HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-19, Page 2IT'S IN THE BLOOD , !SOME WEDDING STORIES! SHE WAS IN BED
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Drive Out
Rheumatic Poison.
Rheumatism is rooted in the bloo
—any doctor trill tell you that
Nothing clot cure it that docs nut
reach the blood. It is a foolish
a este of time and money to try to
Euro rheumatism with liniments,
foulttcoi or anything else that only
goes skin deep. Rubbing 101:ons in-
to the skin only helps the painful
poison to circulate more freely. 'I'he
ono cure, and the only cure fur rheu-
matism is to drive the uric acid 0 .t
of your blood with 1)r. Mimes'
Pink !'ills. They actually ntkt' new
blood, and the new Floud etveeptr out
rho poison0'Is acids, loosens the stif-
fened, aching joints. cures the rheu-
matism %.nil makes the sufferer feel
better f11 nal other ca\•s. Sra. Joe.
1'er'•un, Les T•:boulerurnts, Que., sews:
—"I suffered from rheumatism in a
chronic form for nearly twenty-five
years. I spent much money in lini-
ments andmedicines, but without
avail, until I began the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Some times I
was so ;tiff I could hardly move.
The trouble seemed to Ile growing
worse, and finally seemed to effect my
heart, as I used to have pains in the
region of the heart, and sometimes
a smothering sensation. I grew so
weak, and suffered so much that I
began to consider my case hopeless,
and then one day a little pamphlet,
telling of Pr. Williams' Pink Pills,
tell into my hands, and I learned
that they would cure rheumatism. I
Dent for a supply, and in about three
weeks found they were helping me.
The trouble which affected inky heart
soon disappeared, and gradually the
pains left me and I could go about
with more freedom than I had done
for years. I still take the pills occu-
aionally, as I now know it is wise
to keep my blood in good condition. '
It is because 1)r. Williams' Pink
Pills actually make new blood that.
they cure such troubles as rheuma-
tism, anaemia, indigestion, kidney
troubles, backaches, headaches and
sideaches, neuralgia, ery sipelas, and
the special ailments that burden the,
lives of eo slaty women and growing
girls. Ilut only the genuine pills can/
do this, and these always have the
full name Dr. Williams' !'ink Pills for
Palo People on the wrapper around
every box. Sold by all medicine
dealers or sent by mail at. 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50, by
writing The Dr. Williams Medicine,
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Tile Man Who Yawned at Hi
I Weriding—Bridegro )1:1 Who
Came Late.
That the m,etrimoniul cup mu
come to grief • ".,•n at the eleyent
hour has Wis.! h e•u demonstrated
but seldom under such exciting car
cllrnstanl•es es at the recent weddin
u( a young Ilelgian named Dencck.
Delc,'k and 1.is bride, Celeste Vois
in, the pretty daughter of 0 flothun
peasant, were stanuing before th
mayor, with it crowd of attendant r
latives and guests, when, just tam hi
worship was about to pronounce th
'words which would have made then
Intim anti c'[, •'r
tt ! 0 , t the bridegroom yawn
0 1, y.t
ed. '!'hu mayor, surprised and iu(tig
Inapt, immediately stopped the ser
vice. Dencck yawned again, and
l %chile angry mutterings were hear
th relatives, said, "I v
>, u ut 11a
thought better of it, and I dun'
ithink I want to he married at all."
