HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-12, Page 7l(7
iee0iiOEiiCti.0iiD4Q+0iA.+3GiG40ii40'ii*ilOEio1Ge'-'4'eoe tho time he, Cyril, had been Huss?,then he's eine ut the clever chairs,
• lie had probably seer, her every (hey don't you knew. ('un tulle a .(1 all
THE hfili Of 8NTLELbu
OR -1
* at the Court, had walked and ridden- that sort td thing. Yes, he's gut nil
T%%Oh her. hod event hours in her the odds in his favor, and l'ut afraid
• society ebispei'oag to her. as hu was he'll curry on the prize. At any
• eitisptriug now. And slto hail heea retie he's making all the ruining
3) light-hearted and gay! Innd bho for- to -eight."
• gotten hint? ho asked hiineelf. She; "hes, sticks to her like her shad -
0 had tent looked his way )'et. Surely !ow." grimildud Lord Charles. "I
• sho meet know that, he was in tho heard her promise him another dance
O room, and coald have giver, Ian( one after supper. aMd 1.11 hu hound ho
• look of recognition of welcome. take, her in."
4 'There can be no love where there is Cyril listened half -absently. It
Ile joaletlly, ar t'ieu verso and ('yril 'never occurred to him that they were
• %%;t:, s; nicely liitns+•If that eight. un- tasking of Norah and Guildford lite -
4. :1t another tuuu ho ton, until suddenly he heard her
0 would have ttnlust aside the thoughts nano'.
+1Q**•i01** Cit0+i0N30f+0+iCE♦30 *0+G+GfC+alpQeie(+701♦tifri+*• that were torturing him, bet he had "Yes, Charlie, my boy," said hie
had a fortnight of suspense and im• friend, "you may look upon your -
C1 LA I'1'Ell XIX. •man. his arm round her waist, her pati(uce; he had rushed down trout sell as it gone coon. Tho divine
Cyril -for we will call him so atilt head was resting on his shouleer. ),.,ndolt without hie dinner, and Way Nornh htui . slipped through your 11n-
--had escaped from Lundy( in time /*lei that nutn was -Guildford Dor-, tired and overstrained, and the merry beers. Aceept my sympathy and an -
to be present at tho hall by ono of itoil' ;demons who delight in tormenting other cigarette. Mr. Guildford Der -
those lucky chances which favor ar- I Levo is ut,reasututble, illogical. 1f. mankind had get firm hold of hint, 10s will be the hup)>v Hurn!"
dent lovers. !never occurred to him that, being and were enjoying themselves Cyril etat't(s), and his faro crimson -
On the morning of the 11th he had there, Norah could scarcely reetse to amazingly. ed, and then went white. These men
dance because her lover -who had: And still he danced without a mis-
had pot into wordy tho doubts and
calls! at Lord Nuwarll'S in a state of 'left her for intents a fortnight with ,tho dread that twine haunting hitn
b take t ,throughthe t+
scorn • 1
• ,- � .cu
desperation, , f,
which almost prompted tc.land driving him half -Heol.
him, in cams• he should find that that ;Out a word of explanation -was ab -crowd ua hu would have steered u, b
erratic nobleman had not returned, s('11t! leo slid not think of that, but (mete and thinking as little of I�et• i llo flung his cigarette away, and
u was u,
turning , 11 �
, r1 to go 11[ 10
c ( still. suddenly . -into U ballroom
st ,0 1 t , 1 1 grew c Id In
bt 1dt,
to lasso a polite message to the 4i- u Y g ns it she warn a lay figure.
