HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-31, Page 7f 1111=1. CURRENT EVENTS A meeting of great interest and, peiesairt of great importance in the religious world will take place be- giruair:g Nov. 15, when representa- tives of twenty-four denominations having un aggregate membership of •1H,000,000 persona will assemble in Now York for the purpose of confer- ring on the advisability and feasi- bility 0: forming a federation of all the Protestant churches in America. The plan of drawing all Protestant DIVINE PRESENCE � HOME.************# !len Feel It Within Them, Assisting, Suggesting and Elevating -Cast Ise not away from 'rhy pros- i world, in the spiritual and in the in- ence and take not, Thy spirit from tolh•ctuul world. oro. -Psalms ii. 11. i lle it is who brought order out of With large ael'a1,tages, large possi-, chaos, in those tints fnouediattely churches together in this manner was Willies' large knowledge cf right and following the creation of world mat - wrong, the soul shut lives on the' ter. lie dwells still within the phy- pethap:; suggested by the example of higher planes when it does fall into 'shed world, consorting its order and the Presbyterians. who seem now in sin sutlers at once the keenest re- its horntunieus progress, restraining a fair way to get together as a fed- gret and lolfgs to make the fullest the stars in their courses,' draw oral body. restitution ing about in all ted sequence the Such was Hasid, the (:ing of Is- seasons -fructifying, storing, con - rad, at a time when Israel was well I summating the earth's fruits. And The union of the various and some on the way to becoming the greatest if it were possible, and His power times warring sects of Prutestunlisrn kieeelurn of that day. In spite of were to be taken away from the into one great, homogeneous church his nearness to God (and he was physical world, then chaos would spoken of by the Almighty as "a comae again. has been dreamed of and advocated man after (:ad's own heart."), with Ila dwells, too, In the society of more or less ever since the reforttnt- riches and honors pouring in upon men, molding surely -if, perhaps, tion. Many Protestants have always him -David fell into a fearful sen- slowly -the general tread of act and conceded that it would be a good sunt sin, which drew other sins in word and thought, using nen for the its trail, and as his position was instruments of thing. but no denomination has Very high and he was very near to shown a disposition to !nuke such Gad, so his fall was in of te•l the concessions in regard to organize_ greater, morn and his self-abasement • the •nest tion, creed, and teaching as it would Road eturho w.hole of that fifty-flrst be necessary for alt to make before Psalm in which he utters the deep it would be possible for such a union sorrow of his great heart, and cries SELECTED RECIPES. Ging r Cakes. -Mix and sift to- gether six cups flour, two table- spoons gip.ge r, one tablespoon soda. Heat one-half cup lard or butter, one cup New c)rleans molasses and one cup brown sugar until boiling. Take front the fire, add One cup of sour cretin, and pour gradually into the flour mixture, beating uutil sntootlt. Pat and roll out, cut Into small cakes and bake in a moderate oven. Sponge Cake with FruitSauce.- Cut a loaf c.f fresh sponge cake into rather thick slices and lay these on a plate. Cook in a rich syrup flav- ored with maraschino, sliced pine- apple, or any chosen fruit, and when this is cold pour over the cake. pineapple at the bottom of the dish and also on top. A Flay PICKLE RECIPES. Pickled Cauliflower. -'('tike good white heads, break im pies•; s, and boil for ten minutes in rather strong salt water. Take out the pieces and lay on a towel to drain; when cold. put in a jar and cover with hot vinegar in whi,h has been boiled a few whole clove.., sticks of cinnamon and a dash of cayenne pepper. Sweet Pickles. -Over steamed fruit of any kind lour a but syrup made of times pounds sugar and One pint vinegar for every seven pounds fruit. Spice to taste may be added to the syrup, preferably tied up in a thin bug. Curried Cauliflower. -Shred and steep in brine two slay.;, drain dry, and put in a pan 01 vinegar in which three ounces curry powder per quart has been steeped for three days. Let come to a boil. An Excellent Mustard Pleklo.