HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-12, Page 6P .--
>4,0+0+040+0+ 0+0+0+0+0+ Noon brought hint near to Shrews + under the oceans are often rut. When TIGERS PROTECT FARMS.
bury. !JOHN BULLS WEAPONS��nbmarine telegraphy was erre. intro-
wan only jest in time, for flit( in Chinn about thirty ycuru,In India They Save Cultivated
a, c y
Iattr•r was almost exhausted; he bud I CLEVER DEVICES - FOR "HOLD- ago, the natives decided to cut the Land From Invasion.
cable. A numnber of junks sailed
be'Len s4.ized with [1aClllfl crawp in ING HIS ONGN. Lt year 1,285 tigers, 4,370 pan-nbuul in the shallue water of flim• [ilile
f lU his leg; and was sulfuring great flirs and leap«rut, 2.110(1 bears andToronto, (let. 10.-R'hent-Ontrio
u U ,slue Maurice uwet'.rd him with I'an �tsa !liver, where the cable had A Gun Which Will Fire Ten Bul- b2,ONe; aulwes were killed; of snukrs No. 2 red and white are orre,e
Veen submerged, and succer�hrl e. -life rural acuurxb^r of Inelia-nu re
+ Iditl'iculty to the slime., and then set. lets a Seconds -Many Secret hauling the steel rope to the surface. huts 74c to 7k rust and were. eel
> to work and noun banish(r1 the Submarines. cord is possible, and,
to p. The two dressed in intense,t, 'They not olds cut the ruble in twobills >tc below this rare. (:Dose and
with a hatchet, but carried (LKtly cotupurutivuly few we debUuy^'I' spring aro ow to 68c outside.
..4.04-0-4•0+0-4-04-0+0+0+0+04-0 ant then Shrewsbury held out his Without coal the modern battleship half a toile length of it. From the Hoverter deplorable and costly is 1lhewt-1�lunitubx-1'rice+s e. lake
hand rutefull i6 like a cal with its claws cul -it isthe takingof human mel cattle tile, r
g y• steel wife covering they made nails,
punt, UFO eus.irr at Soc No. 1 hard,
I. "You'll come up to the house'?" at the enures of Father Neptune as and the;, limned the fine copper the descent upon pruuiising crops by,. 2
K'c•II its un enemy. The British Navy83coiNo. 1 uurthaand 1 u.
It was a wild, Money night. The sum, tfaurith beim the mistress of every sen, et is threuda fomiug the "cure" into wire deer and pigs and monkeys would I.1'
northern. Old crop is Still being
Aeen had lashed itstlt into a fury "Not to -day, thanks. Special ap- being baskets. Even the gutta-percha in- even more serious to India, ant( sold at 8ltc No. 1 northern, and bac
curly in the evening, awl by feu pohe hurrnt-another lino --soon," and
nal proeerlussing to learn that the coal- sulutor was put to good use by the more expensive to the natives:, were No. 2 northern, lake ports.
o'clock was foaming und flinging it- he hurried away in obvious confus- ing pruccss adopted ueby her eat -ships
is then nines( grad apex;di0:.t in axis- ingenious ('blouse. From it they it not fur the tiger. panther and Flour-Outuricr-Fxpurt business is
self into huge ruurin • billows and ic'n, constructed, umong other things, leopard. This formidable trio of being don. at, $8 for 90 per coot.
b 6 fence.
caverouus dcptha. "It's strange he did not montiun Every one of our ironclads has its boot soles and stopping for decayed the cat fancily practically police ag- patents, buyers' begs, east and best..
All 1'olgarwi,s out on the it," thought the he fu doctor grim -
own collier, which uccumpunies her teeth! ricultural India where it pushes int o Altt«itobu-New flour 14.50. Henget--
beach. A large ship had horn 1y; "but pe deem he found mut my on all her trips, and this collier is V1':SSI LS FOIL CABLE MENDING. the jungle. and hake it possible for iau patents 14.30 and 14.20, with
sighted, rl:n ling helplrs:,lythe secret before I did, and thinks it able to supply the big vessel with In the event of one of our cables the poor native to exist through ! the big gelling comlpanies quoting
storm. Although knowing the the hope -4 will 1+r easier to write," and he coal without calling upon her to being cut during war time, John cultivation of his fields. old crop dour at $5 to 55.2( for first
lessness of the task, the fishermen turned to go home with the thought slacken her sewed. Whets the men -of- nue would send out one or two of Su, after at1, 11 is a question whe- patents, $4.70 to 14.:10 for second
had twice attempted t0 put out of his trouble and despair creeping\\"at' wants fuel n cable -way is run his "ocean -cable repairers." They
ther, speaking very broadly, tigers patents, and 1.1.00 to $4.60 for
with the lifeboat, but were beaten about his heart again./rum a jury ►Hast rigged on her decks take the form of specially equipped
are not more beneficial than harm- bakers'.
