HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-10-05, Page 3O+0+'.+040+0+0♦O♦0♦0+0+ puny. The strange dryingu ► of the The whole region is an ideal ,lace
iii iM, will, of c.>une, pua beep to ABOUT ALGONQUIN PARK fur the botanist eel student Na• THEY ARE FOND OF BOOKS
lily income from that source. The tutu's charms. 1Cild [lowers anti ____
♦♦♦ shales of the company are worth lit- IN THE HEART OF THE HIGH- ferns, plums and nupssas, are vorY
IIinderella tie nothing, and I have made over LANDS OF ONTARIO. plentiful and in great variety, nearly
the chole of my other resources to one thousand different kinds burin;;
¢ ul.tainevlthe e un'Itulsetthrotrncrhose a�y stns Mr. H. R. Charlton Describes the
limits. s 01enUhe(1 within the Park John D. Rockefeller Says Reading
t c> Be/tette:: of the New probablypart tit Has Become Indispensable
y "Thal is all," said Lady Portalieu There is robubl no other P
d0 as sl,u folded up the letter. Country. Eastern Canada with as high an ill- to Him.
+0t-O-i0-�0+4¢0♦04.0-i0+0+0 "1t i5 quite sutlicient," re;
pllcd The Many districts comprising the tittle as Algonquin Park; acetol oh• All illy life•, over since I learnt
Cinderella hotly. "Highlands of Ontario" which are so strtaliuus taken give the height to rend at the district school at Os -
I, "1 um glad you take the sensible 1,g'ulur with the tourist, sportsulat• above sea level us 1.1300 (ret, whir. %%ego," said Mr. .1. I). Rockefeller,
Cinderella entered the Castle from tiow• n,y deur. I never li cd the fel- teal angler hove, through the elTort4 there pre many points on the high
low. for, to say (he I .est Of it, he h b bIiiII shores reaching 2.000the King of Croosuses, rho other•
the test 'Terrace with many 0 back -u( the Grand 'Trunk Ituilttuy sys- 6 to i, e' day, "1 hove born nn omnivorous
ward glance at the worm sunshine thus no gentleman. And now. as tem, become the objective point of Tho atmrostphe'c is guru and "11'111' reader, and this habit hes out only
and the flowers sho was leatin•�, though to make bad worse, he ne- thousands of seekers atter health and; sting, uud a f u' Juys' sojourn uud,r
merely, as sho thought, togo and y J' : t pleasure, and tho summer season of itb 10 lt'ncu rejuteneee ,.r a and in fiver tee one of the greatest plea-
. b tuull throws uuu rebut little mot!:
something unpleasant. For that eye he has Left. Thu ntun is a fool.' 1005 11115 seen the largest influx of;t'igoattes 8 rudonn renst, 01 Iuresl1 have known, but hos cuutri-
eas 11rually the end of a summons
111 the libray.
"('0nto and sit (loll 11, my deur,
said Lady 1'urlulleu as her st)0
daughter entered; "I've some very
important news for you. It con-
cerns all your future life."
"I'm quite satistit41--'•
"So you say now, but hear my
news first. Someone actually wants
to marry you, (:race."
"I know it stns something unpleas-
ant." groaned Cinderella. All her lett, the + says, "f nater put a book on my
indifference had gone now and her (nine you Must be in love w-i•It hint!' crnmeet line, being built from North gavial superintendent, au,li 1
eves were troubled. "Tose" said ('inderella, "1'111 only Hay to dames tray, has w•uu tutor getting from hint much valuable in- shelves without reading it -they aro
the matt is an Iionoruble man people into these confines that hes' I►uring a trip through this weeder ' et u beat 00111 u, any success
John -
and a gentle ," said Cinderella ever been, writes Mr. 1l. 1t. Charlton ! fug Ilkelam1 by tho ttriter, some of
have attained. I think it was .luhu-
dislinctly. "The lettel' alouc is It is estimated that about 40,000 the principal wuterwee were 1ru•.- `('u who said, 'You can never bo
sufficient to prove that." suuuaer tourists and spurtbutcn hare• wscd and many surprise's, both :a wise unless you love reading,' and I
•'I shall trite to him to -day and taken udtuntage this your of teen; the Se':nit grunduur of the surru„to_, might buppleui.v.t this by saying
release hint from the engagent.nt," nutty ii trucliens thtel are offered in
ings and the results lbut were „eel(hul it is one of the !into( brain-
stormed 1.ndy Purtrnlle(1• the large 1,•rrit„►•y north of 1.ake tamed with rod and line trete expel- shutpeners fur a business -tutu."
