HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-31, Page 3Ott:,
More children die during the hot TRAPEZE FOR MONKj'YS NEAR
weathoe months than at any other)
season of the year. 'their vitality is I VICTORIA NYANZA. —
then al its lowest 1.1)1), and an attack —
of diarrhoea, cholera iutiuuuut or Object of Curiosity to the Giraffe DAME BRADETTE CURED OF
stomach trouble may prove fatal in _Hippopotaiuii Drag Up ALL TIER P." -INS LY DODD'S
a few hours. For this reu3on no
hoots) in which there are young ci)il-
dren should be without a box of
Baby's Own 'I'ublets, which !promptly
cure all stomach and bowel troubles.
If the Tablets ore given 10 a hell
child they will prevent these ail-
ments and keep the little one well
ti nil strong. Mrs. Joseph T. Pigeon,
Bryson, (hue., says: Maly little one
' s attacked with colic1aland diarrh-
idrr -tea, and 1 found Baby's Own 'Tablets
so satisfactory that I would not now
be without them in the house. "Tit .se
Tablets not only euro sutu?ner r rou-
bles, but all the minor ailments that
utllict. infants and young chil,lren.
They contain no opiate or harmful Con's, for example, have been seen 1 am d=eed of all tile uffer
e ills I sed hew Jersey, recently. The repents
Maw' and may be given with (Nest standing at rho corner of fields 1.s- , for a number of yours. I found sir► submitted at this meeting show the
safety to the new born baby or hell teeing in: awe-struck fashion to 1los Uodd's Kidney Pills quick relief society to be a wonderfully prosner•-
Aeolian strains which somite their from all tits' pains. I only had to sus one. An Independent Finance
take one box to bring back 'nvt'.nuncitlee investigated all the secur-
health, and in five months I have hies, etc., and reported that they
had no return of my trouble." tumid the business affairs of the or -
men always spring from disordered'I'hoeo troubles known only to wo- der managed in a thoroughly busi- p0 INION SCN00t OF iii[gRIPNY
mes8 manner, the investments safely
I{idneys. The tousle organs are en ' land wisely made, and that no losses sAdelalos St. Ea 't, Toronto, Ont.
tirely dependent on the Kidneys. ,had been incurred during all the
Dodd's Kidney l'ills never fail to years of the order's history. The Mention this paper.
cure the Kidneys. That is why they order's accumulated funds have in -
always bring health, strength and 'creased in the last three tears $3,- A QUESTION ANSWERED.tering women.
cheerfulness to weak, run-down, suf-27",345.51. The order's position is
growing better every year, to
instance, the increase in accumulated
---- — assets during the last two
long neck and to reach the wires years, 1903-4, was 84.34 per cent.,
themselves. He has a wonderful re- w•1►ile the increase in insurance at
gard for the pottery insulator. He
risk during the same period was only
reaches up and seizes these not very 8.07 per cent. The order has increas-
succulent dainties, and pulls them ed its accumulated hinds since the
down, drawing the strands with
thea). The arms of wood on which
the insulators are placed also allure
the giraffe, and when he gets fairly order pays out $8,892.89 per day,
settled at the base of a pole he finds and each day puts away a surplus
rich amusement for n couple of days
the Poles.
The world is now so touch covered
with telegraph and telephone wir-ss
that civilized human beings scare':ly
notice them. They run along -side
most of the highways in England,
and the oft. announced coming of an
underground system seems to have
a0 inthwnce in the direction of re -
Suffered for Years Before Sho
Found Quick Relief in the Great
Canadian 'Kidney Remedy, •
St. hose du llrg''le, Tetuiscouta
Co., flue , Aug. 'J1-- 4pecinli.—Suf-
Results from common soaps:
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
>v0 Rl6DUCES
t•k ra'r the Octagon Bar
all over good tering women i u
There is
doting: the number.K
evidenc., however, says the Lond.nc read with fe Ii:�b�. of interest and re- How the Independent Order of
tiloLe, for, supposing that the ani- lief the experi.•nce of 1)auto Atnedeo j Foresters Has Grown.