back each time. "Joan was in the drawing -room, to a must of the collier. The big ships, soil have 011 hoard some of fill. Undoubtedly the depredations Millfeed-Ontario-Bran firm at
The end carne very quickly. hut busy with the tea-tray. "What a vessel stilt continues on her journey the cleverst electrical engineers in the of the tiger aro oberestimated, he- $11.50 to $12 per tun in car lots at
nobody knew exactly how it happen- long time you've leen!" she cried. and the cable not only tows the col- world. r cause it is so feared that wherever it outside points and $16 to $17.50 for
ed. The clouds swept suddenly bo- "I heard you come into the house licr, but carries from the latter ship When these men discovered where protvin invariable panic spreads shorts. Manitoba Man 116 to 117;
fore the moon, and blotted out the ever so lone ago." to the former a cradle capable of the cable had been n^vere:I, they widely to its discredit. On India's shorts, $10 to 120 at 'Toronto and
taint light that gleaned over the "Very sorr;y," said Maurice nerv- holding 2,0(10 pour:ds of coal. This would haul up on deck the two ends last. year's death list 2,1349 were equal points.
waters. The watchers on shore ottsly; I had to change my cradle is worked b • a small engine. of the steel ro x:. As it is some- credited to wild beasts; and while Oats -Continue firmer at 31c west
clothes." �� and travels backwards and forwul(Is't' •s inlpossiblelt.o bring exactly to- all of these are laid up against the and 32c east for No. 2 white.
hhr e n sudden crash, followed by a I Pg again1 tiger,1 g Ilarles--V cry firm at 46e for No. 2,
shriek. '1 h vin there was silence. "Why? I don't ur.rler'itnnd. at ex ,ne:.;s speed. 10 one hour it will other bulli cache a new piece 'emitters and wolves (especial -
the clouds moved slowly past, "You may us well know now as put fifty tons of fuel on hoard t.ho of cable would be inserted. This ly panthers) should he chargers with 44c for No. 3 extra, and 44►c for
and the 1 light Nerved faintly later, Joan. .lack Shrewsbury Kent battleship while she is proceeding on 'splicing is a delicate proceeding, and a very considerable share, elle tact No. 3 at outside points.
overnut bathin and was taken with her toms at a speed of about ten 1 requires a considerable amount, of is that the panther and leopard - Wee -Sale of a special car lot is re-
ship the sea again, there was no g purled at 65e, the market bring
ship to he seen. cramp some distance from the shore. knots. skill. The ends of the copper "core" which, except ns to size•, ore about
He's all right now." W 111 N A U,\1t1.1•: IS 'TESTED. i have to he soldered, then the gutta- alike in spotted pelt and temper - quoted at. 05c asked, 62c hid.
Text morning 1 the of
were 6 I'eas-Sales aro reported at 70c,
out early, but. none of thrnt made a The girl's hand trembled for a As can be imagined, an ironclad percha covering; dr«Kra tightly over arra as much underestimated us the with the geuerul price 68c bid at out -
stranger feed than Maurice Sedg- moment, and the sugar longs drop- In harbor needs a cable of enormous the joint, jute threads have to be tiger is overestimated. side eines.
wick. high and dry on the beach Ped with a clatter to the floor. streugth to hold lier. John Bull's wound around, and, finally, tile steed The smaller leopard devotes itself p
"And you saved hint," elle almost cables are the best in the world, wire protecting covering firmly inter- more largely to goats and pigs rand Corn -Nn melee of new ('enuJlan
In cone �layss a lar) -dr wooden Uox, crop are yet reported but dealers ex -
in which lay slurping peacefully a whispered, and at each of his dockyards he hesitated. being
the gutta-percha travel monkeys, while the l•a++ther attacks ort the price to be around 45c,
lift(, survivor from the wreck. "I helped Min, but it wasn't only buildings wherein they are tested. (ope is being kneaded into place care n..er, guar, cattle 3x1 roan, for the 1
also, on occaoions, becomes American nominal at It0c for No. 3
He took the child home, and for his own sake. I came to ale At 0110 time our ships' cables Kele: has to bo taken that no moisture is yellow, and 130tc fur Nu. 2 yellow,
brought his high chair back from shelter this afternoon, thinking you constructed of hemp, but now they + present. 1f one drop of moisture pen -
a panther also, and when 1L eco it uke und rail freights.
