HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-19, Page 3o♦-_s+o +0+0 +0+0.0+0+0+0+ IffTER IHREE VERS R hardly knew, fast somehow what fel- . thing About a Kangaroo lowed seemed so natural curd easy. Drive. dIEL or hared. They to him. were full of mearting,NUNTING IN AUSTRALIA managed to gather up three red au I T1IE KING AT MARIENBAD two gnat kangaroos us the result In a few moments he had learned! of my broadside. I had just finished _ (ho truth. She was free. She had' STRANGE BIRDS AND ANIMALS drugging Iry game into a heap andWHEN HIS MAJESTY HAS TO waited for him, had bungerod tort THAT ARE SEEN. was congratulating my -.elf on my) 013EY ORDERS. his love. good fortune, when my com•)aniun, '!'hen the cloud seemedto lift teem Whitebacke:i Pining Crow --Some- put in an appearance. accompanied Where King Edward Goes Every his mind. Quito how it happened heby three notices. carrying one red and two great kangaroos, which made his bag. in a short time a 0- t•oo0o♦OO•io�� oo♦ Ile told her all, and there was lust a But a short flow after my urri+'nl Humber of ot her eat Iv, s joined us, 4a(�i.� Time was whin Homburg looked moment's tie kward pause. 'Then. who shouldered 111y portion of the 1 in Molbuurnc, Australia, 1 fort melte- forward cunlic:rntly every year to ack to our After three years' absence Walter somehow, they accused to understand, ; 1•v meth, the acyuaiutance uta party c�trulg, much ms and laluasisle rt��ith ted itle result •,f basking under his Roe al juror. anti k l our spurt. 1 Year to Enjoy His Annual Cure. Beckett went to spend a few yours and Zips met lips as his army metre tvhu owned a sheep run at the tout at Itondbridge. Ile had arranged by eel her lovely term. of the Australian Alps, says a writer post to stay at his old lodgings. "And to think," she said, "that in Forest told stream. tin 80011 as which were still kept by stelate old toy sister's happy marriage should be diteovered any love for node Mrs. Twine. have made tau come out here to he gave Inc it cordial toy itation to He hardly knew why he had re- dream about you. Walter, why did accompany him on his return homes turned. Ilut there. after ono has you darn to think of writing 1110 and enjoy a kangaroo hunt, which scent four Or five years in a place. then? You could have told rue that he would get up for my delectutiun. however so ' the circumstance that is evening three years ago. 1 knew It l Promptly accepted his kind uil'e , associated with one's leaving it. all as we sat herr. and 1 did so want and impatiently waited until he had there is sure to come a time when you to speak."-l'earsoi's Weekly. finished the details of selling his one wants to see it once more. ♦ crop of wool and purchased supplies "1 wonder if Eisie Thompson Is married yet." he muttered to himself as he stepped out of the train. •'I hope 1 shu'n't meet her." Condition of Scotch Crofters on And then it all carne back to hint. the Island of Lewis. Ila remembered how he had written It is doubtful if there are any and offered his heart and his hand savages within the borders of that to her. Ile ientemtbercd the end of vast empire on which the sun never the letter: "If Nutt will not accept my sets who live aurid greater squalor offer, don't tell roe, don't write ate, as I could not bear to hear this from you. I will understand your silence and go away." Ile had waited a week for a reply, and no letter had come, and then he had packed up his things and left Bondbridgo for three years. Mrs. '!'wine greeted hien warmly, and assure(' hint of how delighted she was t0 see him back. "And it ren,inds me," she said in the conclusion of ono of her bursts cf eloquence, "that you left some Most of the hovels -they could things behind which I meant to have hardly be termed houses -occupied it's inclusure, where he sprinkle•I see- " things on. But what with one thing by the crofters aro constructed of ; c ul handfuls of groin. The crow ing mediately fluttered off