teal north has by no means grown llradetle of this place. I The Supremo Court of the Indepen-
as 'leen/.01mA to the wires which "It gives Ino pleasure to be able dent Order of foresters hold its
swim!' show their heads. to tell," says Uutnu Ilratlette, "that : frienninl session at Atlantic Pity,
grown child. There aro imitatimis
of this medicine and mothers should
see that the words "Bahs's Own
'Tablets" and the four-leaf clover
with child's head on each leaf is
found on the wrapper around each
box. As you value your child's life
do not be persuaded to take a sub-
stitute for Baby's Own Tablets—the
one medicine that makes children well
and keeps them well. Sold by all
druggists. or you can get them by
mail at 25 cents a box by writing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Spending Millions on His English
Amazing wonders are being
wrought by William Waldorf Astor,
the American millionaire and natur-
alized British subject, upon the
historic Bever estate in Kent, which
he recently purchased, says the
London Daily Mirror. The artistic
owner 18 spending money with a
lavish hand in beautifying the ex-
panse of two thousand acres that
spread around the old moated
castle. Though the cost of the un-
dertaking is probably not dcfrnitely
known to Mr. Astor himself. the po-
pular estimate is that a million and
a quarter pounds will be expended
upon the ir•provements during the
next two years.
There is no busier area in indus-
trial England to -day. About a
thousand 'nen of all trades have
taken up their residence in the
neighborhood. Recently 'I'he Daily
Mirror paid a visit to the place,
which nestles at the foot of a hill.
The road which hitherto led close to
the castle has been diverted. and
now passes some hundred yards fur-
ther away. 'l'o make this new road
it has been necessary to build two
bridges over the River Eden, which
winds through the estate.
Round the castle masons and car-
penters are building a picturesque
model t 11lage, toned to harmonize
with tl.o grey old walls of the cas-
tle. A bridge built across the stoat
joins the new bui 11 nes with the old.
But the most gigantic part of the.
work is the making ' f a lake. wh,•r..
formerly green incenses strettle•,I-
This lake will cover an area of
nearly fifty acres and will be sixteen
feet in depth.
In its present topsy-turvy state
the estate suggests Clapham Junc-
tion, for everywhere run railway
lines and fussy little engines sport
up and down. Each day seven hun-
dred and fifty truckloads of soil are
carried away to retake a bed for the
great lake. hound the outer edge
of the estate runs a fine deer fence,
and a pond Is being dug. high up
on the hill a model farm has been
built, with every modern and most
perfect appliance. Close behind the
castle an Italian garden is being
laid out. surrounded by high walls,
with many niches and stone brack-
ets for statues.
The utmost rigor is observed to
keep the public from entering the
estate and from taking photographs
of the building as it rises. Work-
men hors been discharged at n nco-
ment's notice who have tried to
snapshot the operations. Only a
few days ago a well known tnember
of the peerage motored over for the
purpose of taking a snapshot or
two of the place. No allowance was
made for the distinguished visitor;
he had to depart empty handed.
Mr. Astor himself takes the keen-
est interest in his great projset, and
is constantly down at )fever watch-
ing the working of the miracle. )lev-
er Castle io of great antiquity and
was built by Sir William Iievre in
the reign of Edward 111. it was
here that henry Vi1I. dmrniciled
Anne of Cleves.
It is a brave men who can apolo-
gise, It is one of the highest nttrl-
butes of a gentleman.
There is an authentic story of a
London merchant who spoke harshly
to a confidential clerk. Ire accused
him of having mislaid or lost n cer-
tain important letter, viol as he
Could not be lersuadeel that he was
mistaken, the clerk hnndeei in his re-
signntion. 'The following day he
called at his employer's house for
the otlice letters. and among the
number found the one which had been
missed. The merchant hnd placed it,
with n few others. In his overcoat
pocket to rend cnrefillly at home in
the evening. Ile said: "I dict not
know i hnd donne that. You must
withdraw your resignation. I will
Increase your salary." Ilut never a
word of nuttily apology.
The Incident left its sting behind.
The confidence and trust the clerk
hnd in his employer were Lost. Fo,
a year later, when the Clerk came
into a hit, sum of :money, he n (limed
111e partnership that. V.A. .,• (',•l' I
m 1fe leanest nn op;'''' '.,'n
end the profits of tl'le r ec ' , 1
fallen hr. fein• t yarn Len) 1f ".e 1 .1
Near 10 $15,000.
ears as a high wind blows across the
itou and copper strands. Birds liko
then topmost wire for a perch. It
offers them apparently a titer view
than the boughs of trees, which ore
understood generally as being na-
ture's device for the purpose. Curi-
ously enough. a bird will not sing
from the wire; whether it is silenced
by th.• Aeolian rivalry or whether,
on the other hand, it has come to
see the utilitarianism of the struc-
ture and to feel that song is incon-
gruous cannot. be explained with our
present. knowledge.
and there are well authenticated cas-
es of a swarm of bees altering their
flight to avoid adjacency to the
lines. Rooks show the greatest par-
tiality for theta, a partiality which
they hold with the sparrows, and in
some of the older lines, where the
wires are closer together thanlis now
thought to be wise, nests aro built,
and the insulation of the lines dam-
aged accordingly. It bas been cal-
culated by one of those statistical
persons who had time for the enter-
prise that there is a bird swinging
on the lines each mile of the dis-
tance. which when summed up gives
us a total of some 500 birds amus-
ing themselves in this fashion be-
tween London and Rdinburgh.