the lumber• -room and gave her some were alone, and heard itinf speak to aro of iron chain. A one inch and a , etrntes during the process of I:mad is a fury insatiable. Pant hers are Buckwheat -Sales of new crop aro
breakfast. and. later on, when the you; and knovieg-knowing that-" half cable weighs a little over 8'20' ing, tho electricity will gradually leak bolder in attack, more active rand
pounds per fathom. The iron from i out, and the cable will tail to trans- reported at ,',Oe Kehl.
housekeeper had put her to sleep, "Knowing what'." oft. l try hard mit m^sstt nese more generally vicious than liners; )tolled Oats -$4.75 for barrels in
iSt' "Knowing you (Dude( him," said irw',11}((rill is it snaprleti Is
sudden strain, John Bull has also appliances for yet they inspire nothing like sueh car lots on track here, and for bags;
h^ mai-died into his father's surgery
and spoke his mind. Maurice unsteadily, "made him awe among the natives. Indeed, I 25c more for broken lots hero and
"If you don't find her relations," sacred in my t;ves."
but soft irate will stretch like rope. tapping" ocean cables from board 4(rc outside.
have seen natives rallyto the de-
"'!'here's only one thingwren irk When dr tees cable is made it is ship.-l'enrson's \Vicekly' fence of n nali of which leopards are
he sued nc•rviusly, "you won't send y gtoken to a testing -house. Down the
her attay,doc will you?" what you say. guardian I don't centre of an imiliensc shed rums 11 part iculrttly fond, when, had Lhe COUNTRY I'1tOL)UC1J.
Thei doctor, who had also been do- lure trim•" large wooden trough 801110 eighty feet PARISIAN POLICE WORK. intruder been a tiger, they st'ould Butter -Both creamery and dairy
big a little quiet thinking.was "But i thought-" I have been puralyeed into inaction by butter continues to come forward
in length, and at One end is « mss ;
ready with his answer. "You found "1 wc•uldn't leave you for tiftsive drum over which the cable 19 Cleaning up the Boulevards -Num- very fear. well and the market retains an easy
her, old .hap," he said thoughtfully, Jack Sh041 hurriedly:
she said, and fastened. A hauling arrangement is; ber of Men Employed. -"�� tone.
"no it'A for ,you to decide. SU•ictle then redder: hurriedly• ""! here's no uppnatte the drum, and this is work- j Every few months, rho Prefect t f TEACH THE GIRLS. Creamery, prints 22c 2Sc
speaking• of course, she's Ireasure: ir1 in England with sueh a dear ,r1 byhydraulicpower.•
ado solids Ie 21}0
old guardian as 1 have; you're al- !Police, Monsieur Lcpi11c, gives what
trove, and belongs to the King." gWhen the cable is arranger! in the' he cteis x "coup do bulai," u general Cooking -Should be taught to girls Dairy Ib. rolls, good to
"1 should like to adopt. her," said (ways helping; and saving sonuirody•' trough the machinery is est in mo- sd\..e.l,fog up of the grnnde bottle -
and when they Are 12 or 14 yeetlA old, choice 19c 20c
the boy, "and bring her up as my Bet Maurice shook his head. "The tion, and tho cable iA given a dead Yards, that is, rids them of the 01r under the rudimentary principles do medium 17c (tic
own." (bays of my guardianship are over," ° pull of sixty tons. An ingenious de- teetionabl0 rues and women wt►o may be instilled in theta when .they du Lulls, good to choicel7c 18c
"I'm perfectly willing," replied the he said dully. 11'e const try to vice informs the testers how much crowd them for the purpose of eY- gra «t ilio "mud pie" Alagse of lfe. do inferior ...... 15r. 1(]c
doctorgravely. And so Treasure trace sums of those n•1«tiun ." the iron chain stretches under tf:e plaiting the passer-by in variouli Tinny he "ins make a utist.ake in Cheeseerior c•s are about steady at
-What have 1 done, u+,rdian?" strain. If this test proves satisfac- . refusing to cater to the housekeeping 11 c to 12c
Trove, as they sometimes called her, g 1 , ways. Not long ago the army of g t per pound.
