HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-12, Page 115n_in advance will pray fur the ADVOCATE until Jauua•y 1,196. Subscribe now and get the benefit. You can't do better. ettt NINETEENTH YEAR. AO le. EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1905. Farm �-illa.ge ,at atm , lea pi (.pet a, -. 141. bonglo e r eschaugetl for you at reasonable commission. A1,141)-- S•t\1aE1ts & ('1tLF:( 1I. SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's (New Reading Matter appearsIn this space each week.) Like A -Plant In The Spring. Tour wing grow, when placed in this Bank. A hank a.•rount cultivates and encourages thirft y habits --such as all sureeastulpeople have. 11 opens • •'gra'itis" account, w hick you eau add when you like and withdraw when you Idea.e in any sired amounts. We add interest to the prin- cipal and compound it FOt'R time a year, on 31 Jan., 311 April. 31 July, and 31 October. New n -count$ are always welcuene. We have the bet fa•'ilatics for banking at the most reason. - able rates and terms consistent w ith eomser' at i, e banking. We in ite your business. Branches in Huron County at EXETER. CItEUITON, D:1S111VOOD, 11EN'SALL. ZURICH, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Joseph aeon, Amer EXETER. Dashwood and Zurich branches. Olaa.sasl a Staabslry, Solicitors MEN'S AND BOYS' Ready -to -Wear Clothing. " t Only $p Men's Nice Overcoats of large plaid Tweeds in double- breasted and belted. The new `'swagger cot . 10. Young Men's Great Big "Swagger" Coat. —'1 he very newest thing for this season, made of Scotch Tweed, plaid effect, extra long, double-breasted and belted back; full padded shoulders. Only $15.0O. Men's and Boys' Cheaper Coats, made up of different kinds of material and very fashionably made $4, 5, 7, 9. Raincoats—We have just received 1 doz. of a new $10.00 Raincoat. in plain and fancy cloth, side pockets and lined throughout. This is the new Fall Coat and while they last we will sell them for $7.60 Men's New Suits $5, 7, 8, 10. Boy's New Suits, $l, 2, 3, 5. DRESS GOODS Don't overlook our Dress Goods. We show you the best range of Popular Plaids. We have all the New Tweeds. Plain and fancy clothe, will be pleased to show you our best. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE. CABLING BROS. AS FRAGRANT AS FLOWERS. But more lasting and far less expen- sive. it's wonderful what exquisite odors can he extracted front nature. A DAINTY BOTTLE OF PERFUME is always necessary in the hondoir. We sell perfumes of Nt.uad:uel make. A delicate perfume of lasting odor i. worth a dozen other:+that are inferioa. You're safe when you buy of tic. W. S. OiET, Phlli.O. Chemist and Optician. EXETER Medical AF. MALIA)d', M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER a ('allege of l'hysiclana and Snrgeone, eoutario. Former Meuse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. eu•,ceasor to i►r. J. A. Rollins. Night twit at once, Raster, Ontario. I.eRal . DICBSoN a CARLING, BARRiSTER.9, SOI.IC1• torr. Notaries, Cenreyaneees, Conrmieaionen. Solicitors for Mohan, Bank, etc. Mosley to Lo40 at lowest rates of interest. 011ces, Main street, Exeter, 1. M. Oaatra., FI A-, 1. 