HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-31, Page 2• unexplored country maw pn,ve an CANADA'S DEVELOPMENT�nlldovado;een d lujustia sriernelitglhsrnhas h THE CENTRE OF NEXT GREAT for*nu Ci 1 `v ta,id other iert l that . min - WORLD DEVELOPMENT. ing history of Canada wet -runts the Wall Street Journal's Rossate most thorough exploration. Hew View of the Future of greatly this will be accelerated by the construct'. n ui the new road This Country. nes no argument to prove. tu- The centre of the next great world portant finds of oil and coal have development, according to all pro- alreaydy beenpartiannounced by the sur - sent indications, promises to be uu se.:nl,;g to be gaud reason (or her the thopro - this side of the Atlantic -in Canada: tintismt which prevails iu Canada. and if not right at our doors. with- in n day's travel over ntodorn rail- ways, with all the comforts which AFTER that implies, of the centres of our pose/teflon. says the New York !Wall - Stivet Suusnare. The prime agent CHINA IS STRETCHING AND of the curring development will be YAWNING, the new transcontinental railway Sending Commissioners Through with termini on the shores of the At- the (antic and of the Pacific Oceans. This coming line has gone far beyond the field of the projector. Its route has hetet definitely decided upon, the sur- veys for its construction have been completed, and the financial arrange- ments for its building have been pro - Allied. In fact, one section of the work has been already offered for contract, and it is a certainty that before this time next year the work of construction along the whole lino will he in progress. The cost of the Iertakiug is variously estimated at from $150,- 000.00(1 to $200,000,000. and the railroad is to bo completed and equipped within live years. Aside altogether front benefits whish the construction of the road will bring to Canada, through the opening of nn entirely virgin territory to set- tlement bud production, rho mere fact that such an enormous sunt of money is to be expended in tho country. largely in the shape of wages and for supplies which will bo wholly of home production, is a suf- ficient guarantee of great general prosperity during the period of building at least. But when i1 is considered that the present tvheat- produeing capacity of the country Is only 2 per cent. of the equally good grain -growing land which will be thrown open 10 cultivation by the couslruetion of this great national undertaking, the possibilities are simply staggering. it means that within ten years the producti )n of THE SLAVONIC FICTION THE MEN WHO RULE THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE.er Foreigners, Mostly Gatans, Aro at the Head of the Czar's Government. As Russia's troubles Multiply and oto part of her political machinery is no sooner patched up than another breaks clown, the mea inside the Government are beginning to set tap saysthe case for the defense says a St. Petersburg letter. Wo have had Mr. 4 Witte himself laying it down that Russia has to be Judged by standards ITS LONG SLEEP entirely different from those that apply to any other country. It was put forward as an excuse 'for the short lured nomination of his predecessor on the peace Mission. M. MuruvtelT, that he had a "Slavonic name glorious in Russian history" and that Witte's "Vouriand name World to Investigate CoA- '- Aerial staircase, when, as they passe(! w'as a handicap when it came to Extraordinary Means of Avenging (each other, their swards hecunw •In stitutional Government. Russia having to see her representa Although many conflicting reports tiro sign a confession of defeat. And Insults by Harmless tangled," said one, coolly, "and at are current in 1'qlcith concerning the so with Baron Rosen, the papers Duels. brat it is only a quarrel bet time* the Schemes for the awakeningof China, took pains to explain that. though There was quite a welcome element two swords." 