HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-24, Page 8Great
Cheap Sale
twig/rm.-wig" wriwarrier
aullia.seulea Ala.alla ilk alkali
Miss Amy A. Johns wishes to an-
nounce that she tvill resume teaching
on September 1st.
The laborer is worthy of the hire -
especially when it is a woman run-
ning a lawn mower.
The new advertisement of Carling
--OF- Bros. in this issue is well worth read-
ing. Watch it from week to week on
the front page.
Lotrr-9;,c. in corner of handkerchief
on Main street, on Tuesday of last
week. Finder kindly return to Mrs.
Sutton, Main street.
Monday, Se t.4th, is Labor Lay and
a general holiday. It is expected that
London and Seaforth Quoit Clubs will
be here on that date.
Mr. Thos. Hawkins sold his fine
driver on Saturday last to Mr. T. W.
Hawkshaw, of London. for a figure in
the neighborhood of $200.
Farmers wishing to plow their hard
land, fast, easily and well, should buy
a Cockshutt Plow from 1Vm. Mitchell.
Implement Agent, Exeter.
The Main street Sunday School pic-
nicked at Grand Bend on Friday. The
weather was excellent and the child-
ren enjoyed many a fine boat ride.
Messrs. Sweet and Bawden, who
were awarded the contract to lay the
cement walk on Main Street, south of
Huron, have commenced the work,
Wood thievee made themselves busy
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Howard on
Sunday evening, during the lady's ab-
sence. Quite a quantity was taken.
The Exeter Juniors played a game
of baseball with the Centralia team at
Centralia on Monday last. The score
was 26-11 in favor of the Exeter boys.
Hubbard says that in the Older
States and in Eastern Canada oppor-
tunity knocks only once at a man's
door, but in Manitoba It goes round
with a club and makes you give in or
get out.
To make room for
Merchant Tailor.
Nosiness Locals -- Read Them
Take your butter and eggs to Stewart's.
Ili arcs tAe pace, others follow.
For 25 cents, paid in advance, you
er your friend will receive Tim ADVO -
CMS until the end of 1905.
For Bummer Complaint, Diarrhoea,
etc., the best remedies such as Extract
e$ Blackberry, Extract Strawberry,
Chamberlain's, Corey's, Dwight's and
Zefloy's remedies. For sale by C.
Lutz, Central Drug Store, Exeter.
Yen's lVomen s and Girls' Rain (;oats,
lig stork, special raluea. Stewart's.
Ilteawa eeetorea for Sale.
A number of choice, standard bred,
BM birds, to he sold in pairs. Apply
at this office.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at the
Central Hotel, Thursday, August. 24th,
all day. for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
consultations. Eyes tested and glasses
Having purchased the Exeter evap.
orator, I intend running the same
this season and will be in a position to
pay fanners and others the highest
price for apples. -- W. H. Lxvierr.
Nceets Riders -Notice.
Notice is hereby given that any per-
son caught riding a bicycle on the
sidewalks within the corporation of
*be village of Exeter will be prosecut-
ed according to the by-law made and
provided for such cases.
By order of Council
Aral Jap. and Ras'Isas.
The spectacle at the Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition. Toronto, Aug. 29th
tn*lept. 9th, is this year to be on the
stoat comprehensive and complete
sonde ever attempted in this country.
There will be onwards of 600 partici-
peat's. including companies of Japan-
ese and Russian soldiers. Japanese and
Rn•isian dances will be introduced by
a tx,vy of lady experts, specially en-
skew Forecast% for Anstst.
The last storm period in August will
Gall within forty-eight hours of six
ocluck a.m. un the 30th. Tidal waves,
seismic and earthquake phenomena
are almost rt eel 1.einty in many parts
of the globe not far from Wednesday
the:10th. An excessive period of gen-
e ral warpath will prevail over most
wt'ts of the country up to about the
Last day of August. at which time vio-
lent. stormy and rains, wind and thun-
der will sweep over central to north-
ern states, over t he (creat Lcakes,nntch
et Canada anal over the north Atla o-
tic coasts and high seas.
The New Fashions ie' Skirts.