-One quart ripe cucunbets, cut fino, also One (puurt small green cucumbers, Surround with a border of whipped cauliflower. green tomatoes, one large cauliflower, six green peppers all cut cream and serve as t lie as possible* tine; add one quart small onions. Put Tho cake should not ho allowed to all in a tvcak brine fur twenty-four got soft or too soggy before it is hours: drain, and a few minutes HIS GRACIOUS ACTS.served. In using strawberries for in equal parts of boilvinegar and water; this dessert, they must not be cook - drain again, and pour over the ed for !taro than a minute; rd, pickles a dressing !lade as follows: they need not be cooked at all.ll. Cut Take six tablespoons mustard. one them in small pieces and stir into And it is not too much to say that, weak and imperfect and bad as social and commercial life seems to be in sonno of its phases, yet if the Holy Spirit were to withdraw from it the syrup when it. is cool. Boasted 'ilucklings.-Clean the for pardon and pleads the •Iivino His energizing, sanctifying, conserv- to take pisco. They have professed 11°I. birds thoroughly, put into each one 1 promise, and declares his own Ja'o-' ing power the rebate social fabric an 011(011 and apple cut in halves, a williegnt•ss to unite, but each hos time. would Lotto to its fill. tactly or avowedly made union .con- In tho Christian church also His FOR DAVID WAS AEI (.\Ill. and !east about twenty Minutes, ace ditional upon such terms as no other power is present, rendering the divine 1 cording to size. (taste from time The proud king of a proud nation will and the divine judgntouts r would accept. Considerable of the was all trembling before the king of through the mouths and persons of to time with melted butter. fake old spirit still exists and complete all heaven end earth. Ile fears the ills !ministers and servants -teaching, out the birds tvhett done. Into the fusion would be as impracticable loss of the divine favor and help. uplifting, upholding. Paan in which they were roasted pour now as it was in the post. and cries out: "Cast me not away And what said St. Paul to the a little stock, thicken this with from Thy tires, ace, and take not Thy ; Christians at Corinth, by wee of browned flour, acid a dozen olives Iran me." it is thecry rebuke and reminder when some had chopped and serve as a sauce for the Federation is practicable because of fear; but a fear inspired by tris- ,fallen into Ifeveliousne•s: "What! ducklings. By the way. remove it make: possible anion without .(tom and high character. 1 Know ye not that your body is the from the duces the onions and ap- fusion. Protestants agree concern- All :nen oughtto be very (earful of ; temple of the !poly (:host, who is in Nies, which are to be z=ed for the (losing the divine favor of Leine de -you, which ye have of (lad r' For purpose only of importing it little ing most points. There are no die- 'sieved of the ,.race of the l loly the Holy S.'r't dwells I1. the 'n livi- (taste to the birds and of absorb - dredger with flour, salt and pepper. tablespoon turmeric, one and a half cups white sugar, one cup flour. and one-quarter pound mustard seed; mix, ail add two quarts host vine- gar; ccok, and pour over the, pickles. WILL RAGE LOSE POWER STRIKING SPEECH IN HOUSE OF LORDS. Bishop of Ripon Says Low Birth Rate Is Not Confined to Britain. 