11'0 will ted about I that.!" cried the other, excitedly. and there are undoubtedly signs that at he had a Cermet' neene, his grand- of the farcical in that "duel to t he the close of the war the right mo- father was Deceuhbrist patriot, nae of deal h" which was arranged a few with these words he drew his weapon weeks ago in the Canton Ticino. and plunged it into his breast The meta will be chosen for taking deci- the band of oflicers who tried to exother, eager not to bo outdone, Mur- ' .tuts. sive sweeping measures. Officials aro tract the constitution from Nicholas Switzerland, by two boy -rivals in ('urn-Cttnadfnn-!\u►ninal, 53c to te bo sent to all parts of the worldeightyago.lase, who, it may by remembered, rird away on sum" imperative piece 1. yearn :,1c, Chatham freights. American firm g This emphasizing • of Russian tradi- b of business, ami on returning' to his to investigate the systems of consti-{ 6 u grrexl to betltkn themselves to the at (32c to 621c for No. 3 yellow, tion as something that inust keo + antagonist found him cal eud,V nl• t)i lutional government, after the neon- b 1 S{)lugen and stand for two ha, ..puiut of death. Thereupon ho drew:lak,0 and rail freights. ner of the mission of Prince lwakurtt her hist,,ry outside of the currents daily in the track of the utulculc)les 1 cnA--(i,,c (0 tide, at outside q that affect other nations is not new,his xtvord and plunged it into his subsequent to the restoration in until one or other of them ryas re ostia body, saying to the dying III , points. Japan. but the 1te.vy is going to be worked halved from his rival's path. AeIioltedd)ats-< ar lots in barrels are FOLLOW JAPAN'S 1't.:\N, as thegreat justification of the { "You would not have had the start j !'ate w•uutd have it, the ,olico ofnie ( eted at :1.75 on track her.% in present regime. Yet it. is net •11111- g g of ed if you had not found in "n ba 'I'tvo olliciuls aro to bo sunt to (' otertnzuuct of twfud of lac 1'11(avnue gngeu in the service of the !'rine". 1 )" et $t.:,u; `13c More for brok,•u cult to produce abundant evidence ,levice and put a very unromantic end :the eonteuWd, however, since, I have lots hies and 10c outside. Japan itself. The deputations are • not only that this duct•]uc hus no Lo include the 1linistcr of War, who lu the duct had the glory of convincing you that truth in it to -day •but, furtherm.or",( Still more absurd was it duel which , + La that capacity leaves China for the that it was never More than n useful ms sword is """+_____"""- as yours."- ('OUN'fLIV PRODUCE.. Ct•:. was fought not long ago in front o[ (freer time. The officials urea also to fiction built a ), I "nth)" Tit -lilts. I the railway stet ion at. r\utw'rrp. ; Butter -Quotations unchanged. be engage(! in some secret mission re i Creana•ry, prints 22e to 23c garding Manchuria. .\!1'tcill start a BY MEN OF MANY RACES. !Two burgesses of Liege, after a : 1 few weeks hence. olio found it a handy explanation of (lay's sight-seeing, adjourned to a� do solids "Lc 2150Thu following is a copy of a return► the conquests and adventure whish sofa for refrratu'lcnl, and there tit- led _ A TALE OF VENGEANCE Dairy Ib. culls, good to scheme dr awn up by the powerful ; their native energy anti rosy sur- gun c► dispute, which, to choicel8c 200 Viceroy Yuen-Shi-Kai, which finds ; run«clings tempted theta to under- hot words and finally to blows. MURDER BY PUTTING POWDER- do medium 17c 18e considerable favor with rho throne. ` take Nothing but blood could Waco the, do tubs, good to choice 17c ]8c Peter the (,rent's career of expels- mutual insults. but as no deadly ED GLASS IN FOOD. do inferior ......... pec Itis IL is as follows: Cheese ---Quotations aro unchanged slut, which started the appetite for weapons were available the cafe pro- 2 B SCIii'.1I s OF I. IL D0. . the "cussi(icalivat" of the smaller prietor suggested that the ulTair Trial About to Open at Rome in at 11;c tti 11 