11. Dnrasoa MONET TO LOAN. We hare a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and tillage prnperttrs at low rates of Inter• «t. GLADMAN k S'FANIII'RY, itarrister,, R.di. ilors,Nain sr.. Exeter Ont LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Tri.itt Memorial Ohne' h. Tet. her Piero, iron, faire, Harmon,. Modern methods. Thoromvhntr- Money To Loan. the and 1 have private funds to loan on tarn and village properties at lowest rates of interest. EH): EST EI.LUrr Office opposite Central Hotel, Hain-st., Exeter Farms for Sale. A flat• -lass farm in the Township of fate rne, near Elimville: one hundred tures, gond tmildings. Well drained, well watered and modern 1. i r. ve• ineute. A fine pasture farm in the Township of Ilay, near Sarepta; one hundred aere•s, 115 acres seeded, Dante house and good stable, good water, etc., Apply to SANDKRS k LItKF.CH, Exeter. Auction Sales. Farmers and others will ,1- well to get their sale bills printed at the Any, ata ,trice. Remember we give you a free noti'•e in the Anvncarla whb h goes to nearly even home in the di.tri••t. We arranRe dates for 11. Brown, auetioncer. Tllt'it'DAd', (b -t. 14. --Farm Nt.xk, ete., the pro. p. sty of Nrs..rohn Cookson, Lot 23, ('on. :t, step. hen. Sale at one oetock. John (lilt, Aug -t. FRIDAY. OAT. 13—Farm stork implements, and household effects, the property of S. J. Henderson, Lot 9. (•err. 10. Stephen. Safe at one o'clock. 11, Brown, Aut. FRIDAY. (•.t. 20.-- Farm )4top, Implements and Ilou.ehold eft."ts, the property. of HHenr Dalin_, i.ot 3, Con. 3, clay. Sale at 1 o'clock. 11. Phillips, Auet. FWD ir, Oct. 20.—F.xecutoi s Sale at Crediton oe frame dwelling, etc., lately occupied to Tobias Fah. t a .1. ceased. `+ale at ., o'clock. it. };ill..►, F:xe ger. tor; John 0111, Auct. Nayszonsr, (Ice. 23. --Farm .to•k, implements, ete the property of John Trictz. Let 18. ('on 0, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. 11. Brown, Aunt. Grand Bend Shiva Messrs. If. and Syrtis Green, who During the past few days we have have been visiting in Sarnia, arrived bonze Thursday. ---Wm. Oliver is on the sick list. --!firs. ('ait'riere, who has been visiting in Hayfield the past few weeks, att•tived home Friday.—Joseph Brenner has moved into his new dwel- ling.—Mr. Heitman, of London. ar- rived here on Matutday.--Miss Verde Levett of London is visiting at the home of her father. 1Vrn. Levett.—V r. Boasenberry is rusbir.g the work on his hotel,- -Mfr. Horton of Exeter and C.• Fritz of 'Zurich were in our burgh Monday. (Intended for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. Smiths who have been visiting in Paisley, arrived home fiat - unlit y. dat- 0111 ty, -- Albert Kennedy and A. Mol - lard are all smiles—both boys,—Sever- al from here attended Thedford fair nn Tuesdaay.—Mt. and Mrs. Follick of Exeter spent Wednesday and Thurs- day in our tangle --Mr. Itay, harbor inspector, and Mr. Sherwood, foreman, left Satin day for their ponies.—Mir. Wilson, who hits been making his home at the Brenner Ilousefora num- ber of years, left last week for Petr'olia Where he will snake his future home. —IT. GUI is building a kitchen to his house. — Mr. Heitman hats added four data. to his p.u•k, which stakes nine in MI.—Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Disjardine on Thursday and took away their thirteen-ntonth- eld child. The little one had been ill for several weeks. We extend oar sympathy to the sorrowing parents. AUCTION SALE --OF-- RANGE HORSES. The undersigned auctioneer has been hist Hetet! to sell by Public Auction at Crediton Mr. and Mrs. August Hill visited friends in Milvet•tota last week.—We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Wenzel end Mrs. (Rev.) Damn% are troth recov- ering froth their illness.—Mr. and Mrs. Saatehrouk visited friends in London over Monday.