althougzh she nwintaineel stoutly t 1C0ng wrong. Treasure Trove; tory, a few links are taken from the;
became su obnoxious that tlto instincts at; they develop in the child. Eggs -Quotations t re unchanged at
that her name was little .loan - but I couldn't stand it -now-" ruble and submitted to a second pull `shupkeepers along the boulr•ards The baby sees mamma making ple lee to lite.
found it home and a guardian, the The girl leaned towards him slow- thirty tons greater than the first. 11,ruade a complaint, and now the po- and wants go help. It the mother; •1'ot«tur+s-C2nut«tions unchanged at
latter only eighteen years of age. ly, her eyes luminous with the know- the links withstand this the wholelice are arresting scores of (.hem, would give a lilUo time and patience 60c per baa on track, and 7Oc to 80c
ledge of his secret. 'If you will cable is passed for use. I every eight.. Every capital is wic>e•
to directing the child's desires ri ;ht out of store. �rJ.
II. not have rale as your ward." she During testing operations rho test- : but Paris does not take as niece then, later she would not have deli-
culingettingthe ..hied to ttdke an Poultry -lent hens, 7c to 8c; thin, 1F
whispered, "will you-eiU you have urs have to retire into another room,'• trouble to hide its eickedness as ts 7c. to 80; 'ducks, 8c, all live weight.
Fifteen years hod passed quietly rue as your wife?"--1'carson's Week- for occasionally « cable will snap and' other (Alien.tend teethe.. who is a i interest in household duties, bet she 13a1a1 lJnv-Cor lot.+ on track at
away sinee the night of the great lv fly ncruss the shed. *Duet I tells it to run away 011(1 play and $7,,,0 to .. iter ton fmr Nu. 1 litn-
storm The doctor had gone to his g reat philosopher as Kell as A [, not bother her, and .so gradually the
regi and Allottee had taken u ► his11011' 'I'IIh:Y 1V'ILI, 'TALK A'1' SEA. prefect, who tries to do his work, I othy and $a for N0. 2.
{ SWINDLED MANY VVIVTS. fangs that it is hardly w•orrlt while !child's thought is directed elsenlii',e Baled Straw -Quiet, car Iota 0n
practice, with tit.• assistance of the `Talking at acs iN .till carried on and it grows up unwilling to work• track offering at 16 per tun•
old housekeeper and Joan. - by means of flag signals, but I:efo•o'to make raids. as the women arc.R-
English dish i3lttebeard Skillfully De- surd to come back, What pulite force . When there are two children in a I
One afternoon as he teat in the g very long this old-fuslJuncd nu•thod, ferrety and neither knows how to pre -1
garden he saw Joan in the distance ceived R'onten, is there to protect the peaceful Paris
,night be supplanted by an rloelirc citizen h•onf harm? flatly say that faro a meal or manage the house and tfONTlti';Ai, MARKETS.
returning towards the house along (trent IhilOin, like the United system. This,consists of a large elec- the force is stab lent, and there Is no mo a• awakes some morning to fled! 7ltontrenl. Oct. 10. -(:rain -Some
the bench. The girl ws tall and Stales, has its George ii mete
t he I sic banner placed upon the mast -she is ill and unable to attend to
veru beautiful, and the sight took man charged with m:ursolg , robl.:r;g; brad of the ship, and having nem• uo..1, es male' desire, to increase it. business was corked in old crop \tan -
b 'Inure are 6,820 policemen, called rho daily duties, gfrat.confnhion Robe spring wheat at a price c•:,uiva
his memory h hack. When the and drserl ing many a ivev, and who with rt of incandescent light:, each a diens dc' In six," 1)•I(i ler reigns. if in the emergency th girls lent to about 1384c afloat 13.•14.. The
thoughts he had conjured up had is said to have former( a syndiente with forty-five figures. In the wile. I- • g. P ,!leis, under 25 c'lulenvor to prepare the mems and demand is chiefly from thaw it) mill -
ertg ,there, 70 brigadiers,
faded novas, he raised his head, but for the purpose of carrying out his house there is a kr}goad conlmumi-, rho weary mother its front the kit•
tabu • ere the se boa which is oflicers of peace, and •2!► principal in- g ers. Offerings of mals are ~till small
the girl was no longer in sight. He pearsinoninl pinnc. witll)at• ate bthen 1110 smell of burnt toast and
1 corked niter the manner of a type -
Beside these, there is quite and the :n[trkef continues Lon.
