HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-31, Page 4LAST YEAR'S Silk K'alets or Clothes seem like brand new when (based lith 1 SAPO-R[N-O ettvr \bum tttc, Sanders & Creech, Prop;1. THURSDAY, AUO. 31, '05 PEACE IS DECLARED. JAPAN MAKES TERMS EASY Portsmouth, N. 11., Aug. 29. -The peace conference arrived at a complete accord to -day on all questions, told is about to make a treaty. The Japenese practically yielded etery thing, accept- ing no indemnity and dividing Sakha- lin without payment of redemption money. They yielded warships and limitation of naval power. A scene of the greatest excitement followed the receipt of the news. There was joy on all sides and a rush for the telegraph offices, and instantly the news was spreading to the remotest corners of the earth. The result is altogether unexpected, when Japan's strong position and the Czar's absolute refusal to agree to the propuased terms are taker: into account. Japan's clemency is worthy of their heroic achievements. St. Joseph Docks to be Finished, Mr. Cantin, proprietor of the phan- tom city of St. Joseph on the shore of Lake Huron, in a recent interview with Hon. C. S. Hyman, succeeded in convincing the Minister of Public Works, that the trading facilities and. In fact, the life of the "prosperous city" was in danger, owing to the fact that the dock had not been flnish- ed according to contract. Mr. C. S. Hyman, in haste to avert such a ser- ious calamity, immediately wired the contractor that the work should be proceeded with or proceedings would be taken against him. Casually it may he mentioned thatSt. Joseph's "big boom" is over, but that is no rea- son why the public money should not be thro.vn in the lake there as well as elsewhere. Surely we are li% ing in strange times. Agricultural Societies. As a result of a series of questions sent out to Agricultural Societies it has been found that 144 societies are in favor of horse racing and 128 against it. Many of the societies believe that the value of the purses should be lim- ited. 140 societies report that they be- lieve horse racing to be necessary for the success of their exhibitions, while 130 are not of this opinion. in reply to a question asked the so- cieties as to whether they would con- sider horse racing necessary were there fewer exhibitions in their vicin- ity 118 societies replied that they would, while 152 stated that they would not. The value of tine purse of- fered at the exhibitions last year amounted to considerably over $25,000. 125 societies are in favor of restricting the races to horses owned by men liv- ing within 20 miles of the fair, while 142 societies stated that they would not be in favor of such restriction. Innocent Victims. Norwood, Aug. 22. -"Mamma, I are shot!" With these words, Thomas E. Hill, the 12 -year-old son of ltobt. Hill, a Drummer Township farmer, dropped to the floor dead. His breast was pierc- ed with a bullet, which went right through his body and lodged in the bedstead. A Gamily feud was the cause of the shooting, which took place shortly before midnight last night and they were awakened by the si is of "Out with the Bills" and "Let then: have it!" which was followed by three rifle shots flred in quick succession one of which hit Mabel's hand and passed through the young boy's body, killing him instantly. Charles (Sow, a South African veter- an and a crack rifle shot since gave himself unto high Constable Cochrane tit Wax shaw, admitting hating fired three shots rat the Hill homestead on Thnral ty nip,'ht, flow' explained he was at .)titan 1)ewart.'s that night, and. on the return journey, it was arranged to give the Hills as Scale. Clow deviates he had no motive for killing young Hill, turd that it was a mere boyish prank. (low has since been acquitted on a verdict of accidental shooting. Ajjer's' Why is it that Ayer'a Hair Vigor does so many remark- able things? Because it is a hair food. ft feeds the hair, puts new life Into it. The hair Hair Vigor cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. -When 1 en/ earl ♦ter'. Rale Thor mr hate war bat all er•) 1'ut n,w 1e I. a r• nth blast, and a Ib k a. 1 r. - u na, RISA. EL0 . - IUR, Tu.eumN,, Aka /IM a kettle. .1 (' ATrR en., A11 5 roast.t. f�11 _ Lowell. Msl.. Gray Hair Ifyen, your funds or relatives stiffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Si.