to the fence .and Another 1 clean forgot them." loose piles of stone and earth and and begirt to call for the member.; "Things! What things?" thatched with straw. Few of them "Oh, your old pair of boots, sir, a have any windows and u hole in the tennis bat, and a coat." centre of the roof serves the purpose Walter laughed. "Pretty ancient lot, I fancy." "Yes, sir! Put there were some papers in the pocket of tho coat - mind. I only discovered that yester- and n byre for the live stock on the shoulder, and arcompunicd hien back "shop" is permitted in conversation. At six o'clock His Majesty is up, •day. But 111 brio. it." other. They are separated by board to the house. Sir Edward Eiger i3 an ardent got- and by seven he is on his way to She brought the coat, and the partitions. In cold weather a peat THE SHEEP RUN ter, a great smoker and works only his favorite Kurzbrunnen to drink papers were turned out. '!'here was fire is kept burning in the centre of In the morning. his morning glass of water; and he a dinner menu, a receipt for 7s. 6d., the clay floor of the living -room, ia11 was located at the foot of the Aus- The Duke of Atholl is one of the has even been known to carry with UalAlps, along th, sluec•s of and insurance circular, and n letter. and frequently sheep and other greatest of Scottish peers, holds him his glass and tube to drink the A letter! He looked at it. and the wltk•h it wits my host's intention to nineteen titles, and + quadrupeds share its comtortiag, possesses the water through, as simply ars any introduce ate into the proces of color left his cheeks. It was his let- warmth with the two -legged oceu- kaugrtroo hunting. Itis first mote Privilege of presenting a cast of fat- French notary or German shopkeep- * • ter to Elsie. Ile tore aopen to pants. local was to dispatch several u( the ( ('118 to his Sovereign at the Coro- er. Frequently he strolls alone; -but make sure, and he knew the terrible "After one's ryes aro accustomed natives in his employ to hunt. up a r"ti t•on. R'hen the reigning mon- usually with a friend, such as Lord truth. He had been accusing her all to the dark and the smoke," says tech • visits Blair Atholl ancient Lonsdale or Lord Alington, chatting these years of having played with the report. describing a typical gaily and responding with a bright him, of being the heartless flirt. and dwelling in the township 0f hack, Atholl on bended knee should pre- smile to salutations on the way. -and she had never even received his F' 1 take several days h0 proposed Chit scent n share rose to hes Huval test 'Then follows a Spartan breakfast, "one sees n large accunnulat io;n of i should go tt lilt Fun un ono of his P( P proposal. manure about three feet to four fever customarvlslts to one 1f his shop The present i)uk iv pr u 1 f r} generally consisting of a couple of "What's the matter, Mr. Beckett?labove the letcl of the living -room. hues on an outlying Po81t1on of chnettncn of tan thin boiled eggs, a little dry toast, and Are you ill?" inquired the landlady. On this heap aro standing one or a cup of coffee, for luxuries are "No, no Mrs. Twine," ho replied, 1 two cows and occasionally a horse out stores to Iasi s e e0 strictly tabooed at Marienbad; even "I'm all right, thanks." Then change •and 502110 sheep. Sornetlines these t butter, cheese, and fruit are frowned ing the subject with an effort: "How animals are_tip to their I:nees in the upon, while such delicacies as sal - are they all here? What's the latest r143,innre. Irregular holes in the ( h h II mon or duck are luuk(xl upon with news?" thatch provide entrance 1111(1 exit for horror. After breakfast the usual "News, Illr. Beckett. There's little the fowls which nest in baskets hung thing is to bathe in tho waters; or, news about. Oh! yes, I forgot. Wo failing this, to drink another glass had A fine wedding here to -day. Miss of the water, followed by a quiet Thompson was married this morn - stroll, a read, or