Ilut ho had reckoned without the
i Voisin family. As he made for the
!door Celeste rushed after hint and
soun(Ny boxed his cars with her dim-
pled lists, while her three brothers
fell on hint and pommelled the fecal
citramt lover until he began to shriek
for mercy and to beg to be allowed
to marry the girl. lVhen he was fin-
ally rescued by the mayor and his
clerk ho was in such a sorry plight
that it was found necessary to take
hin>, to the hospital. where he has
had ample leisure to reflect sadly on
the indiscretion of yawning at his
Curiously enough, on the very seine
day a pretty wedding that was ar-
ranged at Novers, in France, ended in
disaster front
The bridal party had for some time
been assembled at the church, when
tiro bridegroom made a tardy ap-
pearance, to find tho bride full of
tears and reproaches at his dilatori-
ness. This stormy reception was so
little to bis liking that, without it
word, he turned on his heels and
walke(1 out of the church,
It is but a short time since the cur-
tain was rung down in a West of
England church on a drnSnu of love
and revenge. A year or so earlier the
marriage had been arranged and every
preparation made, when on the very
eve of the wedding -day the bride-to-
rides Lo-
bo received a curt note from the
lover informing her that he loved an-
other better than herself, and had no
intention of appearing with her be-
fore the altar
The wedding was cancelled; for a
time the girl went away to hide her
grief and her chagrin, and returned
to find her fic!.lo lover had already
ilted her successor in his affection
and vas anxious to return to his
ureter love. The opportunity for
'Cvenge had come unsought. She en-
couraged his advances, became engag-
ed to hint, and once more the w'edd-
ng-dny was fixe(!.
Tho church was crowded with spec-
tators, and the ceremony had reach-
ed the critical 'Point when the priest
asks the bride, "Wilt thou have this
nen to thy wedded husband, etc., so,
(nig as ye both shall live?" for set/
Tal seconds the question remained
m answered; then, turning a look of
scorn and contempt on her false,
over, the lady answered, in a voice/
hat rang through the church and!
frilled the spectators, "Never!" ,
mi as, with head erect, she walked
Fines Imposed and Punishments
Are Not Light.
A reporter on the staff of the
Shanghai 'Times tells how justice is
dealt out to offenders in the police
court of that Chinese city: "Busi-
ness appeared very dull at the Shan-
ghai slave market yesterday, as Yang
Wo Zang and Ng Ah Kung were un-
successful in their attempt to— dis-
pose of two girls whom they offered
for tho ridiculously low sum of $80,
after having kidnapped thenr froth
their home in l'ootung. This case
was a very Intricate one, the kid-
napers having changed owocrs sev-
eral times. After going cxhaustitoly
into the evidence. the court announc-
ed that accused were confided upon
the charge of having attempted to
all the children and that they were
remanded for further inquiries prev-
ious to being sentenced, The children
acre ordered to he sent to the Refuge
for Slave Girls.
"'!'sett Chong Sung, a runner, was
charged with attempting to extort,
money from '1 :Sung Wong Sze at 80
Park road, on the lath ult., '/'sou ,h
will not do any sprinting for a week,
as ho is to be scientifically touched t
upon the spot of the official hnmbooer'c
5(N) times, after which he goes int,P 1•
the cool, calm seclusion of the limn t
cipnl cloisters for one week. s
"!'hang Ah Ong was charged with r
stealing 120 liar
down the aisle followed by her brides -1
maids there was heard
roe► the hundreds who knew how
lehly tho man deserted this public
'!'here was a touch rather of humor
hen tragedy in the climax to a re-
cta rustic wedding in the North of
:nglnnd. On their way to the church
he bride and bridegroom had had a
quabble, begun in jest and ending 111
arnest, as to which of the two
!Per parr st
of Chinese silk shoes, valued at t'Grt 11
1'hnng gets 200 blows and a month's b
imprisonment." M
tould clean the husbanis boots, 01141
1e subject rankled in the lntter's
renst after the service had conune11c-
l. Determined to hate the matter
'tticd uttce for all, before answering
he question, "Wilt thou have this
ontnn to thy wedded wife?" the man
treed to the lady and asked, "Now 1
to going to clean my boots or f
n't ta?" "Not 1," was the defiant. 1
tswcr. "'!'hen i's( off humle," said r
to man, and away be walked; and
was only when the bride followed t
111 and with tears protested she 1
as quite willing to attend to his 1
ca -covering that he consented to 1
turn and complete the ceremony. 1
'1'o give but one more of these stor-
of weddings that fail, only a few
oaths ago nn indiscreet glass of 1
risky drunk by a Marl on hie wed- it
ng morning proved fatal to his inn- a
urarnial scheme:+. 1t 11841 been a o
mlI(IOII of the engagement and mar- c
age that the lover should promise h
ter to touch intoxicants, for which a
had it dangerous weakness. .lust f
fore starlit'_. for the church un the
tiding ,n0rrinc, however, his hest li
nn insiaed ami a "farewell glass 5
get1.'r"—nn in:Dation which the o
idegro0m, after tail protest, nc- 0
1hut one Jinniindulgence
arts ue
nl• i
r the ceremony lull barely Imegml t
em the bride detected the odor of j
frits. She inunedlately starred 0
0 ceremony. and r'ee'Inring "I can o
l merry it ratan mho drinks or who
•.tks his word," she left lite church f
th her friends. t
"One could inertly bell(to the is
thane's Baby's Own 'Tablets have , is
wrought hr Illy chi14," says Mrs. am
Angus Morrison, fort Caldwell, Out, ,t1
"Ile suffered terribly while 1eethin,r,
vomited his food and was weak and hi
puny. One box of Itoly's (Own 'Tarr w•
lets insole hint a changed child. They' fu
eased the pain of teething, sir ngth- ,•r.