rose and walked towards the gar- pears to have been only Milt acing a burnt bacon and vile, smell ng cnt!e:•,
writer. Any nuessn ••• inn he flashed
« Amall antny it a(ns' clothes,
Foe Flour -Manitoba spring; wheat Pa-
den gate, intending to meet her. famous Fewest) criminal now serving b fn about in citizens' clothes, who she is likely to he angry with the tents, 15 to $5.10; strong bakopa-
There ens, a little to the left, a a, long sentence for his heartless on the screen by touching the keysi b girls And with herself and fate.
better on the beach,crimes. Having numerous nlirts.•s, in the wheelhouse, making quite
aro more dangerous to the evil- Vet why should she when she hits $4 70 to 34.80; winter wheat patent A,
roughly -built hdoors than those in uniform, for as $•tell. to 14...r, straight rollers, S4.-
atnl to this place his a rens were at- this h:ngl'I'Iy l n is known to the both by duv and by night quite easy'• the latter docs not know them, 110 not taught her girth to cook? They 30 to $'1•'10, and In bat's at $2 to
Thr invention to « iMitish ono, hudcannotlearnthe science and art 11t 12.11).
tractrd at once, for the end of a police merely by his Christian name ., ,..lits it is believed that it will en. e'nnnnt run away from them. Then cookingin one meal and with no as-
parasol was visible &awing pat- "Joseph" or ".toe." tee, I. .I., away with the flog code, . We must not forget t he Republican nce•, and 80 it becomes necessary Milltetrl-(liar:itnha bran inNW",
!crus or. the sand. "Joseph," said the detective ser- in •r cavy n1 all evengs. ;Guards, whose business it is to look117 to 118; hhortA, 120 to 121: On -
"She must bre cngsidering very genie who last arrested him, "had P 'after those who are arrested, And ne-
tted t" send Dot for a cook,
ellen had intim bran in bulk, *15 to S:c.50;
11:.1 It„II has rn«tic a his mint(; the children of the house been cdu-
hard about something," he thought his own syndicate or corps of ate ' to teild his own at Irnd a•ld at stege r•onipnny them to the ruurte, and ' aborts, S20 to t;:'O.fiO; milled ',mune.
wntch them, to sec that they do not ruled properly in the hun,ely arts, ruin unnit111',
affectionately; "1 won't have it.. It's AIStA1f r. with whom lie divided his For safeguarding his harbors andthe household regulations could have 121 to $24; straight q
my duty as her guardian to worry plunder. One always acted as in- •,e(d)ge places against the intnision run «why: und we must also men -
undisturbed during ll:o un- 128 to $2!► per ton.
for both of he 1 1 ns1'rtutg mnitunoninl ne f possible enemy he has r en tion the hicycl1' policemen n( wt. holler( (►nth -'v( rbange in rolled
foreseen changes.
Dots, for which the (ient«n•l is still
And to harried towards the bcromo nfnulst m hsp1'nAah inset -
ns- + 'ants.!limitat hl 25 to S'm.an g• is Mrtgl
Ahelter to scold hes ward. But as h. Th I They
dirty meaner 11 hoard o voice, not 1 best man who told hi • 1 hs studded 1'( wt NOT WHAT' S111•: EXPECTED. tCornmenl is also quiet at SI 45 to
1 1 ' r one of which to n► B $1.50 per Ung.