"Ile has written to me ills)," said Uutuier, ienccd
This love (if books AI r. Rockefeller
Cinderella quietly, "and I have al- 'l'eiut •a,11i, the new and Thts being still retains -in fact, he says "Read -
ready written hack to say !blot 1 low opened this year {tract hull y r('giun w'u decided to nuke our stilet
will not terminate the engagement." for the first titer by the operation of (►•0111 park headquarters at Algon- Inc every year" -us is evidenced by
"Quite 1rleIe(IrntllalIC!" slid Lady the Tenaskauliog and Northern O..•• qui11 Park Station, where we had the tlto fact that he is constantly ud-
i'ertnllen coldly. "Posit it.ly, 1 turio Railway, the new Ontario (kr - pleasure of Meeting 31r, C. W. Bart- ding to his large library, and. as ha
"1 don't want tri be uarrievl," sho afraid1 can never lovehim asnurch with n large number of 1acello,e formation as to the routes tthi 1: all intimate friends." His son and
said slowly. "I'd ever so much as lie deserves."-Pearsun's Weekly. who aro looking for new fields to ev-- would appeal to the sj,urtsman ani 11.•11'. Mr. John Rockefeller, junior
rather stay baro with the others and -e. Wore, and a place whop civilization arpg4e. Here, also are the coulfur- has inherited his father's passion for
fat her and -you." h huts not yet encroached upon na:ture•s! table quarters erected for the atom., hooks, and spends some hours daily
I.n(Iv I'orttllrn shook her head IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND own domains, and where the hand of nludatiou of the rangers enllauy d in their cuntpnny.
angrily, noticing the hesitation bc_ loan is not ill evidence.
!throughout the park, mid which arc And it will be fo 1 that, with
at the disposal of visitors, wh •:, tory few except10es. the men who
fore the last word. NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN The major portion of visitors t,•rcwuts aro thrall, but as the actor- 11111 k., nnillions pro nb similtu 1uvoi'u
"four tut her wishes you to marry this region have been from across
Mr. Cradock," she began in her twist BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. the international boundary, althuul,lt rnorlation is very limited, panic•, of reading "When 1 was n lad,"
metallic tunes. Canadians from Toronto and other
visiting the park should conte pro ' the late Cecil Rhodes once said, "hey
sudden 11,1811 spread ever Cinder- Occurrences in the Land That cities in Uuttuio with a sprinklieg, tided with the necessary oquipmo:: craze for reading was almost n vice:
ella's face and disappeared, leaving Reigns Supreme 1n the Com• (runt /he Province of Quebec, have to camp out. It is also essential to lacy moment I could spare was
her very white. "1 can't milt"Y nsercial World. taken advantage of the fishing of . those purposing a canoe trip to se- spent in poring over sone) book or
( , fere) in the Government Forest 1{! cur) outfit, including lent, cooking- „t her -nut school books, by any
him," she whispered almost to her- St. Paul's church, Cheltenham, 1188 utensils, provisions, blankets and ,,,,sus All was fish,thnt tailor to
self. "1 don't know the man, Iserve, which is open to all tr....!
don't like him enough.•• a Movable pulpit, worked along roils sportsmen who recognize the regula-all tho or salt' paraphernalia re- (;,y net. and !wilt afraid 1 read
Lady I'orttll, t leant forward such- by means of n wire rope. Lions laid down bythe Crown. In tensor, for camp purposes s nolhicg!
f A l.t'1' (►1 1{C13131N11;
den13' 1'ortms the girl. ';{. A marble bust of the late JI,can he obtained in the park with the
shrinking g addition to the large numbers front exception but that the habit, which is us
amounts to this," she said, ('reit Rhodes has been presented to addition
and the United StaLtcs, maty 1 tion tit guides curd canoes. 1'h0: just as
the Royal (`)toning Institute, Korth- g(,iehw furnish their own tents nal strong us ever, has been most help -
"your father has Inst a great deal of , y guests have re„ :ste'rd at the hot„:s -I-. k• . nod charge Loo dollars an,! fill 1 haven't u shadow of doubt."