"The closest :attention trust he paid
to the fitting of the present-day skirt,
whether it he short or long," says the
December Delineator, "for a false line
about the hip.' is ,a defect that cannot
be c safer(. Kilting continues pop-
u lar; the plaits growing narrower and
more numerous and fitted more care-
fully to the hips. The newest modifi-
ation of the fashionable circular
skirt has a bias effect in the front and
at the sides and full plaits in the back.
in tailored gown. the line of union is
left plain, or else it is emphasized by a
Shaped fold finished with fine cord.
He will mike yoga a beaut-
iful Suit of Clothes at a Spec-
ially Reduced Price. Yon can
m►ke no mistake if your need
1Dt1lO Cif/thing.
loran! Tailor, Enter, Nub
Messrs. N. D. Hurdon, Alex. Dyer
Frank Knight and son, Frank, are
spending few days fishing in the old
river below Grand Bend. Woe unto
the fish! May the shadows never grow
less (the fob's).
John Bissett,of London, formerly of
Exeter, on Saturday, in the London
Gun Club shoot,won the trophy in the
second series, which has extended over
the last three months. The trophy
was a beautiful cup.
Seaforth, yesterday, held a summer
carnival with the worthy object of
getting money to purchase the recre-
ation grounds. Besides other sports a
quoit tourney was held, in which sev-
eral of the Exeter players took part.
The death took place in Stratford
last week of Mrs. Pinch, a former resi-
dent of Exeter. Deceased had been
ill for some weeks. She had during
the last few years resided with her
daughter, Mrs.(Dr.)Bothwell, in Strat-
Mr. Geo. Crawley, by force of cir-
cumstances, does not move very rap-
idly these days. On Monday evening
he injured one of his legs, the result of
stepping on a banana peel. The leg
was not sprained but we are inclined
to think bis religion was.
In the place of Mr. O'Brien, who re-
cently resigned, the Exeter School
Board have engaged the services of
Miss A. Chidley, of Clinton, a winner
of the Blake Scholarship in mathema-
tics and the holder of a first-class cer-
tificate. Miss Chidley will have charge
of the Commercial work.
At this time of the year we should
he careful that the water we drink is
pure. A few cents will buy an ounce
of saturated solution of permanganate
of potash at a chemist's. Add a drop
of this to n tumbler of water and if it
turns brown it is unfit to drink, if it
remains clear it is quite safe.
Mr. Samuel Fulton has disposed of
his dwelling on Huron street, t i Mr.
Chas. Dorwond, of Chicago, a former
resident of Exeter. The Trice paid was
$900. Air. Fulton intends moving to
Granton where he formerly resided,
and as stated last week Mr. Durwood
will stove here in the near future.
Mr. 1Vm. Horton has just received
word of the death of his sister, Mts.
Horton, of Brockville. This is the
third sister M r. Horton has Inst since
March, all of thein, however, had more
than reached the aalloted span of life,
the combined ages of the three aggre-
gating 258, or an average of 8ti years
After the midsummer vacation the
rural schools re -opened on Monday,
while those in villages, towns and cit-
ies will reopen two weeks later, Sept.
5th. Owing to a scarcity of peda-
gogues throughout Ontario a number
of schools are yet witholtt teachers and
there seems to be little or no likeli-
hood of their being supplied.
Mr. B. 8. O'Neil disposed of a por-
tion of hie hon.ehnld effects on Satur-
day last by public auction, Chief (sill
wielding the hammer. Nearly every-
thing sold well. We understand Mr.
O'Neil will remain in town for a few
weeks before moving to Toronto, while
Mrs. O'Neil and daughter, Mise Irene
will visit in Lucan for a time.
A total eclipse of the sun will take
place on August 29th and 30th and
will be partially visible in this part of
Ontario on the bitter day, Ailg. 30th.
It will begin at 5;39 a.m., the maxi-
mum occurring at 0:31 and ending at
7:34. It will be one of the grandest
and most striking astronomical phe-
nomena that has ever been witnessed
in Canada.