tart that Lord Newall must find route+ not hot -•with unconscious Jealousy. { They attracted of t ntfo,t. orae,, scarcely knowing why, when
lie one alae to paint his picture. Ito had •
"Mc lienor, and ut lust! lieu un- I lleccawwus slim and pretty, ani the thehdeukre daeard a rkness, stifled, sob near
into it,
kind of you to keep •away frond us ,)
Linwood us • , r delicious ex + •" ," e wwiU
Muses' shut uud Harley !o s t (ruse, coin:deed '
all (lay!" nought tho gluts r of a woman's
street every day, and had worked ;her pride in being the partner of tee (!nes a few yards from hint,
himself into n frame of mind which "It is tttv fete that is unkind, Laity l tunitiisomest roan in the room, had,
rendered gin' u idisance to hineetl1 Ferndale. I assure you--" !set her eyes dancing and given a! lie went up to it, his own mise
and to .lack, as that candid friend "Never mind. I shall keep my !warm flush to hor dark face; and the moving him to compassion, and puutt
did not fail to inform him. scolding until after supper, incl so spectators were looking vu admin- outs anything bhd. in the cunfferenay through IinIoverlook- too stalls are out so a made thou
"Is the matter?" ho asked ing tho difference); that obtain I -e `senna opening should be mode in tho
But it is the unexpected which al- give you time to invent some prettyii►,gly and euriuesdY is et low voice. "Who is it?" Amen foil and climatic conditions. burn if necessary so that the air
ways happens and to Cyril's inquiry. excuses. But now you have come, Who is that 1;onll.:m to dancing` '1710 sob was repented, ane* k voice the diflerenco in management may enter readil ut nal blows
"Is Lord Newell at home?" tho foot- You must dance. Let me see." with thut pretty girl with the black Y
said: growing out of these. The nericul-' directly un Lhe uuiululs. If (hero is
She looked round, and saw licca hair?" asked a dowager sitting just. "N(►, go nsatyie turd writer who has not traveled no other way of getting ventilation
Full of Goodncss
Ceylon Tea is Pura, Delicious and Wholesome
Sold only in lead packets.
By all Grocers.
4oc, 5oc, and Goc, per !b.
1liybrat award, St. Louts, epo4
++++++++++++++++++++++ luting stables is to throw open a
window directly hack of an animal
and let the wind blow in; other mon
+ open a window about an Inch and
r- it open lel 1 nil•
1f t n in s. Neither
▪ plan is ventilation. Animals stabled
♦ ill warm buildings catch cold readily,
+ ,;e 1
, that. having made the stable coin-
+ fortublu for the animals, tho next
thing to do is to provide for a sup -
+++++++++++++4++++++++' ply of air, hut in such a manner that
FALL, PLOWING. it will not. blow over the animals. If
ono has box stalls fur the horses
This question has hien greatly lila-;window at some distance from them
cussed. Much effort has been wasted ; will supply needed ventilation. It
t About the Farm
=an replied in the aflumatnu.
standing looking on with glittering behind Nurab. "1\'h , much is nitvn b
Lord Nowell, little suspecting that y, lineae, is that you?" he said ys in duug4r of tr}ing tf::un throe •h. iho windows at the
c, age her small foot softly top{ ing Oh, ho," replied the gentleman sho roil "15'lutt is the matter?" and to do pro >I
your:g artist wcAR \ lseount Sant- the round im nUet:Ll and her !arty- addressed, tho hadgot C,ril's tint►r,e It Y• { o duan to the per i da et rear of iho anitnnls then put an at-
1tie h, an heir to a peerage compared g P y' he took her by the arm, and tried to &ping tLiilga (hut arc proper iu his txrhmeltt to each window to coed tho
ship, thinking "At any into, 1 hut•efruiu Ludy 1'eritd tee but. knew no
with which Lord Now all's ons a found a handsome partner• for hint" inure., and et twos anxious to appear turn her face toward a streak u[ own luculity. hIo is too cireunt crib- air; a board eight or len inches
mere. nruss;tou[u, tenoned Cyril with meet toward her. I y )ratify (he down light that came from tho marquee. ed in his vision writes prof. Thos. wide nailed on a slant over the open -
we,l informed and IteK_cu sire lal feebly. Shaw.
that. mixture of cordiality and con I KS y. then gats ing t hat is made when the window
that. cion which is so exasperating,
C4)"There is a young lady -that grotty g(.'s curiosity, "ch, that: is !lir.
in and stead wit h drooping heat), Lands aro lowed in the autumn,
Cyril llut•ne, a tiling artist; < eine : 1 6 P Alfdes to one side will reflect the
and expressed his desire that Cyril one with the black hair. Will
you t but evidently battling with her emo- first because if plowed at. that spas- wind, so to speak, and it will not
should set off at once -that is, tho Banco with her?" !u (liver young fellow. And he is+Lion. She, too, had heard the con- 011, the work is done when there is strike the animals directly. Surely
nest deny, the 15th -for Brittany. "1 will dance with any one you aro, dancing with the girl he is engaged versation which had so stirred Cyril, morn tinro. fie(ond, becarso it en- a man of bright wits will find Rome
Lo. Quito a levo affair of the old ahlea the farmer to sow g his animals ventila.
