HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-24, Page 7iff qb•;-.gb•;•ii.•; ifr,11:•ii,•;•gib 4 :41.11 •;•iii •:w ili ..;.11,.;.ib"Henimting7" exclaimed Alnaford. got out of the drive! Nobody else neatness, and it Is her prime that "Just about three o'clock." "I know. slut I told her to, which there are always many chances A ROMANTIC LIFE STORY "When did it happen•!" knew we'd struck it rich then except were she ever to be run over, of "C 1 Mavens! But ht---" began same." an the in the streets of Paris, and taken to !JELLS NEWSPAPERS, BUT .70 :\ins(ord, thinking of that voice at "And how many did you buy?" `a hospital to have a broken leg bet E♦TS ♦T ♦ FIDTE SOTEL. .. the telephone, and then checked hien- said the manager, looking at hint nut an undhrned holo would b1 found S• I I On the End _ 4 sell. All things considered, it aright keenly. lu petticoat or etocking. Old John Burt Has for Years •j•• • ••_• be well to say nothing about Mut. j "only about two hundred." 1iules httvieg been darned. the °- f the Wire •• ' me?" didn't you telcphoiu fur; "{lush!" said the manager. "Icy spring dress fre•shemtd up into a Been Fighting to Set Right i.• etc? asked Ainsford, who was the way," he continued, "I sco sumune• ono by some me stemma a Wrong Verdict. ••!• wr.wUing with a now psychic pro -you've muffled the telephone h,•l1. tr:umsform,utiuns in harmony with Victims of injustice are aloe~, but 4 Ment. What's that fur?" fashion, and uuulaute being timet(~ 1 ...; ee:g•►:.,.:..4.W.�.ee+e, �.�.g ee.. "1 would have, only the door of I "hang the telephone -bell!" si►id satisfied that she looks well, then, few of them hate such n romantic the office was lot•ked, end Hemming' Ainsford irritably. And to himmetef but then only, commis moesieur's din- hietur•y us Jelin W. 13urt, r: little I• had the key. 1 heard the bell ring, !he said: "Ilut 1'd give something to nee. He would never dream of ask- white -bearded Ofd u,an who sells • too, while 1 was teeing the dour; but; know what was at the end of the Ing for it, of course, while she is uc- newspapers. boot laces and :notches Ainsford himself told the first part of this store; but the sequel ho did +thtu I team, hurl: w u crutsliar wire that day!" -(.endue Answers. cupie'd with the amid -it lhev hay o for a living, sleeps in one of the and out tell. That saute trout uuulhut broke it open. be thtshtel if the i source. 1 belit•vu it. betcause 1 have -6 *ren the share register of the com- pany, anti the broker's buying -notes. giving the date of purchase of ccr- tuut blocks of Golden (food shares.'Those are in themselves evidence of the story. En• m du nut buy in thou- sands on matting. One afternoon in June. which is the dead of *inter in the Far Smith. Ainsford was working in his office in Waihon. a little mining township still in its childhood. Exactly at 3 p.m. tho telephone -bell rang in tho outer office. The telephone communicated with the manager's office on the Golden Road mine. fifteen smiles away, up in the wild bush ranges to the north, and was installed in n little, clinker -built, two-roumu"l shanty, bearing, the title of "Office of the Golden hood Mining Company." Ainsworth unhooked the receiver. "Are you there?" came a far -away. metallic: voice, mingled with strange hun►nting noises of wind on the wire, for it was blowing hard. "Yes. Who are you?" replied he. "Is that you, Ainsford?" "Yes -yes. Is that. Hemm- ing?"you, Hea- ing?" Without answering the question, the voice hurriedly launched into its message. "(fu and buy," it. said. "Huy heavy. 