cued his stomach. anti he is 1100' 11
big, healthy chile!, growing finely i('s
111111 reser sick a (lay." The expel-- ea
fence of Mrs. !Morrison is that of 1l
thousands of other mothers who hate , di
found health for their little ones and 1r
comfort for themselves in the use sit' cep
Bnby'Pl Own 'rabbits. Mothers neve' ri
not be afraid of this medicine, it is ne
guaranteed not to contain an atom he
of opiate or strong drug. 'Flat/ be
could not harm n child of any age. we
and they are good for them at all rn
ages Ask your fru, kist for Itr,l;v'y to
Own 'Tablets Or send 2,1 cents to the hr
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- cc►
Ville, Ont., and gel then by trail. •
'1'111": 1'ItENCH NAVY. si'
I:ecrititing in the French nn'•y is no
chi •rly by a ssstela called "maritime is
inscription," which applies to the a i
young men of the coast and furnishes
a contingent of about '1.7105 naval
recruits every year. The cyst• nt ac-
tually protides for live years' ser
lice, but in point of fact some 1,101
r.sTilitte—sera of widows or pupils , r
the mere.tet is ' t:1 trine --serve only o1,�,
year 11;; 1 tet:: ' of dispensations 0114o
ata i,laiited them. The remnitiing
A,.�(:') recruits serve for varying ,'er-
torls. which aro fixed by the AIiniater
of Marine, but which never e\ct'ed
four }-ears and two months. At the
pre:'ent 11me th.e limit is tire's years
and ten chs. in the ('lent" of
star. however, the men are liable to
be called out for the completion of
their lite years' service. •111 the other
triol, the total of Chu ne^me' con-
t em• rat is incrensed by shout 2.000
te,r; ) who enilst t olumtardly for three,
1:•"r. r Ili( r(')
Strong Statement by Mrs. Jas.
Hughes of Morley, Ont.—She's
Strong and Healthy Once More.
Morley, Ont., Oct. 7.—(Specinl).—
What Dodd's Kidney Pills aro doing
for the suffering women of Canada
will never be fully known. It is
only when some courageous woman
breaks (ho secrecy that covers wo-
man and I hoe troubles c that .•'n
t a passing
glimpse of their great work is given.
for this reason a statement made
by Mfrs. .1as. Hughes of this place,
is of more than passing interest.
"I was a great sufferer for four
years," says Mfrs. Hughes, "I was
treated by live doctors and a spe..i-
alist from the U. S. 1 tried nearly
every kind of medicine I could hear
of, but, none scented to do ate any
"I was in bed for nearly three
years. I had pains in my spinal
column, in my head, over my eyes,
across my back and through .my left
side. I took fourteen boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and now I am
strong and able to do u good day's
work, thanks to Dodd's Kidney
A SU1t1•; CURE.
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
cL'an and fresh with Sun-
light Soap. SI
Green —"That fellow you were talk-
ing with seems to know a lot about
women "
11 w —
, o n "Of course ho docs. l Iu
was just released from jail lust
(creep—"So? What was he in for?"