"I ant going there to -morrow, and ,good enough to choose for one," said romantic. hind, 1 tsauro y- and like a ey. of dightning it had groin earlier way of giving
your led opened her toes mei confirmed her
shall be glad it you will accompany Cyril, and he went up to fleece. cast ) than this could bo Bono in tho Ah- tion without injurydoes to theta if then
P Y e cllfp." 'tenet) of autumn
me," he said.
i Inti a longing, wistful thought, if bot suspicions. She knelt now fur ter- plowing. in sumo way suggested not suit hitt(.
a wistful glaure, toward Nora!). !n deal," responded the dowager' tufo the reason why Guildford Berton
localities this ordinarily means the
Cyril felt temptua to decline the 1 "Well, they are well matched, I'm
difference between succeee and failure
Boccie blushed becomingly, and her had avoided her of Into. It was not
offer and the invitation, but it tie- 1 Sure. What •Hier. hair sLc Fns! And 1X](1 P120DUCTION,
(lark face grew radiant. Sho had her he cared for, but Lady Nornh!
In growing a crop. `Third, land thus
eutrec! to him is ho hesitated -much ho is -yes, really ho is, very hand-
, ►1
_ thrown over her lust. partner, whose With her hand prase:d to her beau- plowed is exposed to tho ameliorate When hens aro investigated as Lhor-
he could r+mv�luwnrttu tSulutl Santleigh and • •clumsy movements had threatened boNorah heard this. and [Ace fleshed ing bosom and her lips set tight, aha ing influences of swan air, frost and oughly as dairy cows they will be
:the destruction of her frock, and had for a second, and heart arched. lieu struggled to keep down tho bitter rain, which, under certain condi[ion- found to vary as greatly in their
soo Norah before ho started; and, full them d in to dunce. And now Mr.taws, aid in making a fine seedbed and rep-
ot his resolve to make himself flus y g , could ho whirl round with that vain there ability to produce eggs as do dairy
before be presented himself
to the
flume, a real gentleman -though an 'Come, fleece." said (Cyril, cont- der fertility available. It. will be ap- cows in their production of milk. Wo
of Arrotcdale, he signified his artist -batt chosen her. a aft gd l([ory ghimirl ? Initnd aho ile she sat
ot watt- passionately enough, but with a trace beplot,'`heretore, that the Hiro should hate, as a people, gond on the as-
Earlaeceptauco of the proposal. nieces could dance-Santleigh and eel turn whole fortnight? Whydid of impatience in his voice, for ho plow lends in the autumn to sumption that a her( was a hen. That
"You won't snort until iho night Ferndale girls took to iL naturally, ht+ not cornu to her and, making an was (lying to return to the ballroom
the greatest extent possible in Iocali- was tense, but sometimes she has prow.