—The Misses Tillie and Clara Wind returned to Detroit Mon- day after visiting their parents here for soave time.—Mr. John Kerr is con- fined to his ted through illness. His many friends wish him a speedy recov- ery. ---The little son of Henry Sweitzer, who is suffering from spinal trouble, is it little iutproted in health.—Michael Finkbeiner returned from Manitoba last week. He enjoyed his trip very much.—Wrw. McWilliams has gone to Brantford where he has accepted n po- sition.—M 1 s. H. Hillier and Mrs. Rostra F inkbeiner, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eilber at Uhly, for two weeks, returned home Tuesday.—Geo. lied - den, who has been residing atCreditcn East for some time, has moved with his family to Dashwood. —The Toronto Star's report of the Healer's cures whilst in our midst., has caused con- siderable talk. We think the attacks too personal and nothing will be gained by it.—John Treitz having recently sold his 100 -acre farm to Paul Shink intends having a sale of stock, etc.. on Wednesday, Oct. 25, after which he will move to the village to reside. -- A meeting for the purpose of re -organ- izing to Literary Society will he held on Friday evening, 13th inst., at 8 p. nl. at the home of Mrs. Hluett. Will all the old members and any new mem- bers who wish to join be in attendance. ANNIVERSARY.- --The Anniversary Services which we're held in the Meth o(list church last Sunday was a great sticeess.fltltev. Mr. Allen, of Parkhill, preached very instructive sermons Loth morning and evening. He is a very powerful and fluent speaker and he was listened to with rapt ,attention. On Monday evening a program was given, consisting of addresses by Revs. 6..(1w it' and (ieingof Exeter, and ltev. Allen of Parkhill. Rev. Andrews of ('entralia acted its chairman and did his part well. The choir rendered art•. eral fine anthems, futile recitations were given by the Misses Allen, ('lark, ,and Essery. Miss Allen and Mrs. Tay- lor, of Patikhill, sang several beautiful solos. Commercial Stables, Exeter, on Thurs. Oct. 19 at 1 o'clock, p.111., Twenty•flve good Range Horses, Miming N' high are a number of well -broken saddle horses. TERMS made known on day of sale. 11. illtOWN, GEO. MOLLARI), Alter. Prop. (ircenway Take Notice. .T. 1t. Dressler of Chirngo, 111., ar- rived herr Sunday moron n eta Mrs. 1). M. Edwards, J.11. Wilson and other friends in this vicinity. --Mrs. W..1. Wilson and Mrs. M. A. ('a1fiere, who have been visiting the scenes of their childhood days in Hayfield end Clinton, returned home S.atllyday.— Mra. R. English and son. Methorne, spent several dans in Port Huron din- ing the week.-- Ed. McPherson, who has been visiting friends in Manitoba for several werka, returned horse Sat• urday.- Rev. C. C. Cousins of Parkhill preached a very intenatting_And in struttive sermon in H"stun Methodist chnrch en Sunday.- Mrs. W. T. Ulens aecontpeniel by her Niftily. is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Mathews, at Den- fleld. —Jas 13r•ophey hila gone to filite Point to sell fish. -Charlet Stewnrtson who has spent the mast month in Maas)• Robe, returned home Wednesday'. rublie Notice 14 hereby Riven that after the un- dermentioned date 1 will not he responsible for an, debt or debt..•ontre,ted In my name or in any other a name, eaeept such as aro personally eon- taetedhy me. Mea Annrornlsh, DatNI (tet. 7th, i111*. Woodham. Ont. Bull for Sale. The nnderslgned la offering a thorough `.red registered Shorthorn Bull. aged YY mouths, eolor dark red. Ile 14 • aplen.lid type of s t.nll amt will he said reas•uable. Ap,dc to the nndenignNi, 1's Tilt' north gown IinRRNRI' PILLING. 