That cutting Stele that arises from the$
stomach and almost strangles, Is
caused by fermentation of the food In
`ho stomach. It ie a foretaste of In-.
digestion and dyspepsia. Take one of
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets im-
mediately after eating, and it will pre-
vent this clistrese and aid digestion.
60 in a box, 85 cents. -16
Miss Smnyth—"No, ho didn't like
your eyebrows. Ile said they acre
too black," Miss Jones—"Tho idea!"
Miss Sntyth—"Ifowover, I assured
hint they were not as black as they
worn painted!"
"I think I've got a remedy for this Lifebuoy Soap — disinfectant — Is
corpulency," said the fat Mr. (seen, strongly recommended by the medical
as he met an ncquaintclice the other profess:on as a safeguard against in -
day. fectious diseases. 22
"So? Been sending for sometk'gg
"I'11 wager you got bunkoed,"
"I don't think so. The advi
sounds very reasonable. It's to di
charge the /tired girl and let my 0-i
do the cooking for two or thr
waiting for,"
"All things conte to hint who
waits," "Yes; and 0-11011 they come
ho finds that they weren't worth
ex The superiority of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminate is shown by its
good effects on the Children. Purchase
a bottle and give it a trial.
A Medicine Chest In Itself.—Only the;
well-to-do can uaord to possess a medi-'
cine chest, but I)r. Moines' f•:clectric�
Oil, which is a medicine chest in itself
being a reniedy for rheumatism, lumba-
go, sora throat, colds. coughs, catarrh,
usthuma and a potent healer for wounds,
cuts, bruises, sprains, etc., Is within
the reach of the poorest, owing to it.
cheapness. It should be In every house.
The honeymoon was bumping the
"George," she said, "what would
you do if I were to die suddenly?"
"Attend your funeral, my dear,
answered the matter -of -(act George
without looking up from his paper.
She—"II you could have ono wish,
what would i•. be?" Ilo—"It would
be that—that—oh! if I only dared
to tell you whet it would be!" She
—"Well, go on. Why do you suppose
I brought up the wishing subject?"
Offico Boy—"Tho baker is down-
stairs and wants to know why you
didn't answer his letter about last
month's bill," Falitor—"Tell him he
forgot to inclose a stamp."
No one need fear cholera or any sum-
mer complaint if they Mare a bottle of
Dr. J. 0. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
ready for use. t corrects all looseness
of the bowels promptly nod rouses a
healthy and natural action. This Is a
medtciuo adapted for the young and
old. rich and poor and Is rapidly be-
coming the most popular medicine for
cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market.
They Aro Not Violent in Actlon.—
Sotno persons, when they wish to
cleanse the stomach, resort to Epson)
and other purgative salts. These are
speedy in their action, but serve no per-
manent good. 'Their use produces in-
cipient chills, and it persisted in they
111;ore the stomach. Nor do they act
upon the intestines in a beneficial wa:.
1'armelee's Vegetable !'ills answer all
'willows in this respect, and have no
Alberta's Gushers the Result of
Farmer's Enterprise.
The discovery of an oil gushe
which now yields 1t►tt,OO(► gallons
daily, as well as smaller wells in the
immediate vicinity, has shown lh.t
there are other resources of Alberta's
than wheat,
(creat secrecy has been nutintain"(
in an attempt to keep the news .•t
the oil fields frau, the public.
This nil district, tinder which It is
believed the largest lake of oil In
the A•orl(I lies, is in the southwestern
portion of tho new province of %1-
bertn. Tho gusher is less than five
miles 'th of the Montana boundary
lino of the Cenndian Pacific Railway.
less than n year ago the first %'.'11
w'ns bored, and at a depth of :,0;►
feet a 12,000 gallon well was strucr.
Confident /hut this was not the limit.
the operators kept, on, with the re-
sult that. several other wells Wert,
struck. So hopeful were the proe-
,ec'ts Gant the company sent. East
or a stundnrd cable drill, c • •• hlo of
poring n twelve much hole :1, .i fejt
Il was not until Inst spring that
his machine was put to work. When
t acts down about 800 feet a small
low of oil was struck. Going (leepbl•
t got into a schen of coal, and when
fig was passed it struck stint roes.