'fell my wife, and see to it for her, will you?" "What? have you struck gold, then?" began Ainsford. "1 tell you, go and buy!" camp back hope tlent ly. "For Heaven'ssake, buy big, and look after Jessie. I can trust you. I know. 1-" The voice broke off in a metallic cackle that ended in a confused crash. Then there was silence. "Hang the thing! I believe it has broken down," he growled. "What in creation Is tho matter with old Hemming? What docs ho mean? Never knew him up to any games of this sort before." Tho manager of the mine was away, and Ainsford, his assistant and assayer, was in charge of the office. It was Ills duty to wire at once all news of Importance to the head office in town, and it was not part of his duty to use information concerning the mine fur his own be- hoof. "Can't understand his telling me to buy blindly like this," stuttered Ainsford. "It's not his way. Won- der if it can be some devil trying to trick me? But no; it wits old Ifeni- uting's voice.". So saying, ho opened the door thoughtfully and walked out. "1'1111m -ten," he muttered. "Wm, just tines to skim the market before • the Exchange closes. if I two right away. Never knew old Hemming to make a mistake. It's good enough." • And ho stepped forth into the yel- low stud -hole between the office door and the hogbacked strip of macadam in the middle of the street, a woman approached him -a little, thin, freckl- ed, big -toed woman, but still pretty. "Mr. Ainsford," she said, laying an anxious hand on his arm to stop him, "ring up the mine, will you, if you don't mind? I'm afraid there Is something amiss with my hus- band." "Something amiss,llrs, Hemming?The wonmi n's face twitched, and a tear started to her eyelids. "Sucnetng's cone over hien," she Insisted, in a low voice. "I'm sure of it." "Oh, tlnlleellae," said the other cheerily. "Why, hu rnrig rue up only a few rninults ago." Mrs. Hemming shook her head, but listened quietly while he told her her husband's message. "[lave they got on -told, then?" she asked, when he had finished. "Don't know. Ile didn't say. 'Buy' was all he told me. But I know tho number three level must be cleat, 011 the roof to -day." "Hut how ant I to buy," began Mrs. Il.• ing, thinking of seven hungry mouths to be fed and of a light purse. "Uta, that's all right, I suppose," said Ainsford. "1 ie wouldn't say buy unless hu knew. There's going to 1,e a big jump in prices, you can bet. Look here, I'm going to wire to sty broker. and it's no use buying against each other. We'd better do it in one big line, and strike an average all round. Your husband asked Inc to sex to it for you." m Mrs. !leming shook her head drearily, as she w•ulkewt atcay. But Ainsford, when he had despatched his telegram. thought no more of her misgivings. During the afternoon, he several times attempted to ring up the twine, but could get no answer. Six o'clock came. and still no word clone. The telephone was 4111101) and at last Ainsford could unit no longer. Ile got his horse, saddicei up, end set out for the mine, and a few hours inter he reined in the panting mere by the side of another horserrmt11. "Is that you, Mr. Ainsfurd?" cele).( a voice in the darkness. "Hallo!'That you, Bich? What's the ntntter?" Ainsford dismounted as he spoke. "Come along. for lieaven'e sake, Mr. ,\insford," replied the elan hur- riedly. "The number three level has fallen in! I was on my way to tell you." "Fallen In?" cried Ainsford, re- mount e�- mtountini . "\'t•.. nn thnt belt of rotten Coun- try we went through just afore we struck 1 • (' lined bar at two hundred feet." 'Great Scot' .\m one below?" !'The Bogs and (lemming." LEADING MARKETS Hit EAi STUF'1'S. 'Toronto, Aug. 22. -Wheat -Oar trio -74e to 75e for No 2 red meed white at outside volute, obi No. :( red and white are quoted at 77c to 78e. (:oust, and spring wheat tare purely nominal.wheat-!Manitoba-No. 3 Atirrhirn nominal at 81.01;; No. 2 northern, 81.11:3, and NO. :3 northern. $7e to 871e, lake purls. Flour -t Oil atio-tit► per cent. pat- ione-or tcith her own needle nnet I.ondon county council's (heap 10(1g- eats fur export aro unchanged at blessed 'phone w,edd •o. 1 expoet ♦ 'thread in humbler houachulds. Itut ing-houses and feeds sumptuously $3.20 to 53.25, buyers' sacks, east a tree has mine: .d the wires." j �S ithe secret of monsieur's dinner, of three times a day nt Iho Hotel C'rcil. and west. Manitoba --$5.30 to $5. - "You -you did not notice anything THRIFTY PARISIAN WIVES coarse, is that it to t sho e'a itlsu_ one of London's must luxerious ear- 