In distant countries there aro
amusing instances of the use to
which wild animals put the telegraph
wires. A report has just. reached
England giving the details of the
ideas of monkeys to telegraphy.
'These animals are convinced appar-
ently that the wires are put up
merely for the purpose of giving
them a long trapeze for their per-
formance. Near Victoria Nyanza
there is a line of three wires, along
which there may be seen hundreds of
monkeys enjoying themselves to their
hearts' content.
The nuthorities have tried, by
shooting them in considerable num-
bers, to remove this disposition, but
the monkeys still run the risk. and
travelers report that they often see
them in dozens swinging by the
tails and chuckling in their own
chattering fashion with delight. This
does not. serve to improve the tele-
graphic service, for in tho depths of
the forest the monkeys' tricks
and currents pass from one to an-
other, giving a somewhat confusing
result at the ends.
Oddly enough, it is stated by ex-
perts that the earlier ideas of the
monkeys as to the pleasures of
stealing the wire have passed away.
Now -a -days it rarely happen that
wire is stolen. The idea has spread
that smite kind persons, recognizing
the needs of the tnonkey tribe, have
put the wires up in such a secure
way merely that the monkeys may
have perfect swinging, and the mon-
keys are perfectly loyal to the idea
and refuse to steal the wire appar-
ently for this reason.
"The curiosity of the giraffe is an-
other disturbing element. Cows
here at home stare up at the lines
when music is being emitted; horses
rub themselves against the poles,
but these two do but little damage.
Tito giraffe, however, has the ad-
vantage of being able to stretch his
Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes
and Bread May be Against
You for a Time.
A change to the right kind of food
can lift one frotn it sick bed. A lady
in Welden, 111., says:
"Last spring 1 became bed -fast
with severe stomach trouble accotn-
ire not more different th.8. the old fa e,Linn, d hulk or pac!iage teas• and the
Carefully Crown, Thoroughly Cured and Properly Peened
1ca-zsrumetei v
'J? .. 3•�Y 'IJ r��a =a�88sa
For sale by all 11%e toccis.
A telegrapher earns from
$540.00 to =1800.00 a
year. Do you? If not, let
us qualify you to do so.
Our free telegraph hook
explains everything. Write
fur it to day.
The world is such a cheery place
If we but see it so;
There's beauty everywhere
'I'o set the heart ligioty
The air is full of rhythmic joy,
The blue sky throbs with love,
And every leaf and flower and bird
By pure delight in life is stirred
last meeting of the Supreme Court Its ecstasy to prove.
more rapidly than it increased in any
equal time previously. During tho The world is such a sorry place
313 working days of the year the If we but. see it so;
There's sadness in the skies above
And on the earth below.
The children weep, the birds are
The flowers droop and die;
All sounds are tuned in minor key,
All sights but picture misery;
Wo wonder, wonder why.
we step
dragging down the arms and pecking
at the insulators. The influence
which this has upon the transmis-
sion of nu ssages can be imagined.
It is as injurious as the influence
of the hippopotamus, which creeps up
to the poles, looks cautiously round
to see if any one is watching his per-
formance, and then, by a long pull
and a strong pull, drags over pole,
The comfort is that occasionally the
hippopotamus gets entangled in his
own devices. He is not a very des-
torious animal, even at the best of
times; but when he's wrapped round
with some twenty feet of wire—and
in some cases with twenty feet of
three wires—he finds progression
somewhat retarded. In !fine, no
doubt, he will learn that it is as
well to leave the wires untouched,
but it scans as if it will take some
years yet before the lesson has gone
What the denizens of the deep think
of the great sea cables is as Hutch a
mystery as the others. In 80me
places the deep cables swing from
the ridge of one plateau to the
ridge of another, and upon the bight
all manner of sea animals find that
they can disport, themselves. Ono
cable witch was picked up recently
was merely covered for n utile with
nil manner of barnacled creatures.