a bask in the sun. ing." Luncheon, which is always a charming areal, is generally' eaten out of doors at ono of the many restaurants, such as the 11'aldntuhle Cafe or the Panorama, with which the beautiful woods are studded. The afternoon is always a pleasant time at. Marienbad, wish its lovely drives, motor -trips, tennis croquet, and so on. At Ove o'clock ANOTHER PILGRIMAGE is made to the Kurzbrunnen and an- other glass of water drunk, and this is usually followed by a stroll along the popular Promenade 11'eg. lined with its quaint little shops full of embroideries and jewellery. Styrian hats. Bohemian glass and flowers, which the visitors purchase in large quantities to take home with there. The King spends many happy hours ed for a foray early un the following' lowering the tone of his voice, 1 exploring; these shops and making morning. !entertain the bores." literal purchases. which he sends Sir Herbert ('I:ernnslde has had .6mile in boxfuls as pres'•nts for his DRIVING 'rte. (:AME.a grand children and other relatives. some queer experiences. One of We were finny' b. ;Mils, going! ('1r- these occurred when he was a Consul The dinner which ((Mewl the stroll ectly up the ascending land for aboutis an enjoyable but eminently frugal W couple of miles. when w'o tu►'ufel in Asia Minor. Sir llerbcrt scut n lutt'al. consisting of a little fish, a pretty Angora at home to a lady Sharply l0 the right, and aft •r ' ro- I enuilt port jun of chicken or lamb, a •as a present. At once all his other : cecsding some little (listarcu scut ud salad and the inevitable compute of builds His House in In fa. ourselves in tate Iergrowth urd lady friends wrote demanding' An- ;salad fruit; 1111(1 attar dinner a Anent the Kitchener-('urzon con- feverishly awaited the appearance of sola carts. Sir Herbert sort to work cigar and a stroll, a ,am•' of 1,11 110ve•s'. Lord Kitchen •r's re ►utas_ the •unu•, which would be drticn in to buy up all rho Angora cats hof K y 1 )+ { Bards or n concert, briny; a healthy Hon as a recluse has been consider- our direction by the natives. who eo'dd land. Ile supplied his kavnSs vjth menet• and sent hit r t th and happy day to an end. Most visi- WORSE THAN SAVAGES. fur his run, to last for the ensuing _ twelve months. In a few days w•' started with the wagons, filled with provender, etc., and passed in the vicinity of the famous Fern 'free (fully. 11'o camped over night but a short distance from this noted locality, and my host and self cantered through and filth than many of the wretched the whole of it. 1 had seen and ad - Scotch crofters on the island of mired a number of these trees in the Lewis its the Western Hebrides. Ac- ; Public squares of Melbourne, but the cording to an official report on the conglomeration of them at this far - condition of their townships just made to the Scottish local govern- ment hoard these unfortueate Brit- ish citizens are in a far worse plight than the poorest of the Irish peas- antry. '!'heir sturdy Viking ances- tors, who subsisted by pillage and plunder, fared far better. famed locality fairly astounded the About noun on the following day W. passe(! a small wayside tavern. where I had my first interview with the white -backed piping crow. The land- lord had a pet one, which flew about the premises, and when its masse called it, it perched on his shoulder, while he walked out into an adjoin - of the species which dwelt . in the neighborhood. 11t a very short time quite a large flock had assemble!, of a chimney. The floors are of ; which quickly devoured the grain, clay. 