HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-17, Page 8►
Cheap Sale
The salt ttell was again put in oper-
ation Monday.
Winghaun is preparing for a big cel-
ebration on Labor Day.
Mr. B. S. O'Neil has decided to re-
move to Toronto shortly.
-• OF -- Mr. James Jeckell was in Sarnia last
week attending the funeral of a sister.
Mrs. Wade.
To make room for
Merchant Tailor.
Business Locals -- Read Them
Say, who busted the combine' Stewart
is paying 19r. tin butter and 18c. for
eggs. Ile's not in the combine.
For 25 cents, paid in advance, you
or your friend will receive THE ADVO -
CATS until the end of 1906.
Extract of Blackberry is a sure rem-
edy for diarrhoea and dysentery. Sold
by C. Lutz, druggist, Exeter.
Mooney's Biscuits.' -yes, they are the
best. Stewart sells them. And then they
are so cheap.
Do you suffer from tired, sore or
prespiring feet? If so use Foot Ease.
It will give relief. Sold by C. Lutz,
Druggist, Exeter.
The ADVOCATE is the proper place
to secure your printed wedding invi-
tations --in the very newest styles of
paper. type and workmanship,
The dandiest lot of Ladies' new Rain
Coats that we hare seen is at Stewart's,
and such yood values, too.
B rows Lctborus for Sate.
A 1111111114'1• of choice, standard bred,
190H buds, to he sold in pairs. Apply
at this office.
c. -I.&
Dr. Butler, London, will be at the
Central Hotel, Thursday, August 24th,
all day. for Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat
consultations. Eyes tested and glasses
Reduced Rates to Tomato.
Specially reduced rates have been
granted, by all lines of travel connect-
ing with Toronto, to be in force during
the holding of the great Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition, from August 20th
to Sept. 11th. in addition, special ex-
cursions will be run two or three times
a week from points within a radius of
300 miles.
You e.iu't bore bad pickles 1t you u.ee
Stewart's white wine ririegar, Horde fr.m
pure spirits, no arid.
11 1.OI' have a farm, house and
I �� Int, lir• real estate of any des
cription for sale, or wish to
buy any such property, you cannot do
better th 411 place your WANT with
the piopri't„rs of the At)VIR•ATl, who
have onewialled opportunities for the
handling of emir teal estate. Apply
for terms. They are easy.---S.tsllnits
k Outwit.
Noe 1•'•,11 I.in.,leunis, 11, :1 and 4 yards
wide at Ste w,„t'.•-the best mhos in the
Bicycle Riders Notice.
Notice is hereby given that any per-
son caught ►•Ming it Tricycle on the
sidewalks within the corporation of
tate village of Exeter will he prosecut-
ed according to the by-law made and
provided for such cases.
By order of Council
wearer's Irstitate Notes
Wolw+n's Institute are holding a
Flower Festival and Art and Curia
exhibit on August 31st and Sept. 1st.
Those having flowers or curiowould
confer a f+►vot• by reporting to the
President or Secretaryy.
Miss ilalls, Mrs. Hastings,
Pres. Secy.
'11) SEF:
He will snake yol. a beaut-
iful Suit or Clothes at a Spec-
ially Reduced Price. You can
mike no mistake if your need
some ('loth i rig.
/srcbant Tailor, Enter,
Mr. W. J. Heitman last week put.
chased the residence of Mr. Robert
Hicks, Albert street. The new pro-
prietor takes possession in the au-
Hicks' Forecasts tor August.
'1'ht•'ritd, 21th and'2.')th are days on
and about which reactionary storm
conditions will be marked and general.
This period is likely to bring a crisis
of summer warmth, followed by a de-
cided and general change to much
cooler with almost or .cite frost tem-
peratures over much of the country to
the northwestward.
The Sutherland -Innis Works at For. Srcceesfut Strderts at Exeter.
est were completely destroyed by 8rThe following are the successful
on Saturday night last. U students at Exeter School who wrote
Mr. Paul Madge last week went to. jet the recent High School Department
the Old Country with a large ship- Examinations: JunioiLeaving--hazel
anent of fine export cattle. Browning, Martha Carling, Vera Cob -
Mr. J. %Vhite, who has been a retts- hledick, Theo. Hartleib, )Isabella Mc -
dent of Detroit for many years, is malt- Dougall, Mary Roach (honors), Polly
ing preparations to move his family Windsor. Junior Matriculation -
here shortly. Mr. White came Friday Dolly Dickson, Herbert Whiteman.