-kness, write f,r a t•ia1 bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to TIIR fallen Co., I79 Kin; Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell Or Can obtain for you LEIBIG'S FITCURE Murder in Drunken Row. Strattaivl. Aug. 21. --Whether it was that John Gamble anti Adam Seneca chute to their death through blows in- flicted during a fight between them- selves or died fioni injuries inflicted by other persons is the problem that remains to be solved by ate authori• tits. tine fact is plain- loth died of injuilet receivtal in a drunken brawl which occult( -d near the outskirts of this city early this morning. Caleb Pow'ner and Hai old Critwfleldare un- der arrest and will explain their share in the r'evelr'y. The post-mortem made to -day brings to light the fact that Seneca, who is all Indian, was dead when mutilated by the railway train. and that his death was due to a kick in the stomach. Export Prices Looking Up The most ere o.1laging feature of the export live stock trade of late has been the stronger cable advices from the ! leading markets, and prices during the past two weeks have advanced ,e. to lc. per pound for good to choice Ontario cattle, and at the present val- ues shippers are slaking some money and some ill tine trade are of the opin- ion that the late improvement will be maintained for the next few weeks, as the home fed stock will not come for- ward in large numbers touch before the month of October. There has been a slight improvement in the de- mand for ocean freight space from the port of Montreal for September, and some engagements have been made to Liverpool at 4 O per head, which is 5s less than what steamship agents were holding nut for some two weeks ago. Chisclilurst Dr. mane will be at the Commercial hotel, Exeter Saturday, Sept. 9th. See "Ad." Mr. Maudson while crossing his fleld captured a porcupine, which he now has on exhibition. -Melville Brintnell, son of Mr. and Mrs.Trunan Brintnell, was recently married at London to a young lady of the above city. Mel- ville's many friends here join in wish- ing himself and bride along and happy wedded life. -Miss Eyre, of Detroit, is on a visit to friends here. ---Mr. Robin- son has the sympathy of bis many friends. be having lostfive relatives since New Year's. -Rev. Cranston, of Crotnarty, occupied theulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday even- ing. Mr. Cranston is an entertaining and eloquent preacher and the sermon was very tnucb appreciated. -A large number from these parts intend tak- ing in the excursion to Manitoba and the Northwest on Sept. 2nd. -Mr. J. Westlake's little son is recovering front the effects of hia recent accident. The father while drawing in oats accident- ally ran over the little fellow. -Rev. Rough has returned from his holidays. -Mrs. (Rev.) R. Ilicks,after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Colqu- honn, and other friends, bas returned to her home in Munroe's Isltand, Mil- waukee. Kirkton DEATH. -000 of the Most widely known and must highly respected far- mers in the township of Blanchard passed away on Tuesday, in the person of James Hazlewood. Ile had not been in good health for several months, having contracted a severe cold last spring which brought on a complica- tion of lung troubles. He had only been confined to his :room for a couple of weeks and quite recently was able to take a little drive. Deceased, who was a son of the hate John Hazlewood, was born in England 56 years ago and came with his parents to Blanshard when only two years of age, residing there ever since. Mr. Hazelwood was a noted stock breeder and a very suc- cessful farmer. Ile took an active part fur litany years in the management of the Agricultural Society, and was a prominent stock exhibitor from year to year. Besides his sorrowing wife he leaves six sous and two daughters, all of whom reside near home. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Kirkton cemetery. followed by a large concourse of people, many of whom recounted pleasant reminiscenses of social intercourse with their departed friend. 'IVO commend the sorrowing ones to Him: who doeth all things well. - Lucan Mrs. James 11. Mcltoberts and son, of Indiana, are renewing acquaintan- ces in town. --Miss Llama Fox has re- turned from her visit to the West. - Miss Josephine Sinlpsun,of Winnipeg, Main., is on a► visit to her parents here. -Warren Henderson, who had the misfortune to fall from n tree and frac- I ere his arm. is getting on nicely.- lliss Mabel Kingswell, of Hamilton, wars a Visitor with Mrs. Jas. McFalls during the week. -Z. McCormick bad the misfortune to break a small hone in his right arm the other duty. -Miss Roberta Fox has accepted the position of teacher in Lacombe, Alberta.- Miss Clara O. 1Vilson is on n visit to Toren- tn. --A. W. Deacon, Malinger of the. ,\terehnnts Bank, Glencoe, is acting as manager of Lucan Branch. --Mrs. Fra- ser, of Port Hurott, is the guest of her -"-ter. Mrs. Joseph Simpson, ---James ' t'ol1ison, of i1•awson, Yukon Territory, is home on it Visit. --Dr. i':merson !hei- ghts left a few days ago for London, Eng.. where he will take a two years' Pest Graduate course. That he may tweet with every success is the wish of his u4114) friends.- Miss Allen, of Kin- ratdine, is a visitor at the home of Rohe. Flynn, 2nd eon.- 1Vn1. Fogarty 11 1-• leased the Queen's hotel from Jas. 1r1iee who takes possession about Sept. 1st. --The Misses Carrie anti Anne Willis have ret limed from their visit to l'etrolia.-Rev. J. E. Holmes is bol- ilaving in Muskokn. On Sunday the ;milk was filled by Het-. Wit. Hug- gins, of Forst, while on Sunday next Mr. Joseph Beach, of London, will of- (lciate.-•Mrs. Jos. Hodgins has return- ed to London, after a visit here with her mother, Mrs. T. Hudgins. ph.4Tlt.-The (tenth foment est in De- troit on Aug. 10, (tf Milton Parley, n fol met' resident of this place. Deceits. ,e1 elm has resided in Detroit for' four yenta. was taken suddenly ill with per- itonitis and was taken to the hospital where after an illness lasting flsedays he passed nwny} his 321(1 year. The rem tint were brought het e for horial, the interment taking place to the Nursery cemetery. ile is survived by t wit brothers. Mitchell: James McMillan left Sat- u•idnv for Montle. Man.; and Mrs. John tl IIP I. ef Logan has gone to Brandon. ) A L Bran waste is one great difference between good and poor flours. The food part of flour is "protein." Protein makes bone, muscle and brain. -There is no protein in bran. -bran is the outside part, the husk or "bark" of the wheat. -bran is the part of the wheat which is absolutely without food -value to the human system. -bran represents part of the differ- ence between Royal Hbusehold Flour and whole-wheat flour or cheap, in- ferior flours that are poorly milled and not thoroughly purified. No other flour in this country is so thoroughly and completely separated from the waste as is " Royal House- hold," because no other mills are so well equipped or exclusively devoted to the production of scientifically pure flour as Royal Household mills. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour. Around About Us, St. Marys: Harvey, the 12 -year-old son of %Ven. Sclater. Con. 0, E. Nisson- r•i. ons seriously injured recently by a fall from a tree. The young lad clitnb- ed a large willow tree intending to cut off a switch. When be was about 25 feet from the ground the limb he was standing on broke, and he fell head- long. His skull was fractured at the base and for some time he was not ex- pected to live. After forty-eight hours he regained consciousness and since then his recovery has been steady. Blyth: Mrs. Arch. Lattitner, daugh- ter, of Mrs. James Craig, of the tp. Morris, nrrived in Blyth Monday ev- ening. full of sadness. Twoweeksago she left her home in Moosomin, Assn.. with her two little girls, one nged two yea1.811nd seven months, :and the other sixteen months to visit Ontario friends. Shortly after the trait' left Winnipeg the elder girl was taken ill with dysen- tery, rand everything possible