'There are usually three apart- ,vhile the pet. showed his gratification nx•nts-a living -room in the centre I y sundry highly pitched notes. re - with a sleeping -room on one side sinned his perch on his toaster s PERSONAL POINTERS. Interesting Gossip About Some Prominent People. hundreds flocked there overy :\ugust to take the waters in such genial and exalted company; but Since the King bus come to his throne Ire has exchanged the crush and fashion of Homburg for the rest and retire- ment etire stent of the bright little town Slowest ui pluywrite•s is Henrik among the forests that [riugv the Ibsen. '!'hough he devotes live hours a day to literary work, he takes about five months to write a (Iramu, mot trying to produce more than one a your. He re -writes each play on an at erage three times. Lord Roberts attributes his un - varied good health to the habit of early rigging. Every morning. slimmer and winter, he is up punc- tually at ten minutes to six. How- ever late he may retire he always gets up at shut. hour. The veteran soldier does not smoke, and touches wine but seldom. President Iloosevelt's daughter has surely inherited some of her father's vigor. During tho past fifteen months she has been present at 403 dinners. 350 halls, and 300 smell glances. Iler live o'clock teas num- ber 680, and she has paid 1,700 calls. She has been six times a bridesmaid, and shaken hands :13,- 000 tmes. Sirt i•:dtral•d Lagar, the distin.;u- pursuit of health to enable him to ishod composer, was at ora (ace the stress and strain of cen- time. like the immortal Wagner, glad to earn a few shillings by put- ting together quadrilles front operas and popular airs. lie is a member of an interesting little Nest -end club and begins to carry out his doctor's composed almost entirely of tnusici- orders with a zest and obedience ars, and called the "You -Be -Quiet" which marry of his subjects might Club. Its title means that 110 imitate with advantage. Austrian frontier, says London Tit - Bits. And, quite apart from its healing waters, Marienbad is on ideal re- sort for those who love a simple and natural holiday amid beautiful scen- ery. I'icturc-•luely placed in a set- ting of cool woods of oak and pine, beech and chestnut, atilt glorious drives and walks, lovely glades for picnics, and all the rich, varied col- or which Nature assumes in her brightest snood, there are few more attractive spots in Europe than Marienbad; and it Is little wonder that every year it draws at least 17.000 visitors and sends them re- luctantly away, taking with them a store of health and of happy memor- ies. Most of these thousands go there without any idea beyond having a pleasant time, but King Edward is not of the number. To him this anrual trip has a serious object -the other year of kingly duties; and from the moment he sets foot in Marienbad he puts himself UNDER MEDICAL ADVICE posse of their fellow -countrymen to usage decrees that the hake of serve as beaters, and cls this would ti - o prouder o the • 1run. Wo043- hisc companied the wagon, which took of any other social advantage. The for several weeks. Duke is the doyen Knight of the On our arrival I was surprised to Thistle. find that the shepherd's sole cornpan- Lord Weinyss is the grand old ratan ions were the collies which assisted e' the twenties century. a was hint in the care of the flock. Itis present at the first Volunteer review abode consisted of a small shanty. in Edinburgh in 1800. Although be which could be lifted into a wager was burn in 1818, be still remains and moved as the occasion required. sound in wind and limb, and is as The intelligence of the cul:i0; was fond of sport as ever. Ile is, more- {I'alter Beckett grasped the tattle er in a most unsightly enol tin amazing. They seemed to know los! ever, a clever sculptor, is the author fury stair." what was expected of them and at-' „f ninny books. and 1s able to drive for support. tended to tho care of the (locks with his own motor. He is a fervid ora- ]Tiss Thompson!" ho said-' not to other townships the conditions of Itaycourt Hall?" were still worse. In Arnot the vis- all the skill and judgement of a hu- fur, and once it happened that in "Yes. sir. And they elo say she icing; officials saw the wage-earner of man being. Finding everything in ttu, height of his eloquence he made a lovely bride. She married one household lying in bed in the good order t+e made but n short brought his fist down upon the hat Major I'arstield, the same that living -room in an advanced stage of stay with the shepherd, 811(1 hurried of the gentleman sitting near him, bought 1•'iu len Lodge Last-" phthisis and expectorating on the back to Iten(Iquatrters, anxious to who happened to be the King. floor. Around him were his wife commence our foray on the knn;!ar-. 