HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-05, Page 4excter Abuoc'ttte, Sanders tt Creech. Prope. THURSDAY, OCT. -5, '05 GI rant on Clarence Webb has gone to (;rand Rapids, Mich. --John Langford hits rented the Clarke farm of tate S.R. Blenshtud.-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ful- ton, who moved to Exeter from here shunt two yea) s ago, on 'Thursday re- turned to our village. and will reside here in the future. We welcome the est 1riiatele ohs couple back again. --Rev. F. W. Gilmour has received and ac- cepted i► call to the Presbyterian church at Penetaeguishene, hirlcton Roy Shier has gone to London, where he will attend the Medical school. - The boys are training their feast horses on the track for Kit ktun fair, Oct. 5 and 8. -Miss Rachael Kirk is engaged to teach Zion school at a salary y of $400 per annum. -Rev. Racey, who has been 111 with la grippe, has recovered.-1Ve understand no chane takes place in Salem, 1%'oodhant, Kirkton or Ander- son schools. -Raccoon and duck hunt- ing are engaging the sports. -The Rev. Rural Dean Taylor, of St. Mat ys, oc- cupied the pulpit, in St. Pants' church preaching Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vice. Rev. 0. W. Itacey took Mr. Tay- lor work. -Hugh Kirk takes charge of Mount Pleasant public school for 1000. Tuckersulith. Mrs. ',V. Townsend had the misfor- tune to cut her hand by putting it throngh a window. -James Nott, of the London road, tnet with a serious accident the other day. With his daughter he was engaged in carrying a sewing machine down the stairs he being at the lower end, when he slipped and fell, the machine following him. In the fall he had three ribs broken. and was otherwise injured, -- The frame residence of Edw•trd Jar- man, on the Huron road, was complete- ly destroyed by fire together with most of the contents of Friday. There was a high wind blowing at the time and the fire spread so rapidly that very lit- tle of the contents could be got out of the burning building. :Mr. Jamieson had considerable difficulty in saving his barns situated on the opposite side of the road. The tare originated from the chimney on the back kitchen. This is considerably lower than the main part of the house and a spark was blown from the chimney and alighted on the rennin huiidin . The house was insured for $800 and the contents$200. Mr. Jarman will rebuild in the spring. -John R. McDonald has sold his 100 - acre farm on the 2nd con., L.R.S., to John Strong, who takes possession next March. Hensa11 miss Willis, of Michigan, was a visi- tor at the hotne of Win. Bell last week. -Janes Johnston and Jas. Ilonthron left hast week on a trip to the West. - Cecil Skinner has returned to Shipka after a short visit here. -Miss Rose Yungbleit has returned from her visit to BufGdo N.Y.-Mr. Taylor.of Wing - ham. is taking Jas. Bonthron's place at the station. -We understand G. C. ymallacomhe contemplatesoing into business shortly. -Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein have returned from a visit to relatives in Detroit. -Miss Lou Don- thron k visiting her sister, Mrs. Mc- Martin, at Barrie. -George Trott and wife etre occupying the roosts over the McCloy Block. -Rev. Arthur (`arliele, of the Memorial church, London, will preach Harvest Thanksgiving sermons in St. Paul's church on Sunday next. The Kelehon Engine 1Vorkv resumed operations this week, after being shut down for nearly three tnonths.-Mrs. John Dinsdele, of Kippen, who has been very ill fit• some time, is, we are pleased to state, showing signs of int- proveutent.