r 1. '1'o give special privileges (0 10- peoples who were his neighbors. was could be just as well settled with' Which Several Aristocrats F.gga-Continuo Gena at 1 .c to 1840 cal authorities. generally conducted by melt who were douches, and he provided each cont-( Are Involved, i'otttoes-Quotations are unchang- d. To thoroughly reorganize the mit Russians at all. When he wont hatant with it portable water -pipe. A murder trial, involving several edliated Ib( per \u�slet' thy is quote l. Government Administration, and al to Holland to study ship carpentry t't'r several minutes the duellists tut point new officials throughout t he he left his %thole empire lu ch.,r;;, of eller( their chilly weapons at ono, prominent aristocrats, and resehnb- ed at $7 to $7.50 per ton for cur empire. at Srotchnmsh named Patrick Gorden. other until, drenched to the s!cin, ling in some of its features the Fant- lots on track here. and No. 2 at. 3. To withdraw all distinctions be- I:ut,rt, ,rotineca in the south we:e ons Mu.ri-Iluumartini murder cases, p their passion was so effectually caul $6. tweet Manchuria and China, and ,•„uqu.•rrd aur !'aver M to full b}nu•led ed that they vtrre glad to shako Bill shortly be opened at VisloJa• itnlml Straw -Quiet and unchanged bring the great province within the negro whomn Ihe had bought un the hands and rush away to ;Italy, vehere the aI'nir has created ut $5.50 to $6 per tun for cur luta empire. slave ma k'et in Constantinople, bap-; an immt•nse sersatfun• on track hero. 4. Not to place trust in all ,Turn 1 CI1AN(:f: THEIR GAlI11b;\'1'S The trial relates to the suspicious 1 tiled Hannibal and promoted to ho' I 1 wheat in Canada will be limited ices trade to the Government, and to (;e.neral, Equally amusing and harmless was death of Signor Arturo ('olzi, a well my bythe ability to find the labor allow time for the adequate trial of Catherine tlhe Second's exploits in a duel in which two Italian deputies; known sportsman, anti sun of the t1O\'I'li1:.11. \7.1i.Klr:l�3. only y a reformed administration. to cultivate the land and handle the r Russia's name were carried through once engaged at a quiet spot on the immensely wealthy Cavalier() binc.•n- Grain Flom'- Manitoba sprung (ro r.e. This develo,lnent Means a 5• Abolition of the old system of by Just such a group of high spirited outskirts of [tome, where a clump'jzo ('olzi. sheat patents, $s:i' to $3-4,►; coming economic change, which st appointment of officials. adventures from all parts of the of trees effectually shield(„1 trent! The latter was separated about .51 ung bakers', ,:, to $:,.10; winter a 1• (i A scheme aur helping the poor. earth ns l'eter luted to have arotmd•'$a.2.' , and 0e taken into consideration as n from observation. the trees are tour years ago (roof his wife, the wheat patents, $:r.ln to 7. To establish schools throughout him. With her they were mostly thickly branched and grow so close. daughter of a noble Fluent ire funs- straight cullers, $ 1 75 to 11.90 in world's factor. Canada is now pro- the empire. Germans, far she herself was Pura together that the copse is practical -lily, and has since been living wish A in bags $2.'1:, to $'1.85; settee during about one-sixth of the wheat CONSC'IUI'1'10N I':\I{'1' OF Ff. (:ernuur un beth sides. Ily impenetrable except by a narrow married lady, who was locally wood,oats. 82.40 to $:!.1'1ij per hag; raise*( in North America. Her new tin it was all through the Panslav-' path that rung lh•ought the tress. 1 known as "Lu Belle Carlotta." pats. hominy. $1.`33 to 31.90 in facilities will increase her ability co 8. '1'o adopt conscription. vnsll:' that it is evident that she 9 To allow a certain amount of ist chapters of Russian history,when' ,1 Sicilian deputy had been offended` Arturo Cole', %who was on most . bag$ of 98 pounds; cornmeal, 81.45 will before many years control the independent action on the part of soldiers and statesmen who were not by another depot}, and the two met inimical terms with Ids father's Indy to $1.SU per bug. Y Slaves at all were working to Seco- at this -spot to fight. Jest tis 1hey l friend, having recently died ler: M►!If.ed-Ontario bran in bulk at grain markets of the world. and in local amthoritts. 