They had encrusted one after another
on the cable, until that which was
only half a foot in diameter was to
be measured in feet, 1110 cable itself
being hidden by the encrustations.
Of course this did but little harm to
the transmission of messages, except
in a few cases where the cable shield
was damaged. when, of course, there
was n severance, with all the inter-
nati1.nnl trouble whish this involked.
)tats aro u similar nuisance in re-
spect to cables hidden under the
earth. A rat seems to think that
everything which is enclosed in lead
is a pipe conveying water, and with
intent to get at the water lie gnaws
at the outer covering. Sooner or
Inter the result 18 disastrous to the
efficiency of the cable, and this must
be written down as one of the diffi-
culties in the way of lmderground
telegraphy. On the whole. there•
fore, we p'1' that animals have a big
ger influence than is generally sup-
posed. ilut what they think of it
all is another matter. One would
so like to discuss the matter with
the monkey, the giraffe, end, not.
least in importance, with the rat.
"When i was running n circus,"
said n retired showman, "1 never
lost an opportunity of advertising. 1
always had my eye on the tnnin
chnuoes nil f trade everything pay.
[tallied by sick headache. 1 got I always made it n point to get my
worse and worse until 1 became so name ,vetvwhere, and whenever any -
low I could scarcely retain any tool one asked for my autograph you
at alt. although i tried every kind. may be sure he got it.
1 had become completely discour- ! "Once when I went to a little
aged. had given up all hope. and , town a greet string of boys and
thought i was doomed to starve to gitls stood in fine wailing for a
death, till one day n1y husband try- chance 10 gist nay autograph on the
ing to tied something i could retain, sinall cards they carried. i wrote
brought horse some Grape -Nuts. them as fest as i could, thinking to
"To any surprise the food agreed myself '.1i1)1, old boy, your name
with enc, digested perfectly, and is getting to be a household word.'
without diattess, 1 began to gnat "111101 1 Iuoked round the tent
strength at encs, my flesh (which that :afternoon 1 thought all the
hod been flabby) grew lirncer, env school children in the town were
health improved in every wny and there. That meant money, and 1
every day. and in n very few weeks ttasr feelinq'Wel 1Y hnp(ry 1111 1 eine
i gained 211 pounds in weight. 1 'stetted looking ()vet the receipts,
liked Grant -Nina ser well that for 4 eines then i found four ' nndred of my
months i ate no other food, and nl- nmtogrnphs with the .eords 'Admit
ways felt. as well satisfied after eat- bearer!' writ leo above them.
Ing ns 1f 1 hnd ant down to n funs "'That is the 0111. 1 me in my life
1 was et er 'done' Its t chool chil-
"i hnd no return of the miserable
sick stomach nor of the headaches,
tint 1 used to hnve when I ate
other food. 1 nut now n well wo-
man, doing nil my own work ngain,
rind feel Hut life is north living.
"Grape -Nuts food has been n god-
send to my fancily: i1 surely sever!
my life and my two little boys have
urn on it wonderfully." Name
1 , • n l v l'ostt'm (h)., Bettie Creek,
'i" . ,t reason.
1 •,;, i,.,ok, "'rhe Road to
esch pkg.
of $3,907. Tho order's accumulated
funds now amount to over $9,000,-
000, and these, the committee re-
ports, aro all well and safely invest-
ed. The society has added 11,000
members net for each year of the
past triennial period. No changes
were made in the rates, the Supretno
Chief hanger contending that the
rates of the order at the present time
were ample.
All the Supreme Executive were re-
elected, with Lion. Dr. Oronhyatekha
at their head. It should be added
that the death rate of the order is
low, indeed much lower than it was
some years ago, and the average ago
of the membership is only thirty-
seven. The medical work seems,
therefore, to be well and carefully
done. As a fraternal society the
Independent Orderaof Foresters cer-
tainly has been a wonderful success,
and something of its financial
strength may be understood from
the fact that the reports show that
it has already enough in its treasury
to pay all probable death claims for
about five years without collecting
any premiums from any one of its
lne'nbers.—Toronto Globe, August
"Choose between us!"
IVinkleton folded up his evening
newspaper and savagely threw it un
the floor
"Yeas, madam," ho continued, "I
tell you once for all that you can't
have both of us. The hast time that
dressmaker was in the house for a
week I vowed that I never would
stand itagain, and I won't, As for
being under the same roof with two
half-crazy and absorbed women, ar.d
requiring a rake every uturiting to
get the odd pieces of cloth out of my
clothes; to hear the rattle and whir
of that confounded sweing-machine,
and to sit at my mea18 and listen to
a lot of cut bias, ruffled and flounc-
ed, and pleated talk—I've had nll l'm
ever going to have. If I'm to bo
turned out of ntv own house. all
right; but you can't have both of
US. 1 leave the day she c rs.