-Rev. i),tvid Buchanan, wife and three children, who have been visiting in our midst for time leave in a few days for youth America. The former is engaged in mission work saddening the past five years his faith- ful work and intense zeal have been greatly honored and blessed. --The re- mains of the hate Mrs, James Davey were paid to rest in McTitggsrt's ceme- tery wn Saturday. Deeeased, who was SO years of age, nuts former ly a regi• dent of ('hiselhurst and was highly honored and esteemed. Of bete years she has made her home at Winghem Moray %tt'811u1NO-The home of Thomas Jennings, was the scene of a very pret- ty event on 11'etluesday when his es - tunable daughter, Miss Olive, became the happy bride of Alex. Bartley, of Du netle f. The bride. who was dainti- ly attired, stats led to the parlor by her father, where the interesting cere- mony took place, the Rev. F. G. New- ton securely tying the nuptial knot in the presence of a few invited guests. 'rhe young couple were then heartily congratulated after which the cotn- p:uty repaired to the dining roust and enjoyed a sumptuous repast. Space will nut ,let )tit tis to enumerate the presents, suffice to say they were num- erous and costly. 1%'e unite with the many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Rarcley a twig and happy married life. Usborne Miss Maud A. Hotton, after having taught in S.S. No. 1, Usbor•ne, for four years. has resigned. During that time she has proved herself it faithful and efficient teacher, and the best wishes of both parents and pupils will accom- pany her wherever sitegoes.----Mr. A. Campbell has purchaseMr. Charles Harvey's 2111) -:►ere farm on the. 3rd con., rot- which he paid $12,000. This is a fair price as there is only one set of buildings on it, one of the farms being in grass, but it is beautifully situated and Mr. A. Campbell is to be congrat- ulated on his purchase, and the wish of his many friends is that, he may long live to enjoy the comforts of his beautiful home. Mr. Harvey thinks of engaging in the milling business hut will first take a look through the Northwest and may invest in property there. -Mr. Paul Madge, of the Thames Road, has returned from his trip to the Old Country. He crossed the At- lantic with a lot of cattle of bis own feeding and:was lucky instriking a good market. Mr. Madge also visited relatives in the south of England and was h pleased with what he saw in that part of the country. He says the farmers make more money there and nutke it easier than they do in On- tario and he is almost tempted to sell bis fine fart) in Usborne and remove to "Merry England" and become a landed proprietor there. McGillivray David H. Stewart has returned to Toronto to resume his duties at the college.-Sawuel Grigg, of London, is conducting evangelistic services in Mare's Hill church, -Thos. W. Hodg- son still continues ill, -Nies Lizzie Darling, who is receiving treatment at London, is home on a short visit. - Miss May Sceli bas gone to Toronto to take up a business course. -Mrs. Nati. O'Neil continues to improve. -- Mr, R. J. Hamilton, who has been bis visiting at his home in Brinsley, left this week for Toronto, to resume bis studies at the medical college. -Mrs. William Chapman is suffering front erysipelas. -Rich. Scott, operator, has returned to Detroit, after a visit with his parents here. -Miss Susie Medd, bas returned to her horse in Trow- bridge. after a visit here with her gi and)►other, Mrs. Darling. -A num- ber in this neighborhood are suffering from malaria. -John McLellan. jr.. who has been suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. is, we are pleased to learn, recovering. -Mrs. A. McLean and children, of Montana, and Miss Nettie Mageary, of London. are visit- ing at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mageary, 4th con. -Mrs. J. F. McKay, of the towuline. bas re- turned from an enjoyable trip to her old home in Scotland. -B. J. Waters is acting as judge of cattle and swine at di:rerent fairs in Huron, Grey and Perth. -Nut. Thorpe and John Kelly were each fined $1.93 for using pro- fane language in the village the other night. -The ease of Hudgins vs Hod- gins, which was to have been tried at the fall assizes was settled out of court. Mrs. Sarah Maria Hodgins, the plain- tiff, was granted