HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-05, Page 6oharmsammaasse
Natal Hero Who Saved a Garrison
19Itty Years Ago.
Natal is considering the erection
of a suitable memorial to Dick King
who saved a British garrison from
destruction in the Boer war of over
sixty years ago by un heroic ride of
vwre than 600 utiles, says the Daily
captain Smith, with a small Brit-
ish .force, had utarcht d overland to
Durban in 1812, and there his troops
were defeated by Pretot•ius, and
were in danger of bring compelled to
surrender, Mittel the Cape Times.
On May 21, string that his troops
were surrouuQc.1. he determined at
all hazards to fiend a message to
Grahamstown asking for reinforce -
Mr. Cate, an old Natal pioneer,
offered to get the message bent. and
at midnight he saw Richard King.
an expert horseman and hunter, of
Durban. King consented to take
the message. Captain Smith _provid-
ad him with two horses, and Mr.
Cate rowed hint across the bay to
the Bluff, where his famous ride be-
Riding his horses alternately. he
reached and had crossed the Umlazi
River by daybreak. Ile was now safe
from pursuit by the Boers, but a
long and perilous ride through a
savage country lay before him.
On the ninth clay after tonajfjng
Durban he rode into tlrahnmsfljivn
utterly exhausted, having covered
600 miles and crossed numerous riv-
ers, over sonte of which he had to
swim. Urgent messages were sent
to the Cape, and thirty-one days
later rockets and blue lights from
the Southampton in Durban I3ny
told the anxious garrison, then on
the pointof surrendering, that re-
lief had arrived.
Loads to Consumption Unless
Promptly Cured.
Many a young lite might be saved
from consumption if simple anaemia
were promptly treated. Anaemia is
the doctors' name for weak, watery
blood. When the blood is in this
condition the lungs have no
strength. The whole system begins
to break down. Then the growing
girl slips slowly into decline, until
ut last the cough starts and her
doom is sealed. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills can cure all weak, anaemic
people without doubt or difficulty.
They actually make new, rich,
health -giving blood -they cure anae-
mia and prevent constintption. This
has Leen proved in thousands of
cases. blab. Edward Cochran, Mer-
riton. Ont., says: -"Dr. Williams'
Pink I'ills cured my daughter Ma-
tilda, when I felt that her case was
almost. hopeless. For mole than a
year she was a sufferer from anae-
mia. She gradually grew weak, was
subject to violent headache, and
dark circles appeared under her eyes.
Skit• tens melancholy, had no appe-
tite and complained of being con-
stuntly tired. At different tithes
she was treated by two doctors, but
with no improvement. As her case
progressed, she was attacked by vio-
hey and ho in England. each had
proved the other's fidelity and de-
When Mils Ifeathhorn arrived In
England, Huxley was to learn from
a famous physician that she had
only six months to live. But he
tnutried her, and took hor to 'I'enby,
the beautiful watering -place in ('ar-
A little Sunlight Soap Will clean murtheu Bay. "Six heaths or nut,
Huxleyhad said, "she is going to
;cut glass and other articles until bo ,ny orifi,." The devotion or .the
great. biologist brought her back to
they shine and sparkle. Sunlight I„•,flu,, and when, altos long years
Soap Will wash utile[ things thanof happiness, the ]lanai beckoned and
the Voice called for hitn, he directed
clothes. her to inscribe on his tombstone the
totiching verso:
With a Great Many People the
Honeymoon Ends Only
With Life.
There was something of the ele-
ment of worship in Queen Victoria's
love for Prince Albert. 'There was
a drenching downpour of rain on the
morning she married her idol. But
as the young Queen and her husband
carne away from St. James's Chapel
after the marriage, a golden sunlight
streamed upon them from a cloud-
less sky, and the applauding crowd
saw that the young Quern sat in tho
carriage with her hand in that of
Princo Albert, who held it so that
her wedding -ring was visible to all.
The view from the ]bound Tower
at Windsor Castle, where they spent
their honeymoon, is one of quiet
beauty. The distant hills kiss the
sky. Park and copse and wide -
stretching slopes of green and brown
and yellow delight the eye.