10. 1'o strengthen the finances by on the smaller uutuualltes tug 1 crossed swords the Sicilian deputy; very mysterious circumstances, two $11.50 to $13; shorts, 819 to $20; that fact there is much food for Russia's frontiers a system which. uttered n cry and dropped 1 I { 6 thought for the agriculturist. of the gradually >,alherin•• in funds front they called Slavonic, but mi ght us' t I al his weals- of his friends informed the public 1lanituhu bran in nags, $17 to $113; all the provinces. 6 ,on. Ito was about to fall. and his prosecutor that some time ago shorts, $'10 to 8-1. United Staten. The officials of the province of An -.well huvu cathed by any other name. seconds rushed forward to support young Colet surprised "Carlotta" in lluy-\o. 1. $3.50 to 89 per ton FORESTS A ND MI V1:S• ilui have held a great. Meeting. t►t,ns it was simply the system evolved hire. No blood was visible at first the act of opening his father's safe. of the track; No. '2. $7.50 to $8; which they decided to construct rail by their own experience. as the lake but when he wit, extuuined signs o1 Si(;NI:U CONFESSION. Cl $(i to ;(i.'15; clover mixed. ways throughout the 14'11010 territory' hest to secure the business of );ot'- a wound were seen on his back. :\s Clo%' lu $7. under their jurisdiction. i eminent and generalship as their tote it was impossible that his antagon- ist Culzi then' and then pureed her to 1ats-Nu. 42e to lac per bushel. could have struck him in the write toad s'C11 the fallowing conies- \u. :3, ,fie old crop. Four high Chinese officials have exclusive uf"uirs. been I) 5l0le„1 to proceed to .pular, ` The upper ranks of the Russian back, the seconds were astonished sion, which he afterwards gthowedt`a i Beans -Choler p'reties, $l.ti:, to Europe and America to investigate bureaucracy to-duy are plentifully upon discovering a tw 1 that had friends: "1, the undo ig $l.70 per bushel. the systems of constitutional govern_ supplied with the suns of naturalized indicted apparently by the surprised in the act of rifling the Peas -Bailing, tune; No. 2 in tar meets. One other object of this alis- foreigners, point of a rtgl.r. An examination safe of Signer Vincenzo Colz1, and 1 Intl, H1c toN3 c. sion is believed to be tin endeavor to; 11OSTLY 0ElIMANM. sl►OW&„I that a sharp twig had pen- further confess that I have been in 1'..tatoes-New potatoes in bags of induce the powers to call an interna- cleated the deputy's luck when he the habil of doing so for years•" KU pounds, 5(rc to 55c. tit nal conference on Far Eastern af-At tho foreign Office not only is stepped backward to take his posi-This confession was subsequently Honey -White clever in carob, 12c fairs. i Count Lnu►sdurlT n usenhher sr( I ut tion. it was ,Ire• and strong and ; shown by young ('ulzl to his father.. to 1:t, per se'ttio11 in ono room' non -Slavonic landowning clus penetrated the Kiser shirt ns well aAjtwho destroyed the paper in his pre- sectiuos; extract in 10 -pound tins, .,o 4 the man who really typifies tvl►at the skin. Ills adversary's seconds Hence. to 9c; in tie { 1 flax, 7c to 8c. WAYSIDE OBSI?R\',\'PIONS. the foreign world and"rstunds by i,xpresse,l the opinion Ihut their' Since• then "('nrluttn" hus, it is 1'rut'isiuns-Ileuvy Cunudiun short Russian diplu«an,y, Von )l*iitil,. principal's honor had Leen satistit:l, :alleged, been taking esery opportun- cut puck, 821*' to 821: light s':urt Sun spots -freckles• feud of aha .lsittic Pepnrunc*+l' is n and a new coupe was added to the � ity to wreak her revenge not only cut, Sim to 819; American cut deur Experience is the mother of wise noun of wh,lly (:errnun extract ion,' list of those known already in the upon Auturo Colzi. but also upon fat buck. 81!1.50 to $20,75, vont- man the regular l'russiau official, who i It is more blessed to give than to lit os in and for Itis depcutn.