11►r i' o Estray Heifer. There strayed onto the eremites of the nnderaitn- .4. het is, (Ina. 3, aleehen, on or strut August IA. a yearling heifer. red in color, aith a little white stxwtt the head Owner may here same by paving expetase.. Statists. Exeter. r. o. W. E S 1 t it b 'en enjoying ideal weather.—Mir. M. O'Rourke ,tits sister, Miss Nora Collins vi•itedtheir sister, Mrs. B. Mulligan, at Dublin, last week.-- John Querin, who is spending a few days at his home, has quit faulting and intends going into the cattle buying business. We wish John good lack.—Win. Wit- zel has disposed of his tine carriage horse for it handsome figure. He de- livered hint to Lucas) on Wednesday. —lira(, Angus McDonald is visiting friends in Petro, Mich.—B. Cunning- ham is putting a new roof on his barn. which adds much to its appearance.— Jacob Querrin is adding greatly to the appearance of his place by putting a wall udder his house, end also ven- eering it with brick.—Wm. Hooper is busy these days drawing brick and sand to Exeter to repair his house.— Dan, Coughlin, Scale Inspector, was in town Monday and reports our scales in A No. 1 order. --There was great talk of a grand hop that was to have come otf last week hut did'nt. Some- thing serious must have happened. IIensall Miss Wiseman of Kit'kton spent a few days last week at the hotne of Dr. Ferguson.—Mrs. J. Macarthur and children have ret timed from their visit to Allen. Craig.—The many friends of Fletcher Baugh, son of Rev. Baugh, congratulate hila on securing the po- sition of principal of the public school at Pottersburg. He commenced his duties last week.—Jno. Macarthur and wife are on a visit to friends in Borrie, Clifford and Listowel.—Miss Eva War- ring has returned from her visit to Toronto. --Mr. Charles Cook, wife and daughter have returned to their home in Chicago, after a t wo months' visit in and around Heusall.—Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt and family are moving here from Toronto. They wilt reside in the house occupied by James Priest, who intends moving into the brick residence adjoining.—Garnet Sinalla- combe has purchased the laundry busi- ness of it. Twitchell and intends mak- ing some improvements. Success Garnet. 'BETIRINGF80m BUSINESS ---- Zurich Miss Lizzie FI txbanl is on a tlsit to friends in Michigan.—Fred Hess has added a verandah to his dwelling which adds much to its appearance.— Miss Clara Buchanan has gone to To- ronto, where she will resume ht'rstud- ies at the Universityy --Garnet Stein- bach has gone to Miatnitoba.—David Schnell hats disposed of his 3 -year-old driverto Johu Sp4I't'DW of near Varna, for the suns of $200.— Eli Ducharute, who recently had an auction saele, will leave shortly for Stt•atfotd where he will reside in future.—Abraham Leh - titan hat. disposed of his fine 101 -erre farm on the Bronson line, flay, to Peter Ducluarnle, of Michigan, for the sunt for $31100. Mt'. i.ehnlan will give up possession on Nov. 1, when he will oc- cupy his house in the village. DKATtt.