It was to Osborne House. which,
as everybody knows, is situate at
Cowes. in the Isle of Wight, that
our present King Edward took one
of the most charming brides whose
goodness and beauty ever graced a
throne. 'Tho white isle is a charm-
ing place for any lioneyinoon. It is
The Marquis of Bute bore his bride
to Mount. Stuart, his favorite and
most picturesque island hone in the
Firth of Clyde. Them are no fewer
than six lakes in the island. One
of them, Loch Fad, Is of peculiar in-
terest, for on its 'western hunk is
the cottage built by Edmund Kean,
the great tragedian. who found it
"glorious through the loopholes of
retreat to peep on such a world.
The cottage is now the property of
the marquis. and the drawing -room
is precisely ns Kean left it.
To a princess. marriage often
means all but permanent banishment
front her homeland, and the memor-
ies of the honeymoon, passed amid
sights and sounds familiar to her.
have an almost. sacred significance
when she is borne away to her
adopted country. When on a bitter
winter's day Prince Frederick Wil-
liam of Prussia, afterwards the ill-
fated Emperor Frederick of Ger-
many, made the first break into the
golden circle of Queen Victoria's
home by carrying his seventeen-
year -old bride, Princess Victoria. to
lent pnlpitnlion of the heart, and a his fatherland, tho child -wife was
suffocating shortness of breath. She moved to tears. One touch of ne-
tted a deathly pallor, took cold ; lure makes the whole world kin. A
easily, and continued to decline in woman in the crowd who was watch -
weight, until 1 felt that she was :mg the departure misinterpreted the
in a hopelesit decline. At this time !cause of the distress. "Never mind,
my attention was calla- to Dr. Wil- dearie!:' she cried. "11 he doesn't
linins' Pink Pills, and i began giv- treat you well, came back to us.”
ing them to her. She had not been THE PRINCESS VIC"PORTA
taking the pills many weeks when
her appetite was greatly improved. went. to Berlin. Princess Margaret
and this was the lirst sign that they of Connaught went to Stockholm,
were helping her. She continual the some tiny to share a throne and
pills until she had taken eight or wear n crown. She and her hus-
nine boxes, when she was again the band. Prince Adolphus, spent the
picture of healthy girlhood. Evert' first. days of their honeymoon at
symptom of her trouble had disap- Suigulon Grange, a beautiful old
peered. she has increased in weight. mansion at. Waverton, near Chester,
and Is strong and robust. Iler re- lent by the ('ollntese Grosvenor.
covet, is looked upon as marvellous, 'Then, on the invitation of the Earl
for rho doctors thought her case of 1)unrnven, they occupied Adare
hopeless." Manot in County Limerick, place of
Dr. Williams' fink Pills will cure Golden Vele. nn(1 pirtur,squo (:ni-
nny case of bloodlessness just as tees. and char running Maig, tram -
surely as they cured this case. The tory of the silver Shannon.
pale, anaemic need only onh thing- At last came the tearful parting
new blood. 1►r. tVllliains' Pink pills of the young bride from her native
do only one thing -they mnke new, land. But love soon chased the mo -
rich. life-giving blood. That is why mentary clouds away, and tine bride
Dr. Italian's' Pink Pills cure all England's Royal House gave to
common diseases like nnttemia, head- Sw('(leu sailed into Stockholm with
aches and backaches, indigestion, hunlit face. At Naesio. a town on
kidney trouble, palpitation of the the way to hep new harm', 11 choir of
henrt, neuralgia, nervous troubles, children sang '1Ioute sweet Tromp"
and those special ailments that in welcome. Once again the tears
make the lives of so many growing welled up in her eyes nt the thought.
girls and women miserable. Be care- of the distant England bellied her.
tel to get the genuine pills with the ihlt sooty she wits smiling gracious -
lull name Dr. Williams' Pink fills lv on the children, as became a
for Tale People on t he wrapper happy bride.
around each box. 1/ in doubt. send . Mr. f11n(istone's life was one tong
direct to The T)r. \Williams' Medicine 'honeymoon. Sixty years after he
Co., Brockville, Ont . nrid the pills had taken the beau, iful ('atherine
will be sent by mail at 50 cents a Glynn', from the altar nt. ilawarden
box, or six boxes for $2.30. Church to his father's house at
Pastille. in 1inenrtlineshire. where he
could see the Grampians from his
BEARS IN THE BACKYARD. window, be touched the chords of
that perfect Unity of heart and mind
Vancouver Citizens Hunt From with reverential fingers. "It would
Their Back Windows. not he possible." he sai(1, "to un-
fold in words the value of the gifts
The family of Mr Chris ('eters, of ,which the bounty of Providence has
t'il leo er, R. C , Watt thrown into showered upon m0
a panic on n recent Sunday morn- 't•iiittort:TT MY WIFE "
ing by the visit of n large brown
bear. Mr. Peters resides anti hag Tennyson waited for his pride ten
his shoe store on the corner of West- years. When the wedding -day cattle
nlinsler and Ninth avenues. The bear
first came to the front, Mit finding
the ,torn door clotted, went round to
the back and enlnlly walked up the
outside stairs leading to the living
npartnents. On the landing we a
box of apples with Which he made
free. 'rhe children er.nuch(d inside
utmost in hysterics with fright till
the monster went away, moved
thereto prohnbly by the barking (.1 son spoke e/ the country ron:e.1
the family dog. about ns the Garden of Eden.