1 6 c u y u 1 ate 9 m t c c "It is an ominous fact that the de- ferencos between them regarding the . Spirit., and if some fail to find in !dual and performs His great work- ing. if need be. any strong flavor of creased birthrate chiefly concerns the themselves that peculiar fear it save when the individual utterly re- the ducks. wealthy, cultured, or, at any rate, seems that the reason is in a general 'jests Minn. Frozen Peaches with ice -Cream.- intelligent classes. On the other lack of information and understand -i We can see in some people's faces, Lurie first peaches should be chosen hand the increase, such as it is, is ing in regard to the work and power and in their actions, the proof of • for this. feel carefully and cut each among the illiterate end ignorant of that holy Spirit. j that divine presence. They feel Ilion in half. Pack in an ice cave or classes." For it is hardly to he expected .ttithin them, assisting, suggesting. freezer for two or three hours. until These were the words of the Bishop that a thinking being would do such'elevating. The best. of things of well frappe. Have ready round of of Ripon, who, in a striking speech things as could insure only the loss life aro !lis work, the greatest bene- sponge of angel cake. Lay one of in the House of Lords, called attem- of something he knew to he priceless. (tits done by man nre }lis work. We : the peach halves on each of these, Men are careless about their reli- , must learn more of flint and we shall surround the cake with ice cream gious. Men are careless about their trust (lint the more and value Ilium or whipped creat!, and put a largo religious life and about. their tela-:1he more. During these days of out• spoonful of ice-cream in the place tion to tine holy Spirit. mostly bee probation we shall tie wise to plea,! loft. vacant by the prnchstune. cause they do not fully understand for His continued presence. "('nst Ripe "Tho slow checking of the strength who the Holy S irtt isan what Ile, not away from Thy presence, and Tomatoes, Pickled. -Wipe carefully one peck of suu,oth, ripe and vigor of the rasa," gestured the has done and is doing in the physical take not 'Pity holy spirit from me.' tomatoes and pack them into n jar, Bishop, "is not confined to those 'rhe air Is constantly swarming with 1 fundamentals of morality. They all wish to disseminate the truths of Christianity as widely as possible and there are 110 considerable vari- ances between them concerning tho best ways of doing this work. Feder- ation would enable thein to inculcate the doctrines which they all accept, to accomplish the objects they all aim at, much more effectively with .a given stun of money and a given , ex J o nd' ituro of effort than they are able to now, and than without sac- -='-'Missing any of their denominational peculiarities of smog or Organize- the mighty of the (Eyck. 17. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:3). the work in regard to which all were Stiffened his neck -Was stubborn and proud. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 3. Lesson X. The Captivity of Ju- dah. Golden Text, Nu.nt. 32. 23. •_ Ike HEALTH 11414.441)•:•44•414.4•4••••••••44:04**. FOOD -POISONING. Thera aro many ways in which foudstutts may give rise to more or less serious disturbauces as: health. and it is particularly during the summer weather that such accidents aro likely to happen. Official exam- inations are constantly revealing hots widespread is the practice o1 adding preservatives or adulterants to viands of all sorts, and though it must he admitted that in many instances these substances aro by their nature or the smallness of the quantities used comparatively harm- less, still in the majority of cases tho conditions aro such as to render their presence extremely undesirable. llu1 entirely apart from