•1at. art of duelling, his wife and child. :laurel lard, etc to ti{c; l'anudiutl beg. In the dipluuatir, service saute of 11'hen, sumo rim(+ ago, an American! On repealed occasions the Colzi pure lard. lett• to Ile; kettle roar The dove of peace flies with leadeii,thfore t cinntleots of aggressive and n Spanish officer quarrelled family discovered the presence of tiered, lie according to quality wings Russian expansion in the cµtestious fiercely over n loco affair and the glass filings in their fowl. beans, 12c to lac to 11e, according An empty honor is hall of dissntiR- thnl led u r Lo LI►is war huvu bean choice of weapons; fell to the Ameri- i'inally, Arturo Colzi was alIacked to xiw; bacon, lar to 11•110.c... 10; t+esh kill- fnct(on. 1 ean, he arranged the following by n painful and lingering illness, ed abattoir hogs, $It): alive. $7.25 men of non-Russian families. Leaser method of settling thele differences. Death may be slow, but he 118(1113 b whirls• despite n skllfnl surgical op- to $7.10 for mixed lots. and I luncon, who made it their bus- Two cases of dynamite were to } e pro tan, ended in his death. Quito Egg,. -Straight st ock, $171c to cutches up• bless to overawe the Chinese ins It ought to bo accounted a crime • perial cum's with stories of Rus- placed 100 ydss apart, and to each r•,.,,•nt 1' one of• 1l*. doctors who were l vc; No. 1 dulled, 19c to 20k. to kill time. isia's might trout the legation at, was to be attached n long ruse. Elle11 in n1',u(lance un biro confessed that _gutter -('false creamery, 2'1ic to Some social lions aro merely dun -i Pekin, were of Levantine and French rival was to ttako his seat on tete ('0+zi', symptoms had shown all the ' 31v; undergradcs, 21'tc to l2',c; k,•vs in disguise. 1 of the boxes, the: (uses were to be lit ,.harncteristles of intestinal belle- ,►airy. Itte t0 2(tc. 6 oxU'acli II ! Aiu►ultaneuusly, tool the uuui oho re- ' g It's tunny haw a shirlwtwist suit! The tww Russian W'ar Minister, tion, pro{ ably due to the presence of Oats--{ rices show little change. Makes a 1111111 walk. 1lioedi er. Is until of the Co -u 1nines his Rent the ]umger was to by glass filings. a lbdloel Oatx-:\ru in only a nord- 'Ihe swell headed Ulan has a stuffy g declared victor. Al the time ap- • col demand and the feeling , n the air about him. school, PHYSICIAN'S STATi:HENT. to the nriny, ahe•re the tradition of 1'"ltt,„1 the duettists duly enthroned o::,aket is easier. The oftener a man loses his temper Russian glory is most de'cply runt- theniselv,s on their, respective „eats. In the course of a preliminary ex- t•.,1.I1n1c,ul-Pearl hominy is in mod_ more he has of it. I ed, the bins npjninsl forelguera is and nminntfun in court he added that crate request. + Life is a comedyof errors; a fru ('olzi's wife and children seer,. in his iGsy-:1 fairly brisk d mond giv,s a g- � tvtdespreatI !!lost ue•n who saw the 1'sl{: FUSES 111:{t1: 1.11'. ! opini(rn, surterin1l f um the sump dis- lil'111 and,•, time to the market fur the United `antes. - edy of disappointments. !early fighting in llnne•huria agree Some people have nightmares, even 1 Is the tire ran hissing along the fuse order, but that tiignor \'unelliirg, I.a1ed hay. PULL O1' MINERAL. 1 g shot the utast competent of Kuuru- whilp sleeping on their opportunities. and death came nearer and nearer, Colzi', lady friend, who was very ' 1 :terythin indicates that Canada .\iter the g plc' 4t s Ooneruls acus the unfortun the' Spaniard ttu'1u'd first pale tour highly c•oneecte(1 and exorcised a (z gossip has told it all and etc `(taueeiser•g. th.,i green with nlurrn, and finully,lgreat intlornce in Rmclely both At f 1!1:F'1'AlA) (1l .