40 for first patents, $5 to $5.10 for queer about it, did you?" asked the that is to soy, that she enjoys it one I1 is probably duo to second patents and 51.99 to $5 for other. just nx 11111(11 us ht, the fart that the requirements of bak.rs'. "No. Why?" inquired !Bch. won- HOW SHE I)1ANA(: .S HER Every single article of food, except his inner man are so ahnndantly sat- Millfeed-Ontario-llran. $11.:,0 to (tering. HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES. •fruit and vegetables, tieing much isi1ed that Burt, despite his 145 $12. shorts, $17 to $19, uceorting "Oh, nothing!" said A insfurd -. : dearer in 1'tris than in Loudon for years. endures his lot with patient to quality, at outside points. shortly. Studies Looking Well and Eating various complicated economic rods- resignation and sanguinely awaits Oats -New are unchanged at 2Hc Whatever he thought Ite kept to Well -Finances in Hands of ons. the dinner in question must ul- the day when his wrongs will be to 30c for No. 2. Old oats aro 1 • self, and they rode on in silence, ; ways remain a mystery to those tin- . righted and he will be restored again gnut,41 at :Ire to 37c for No. 2 itt up hill and dawn across open fern- Women. familiar with the arcane of cookery. to affluence. outside points. land, to the miners' crump. l'eu•is, like London, has her foolish But the (nett( are there. Some facts It is to Premier dick Seddon of i1arl•y--The ,market is Rbc to lite virgins and wives, who try to tool; are conspicuous by their absence, New Zeeland that the old ,ran is at uutslde points, according to ,luu- 11. as if their fathers or husbands had s'tch as cold meat. It is true that indebted for this strange tempering lity, new or old. "Well. Peters," said Ainsford in- ten thousand a year when they just Paris meat is usually uneutably cold, ' of the wind to the shorn Iamb. The ltye-Hull at 57e to 58c at outside quiringly to the foreman of the shift, have ten hundred. But there aro cit•- so it trust ho done up: 1pict.ure:sgla colonial atatesm,►n pus- points. as lie entered. "Have yon fnwtd-" fainly fewer such in Paris than in! BUT HOW 11' IS DONE, UP! Isessee the virtue of never forgetting ('ors--('+►nurlian nominal at 53e to Tho man spat dismally into the London. I Observe how tho thrifty French I an old friend. lie and Burt were 54e, Chatham freights. American grey ashes of the open hearth and 1f you go into the liveliest sets, lady has u luncheon served of a !Pals at tho Ballarat gold diggings firma at (;2e to (32ie, lake and roil nodded. Ainsford had no need to where the ladies of n summer's day juicy omelette. unknown in England f in Australia long years ago, and for (reights, for delivery nt vomits),finish the sentence. 'There on the aro vaporous upparitiuns of low and -where the thing called omelette is two ~tats shared all the hardships points, or on track. 'Toronto. long trestle -table, under tho glare of tulle. for which you suppose that springy, thick and dry -four ounces ; and luck that came their way, Then Pea,, -The market is conaiderably the swinging kerosene -lamp, lay the heaven only knows beau nursieur can of mutton hushed in some secret way I they pn•ted company and did not lower. in view of good crop pro - body 01 Hemming, rigid and silent. pay the dressmaker's hill, you willwhich makes you eat it. a liliputian "et mgnin wail they accidentally spects, being quoted at 05c to li7c The clothes were stained with soil. find, writes a Paris correspondent of cotelette per person, with souffle po-Imeet across eneh other in London a for No. 2 outside. ten %Ve got said before we'd gone onIle *lust t ` these the omindrean,s a lyfse fah, Gott tiey n o had t tt> tntoes-the cookery of which is up- i few years ago. Burt was then hnv- (fulled Oats -55 t rr curs of barrels ha' been for the mouth of the 1 tits,.