A conductor on the franl. who Another great tnnti-Mr. )Iuvley-
heard Mr. T'vt(rs tolling the atom/ after steadfast wailing and earliest
to n reporter. said that the brute upward striving towards his life's
had 1110f.1 visited his Place and tore purpose for eight years. came nt
(toter) n lot of fruit bushes. The laic to the time Shen he felt be
`'ane•,'rivet Tourist Attaocia1ion env could pro%i.Is' n beano foe 111sc
ni,ll ,l•►nv'ttse Rood hunting without Welborn With the thousands of
having to travel tem to find it. league s between them, she in Sy'd-
"Ito not afraid, ye waiting hearts
that weep,
For still Ile giveth Ilis beloved
And if an endless sleep Ile wills, so
-London Answers.
Startling Case of Thos. Harrison,
of St. Mary's Ferry -He Tells the
Story Himself.
St. Mary's Terry, York County,
N. Be Sept.. 25 -(Special).- That
Dodd's Kidney fills will cure ilia-
betes, one of the most deadly forms
of Kidney Disease, has been satis-
factorily proved by Mr. Thos. Har-
rison, of this place. Speaking of his
cure Mr. Harrison says:
"I began to sutler with severe
pains above the region of the Kid-
neys. When I Ivy down it was tor-
ture to get up again. My appetite
failed and I lost flesh rapidly.
"I doctored with several physici-
ans, but it was all no use. Shortly
after this I began to urinate blood
and then I knew I was in the grip
of that. dread monster, Diabetes.
"At this time a friend prevailed
on mo to try a box of Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills and they did ale so Much
good I continued the treatment. till
I had used three boxes. They cured
the completely."
Scientific Men at Livingstone Is-
After the formal opening of the
rnilrond bridge across the 'Zambesi
River the other day more than 200
members of the British Association SPEAKING TO FUTUIRI: AGES.
for the Advancement of Science were
taken a short distance above
torla halls, where they embarked in
boats for a visit to Livingstone Is-
land. The purpose was to approach
the falls as Livingstone did and to
see them front the very point of
view from which the explorer, in
1835, caught. his first glimpse of
the wonderful cataract.
Livingstone Island is one of tha
largest of the Horny islands that aro
strewn over the broad river above
the tells. It is almost in Inidstreant
and its lower silt► is just at the
edge of the falls, so that tho mile
wide plunge of tho 'Zambesi is inter-
rupted in the middle.
As Livingstone stool) on the river
hank a holt mite above the falls ho
heard their roar and saw five col-
umns of mist rising high in tho air. They Never Knew Failure -Careful
He entered a light canoe and some observation of the effects of Parmelee's
Vegetable 1'111+ has shown that they act
nal ivies panelled him Clown to the is- immediately on the diseased organs of
land that now bears his name. The the system and stiunulate them to heal -
conditions are very different front thy action. There may be cases in
which the disease has been long seated
these above Ningnrn. There is some and does not easily yield to medicine,
acceleration of the 'Zambesi current hut. even In such caws these fills have
been known to bring relief when ell
and the waters swirl around the other .o -called remedies have felted
edges of the islands, but there are no 'These assertions can be substantiated
rapids such as those at our great h3' many who have used the fills, and
fulls medical men speak highly of their quail.
