HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-12, Page 4Ayer's' Ozetet= Abuocate, Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, OCT. 12, '05 Further English Comment Upon the Exeter Advocate, Etc. The "Exeter Flying Post" it prosper- ous looking newspaper of Exeter. Dev- onshire, England, makes further inter- esting comment upon :1'itg Ant -cr- eam" and some of its recent news items, etc., the whole of which is well worth reading. :Many of our items apparently seem odd to the 131itish mind, just as their items seems odd to us. Perhaps the most peculiar thing we notice is to be found in (be adver- tisements. We see. theft one coin - menet.); thus: "Joshua D.aw•, Gentle- men Tailor and Breeches Maker," an- other starts •'H. D. Western's Best Quality Slab Cake," etc., while the "ails." show odd make up as to lines of type. the whole paper containing only a few different forms of type. ",The Flying Post" of September 23. says in part: 'Another copy of the "Exeter Advocate," published at Exe- ter, Ontario, has reached me, and I am pleased to gather front its appear- ance and from the news it contains that the Canadian town to which old "Sem er Fidelis" has stood god -moth- er is doing well. Officially, Exeter, Ont., is described as a village, an of- ficial advertisement commencing thus: "A By -Law for borrowing such sutra of sums of money." The By -Law gives some idea of the' size of the place for $18,000 is roughly tnidway between £3,000 and £4,000. The capital expen- penditure on the Electricity Works at Exeter, England, prior to the installa- tion of the tramway generating plant was over £82,000, (or stay $420,000,) 01 which mains were responsible for £14,- 700, leaving about £'7.300, as the cost of the station, equipment, &e. The total rateable property of the Canadi- an Exeter is valued at £108,8'..)., and it is interesting to see from the adver- tisement that it is governed by a Reeve and Corporation, or Council. The Clerk is Jos. Senior, and among other names associated with the Eng- lish Exeter and mentioned in the an- nouncement relative to the electricy works are Silas Handford,Joseph Coh- bledrek. Williant Weekes, Alexander Dyer, Joseph Davis and James North Howard. Among other thins which I gather from the "Advocate is that there is a "Labour Day" in the province, hut it seems to be made an excuse for out- ings rather than to take the form of serious demonstrations and stern speechmaking. Thustinder "Crediton" I read: "Labor Day passed otT very quietly in our burgh. A number of the sports took in the baseball game at Lucan." Again: "Several Exe- terites attended a pleasant 'glide and step' at Parkhill Labor Day evening," while a Grand Bend report states that "Our viilage presented a lively appear- ance on Labor Day, a large picnic from Crediton spending the day here." Some of the local diversions sound strange to British ears. Thus a cor- respondent at %Voodbam announces that "A number of our young people took in the honey and bun social at Zion Monday evening." Apparently life is considered too abort in Ontario to say took part. Other paragraphs include one taken from a defunct local journal of 1882 recording how Mr. Robert Sanders (a native of Devon) on reaching Snowflake, during a visit in Manitoba was met by a number of mounted friends, who had dressed themselves as Indians one of them having ridden across the prairie on a white ox, being unable to secure a horse. Varna Rev. Davidson has had an addition built to his barn. -Thus. Stephenson bad one of his fingers badly injured in a corn cutter one day last week. - Albert Robertson is recovering nicely front the effects of his recent accident. -The Misses Eleanor Davidson and Elva Higgins, who have keen on the sick list, are convalescing, as is also Mr. Pilgrim. --Th(' home of Mr. and Mrs. i.'anta ileattie has been saddened during the past few days, the angel