the dower from her late husband's lauds, which she has el:titne:l. lien sort, Thos. Hodgins, in present possession of the land, was the defendant, and he withdrew his con- tention that his mother was not entit- led to her dower. The defendant had claimed arrears and this claim went before the pity, which awarded her $1:10. Both parties reside in this town- ship. -On Saturday John Breen was committed to the County jail as insane by Police .Magistrate Smith, it is Al- leged that Breen, who threatened to 'tumult suicide on different occasions. has been behaving in a violent man• her to his fancily and been squander- ing his means by improvident expendi- tures, and althou h working 21)0 acres with her daughter itt which place she he has not turned a single furrow as passed away. yet. it hes been stated that some few months since be was thrown from his rig. hutting his shoulder, knee and head, for which he secured $75 dam• ages from Stephen township, anti since that time he has not been exactly the same man. The hearing wax conduct- ed with closed doors, the Magistrate fearing that the presence of strangers aright iinduly excite Mr. Breen. DK.tTII. -It is with feelings of regret that we report the death of George ' .-icutt, of the 13th con., which occurred on Sept. 21). Deceased had been in poor health for some time, and it was thought that there was some improve• 'trent but these hopes were bet short lived. for he suddenly took a change tot- the worse again. until death re- lieved him of his sufferings. Mr. Scott 0 AS a grxwl husband And tether and n .rano who was the hest kindnf neighbor .ud who Was known by friend, strang- r or beggar for his hospitality at all 'tines. Ile leaves to mourn his demise sorrowing wife and one son, Wm., - .1 s one brother and three sisters. .'1;, f :neral took place to 8t. Mtary% .•entetery on Friday and was largely attended. His six nephews acted no pall hearers. The bereaved ones have the sytnpathy of the neight.orhood. Lake Gives Up Victims. flyer's For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. i M.* ossd aya's (Term Teetotal to my famt,r for M ).vsit is the cwt m.dIO•. to ti a vera, 1 know. fur ail throat said tang troo Mss Maw J. L costs aw.as, Waltham, rials, ■e eek...' OIL J. e a Tilt e0., `AltAit dr..f eti for tewetr 1 The Lungs Da Iv action of the 'towels Is neces. diary. Ald nature with Ayer's Pills. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effeettul monthly medicine on which women can depend Aoki in two degrees of etreuptth--Se 1. for ordinary ester. 11 r er fns : No. ti, 10 de greets stronger f'•r p t,l l\veva,,13 per t.es NW,/ ty ell dry iebt. Ask for Onoleo R of Cernpon fwd take it( • old *Out... The Cook Medicine Co.. Wdadwr, (Mello Port Frank. Sept. 2i1. --The bodies of Woods and Bliley, two of the ot.trin e •a who lost their lives in the fierce storm on fake Huron six weeks ago. were found to.day. Jo.. E. Arasstros,g, M.P., who is spending the summer it. his cottage, found the body of WVood- floetiug in the Lake nlotut fifty cards from chore. The is,dy of Bailey was t.un.l shoals afterwetels. The beet's vele decomposed. That of N,ssis had .11 ',lily the r,rllar of his shirt, while •t.ailey wets identified by a rubber Matt, fhe ih,dics .t ere taken care of and sent ,a Das 11.Id f•burial. . Y ` • Royal Household Flour Is Always Uniform Why ? It is one thing to make flour pure, well balanced and gtrong, it is another thing to have it uniformly so -to make flour that is precisely the same in purity and nutriment on Saturday as on Monday -in May as in November. Because the "Royal Household" mills have the finegt testing equipment available and unlimited resources for securing perfect wheat, they can and do ', produce -every working day in the year - flour of precisely uniform strength, nutriment and purity. That is why Royal Household Flour makes always the very be bread and pagtry, year in and year out. That is why