money lately, a very great deal. I umborl:cud avenue b Sir Juutes froth l'llgland and the Continent e,
don't know what will happen, but myth, Hart. and a few are )ren from .tai+an• a half per day, which includes Lhe' Ji r. I eaa" 1liei experience was very
Lord 'Windsor explained in the cost for real of canoe. 1'he guide- similar. "When I was a boy," he
you have the chance of saving rho IA rival to this beautiful 'writhe"' s;_id, "nty uncle, who in the course
family, of smoothing the lust few house of Lords that the proposed of 1 411 and game in New Ontari (unay be secured through the superi -
years of your father's lite. Mr. Cra-
monument to the late Marquis of and a territory which has he'll known t0ndent. whi h is thebest way, n8 of half a t)ir,i r;v had amassed about
dock is very wealthy with that won -
in Westminster :1bb:y, to, cornpnrnlively spenkint, only a' the then turuiehed aro exp1111 the ?lc1,0t)0, thrash0d oto because, in-
mine of his, and he is proper -
lake the furor of a t'ocuurbont few, and which Oilers ry a;:fly uo11 and thoroughly conversant with the stood of sat ing my money, I wasted
edde to settle n large sum upon you." lig ore on a tomb. sport for the angler, is \l •oneni,l t county• it on cheap books and 101 azines. 1
Mr. (.. Kelson, of Ih am )turd, Park, another re *1 m (L apart (, arae he Lake,1'o or, which the head- told hint that 1 could1ha not afford to
Cinderella lifted her white face for Spoke Devon, hasjust creel a 1 s' P • quarters are situated, is a tory sate money until I had increased my
n 1001110111. "What dues my father
the Ontario Governnterlt for the sole (-harming and beautiful sheet of tea- knowledge and brain power, where -
netnbl0 fishing record. With ono popcse of a play -ground for the re
haul he landed a trout wet,ter. ,
have told you brier. Ile wish s three-quarters of a pound, and hhttwo creation and enlertniuuusa of the prom Park headquarters we pnc!- ,therner not trithwes due toi this Wk..-
you to ary explainedltor
himl that ailt ckouldltabe grayling, each weighing half a denizertbrains nee the
laxal onoa tiled east through Cacho Lake to a 'of reading, Peabody at the end of
folly and worse to refuse." Ipouu(1,.'leeblufknown as "Liver (r Point," an his Ili) could show more than a
"Then," said the girl miserably, 3 I'he 41Ilntee hand of Stadhntn, 1n a Ihc1e�dthe in
God's101 sirnb�f of busirno� l lvation rising sheer from the w.► thousand pounds for every sower. ign
"for my father's sake I consent." Sussex, is said to he the oldest in is forgotten and ►hysirnl strength is ter's edge to a distant) of three bun- his uncle had sherd.
_ this country. it was established in is forgotnd the succeeding months u t. (red feet, its summit reached by mil Mt•. Russell Sage, the reputed own-
r 1790.easy ascent over a good trail. O.' ler of , (.000,000, pleads u'
[i1 another year passes and the tint. 1 guilty to a
•'My experience is," says Dr. reaching the crest of the bluff a love- like rasion for reading. "1 have
arrives fur all other outing. le scene met our nze r ( t i 1
T( anything at all could have re- '1'hunra8, medical health )triter of g and spread o r.
coeciled Cinderella to her engage- Stepney, 111 his annual report, that "I'IlO :tlgoliquin Park is situated el before our vision was a I•anurnnts 1 nct•cr allowed money -making,•• he
the '1iighlands of Ontario," amt et land 011(1 water -scope be says, "to wean Inc from my books.
meet to h than she did not lone, .t excluding .hews, quite 20 per cent. ggnr{rg (liven In my must strenuous s re I
would have been the kindness of c of the population are not legally covers stn arca of l,8(N►,00fr acres ret ,icscriptiun. 1'110 lake, lying below !always put in n good hour's real -
i } g forest and water stretches. there be us with ribbons of silver intertwit.•'
Winn himself. • married." In no less than 1,200 lakes 011' in- bet the many islends, lay'
Lade Portallen had admitted to Air. John Cawitmn, who is in his 8 ° ' t, ing before tho rest of the world was
him thrnt. her stepdaughter did not 101st year, addressed 011 o;.en-air rivers in its boundaries. 'iltrs vast calm and peaceful with hardly a rip at:ake•, nn(1 1 have found it a cmpi-
extent of virgin wilderness has opt I , pit• to ruffle its serenity, toad wRho; al thing for getting the brain into
brie him yet. Our little Cinderella service
wioutes.on Sunday night been termed "Lakeland," and t1,• out anything to rear its natural sol-:wort:ing order for the day. My read -
been young, so carefully brought up." An Intention for the cheaper mane-
Canada Atlantic Ilai1way, which has nude, save n trio of (leer swimming mg has le -en, T fear,
And John Cradock protested his' facture of steel has been adopted in been recently absorbed by the Orem! from an island to the main shore SADLY I'ItOJ1iSCUtUS,
willingness to trait. "But I'd wait a South Wales steel works. it is 'Trunk Railway System, penetrates it and a picturesque camp on a for• and 1 don't think much of it has
for any length of time or lose her cluinlet that the new sirel can leis for 200 miles, making the Ie_;'1' away point with rmo4e rifling to the btuck, but it has served its purpose
altogether,' he declared earozstly, pi, 401.....1 and sold in the market at easy of access from any point on th • cler. sky from the breakfast came well in keeping the thinking machine
"rather than have her inclination 1Y. ir,•na Sees to 30s a tun below steel American continent. Unlike some of ere ►►'ending our way westward we in order...