You'll have to stake your decision
quick. ('ono•, mad8ul, which Shull
it be, the dressmaker or ire?"
Mrs. 1Vinkleton looked at her him -
band with to hopeless, half -despairing
look, in which were discernible morns
truces of indignation and a sense of
"If you must go, dear," she raid,
softly, "why, 1 have nothing more
to nayl"
it Is an ()nicer of the Law of health.
—When called in to attend a disturb-
ance it searches out the hiding -place of
pain, and like n guardian of the ' WACO.
lays hands upon it and save, "i arrest
you." Resistance la useless. es the mew
of health imposes n sentence of pey{,etu-
al banianmcut on pain, and Ur. 'thorn.
as' Electric 011 was originated to en-
force that sentence.
The whole trade of ivory carving
at Delhi as practically in the bends
of one family. the head of which
pays the carvers. Some of the lat-
ter are paid very high wages. for at
the Inst moment n slip through care-
lessness or want of skill might spoil
the work of mentis. Primes are
sometimes very high. as much ne
250 het ing been giv, n for a small
piece of curved ivory.
ii4)Si'I'l'ALS IIY ItAiI..
Well -fitted hospital cars are nn un-
questionable boon on railways. On
the Belgian Stnto railways a service
of the kind hes just been experi-
mentally intro/hired. Each car con-
tains eight -able couches, a dis-
pensary, and an operating—room. be-
sides a complete set of rondu►ending
appliances. The cars are 4S feet in
length. The first of the cars has
just been placed on duty in ilrussels,
and by degrees they will bo distri-
buted to every Important railway
centre in Belgium.
How emit we solve the problem—we
Who fain the truth would know?
Ilow can earth be so beautiful,
And how so full of woe?
O human heart give answer, for
In thee that answer lies;
'Tis not for birds, or flowers, or air
To make life either dull or fair
Or prove its mysteries.
Life's radiance from within must
Its harmony express
The aspirations of the soul,
The power to cheer and bless.
'Tis love, love only, in the air,
The sky, the birds, the flowers.
That glorified the common life,
That triumphs over care and strife
In this sweet world of ours.
—Emily llartley in Sunset Magazine
for August.
Very many persons die annually from
cholera and kindred summer complaints.
who might have been saved if proper
remedies had been used. If attacked do
not delay in getting a bottle of Dr.
J. U. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. the
medicine that never faits to effect a
cure. Those olio have used 1t say 11
acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues
the pain and disease.
In Massachusetts, at the town of
Ware, there is a hen with a wooden
leg. While a chicken, a stone
thrown at the bird caused the re-
moval of its icg. The owner there.
on had a wooden substiture fitted,
and on this the hen has stumped
about the farmyard. She uses it ns
a means of defence, and can easily
stand on it while scratching for
food with the whole leg. At night,
when roosting, she allows this wood-
en leg to hang down behind the
)lave you tried Holloway's Corn Cure?
It has no equal for removing these
troublesome excresentes as many have
testified who have tried it.
The Lord Chancellor of Ireland is
the most highly -paid judicial digni-
tary In the Empire, his salary being
.8,000 per annum. The salary of
the English lord Chancellor is £10,-
000 per annual, but of this n sum of
£6,000 only is paid for the dis-
charge of judicial duties, the re-
maining L4,000 being paid to hln
in his capacity of ex -officio Speaker
of the House of Lords. The salary
of the Irish Chancellor carries with
it a retiring pension of 1:4,000 per
They ars Car entity Prepared.—Pills
which dissipate. themsetvea in the stom-
ach cannot be expected to have inure
effect upon the intestines, and to over-
come ceativeness the medicine adminis-
tered utast influence the action of these
equals. i'arnteleo's Vegetable fills are
so made, undc• the supervision of ex-
perts. that the substance in them in-
tended to operate mi the intestines 141
retarded In action until they pass
through the stonla„S to the bowels.
111NEll 'S WILL.
An addition to the literature of
curious wills comes from the Arctic
goldfields. A ruiner (lied at the
head -waters of the Stewart River
in the Yukon territory. On a piece
of birch bark he wrote his last tes-
tament. bequeathing his valuable
claims on the raver to his nieces. A
companion who was with hien in his
last tnornents said, "We had no
paper. and so the sick man wrote
his will on a piece of bark, and n
friend and I signed as witnesses."