of death stooping down and bearing to a better home the spirit of their five- year-old daughter, Florence. The lit- tle gill had only been ill a few days with )nm euunin. She was a partici'. Is: ly bright ehild and the pride of t he household. To Mr. and Mrs. lleattig we extend our syrnpnthy. -Wed was received here I f an accident that bete) John . kEwen, son of Malcolm Mr. Ewen, Of the :ird concession. The young man has been engaged in mis- s' work in the Northwest, and while helping to shingle a house, he stepped backw.etd, falling to he ground and in the fall broke his:itin. Wedne,di.� morning by a singular decree of fate, Mrs. Malcolm Me Ew est had the 1111( fortune to fall end break her arm neat the tat ist. To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see k, in your gray halr? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. 1f you will Hair Vigor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 00 years. -1 am new ever ft years 1.'.1, and 1 bars a tt„rk,.ewer bead o 1 bit hide which Is a wonder to tkor• one who sows Il ♦N aM a gess bar 18 1t. rill des In Areels 1111,r' Mae. H. R. Previa. Redd*, Minn. ft* . t,ettl.. 1. c. ATa,•o . . 11drn,t i.� for hnw.11�.. White Hair The rea4ers of this paper w iii Le pleased to learn that there is at least our drrad. 1 disease that *oleo, r has leen able toeure in all its *Juges, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure, is the only positive CUM now known to the meshes! fraternity. Catarrh being • .•w,atitutiw,al disea.e requires a constitution at treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken interual- ly, acting directly upon the blood and wu.ous rue. iliCei of the s)NruI ther, .r destroying the founda- tion of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietor. have so much faith in its curatives powers that they oath one hun- dred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: Y. J. CIIENEY & CO., Tulelo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Pills fur oonati/.ation. 314.0111il•rty Council Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Town flail, McGillivray, Oct. 2. Alt present. Minutes of previous meeting read, approved of and signed. It•)binson-Clens--accontlts, amount- ing to $07'2.95;alsogra vel accounts were paid to Use sum of $112.95. Clens - Itobinsou -that the clerk is hereby in- structed to place on the Collector's roll on the Ni of hot No. 5, Con. 19, the amount of costs as per Fence Viewers award. Yeas and nays called for by W. Mawson. Yeas --J. McGregor, W. T. Ulens, J. Robinson and 13. T. Mary. Nays --W. Mawson.-Cit Pried. Maw - son -Mart• --that this council adjourn to tweet the first Monday in November at one o'clock. --Carried. W. Fraser, Clerk. Stephen Council The council of Ibe Township of Steph- en convened in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Monday, Oct. 2nd, at 1 p.m. All present. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and adopted. Resolved that when the Engineer files the reports, plans and specifications re Mud Creek Drain, that the Clerk send notices to the parties interested that the same will be considered at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Dec. 4. at 10 a. in. The following accounts were pass- ed, F. W. Farncotnb, Ford award, $29; Do., part payment of fees, re Mud Creek dram, $60; N. Baker, gravel contracts, $103; R. Davey. Com.,$2.50; J. Sims, do., $10; U. Stade do., $2.50; J. Barr , do., $3; M. McIntyre, do., $13.50; 11. L. Kraft, do., $35.85; W. H. Hill. gravel. 