Royal Household Flour is the molt reliable -the molt successful flour -and being scientifically. purified by elec- tricity it is the purest -the best of all flours. The next flour you buy ask for "Royal Household" -and try it for yourself. Ogilvie's Royal Household flour. /7" r,/ fav,/ ir`l •f;1/. y;.,.., i 1 t;j , Zurich Herb Axt is on it visit to Detroit. - Mr. and Mrs. John Fuss have returned from their visit to Detroit. ---Mrs. Geo. Thiel, sr., and Mrs. John Siemon are on a visit to friends in Woodstock. -- Mrs. Emma Sanders and son, Eddie, of Brand Rapids, Mich., who have been on a two weeks visit t', friends in town. left Thursday fur Exeter to spend a few days.- Miss Ella Kloppp it on a few weeks visit to her sister, Mts. Jacob Wagner, at Shakespeare. -Miss Lottie Galster, who spent the past summer at (.rand Rend, bas returned to town. -Mrs.Jacob Smith, of Detroit spent a few days here during the week. -Mies Latnra Steinbach has returned from her visit to Detroit. -After a three weeks' visit in Cleveland John Sehnettlet hn, retntite,1 li itt,. Miss Alfie Schnell has gone tee Detroit where she intends remaining for a time. --C. Sehi•,tg has been enjoyiug it visit front his mother and sister front South East - hope. - Miss Lizzie Albrecht, of Mid- land, is enjoying a few weeks' visit among friends here. -Mrs. H. Demuth and daughter, after an extended visit here, have returned to their house in Port Arthur. -Dan Snaith has moved the old show house to his farts on the Satrhle Line. -Mr. and Mrs. George Schoellig have gone to Detroit to visit their son, Dr. Schoellig, for a few weeks. --Misses Ellen Johnston end Lizzie Allen, of Blake, have gone to London, where they will remain. --Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meliek, of the Bton- son litre, lost their little three Intent I s' old babe on Monday. The little of e succumbed to an attack of cholera in- fentum. To the bereaved parents we extend our sympathy. % 'Kele NO. - SL Boniface church was on Tuesday the scene of n pretty event. when %Viii. Heohoter, Berlin, wedde d Miss Regie.t. d•tu hter of Mr. end Mr . AInnzet Foster, nth the Munson ht e. The reremony was performed by Rev. Father Stroeder, and was witnessed by a large number of friends and rela- tives. The happy couple were attend. ed by Leo Foster and Miss Lizzie Hen- hoffer, brother and sister of the bride end groom respectively. After a few days' visit here Mr. and Mrs. Henhof- fer left for their future home in Berlin where the groom is a tiller of the soil. The hest wishes follow them and we trust their married life may be an un- interrupted honeymoon. Struck it Rich. Parkhill, Sept. 30. -One year old John Glendenning. of Parkhill. went into the Cobalt district as a laborer. He was working with a surveying party as a lineman, getting $1.61 it day. The snrveyeis ptnspurted and discovered three rieh tracts of free sil- ver. They were in the employ of the Government and could not make out claims in their• own names. They pick- ed len John Glendenning as the Winn to make out the deities. He did. Three claims were got in his name. These three ebilins are worth $1,54)0,000 and Glendenning s interest, mac -third, is $fiOU.0()0. tiyon. your frienrlt or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. 'i .s' 1)aiice, . r f'aflurg Sickness, write for a tial Is,ttle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tug 1.):int.; Co., 179 Kin4 Street, W., Toront.,, ('.nada. All druggists sell or can obtain f..r you LEIBIG'S FITCURE FINE JEWELLERY Cur customers from surrounding towns and vi:lages are incre.t.:ng rapidly and becoming better satisfied with every purchase and that we handle only fine jewel:ery and that ever y article is as represented. At pre.cnl we are Uttering special '..Jori in hand,orria' Brooches Ansi Cures 1 -ink, as follows : Brooches in four pattern., .lightly larger than shown by the above cut and varying'livhtly to detail, set with reit pearls rt: solid t.