pt. p est as the children of the Pat iGc excuse ho liked, tate her away from to tied Norali, and "have it out." tics where the injury that follows ed to bo nothing more, so far as eggs
mail, I suppose?" ho said, not (tritey ' 'fell nu+ what's the matter," will he less than the good. It will
so respectfully as Lord Newall was Islands take to a(tinitniug-and to that hateful man who persisted in aro concerned -not oven a layer. But
her delight, Mr. Berne was simplya "\+,, no!" she panted, "I -I can't doubtless be Rafe to say that such we aro onlynow beginning to find
accustomed to Igo addressed by his 6 following her like a shadow, and ► g g
"infet•iors." "Because I don't think her'feet Notizie. ]slushing with pleas- e It's nothing!'• p owing should he done, as n Wile, that out. Tho Bantry cows have been
urn and Pride. she wens two or titie•e n,(�h,l+that garin inme r eine truss -purposes! "Young ladies don't cry about ed forin allPB considerable where tho t mo in nd is lock -
investigated as to their ability to
Ulnas retool tho room with him, the n nothing, not generally," said Cyril.any produce( butter cheaply. Some were
The ntuy[c ccasai at last, and Cyril ter in all areas where the soil will 1 Y•
tho smile on her parted lips and in "Colne, what is it? Can 1 (10 any- found that made butter ata cost of
driven desperate, took itecra to a bo benefited and chemical- glittering eyes (1 14(1 away, and seat, and, it is to be feared, kit her thing for you?" physicallyn8 cents a pound and others that
she stopped
"No, no," sho said, his sympathy 1Y. and ender conditions where mots- made butter at a cost of 70 cents a
rather cavalierly. starting her into taxes again. "lint turo Is insufficient to produce utxi-
"What is tho matter? Anything ; you must give tine another dance, " b pound. Tho hens have been inv(ati-
can't (10 anything, no one ran! I'm
mum crops from spring plowed lands. gated as to their ability to produce
wrong? Haven't 1 got. your step, , llecca," ho said. not meaning it in1
Ihcca'l" so un -un -unhappy," sho added, with LANDS LOCKED WITH mom'. eggs cheaply, and s , have been
Zhu slightest. scarcely, indeed, knot+- a smothered sob. Amon the evils that result under found that produced eggs
fu'01*,i[ir.ullance beautifully,
beautit , ilig what
t he said;
d;Nand, re olvedbegato go "My poor child, so aro moat of some conditions from autumn plow- cents a doyen in wintergand aothers
us, liut perhaps I can help you to Ing are, the puddling or running to- at $1 a dozen. A good many herrn,
-but i want to pick up my dit -,t. ' i thread his way through the now con -
get rid of your unhappiness. 'fell gather of the soil, the loss of (emit- like a good many cows, are more
Blot it was not to arrange her train feted and entagling theang' nit what it is." ity through leaching and tho loss of profitable dead than alive.
that she bad stopped. When sho had , But he has not got half -n -dozen "1-i can't! It's no use asking
sternal for the bull that evening yards before Lady Ferndale met. hire K cue Reit through washing. These evils 1l'e wilt never get stisfactory work
RDeceitwilsatisfiedctly satisfied with het She was on the arm of n gentlemansir,"
sho said, whimpering. • 'I -I will be minlmired just in proportion '!+'nu in iho lino of aexperimentnt.lon
dress, but deplored the fact of ono , who bought pictures and flatteredwant to go home, to get away from as the land is locked by frostIn till we are ogle to keep hens by theme
this place," winter. In this condition it cannot selves and know for a certainty the
thing bring; lacking -she had no Jett- hina,ulf that he was a critic; rand "But why?" asked Cyril. "Why. run together or leach or wash.'Ilenco reeOril of each hen and be able to
airy. All the laddag would, mho gaud natured lady Ferndale, who ltecca, you seemed the jolliest of the tho almost enivorsal aim to plow ; watch each ono in all inspects. '{'hero
thought. be smothered in diamonds, Was nlway8 on tho lookout. to (10 Jolly a little while ago." lands in the autumn, where the wilt- •aro hens that are nlntost nonprodue-
nnd must of tho r 'Hoge girls would Sonat one at good Lunn, bud bethought „yo I was, but I didn't know tern are relnt ivety lung and cold. + rs of eggs. In t ho ordinary (lock
havo brooches or I;raculots or ear- her of introducing the patron of art thea. 1)h, it's cruel, eruel!"
rings, and oho had nothing. not oven to Mr. (Cyril Burne' "11'ell, if you won't toll none or you
a "0h. )lir. Burne." sho said, "let me(lon't caro to, i won't pester y+pun"
said Cyril. "There. dry ,our oyes,
and go and dance, and try to forget
your trouble. It won't grow any
lighter fur crying over it." he added
philosophically."Ilene wait until
go and get you a glass of cham-
pagne." he sold. "Hut leave oil cry-
ing. 1 w�
in or everybody ill see what you
have been up to, and be wandering
what such a pretty girl has got to
cry for. There, sit down there," and
ho half pushed her gently into one of
tho chairs that had been piled up
near whore they stood.
Cyril made his way in the throng
again. end Neel straight to tho P re--
(refitment f
rc9ht room. ni. Ile purposely re-
frained from looking round the mar-
quee lest he should see Nornh, and
forgetting Berea. be forced to go up
to her.