!%hen their hopes were dying out the
mil lake a as struck, and with a
nighty roar a twe've inch strea111
Pout( 'fifty or more feet into the
ir, taking with it the drill ani
ther machinery. Before the wel
0111(1 be plugged oll had filled the
Olows in the surrounding ground,
tut in some places was live and six
est (seep.
Tho stogy of the find reads n)o"o f
ko fiction than n story of real life.
everal years ago '1•illinnn 'tlatish
as suppt3 log his Mormon nei: hhors
cith ns touch oil ns they rsuld 11s.•
or lighting purposes. !!"here he got
how, )
t,or he kept secret,
c n
bac 1'
Cas knowthat he made two days''
oUrne3 s twits a wee': and returned
cilli half a dozen or more barrels (IC
John Lindham, n wealthy ranch -t-
rout Okotoks, resolved to look into
he mutter mind discovered that II
surd cu►:ta,ned out. .11115 11115 ill 199'2,
111 11. sus nut utatil Inst fall that 111e
rst well t(as bored.
The geologist who first looked ot•)r�
1e ground de-criht5 the pass 111
high the oil Is found as nn enor-
ous crevice formal by volcanic
options, cross -cutting the (urmn'1-
llion of the (lucky Mountains end
i thus making huge basins into wl) ,'h
ithe oil has been oozing for hundre.ls
of years until it has formed vast
Surveyors hate been in (hr distrf.'t
'mapping out lines for tl•e Canadian
l':•• mit' and the Great Northern reit-
05,1 th.• . • companies may tap
flit. l lth list, i(t.
A FIRE RI'RI:Ans in dry grass, so does an
inflammation in tho throat grow down into the
lungs. (peal promptly with a cold as with a Are,
and when you begin to cough use Allen's Lung
a Slander is but soul suicide.
Love is good logic in any language.
r All our yesterdays were once to-
The murk of a royal ratan is that
t ,he rules himself.
Malice is a terribly deadly gun—at
the breech end.
1' 1t is a waste of money trying to
feed people on bread labels.
The ratan with time to burn uovor
gave the world any light.
Faith is not n fence about a man;
it is a force within him.
Wo make mistakes; it is the other
fellows who commit sins.
The city with the lid off needs tho
'church with the cont off.
You can get the flavor of life's hic-
kory without eating the shell.
' Many big sins have a wny of get -
in with mighty small keys,
Our worst enemies aro the friends
who have failed to find us profitable.
Withholding affection is one of the
most tvusl(ful eco noudes in life.
The Lord is not n refuge for the
nl(111 who is (coking for a soft place
to rest.
Tho church is richer for a cont
given with a %•mi1e than for n dollar
with a frown. 1
It's the man who hammers the
church down who complains most
that she does not rise.
'!'here are better ways of showing
your sand tans throwing grit in the
other man's eyes.
People who are carried away on a
Wave of enthuslnsln usanlly have to
walk bock dry -shod.
Happy the Preacher who can Invent %
n pocketbook that ('nnnot be left at
home on Sundays.
rich was getting his oil from sur -1
ice seepages. Ile formed a company,
nking in the discoverer, and I,onght,
ll the land which nn Eastern expert
". kJrd'aNtutd te,•yt"
cf ile iA u 'k r'41
''Tr►tai C:p sate e' �"'.,.
Without ever drinkiig
Tea is to die Without knowing rho full joy of LIVING. Why mise the
SATISFACTION of sipping a hot cup of this FRAGRANT, REFRFSIIINt;
drink ?
only Owers Usenet Timet►. 81ass RIbis essa'as Ib,
5325 Miles Through
The Great Northwest
The Northern Pacific operates railway lines in Wisconsin,
Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington
and (►ragon—seven states in which are wonderful oppor-
tunities for energetic men. Soil, climate, transportation
facilities unexcelled. Land is cheap. Northern Pacific ser-
vitto —trans--ogjiipmient--tune —track—are unexcelled.