these, se- vere illness not infrequently follows the use of certain common foods. In animal foods, extremely poisonous principles called ptomains easily ap- pear as the result of bacterial ac- tivity. and may cause wholesale ill- ness. Dairy products are especially prono to such changes. and if not properly cared for may develop tyrotoxicon, or cheese poison, a substance that is not rare in ice-cream, while botul- ism is a serious form of ptomain - poisoning following the eating of tainted meat or sausage. Fish and shell -fish yield similsr products, at specially vicious poison named myti!otoxin having been iso- lated from mussels, and canned things are also often offenders in this way. The symptoms produced by these substances may be extremely severe, and a ompriso intense gastric pain, vomiting, intestinal .listurbunces, burning thirst, constriction of the throat, and oftentimes disturbance of sight, such as hazy and double vision. In !larked cases there is great prostration and weakness of the heart, which may last for weeks. The practical lesson to be drawn from a ronsiderat ion of these possi- bilities is the necessity for scrupu- lous care In the handling of all things Intended for table use. All perishable foods most be consumed as quickly ns possible, and must tion to the report of rho Commission never be left out of the ice -chest or l'hvsical Deterioration, and seg- longer than is absolutely necessary. gested further enquiry 011 the subject of infant mortality. No'r CONFINED '1'O 131RITAIN. Canned foods should be entirely re- moved from the tits as soon as op-roed, and nothing that is intended to lie eaten should ever be allowed to stand unprotect cd from the dust. tion. The federation would carry on agreed. Each church would be au- tonomous in respect to matters as to which there woe; not complete Agreement. It would seers there touli hardly bo any doubt among Protestants and the friends of Pro- testantism ns to the desirability of •organizut ion along these lines. It is an interesting- question whe- ther the proposed federation, if ef- fected, would not prove the first step toward a complete union. That it would bring about a better under- standing between the various church- es and cause th, in to look with more hardened his heart -Literally, strengthened his heart. 'l'hnt is, be - came o -canto altogether fixed in his purpose and determination not to humrlelo himself before God nor to follow tha advice of his prophet Jeremiah, to surrender to Nebuchndrezzar. LI:: SON \I'Oltl► STUDIES. -To Pollutes! the house of Jehovah -'1'o what awful extent and in what For n beautiful flower centrepiece Note Tl:esti Word Studies are bas- maUmner is indicated in the following,' fill a ghtss bow! v:ith earbonitted ed on the text of the Revised 1 es- passage: "For both prophet and water and immediately nrrnnge in it skin. !priest; yea, in my house have I nasturtiums with plenty of leaves. The Emi.-111 the year 597 Niemen- found their wickedness. saith .Ichov- The (lowers will soon he covered adrerzar had sent .luhoiuchin, to- ah In the prophets of Jerusalem with sparkling dew, presenting the gether with many of tho noblest of also I have seen a horrible nerve; coolest appearance. th,, .Jews, into exile in Babylonia. I they con nnmit adultery, 'and walk in In so doing and in exacting from lies; and they strengthen the hands 7.edekiah, whom ho placed on rho of evildoers, so that none doth re- thronu of Jerusalemm, a solemn oath tern from his wickedness: they are sell tolerant eyes upon emit other'so- of allegiance he evidently considered of thent become unto 1110 an Sonluu1 P b tulittritles ol dogma and worship the huntilitaion of the kingdom a 1 and the inhabit nnts thereof n, 1:,,. Judah sufficient to render it harm- nu rrah" (.ler. 2:1. 