~ elementary, if not iuslinc- !Ing a hard time of it to keep him- on tr nt k here, and *4.7 for cars of makingut home by h seamstress, ;1t ten- tit u, with Frenchwvtmen, while we;se•lf out of the poor -house and 5ed- iegs; 2;,e more. for broken lots horn drive when it came in." ' pence, or nue fttutc an how , 011 11 must go to first class hotel chefs to , don Was being feted everywhere as and 40e outside. All night. Ainsford and the men model bought from a big firm-; ro- get theta -a cake from tho pastry lone of the apostles of imperial unity. toiled in the hot air of the narrow bably the only dress obtaiiii'l from cook's round the corner to follow, `That made no difference to , tunnel by the flickering candlelight,: the lir•m this summer. The Paris cos- then Camembert just ripe to a turn, i COUNTRY I Ilt1DL CF;. and just when the day was creeping; tender thrives on fort"gm custom. fuel strawberries -but these must not ' THF: BiG-HEARTED PREMIER. ]Sutter-lZuotatiuna aro unchanged. grey -(acrd over the mountains there I Parisian ladies have erre gown from he boasted about , for they are al- : Ile broke an engagement with a tit- Creamery, prints 21c to 22c was the muffled sound of a voice' hint per season, and hat.' 1110 others ways better in London, whither, of ;led nabob that he and the old man du solids 20c to 21c Within fromfromthe bowels of the earth. 'copied from it at home. Su much course, the best aro sent from Brit- . utight dice together al. The Cecil. Dairy Ib. roll;, good to ithiu hull an hour the manager wits for tho thriftless wives of Paris! her luny. 1b cap it all contra the coffee, And when he returned to New ?,ea- choice ... 17c to 1Hljc sitting over the cook -house fire telt- the others -that is, ninity-::ire out generally undrinkable in Paris cafes, land he left directions with the pro- du medium iSe to ll3c ing Ainsford how it happened, noel of a hundred, the tern, "thrifty- wife" always undrinkable in London cafes, praetor that Burt should be allowed do tubs. good to choice 1Oc to 1.7e. beside the bench on which ho sat ware is pleonastic. Uvery wife Is thrifty. usually perfect in Paris houses where to take what meals he pleased there, do inferior 14c to 15c certain canvas hugs, on which he Thriftlessness Is highly improper- ('hecse-11 }e to 111je per ID. 1 w118 once privileged to receive the It was a trumpery dispute about a i''t(gs-tluotatiuna are unchanged at confidences of n French Iady who had watch that was the sourco of all the 17 Je to 181e. lived in London in n flat. She had misfortune that has dogged Burt's Potatoes-Quolationa are about two servo:as; a meld who was per- footsteps fur the last seventeen steady at title to 7(Ic per bushel. fection, and a general cook, who was years. For aurae time after he and Baled Hay -Car lots of No. 1 titn- English-irm fuel, Cockney. Tho Seddon dissolved their gold -pro- ut11y, old And new, are quoted at conk's beau and eggs were really su- ; 8peclhng part Warship he prospered 87 to R; .SO per ton on track hero, perb. Ilor boiled dumplings tette and acquired a valuable farm in Tas- with 4(S for No. exquisite. Ittyond that her scie•mce resold. One clay he sunt a gull Baled St,aw--Quiet nt $5,.5O to 50 was dim. The Preach lady (so she watch to u wutc•hnnaker in F'ingul to per ton for ear Iota on track here. told me) took cook in hand on the : be repaired. lint the watch that Brat tiny, esti Thee an d ow be- was returned to him was another MONTREAL MAItKF:TJ. aEuro her ayes. The cook sat down on watch and of inferior quality, ac- Montreal, Aug. 22.-Livo hogs e chair with a faro like an astonish- cording to Burt's story. The meat- have been further advanced to $7.25 ' full moon. ` said i( mule her ter was then taken into he a nervous toggs about so," The omelettesee madame whisk court. 'There to $7.75 per cwt., according to qua - the the {;ist'ates urged Burt to ac- lity. It is not likely that the price ho e was dorso and ready to serve before sept a judgment of non -suit and in of dressed hags will he advanced, cook had recovered. ; the presence of a witnen,s return the but $10 will be the lowest quota - Then madame:stewedt up yesterday's watch to the watchmaker and then tion. mutton. She made some auburn -col- site again to recover his own. hurt Provisions -Heavy Canadian short erred sauce, she conjured with herbs, :acted on their advice. He got slug- cut pork. 320 to 521; light short she Juggled with condinments, shegirl for his pains by the watchmaker cut, 815 to $19; Ala,,•iean cut clear kept the pot on the move over three and was laid up for several weeks fat hark, $19.25 to $20.75; corn - flames of the gas stove all the t imo. In consequence. 