See the West via the Great
Trans -continental highway
Northern Pacific Railway
A. M. CLELAND, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
Ask C. W. Mott, General Emigration Agent, St. Paul,
Minn., about business opportunities, cheap land, the won-
derful irrigated districts and low rates for settlers. Special
literature, rates and information from the General Passen-
ger Agent, or Win. G. Mason, District Passenger Agent.
215 Ellicott Square, Duffelo, N. Y.
Little Willie—"Say, pa, what does
this paper mean by saying a woman
loved and lost?"
Pa—"It probably means that she
lost a few pounds while making a
strenuous, effort to get engaged, my
NO SURSTITIITE for "The D & 1. lfenthol
Plaster, althouith some unscrupulous dealers may
say there is. Ileccmrncnded by doctors, hospitals,
clergy and everybody, fur stiffness, pluerisy, etc,
First Stranger—"Excuse 1110, si
but I notice that you are looking a
n10 closely. 1s there anything abou
.111e that is familiar?" Second Struts-
ger—"Yes, there is. Mly umbrella."
Youth or young mum who has ha'I experience
In a printing office. Appl • In writing to
6e Church St., Toronto.
practloal Everyday Lessons on
FOr 7(0. post paid.
Sox /'t5, ('hath►:u Ont,
Do you want to sell your farm'? I( s.,, son./ ut
a description of it and lowest price. We wit; list
t,� 10 in our nest Farm Bulletin, which will be is+tied
soon. It we sell we charge two and one-half per
t cent. commission. 1f we d, out sell we make not
t charge,
Meant relief In hal* nn hour. — A
lady in New York State writing of her
cure by Dr. Agnew 's Cure for the
Heart, says: "1 feel like one brought
back from the dead, so great was my
suffering from heart trouble and so
allnoet miraculous my recovery
through the agency of thispowerful
treatment. 1 owo lay life to it."—la
•"Phis shopping business is an aw-
ful nuisance." "Why, Henry? You
have no reason to complain, I'm
doing tho shopping. All you do is
to carry the parcels."
Corns cause futo►er+ble pain. ITorlo-
way's Corsi Cure removes the trouble.
Try ft, and see what amount of pain
White a man's will may be law,
in the case of a married Hurn the
law is seldom enforced.
ONE OF TILE BEST old time remodiet for &IL
skin adectl,'ns such a, Feaema, Ringworm, Scald -
head 1t is and similar ointment that hasections sbru Weaver's
srelief Cerate.
Old Lady (to grocer's boy)—"Don't
you k ' that. it is very rude to
whistle when nettling with n lady?"
Boy—"That's what. the guv'rmor told
me to do, mum." "Told you to
whistle?" "Yes'ni Ile said if we
ever sold you anything we'd have to
%thistle for the money."
Ryes and Nemo ran Water. —C. O.
Archer, of llrewer, Maine, says: "1
lave had catarrh for several years.
Water would run from my eyes and
nose for days at a time. About four
Months ago 1 wast induced to try Dr.
Agnew's (.'atarrhnl Powder, end since
using the wonderful remedy 1 have not
had an attack. It rclleves in ten
minutes." 50 curls. -17
"Good," He Says, ••But Comic t
"Emu! I i
1 t IAF fits is
than n it
gold mine." say5•8 grateful man.
"Before 1 commenced to use Grape.
Nuts foot) 110 Wren on earth ever had
n worse infliction from ca(nr1.11 of
the stomach than 1 had for years.
"I 0011141 eat malting but the tory
lightest food and even that gave me
groat distress.
"I went through the catalogue of
prepared foods but found them nil
(except (:raiz-Nuts) more or lens in -
digest Ihle, generating gee in the
stomach (which in turn produced
headache and tnrious other pnins
and aches), and otherwise unavail-
ahle for 7113' use.
"Glove -Nuts food 1 have found
easily dige.t('rl and 0csirnilnte(I, and
it has renewed my health and vigor
and made me et well mon again. 'rhe
catarrh of the stomach has disap-
reared entirely with all its attend-
ant ills. thanks to (:rape -Nuts,
which now is my nlln' st Role food.