11, I4; catnap. :,1.) and with fens exclusive favor upon less in the future. The .Jews, how- ;der. 7. 9-11; look, 8. ► l(i). their own scents probable. That it ever•, had a stubbornness and a 15. 1lis messcngerg--Jeremiah. Fe. - would lead in the near future to nc- power of resistance which he had tit:- kie1, 1'rijnh, Habakkuk, and other tunl coalescence seems improbable. (lerestimltted, and scarcely had i:e Pt.' 141.15. sprinkling them as they aro packed islands. It is quite as marked in tho bacteria and mold spores, which find with ono cup of SIu(l.r's Pickling colonies, and Parliament fs bound to admirable conditions for growth in Spice. Scald one gallon (or enough to cover the tomatoes) of strong cider vinegar and pour over the to- matoes; cover closely and let stand three days. four off the vinegar, scald and return to the tomatoes After three days repeat the process, then set aside for six or eight weeks. ii1NTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Widespread irligious • revolutions are not so easily or speedily brought to pass, A CAUTIOUS (`R1TI(. 011(1 vacillating, and finally yielded to them both early anal late. � v returned with his artily into Hahlon:a 1:isi,ig up early and sending -Imply - before theremnant of the nation :it ing tee urgency 011(1importance of Jerusalem were ngain planning the tit • messagee and the earnest soliei- overthrow of forttgn supremacy. lode of Jehovah who olid not fail too Redekiuh himself, as we hate seen in warn and instruie his people 1,y n former lesson. wits above all weak minus of t 1:e 1110.8.,I _err. he sent to "Don't you think that. Miss Spriggs the persuasions of his chief advisers 111. Mucked the n ws,•n ! ers-1loty plays the piano beautifully?" and of the king of Egypt and, brute-,•ierenninh was irl•eri•.e111111, bcnlen, .•tee' I," answered 1 he musician who ing his oath, again 1 Iel.tre41 1 Ile ,a-1Mill threatened with ...•,I1 It we have is both conscit•ntluus and polite, "let del evidence ol .1 Udall from (tabs loots. , seen in it previous lesson. 1'riJah is sus rather say that Miss Spriggs Is In SHIT 11 C., after a siege of one req•nrtei! In .ler. 2e. :")-''H to have ...t,eautiful when 8110 plays the piano." and a half years, Nebuchadnezzar lee:, hut In death. and of the fate ref -- again took Jerusalem, captured the 1lalul,kui., who also lite(' during the "\fy dear wife sprat her early fleeing king, handed hien, and melt Chaldean period, nothing is k e years in it milliner's shop," said a► hits in chains lu Babylon. The tens- (asap. ilnh. I. 0). wealthy self-made man the other plc. the royal palace. and all of trio 1;. ('hnld,•uns--7'hr ):end of Kahle, clay. "Mine spends most of her time !hast buildings in the city were burn- f 0111 which the name Chaldean is de - there now." gene led his friend. ed."Hie walls of the city were in n trued, lily 140161 beast of ilnb}Ionia on "e he's pretty dear, loo!" largo pert torn down. and *.onto lhu srnclaNt. it !weenie a part ' 1 cotlrte for brenktnst ora at other • them. I are drunken, they kill seventy or more of the higher oflcurs th.. Itabyle•nirt11 empire.nn4 the tnrnIs. At tnnitnrfums the pntlents one another as well as Christians. and nubility were exisu111'd. Others Chald.nI t nett or:ly fureisheal the, ere rxpecled to est fruit before the When a Christian is killed l speak to of the remaining inhabitants suRercel early Ilna`ty 01 flat" ton. Ina els" ; cooked food. This mny be an bine- !bout like this: exile, and only n small remnant of , migrated is large netters Into Balls-,t•nliun in the country. The ie11111Y " '14'hy do you strike this man? i(e the poorer classes were left in the loteit. The founder of the newllnh:-;nre nreuttorned to sit down at. tabledid nothing to you.' city. instead of a king a govern n• lonin0 k9n4,4i tie Nnhop•dnssnr, was n ;and ens honrt iiy of fried meat. fried " '1 struck hinl