Creeping to the lower verge of the
island Livingstone "peered down in "I see that the poet Schiller had
to a large rent which had been made such a love for apples that ho kept
broth hank to bank of the broad pieces of one in his desk in order to
lnmhesi." fie saw the whole river , inhale the odor." "'I'hnt's all right.
paecipitated into a deep chasm, and you, only German poet I ever knew
the first written description of these kept pieces of litnburghue cheese in
fells was based upon what their dis- { his desk, and every time I inhaled I
coverer saw nt this point. i took to flight."
paid another visit
the island, and on this ocvnsion hfoo 'That home is he hrpplest where
made a little garden some distnnco' kindness, interest, politeness and at -
beck front the edge of the falls and tent ion are shown.
planted there about a hundred peach
and apricot stones and a quant it A Pommel,"When 1 know
of coffee benne. Ile bargained with Duty.
anything worthy of recommendation. I
one of his �Inkololo friends to build
a hash a around the gardenconsider it my ditty to tell it." 853'8
and tat,.' Ft.n. Jas. ]lurdlock. of Hamburg, Pa.
care of it till the plants were well a "Ur. Agnew'e Catarrhal Powder has
groan. After he had prepared the cured Inc of Catarrh of Ave years
garden, ns he celled it, Livingstone , standing it is certainly rnagiceits effect. The first application cut his initials and the dote 185:, I, bene-
fited mo In Ove minutes. 50 cts."-9
a else. He seems to have regarded •
this ns a bit of weakness. and when, JAPAN AND Rt'SSIA'`i DEBT.
he published his book three years Now that the war in the 1''ar Fast
isles he referred to it as "the only is over the position of the finances of
hist afire in which i indulged in this bot11 countries is interesting. Japanpiece of sanity'" -has increased her national debt.
No explorer Inter than Livingstone, , ,
gained his first impregsinn of those 1 from $2 )0,000,000 to *981,000,000,
fulls from this island In midstream. and of this sunt /53,000,000 is ten -
i1 18 not Hort resile] that in any �earat;y limns. which may require
of the Inter descriptions of the falls,
attention. Russia has not in -
from that of Baines in I864 to creased her debt so much, but now
l►toly nenx's this year, theca is any
has it total of over 113.700,000,000,
allusion to nnother visit by w lute i as compered with *8,282,000,000
men to Livingstone Island. before tho outbrenk of hostilities.
it is expected that the members of
the dresses arrival too rote. 1'1, the British Association, though their
cake arrived too late also. Hut that visit to the Zambesi was brief, may
did not spoil either t he wedding or he able to odd tarts n► ibteregt to
the honeymoon. Tho couple lirst
our knuwled►re of ,ceteris bolls. It
went to c.uld he intcreeth g to kn• w eleo
1{vnto(. enjoying, an became what they think of the wens ft•am
a poet and poet's wife, long rambles Livtngstune'c point of 1iea, whore
through the woods nntl Over the 1ne sea• the gen} chasm be „.eth, the
heather. in spite of the w•eeta.g De- font): (Instiller nn either side of him
vonshire (Timate. 'Thence• they and the sunshine. rainbow and mist
pawed to the English 1.akts. Teeny- 03e•hencl, rind whether there is any-
tl.ing left of l.ivingstone's garden
and tree.
Seize the rope of KNOWLEDGE
and you will soon climb to the top
Knowledge is titteeesri and
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Then choose a course of study;
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Mail it to us with your name and
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Canadian Correspondence College,
1St Bay 8t. • - Toronto, Ont.
Gentlemen:—I'leaso send me tel! pants-
Ware as to how 1 can qualify tut the
po.ieon marked "X" f❑ Ii•t below, or
written on the extra line at sutte.
Electti: Ian
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Scientific Farming
Stock -Judi ing
Household Science
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School Teacher
Ultra lino
Tho British Mlfmseum authorities
have decided to make a collection of
phonographic records preserving the
voices of great living orators, sing-
ers and actors, and the instrumental
renderings of famous musicians. 'rim
master records will be of nickel, from
which molds will be token. But for
the sake of posterity the records will
be very sparingly used ?luring the
lifetime of those whose voices
aro recorded. A similar un-
dertuking is on foot tit
Italy. Imagine, if there had been
phonographs when Demosthenes de-
nounced Philip, when Cicero prosecut-
ed 1'en•e:v, when Mirabeau addressed
tho French revolutionists, and when
Webster answered Ifayne!