•lc gold, mailed in a neat plush 1• $6.00. $ 7.00 and $8.00 Cuff Links With initials engraved, a, shown by cut. Gold filled Tenth gold Solid sok gold SI 00 2 CO 4 00 Solid i;k go1J ........ 3 00 Prices for raised gold letter, or crest on application. Sent prepaid to any address for P. U. or express money order cover- ing the a,n.•unt. If not satisfactory goods can Lc rctur:.ed at my esiu.iise and money will be refunded. J. S. BARNARD. 170 Donde, Street. LONDON. HOME COMFORT STEEL RANGE Manufactured by Wrought Iron Range Company, L't'd Toronto, Ont. Founded 1864 capital $I,000,000.00 The above is a cut of our improved, pickle plated Range with handsome Enamelled reservoir attached to water front in fire box. The Wrought Iron Range Co. have located one of their divisions in Exeter and will canvas the surrounding country from this place. This is a sample of how our gcods plla:re our customers: - Wrought Iron Range Co, Toronto. Gentleman, -Four years ago I purchased from one of'r. your salesmen a Home Comfort Range and have found it an excellent heater and cooker, and a great fuel saver. I be- lieve it will save more than 10 per cent. on its price in fuel, that in ten years will pay for it; and I see no reason why it will not last a life time, being made of steel plate and malle- able Iron. I heartily recommend the Home Comfort to all who want the best. Wishing you success, I am. Yours, etc., RICHARD \VELSH. Exeter, . '.ept, 21st, 1905. G rand Bend, Sept. 21st, 1905. '1'o Whom it may Concern, - We have used a Home Comfort Range for eight years, and under no circumstances would we use anything else. MR. AND MRS. WM. LEVITT. J. W. K. Van Norman, Divisional Supt. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament ia551 Head Office, • Montreal Capital Paid try 03,000,000 Reserved Fund••• • • • • • • • • • • • 03,000,000 FOItTY-EIGHT BRANCHES iN THE DOMINION OF CANADA ▪ EXETER BRANCH niTirE HOURS los. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer a Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exehange. ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed a Saving Bank Department Depnsitaof 51 and upwards rereited. Interest rom pounded half -)early and added to principal June 30th • and December 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Nelms alt CARLINO, Solicitors. N. 1). IiUIWON, Manager. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. COUNTY of HURON, TO WIT: 11• virtue of a servant under the hand of thr warden and Seal of the Corporation of the County of Ilunm,datedthe 21st day of July, Lath. commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter dearitred, for the arrears of taxes refire, tie el) due %her,on, to,ptthe, with costs, . mire is berth) Kitty' that unless such taxes and rots are sooner paid 1 shall, to compliance with the Assessment A, t, prom'd to sell by .uhlic ate tin the said lands. or so ranch thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same, at the court lino.', in the town of Ooderirh, on Tuesday. the 11th day of Noaember, IsioS, at two o'clock in the afternoon. All thew lots are patented. Lot or Part of tot. N. E. corner W•i 12 tw. 42 Part 3 Part 13 13 2" 3,6 1.51:1 l'Aitr 1.1 Y Part 24. 3"1 C rtit Tresvtrcr'sOtre.. finder', h. Jot, •1.1. 11(6. TuWNSiIIP of As1IFtELD. ('on. Acres. Arrears of Taxes. ('oats. Total. 9. c. 9 r. 1.s ,. 14 E. D. t( 2.94 2.50 11 N. T. P. 434 1231 L75 2....4 VIt.1.AGF, or CfIANMF(RD IN A51111E1,0 14 6.27 2.50 7.77 TOWNSHIP or OODEttt('ll. Maitland 2 01 2.25 3.10 do it 2.11 2.25 1.I( II.IAil1( OF 81 JOSEPH IN IIAY. 256 Z 25 / 1 4 256 2:5 1 s Hotvt(•K tl1.l..Nu IN II(WtCK. 6.20 2.25 7 IN TOWNSHIP OF Tueltriismrrii 111. a. a. % 20 1' 2.75 32.(f. it 11. it. ti 1 11 bu LSO 13.91 TOWNSHIP or T111Nhl:Itltt C. 22 938 250 11.85 WINOIIAM TOWN 11.11T 1N TIliNRIRRY. 4 101 t 50 1.11 W M. HOLMES, ('minty Treasurer. fhs ADVOCATE will be sent YOU until Dec. 31, 1906 for SI