because lie is an wnm appointed, Gehnlinh, a trusteed Chaldean, and from him onto mhe or boiled hotntoes, and strong come• unbeliever.' friend of ,Jeremiah, who made lis terns ('hnlrli•tt wens usedd to designate and then hnte 111 Ile drwfre for tr,sh „ 'Why do you rele-e an unheliev- hendqunrters not at Jerusnletn. ',',t the whole of Bubylonin. Ixerrirs nnplem reaches and Other er?' ask whether there is not some slats- the dishes prepared for the human Let. met g behind it. stomach, and often give rise to the 'If the doeline continues, will the production of the poisons in ques- English-speaking people in fifty or tion. Lastly, every article of food, sixty years' time be able to populate tinned or otherwise, that is at all direct, govern, or even hull those abnormal in appearance, taste or great inheritances which have been odor should be discarded. handed down to us from the past?" With regard to Infant !mortality which amounted to the frightful total of 110,000 lives n year, the Bishop declared that the etnployinent of women in mills tended 10 increase the dearth rate. It wits undoubted that the rate was greater where ar- tificial fording had to he resorted to. "If," ho argued, "we belong to it race which was slowly slackening its speed and diminishing its output, hots much more docs it behove us to Heliotrope. which Is so hard to beep fresh, should have the lent es take caro of the precious little livas stripps d from the stalks as soon nN that are entrusted to us. that we it is; cut. Greenery can he mixed should give to them the best oppor- tvith the (lasers afterwards.Poppies,ttloitics of not only smelting hut. of very fragile blossoms, should hnVo living vigorous, healthy, robust and the ends of 1he stents seared with a lighted match or candle before being placed in will er. '1'o dip broth or strip from the ket- tle trove forward to the hot part of the range. making the Soup boil furiously. Thi'+ raises n large bub - active lives?" ARGUING WITH WITH TILE TURK. A Traveller's Experiences in Mace- donia. After the lust Macedonian up ss- ilEALTlr HINTS. For Round Shoulders -1f you aro round shouldered try sleeping with- out a pillow for a while, or at least use a tint one. Fur a Sick Ilendnche-The juice of half a lepton In n teacup of strong black coffee, without sugar, is an excellent cure. '1'o Prevent. it Cold-Warie baths ahould be taken just before retiring. It taken during the day. exercise for n few moment vigorously.orm m tigoroumlvigorously.Takeako the cold bath In the morning. as it is an invigorator for the entire day. For !turns -Nothing is better for burns than the white of an egg. It excludes all nit., thus easing the pain, and prevents inflammation. A few drops of laudanum. hotted slightly, with the s , quantity of sweet o►1, is also an niftiest. sure cure for earache. It should be b1e in the middle of the pot from int; under Surall'ot had been put dropped into the ear, carefully, and which a cupful of soup at a time down, relief expeditions were sent by plugged in with cotter,. may he dipped out -the fat all go s England into the Balkans, carrying Camphor is very useful to freshen to the solea of the pot. pl'UtiSiolla for the iuhubitants of the the nir of a sick room. Put a piece The practice of letting tittle chit- burned villages and medical supplies deet run barefoot is a very danger_ and clothing fur those in direst Dns ono. 11 wo could ho Sure that toed. In "'The Burden of the Ilal- there were no nutty nails or hits of kilns," Alis Marham, one of the re - glass around it might be all right, lief aimtlte, describes her experiences i;t,•n an ordinary scratch conning in with the wnrring factions. routnct with tetanus germs might"'I his unhappy land," explained on an old saucer, and on it lay the point of a red-hot poker, when its fumes will quickly fill the