wild, formerly sof the town hi ifpr of Stephen. lie fleet this place. -Miss Maud E.idt left last settled On x torsi, but some few scale later engaged in brickrnaking which week to resume her position at Brant- one of the occu atiun he followed tip to the time ford. --Messrs. Andrew Musser and of hie death. The deceased was one of Wm. Rhode, tphave been out Neat (p during the pest summer.r, returned the best-known and elsroost highly respected open in the die. home on Friday night. They report trict. 1 n everything to which he put things booming in the \Vest. -Several his hand he applied the qualities of from here attended the auction sale thoroughness and integrity which of John Pedlar's .Recta on Wednesday were cardinal principles of his charac- of last. his H+townln die• ter. and by his genial disposition and (jexk1ed of hie farm on the townline at straightforward dealings with the pub - We to ,Toho Wein of Crediton. lie he trade a large number of staunch mie welcome ars. Wein to our corn- friends who will Ix' deeply grieved to Menity-Messrs. Sam„ Adam and learn of his demise. Ile was indeed Nenno Willett, of Niagara Fxlle,Caro, one of the sturdy men of the common. Mich, and Kansas ('ity, respectively, ity. Having a deep regard for the and Rev. John Willer!, of TacomSeiand of his birth and wishing to again Wash., were here visiting their per- revive the scenes of his boyhood days ents and Other ftiendShcrring the week. it little over a tear ago deceasedtook \VI1ile herethe former disposed of his a trip to the old country. Spending property in Shipke to J. D. Hannan.- several weeks in the neighborhood of George ('auk is haying :► toundatic'ri his old home many familiar reminis- put under his house. ---Jonas Hattteibis censes were recalled and the many ex• aufTerin from an attack of typhoid c Incident to a trip of this fetor. `� e 11"1"' lila illness tray he 11 light one.--- rhe Postoflice inapec•tor most pleasant one Ile loved to tell wrier ca c ind mode his visit an interesting and Are you needing a New Range? If WAS here and found everything In e veryy satisfactory cnnd Jnhn theepitencles of hitt visit and ninny a Hall of London was in the village IAA pleasant And interesting hen, has pass- so call and examine our stock of fine ed between his frietids and himself OorllotirilliSiisilliSsess IT'S A MONEY SAVER. Have you been to the BIG SALE? Dosoil want to &rive from 15 to 35 per cent? If so, come and see us, and if we cannot save you that much, do not buy. YOU ARE TO BE THE JUDGE. 200 Pieces of Dress Goods a We want to • clear every piece of Dress Goods from our shelves, and to do so we have cut our Dress Goods 25 per cent. Du you want a Dress? Do you want (Clothing? bo yo'i leant Shoes? Do you want Anything? Come 10 us And \ve will cert.linly do you good. Our store is crowded with Bargains, but come early and we will wait on you. Terms—Produce or Cash, Popiestone & Gardiner One door north of Post Office. HIeusall Rev. McLSulith who has been indis- posed is, we are pleased to state, re- covering. -Miss Rose Ynngblut, who went to Buffalo some time ago for the benefit of her health, has returned Much improved. --Mrs. Shirray, sr., is on a visit, to her eon, Win., at Detroit. -Ml's. Elgie and two daughters have gone to London where they intend re- siding. We regret loosing good citi- zens like these, but wish them all hap- piness and prosperity in their new hnnie.-Me►•ven Brown end Wilfred Troyer are filling good positions in To- ronto. \Ve wish the boys every sire - cess. -Charles Stoneman still contin- ues to improve. -%V. J. Miller and Joe Conk are staking preparations to take another business trip to the West, - Thos. Dick, who has been quite 111, is improving. His daughters, Mrs. Thos. Bell, of Winghanl, and Miss Ida Dick, of Durham, sprat it few days here last week. -Rev. Dr. Medd, who has Isen away on a two weeks' visit, (las re- turned and occupied his pulpit on 5un- day.-Mi•s. MeL Smith bas returned from her visit to Lucas. --Miss Agnes Troyer of ilillsgr•een is recovering from her illness, -J, G. Holmes of Truntdalt', Oregon, is visiting at the home of his niece, Mrs. R. H. H. Ron- ey, in Il iblert. - H. A. Dorrance, of McKillop, teacher at S.S. No, 3, llib- bert, has resigned to accept a school near Atwood. Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weidman of Pigeon, Mich„ were renewing old ac- quaintances in our vicinity during the past few days. -Heenan Bender has sold his farm on the Babylon Line, to Zach Disjardine of Stephen for $17(10. The fatal comprises i 5 acres.-Sa►n. Dietz has moved the hake shop flora the rear of (', Eilber's residence to C. Schritg's property. -Masters Melvin Talbot enol Albert Challett of Drysdale who have been ill are in►proving,- Miss Annie Charrette, after spending the summer in Seatortb, has returned to her home in St. Joseph. -Miss Liz- zie Albrecht has gone to Chatham where she intends remaining for some time.