'Then he sued the pound lard, 51c to 04c; Canadian ('sok sat mopping her forehead. ! watchmaker for assault, cluiuuing ptit•e lord, 10 i to 1lc; kettl a ren - When the dish was done, cook tied heavy dunnages. When the case cafes tiered, Ile. to 12c, according to qua - her 'menet strings, which had hither- I up for trial it was discovered that lity; Items, 12e, 13e to I tc, accord_ to been dangling, and shook the dust I Instead of a judgment of -suit h ing to size; bacon, 18c to 11e: fresh of the kitchen from her feet. Shoverdict had been enterer{ against killed abattoir hogs, $9.75 to $10; was a cook, .she w•as not going into ! Burt. In view of this the court tlis- alive, $7.:15 for mixed lots, $7.60 for service at her time of lift. to du ! missed his claim with costs au►ount- selects. necromuttcy• • ing to over $1,000. F:ggs-Straight stock, 18c to 1830; .1s a matter of fact, the French Since then Burt's life has been one No 1, lee. Indy was no cook at all In her own long struggle to obtain a rehearing Butter -Choicest creamery. 221c to opinion. She would not have ven- of the case. That a wrong verdict 22tc undergrntl•s, 21�e to 22c tared to counsel a good general ser -'had been entered was admitted. but, (lair~, 1Mc to 2'(ic. vont knowing cuisine in Paris. She as the iegal authorities of 'Tasmania Oats -Old are now q td at i c merely knew the half -doyen simple interpreted the law, there was no for No. 2 and •14;c for No. 3 white trirk.•e of cookery which every ordin- way by which the wheels of justice per bushel. New crop ants aro else nr;v French woman seems to kuuw• could be revolved backward and Iho weaker. and aro now quoted to ar- kept a watchful eye. ;like smoking cigarettes in a cafe, to, His story was soon told. 1lo and' give un example. It may be bccom-' llumining had finished examining the ing in a than, when his wino is not reef, and had taken their samples for looking, to throw the shillings, or, assaying, when they discovered that better, the sixpences, nbuut. But no they had no sealing -wax. Hemming French woman who respects herself' hurries( off to fetch 80111C, and hod will do it. Sho leaves that to the not reached the tunnel -mouth when' ladies who do not respect them - there t•nnte a roar and a rush of wind selves. For that matter, the latter that blew out the candies and left generally are thriftless only for the the manager imprisoned in tho dark- gallery. because they must su; to to nese. spoor at filthy lucre. At home, in That was all tho manager kno,v private, they are natural. indulge the ahout tho accident. Then his eye inborn passion of thrift, and save up! wandered to the bags of samples at yeatut•day's roust to make his side. A IIASit FOR LUNCH TO -HAY. "By .love, tho reef is looking Prot- A thriftless wife in France world ty!" ho whispered, with a profes- be looked upon ax dangerously eccen- sionul enthusiasm. "She'll go threo tric or probably orad. A wife is "icy ounces, if she goes a'weightt" definition" thrifty, in tho F'rench- Abmsturd did not answer. Ile teas man's view. The poorer the husband thinkingof the silent. form upon the the thriftier the wife. Ne people table, and of a woman's anxious spend more money than some Pari - face, and was considering whether a' sides, but even they (10 not upend it dead roan's trust was lucrative as a wildly. rho smartest womanin spe"ulatiun I Parisian society has her dresses care - The Board of directors of the 0old-(ftiilt utendc4l, when necessaIy, by u en hood Gold -Mining (7ompany, Lim. maid. and laughs at actresses wlogre- ited, smiled cheerfully round the, fuse lu wear dress twice. Ip the table when the result