01)0 clay 0 very pious clerical friend]tut Walter didn't hear For. '!'ho oos good old soul rambled on with her and lrhil(:rnn. There were no pnrti_ who had consumed an hour of his information, but it. fell on unlisten- tines in. this dwelling and the let- In the morning; niter our return valuable lithe In small talk, said to ing ears. man and animal occupants all herd- the nntitr Contingent began to ar- ,1;I Innis l(nrprr. the famous publisher: rive, end be r i thtfall the entire , , it was already evening, but h0 had ed together in one large room. in Lrother Harper, 1 am curious to posse. numbering about f.fty, put in • !,now how you four men distribute dined on the train, so declined Mrs. all there were in it nine people, 1111 nppcaran(•e. Consequently early Twine's suggestion of a uncal. Ile three cows stranding; in from fourin the forenoon of the following (!ay tl:e duties of the establishment put en his hat and went out. to five fret o! manure, n sheep and we started to climb the slopes of the ant.mg Y°11'.. '.John." said Mr. Oh, how wretched he felt! Perhaps a number of fowls. 1lariler, good-hunloredly, "attends unountains, and by noon arrived in after all alto w0n10 have had him. At iiragar it was found thrtt tho vicinity of oto gnome. as war to the finances; Wesley to the cor- 11014' miserable those three years had "nearly evens house was uninhabit- scouts, who kept n small distnr,t4' 1111respondence; Fletcher to the general been. But it was too late for re able and a disgrnee to our eiviliza- advance. hurried back. and reported, bargaining with authors and others; grits noir-she was married. tion." All over the island the wa- to us. A temporary camp was terns -'and, (Inn's 'you tell anybody," he '!'hen one by ono ho went over all ter supply is In a bad state owing ocd and all the preparations complet_Isuid, drawing his chair closer and the incidents of that eventful Creek to the utter neglect of anything like which had preceded his proposal. drainago and enteric fever is rife. lie remembered how he tried to screw his courage up again end -.....e.- again, but every time had foiled, and there came that last evening, n KITCHENER AS ARCHITECT. time never to bo forgotten, when he -. bad almost spoken. Famous General Practical) Re - against the walls. Outside the houses the ground is sodden with water and drainage. and is altog olh- '!'hero was n walk they often took, an nr(UStO►me(1 Sent where they oc- casionally sat awhile. They sat there on that evening, he renlenthor- ed. Ile had lonktel into her eyes and read, as loo thought, her very Soul. His hopes had been at the highest then, but somehow his courage had ebbed Meaty. Whatever happened, ho tould never bear to hear a refusal from her lips. it was this feeling that had made biul go back nttd write the letter ►}t ably modified since his arrival in India. In the midst of his gnat rcorga r - 'eat jun scheme of the army. he has found time to superintend the prne- 1• • were slowly all1'ancing in a semi t n or esu a for fee in bel 11y ten, and fest al - circular cordon, thus forcing the roving commission after cats. One'Itr 11 re n to strike before they aro ant Is into our Immediate neigh- !opening there was a terrible cont- 1s,,t weft, th' sheets. hood. My host and tuysetf were 1•,- olnt1on outside the (.'e,nsniate, "r- Thus the simple days ily away al: cared 801114' distance apart, and 11t•s semiotic(' Iry a regiment of rxcit+•(1 ton (ui0he and in flare+• tve4, the Heal rebuilding Of "Snowdon," his scheme was to cumt.t1 a greater pe r- women. They had come to dru+,tlal Mile "like a runt refreshed." turns Official residence, tion of the genie 10 !'ass thro.igh the return of their lost Angora pets! his hock on Marienbad and its pews. - the space between us. The kavnss had pocketed Sir 11.