-Lollis \Heber is putting it foun- dation under his stable. --Miss Aggie o sl (' et' who spent the 1/rimer At Ka(r h Grand Rend, has 1'etnrnetl horue,-- Rev. L('ibold, of Plattsville, ryas in town last week. -John Reichert, Sr., has returned from his visit to Berlin. --One of the twin children of Mr. and John Steekley, of the Bronson Line, died on Wednesday at the Age of two months. To the bereaved parents we extend our sympathy. --Miss Minnie Doan left last week for Minneapolis, Minn., where has accepted a position in a large dressmaking establishment. Shewill 1e much missed here by the youngpeople.-C. Brown, late black- smith at Blake, has gone to Toronto. - The remexlelling of the Bank office is nearly cnmpleted and a great im• pmvetnent has been effected. Mt. Carmel. After a few weeks' visit in Mount Pleasant, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. David O'Brien, have returned horne.-Mr, and Miss Foster, of Bay City, Mich., are visiting at the home of their broth- er, Rev. Father Footer. -John Roland has been making considerable repairs to his house. -The old school house has been moved onto the church property. We believe it is the intention to build an addition twenty feet to it and fix it, up tor an entertainment hall. --The new school has been completed and presents a very nice appearance. Neil McPhee had the contract. New black- board have been installed in the school room. -- - Goshen Line Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Iwmis Kraft returned home Saturday ' Ger a pleasant visit with friends in Berlin, -Mrs. Clark bas left nor line and will spend the winter with Mrs. Winer. -At one of our re- cent threshings n serious debate arose bet ween two women and one of our prominent debaters. Ae the debate proceeded John became very angry and although his voice plight he heard far above those of the worsen yet hie persuasive qualities were very weak and after fifteen minutes heated dis- cussion he was declared beaten by s safe margin. -Mrs. John Wilson, of Maguire spent a few days of this week with Mrs. T. Yearly. Mr. Samuel Hicks of Eden sold his apples on the tree to Mr. J. 0. Jones, of Winchelsea, recently, receiving therefor seventy-five dollars. BIRTHS Cermet' - In Exeter, on Oct. Lard, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Creech, a daughter. Jo\Kee-In Exeter North, on Oct, 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Emery G. Jones a son. - MARRIAOE5 . HARToN--- Woolf --At the James Street parsonage, on Oet. 25th, by Rev. A. II. Going, B.A., Mr. Thos. Barton, to Miss Eliza Wool, t$)th of Exeter. 'herrn-Fri.Toe--At the Rectory, Orillia, on Oct. 17. by Rev. R. E Green, Mr. Joseph J. Rooth, of Mid- land, to Miss Emma Fulton, former- ly of Exeter. DEATHS KKittt- in ('ted1(00, on ()et. 'll, John Kerr, aged flfl years. EIZKisNAN---in Mitchell, on Oct. 15, Eliza Dora, beloved wife of William F izerman, aged 42 yenta, 9 months, 29 days. RUSSEr.t. - - in 'Rnsscldale, on Oct. 14 , Agnes Wiley, beloved wife of Wm. Russell, in her 47th year. COOPEIt-- In 5t. Mary—teem Oct. 18, Jane Y. Pringle, wife of Thos. 11. Cooper, aged 25 years, 5 months, 11 days. T CEIVED A 11111 T OFTHE BSAMSON BRAND AD week.--ll.nuis Preeter is nursing a sore hand these days. We hope it may scum be hotter'. --- Ada rn Willert and his uncle left for their home in Michigan Monday, - Rev, John Willett. of Ta• coma, Nash., preached in the Evan- gelical church on Sunday evening to n large congregation. His dimrnurse was indeed sett' instructive.-- Rev. W. S. Ysge'r of Zurich midi egged the Y.P. A. heti. Mcnday night.-- Next Sundry the Evangelical Sunday School will be held at 2:30 o'clock. -Milton Edighoffer has returned to Blake. --:dr. Ruby, who has been working fur Wm. Pum- phrey, et Parkhill, was obliged to re - 11n home, owing ta blood poison in hie hand. Bull for Sale. lend('O, considering the very inclem• ant weather. }everything sold well. sage. ---- aim Burford of Alvinston was burned to death while lighting the fire with coal oil, The ,indersigned is offering a thorough bred registered shorthorn RnII. ae 4 n months, —olnr dirk m(. He is a splenAM tyre of a hull and • ill he .•!d reas..nahle. Apply to the un'lenigned, 11 n, les north town line, eon ". 11x) HENRY BILLING, i?.T P. 0. it is believed that local option will be voted on in well on to a hundred mluniciir.litiee at the municipal Hee- tion in January. mince his return. By his friends as well as by his widow, four sons -W. IL, of Chicago; Wesley, Charles and Fred. and one daughter. Miss Evelyn, by whom he is survived, his lose is deeply mourned. His remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday and the funeral wits At- tended by a large concourse of people, many of whom reconnted pleasant reminiscences of social intercourse with their deceased friend. Deceased watt re member of Court Crediton No. 14, L 0. F., ander whose auspices the funeral was conducted. Tunnel Commenced. The Michigan Central Itailwey Com- pany hies commenced to construct the tunnel under the Detroit River. The Chief Engineer says it will becomplet- ed in 30 months. Ranges and Heaters. Ranges from $26.00 to $50.00 Double Heaters with oven, $30 to $43 FIJ RNACES Don't forget that we are in the furnace business and make a specialty of Hot.Air Heating. Work promptly attended to. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.