1 want no other." Name given by
1'ostum Co., iinttlo ('reek, Mich.
Ten days' irinb tells the story.
'I'llet e's a reason,
WINO is the mart who atelines to
eke his troubles seriously.
it takes a lot of will potter to en-
blo n man to save himself from him -
An End to Bilious lfmdnch9. -)1"•-
00511015. which is caused by esc 155110
bile In the stomach, 11/11 n mart(•(d tf-
b ct upon the pedes, and often a an1-
se 1 e
tt atfl itself l v s.ven•end
h oche.
This ata
the most distressing Icu
acho r
eno ten
have. '!'here are hcadnehos from toil,
from fever, and trout other causer. bat
the most excruciating of all is t:me 11'I -
ons headache 1'14ru.elre's Vael:,thf1
Pill, will cure It—' arc it almost imrrteeb
lately. IL will dmsuppenr as su..., rs
the !'ills oporno! i I+ere is nor 1•1,}}t
urcr in the treatment of bilious Lead -
WO.'4Ii•:N C'IIAINM,1NEns.
The female chninntakcr of the (flack
Count ry, England, stnnds long at
the forge. She has to work now and
again with her child at her breast,
or with a sharp eye upon the Tittle
one ns it crawls nbout the spark -
sprinkled floor. WIa•ther her hand
aro blistered or her .body scorche
with flying iron she toils on, an(
working twelve hours n clay, earn
from $2 to $1.25 per week. Sh
needs no larder, for she lives fro
hand to mouth, and it her chil're
can sit to tenst of bread Plonked 1
hot water rind flavored with woa
tea they become quite epicurean. The,
bellow flowers, both children and
old men noel women, turn the wheels
ur pull the bellows -beams et the 1
princely rate of 8 cant' per day,
Do you want to tiny a Farm! Before doing so,
write 113 for our Farm Itulletln. '!'here are hun-
dreds of Farms to chuoso from. We can satisfy
you and save you money belfries.
ItU'1'lll•:IIFOUD.! IULE'1'T, Usruittoa
'Specific Remedies'
f• -r y'u. •They ,,r• seuaine and will give
y••1 .he Le -t u•sult+. The manufacture is
under the direct ,upemvi{fon o1 a Board of
I'r.ectical \'eteriu.ery burgeons who are
Experts, and who '•.in sir. you
Tde Velerioary Specially CI., Wiled
Monkland Nerd Yorkshires
('loud ?weeding sto, k cult ages) for
bale at reasonable prices.
Fergus. Ont.
lie --"Just one kiss, dear—I'll pro -
mist) not to ask for another."
who—"Oh, that's what all the men
tell mo. After getting one they
proceeded to take the rest without
A 1.iTT1,E QT'IET Is the best of all diet, yet it
will not mAkebum and mu.ele but •' Ferr„vl,n"
will. 'cry it All drug and Ke .eral .teres. 11
11111'11 ON A SEARCH.
"What's the dtjrere'nco bet e'.'e•n a
workingman and politician?"
"Ona looks for work and the other
for a job."
Whirs Rheumatism Ioubtes a roan
Yp physician and sufferer alike lose
heart and often despair of a cure, but
hero's the exception. trim Pegg, of
Norwood, Ont., says— "1 was nearly
doubled up with rheumatism. 1 got
three bottles of South American Rheu-
matic Cure and they cured tae. We
the quickest acting medicine 1 ever
s Is
"Oh, will he bite?" exclaimed a
sweet girl with a look of alarm when
nhe snw a tlincing hear in the street
the other day. "No," s:ii•I the es-
cort, "he cannot bite: he is 11111; 10 1
Nit he can hug." "Oh," she said,
with a distracting smile, "1 don't
mined that."
Dear Motlger
Your ludo ones 1110 • cnnsant are IR
Fell sad Winks weetlur. They will
eakh told. Do you know about Shiloh'.
This remedy sknul.l be inhere? o____ .
T N 11 ISSUb' NO. 41.-45