•r- , OrigineLy bought from General fu, haunts for ante her Iwetve Peter Innes 11v l.0rg! Roberts ,, 1 had impatiently awaited its alp-'herr 5 uu►n'y and stolen all the cuts months. '1'11 11;.• geed people of ',cerium, for some time when any u.t- in the neighborhood. at he thmrgtht he had sent. facet n correspondent of the J1. A. teftinn was caught by a flash of A petty story about the young 111arienbr.�1 Ilial i'(1 tied prefers 10 Alae! all this %as three. years ago! T'." points eat. that the house was be the "Pile, e,1 Lancaster," and brownish color but a shoot di81•rn':a 1'urhess of Marlborough, who was Somehow he took the old walk. Ile acquirer) 1>.y the Government for the Wryer, surely. (1st R:',g or I'uk'• rule to my right, and i wits talien 1 y Miss Voted; rbilt before her mania re, Vol gond that way 1t Ith lelsio tunny residanee 01 (.011011nfriereferltief.surprise b • the appearance :enrance of n was told at a recent dinner -party. so completely by , ;ght of genial • 0n- `imes, and he naturally took it on linweler. Lord Kitchener has en- i y ii P:fir, 1 u fleet altered the huildin • � of lyre birds busily engaged in nrr;►p- ••Iilenhcim 1'alnca, the hake of Marl- tritest rifer li•h`etS•heurts of another Chia first evening of his return. He Y g• adding n Ing quite a depression in the ground borough's country sent," snid the monarch's Su U' Rould sit in rho old sent where once large. (lining room with carved walls slmilnr t0 those formed by our coup norrulor, 'fronts the beautiful old 'se sat with her and nearly told his nrd cedling;s, and a large main hall eaten barnyard fowls. Uy attention t•ilinge of Woodstock. Th.. people 1.A'I'Fe'I' IN S.l'AMI'S. eve. and staircase. ' wits so completely fixed by the nc- of Woodstock are humble and mull- The Italian fi01eminent is iss'iln' tblt the sent was occupied. Ile `'Phis hall has barn ornamented I)y tions of the birds that t became oh- est. 'Their regard for 'our Duchess,' what might be described as n► Ltary tort rix80ae. ltr tras(1l'.tnrturi nnd she re -t ofwar.1113(1 h cinch African trophies li iuun to my original porpoise. whom • as they call the mistress 0f !ilanh••im picture stamps. i•:n(11 1egimort of e greatly admired 1 was startled by a continuous is a touching thing. One aft'•r' .+•.n the Italian fumy is g';,',I(3 d with n togntsed him. by the many guests who now visit , thumping approaching in my dire.:- t She rose from the seat, and with a "Snowdon." f(ion, which caused a responsive ate the livesiscalled on nit old tc",.43:, 1 sl..., :,l 8ta))(1 for t.,• : of the s.dd- grnng;e look in her face put out. her tion. under my ribs and fri,hteneet who lives in n quaint ";,,, .. 1 l•el.m;int t:, is le designs •,re. land to greet him. the birds, so that they intmedinieee far trent the Oliver Cromwell huh•: .•i :,tl .'i .•i.•:d and of the 4 Thr old t^"r:e8n salt markt tory wee_ ie. ' 1 1 ' n 'Thus, un on "Wafter." She ':.•1.1. a di.,appeurerl. Instantly. becoming "l IS:e," he nr43swered in a ('u•zlell A (rawatchful, 1 did out have long to wait (ie18 n1 fest by the honor of this+ ui'I•e,Irs the r.::1110 of a colonel of the le' 11' 1'I 1• .\::i•Iti,• I he:ore , Sped a sin ii ,r )113 a Aare.-; call. but the dimple. kindly manner regiment; un nnother a design of lin!. Inking the hand she ol:eroel. "/ 'of her visitor seen put her of her !ides supporting the lb.yal arms. th"utCht yell were married to -day?" Seely I...!i• ;• , •1 --••1 would likes to g;urnuS, which were evidently the n(1 I 'l "e milli+pry district. of Ivrea has n "No! nu! i--" she stopped. get main : s::it. ' vnnce guard of the throng, hounding en':e. She :Wade some ten, and nf- in full sight, but too furnwa, ter u little while she wens talk:. •• ''_43n•p (411 which is a 1ir•w "i 1Iv 'There w n m something in her man- Yash'. •43 .1. „ • ' ,r (suspiciously)-- alongB 1.,a of Ivrea: un that "f Milan 1.4 ser that he could net tinders( awl. "A1 ahu,t %%li:41 ''rice. sir'!" tt) with her usual volubility. 