of those assays bourgeoisie thriftiness and propriety were laid before the chairman, with.are he cardinal virtues the telegram •ing the str•iking In the professional classes life is a of tho teef. They sent hack a letter: perpetual succession of miracles in for Mrs. (lemming, enclosing a . making sixpence go ns far as it shill - cheque for her husband's hack pay. ing. Tho ouvri0ra, on their earl, and and a few lines of typewritten con- .1heir wives. succeed by economical dolence, which she read dry-eyed and'and sensible management in living without remark, But rebut. the new iabuut twice as well as English wurk- bonnt could not un(terSlund was i men and work women, who often, at that the news of the find in the mine l all ocenls in all ranks of unskillal had been discounted on the market i labor, draw about a third Inure somehow, and that all the floating. wa ea. tihares had been picked up quietly k wrong verdict changed into a right rite nt 8i i; In nth for No. 2 while, nearly twenty-four hours before tho It wolcld, nt the saute time, he the +- one. The watchmaker had and 87c to e r for No. R white. The news reaches( them. greutewt mistake for the thriftless A ISI(1 I'OL11'll'AI. PULL, demand is only for small lots. Mimi - news made inquiries, and found wife, to set down the thrifty French DAINTIES IN HOP.SE: LESH. q woman as a frump and a dowdy and that was exerted against ilurt netts continues quiet. that sellers were asking ten shillings, hausfrua with her mind in her pots -- to the utmost. in the fight, Burt's Flour -Manitoba spring wheat pat - and more, and thut buyers were 1n Germans Aro Now Compelled to farm was gobbled up by the lawyers eats, $5.30 to $.i.70; strung bak- the market within a few hours of the and pans. (►n the coalesce , it ini)---: Turn Attention to Them. nceident on the No. 8 level, and le -'rola suRrring nut a singlo c•xeoptlon and his means utterly exhausted. erg'. $5 to $5.40; tinter wheat pat - fore it was known to the miters that that the French wunlan's lirst core The conFidernbfo increase in the Finally, the attorney general of the eats, 85.10 to $5 2 ,, straight roll- tho reef had been struck at all. 11 in life is her own appear Lice Every prices of beef, mutton, and pork colony declared that the wrong ver- ers, 8-1.75 to ?t.90, and in hags puzzler) the board of directors. But one in the countryrecogni'es that, throughout tho German Empire gives dict could be expunged and the 82.25 to 82:1.;. and acknowledges it to be and occusie,n to the trade organ of the right verdict substituted for it umly 1ltllfrrd-'.Intitnbn bran in hugs, they were (1ixtlnclly annoyed when g right proper. i•u f German butchers to draw attention through a special act of the imperial $18 to 51;: shorts, 81!) to 7l2(! per to the ever-increasing use made of Parliament and the royal assent tun; Ontario tract in bulk, 1'11..10 horseflesh as an nrticle of diet. Iforso thereto. to $15: shorts, $19 to 520; milled flesh is more free from parasites than ' Public feeling in behalf of the old mou(((e. 321 to 324 straight groin encs--tu look wall and beet and pork, and richer in with- man who had been beggared In his mrtuille, a2t1 to 529 per ton. creto-floored body of the Exchange I to eat well. i.10 rest will take caro anent. It is only sentiment (says efforts to obtain justice was strongly Rolled Oats -!12.40 to $2. 12 per marked Golden hoods at 25s. buyers, ,° itself. tho trade Journal) which tends 80 aroused in Tasmania. A fund was hag. Cornmeal continued quiet and with business done at 30s., so thyro Needless to say, the preliminary mutiny persons to object to it. Pro-, raised to enable hint to comm to at oily at 81.15 to 51.50 per hag. was reason (or wrath on the director- .step of securing the pursestrings lies gross, however, is being (nude in sur-, England and prosecute his claim Ilny-No. 1. $H.50 to 89; No. 2, ate of the company. •• te'e'n taken, as a matter of course, n mounting this prejudice. Horseflesh , here. Ile orrived in 1899. ile air $7 50 to $H; clover mixer(. 