]lits This --"Don't you t hink my
met. dress in just ev,luixitte1 They
all lay no." Fnanu'-"Oh. lo'. el',1
1 think thnt dretn•,nnker of yetirs
could maks A clot tics -prop look
not mixed with sweepings, dust or retu,e, but the
carefully selected, manufactured anti racked in lead to
That's why you want
Merchant 'Tailor -"1 ani sorry to
say it, Mr. Goodheant., but as this
is to be your wedding suit t must de
mend cash on delivery." Mr. Good•
ht art -"Kb? Why. I've had an ac•
ccuut with you for years, and 1'vo
ulwuys paid promptly to the hour,
sir." Merchant 'Tailor -"Yes, Mr.
lloodheart; but you were a bechel,•"
and had the hltudllug of your own
money." —'
Ely lira was dressed for the hall
when her girl chunt dropped In.
"]low do I loot: in this new gown,
Stella?" she asked. "1'o.•iitively
handsome," answered Stella. "Why.
I really didn't recognize you at
"Woman!" he cried -"woman! do
you thus spurn n1y heart after lead-
ing mo on?" "When did I lead you
on, as you call it?" asked the girl.
"Did you not tell ale that fortune-
teller had toi(1 you tlek►t you were to
wed a handsome, blond young mat►,
with tite grace of n (:reek god anti
the voice of an Aeolian harp?"
Tailor -"How many hip pockets?"
Patron "Two." Tailor -"Pints or
The last slaves ' under English-
speaking people were United States
negl•oes, set free in 1865.
Faulty Kidneys.— Have you backache?
Do you feel drowsy? Po your limbs
feel heavy, Il ave you frequent head-
aches? ]lave you failing vision? Have
you dizzy feeling? Are you depressed?
Is your skin dry? Have you a tired
feeling? Any of these signs prove
kidney disease. Experience has proved
that South American Kidney Cure
never fails. -6.
Molly -"Papa, I wish you'd close
th t door of your room when gentle-
men are calling on me. Your snores
are something tierce." Dad -'-Well,
it won't hurt end."llollv-"Per-
haps not; but they might think it's
STIMULANT to the stonmach, thereby
hiding digestion. As a tonic for
pata•uts reruvering from levers and all
discascs ioneritlg the 'vitality. it. is
without 1► rival. At ail drug and gen-
eral stores.
"No," she declared, "I will never
merry any man who hasn't grit
enough to go and ask papa for uie."
"'That's all right, but you must re-
member that your father has a
weak heart, and sudden joy has of-
ten been known to prove fatal in
Such cases."
Seat what you tuts. - (Nye the di-
gestive organs some work to do. These
functions need exercise an much as any
part of the human anatomy, but if
they're delicate, give them the aid
that lir. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
afford and you can eat anything that's
wholesome and palatable -GO In it
bot, a5 cents.-fI
Crawford -"When you gave your
wife that money did you tell her
how hard you had worked to earn
it?" Crabshaw-"No; I remembered
the holiday crowds in the shops, and
thought how hard she would have
to work to spend it."
11 your children are troubled with
worms, give them Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator; safe. sure and effectual.
Try it and mark the Improvement la
your child.
First. 'Telephone Girl -"Do you
know Mr. Ringer?" Second Tele-
phone Girl -"Not by sight; only to
spark to,"
Itching'. Burning, °seeping,
Drawling Skin 1)oveoses relieved in a few
minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr.
Agnew's Ointment relieves instantly,
and cures 'fetter, Salt Rheum, Seidl
Head Eczema, Ulcers. Blotches, and
nil Eruptions of the Skin 1t Is
soothing and quieting and arts like
magic in all herby Humors. Irritation
of the Scalp or itaghes during teething
time. 85 cents n bus.-?
"I ]net Ilareloc•k yeeterrlay. Typi-
cal bald-headed than, isn't he?" A Requisite for the Rancher—On the
IToW do you abash 'typical'?" "I cattle range,' of the Rest, where neon
hadn't known hint ten minutes be- and stock aro far from doctors and
fore he was telling Ino how his inn- apethrcurto8. Pt TI omae' F'clectrtc (rel
is kept on hoed by the intelligent as a
they used to whip hits because his ready made medicine, not only for
hairens so thick he couldn't keep man bluest, ills, but a,' a hon.. and
it combed."cattlye me•`ieine of surpaaslne merit. A
horse and cattle rancher will And wat-
greatly s,mpllGcd by using lhia
Ne person should o from home with- 011.
out et bottle .,1 I)r. m P. Kello`g's dy-
sentery Cordial in their possession, as ECM -LIKE.