On Tuesday the tinpleaeant sight
was seen in the village of a men driv-
ing a team of horses, txath of which
were enfTering from what is commonly
called "greased heel." The sight was
most pitiful and I think, Mr. Editor,
that when life must tie it pain and mis-
ery to the poor besets they should he
despatched with as little delay ss pos-
sible.- Cost.
i)4. ilelen Frances Gibson, daughter
Mr. G. (i. Gibson, of St. Louis, Mo.,
formerly of l'sborne, bloke h••r right
leg in a fall near Sandy Hoek, New
i'n'k, on Saturday. 11r. Gitsarn is s
rn rksh1y clever young I.
dy 7471d i -
the only regular a•nm en'1i , r.,I aasut
ant in the MAoh..tt;.n ewe•, ear „n.l
throat h••wpitel. She is also a regnla•
ass'stwnt at the Ni,thern dt•p.•rt.o.
in Ito -horn and hold. '-bn,... beth..
•tn,lr•nts rat tits New ti'•.tk T•,,�t-ei.o1 ,
to hospital.
Mr. Ernest White. who has been
working for Messrs. Hawkins & Son,
as tinsmith left Tuesday morning for
l.ueknoy, where he has accepted a
similar posit ion.
Rev. James Livingston, of Iondon,
a 'lethodist minister well-known here. j
narrowly escaped drowning at Port
Stanley on Saturday. Ile was saved
by his son, IJouglas.
While fishing about fifteen miles up
the Maitland from Goderieh one day
last week Mr. Frank Toni, who has
been visiting his parents here, had
phenomenal luck in one little pool. In
three easts with a three -fly line he se-
cured seven beautiful black bass, hav-
ing a total weight of 1-1 lbs., 2 oz. The
first cast brought up three, and the
second and third casts two each. The
largest weighed 2 lbs., 2 oz., the other-
two lbs. each. Of course, these were
not all the flsh Mr. To►n caught. By
the one -at -a -tithe ruethod he secured
several other tine bass during the day.
P ares Laborers' Exeursior.
The date of the first farm Laborers'
Excursion to Manitoba and Assinihoia
has been changed from August 20th
to August 25th. The early ripening
of the grain is the cause of an earlier
demand for labor.
Plower Festival
With Art and Curio Exhibit will be
given by the \Votuan's Institute in the
Opera House, Exeter, on August 31st
and Sept. 1st, commencing at 2.30 and
7 p.m. each day. A musical entertain-
ment will be given each afternoon and
the orchestra will be in attendance
each evening. Admission 10 eta.
Miss Halle, Mrs. Hastings,
Pres. Sec'y.
A Novel Setteace.
A novel sentence was recently met
ed out to a Michigan farmer who was
too fond of his booze and while being
novel it is well worthy of being copied
by the otherudica ty. The judge's
sentence read like this: "I will give
you thirty days on your own farm and
of caught off the premises I will have
you confined in the House of Correc-
tion." Needless to say it had the de-
sired effect the man now goes into the
city, does his business and goes home
sober and has not tasted liquor in five
Oa Nei Italia
An agitation is now on foot to have
Thanksgiving Day fixed for the last
Monday in October of each year, in-
stead of making a different date each
year. Undoubtedly there is no better
day for a holiday than Monday because
it gives people, whose occupation calls
them away from home, a chance to
spend two days with their families,
and there is not the slightest reason
why a certain week day in it certain
month might not be always suitable
for a Thanksgiving Day, just as the
first Monday in Se tenibet• is fixed for
Labor Day. The Ottawa Government
is being asked to consider the matter.
For similar reasons our Municipal
Council would do well to follow the
example of most towns and cities with
regard to Civic Holiday. Most places
have this holiday fixed for the first or
second Monday in August of each
year, which is touch more satisfactory
than having the dates vary so greatly
as we have had in Exeter.
Died of Nis Injuries.
The sad accident that befell Mr.
Robert Cann, of the sixth concession
of Usborne, last week, has terminated
fatally, and as a result one of the oldest
pioneers and moat highly respected
residents of the township, as well as a
usesul life has been brought to an end.