89'1.10; F. Triebner, do., $70.50; A. Sweitzer, repairs to Essery's bridge, 832; (3. F. Hillier. rep. Heist's bridge, $5; H. 1T. Eilber, do., $2.50; E. Feist, do.,$3; W.Martin. concrete tile, $1.50; T. Webb, do., $5.50; J. Baird do., and rep. culvert, $3; 11. Roeder, clean- ing ditch, $1; A. Gravelle, rep. culvert, $1.50; 0. Prouty, do., $3; W. Picker- ing, do., $2.75; S. Hweitzer, do., $3.50; F. Geiser, do*3; D. Mawhinney, tile on road. *1.10; J. Birney, timber, $2; R. Sims, drain tinder award, $3; H. English, iron bolts, 05c.; H. Wing, spikes, $1.03; J. Keys. rep. Mud Creek bridge, $1.50; J. Brophey, work on grader, $2.50; W. Johnston, et al, rep. bridge, Con. 20, $27.50. The Council adjourned to meet in Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Monday, Dec.4, at 1 p.m. H. Eilber, Clerk, McGillivray Mrs. Wlaistell still continues ill. Her many friends hope for her speedy re- covery,-Retnember our township Fair to -morrow, Oct. 13. -Mr. and Mrs. Me- Guftln, of the Townline, have gone to Lynn, Mass., to reside with their son. We are sorry to part with these good people and wish them every happiness in their new home. T. Gagen is occu- pying the house they vacated. -The many friends of Geo. Sadler will be sorry to learn that he is gradually growing weaker. -Mr. Colwell, of Tbedford, has taken possession of the store and pnstoftice nt Sylvan. Mrs. John Dawson has conducted the busi- ness .ince the det(th of her husband, but has now decided to move away. --- M. Windsor, who has been suffering from blood poison in hie hand, is get- ting along nicely. --John Hodgins luta been laid aside,sulferingfromn a seyere felon on his h call. --The remains of the five months' old baby of Geo. Grieve of !foray avert. 11 id to rest in Parkhill cemetery on Saturday. To .'.Jr. and 3Irs. Grieve we extend our sympathy. !Mowers() Acctne:T,-A very said drowning accident occurred on Thurs- day, whereby Mrs. Margaret McEwen lust her life. Deceased was the relict of the late Roht. McEwen, and was aged 77 years. Since the death of her husband, some fifteen years ago, Mrs. McEwen has Mede her home with her son, William, on the 8th concession. On the above day the son went out to work on the fat•tn, and the little girl went to school as usual, leaving the old Indy in care of the household du. ties. During the course of the day, she, needing a pail of water, went to the cistern in the corner of the cellar to get it. and, as far as can be learned, one of the cover boards broke and pre- cipitated ci)itnted her into the water from which she was unable to extricate her • self without assistance. When the little girl arrived home front school af- ter four ei clock she could not find her grandmother and ran to the field to tell her uncle. After a search of the premises Mr. McEwen, noticing the broken ioard, dragged the cistern. where he found his mother. The fun- erel took piece on Saturday to Car- ;s1e cemetery, Rev. Geddes of Ailsa e',nig conducting the ceremony. Pacing Record Broken. T)11) Patch at Lexington, Ky.. nn S atonia) broke the world's pacing r-e- en',t by three-quarters of a second, go. a mile in 1:551. Lizard is Her Stomach. Mrd:. J. McDonald of Ridgetnwn while suffering a severe attack of vow - it ing coughed up a lizatd about three ,• I,. - long. She has been ill eight '11.•1.!i:s but since the election of the lii.:ud she is touch better. Mrs. Kyle Acquitted. Mrs. itohert Kyle of ingersol is now •a free woman, having been ar(tnitted by it )jury at 1Vuodstork last lveek on the charge of the der of Robert. 'I:.gec, whom est(' shot on July 18th. 'I:agee was proven to he a worthless a•ul dangeronts rhanecter and the 'hoot ing was declared just iflable. Bayfield Fire Costs $1.800. 