80.50 to • • • • • v weak after marriage. Nut ono dealers lire unable to execute all the pealed to Quern Victoria. to the 87, and pure clover. $t1 to $0.25 per 1'renchnian oat of one million resists. orders which reach them; indeed, so Privy (Seined, to the 1f0ttee of ton In car lots. "I just ran round to ask how Ton Among the wealthy, monsieur has his flourishing is the busiurss that nen- Lords end to King Edward, and the - - were getting along," said Ainsford's allowance. Among the fairly well off emus dealers, who were formerly only resell, has been an acrumulA- BIli'1'AI/► (11!A15 MARKF"1'. drip voice from the darkness, as 11rs. ho keeps back (-nab for his three even- content with a cellar, aro now tnov tion of documentary evidence that Buffalo, Aug. 22. -11°11r -quiet and Hemming opened the door. "Kids call i►igs it week at the nnfr, ter the res- ing into spacious and well-equipped would nearly Till a furniture tan. weak. Wheat -Spring .lull; No. 1 right? No; 1 won't (01111' in. Here's tatirant dinner and theater outing, shops. Tho wrong verdict still stands northern. 51.141. whiter strong; the paper. Our shares are huuruing. :unee ur twice n weak, and for hid 111 Berlin there are 200 slaughter- against him. No compensation for No. 2 red quoted at N;,c. Curn- Oh, you ;te seen it, (food, Isn't it? tailor. Among the working classes, houses for horses, and in the suburbs n fortune dissipated in striving to; I'Irm; No. 2 yellow. Wit.; No. 2 earn. Th. y'll o la e ft „ Iho endeavors, not always successful- year:. evnphoe ing about a thousand get it set right has been awarded 1S0c. Harley -Dull. nye-quiet; No. Mrs. Hemming thaked him auk - fly, to withhold free francs men. The Berlin municipality io- wnr(tIy, and in a voice that shook, tends shortly to provide a largo ern_ him. Ilnt sustained by the 1 1i-12, file. ('anal freights steady. "Oh, that's n11 nonsense!" ho said; ON S•\TL III).'eY F\'1:XiN(38.hal fern Prot ict1'd far bin through ' teal slaughter -house. Una of Ham- Seddon's generosity the old man still gruffly. I Mut in all classes, without excel,' burg's hist -known products is hnr,u- K' I.1\'1: S'I'(H'K �tAlIK1:T. "Rut you have paid for tho shares tion, he hands th.• hulk of the house- "No. ouse- flesh sansrtges. 'I he Industry has al- men l- cont his gallant tight against •1'uronlo, Aug. 22 -'1'h.• following Gtr rue.' hull Monty over ro the "miFsus" or read} been in existence for fifty legal red tape and ciremul riatlon. were the 11uo1utII In'.: - No, 1 hadn't," replied ho ,,n- to Madame la Marquise. lie would }cars. A cun.ider+thle quantity of Ile declares he will not return to I'aport cattle. choice.; 1 25 to fit 75 blushingly, 011(1 in still gruffer tomes. not dream of attempting to do other- these snuxngts, it might be men ion- •Tasnnnin until he has obtained n Ito.. tnldiuun .. 4 0.7 1 2.'i "You'll have to roil presently to t+"lsr, nor would a single French wu- tsl, aro exported ns beef suusal es. tlecieiun one way or the other. The Do.. butts S �,t► 3 75 eover. 'l'ho brokers will wnit, man stall his attempting it for one l'rnhnhle 0,000 horses are slaughter- chance!' are that he will h0 dead, {)o., cows a 2:, :1 50 - though. 'Theis rt, quite Safe. Iron' , hear. For that matter, she general el every year in Hamburg for food. and probably buried in a pauper's ISutrht'rs', picked 1 rat,•1 ;;r) .Ill too St ly lies n bit of her ewe, be she Not long ago in Berlin the owner ut grate, refute it is edreached.iq),► Thuile 8 75 1 10) Ile disappeared into the ,muddy .'lvriore or Faul g St. Germain 11 certain restaurant invited about "-�-� Ito., medium .. .. .., 3 50 3 25 :3 75 gloom of the rand beyond, mud d; great tach. It is an absolute fact fifty of his friends ton hnmquct• at I"hat cunt looks shall~," re- Dn, tntenuon 2 75 not mention thtat nearly all his small that the finances of France aro in the which dishes t f beef and horsee:1'sln marked Ilicl:s to his intimate friend Do., cottF, choice ,.. :S 25 a 54) profits to vuIiuus speculations on the hands of the women of hrnnce. were served, ani only six of these the poet; "why don't you have It Ile,, (40113Coin u,n ........ 