forced at all," ' from
meter other pr(011 es. the other lake districts, the warier crossed Cache Leake and entered into M,•, John ►►'annn,nker, another lord
"You quite Rtnrtl0(1 ores" said 1',,al-cutting by uat•.hinery is deft- ways throughout the 44)1010 area of a I'liutch of the Mndawnska River. of M:ur3' millions, sui(� not long
Lady Pertailen gaily. "It is only • Wifely established in the collieries the (1 Park k aro at continuity of lake, thence into White's Lake, a 8n►0'1 ago: "Whet t was a la(1 reading oras
in novels that force their which resisted its introduction t and stream, ninny of them heiree body of tenter which we crossed t•) thought a terrible waste o1 • (11110 for
daughters to marry desirable par- 0t,•nuniely for many years. Ninety-
navigable from one to the other, our lint portae '. 'I'Ihe lakes we tr:, nnyote tch) had to make his living
ties. Our dear little (:race bus de- ono +1;achines are now in use in the while others are connected with shot, versed in 0(1(1 1e,n to the ones men- in business, and mp love of it got
tided entirely for herself." Literal 1 and North -Wales district, 11n(1 easy portages blazed through the boned were Seed.., !tagged, Toren
Often in the later days he would forest. The 1'ark country is of 0 pine, Canoe. Little .100, Big .toe, •111•101.14.7". in-1;;;;;:,-;:tutrietrouble nanny n
J the n101.140 },ower bring compressed tugged nature. the lakes encircle•, island, ►t'hite 'Trout, Iced fine ter, t I 1(1 lically read any-
hane given anything to have clasped i 11 11, eighty -live cases and electricity with high shores beautifully clothed Burnt. The accompanying 'deter... thng 1 could lay my hands on, and
her once for all to his heart, and although much of it was worthless,
spoken the words that sprang to his Mr. and Jlrs. .loon Rainford, or with verdure. from the water's edge illustrating sante of the beauties of i seemed to find ioL of useful gramlige and strained for utterance every West. Kiri» I.icerpuul claim to b0 to the summit of the highest Muffs. this delightful playground give but u
time he looked at her. But that the oldest melded couple in glut
The waters of the larger lakes ar) meagre idea of its attractiveness.
ninong the chaff. '1'o -day. whenever
would only have distressed her to center' They have both attained deep and translucent, and filled witn 1 See a youth spending his spare
the gamiest orf ynluton-trout, of ; opel money on books or good Wtaguzinos,
no purpose. So he waited, content their ninetieth WM'
and nru now g
to Shutt his love by little unob(r1►- eche rating the sixty seventh year of size, Many of them reaching a weight �-♦ 1 know he is laying the foundations
sive, thoughtful, kindnesses that did their wedded life. Queen Alexandria of
ten to twelve pounds. The rite- of success."