Joan's, but the voice of a fri1'ml of 'i`hey had « quarrel on Sunday liay-N o. 1, 18.50 to tf); No. 2,
his own. named •Jack Shrewsbury,
from e'rclnnnion. ,evening. He got annoyer( and said 17.50 to *8; clover, mixed, t:,51 to
!Maurice stopped short in utter 1 ll' 1 h Ili t chain to n heavy weight, and have he'd leave her. '19un she got vests( 17, and pure clover, 1t3 to $8.15 ton
and lull him he could du «a lie in car lots.
amnrentent, still listening unconsci- I h I t 1 o dropped into «creek or
musty to the voice of his friend. The of low•ph s nngry (ether r p'ncer1'adv fur ♦ pleased. Ile left. The next night
eagerness that had brightened his "it war the business of the nngry ..evict !h1' moment un ironN«d s he crone roust again. Ile asked NEW YORK VViiT:AT MARK ET.
face Bird owns, rand was ropla•cel by fvUt1'r to appear on ih• se.•ne ns 1c+ touched n • of the 4trt.crA t.0 ser her alone. She readily
tl mine would ex dod1' noel result plied. She was all of a tremor. Iter New York, Oct. Ie. -Wheat -Spot
a look of absolute 118111 8101 stupor. sof a'c the marriage orae . onlp►o+..1 1 oeasy; No. 2 red, N7;e In elevator
He turned and walked slowly bark, and the pair w1't1' I •1' eh. eho .I, the vessel's deslructinn h^art sten) out to him in a gush of ea c f.o.b. afloat; In l nerrth andd
heart. welh a new kuowlydgr to«ring 0t. his tosythr w love. She slmod rerudy
Thd fast pubbe 8 a to throw both arms rtbout 'tis nee.k Ihduth, UOc Loeb. afloat; No. 1 t.
'l'be ern Manitoba, U(►;c f.o.b. 1 north -
The very clrrumst0nr1' that had 1 Ale xnn4rn un t1.. mpnr lin ) and a ry oft her Joy. 1'hrre \t«�
ban comrnt.41on1'd ter. (.cr tgtY 1.. not mush color in his face, 81111 his
\•mire 1.118 husky. Ile said•- CA'l'I'I.E MARKET'.
"I have beau engage+l 10 you viz 'Toronto, Ort. in. -'lire following is
months, Matilda, and 1 Irie,l in all the range of 11n, 1i).- h
that time to do what. with right." te
Iexport cattle, choice ,..14 40 $4 50
lie paused an instant to recover (10 m01111101 4.111 4 'lei
th • :Hire which was Inhering rapidly do bulls 3.00 815
while line trembling increasrrl. do light 2.75 3.00
"i know that i have got a con- (10 cows 2,75 8 2;;
federabb• temper, and that 1 dm Butchers', picked 4.15 4 2.5
not control it as I O'1g(ht. But 1 do choice 4.00 4 t1.i
have tried to be faithful to you, (ler medium 3.60 8 Ili
tried t0 do everything that. I do light 2.76 8.14)
thought would tend to make you (10 Mille 2.00 2.`l.5
happy. And feeling this. 1 have Stockers, choice 3 00 3 25
called in -night to sere if you flu common ...... 2 0Nl 2.''25
wouldn't he kind enough to give me do Mulls 2 '25 '2 50
a sort of testimonial
to this Miert, lleavy feeders ,... :3 50 3.60
so that i could show it to any other Milch cows. choice .....40.00 51100
young lady i nug;ht want to get en- do common 2N.IN1 3300
gaged to. 11 might help me." Sheep, export, ewes 3.lib 4.10
Ile looked at her anxiously. All do !melte ..... 3.00 35(1
the color left her fare in a flesh. rlo culls .. 3.00 :I 50
She made a great effort to swallow Iambs, per cwt. 5.2:, :, 85
somr•Ihiug which 1hre0tenrd to sof- Calvet,. each 2 00 in e10
focate her. Then she spoke:- du per cwt. :4.50 0.00
"You get nut of this house as Hoge, s,1eets (i.'95 0.00
quick. ns you can, you miserable do lights and fats 6.110 (1.00
vetoes or my father shall kick you
out." . -
Ile dii let toy with t lute. ile left
without the trstimouial. '1'O ItENOVA'fi; OILCLOTH.
i or ucc r, i { _ o tt cosi + e hidden
vertisetncnts and posing as 0 legciti- away in his storerooms Nome excel -'there are hundreds, and who have
mate matrimonial n t•nt. a P00 -r' le n
g lent. submarine mines. are like notch as they so much faster,
orad was the m. i g 11 1 'th "strikers, and no t of goutin hoots warns
confiJc•nt int stones ofJoseph's l s , om- ' pressure on any .the law -breaker. It is costly to send
derfut prospects 8nd arranged. it 'staidly explodes « detonator instd1'. :t,(iUU delinquents to be punisbud by
necessary, n11 the (irtnlls of n :excret I'1'hese mines are attached by a length Ino. 'Phis year the expense to 1'fois
marriage, and the third, perhaps e 0111 .11 be $7,1 0,72 1,
cleverest of the lot, payed the part only u ,
otherwa1' .