2 Irl :t 53) his,tn had gone to {•nv the deposit on' '1'111}• are Worthy of the trust. They present were able to distinguish be- were "Do von think this cont Do., bulls ...... 1 75 2 23 Ferrabuyin 1 ft weak g t he cmth n intogtln,lnett c.11- 1111'. a if t'.in.(Olt, ani ess ngmnein- (wr'e'n the roust beef and the roast hat; three sides?" asked the imp:•cun- I'rrllers, short -keeps :i 75 4 U0 b well pelt possessing burse. drolly he fell ashamed of it. sheer gen Itis for the practical life, to ; ious one sadly; and nothing ,lore Iia . ttdhtt0 .. :3 10 8 75 ''She'd have dune a weep in an- the two eels of existence nlrva(tv-- _ was 98141 on the subject. DO., light 3 (HI :1 f0 Stockers. rheftr :S (rel other minute!" he growled to hint- spoken of. They will spend hours of ~- A prv,fr)sor, in explaining to a 3 i0 x111• as h,• lint over the sacritvin time and incalculable energy and in- 'class of Yount; ladies the 3heury mc- Du., c'lmtnon 2 till 2 v0 dishes halt an hour later "Woman (.•11it;tnce on looking well.g Nur is it S11(tlt'i'.1(f1: OF \{'01111, cording to which the hely is entirely Ila., halls 2 Ill) 2 23 are an Infernal nuisance'" 'merely looking welt, but being really Stout English ash and elm '."i�l r•cnew.d r".ery seven years. slid:- Export twXee, p• cwt1 (0) 4 15 The last sentence was uttered half well dressed. :\ French women will soon be unprocurable. according to "Thus, Miss Brown. in seven years Ito., hmhe ,., a 101: ►0 :{ 10 Mond. and a Voice from the door 'rather stay in bed( than go out with the s{•enkers at the t'essiun of 'Lo you. will no longer be Miss Itrown." Cull sheep, per tet. , :i 0 4 ,JO nnswered him. 'nn underfelt hole in a garment, how- Carriage Ruilters' Institute, held in '1 really hope 1 cha'n't," t:ennlrely Lambs. per cw•t. ....... 5 50 l3 00 "St) they are' ---so they arc!" said 'ever impcssihle it mnv be for tee London. England. Mr. S. WIthars, respou(ted the girl, modestly casting' Calves, lv•r cwt. :S 5t► 5 50 the manager, entering. "Talking o(Ionter world to set the blemish, of Shrewsbury, said that in WoeceS- down her eyes. Do., eat 2 0N, 10 00 women," the manager continuo I, '1 It would be there, and she meet tershire the country 84 MS w. r'• foil--; A womno merrier( and deserted td- Hogs, %Mee•ts, p. cwt7 ^5 7 :35 hear Mrs. Hemming hits made n good 04.1, as well as seem, perfectly (trees_ ing into the hapr1x of 18411110 who had (et 11 years ago is pro�eectitifi Ler Ito., lights, p. cwt7 00 thing out of (foods. hooks as if rd. 1f the greet l e k• gee.; titer till made their money in business and slid husband. She Faye she has only just. 1:0 , tale, per cwt7 W old (lemming had-" her toilette 111innt.'l', the little bour- not need to fell their timber f.•r mon- remembered that she loved hint. 1n \o; he didn't'" said the other gcuiee t.ho !•..= c. .-•• %%WI a etnr censidcrations. 'I he old (••,only the ft:sa of a %voiding. ono meet quickly. "I happen to know, beemhs�• htisltnnd and t.. n fi2•)c► a magnates who formerly h.11 the think of all thee- little chines :the "1ter marriage mss n great dLmttp- it was I who told Mr.. Hemming to tar •lo:s just ,;•ir, mrd the Feats used to have to ("11 I. their Itm- was base at the Gine. Maiden. 1.jty puntu:.•nt to her (Hewitt." "Indeed)" buy•" l'n,fsi:uc w''ii .t ..r s much r,. site. leer in order to fray expensed of c•irr. r„ta'l+i'1 he beet. osk�rl her'! Alen soh, yew! They all pre/Octet', it wnuL1 •'You? Why, she bought before I The sorts: ba.i : r. :e• .x n ',,.'gum 4 1 lions. are so unreasonable("- turn out unhappily, and it didn t,'1 the thrifty wife has looked after it. The bills are settled by r.wwut. the legal mutnnger. a month later, i ►l e , nuns e.ur first m all. flintier showed them t roust, ra for two thou- (-"110:8 next -hut it dues come next. sand sNarea at 7s. Rd. to tho natue 1 he French woman's ingenuity is of Mrs. .1. .ir llemnrnipg, therefore concentrated on these two The guutatou-llvt in the big. tun- 1 ends of exist