hint fu more soapier than he Inngin- recently wrote rungrnt►lu(irrg the Ices and streams abound in speckl,'I ROMANCE OF DURHAM CASTLE Mr. cess. •gir, as the world knows,
ed. aged couple. (rout, the cool wnlery giving thorn,• fins nlw•ae-s been a bookworm, when -
meanwhile the lung 8ur,1nel. drag- . Arrangements are being made fora tight ing 1ende•n(•it14 Which delights 11, Secret Hiding Place of Bullata and ever he could snatch even a sew odd
ged to an end, and autumn broke out visit ht, members of the English heart of the most enthusiastic a::• Gunpowder. tnontenls from his work of n►oney-
gler. Seta 11 -mote lied black bass an•,Working: and he has spent ninny mil -
found in the seem waters In whi i►urham Castle, built in the time lions in providing for others Neill -
the salmon trout are caught sontl1 of the Conqueror, was once n strong ties Which in 111- young days were
of the line of railway, while north of fortress protecting the Prince 13islt- denied to hint. Mr. J'ierpnnt Mor -
the railway speckled trout predei • : op and his roti fromScottish gnu is a book-enthnsinsl of another
hint,. '1•bese run large, and it is .1! raiders. 1t is 1100' the seat of a ani- type. for he tins spent on many a
betel upon everything, and clutehe.l aunts hone been tenth, for a daily common occurrence tocatch thee• torrity. single volume in his mngnilleettt
the frozen world fur month aft :r "celebration" on board the sessel. weighing as much as four and filo 'lite walls of the Norman gallery library a meth which would provide
month. a .\rrungemeetS have been made for to pounds. and iho tnatjurity can,;ht ti' hating Shown a tendency to bulge, a life's books for most of us. "i
All this time the nuutner of •-011 snore general use of carrier (•igeons the scales from nue-and-n-intlf to workmen have been employed in simply cannot," he bus said. "over-
1Cradeck had not varied in the slight- by the fishing fleets round our c011515. two -and -n -hal( pounds. The (ishin" bracingthem together with iron gir- estimate the valueof rending to the
est degree. But as tine went on and 1lh.0 the eels or liras aro hauled u r is at its hest during the months e'f X1,.,5 %4.hit.• se t•,1gnget! thew (listen- plan oho wishes to turn his brains
the Rhacklee of oie tet l.use•ne(l• 11+1.1 in the curly „tooting, the bi•11s a10 May and .►one, when the tont rise er••d a hiding -place in which were to any 1.11111 of
the hedgerows burst into a s•111111't1 let louse with a message attached to to the fly and are [oust voracious fur sieved Mullets and gunpowder, the ,
greenness again, and the sap began the I nrmnchene hello, red Ibis an 1 PROFITABLE A('('OTIK'I'.
f3 bt 1 f their wings. informing the curer or Inner brdng rem oats • ra • •
to stir in the leafless trees. causing • agent on 8)lore of the amount of th • rho Montreal. .1ute and Angu»t or, , 111 1610 the Scottish Covenanters. '1'11 me it has been Invaluable. and 1
them to sand oat little green shoots ;catch road when the boat is likely tee the months 4t hen rho majors ,leder General 1)avld Leslie, defeated have never known n mon who hag
t1- r shadow t.1 h r dislike. Morn of her ;arrive. people get away for their anew ass d money who has not also
nacatiun. and fish are plentiful in! the Royal forces, ler Lord Con-
te cell mere• • el.', tea .twny l'ot A parrot el.ich can talk in two , ways
at Newburn, pent Vewca»rtes bee
nn book -lover."
C. lit a w:n1er garment. Intlgcs
111141 h has seventeen 1 heo' tenter+, though ether Lnit 1 ha 'g limn 'Tyson, the Austrnlinn ulil-
nnd :rhe !wean. t�' appreciate the char- 1(„11,"' leo !„,,a, mood to the Lure- the 117' st. be used for the salmon'The morning nher the defeat Lord Bonaire, the sons ter•lnttly thought
trier of her hoer Anil gradually as (:o•, %.,,•1•�_i,ai trout. 1'tipper wire lines, (Wo o'' Conway marched to Durham. and
gardens. It is n n 1)1100 hundred feet in length, with ,t i from thence to 3.(rthallerton, Irate In he illiterate. was nn omnivorous
the earth blessemed in every three- tit„ ei e•.rthem L:riia, and three ofreader. ►Then, not long before his
tion. nn11 the air became ehnrgcd mhux,w for bait. and rt good bene ing all 1ho !teen! stores and inagn-' !{
it:: 1.1�a,.: s are in an Indian dialect, dent h. he was asked the :octet of
with rearm sunehine, SO Old Cinder' the r,, reel, on n steel bass rod. »4Y•ln to h•e zlner open to the )homy.
nage Fngrlish• 1 Tho `;(pts that invaded the county his mill{ononnking, he pointed to n
fi'n's heart levee to throw out little' yi, ,1 1110,o Wltileheite. who has al-
l- Ih. must effect nal tackle, and nee cmnll mountain of (rnp.•rs anal mngn-
inti-ihle tcudril» like waves of wire-
difficulty is exlericr.ee11 in landIl1 tic.