—The angel of death entered the home of Mr. and M rs. Wrn. Callfaa on Satin day and robbed thein of weir darling little girl, aged 1 year and 9 months. The cause of death was from an attack of cholera infantunl, the lit- tle one being ill only a few days. We enrnrnend the sorrowing parents to Him who doeth all things well. The funeral took place Monday, the hear- ers being four little girls --Lily :Werner, Flossie Hau'tle'ib, Ada Koehler and (lei -tie Magel. DV. VEIL - It becomes our sad duty to speak of the death of eine of our most ( ,f Jno respected rilizens its the person ( t l F. t•:alber, who died on Mionday tnnrn• ing at the age et :ill years. Deceased (lied very suddenly, although not feel- ing well for some time. he was not ob- liged to take to his heal until Thursday. Ile was greatly respected by all who knew him *Indite will indeed be ntisseil. He leaves to mourn his demise a widow and four children, father, mother. four sisters and five brothers, iesides n large number of friends and acquaint- ntices who join in extending to the be- reaved ones their heartfelt sympathy. The funeral took place to the Evangel- ical eemetery on Wednesday, the Rev. Damm officiating. Semen. RKi'uHT.—The following is the report for the month of Septem- ber. 73"' of the markt air regnired for home., (Iia for at pass. NitIItIN in order of merit. Division 1 Helena--ISdnat Pat k; Pass - (feet ie Snort. Elvin M,Slmiaty. iV.-llonors 1 Peal Gather; Pass Howatt Meedd. Sr. HI. —Honore--F,l'icGaiter. Lillian Finktx'inet; Pass--AltuedN Finkheiner Clara Holtzman. Matilda ()estieicher. Claude liloett, Teacher. Division Ii. --intermediate i1I.- - Paaas—Pearl Treitz, Charlie Gower, Beatrice Ile'delen. Jr. If1,—ilonors— Mabel Wenzel, Lulu Geiser; Pars--ida Brown, (iretta Bissett. (lrttdon Apple- ton. Edwin Fahner, Everett Ilaist, Harty Sweitzer. Sr. 11. •Paass Qorenie llodgins, Wellington Hoist, Loran Brown, FI'irice 11i11, Herbert Helot. Mer vin Winer, Martha Welsh. Jr. 11. Honors -Lulu Ile(lden: Paas ---Evelyn Hlnett. EniIna llail Beaver, 1.atI I Ds11n1 Murray Holtzmann. Miss Farrow, Teacher. Division 1.—Pert 11.--Paae—Gordon ilenediet, Herbert Shenk, Frank King. A V.-- donors- -Ilene Et it; Pass - Ger- tie (Guenther. A TV.- -Honors—Ray- mond English, Lillie Weiner; Pasu - Ilarold Gower, i.nnie Redden. A 111. Honors-HarringtonFinkbeiner, Verna 11111: facts-- Irene Wolfe, Roy Shenk. A T1.--Pasa—Bet he King, net tie Erb. Emmery Geiser. A T--Pass—Aller( ('atter. Loretta Iidist. Lavergne Me• Murray. Miss Kiensle, Teacher. BIG DISCOUNTS ON READY-TO- WEAR CLOTHING. 118 New Overcoats to select from 84 New Suits for Men 83 New Suits for Boys 56 New Pairs of Men's Pants 47 New Pairs of Boys' Pants We were quite unprepared for this Retiring Sale, there- fore the Reason of o111' having such a stock of New Clothing. These goods must go at a great sacrifice. We have cut the prices from 25 to 40 Per Cent. We welcome every person and hope to see you all get some of our Big Reductions. Terms—Produce or Cash. Poplestone It Gardiner One door north of Post Office. Dashwood Ins a Mus) Eden --- - ---- -- clot yoga visited the school on 4he Y. P. A. topic on Monday even- day.—Auusts � 1, those who attended ing, under the leadership of Mr. Ire -1 Kirkton Fair Friday were: Mr. and land, proved to be very interesting in- Mrs. Frank Coats, Mr. and M1,'e. Fred deed.—Geo. Redden has moved into . Luxton and James Harmer --Percy the village with his family from Cred- Caves, W. A. Davidson and W. Luker iton.—David Tiernan has moved into attended the concert at Crediton Mon - the house of Joe. Snell, the latter hav- day evening.—Mrs. T. Coates is visit- ing tnoved to Exeter. ---J. E. Tom, I.P. in her son. Charles. alt London.—The S., visited the school here on Tuesday Misses Minnie and Maggie Luxton and Wednesday.