11, 1luchess, wI•en she rose to go, said:- mine-"0tation of n military eo';n- Phen he made n discovery. iter Seedy Individusl-'"That makes no INSi I1F. A SURE SHOT'. , :'; on that of rho Twenty-xecun(1 (s were wet with tenrs. difference.'' I 1 hope 111141 now you will no lunr.•r 4t'' lunar of Cavalry are the seals of "Ilia this marriage," he persisted Fashionable 'Tailor tan before)- In spite of my anxiety to begin 1lho afraid et roe, and 1 shall exp • 3;:tnnea trlth the• rc� rtnentnl rnotte. fusiledo I concluded to wait for an you to pay ale n visit seen.' 'j ! .• awkwardly. "1 thought ' 11'o generally require a deposit from i (':. the regimental stump of the Sixth It was my sister who was mar- unknown parties." opportunity which would insure alold trmnnn math- a curtsy. ''l,. i•,•rtnfdie•ri ace the r:.'tes: of the regl- yied. t)on't you remember Alice? Seely individual (calmly) -"I do successful termination. 1 did notlyour (:race,' she snid, 'it's net }•.,+1. p,.,p,tnl Fogle -Call ane! motto. She was homepart of the time have to remain quint but a very self 1'11 frigfhlen.sl nt; it's +it tit you hot wish t eu to make the suit. it i --a- but here. Shot was very young then, has been ,au long since I enjoyed this `hent time before my locality b+'c mn grand servants.' " eat she's nearly twenty now." ex eriteee that I simplywish to tnirlp alive with fleeing marsnpinls. I gat Fertunntrly for me, my boat got 10 i 'l'iti:\T1it: FOR '!'IIF. INSANE. the first shot, which eanstal the! throng of thoroughly frightened nal- li "Yea, 1 was sorry to see •'nc': mals to swerve in my direction, giv-!(loodlc;v married to Miss 11051e.." ing me an excellent opportunity )•1) ••Sorry! For his Sake er hers?' "Eur single out n mare shot about every f mine. i wanted her." time T p Ilea the trigger. fly nlnkine a flrtn stand agninst ' "Po I lent. well in n f oft hat, what T thought tens pra(•nrinns shots'denr?" "Why, you goose, there's 1 peeve the trigger six tineet while' net hint' on e)rth tlm! nettchcs your the game were flying past me, and head like a soft hat:" "Your sister Alice!" measurt'l. Ile stared nt her in emnrement. So 11 was Alice eho had married the Itosjor-Alice, to whom ho had never given a thought, whose very axis- MERELY tenco had been forgotten. "1 didn't know you were its the Ile stnnlnrared out Something;, he choir. %1 hat's your position there?" bardty knew what. Elsie answered "Neutral." blm. Whether lee r words made geed "Here do you mean?" fllinse or no, neither he nor she know :'i, don't side with either faction," A SPECTATOR. LEADING MARKETS BIt1:AI)STL'l"I"S. Toronto, Oct. 17. -Manitoba wheat is considerably strungvr ecu geed ex- port demand, No. 1 northern bring especially stronger. Offerings of On- tario outs are light and prices firm- er. 11h•ot-(►ntnrio-71e to 75c for No 2 red, with No. 2 white is high- er. at untside points; geese and spring. 67c to (18c. Wheat -Manitoba -Lake port quo - tenons are lilu►er. 87ic for No. l hard, 83ic for No. 1 northern and 82c for No. 2 northern. Flour -Ontario --90 per cent. pat- ents for export sell at $:i, buyers' bags, at outside points; blends in car lots ter domestic 11843 sell at $3 - 40 outside. Manitoba -$4.90 to $5 for first patents, 31.50 to $1.60 for second patents and *4.40 to 34.50 for linkers'. Millhtsl - Ontario bran, 312 to *19.50 per ton for car lots, outside; shorts, $16 to $17.50. Manitoba bran, $16 to $17; shorts, $17.50 to 318.50. at 'Toronto and equal points. Oats -No. 2, 32c wtst, 32Ic east. Barley -No. 2, 47c; No. 3 extra. 4•';43, tied No. 3, 42e, outside. 