%1N 11.'1lt F.l'. is full of mbnern p the precious added n good deal to lhr original ' 1(e was Ret to du imju„sihle lnsks• +unaibie to bear the strain any longer, pistoja and 11018i' had threatened !•'lour -Quiet and steady. W"heat. metals, coal, iron, coppr.•r, tin, nick- story she ends by saying, "There's a such as, with au,001► Men, to force Jthat rhe wcu:d ruin hint if he reeve nint•r frm: No. 2 re 1, tile; \u. 2 el. phosphate . and, In fact, every- whole • lot that 1 don't remember!" ,tile Japanese to raise the siege of 11h11„•d down and took to his heels. 2 thin); that the requirements of the Marriages are made in heaven -and ('ort Arthur. «nu hi' mus Ieft to Metuiwhile, his American rival main -`expression to his suspicions. Isis whit o, 83e. ('orn erne No. , yellow, tv;.rld de•minel ahoeaide to say no- uunlnde on earth. ' mined his seat placidly, never mot'-'con::clrncr, hiwever, would not per- stoic; No '2 corn, .i!1ic. Oats strung withstand the hardest blasts nl thing of oil. !'hese fields aro time I If n singer's volae has n Zine range Linuyang. ftp is a Hoitir province ing n muscle, rind when his fuse IIRd!mit him to Maintain silence any Nu. 2 whirr, '1!)r; No. '2 mixed, 271c. Lar untouched. How valuable the lit may succeed in making her a fat' 1,uthe•ran• the sound, scientific lien-! burnt itself out he calmly dismounted lung,.r. Barley. oleo. sold at 15c. Ityr un- dental sire taint: be gathered from one Reel- pocket hook, prul of the (;e1 mom stmt type. innd emptiest anti teak Luny rho The Indy has been nrrestpd on ,u,. settled; No. 2. 62c as!.(„1. Canal ,lentil find on the 1'emisk«nnpng ; .\a to whether "n foul 'and his •1'he• leave it -to -chance orthodox sus`'"• which, as ho knew well ' pinion, and is now awaiting trial. freights steady. liaiftvey. fn 1)18! ing n cutting for *money are R00n parted" dv;•wldx nl- Slav bad as lotto in common with wiougli, were tinsel with nothing! Poisoning by n+pans of powdered tie. 1rnrt`e. cobalt was first discover- together on how nrlch be has. him as with (;ripenberg. the gallant "("re "xploxive than Raul• gloss or diamond was a in ('.'*TI'].E M.%ItKET A man who is tired of the wprld is 'rho (fallowing romantic story couu's Italy in the 1610 century. lienvenut0 ed, which. upon expert examination,old Swede who mus treated with us The ran o; catlL• t'ferin� nt the proved to he more silver than col- . no more so than the world is of hint. black ingratitude by Kuru catkin as from Vienna. A young Gorninn peer (•,•Ilini (1500-1571) relate, in his halt The discovery was upon land ' 11's strnngo (hat there are very few i the latter was he the Czar? quarrel het isith another peer of autobiography an attempt on him l'nrunto Market of •1'd:vs.i;,y' tt11 3patchedBut it is only in the army that Czech nationality. and a duel %tri„ ; by powdered Ills in his fund when again light and, wittt '.•am " dement' h.•ld for its tlnil►er, nnu, under the buys these days 1100 wear y breeches. arranged between the. disputants. The; 1 : for ell kinds, prices were we11 mein - any sentiment of }ltll+Rla for the flus- f3' in prison. It wits also one of the ' law:„ of Canada, cannot be worked !,tined. ♦ altars holds good. The political side ,isles of the Gernuul peer, h"..."•"'' famous Burgin methods of ;miser,- Export cattle, eel ice 1.:.(► ?1 75 A '1'11.7 !)I' \I'l'l:ti. of the Government is in its person a fascinating young luny of twenty -(81 1 net a rneitl mixture --more so even one years, found n means of pie- h"..."." ie ♦ dug 1 to nteel:ual. '1.'20 4.10 rection with llttvvers trying than the names indicate. I venting the encounter. first she do others 4.00 4.:10 went to the ('tech nobleman, intro- ON 'MK SAVE SIDE. Bali, 1.JU 4.00 Loris �IplikotT, the, great reform Minister, who drew up a coustitil_ (lured herself to him, waxes' eloq.ieet An old woman %Am p.•rsistt•(I in Cows ll.('0 3.73 tion for :%lexander Ile had n Rus- $ 011 her hese for her trotter, and Au i homing out ing church servo... when- Butchers' picked .. 