room. I'hysicia11ns nre• advocating the use of pure olive oil for weak lungs. It bids fair to take the place of cod - , to very serious results. Clothe one \lusient olltcinl, "fs given 01.01 liver oil, and is thought by many .our boy's foot It light -Weight col- : to the deft!. You Nor his truck plensantet' to take. Olives, ns a b +.food, nre considered very strengthen - ten mttick lugs and roomy, stout- ing The MuSlem•a are hrrnk- Ing t those with lung troubles. soloed shoes far mnndnlm). ; ing thecommandmentsof the 1'ro- Dont think of the complexion only 'serve fresh. ripe fruit for the first 11 cl and I Ido truth of (nod is upon and fear tan and freckles: they can Mr. Wallace (ilIlpr,•smively)-"Ah, herr is another story of a roan who killed himself because his home was unhepp y." Mrs. Wallace Isweetly)- "And Qit! thnt make his 1 e hap- py, or (lova the piper not say?" "i wonder," mused the family cat, after en,eftiey Inspecting the rete at Mizpah. 1'ioally (:otlnlinh w.ts Slew -had no c(nil0t$iion-Thr rein • fruit in Its m.a'un. the strength "'tlecausc 1 wish ♦:► kill thorn mouse -imp, "if that is intended as n murdered by a reveng.ful prince el' son for this dire pain ishnnn.t iv store- t all,' the house of David. Ful the u.n► , lm od icy 1•:zekiel nm ealee• Ilse bap- recite/Tittle! I:;• the• rest n the night „ ,iter you wish the In1t(1 to be all labor-saving, device for my benefit, or i "•' . 1 ioi'orly he ' iu•nrlyd in diGevt- tf 1'o in danger of losing my niton- ("1111g the r''venge the Ilah"lor.• quity (f the house of (corset m"I test h Met l ntn11eh1, food. tehrr•n., P1 Mast"'"?' kimm.• inns (led into L'!-rypt. The neve dere- Judith is cxce,IIne great. noel ti:,•" 'of eoorse 1 do.' !ilia 11 wns against his will tal.en ant', bold .is full of Irluoa:. ar,d the cite fall Its treed n- , sidle• :::it,t‘11,1i1(1,111:0 h► re - 6 . •pent do you not understand that thi a putty. of wresting of lodgment: for El ,V get y • for the , ,,. c Iter. I what ,%(,), do is contrary to thewill ,llIlge-"NII n Were 01:1110 when you i'inrn , rlr n is Ilaltv,r- 1'erse 11. 7eib•kiah-Compare i. s- saty. Jeliotah both forsaken the lan, 11f of God? Do you think you are more 1Conuuittrd the robbery?" Delinquent Not, %fors! '0' 111(5 oft preceding Ice- and ,b)iotah „ell, not" (1aek. :1. • ins to nae m e ! :seem; 'i'him -"Vie:, your worship. Tait see. 1 t+ ►,._ will ht. fonn4 + 1t with lit• ilottetnl Than Ifs'. If every ('hria- run ' 9) Tho pnei::htnent itself 1v when v,1n'cr Eat n nude you toter 1 ieven years -From 1(. C. 597 tel r.c•rlhed 1111 re• i•1 (lentil in verses 1-'4, rake? crumbs. t'',.41(11;1101.1.0111,1,11101;121. and 1rumbm tion were killed the lend would bo know whether he's honest or not 10, 11 of 1:z.•1,. St. esti( fly re d!r f, r the tnanpr• Ialmatst without people. Who drn "`'' soil, w•ho thio' you can arrange rho I''. Iftlnthled not himself 1.ieere 1H. All the vee:eels-The s'tn'ietiin1er•nm. lett Anv.,r ^ •h pittetpgrlr in -;World?' .it•rrnalni, '11:,• prophet had sten '.1, et the temple 1)114 city is thus made mune!. and hnve ''1 • 4 or film of and con, _ Itisrd 7.edekiah + complete by the carrying array of I Then 1 give hint n handful Of Has Kate. who has come to spend the Customer-"\fnsseme?" The Barber s,demft is� of ., • 1 i le fie :l e . ell the ihdngs of value which remain- +sins, nttrl say, ''rake that .111(1 make day) -"Oh, see pussy wcshing her -"Yen; knotl it, you ::now." The penin nm trump _I 1 - ..I .1n earlier spoliation had •,e- !end shall be n desolation 81)41 rn it into n Moslem. Make it 'into a Ince!" Little Kato (with scot,,,-• ('t,sie►ner-"Oh, occesionelly' But rit ,e.e• r f Most •m. I sty, nt easel' "She's not washing �2: :{7. 1-1 1" It .1 r.•ad}- looted the temple of the :,a,.,.i, sort Iha•�r nnUug,4, g dor face; *.he's pm �••em to need it much wore. the Saciltat1 • realer pert of its Inure tulaul lir te, l:, t; e• klug of len to le.,. 