At the George and Dragon hotel,
Varnn. near Darlington, England, a
tablet has just been placed in the
commercial room, stating: "Stock-
ton and ilarlington Beltway. In the
commercial room of this hotel, on
the 12th i•"ebrmnry, 1820, WAS held
the promoters' meeting of the Stock-
ton and i erliugton Railway. the
firvt pnhlie railway in the wr rid.
'Phonies M(•ynell, Eaq., presided," T
�, 1?M
—'\'I•:Itl'ItltlIV 11110
hen or 51
1001.1 send
30c at once null get the best practical
iriforuation and latest news stout
poultry and pet, stock keeping, every
month for the next 16 months. 1uy
back d not satisfied. Agents wanted.
Address. Poultry News, Owen Sound.
Out. •
Superfluous Nalr Permanently Removed
While traveling in ]Mexico I discover-
ed a drug which removes hair from
face, arms. neck, or any part of the
body instantly and permanently, so
will send to any one adicted without
any expense but a postage stamp.
Don't judge toy treatment by uneu'cces-
ful attempts of others. I have suffered
for years with this affliction and now
my life's work is to help others from
this humiliating trouble. My treat-
ment 1s easy and accomplished at home,
and 1 will forfeit $500 if it fails to
remove hair. Don't suffer longer. ite-
Itef Is now yours for the asking Write
now lest you forget nry address.
DOl(lrl'ilV BLACK. 1815 North Six-
teenth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
2508 acres -22 mites north of
Lalgary; 3 miles from Airdrie railway
depot; convenient to church, schools.
motes, etc.; splendidly situated; magni-
ficent view; first-class soil; good water
supply; up-to-date improvements; well-
built house of eight rooms, Atted with
all modern conveniences and drainage
system; stable, cattle sheds, buggy
slued. workshop. corrals, ets.; good
fences, all new and substantial; will be
sold as a going concern. with stock,
crops, machinery, tools and house fur-
nishings; this farm 1n all plowable, and
is especially adapted for growing hard
fall wheat and fur mixed farming. Full
particulars on application to Gray,,
Bros., Airdrie, Alta.
During June, July, August and
September the Chicago and North)
Western Ity. will sell from Chicago.
round trip excursion tickets to Sam
Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland.
Ore, (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se-
o-attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very'
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from all points In Canada.
Choice of routes, hest of train ser-
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
return lirnits. !lutes, folders and
full lnformntIon can be obtained
from B. It. ilcnnett, General Agent.
2 East King St., 'Toronto, Ont. 81:
Ile --"The closer a man gets to na-
ture the happier he is." She--+
"'That's riot what you said when you
slipped on the banana peel ycstcr.
A Small fill, but Powerful.—They
that )u.lgo of the powers of a pill by
its size, would consider Parmelee'.
Vegetable Pills to be lacking. it is 4
little wolider among pills. What it
lacks in sire it makes up In
The remedies which it harries are put
up In these smell dotes, because they
aro so powerful that only small dunce
are required. Thu full strength of the
estrtcts is secured in this form and do
their work thoroughly.
"I suppose you will :harry when
you grow up?" said the visitor,
pleasantly. "No," replied rho
thoughtful little girl, innocently;
"lifetim % says papa Is more - caro
than the children, so I guess tho
care of my children ell! be enough
for me without the care of a hurt.
Lever's 1'-% (Wise Tread) Dlsinfeos
ant Soap Pee der dusted In the
bath, softens the water and dishes
'•'that kind of a looking man is
that chap (inhble(on'r I don't be-
lieve 1 have stet hien." "Will, it
yeti see two men in a corner, and
one of them looks bored to death,
the other one is (labbletonl"
Uso the pale. pleasant and efTectuali
worm killer. Mori,: (:neves' Woe
teasing equals it. 1'rocuroi
a bottle and take it home.
Willie had been ghty, and his
father ons going to thrush him.
"My son," he said sternly, "do you
know why 1 atm going to whip(
you'?" "Yes, dad," replied the lit-
tle fellow; "it's because you're big-
ger than 1 am!"
Whooping Cough
Theo children seem to cot, h whooping
cough easily In theenrom.'r time when It
is always*., . .h harder to get rid uf.
The Lung
will euro them quests. There t• no
injurious drug in It and 1t i. plcAr.,nt
to take.
At 1i;1 driggists, net., 60e. and t• ro a told.,
ISSUE NO. 413--05