1urhaun, and thin inhabitants fled • '.
ready cote a to the (:, the nuu,h.r nlluwcd under the from the elev. Not Dram shop for eines in n corner of his lihrnry.
thetelegraphy of J that ado . n d c to e-elupment of the element it. torp' do gOt "'I'hero." he said, "those papers.
the hear( ref John (:rntuck, and con►.. 1111111 any other inventor, is still leak- ''torment regulations, and you can i tour days after the light was open-( i
back incr•nscvl a hundred told. depend upon a big fellow every tint • ed; not one house In the place had 1n"slly sent from the old country,
bags iW1prutevncnls. Il is 1°1'1 (''•• In the smnlier streams and brooks. Jefther 10811, Woman tar child in it; arm the crudlr of n,3' fortune. T't•e
toles to th1' piece'l'l of nus llnui•;(1' ah0ngM1 and renal thou., rine of books
111. i evkled trout risco to the ev ih not enc piece of bread was to he•
whioh rnn(r01s the rudders oiler the 1 hese months, and good sport cnn1obtained, fpr the hang's array hail since 1h0s•• toys, hot it was o'ndlnq
,fennahilw ('rudock'R utlur nllnirs nn8 ire 11118 le"' i:,nue 1.11. those papers that gave• Inc id.•as and
eoer. not I y alny means so fluirishilg Brudhnd. w : a 1•e11l1t ieln o(. be had for those oho can rrtugnit • eaten road drunk all nn their march helped 11" in my early 3trngg;les.
as his engagement. The 1u,1n who 284,11410 nn., au ,.r :1 , 1 nearly 23,- the likely spots. into Yorkshire. •1'110 Bishop fled
one aerie., Great pre the uI Arad to trite but one more ernmplc•,
And limited his n,inr into n 1!uni(0:1 t })tern- ppertuuiti.g In that to his castle• and from thence to
Perk leek nn.! London. nod on Au. usl :;o the late ('Ornelius Vanderbilt, trll.0
company had intercepted a report tee ed 111111 nt.'-t ono', .,1,.• ,ewes in I ark for the obewvattion of wild arc i.
: the Sep(g entered Durham. addre sing some t'nit•ersity •.to-
Cradock to the effect that the mine 1-1;e111 n11. 11 hes r.. eeicipalizet eta-' inuals, and for therm who desire
t , d, pts, snit! "Cult kat.. the habit of
aas petering out. This Would have.1er, wens. elect 11 a •t. tamways,(secure sunfish°,s of Wild life in the 1 The Earl of Strafford 134411.41 stn
Taira -II the turn{rnny promoter's elnnghter11ous,e. Iv,ti,• naukrt54 and tcuodR. ihrtlintr ig not allowed and
order from Darlington causing all reading .b for n certain time every day
schemes, so, withoert telling Cradock, ceineties. at:d it hats et en gond Ro the carrying of firearms with the err• bread. nutter. cher»e, and milk L► Asa brain -moulder and wit-shnrpon-
ce•ptian of a 114014er, is prohibited.
he 8,111 to Dm*rlingt0(1 to victim' his err 1 know nothing to equal it. 1
he had sent out nn accomplice to fain ns to experiment with munieleal' ( have known many, men in my time
"plant" a few precious elopes in the i'ublir-houses and to introduce a leen-being found in large numbers Majeety's army, and •Ielan(ine the
mire. It test t' hundreds of pounds sterilized milk supply. and less in dread of being( hunted ...•destruction of n11 the two"still-,Who have trade forge fort end
but the, he made thousands out of killed 11(•e seen more freitently, n+1.1 stones in i►urhnnm, the removal of ever; one of them luteal 1 ks at
least ns n►rch ns he luted dollars."
the deal, so he could afford it. on every lake and river can fa se.•••' all goods. mid the driving of all .•l.ondrrt '!'il ititg.