(linnet m water, cookingl climate. etc.,
freqquently bring'. on summer complaint. "Ecl:ert 's trite in very slrongniind-
anel there is not).ing like being ready eEel,taryon Lohatow.' "
Tut she always balls
with a sure remedy et hand, which often-
ttn,en ea••es greet Suffering rind frequent -
'l c
ly valuuhie lives. This ('ordlal hal "I gest, ile just repeats the things
gained for itself a widespread repute- she soy., f,10.,tion fur affording prompt relief (rota
all summer complaints. "Not only that, hitt Op wants to
It�iirr•csq on Klin that he's not to
'flit, FINAL BLOW. speak 11n111 he's spoken to "
it is said that often when a wo-
man says "no" she, means "yes," but ` ~-- --- --
there aro signs which discourage even '
the'nest hopeful and persistent Cash or Cure
"1 (li(111't so much mind llett.y'e
allying she'd t1S noon marry a Jtm,p-
ing-Jack as me," geld Ethan Hatch,
forlornly, to a sympathetic Went*:
"nor I didn't much care when she
said she'd rather stay at hone than
go out to Jordan', Park with such a
slow coach as I war; but when Rho
told too ebe'd got to balp bar (mother
tlhyds dowu to
sathed CLwter fQpt stetleits
ke-crews soda, I sae 'twapi'. aua&
use hoopla,/ on any ouver.
Capital 1 est may be restored by
diligent use of 'rye:lenss„ but titins
We is las! tar eves~ ill R 17 > $ 110! N;ee.4s,
eraotioal Everyday Lessens on
ser Tse, post blab.
Sox M. (bat hare. Oat
How tte /Malt and Maintain Perfect Haslgib
If your health in nut of order,
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Nerves in Order
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A BOOK of incalculable import-
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sents the whole, range of rational II
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131111, Cloth, $I,50, postpaid.
FUKK & WAONALLS. 00, Publishers, NEW Y1Ik
Yeast -"Do you believe a mall can
do two things at the salvo time?"
Crin►soubeak-"Certeiir►ly, Ho ':aa
stand on his dignity while sitting on
a jury."
WK ,3ItE AI.L FAMILIAR with the
deep, hoarse bark, grimly called "a
grave -yard cough." 'fake Allen's Lyn`
Balsn,n, a remedy for pulmonary trod -
hie, highly r•eo:amended even in Oa
earlier stages of Consumption.
"Iialloa, old chap! What are ,you
doing in the chemist's?" "I want
something for my head." "H'tni
liow much d'you reckon you'll get?"
A Purely Vegetable !'ill.-Parrni)ee's
Vegetable Pills are compounded from
roots, herbs end solid
extracts of
known virtue in the treatment of liver
and kidney comptaiAts and in giv leg
tone to the system whether enfeebled
by overwork or deranged through ex-
cesses in living. They require no 1„eti
menial. Their excellent qualities eA�.
well known to all those who have ,red'
thein and they commend thoms.,lve^s to
dyspeptics an[) (hose subject to nil.oirs-
tress who are in quest of a beno.icial
A -"1)e Courcy Smythe boasts that
he can trace his ancestry bock to
the time of the early Normans." 11 -
"Wel!, the Normans are dead, and
they won't mind.”
Wash greasy dishes. pots or 1 ans
with Lever's Dry `long a powder. It
will remove the grease with the
greatest ease,
"Dobson, I dp believe that if you
were given the choice between me
and your pipe you would hesitate."
"That's tth••ro you make a mistake,
MIs. .tobson. A pipe soothes end
comforts a Ivan in his old age.'r
111 fitting boots and shoes cease
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure 1s the
article to use. blot a bottle at once
and euro your corns.
"Ifememher," said the charity
sharp "he gives twice who gives
"1» other words," rejoined the
marble -hearted man. "ho gives ?twice
as much as the fellow who stops to
think it over."
PLEASE it EA It 1N MiNI) that what
h called a skin disease may be but a
,'vnrptom of bad blood. In that case,
Weaver's 3'erale. externally appllcd,
Should 1,• supplemented with Weaver',
Syrup. tarsen tinily.
Singleton -"sty the way, where did
you first meet your wife?"
11•eddetly-"AI her college the day
she graduated."
Singleton -"Ah! I see. Her com-
mencement tens your tinkle"
40t -
If Shiloh's Co re Ws to cora
yolr, (.old of •
wu Cvet lack all yea
ped/ it, You are sae of a Corte ar
if 1 waaa't a awe cure, tide oiler wawa*
set he reads.
Caa moils be Irina li
otter • a C,ait,litt aalrs