4.10 1.10 Satanwee gond to chime 1,41(1 4.10 Ian sounding name, but was, ill fact' wrought ("1 ,.•e .••••••6 men's . -- an an American by hath parents. 'that. ho promised nut to aim nt li, tiered. was reprimanded by the fair to geed ............ .1 i:) :1.80 opponent when the word was given minister fur so unseemly tt titbit. du common _ :125 to fire. slaving disposed of the , n- The reproof had. h0%VeN • •1, «o effect, du eull 2 i1112 3.511 .'10 emy. the plucky g irl conquered her and the minister asked her finally, in Bells brother by Vividly picturing the re- exaR ration, why she thought it Feeders :: ••„ 1 , A tnorse or a man who shouts another me.ess ry to bew.y do nm•eiiuln :: :: r(1 in cold blood in n duel, end extract- ••\Well " ,he replied, •'civility costs do trolls n She Sere, (teed .. -,,i ('1 ed a promise from hint that he tthin,:. and you never knots' what du ere,h to _ :••• ill happen•" _ Bulls 1 ��- Milch 1• .... ::n,„ : o. �) WOI:K13) DAY AND Nit;ItT l: xi Friend-' Iles your baby cut all of do t ar:(•, I do , . 1 fi turn of races and welcome it. They sequel was a marriage between the regard all the talk of the mysterious Czech noblemen and tlh0 sister ul his Slav destiny, to understand which tler+nart up{ •nt. Witte says one should be born and :\ SENSIBLE 1'01111 ole BIJFI. bred in the country, as so much was that arranged by two Americans humbug. who loved the same lady and deter- lt ib'servicev►ble enough lictiuu to mined to settle their rivalry once for frighten timid reformers from inter- all. Neither, however, was anxious tering with the bureaucrat's pre- to lose his life, even it he trust lose serve,. 1f the distinguished defen- the lady; so they arranged that their tiers of the Slavonic vera, which the respective figures should be outlined Slays themselves are nut greatly 111- 011 the trunks of two cunteni.•nt tcrested in. should cease to get silt out of the public taxes One may ex- pect them about the same time to cease preaching *11e11 the r lofty mission of protecting the Slav world from Western bereeits of free gov- ernment LEADING MARKETS 'l'ORt ►N'1'O MARKETS. Wheat -Ont aria -New, No. 8 rod anti white, 75c to 7tic; ell, 77c to 78c, at outside points. (.uus0 and spring nominal. 11 hr:tt-ltunituba-No. 1 northern fur ()comer delivery mus ofTe:•c(1 hero 011 1\'ed11e:May at 9(k•, lake ports. teres, and that each rival should fire rash quututiuns arcs -No. 1 north- hulf-a-dozen shuts ut his imaginary ern, $105; No. 3 northern easier, rival on the tree -trunk. The issue 86e to 861c. hake ports. was very decisive, for in one case the flout,-lk•alers' best bid for 90 per arboreal victim was shot six times cent. patents for export is $3.10, In the body, while in the other case buyers' sucks, east or west. Mani - the trunk did not reveal tt single but- tole prices are unchanged. First _= lot opuses '1`he good shut soauredl the patents, $5.30 to $5.10; second pa- ludy, while the bud (1110 surtfvt„l to tents, $5 to $510; bakers', $4.90 to FUNNY SIDE OF DUELLING and mom extraordinary $,, An a„{uully exlraordltaary way of lfillfeKvl--Bran.-liruu. 811.50 to _ settling a dispute, mlforlunntelyJ with alt per ton in cur lots, at outside QUEER WAYS OF SETTLING ai less hapl;v sequel, meas the follow- points, shorts, 817 to 819, according Ing duel between ttwo .1apunesu at1l- DISPUTES. cern who chanced to meet on the lm- to quality. 1Lwitoba bran 517, shorts $19, Toronto and equal freight points. Outs --'284c to 29e for No. 2, new fur export; old, 36c to 37c, at out- side pointe. Barley -New or old, 38c to 43c, at outside points, according to quality. (lye -Dull, 57c to a,f(c at outside Only second in iwportetwe to her wheat production, if indeed it long remains second. will tie the return promised from the forests anti mines, non practically inaccessible, but to be opened to the world with the completion of the ((rand 'Trunk Pa- cilic Railroad. So Inc we have re - ferret: only to the building of the main lino of something less than 4.