Almost immediately after the emu- \iiSI;N1)1•:ItS1Y)ci). daily, the red (leer feeding nmong the cattle before the 41pprone•h of the
puny was floated, the shares h.gal1 torts or lily pads, or coming (Iowa Scots +---.-....to drop heavily on r amours, the up- 11414'-1 made 8 big batch of these to thewnler'a edge to drink. ! 11. ie be'ievell by sone. that the
shot being that the financial paper. rake's 111-diy. Mouse are fomt(1 in the conf,n,•R ,' (loyalists, in their hurry to carry 'The other night a than env/ an
charged the company prolut.r and Husband -Von did, indeed, dear!iho Park, not so plentihll ns the dere, out n,, far ns po-eible Lord St rite e•p, n -stir lecture. At the a'nl•l11viun
Cradock uilh hating de)ibt•rntely' Wife -How to you know how bigI,ct :tie Incrcltsing steadily. Outvi,t•, ford':: order. found it inconvenient to h•• spilt that. with the irertni.4.4iun
"salted" the mine. 8 hatch 1 hart' t the h,.,odnri,•: of the reservutio'r,•'•arra• on n11 rho nom it (one of war. or III, crowd, he would vend hi',
One horning nbeaa this time Lady Tlnshand -Oh. 1 thong hl you saidthe• tea: -1 al r„,ndttt ices };)arming the ant' decided fo conceal the gunpotc- lint roeel. and would be %Slotk(ul
I'ertnllrn sett for Cinderella and "bole h!' hnnti00 seasons are 0)18;r•:cel, •,ted , 11.1 rend bullet that could not h,• for 8u•,le little encourage,' . nt. '1 ho
&hutted her it letter irons ('rndo,:k. some of the hest (leer hunting r.giuo•x removed. Others hold the opinion hatwas paused around. end fame
offering to release her from the err The mnvetnrnt i'f P. horse's head is in t/ntariu nee in 1Iooe eroxltnite 1 that the Fullers and gunpowder were bock to hire empty. Ile .rate n
g{agement. '•Tt is not that my feel- 81'111,1 111.•3 n kind of n neigh-hnh. During n w,a•k's tail• 1l.rongh till%!rc:41.filed try ('rotnwell's prieeners sigh. nog then sit ill'- "14.1I. when
Ill f toward ('inderolla hnve cllamoll I(linkies-"110 W can 1 mak(. my •.ectinw , i (i.e e,4:1•10% fere cn„en'n., j after the hat11e e1 Dunbar to ex- I (01110 to look nt what Ft., been
at t'..'," he wrote. 'lett there has claitnr','vstop sn,ukinq'' -corks- pe -a petty .. n, 1,•.s th an 1 (2 der, pinde at n ventenient time to throw talking to, all 1 hate ret to 4113'
brei entre i1 sgrneeful trickery in "(11te if one of these cigars ;0411 mostly in (0 us 111'.) 1! re. ,, telt 1,, the gni-risen into a panic, and thus is. 'Thank goodness i've gut my
e,nnpolor pith the new [nine cant- gave me this morning." -one /kid as many as fifteen. IO effect their escape. hit back.' "
in bronze and gold, followed by :, ('1, 11(11 I"uiu0 to the Holy Land in
slow and glorious decay. The NIA cinh. r next, It is proposed 10
gi011ndy about l'orlallen Castle. were charter the steamship .4.rgonnut (err
hidden beneath innumerable leaves, this purpose. The 3111rty will he ac -
faded, fallen, and desulute. A111l co11lpanied by the Rev. •1, R. Francis
then suddenly winter laid its iv. F'iaeer, ns chaplain. and arrange -
IU:I ..\BS'I'l 1'1•'8.
Toronto. c idle :3.-►4heut-(►ur.11 1u-
'l'he market is steady 1st Ile to 75c
for No. '2 red mei tthite, at outside
points, w ith oldie is higher. Goose
and sprint; are 117e to Me.
Flour -Ontario quiet at $3• buy-
ers' bales (or 90 per cent. patents for
export. Manitoba, $5 to et:. _,+ for
first patent =, $1.70 to $4.90 1' r rr-
owl puttees, and .4.130 to $1.80 for
strong bakers'.
Mil1G•evl-Ontario-Bran, $11.50 to
$12 per ton for car lots utt truck
outside: shorts, $113 to 817.5(1. 711)-
itoba, $16 to $17 for bran and 811)
to $'20 fur shorts at Toronto and
equal points.
Oats -Firer at 30e for No. 3 out-
tiro i.'y-firm; 4ec for No. 2. 44c
for No. :3 extra, and 4Oc for No. 8
at. outside points.
nye-Firm at 58c to 59c otttsi(1o.
1'ees-First at (17c to 68c outside
for No. 2
Corn -111111: American Ole for No,
3 yellow and 131 jc for No. 2 yellow,
lake and rail ireighte.
!tolled Oats-: 1.75 for barrels its
car lots on track 11 •re, and $4.50 for
bags; 25c attire fur broken lots here
and 40c outside.,
Butter -The (rade is without fea-
ture, and prices are quoted steady.
Creamery, prints '22c 23c
do solids ,., .., ... 21c 21 #c
Dairy- {b. rolls, good to
choice1Jc 20cdu nu Ilium 17e 18c
do tubs, good to choice 17c 18c
do inferior ,.. 15e 1Oc.
Cheese. -Quotations aro 113c to
1%ggs-!h•ices hold unchanged here
at. 18c to 19c.
Poultry -Put hens, 7c to 8c; Hain,
Gc to 7c; fat chickens. 9c to 10c;
7c to 8c; ducks, 8c, all live weight.