('1'o bo Continued.)
Photographers make a specialty of
negative, but te']doin say '•m)"
when asked to take something.
The kind of game some folks bring
hotno depends on whether they start
with a gun or a lantern.
I could manage it if you started any
"I will go by the night mail, Mr.
Ilurno," said his lordship.
"All right, then, I'll be at the sta-
tion --any lord."
Ile Poems' into a hansom, and,
dast'eri g into Jack's room, Informed
htra, all in a breath. of tho arrange-
ment he held made with Lord Nowell,
and that. he intended running down
to Santleigh at once.
"Can't you write?" asked .luck,
and Cyril had colored.
"Write? No, you know I can't. Be-
tides. I-1 mos he kept. over in that
beastly place for months. What, go
without seeing. her? 1'd rather let
the picture elide."
".Brittany is anything but a beast-
ly place." reinnrkod .lack, with a
smile. "Put go down and hid your
lady -love :011ie by all moans. 'You'll
look in here as you come hack?" '111en, euddenty there flashed upon 'introduce you to Mr. hominy. You
Cyril -.aught a train. -and arrived her the remembrance of tho ring She and he will be able to talk pictures"
nt The Chequers at sunset, and con- had "fouled" hexide Cyril's wrttcl1. 'and with n kindly smile, away she
side:sti:ly flurried Mrs English by Now, a man, it he had ston,en it., ' went, and left peau Cyril in the art
tellies hot.
Ihet he was
going to
would now r have dreamed
ncd f wear- patron and critic's clutches.
leave 1'na('l: eis thenext
morning Ing it in public. Only n woman-andnd ] r. 11om1ty proceeded
to talk {
r -
a woman of llerea's type --would tures at once, and pour Cyril, though
havo had the courage awl audacity of ho tried his hardest to get away. cost
oven entertaining the thought. ?(•nst wistful, das)rnirin{, glances to -
She looked at it, put it or, held , ward Norah -still seated next 11r.
up her hand before tho glass, and -'Guildford iterton-found himself. liko
went to the hall in it! : the wedding guest, firmly button -
She had it on when Cyril entered. holed hy this ancient mariner, who
and had mount to Lake it. o i, but • W:cs delighted at guttlug scone one
when ho approached her and os';od , upon whom ho could 1 • out his
her to dance she forgot the ring In : artistic twaddle.
u , e r did n fl sl • of nidi and Cyril 1 ste•,,e. l u 'either, 1 not
rerflurry d ( n rt. 1 1 n
I(n 1
gnat(fcr t' and only r(mambarrti it listen nosmento.
n abstractednem-
after tho third turn. • tete deities to toe s'rean of imet pity
She stooped downs, found the ar- =and pont' 8 ignorance, and edging
rengemu•nt of the train so dbIP.calt further and further away from his
that it required both hands, anal tormentor; end he had just secceeded
managed to take o!1 the ring and slip in escaping when the hand struck up
it.' into in all right. er ot. now, sir," she said. ! of seeing nNornlhe h ail the l
going off on thearm
looking up at hint. of a tall guardsman.
t'oor Cyril (litmus! 11':e a machine,' If he could have seen the look
in perfect dose and harmony, but ` Norah cast in his direction, ho would
neither itis heart nor his brain was have been some%hat comforted and
in it, and all )tis 5011 Was Intent 1110- eticouragod; 1f ho could have guessed
on his beautiful sweetheart. 1 with what impatient pain she was
Ile watched her, sometimes directly, asking herself why he avoided her,
•omit Imes over his i-houl('.er, an 1 he' a hy he preferred to rhincn with 11e•cc 1
saw her walk on on Guildford IlOr-and talk to any old fogey, rather T
ton's arm. 'llne;y di'capp(+orel far a than conte to her, ho would hate
and demanding a clean short, hot
water. and his dregs clothes.
l (lid
While he was; dressing-whiche
in a kind of mental ebetraction,
thinking all the time of how Nornh
would look when he entered the boll -
room -he missed his ring, and, on
coming down, naked Mrs. English If
she had seen it,
":1 ring. sir?" she said, gotting
flurried instantly. "(ah, dim toe, eV!