was done for her until Chatham was reached, when the sick child was placed in the hospital, where she died !Monday. A year ago Mt'. I4101100r was killed Ity' lightning. Tuckersniith: George, son of John Walker, of the .till road, met with a pninful accident Monday. They were unloading a load of grain in the burn ! with slings, when something stark and Geo. tried to release it, when the carriers started and caught his right Mand. In trying to save himself he put out his left hind. and it too was 1 inured, though not so seriously as the (other. The second and third lingers were badly smashed, the former 1 (•in3 taken elf near the top, and the lhitd being amputated below the second Mint. On the left hand the top of the 1 second tinge r had to he amputated. 1V. Williams: About noun ran Mo•.• dray the residence e.f Mr. Juin D. 1!e - I f ntosh, ern. 11, WAS but sed down. :\ t the time the fire broke rut Mt-. Meth- ! Cosh was at wrnk drawing in grain ' and Mrs. McIntosh was berry picking. The children were alone in the house. As s(0)11 as they noticed the fire they made every effort to stave the contents. The furniture in the bottom pat t of the house was saved bolt all upstairs was consumed. The loos is at serious one ns the residence was a good frame building. The fire is snppe.Rtel to have originated from the chimney. CANAbIAj$ PACIFIC WILL .l:I. I. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS To THE NORTH WEST Winnipeg 33000 9heho 3310 Mo+bray Retina '1133.7A neloraine �31.RO Liproe / !(oars• Moose DIw 34 )0 Brandon 31.11 Humttolt 31.00 I.yleton ) Saskatoon 3S.25 Lenore,32 00 Pelvic AIAe't :36.0 ) Mininta la Melford t Hinscarth .32 25 1 eatcferd 37.00 Mooscontift 32 20 Macleod . efr.1:0 Arcola 32.R() CaIKary 35.80 Rstc4anRcd lacer .a0 SO Yorktow }-3300 'it ratti, ,,i1 10M/ Kaseseck J Onine Rept. lteh, returnlne until Nm. 1301. Ooiog Sept, :nth, returning No.. 27th. i'nll psartleulars wan Canadian Pacific Agent or a ria« to C. 1t. Fo.aer, 1) 1' a, T••r-n,t". "1T EVAPORATES" Odorless Non-t+olsonou. Non -Inflammable Si'orke wondernbeyond 1.ellef on the coarse -t and IIn0-1 of fabrie4,carpet- or delicate dre.- q....1.. Kills Ali csrms in carpel., et,-. Extracts all dust Restores colors like new 'Renews tho nixing All in a few moments fora few cent. and a child can du it with SAP -O -REN -O S1akesell thing. ries% and n nun. graa.e and stain from new thin,;,:. Ask your grocer for Sap -o -ren -o. The Huffman Is Teeter Co. Toronto Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Tho only Rafe effectual mont hly nreatrine on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength -No. 1, for ordinary eases, i1 per fro:: No. 2. 10 de- grees stranger for special (ages, 3s per boa. Sold by all druggists. Ask for Cook's Col- ton Root Compound: take no Rnbntttnte. The Cook Medicine CO.. Windsor, Ontario $1.00 Stem Winding Watch - To call attention to oar immen.a stock of modern watches, we make this unparalled offer: An Open Pace Stene Winding and Stem Setting American Lever Watch in Strong Nickel ease guaranteedan excellent timekeeper. Should it fail 1.) gi4c satisfaction, 1 will replace it with another any time within one year. As the cost is far below the wholesale price one only will he nailed to any addre.t in Canada on receipt of ane dollar, and seven cents for postage. Money refunded if you do not like the watch. Descriptive circulars mailed free on application. Your visit to the Western Fair 9111 to :.th Sept. will give you an opportunity of inspecting these watches and our general stock. 2111.1011111- J. S. BARNARD 70 DUNOAS ST.. • LONDON THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated b. Act of Parliament 1.55) Head Office, - Capital Paid Up Reserved Fund.. • .. • FORTY-EIGHT BRAN( LIES 1N 'I'IlK Montreal $3,000.000 • • • • $3,000,000 DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH utII(I: 1Ii 1'lt, 1 e ui to a p. u. SATURDAYS, an a. m to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Stale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion. Great Brittain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES made to Fanners, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terns. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Sarins Bank Department, Depe.tt. )ft- and upwards rearired. interest conn paundesl half -)early ■nd added to prineip)al June 30th and December 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKsoN & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS WE WILL OFFER THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN FURNITURE Ever offered in Western Ontario at the Dashwood Furniture Store. We have the stock and it must go. If you want an3 thing in our line you should not miss this sale. TT1\Tr)ER'TAK2N'G 1Ve also carry a large stock of undertaking supplies. 111 ante of need give us as call. P McISAAC, -- Dashwood. Queenston Cement SOLD DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO THE CONSUMER Don't be misled by statements of agents handling cement paying large Commission. Go yourself and see Queenston walls and flnoms but in your own locality. Our ttarrel contains as ninny cubic inches as any other cement. and as cement is gauged by measure, not by weight, your cement will go as far. Write us fir information. Freight rates and es- timates cheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, strict- ly cash, f. o. ll. can's, Queenston. Go in with your neighbor and get benefit of carload rates. ISAAC USHER QUEENSTON, ONTARIO TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. COUNTY OF HUiRON, TO WIT: 14' virtue of a warrant under the hand of the warden and Seal of the ConieratIon of the (county of Ilse .o, datcrl the 21st day of Judy, 1:10X6, eormnanding me to 1e%) upon the lands hereinafter described, for the arrears of taxes respectively doe thereon, together w ilh rests, i Mire Is hereby given that unless such taus and costs are wailer paid 1 .hall, in compliance with the Assessment Art, proceed to sell by public auction (herald lauds. or so 100 h thereof a. may be acre...wr) to discharge the same, al the Court mouse, in the t"wr, of llaieri -h, on Tuewlay, the I lth day of NO%ember, 1906, at two o'clock In the afternoon. All these lots are patented. TOWNSiHIP OF ASIIFIEI.1►. Lot or Part id Int. Con. Acre.. Arrears of Tese•.. Cost.. Total. s. r•. 5 e. 5. e. N. E. corner w'', 12 14 E. It. i� 2.94 Ifs) 5.11 11'. It N. It 33 N. T. 1'. 43!1 19.31 2.7.'. 22.99 VILLAGE OFCRANSFY)RD IN ASIIFIK1.11 /2 y 5.27 2.'n 7.77 TOWNSHIP of (IODERM'11. Pan 3 Maitland 2 91 2.25 3.15 Part 11 do !( 2.41 2.21. 1.65 y11.1.Aop 018T. JOSR1'II IN IIAY. 19 !, 2.56 2.21, Lal 2.' i; 2.55 2.25 Cal HOW 1('K t'ILLAeiI, (5 101W WK. 3,1., t, 5.24 2.2.4 7.45 TOWNSHIP OF TI'l'KI:ItsMITII I'.ART 14 1 11. R. 5. •, 29.24 2.75 32.IA PART In 211. R 4 1 11.90 2.30 13.99 T9%VN i)11' id' TI'RNItl:ItltY E. Part 21. C. 21 935 2.50 11.4s w'INSILtM TOWN rirrr Is Tt'RVltlatRY. :Ca ', 1 91 WM. Ho1.MS e ..,n,t c Tr, ,su1e4 .inti- . , e:•.•Ieri. 1, .be'y ti.:, 1:..,. 1'•..11,1 . Tr.-a.nrer. 2.50 4.41 CANADIAN 'PACIFIC MY. Farm laborers' Excursion :um $12.00 Going. $18.00 Returning. AUGUST 25,1905 SEPT. 2, 1905 SEPT. 4, 1905 OOINO DATES Station. .Meth ..f bot n.•t in, haling main line Toronto to Sarni*, (indmling Toronto Slain line Toro to to Sarnia earl stations north (except north of Cantwell June, an.1 Toronto is, North Ray Section). Frown all points Toronto and (444, to and iruluding Shari.(.( 1,1• and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell June. on North Ray a' d MON., ONE•WAY SECOND ('LASS TiCKETS TO WINNIPEG only will be sold. with • ('i.RTIFI('ATI: . 4tendina the trip h, fore Aeptember 15th, without additional emit, to other points In Manitoba and ladnitrr,ia. If pmt ha«n encutet as FARM I. i 4)I ER's a' winnlph( (p►ns!444l such farm Dahmers work ...A les. than 3041)2 411 hanestiner, and r,r•rdoee evallf ate to That eSeetk they will he returned 1•. 1'riginal StartIn4 Point at eatee shown 145)4 a on or before Noy, 3oth, 1908. TIrxi:ri w'll.l, ni: Istst'Efr1O w(,MF;N a. 8141 as Nen, Ma will not be issued at Il►If•Rate In children. Tick ET"; not 1..r.l..n Imperial Limited Express Trains. For further parte Ulan apply to nearrat ('xoa I,an r.r iii • .tient, or C. R 104TrR. n P. A .CPR. Toronto. Ont