1t .y field, Oct. R. -The large evi.pnt n. t i.ig factory here, owned by Mr. John 1,VIiiddon, was burned to the gtoon(1 1 ..t night. The flrc broke ort nhnut In::g1 p. no. in the boiler roan and i 1 a • hot t time the whale factory was in f1.nlcs and the whole building :and the eentents were horned. The 1 s ,.1uu,atitcd to • 2),lIi) insured for $ 100, cjtel la At BY ROYAL WARRANT, MILLERS 70 N.R.N. THY PRINCE OF WALES Good Bread should please the Eye as well as the Palate. Why does the dainty housewife delight in snowy napery, glittering cut -glass, burnished silver, delicate china and all other table allurements dear to feminine hearts ? And what man does not appreciate table beauty? It is not that we appreciate the appearance of our food alinoSt as much as the taste of it? Bread may be ever so wholesome, well - flavored and made of scientifically milled flour, but with all these qualities we want it to look dainty, appetising, snowy -white, with nut- brown crust, and be firm and silky in texture. Royal Household Flour makes jugt that kind of bread. The elecctrical purification and itterilization of Royal Household Flour makes it yield not only absolutely pure bread, but bread of snow, whiteness and beautiful texture - bread that will grace the prettiett table or give beauty to the humbled meal served on the plaint dishes. You can prove this by trying a 25 Ib. bag -you must have flour, why not have the beit. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 72 '12 Barley. 88 38 Oats ••...• 29 30 Peas tl0 65 Potatoes, per bag 75 80 Hay, 1)1.1• ton 0 (5) 0 50 Flour, per cwt., family 2 25 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 25 1 25 Butter 29 18 Li ohogs, per cwt 6 (X1 Shorts per ton 17 00 18 00 Bran per ton 13 00 14 00 June hr.gs, mixed with the hay. have caused the death of several horses in Essex county. Cook's Cotton Root Comnotlnda Tbeonly este effectuaI monthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold In two degrees of strength- N. 1. for ordinary case., *1 per hos ; 270. 9, 10 do - ms stronger tor Special .11 per box. Sold by all dr..ppixts. Asir for Cook's cot- ton Root Compound; take nu substitute. The Cock Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontario Ifyos, Tour friends or relatives ttufferwith Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial tattle and valuable treatise on suet) di -canes to TitR T.rtrro Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain ft,r you LEIBICIS FITCURE Thirty miles of rails have been laid on the Guelph-to-Goderich branch of the C.P.R. London, Ont., thus a population of 43,144 according to the last assessment. This is an increase of $1,102 in one year. Australia this year will produce al- most as touch wheat as Canada. The yield is estiva'tted at90,000,0(X) bushels. The wool out -put will also he very large. Our Clubbing List. The ADVOCATE has made arrange- ments to club with all of the leading Weeklies and Dailies and other Jour- nals of evert' description. The ADVOCATE and the following named palters will be sent from NOW until DEC. 31st, lf►tMI, for the price of ONE YEAit:S SUBSCRIPTION as follows: - WEEKLIES A 1.t'( t'ATE and Toronto Globe 91.06 Mail and Empire . •' ►Yi•e I're•+a .... . 1.80 Vanity Herald and Star S1.t)0 Montreal Wittiest. 91.05 London Adv neer . 91.00 Weeks) Sun . 91 N) Farmer: Arhoate __9L 6 DAILIES AINVOCATE and The New............. 91.!s) Star 1 t lobe /.'w l Mail and Empire ...... .. 12:1:11-1: :l/ World ........ . s 1r. '• A.lrertleer ........ ... %Viten Premiums are given with any of the above named puttlirations you secure them through the club with the AIV0('ATe. Call at the office or remit the amount hy P. O. Order. Express Older or Reg- istered Letter, addressit,g TNI•: AI)VO('A'fE, Exeter, Out. FINE JEWELLERY Our customers from surrounding towns and villages are increasing rapidly and becoming better satisti.• 1 with every purchase and that we handle only fine jewel:cry and that every article is as represented. At pre.ent we are offering special values in hand.ernc Brooches and Cuffs Links as follows : Brooches In four patterns, .lightly larger thin shown liy the above cut :oil varying slightly in detail, set with re pearls in solid eek gold, (nailed in as meati push box, at $6.00. $7.00 and $8.00 Sent prepaid to any address for ing the amount. If not satisfactory and money will be refunded. Cuff Links With initials engraved, as .h.,,t n 1•y cut. Gehl Rued $ 1 00 Tenth gold .... 