e ell e. /
soon 11'
in .
sun•o(1de'd by' their feteds. ('rat. h- 1'1111:1► BY 1'1.1:("1'1{Il'1'TV'.
ing sight of 'Joe' 811(1 his In'i(le the John 11 11' 1 t I nr c mines
old 1111111 would hobble up -he was
always on the point of dying -and
next instant closed the new chapter stinging his fist would say'. 'yell vil-
in his life for ever. Ban!' So this is where you etre. eh'?
11e waleed on until he carne to a (letting married? Not one single
little sheltered bay. n favorite bath- penny of my money shall you ever
trig place, and here he sot drown in have.'
a quirt nook and faced his trouble SF,RV'1•'D til•:V1:11AL 'l'1'.I*MS.
•'\\hilt they were waiting for the
Iii. I income 'Joe' nearly always managed
to renew 1111011 hes wife's property
ile had not been there very long, and 1111111td(Il her. How many wo-
huweter. before he heard swnorine men. )te really deceive(( end married
approaching. we renlly 001111(0 soy'. We do know
.lack Shrewsl,nry. for he it was, that he tins serve.( severe! terms for
dime to n standstill close to Mar- his crimes, and that his convictions
rice. a'ld glanced ltesitnlingly 1,,- have leen bass( on investigatione
Will Have I -'ii st Public Statue of
Q'teen Alexandra.
statue of Queen
u s en •s su 11110 • iEmpire s just
nrr of course, fired by electricity ' ,. :
from the shore, and are already fixed Wade, the well-known sculptor, has
for service. been chosti•n to do the work. 'nu.Smn10 little while ago a new gun
wan placed before our War Ofeco ilrstination of the statue is 1 long
foul prover) to be one of the most t Kong. Which liras already given rem -
terrible man -killers ever cunsiructcc.lmiNsiouc for st 8(11(8 of Kinn led -
The inventor declared that It would ward and the Prince of Wales.
fire no fewer than 3(+,(100 bullets In The new statue is being erected
sixty seconds. The gun is construct- out of a fund raised in connection
cd on the principle of n 'lin,(. A 1 with the ilong Kong coronation
disc from which 1 couple of hands celebration.
project is set working; inside a case '1 he (:ween will be represented in
at the extraordinary rate of 15,100iher coronation robes. The statue
revolutions per minute. 'The bullets Will ire of bronze, and life -site. and
are poureel into 11 tube, where they 'the pedestal will be either of gran -
are caught by whirling bands which he or innrhle.
shoot thein through an opening lead- The King. to whotn the proposal
wards the sen. Then he seemed to into dozens of cases. 'In some lases ing to n barrel. was submitted. through th1' (lover -
decide. and began to undress him- )1,• succe"ded in marrying; eenllhy ; Another gun that Ihr11 has got hold for of (long Kong. readily gate his
self for n bathe. g ills and obtaining pussessioti of of will kill at 1 hree miles, and tits- pernfiasi•'n. Itis Mn jest y also np-
11e was n good swimmer, with n thousands of dollars.". charge bullets at the rate of 600 per proved the suggestion that the
ens 1s strong stroke that sten ear- f minute. '11fe wenp)n weighs a little statue should be made by Mr. Wade.
rie.1 him seine distance (remn t he over one hundre•deeight, and the 4.--•"hwe I V ALIT. Ole A 1II*S11AND. 'gunner hos only to turn n wheel to
!II"'uems.• watched himu•
with idle An Anrirnn missionary ret tinting pelt the enemy With shot. Purpose is what gives life n mean-
serk se.% that atldd••nly changed in- (roof 'Teheran tells a cutlet's story. Expert s entertain little doubt that ing
to a look of *0)008ee ,•ng•rn08s `„rale months ago one of his feline submarine boots will piny an ex- '♦Toney talks, but It (1009111. w.Ary
tttom.•thing wait evidently wrong. for com1trymen, also 0 missionary. was c•e^ding;ly prominent part in future su►ne of us With its cunversdttion.
the se tinnier had throes( back to- killed by n Dervish. 1115. „lameb'toed,, naval engagements John Bull, of ; some ieopl•' are afore discouraged
wards the shore And was netting a rinint through the atnm•icnn tlinis course, has A goodly number of un- by the seeress of others than by
eery slowly Even at that dist n•,ce 1.r• for the ,unislnnent of the tour- der -Water vessels. hot he will pro- thele own failures.