1 "11,' is astonished nal sates he can- trashing her feet and wiping them "a than 1 do that you 'night ns well It !skin:; the a,lti,e 1,•I t! Inti het.'remit. verse 1(1). /•. r•" 1.h'r. ^:,. 111. A learn - 'nut (!a il. her fleet•, take the test of it while titer e pt11tly through (ear •'1 i prince. : . 1'., hint noel hi•: sons ,:!111 I11•• is,• 11f '0111•,, restoration tins also .1.'- "1'he Lord scoffed all the pro - ;bout it!" ---` non partly through tee ; • , e.(i i,•i,n of tb,• i ;, :•, .•i 1'• r -t a --- ,ire•1 ''Afree seventy soot., i proem of the world than with clnv by in her will an old lady has demireel ultimate relief from 1 ,,old feta• 1in..•s si,c, ••', i e,•�•••.•t;:ael•o z. •re nee, -1-,•d for Itch}•ton 1 wilt;! mirac•le,' 1 say to min. 'and yon, her cat, her "oldest and tritest "Our canditlnte has worked his tt•ny never bring himself to sur, : on thy ti,,.„, ,• .,i It., .• 1. 1, I ens, the t is i+ • „ ;,, .1 ,,,., i„rm my good word 1 yon COMMA even make 01 it Dar• friend," to bo mbar and haricot with op like the rest of lis," sni(1 at Poli- l:3 king Nehucharla,' .,, -- The•irz1nl.lis1u+•,••.1 a 1..•,1 •n 1,d • '.t +,••.:•er,1 ,e'1 in '011`,111g telt to ret,irn;Moslem: yet you want('de-tny the her. Such touching devotion to old teal streaker the otter day '11"e more eorret't spelling suhsiitntes an,l anus. Of t' ,i, 1.11 •- t t•. r.l,•re•" ,.1.:. 20. 10). !'hejLor.l's work.' friends is, fortunately for cats, rare. don't trent any tine gentlemen hero!" r for not n in shim na111, 'lids wits JIrst. leeil-11101•,..',.!: -.0 . the ...el es... ,. . t 1..• nemontes) it.,t; "'1'11nhe im ashamed. It is thin F'erre ono cheered ec,'t" the condi- Nebuchatdreeser 11, son and succeesor j Nehuehndrevrllr •11 :• s.•.•, ed. `•. 1 i - 1 . _� date. 1 of Nnhop olntsnr. Ile eta as I•i+eg . (I Bier, x14•111m to i,:.\.• l.: n 1.. , s in- 1,•, Babylon from 1104 to 562 11. ('. Slaw, thmnrh n 1:s •rl .•: v. . t;'.a• i 1 • ,.e • isle , rr.e1icits of .Ie- stand. V It �gI . -"H'm-yen; you do seem tr• Mr. Heaps-- "Your wife's enshrine ' Hail mhim made hiswear-leeeklel nI<„ floret, ' n; amid, : s •s a 1 ','11 0 .. i.• ' •.'• rr�e•,i"rl 11nen oil Indltinl duargument of thnt tor! ,hnee ditlirulty in catching one." to-nit:h( is rhnrnin•,' 1t simply �ttiet.tions this oath of fidelity: "Ae,l ,-•ore's„-I , 1 1,e re, 1 ,. ,.tr„►n Ihr.nlny m•eeln to br n slow way of hrinlc beg''it (1.,let iption '" V.. Creeps- 'he look elf the mw'd royal, arid 11110•.a!n,'°t. • l,• ,,, -el tee reel - ,log p••nee Into the 1{niknns-tout if Meso itnrker-"Mhn11 1 ser 'Is - "And that r••,n;nr(' r,.,• .7 a rotten- la covenant with him; he also brou_n: 1.1 1. .,.1 • • •., ref ells:dote'the word., and the clay hold out it cause , 1,0‘,. Voir)' " 'No, yea . s drue n -!Thy n 't 1 like n •eacriptioni" ihiut under nn oath, nod took n.:.ty In:n•,4:, ••- be removed. The nun im one of 1 hn most rfl}rfent. of all sorgir al methods in treatment of nlorbl.l growths• as warts, moles. and all nnrnsitteal skin disease. 1)or.'t be afraid of sunshine. Curatiee powers are in the chemical rays of the sun. and they rejuvenate. Tom --"So the doctor 481(1 you'd have to giro up smoking fur 11 while. eh?" Tint-'1'cs: and he also *.aid 1'd havn to gho up lige dollars for Gerald -"As it is to be a secret en- gagement it would not. be wise for me 1110 to give yon it ring at pro- sent.." (:ernldiee--"Oh! but 1 could wear it on tho wrong ha:,ri." The Itar•her-"to you ever mas- sage the s'.in of your face"?" 'rho Precise Aunt (trying to enema lit- '• }', • ,•n of .frru• _ one must spank to such Wren. The Mims 1•:I(lon-'•'!'herr are so man: r• 1• • ir,•m the• tine, i clay and the words -that they under- Last young men nowadays." ii11s4 Inlay be done. 1 if you love 1.1e, don't ainq; .,