As was reported in our last issue de-
ceased had been working in the barn
and in some unaccountable manner
fell from the prow and injured his
spine in such a manner that he never
recovered from the shock. At times
be would brighten up in a way that he
would lead his friends to look forward
with some degree of confidence to his
recovery, but on Sunday his condition
was unmistakable and tie passed
peacefully away. Although he had
long since passed the alloted span of
life his untimely end has cast a gloom
over the whole neighborhood. Deceas-
ed was horn in England in 1825, conse-
quently he was in the 80th year of his
age. Mr. Cann was a consistent mem-
ber of the Methodist church and a
staunch Reformer in politics. He was
a mean of high moral standing. noted
fur his sterling qualities and to every-
thing he slid he :applied the qualities
of thoroughness. Ile leaves a wife and
fancily -three sons and three dough•
tars--Thoutas, John and Charles; Mrs.
George Kerslake, and Mrs. I3. %'iI-
lituns, of Usborne, and Mrs. Miller, of
Kincardine. The funeral took place
to the Exeter cemetery Tuesday.
Death of Archibald Modaert.
Another of the sturdy pioneers of
this district pays nature's debt and is
laid to rest from his labors. We refer
to Mr. Archibald Hrxigert, who passed
away at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, on Saturday last, at the nge of 77
years, 6 months and 1 dray. Mr. Hod-
ggert had been ailing ever sinee hast
December from an ,attack of gangrene
in his feet, and while for the greater
part of the time he was able to be
around the disease was gradually per-
forming its deadly work. It was
thought that an operation height int•
prove his condition and with this end
in view went to the hospital, where he
underwent an operation for the re-
moval of the second toe on the left
foot. The operation, however. proved
of no avail and the disease spreading
rapidly through his system soon his
life sante to an end. Mr. I1 tdger•t was
horn at Kilharchan, Scotland, in 1828
and four years later carte with his
parents to C';anad;a, settling in the
County of Lanark. in the year 1853
he moved to the township of 1-shnrne,
whet e, by dint of energy, he stieceed-
ed in accumulating considerable of
this world's goods. 11e tensa 1hnrnngll
f:arno•i, it man of sterling irrineiples.
honest and industrious and his many
old ftiendsand neighbors will learn
with deep regret of his demise. About
siat.•e•n years ago Mr. 11 slgrrt moved
1,1 the town and has proved bilnwelf a
too-, worthy t'itizeri. To polities he
, Iteha Ilea and in religion a Meth-
(el- teeing :, consistent member of
rre•s MI,,•. 1 church. Besides
• tt id' •tw he t+ ..11 w i w.• I by a
rip f:aeniIV Of einechtldren --five
•t. rt. f •,,, ,,,e,. Vr.. David
T3 .I.: r -l(' I1. .t \ra
it....t . iis.
Al. er. •1 rt. •1r• hrlr:,ld aterl
it' n 11 ..•.,, ._ ,w, ... brought
I,. a t• •
ill fn,..•ral taking
• 'in h's 1 - .1• m.o. /furor,
s;. • ,•m••tery on
Tir• v.
t''r2_Vt, nif:l..•
Mooney's Perf>et• ion Cream
Sodas are crisp $qaa ies
ci wholesome nourishment.
They are the food that
builds strength and muscle.
They are .s easily Armed
by the chid and invalid
as by thewort nan.
They contain ttfkoms„od
properties of
than wheat flour, in a form
that delights the appedla.
Always fresh and tip in
the moisture -proof
As all tis kiwed
pawl Psi:
Mr. Ed. Clark is visiting in Wing -
Mr.. and Mrs. S. Martin are visiting
at St. Johns.
Mr. Geo. Hawkins returned from
Detroit Tuesday.
Mr. Eli Snell, of Perry Station, is
visiting at bis home.
Mrs. `Vood (nee Della Hill), of De-
troit, is visiting here.
Miss Anderson, of London, is the
guest of Miss Bobier.
Mrs. J. D. Atkinson left Monday to
visit friends at Clinton.
Miss Jean Carling, of Clinton, is vis-
iting Mrs. E. Christie.
Miss Elsie Handford, of London,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Etta Kitson, of London, is the
guestof Mrs. Willis Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Fulton spent Mon-
day and Tuesday in Grantor'.
Douglas Stewart has returned from
a month's holiday in Toronto.
Miss Eleanor Parker, of London, is
the guest of Mise Edythe Beers.
Mr. Wm. Dignan, of Lucan, spent
Sunday with his parents in town.