—John Hayes of St. visited friends in Cromarty !net week. Marys was in the village Tuesday. sup- erintending the work of erecting a BIRTHS stone on the grave of the late Wesley Norsworthy.—Louis Schoemaker is confined to his room with an attach of typhoid fever. We hope the attack may be slight.—Levi Hamacher, who has been laid up with typhoid fever, is reported to be convalescent, --John Gt'ayybiel spent Sunday with his fam- ily here.—Tgnaeteus 1Veltin has im- proved his house by building a founda- tion underneath the kitchen. --Henry Willert shipped a carload of hogs from the Exeter station on Tuesday. Stephen The following is a correct .report of the standing of the pupils of M.S. No. 3, Stephen, for the months of August and September. The names are in order of merit. I V.---Thnnsaas Pe'nhale, Cecelia Forel, Ralph Willis, Harry Teichner, Fred Beaver, Hilda Preszca- tor, !ferry Parsons. Sr. III, --Earl Parsons, (clad ys Dearing. Edwin Trieb- ner, May Sanders. Jr. i11.—Florence Heitman, Geo. Hicks, Fred I'reszcator, Preston Dearing, Johnny 1Vi11is,Earle Shapton. Mr. 11.--Florence'l'riehner, Ada Willis, Gordon Sanders, Abner Willis. Ena Box, Chester Parsons. Jr. III, --Wilfrid Shapton. Olive Preszca- tor, Martha Bagshaw, Gordon Penhale. Past 11.—Uat•tleld Mtanlake. Sr. 1. - Merle Willis, Regie Parsons, Charlie Triebner. Jr. 1.— Lela Sanders, Johnny Bagshaw, Gonion Heitman, Verna Preszcator, Verde Box. No. on roll 37, average attendance 8'2. Percy S. Barnes, Teacher. SCHOOL ifF1'ORT.—Thr following is the report of the Sr. and Jr. Depart- mentaof M.M. No. 1, Stephen, for the month of Mepte'tnber batted on general protleienry and gond conduct. Sr. V. Santnel Mc('oy IMO. Enos Windsor 047, Jr. V.—Herold T)tlplest fpMtl. Sr. iV.-- Maergety Hepburn I2I18. Czar Wilson 113s. Archie Itehinsnn 1104, Lily Rob- inson 10.1, Gladys Fssery 1010, Murray Elliott 925, Gonion Wilson All. Frank Mitchell 711), Jos. White 632. Gifford HogarthfllU. Jr. iV.—Hazel Hicks 114:1. Austin Duplain 9t 1, Eddie Sims 795, Maxwell Hatynhant 4413. llalvan Califas kit►, John White 426, Norman Neaman --.—Minnie Hottet:ll, teacher. Jr. Department.—Jr. 111.— }Clymer Wilton. Bessie Anderson. Ella linker Roy ('Nllfat, Earle ('allfaS, Edna Dav- ey. Flossie Davey, Huttert White, !tarry Windsor. Sr. IT. --Elva Brooke, Anthony White, Freddie E«eery, Fred Fairhell, Lloyd Knglatnd. Jr. 11.— Murvan Calllfas, Everett C.tllfae, Stella Ned. Lower Jr. ii. -Vera Motz,Othel- lo Motz. Madeleine Heist, Malvan Eng- land, Nellie Baker, Ethel Colbert, Wilson Colbert. 1't. IL—Huhert Neil, MebeI Elliott, Victor [bawl h. Mahelle Ileaman, Et hod Bowden, Ralph Waliie. Pt. 1. --Arthur Robinson, Elmer Wil. son, George Itackney, Dora Hackney. Albert Hackney. Mins Port Pr, teacher. The Anvn'ATR Is the proper piece to secure your printed wedding inti• tations--in the very newest styles of paper. type and workmanship. McLARHN—In Hibbert, on Oct. 1, to Mr. and Mr's. L. McLaren, it son. Woitnsst—At Statile on Oct. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Worden, a son ititwARKAIILK Qu'it,T.—Mrs, James Ragin, who lives near here. recently completed a (guilt of the log -cabin va- riety, containing five thousand nine hundred and ninety -nitre pieces. The working of the quilt, deedless to may, has taken an immense amount of lab- or, and when it is known that the lady is now advanced in year the accomp- lishment of the task becomes all the more noteworthy. The completed ar- ticle is a rare specimen of its kind and well worth the seeing. IIoRN-RvnY.