You don't Incas to Ray that you've
"(Oh, no, never mind," broke in
Cyril, promptly. "1 dare say 1'vc
left it. somewhere about tho rooms.
I've dropped it Bottum:hero else; I'm
always losing comething, Don't ho
alarmed, Mrs• f•:nglieh, but it you
IP find toy head lying about some day,
please put it on the mantetsholf.
Don't worry about the ring." and he
hurried out to his fly, which Ito had
ordered ns ho carne through the vil-
lage and Wag driven away, leaving
Mrs. English in a nice etutu of con-
fusion, and muttering:
"Mese Inc. what a eild young gen-
tlemen ho be! Bet they... hes a
batt is' and he can't help it." title. an
, d then when Lt Lnw 1 hem broken uK ay front the bore who but-
C'yrfl was drlwen to the pail:, and next iho dart(-ince/!, eelf-p' me teed tl,nhulel hint. and flown to her sires;
catered the anteroom of the ballroom Berton wain st,11 her companion. but he did not guess what was pass -
to leave his duNLeuut, and while he Cyril wondered whether they hail ing In her mind, aunt it seemed to
was being relieved of it by the foot -
been dancing together before. wheth-' hint that she was avoiding him. as it
man, gement through the ulP+una( lin er they had "spent the evening" in appeared to her that Ito was keeping The tissues of the throat are
to the big marquee. each other's company. and his heart iawvty from her.
It was brilliantly lighted. nnrt •
ttrhed and burned as he t rind to folk •1'u those lwvp lunging, wretchel inflamed and i r r i t a L C d ; you
looker! indent like n titin scene, with 1(p Ike it, tabu mus rrotlly elar,cinK hearts the music endo horrible (tiro cough, and there is more Irrlta-
ILA Mowers aril hags and its tnyrind beautifully, nn(1 deserved on that ac- cord, the room seemed stifling. the
of vari colored lamps. that he could
count a iilUr nttcntio►r• light bewildering.
tion—I11orC coughing.You take
not see tho one person fora sight of el rent mane melee hi ''es, a cough mixture and it cases the
stunt n his heart ached 'Then he en••
i 1 ('snit would not Banco Again, but
1)ccca. i hope snit are enjoy trig gestin- wandered round the edge of tho wait- irritation—for a while. You take
terc(i. and. leetking toLn(1 With self. 11'here have i larn'1 15e11. >•ers, looking at Nornh ns the guards -
It concealed eaCerm•ss, row her . dent's a long story. So you have (non deftly steered her through the.
--saws her dsnciut; tenth (:aiildf ,nl
n+issetl me, have. you? f wonder," neve, and at last by foliar, himself
IletI nl She was smiling at some- it et to herself, "whether any one outside the marquee. Two er three
thin) he was wnyiltt!, and her loved- elan has?" men were walking up and (101511
ne s, h,•Ightentxl by her simple bull „.or', yes, sir. Mrs. English says smoking cigarettes In the darkness,
deltas. bewildered and overwhelmed •The l'hotpiers isn't the same without which, in comparison with tho brit- EMULSION
hie, To the lover the 'reality of his ' ♦.mt." lianeo within, seemed ('teen•rfan and
tui -tri:+A is nlwuys changing. intensf- ••Oh, Mrs. lenglish," remarked eyril ('snit, in no mond for company, kept
wing„ ,tlenys n sacred mystery and-d)sa'nsolately "IfAe-has LAdy away from them and lit a cigarette and it cures the cold. That's
what is necessary. It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation ; cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation ;
builds up the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals with
a sore throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitis.
e Better..