2 CO Solid ink gold 4 00 Soli,l e.lk gel.l.... 5 00 Prices for raised geid letters or cre.t on application. P. 0. e'r express money order cover - goods can be returned at eiy es;•en•e J. S. BARNARD, 170 Dundee Street. LONDON. 1 HOME COMFORT STEEL RANDE Manufactured by Wrought Iron Range Company, L't'd Toronto, Ont. Founded 1864 Capital $I,000,000.00 The above is a cut of our improved. nickle plated Range with handsome enamelled reservoir attached to water front in fire box. The Wrought Iron Range Co, have located one of their divisions in Exeter and will canvas the surrounding country from this place. This is a sample of how our gcods please our customers: - Wrought Iron Range Co, Toronto. Gentleman, -Four years ago I purchased from one of your salesmen a Home Comfort Range and have found it an excellent heater and cooker, and a great fuel saver. I be- lieve it will save more than 10 per cent. on its price in fuel, that in ten years will pay for it; and I see no reason why it will not lasta life time, being made of steel plate and malle- able Iron. I heartily recommend the Home Comfort to all who want the best, \Visiting you success, I am, Yours, etc., RICHARi) WELSH. Exeter, Sept. 21st, 1905. To Whom it may Concern, -- 11'e have used a Home Comfort Range for eight years, 1111(1 under no circumstances would we use anything else. MR. AND MRS. Wei. LEVITT. J. W. K. Van Norman, Divisional Supt. Grand Bend, .Sept. 21st, 1905. THE MOLSONS BANK 1In, orh,rated 1.v Art of Parliament 1..531 Head (Alice, - Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fund... • • . , .... , $3,000,000 roan- mom' IB1tAN(.11l:M IN THE 1)UMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH t)FYICE 1i01'0.a 1" a m. 1o31t .n. SATE RDA YS 1•. a. in. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application. DRAI'TS on all points in the Dominion, (treat Britain and United states 1 ght and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES uhade tit Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department Deposit' of $1 and raps add, received. Interest mem s poonibei half >,•ar10 and added to principal June 30th and i,eeember 31,t. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. 1)Ieesue & CARLING, Solicitors, N. 1). 111'1t1)ON, M1an3grr. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. COCN'rY OF HL-RON, '1'(1 WiT: H. virtue of a w arrant under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the Corporation of the County Of Huron, dated the 'Id d.ty at July, Eget, eommanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter de+rribed, for the arrears of las.•s rc-1+•ctirely dug thereon. torether ts ith cysts, . otice k hereby I i. rn that links' such taxes and coda are sooner pall! shall, in compliance with the Asaewament Act, proceed to sell hy public au• tion the Balt lamb., or an ,nn. h thereof a..nay he nereasary to di. barge the same, at the ('Dort Ilome in the town of Oolerirh, on Tue'whay, the 14th day of November, 1906, let two o'clock in the aft. moon. All these lots are patented. TOWNSII1P OF ASIiEIE1.1). tot or Part of Lot. ran. Acres. Arrears of Taxes. Costs. N. R. corner w -ii 12 1/ it it. Ia 2_A1 ,2.61 W. ii N, i,4, 33 N. T. P. 404 1931 2.75 t'II.I.M;E of C'RANSFORD iN ASIIFt►:LD 41 ti 5.27 2.50 7.77 TOw'NSIIIP or nl t)Elti 'll. Part 8 Maitland 2 91 2.26 Part 13 do k 2.41 2.25 i.(6 VI1.I.AOE Or ST. JOSEPH IN HAY. le ', 2.511 2.2.5 4.81 20 'a L7 2.26 4.81 11.Wl(K c11.LAa►: IN 110%10E. ,, 5.20 2.25 7.45 ToW',SiHP or TC('KER.9MITII 211. R. a. 1i 1111.18) 2.1'6 3n TOWNSHIP O►' TFIINIIEKKY C. 22 01A 2.30 Wl\GI1AM TOWN 11.0T IN Tt'RSf►:RIIY. 5t 191 2.50 4.41 WM. n0LM1eJ1, County Treasurer. Total. 9- 511 2 8 3.18 to.; PART it PART lo Ir. tart :4. 331 Cetmtr Treasurer's°Mee. G.dere h, Jule ass, 120‘5. 322.(.6 1.3.90 11.18 The ADVOCATE will be sent YOU until Dec. 31, 1906 for SI