Mr. Frank Weekes left Saturday to
spend a week visiting in London.
Miss Johnston, of Goderich, is this
week the guest of the Misses Toni.
Mr. and Mrs. Trick and Miss Trick
are visiting at Mr. Geo. Samwell's.
Mist. May Sanders returned Monday
from a visit with friends in Forest.
Mr. S. J. A. Boyd, of Hannah, N.D.,
is renewing acquaintances in town.
Mrs. Egan, of Detroit, is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet.
Miss Thackwray, of Comber, is the
guest of Mrs.Jatnes Dignan this week.
Mr. John Snell, horsedealer, has
been confined to his home through ill-
Mr. Geo. Webster and son, of Mich-
igan, are visiting the former's brothers
Art. Snell has taken a position with
Mr. Chris Balsden at Melbourne, tail-
Master 1Villie Birney returned Mon-
day from several weeks visit to Bel -
Mr. and Mrs. Hilborn, of Paris, are
visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. A. J.
31r. W. J. Heitman returned Satur-
day evening from the London Military
Miss Lottie Hyndman left Saturday
to attend the millinery openings at
.hiss Oliver Hooper, nurse, of Vic-
toria Hospital, London, is visiting her
home here.
Alta. S. Sweet and daughter, irno,
and little Alis. Maty Davis are visiting
in 1Viugham.
Little• Miss Lanita McFalls has re-
turned ft ow a month's visit to her sis-
ter in Stratford.
Ur. W. J. Clark, of 1Vinnipeg, spent
a few drays during the week with
friends in town.
Misses Edith (iitlley, of Blyth, and
Ethel Bee, of Parkhill, are guests of
Miss Miry Gidley.
Mr. Geo. Byron, of Windsor, spent
a few days tinting the week at the
house of \1r. C. llirney.
Mr. and .Mrs. James Bissett, and
daughter, Lvvie, returned to their
home in London Saturday.
Additional Loral+ on page. 1
Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical
Examination Free,
By Dil. !':. F. HUTTERFiELD, of
Syracuse, N.Y. Believing in clairvoy-
ance or not. there is no gainsaying the
fact that the doctor can explain the
snitrre told ';rose of your disease either
menial or physical and has restored to
health iota happiness many helpless
invalids all their lives. Send lock of
hair, name, age and stamp to
Syracuse, N. Y.
Fall Term Opens Sept_ 5th,
it pays to get a hominess education
'n e v ,. i.• r o
n, i. to hoof h h an A moat
and it pay•t g t t
for it• stod. tits after they graduate. This school
i• n-+•aro.•..1 to he one of lh.- Lest Iluaineas t'ollewea
Cana la All one graduates swore positions.
R ince• r'' I' ge' fr.•gnenth aptly to u. 10 ae••ure
ort 'what.• is tea hers.
write for free catalogue.
T. Hawkins & Son's
Nails, Glass, Oils, Cements
Heating and Plumbing
And you will find it is the cheapest spot in town
T. $Awsuvs at SON.
The demands in Furniture
change with the season -as
well in our lines as in clothing
or anything else -as cool furn-
iture is as necessary to com-
fort as cool clothing.
If you want to get comfort and
pleasure out of that shady porch or
verandah you want one of our Renee
Chairs -wide seats, easy backs, al-
ways cool and comfortable, exactly the
thing for veranda, parlor, hall or lawn.
The Leading Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Craveuetles For Ram Coats.
For Rainy Weather
or Sunny Weather
or all kinds of Weather
Our assortment is large and consists of nothin
but the best. In colors of Grey, Fawn and Tweed
Our showing of Cravenette Coats is of the new-
est designs, style and finish. Ask to see them.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford ready-to-wear clothing.
Dining Room Chairs from $4 a set to $15.
Dining Room Tables from $6.50 to $22.
Sideboards from $10.00 to $32.00.
Couches from $5.00 to $25.00.
One Door South Spackman a Store
igiudaknncina tekAIr>i ans tt
Big Clearing of
Child's Straw
Sailor Hats.
50c. Hat for 38c.
40c. Hat for 25c.
20c. Hat for 15c.
All New Goods.
A fine assortment
from which to choose