subject for wonderment. Norah been well. ileacs''" himself. Presently they halted new'
"Lor', yes. eel se gay! 1 never 1•e(+
llithetto he has only seen her in or- '
- him, but not seeing him, and 60
dinar}' walking ant ire; tonight she : ri young Indy so happy and !kilt- , hoard one of them say:
tuna nrrnyei for conquest:n (preen inhearted. She's Ringing and Laughing • ..yrs. it looks like it. Confound
splcnd•'r• though her dress was onl} all day. And she's been out so much tho fellow! It seems as it none of us
a simple one -her neem gloaming like lately. xt1l the grand folk ntnke so hall any chance against him "
ivory. her red -brown hatr like fur- much of her. they do." "No, not to be wondered at when
nese l trend, her beautifeil eees glow- i Cyril Atit'od a groan. Singine end you come to think of it. Ile's hotter
fns with the re!'.rted many -colored laughing all day! And ho had spent looking than any of u• -yourself in -
lights.. o fortnight of mental tnrturn. And eluded, Charlie. Women ndnniro that
Ile gored nt her open-eyed. drink- now he came back to fend her (lancing kind of man. Park, mysterious, ro-
le' In hertovclle8Ss, falling (lawn with Guildford Bert on. who seemed mantic."
before ft. mentally. rind Worshiping to he her shadow! "Moro like a confounded foreigner
than an 1Snplishman." gretmlll4 the
young fellow who hall spoken, the son
of n neighboring peer, and one of
Nnrnh's moat devoted •lave.
"liot the beet of the running, you
hitt. She was dancing with another had been paying her attentions all see, Charlie; sees her every dag1 sad
it Could ,e he Possible that this )fe looked nt that gentleman as he
lot 1 iv es .'' ere hnd condescended to !,crit over the choir in Which Nornh
leve hire, tee tell him so, to premise Waw s,•ente(i. and for the first time
to 1.0 his wife} ,('yril re,*llee(i how handsotnn n man
"l'ii nl: in n Iii"'nt n chill °truck !Gaildford II ri,'n was. l',•rhaps he
WS'LL nidi YOU
SCOTT $ IQWMA %.1.74'&1••
This means that, as n rule, lands they tringle with the others and aro
should bo plowed in the autumn in n!ways healt hy. They would make
all tho Canadian provinces, and in ; aulntirable potpie, but the owner feels
all the states that border 011 ('an- that he cannot dispense with any of
ado. Southward from these states 1 his layers. There arra other hens that
some coils follow such autumn plow- i aro not attractive -looking, yot if they
Ittg, and thes.i increase continually as , aro kept by themselves they will Iso
tho latitude is lowered. ed.
found tto be great egg
producers. rs01-
Where lands are plowed in autumns telt egg producing gets It fowl out of
in cold climates, raters fill the Inter- shape, and this (cads to her being
slice between the Particles of soil. killed off for the table when she
On the approach of winter expansion should be retained.
follow when the ground freezes. This 1�-
forces Gm particles asundpr
Reuniter. So o -
tent is this silent power that it will A 17:1112 ('{:'1' 'I'IiA'l' 11.1111: WA7t.
force apart the particles of tho most ! '{ho cropping of the flowing locks
stubborn clays aro composed, thus ' „pit beard of Louis VII. of France
forming on anis near the surface a brought on three centuries of blood -
friable Reedited (which the roots of shed. Tho Archbishop of Rome had
young plants may readily penetratet
decrer+l that the French King, ns n
In the lr search for food. The only penance, should shave, and havo
hazard incurred, is that of beating his hair cut short. Nis appearance
ruins after the frost leaves tho soil ,., startled and amused his spouse,
and before the crop is sown. Theca Queen Eleanor, that she laughed
would solidity the soil again. Such •aloud, and bi'g;nn conteurptnouely to
hazard is always pre•scnt in winter flirt with the Count of Anjou, after -
climates of touch rainfall. ' wards Ifenry 11. of England. The
1'he ehemienl condition is also idiom K ing stood the d+egrace for a
greatly improteel. Frost, Nun anti time, but nt Inst sent 02hlerce of
rain not only work In harmony to- his grievance to the Pope, and oh-
wnrd improving the rethnnic,ti con- . (21112(x1 n divorce. Eleanor thein nutr-
dition of iho soil, but while they rir•tl 1lenry, and as her dower the
do so. they iinl..ck inert fertility and rich provincet, of Poitou and (iuiernno
tnako it readily available for iho
young plants when thjese begin to hot at passte1 lute h!s lords. Insula Innd•
grow hot at tacks on Normandy, ,tad de-
vastating Wars, which continued for
The idea some (nen hate of ventl-
aomo throe hundred years, were the
CAnsequerare of this Cropping of •
monarch's head.
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TILL FINAL LiiaSS01+i OP Ting j♦PAiis