Potatoes -At 60c to 65c per bag on
trk here.
1341141ac(1 llny-87.54► to $8 per ton
for No. 1 timothy and 81i for No. 2
in car lots on track here.
Baled Straw -$6 per ten fur car
lots on track hero.
M0N'l'Itl•::\1. J1AItIs.J I'S.
Montreal, Oct. :3. -Flour -Manitoba
spring wheal patents, $5 10 $5.10;
strong hak is', 81.70 to $4.80; win-
ter wheat pate•ntS, $1.65 to 84.75;
straight rollers, $1.30 to $4.40, and
in hugs, $2 to $2.10.
311l1fet•d-Manitoba bran in bags.
$17 to $18; Shorts, $20 to $21 per
ton. Ontario bran in bulk, $15 to
815.50; shotty, $20 to $20,550; trilled
mouille, 821 to 82J per ton.
Rolled Oats -Steady under a fair
demand at $2.'55 to $2.30 per hag.
CurnMeal-Steady at $1.45 to $1.-
50 per bag.
Ilay-Ku. 1, $8.50 to 89; No. 2,
$7.50 to $8; clover, mixed, $6.50 to
$7, and pure clover, *1; to $6,25 per
ton in carloads.
Cheese -Ther) is a wide range in
prices, local dealers quoting from
11 }c to 11 to for Ontario, and 11c to
11 lc for Quebec makes.
Rutter-1lolrlers are asking from
221c to 23ic for choice creamery and
22c to 22jc for undergra,les.
Eggs -flood local demand at 18c to
181c for straight receipts, and 22c
to 221c for selected goods
11ClePA1.0 AIA Rh Fel'.
Buffalo, Oct. 3.-Flour-Stenriy;
fair demand. Be; :,t -Spring firm; No
1 Northern, t'' ' : Winter -Strong;
No.2 red. 85c. leen-Strong; No. 2
yellow, 51) ('; N(L .2 corn, 581c. Oats
-firm; No. '2 e hrt.. 32e; No. 2 Mix-
ed, :301c. hurley -Firm; Western, 43
to 48c. itye-light offerings; No. 1
quoted at 70e. Conal freights -
Toronto, Oct. 3, -The following is
the range of quotations: -
Export cattle, choice.$1.40 $1.75
do good tc medium... 1.(10 4.30
(10 ushers 3.80 4.10
Bulls 3.75 4.25
('uw•s 2.75 3.56
Butchers' picked 1.00 4.4(1
good to choice 3.60 4.04)
fair to good :3.00 3.40
do continue 2.00 2.75
do cows ...... 2.00 3 25
Bulls 1.71 2 25
Feeders 8.30 1.00
du medium 7,.30 3.60
du bulls 2.50 2.75
Stockers, goo(! 3.00 :1.75
do rough lc coin .. 2.50 3.00
Bulls 1.75 2.50
Mitch cows, each 80.00 60.00
1•.4)..n t ewes, per cwt4.00 1.15
do bucks, per cwt:3.00 3.50
de culls. each tttttt 8.00 4.00
Spring Ianeb:+ 5.00 5.75
Calvert, per Ib. :l} 0
do each 2.00 12.(10
Hoge, selects, per cwt6.121 0.00
do heavies 5.074 0 00
do lights ecce.. 5.871 0.00
Appre• inting the rapidity with
41111011 Ienthr'r sures teem onl, nn in-
t -enter 111)W c•otrtc8 forward with a
"•re,,k bottom" shoe ohithh he de-
clares tp tt' pra lically Oldest reef title.
His invention consists of a cement
for touting the underside of the
mental leather 5.4,11' with tine minetz
mem! Hie process le said to leave
the Sole ng flexible 813 ordinary len-
ther. nod yet there is no d41nger of
%�„engem cracking or chipping off
Th- shoes aro designed principally
for out-of-door Work.re, and it is
neeerfe'1 thnf not Only will the shoo
resist the a (Tect s of ttaa:nr, 11111 it vial
enable tho user to nr:tintahi n foot-
ing upon the most slippery serine,,
the role (.reee•nting hnn,h:-(13 of fine
pointe wHeti 4t•I11 er+:• too -thing
t' itheet :.Igrinq.
lilted' (•: 1'IIK 1101`I'1' -+111(:A':.
'I'r. ...Col. in the 111a. k leen-
ie tete home of (In' ,cath-e,gao one
firm in thnl lawn nloll, 1. 14 r 11 -en
!wench foelories, erupt: yR 2.000
hands. and turns out 6,0(!0,(1011
mouth -organs every year.