1(ye•-Firmer at 60c to 62e out- side. Peas -First at '70c outside. Corn -American is nominal. Buckwheat -50c bid for new crop outside. Ro11(11 Oats -Unchanges) at 34,75 for barrels on track here and $4.50 in bags; 25c more for brok'en Iota here and 40c outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -Receipts of all lines other than choice aro large. Creamery, prints .. 22c to 23c do solids 21c to 21,1c Dairy lb. roux, good to choice 19c to 20c do medium 17c to 18e (lo tubs, good to choice 17c to 18c do inferior ... l5c to ltic Cheese -Cut -hanged at 12c to 13ic per pound. leggs-'('he market is quoted at 18c to 19c, but some dealers aro holding out for 20c. Receipts urn not as heavy as they have been rec- ently. 1'oeltr•y-1•'at hens, 6c to 7c; thin, 5e to 6c; chickens, 7c 10 8c; thin. 643 to 7c; ducks. 7c to 8c; turkeys, 13c, all live weight. Potatoes -Prices are unchanged at 60c to 65c per bag on track and 80e to 85c out of store. Baled 1Iay-The demand for No. 1 timothy is fairly good at $8 per ton for car lots on track here. No. 2 is dull at 36. Baled Straw -Quiet at $0 per ton for car lots on track here. MONTREAL \MARKETS. 31011treal. Oct. 17. -Flour -Trade is quiet in most lint's. A sale is re- ported at 35r for No. 2 white afloat, and No. 3 is quoted at 35e ex store. Peas are firmer also, and 77ic afloat was paid for grain for export. Boilers range from 90c to 81.05 per bushel. The hay market is fairly active. ltillfeed is quiet and pricer are unchanged. Eggs-Solects are selling for 92o for No. 1, candled 18c, and ++trai):hts at 19c to 19ic. Offerings of live hogs were fairly large Comnm(m stock went for 36.50, but the market was fairly steady around $6.75. There is no change in dressed hogs, and packers quote 31).25 to $9.50 per hundred pounds. ilauns and bacon are in good demand at steady prices, and lard is selling well at the commence- ment of cool weather. BUFFALO MARKETS. Buffalo. N. Y., Oct. 17 -Flour - Steadv. 11'heat-Spring, nothing (Ic- ing; Whiter, firer; No. 2 rel, 851c. Corn -Strong: No. 2 yellow, 621e; No. 2 white. 61 lc. Oats -Stronger; No. 2 white, 831c; Ne. 2 mixed. :111 to :11.1(•. Rye-Qtuie(: No. 1, Ile. ('anal freights -Firm. NEW YORK 11'111!A'f MAItICEV Now York, Oct. 17. -Wheat --Spot. hinter; No, 2 red, 911;e elevator and 91,c f.o.b. afloat: No. 1 northern it:llvth, 93 le f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitohn, t►S/c f. 0. h. afloat :'Al'1'1.1: MitI1li�'I'. Termitic. Oct 17.-'I'itere was quite n big i4•ntsn'I for gond feeders nt the City Cattle Market to -day. There were pleat} "1 buyers pros -oat and more good tattle were wanted than Were !t► sight Extort cattle. choice $1.10 $4.50 do medium ... 4 15 4.25 de bulls ;t (SI 3.23 do light 2.75 3,00 Ju cow's 2.75 8.25 Butchers', icir!;e:d 4.15 4.25 de choice 4 00 1.01 do tc, clln.n :1.311 3.75 110 li gilt _ ; 11.00 (10 bulls ... _.(nr 1125 Stncl:er::. Ihnice 8.44,) 2.''5 (10 '.•. Ir. ..ln .. '2 3::1 'l :i:c do bulls 2.11 l 2.511 1 ionvy. a• •1, 1'3 ...... :t.;,' 1 :1.71 Short -keep 3.7-4 :.(:(► .Milch ('4)1 R. choice 0 (10 c010•r,ln •t`0 ('') :1:I.0) thepgr, 011, ewe,.. 8 1 .. 1.1(1 410 h1'(': 9 . : I . t SI 8.50 do culls :1.00 3 50 Lamle", per cwt. 5.25 5.90 ('nivi s, each 2.0(I 10.00 (10 per cwt. ... :1.50 6.00 itogs. selects ((.25 0.00 do lights and fats 6.10 0.00 I:N('0I'11',(;!.tTr) !' IN(J. Anne•',, nn n'o lent for the in- .At tile w rk. ' f n 1t'arrintom, Eng - sate•' e n the emtskiris of Parts. has it 1 ctrl, .ln .'( senp-ntakers the girl theatre. The other evening a ger- •pill,:.:'.• - nrnuraged to sing pert - fel -emelt, c.l thet 411(1-11111e (event(' 5011$4)5 :•.1 nt work. Tho object Is the '•g -•.•,t "iia fill.' du \fad8►ne An- to reliete the monotony. In the des get," -efts ehcen. Several of the p.s- !evangelist that number snore than fernm•rs were lnfuntes, and nbnest the thirty girls and have not. n .isy entire chorus tr115 compared of Ines- machin •rv, they aro encouraged to had members of this colony of In Flee during the !set hour of work In Sano. rho tnurtring and In the afternoon.