Munciee could see that `�hr:,tsh,n}'•: .Lr••r and `t0,01)) compen.ntiorr for bably find that his ''monitor.," -0--;Itheir
here, have you
wsunlly florid face ea, whits etc' th • loss of her husband. The punish- submersibles, will heot 11011' real been ticking nny m0110v out of the
tenggor.l, nlr•nt ons, for rellgfoua rlxsons. nth
?Iniu•ire climbed to what 1,a. ,of the question, hot the Persian (1uv-
innwn n' th • tiiting mete, t8lite ernnu•nt paid rho Minister $'1r,(N►0
err bpi cont and w'801*00,81 as ler ;ns c' )Na18Ation to the 00108, ohm,
110.0/. Then he stopped and ran however, refused to take it. She
his knife Minn: his h(nt-IAc.•5., kirk- snie1 her husband wile not worth
•d) off flee lime,), nett tai'id iflni off ;esetelU0: 1301.0((1 woe 1114 tamest
Floe It err his full height on the roil, j'.0111r: Dad 11118 ons nIl she could he
tat ell rh`nking deeply.
perenadrd 10 aer•ept
•-,trlden)v the drowning leen tolled 1
lor hi•lp. and then Melees- r t1'. re- I -non** sop try the ehiek.•n sntad.
N,eminer•tr) flee fart -the 1 '•,1 wl•e•1,1 !pallets," said the bonrdin.g-hens.
Joon loved was 11roer:"ee. 11,,•eeetrerI
1 tried it yo•etrrtiay.
spl0ng into the sea and torr nonny ma'am." repliers the witty judge,
with a swift, over -hand stroke that "and the thicken proved as alibi." -
e 1( him to 0 struggle rat sen �" --r .-..� ,-
hahy's munry-hoz. 11'it.-"Yens, Tlil'. ('Alli': OF' SI ON(IE.M.
IN 'Pili DAN'S TO fettle!. dear. I heti to, t0 pay n bill." if used for s+np they should he
The thief feature of it "monitor" husband -"Well, you had no Mist -rinsed, olhereis1' they are sore to
is a very low "icer board." that is, nese to. 1 was counting on that
become slimy and must unpleasant. the oilcloth thoroughly and let it
the hu;l is wiry low in the water, tnone myself"'•In any case they require periodical dry. Then, at night, when the traflc
When 11 :.••'1•I 01 t his type is at sea "Really. my dear." said prior Mr. cleaning. Dissolve some born or of the dray is done, go over it with
only the hmnel . the 1'ev0lving tor- Jangle to his better half. "yon have sodn in warm water, and let the a piece of flannel dipped in glue-
re1 for the guns, and a look -out sadly disappointed me. 1 once sponge conk in it for an hour; I anter. (hoose n dry tiny for 0, and
house, f.o• the captain appear above thought yn11 a jewel of a woman, sq eps(' it well nut. and then rinse in the morning the• glue will 11' quite
the meeker steel 4urfae. For deka- bet ye t''•1' turners out only A bit in clean worm water. Many people' ' hard and the flotreloth new -looking.
'eve ptlrposes the '•monitor" is one of man enoninl paste." "Then. my melte it habit of putting their
Tho glue -water moat be prepared
of the Nieto vessels ever e(nst ructPele love." 11.18 the reply, "een'i'1 \ our- sponges outside the window after ' some time before it is neetleri by puts
as it otters 1,10 t1 small target for pelf with 11,e 1.1.•., '1'•,,e t,,i•.t,' , 1••r% 110II( then in order that they may iting a areal) quantity of glue in a
the projectiles of the enemy to hit. aelhvslve, and t1:'I sleek to yo•, as a'i and dry in rcadines$ for the next 'pint or so of water and setting on
In tines of war telegraph sables wog as you i1ve„'4 {tine o1 wing. (the stove till dissolved,
When oilcloth is losing its shining
surface it can be made to last longer
and to look quite new nice more by
varnishing it over with glue. Wash