(4(40 *n des, but it is the purpose of the ca.v.• iiineIit of the Dominion to Lnal,i innumerable branches, so that. th.• ne,st remote parts of the main Lee wilt be brought into 1011•:h with the existing railroads uot only of Qu, ,ahs, but of this country. One of tie lines is already under ton- srrnrtit'll-fromn 'Toronto to Lake 'feauiskaming, about 800 miles north in a straight line from the city on (.oke Ontnria, Atwell interests ars' represented to a degree in the Victoria. Vancouver and Eastern roati, on undertaking of 111'. .lames .1. Hill's, in British Columbia, with extensive ratnitieatitnr, sout0 of the International line. 'Tint others be- side 11r. lull hey.. their eyes wide open t • the beer,. is not surmise, fel .already Arlo reran roads have Re- vile, d, through purchase or other- w•ise, existilli properties which are heading toward the new country. All lois means great husine,' for ('anadn and t share • •i her prosper- ity rosper ity for until the timber is removed. But stall i,n) open ground was found which w'n, n(ms'ible to the 'liner, and that was pr-olnptly opened to development. This wag a little more 11101 two months ago. Since then n population of 7001 has gone In and within six weeks 13 compan- les hegnn operations. The result, which has been verified by Govern- ment officials. in the ,ix weeks was a proriurtien of $2,:100,000 In ,flyer. And this was secured without pro- per machinery and oith makeshift nppiiancee. The silver is not In packet,, according to reports of the tteologi. al Department of the Pro- vince of Ontnrio, but is in veins, which are exposed ,•n the surface and are traceable for ninny miles. The Ore away'(„! n dollar a pound Granting that there may he ex- aggeration about the reports from the 'I'emasessnng district. it must be admitted that Ruflicient has been ehotvn to [wise the hopes of our north(•ru ts/efa lire that this hitherto In con to emnhisc experts in the witnees- box in murder trials, n case is re - caller) where the lawyer looked quiz- zically at the doctor who was talti- fying and said: "Doctors sonnet trues stake mis- taken, don't they?" "The sante a, luseyers," was the reply. "But doctor's Mistakes are burled six feet under ground," said the lawyer. "Yea " said the doctor, "and lew- yer's mistakes sometimes swing in the air.' I'1:AC1:1'Ut. TIMES AT LAST. Nell -T am surprised to hear that their married lite is so peaceful. When they were engaged they used to tight like cats and dogs. Belle--V'es. but they don't see near- ly so touch of each other nor". a Russian of historic family. eats the Minister who more than arty tither single man gave the present zenistvo campaign its opportunity and direc- tion. It is Illustrative of the entire history of Russian administration would not aim at his opponent at that i'lehve, half a German, half a the decisive moment. The duellists Pole. should have stood as the im- met in total ignorance of how each placable opponent of Western access had been renderr81 hnrnhlese to the to Holy Russia, and that Sviatopolk other. When the word wee riven to Mirsky, the deseendRnt of Russian fire both dischnrioel their pistols irto his ipoth? chiettalne for centuries and not a the air. a procedure which caused Proud father-' Vms. indeed!" Sprit , ,rh ..... :• 'e tax manipulating bureaucrat, stood great astonishment. se both had es- friend-"If(W did h.' tit 1*, su Cali... M �� t., i for political liberty and unfettered'pres'.(•d their determination to ram(itlick1y?" ' access to the experience of the rest to kill. The Indy nte'lintor nt *hie l'roud I'nthrr•--"Oh, he del it on i!• - • ' 1 • , ,'• ( _ to " ` * of the World. Juncture appeared on the field era ex- the ren f did the runtime with i!•' 1 ,:!•' • - . :: " , n +.r Russian Liberals recognize the mix• plained the situation. The happy him while he did the cutting." do (.:t:t l .85 0 110 ' 171 '.1 1 .►+1