—The home of Rev. A. A. Holywaith, 80 West Utica street, Buffalo, N.Y., was the scene of at quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday, Oct. 4. when Miss Tillie Ruby, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ruby, of Dasnwood, was married to Walter Horn, a popular young many of Buf- fett). The bride was very prettily at- tired in grey crepe de chene and was assisted by Miss Florence Nelson, while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Edward Horn, of HiNis- dale, N. Y. After the marriage the happy couple left for the home of the bride's uncle where a dainty wedding dinner was provided. Mr. and Mrs. Horn will make their home in Buffalo. A Recoil!) BRRAKRR.—Threshing records are probably as common as anything on the calander in which muscle and skill are a factor, but prob- ably no more remarkably showing has ever been accomplished in the line of threshing than that on the farm of Mr. Michael Schlunt, a little west of the village, on Saturday. Messrs. Got - fret] Nadiger & Son, who have long Pince gained a reputation as first-class threshers, had the contract for thresh- ing out the barn of Mr. Schlunt and surroundedbya few of the most active stalwarts in the township, a test of speed was made with the result that an average of 430 bushels of oats were turned out per hour. This is a recent that will keep some of them guessing to reach. MARRIA0R9. B.vnotn--Mc'COUIT--111 St. Joseph's church, Clinton. nn Oct. 4, by Rev. Father Hanlon, 'tCnn. Hasner, of Gexierich tp., to Latera, daughter of Mrs. McCourt, of Clinton. Dtysrottg—PHRRTKR—At the home of the bride's mother, on Oct. 10, by Rev. Viegan, Daniel Ditulore, to Miss Mary, eldest daughter of the late John Preeter, all of Logan. 11-K)'I-At thbof the bridetL11+'s motRhe-r, on Octe. 3,orne by Rev. Shaw, Geo. Hills, youngest son of Thos. Hills, to Miss Agnes J., eldest daughter of Mrs. John Kyle, all of Egmuudville. Love—Ta YLOR—At the horse of the bride's parents, on Oct. 11, Thomas Love, to Miss Annie E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Taylor, :•)ruble Line, Hay. LxtT11-LivifttMOIIK- At the home of the bride's brother, on Oct. 4, by Rey. Matrining, .Tohn 11. Leith, to Miss Susie Livermore, all Of Clinton. Rein --POtt'KI.1..--At the honor' of the bride's father, on Sept. :at. by Rev. Shaw, Simon Heid, of Guelph, to Miss Violet, youngest daughter of Robert Powell, Egtnondville. STKt'KNs---VAItrev -At the home of the brid, s patents, on Oi:t,4,hy Rev. Allen, Mark Byron Stevens, of St,. Marys, to Beatrice, youngest (Leigh - tet' of (foo. Valley, of Parkhill. ScLATER—CUMMINOS —At the horse of John Finlayson, cousin of the bride, on Oct. 3rd, by Rev. N. Shaw, 'tVu1. ' 1 M Cunt. � x49 Minnie IR A . Sclater, to .1 mings, all sof Selefort11. OHATHS TENNANT--in Centralia, on Oct. nth' John Tennant, aged 70 years. ITAweetta t-10 Exeter, on Oct. 10th, William Hawkshaw, aged 00 years, 5 ntonth•. Eliate t - in Crediton, nn Oot. 9, John F. Either, Non of Mir. Fte'eleriek Fa- ber, aged 30 years, 141 months and 15 days. KNlrx.-- At 11 Sanders Ave., Toronto, on ()et. 8, Robert Sherwoexl, infant son of Mi'. and Mrs. George Knox, aged 8 ntuntll9. toves, Rau&es auk Purnaces. Are you needing a New Range? If so, call and examine our stock of fine Ranges and Heaters. Ranges from $26.00 to $50.00 Double Heaters with oven, $30 to $43 FURNACES Don't forget that we are in the furnace business and make a specialty of Hot -Ail' Heating. Work promptly attended to. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.