night. Seven out of nine students were suc-
Rev. Mr. Locke, of whom mention cessful in the Jr. Leaving, and two
was made soave weeks ago as sufferingg out of four in the .Jr. Metric. The re
iron) mental strain, and whose mind salt is very satisfactory to the staff of
Wits iinpalred, is recovering nicely in teachers and to the public, and, tin-
Londou, doubtedly, highly pleasing to -the suc-
Wm. Snell has sold her resi- cessful ones, whom we heartily con-
dence occupied by Mr. R. B. Samuel, R..away
on William street, to Mr. John Hun-
ter, of Usborne, who expects to move A very exciting runaway that might
to town this fall, have been attended with serious re -
Rev. Mr. Richardson, of Wyoming. sults took place on Main street. about
y g. eleven o'clock Tuesday. Mr. Samuel
preached to the union congregations Ondmore, of the 5th con. of Usborne,
of the Main street Methodist and had driven up iu front of Mr. E. J.
Presbyterian churches in the latter Spackman's store and while the horse
church on Sunday. was standing there its bridle became
Very little grain is now standing in caught on the back part of a wagon.
this district. The weather during the The horse, a large powerful animal,
harvest season has been excellent and made a jump and with Mr. Cudrnore
the garnered crop is above the aver- in the rig started down street at a
age in quality and quantity. breakneck speed. In this perilous po-
Messrs. Wm. Bawden, of Exeter, J. sition Mr. Cuamore had nothing to do
Leckie. of Brussels, and John Cox, of but sit in the rig and await results.
Goderich, were appointed valuators On reaching Huron street the brute
for the County at the recent special made a turn east and slackening in
meeting of the County Council. speed gave Mr. Cudmore a chance to
Mies Flossie Sweet was amongst the
jumpwhich he did and luckily escap-
ednumber who were slightly injured inwithout a scratch. The horse was
Lou -caught Borne distance in the country
the breakdown of a platform in
don last week. She bas fully recover- very little the worse for its escapade.
ed from the injury to her ankle. The buggy also escaped without wuch
Mr. Joseph Mason, of Grand Bend, damage.
p 1.0. O. P. at Brockville.
who was arrested recently on a very Messrs. Wellington Johns and 8. A.
serious charge. came up for trial at Poplestone, subordinate lodge repres-
the ab ch once Tuesday, but owing to
es entatives, and Mr. Ed. Dignan, en -
the absence of two Crown witnesses campment representative, were last
the prisoner was remanded. week attending the I. O. O. F. Grand
Did you see the eclipse of the moon Lodge and Grand Encampment meet -
on Monday night? They said'twas to ings in Brockville, returning on Fri -
be a partial eclipse, but, if we are not day. Mr. Poplestone was a candidate
mistaken. it was total here. Of course for the chair of Grand Junior Warden
the cloudy and rainy weather may and succeeded in securing the fifth
have assisted the eclipsing body some- largest number of votes received by
what, but, certain it is we saw no the seventeen candidates. The result
moon. is highly satisfactory to Mr. Pople-
The hog market is again assuming etc,_ and his brother Oddfellows of
high proportions and bis hogship is Exeter. His chances for election next
without doubt the best paying animal year are very bright. The successful
on the farm to -day This week the candidate is Mr. R. R. Brett, of Essex.
buyers have been paying as high as Mr. R. N. Taylor, town, was re-elected
$7.10 live weight. Mr. John Shute, of D. D. G. P. of this district. The Grand
Usborne, delivered a nice little bunch Lodge meeting will be held in Peter -
of eight to Mr. Bobier on Monday for horo next year. -Unfortunately Mr.
which he realized $134. Poplestone was ill considerable of the
Latest advices from Winnipeg state time while in Brockville. -Mrs. PopPle-
that the Wheat Crop of Manitoba and stone accompanied her hushand.-Nr.
the Canadian Northwest will exceed Dignan ran down as far as Montreal
all previous seasons; a great number for a day.
of Eastern laborers will be required to Mill U.dirgeI*& Repairs•
assist at Harvesting. A Farm Labor- The Exeter Grist Mill has been shut
ess' Excursion will be run from points down for a time for the purpose of
in Ontario, going Aug. 29, Sept. 2 and overhauling, renewing certain parte of
Sept. 4. See adv. for particulars. the building and making such other
Mts. Chas. Dorwood, who has been repairs that when completed it will
visiting friends here returned to her rank with the best mills of the Prov -
home in Chicago Saturday. During ince. The owners. Messrs. Harvey
her stay here Mrs Durwood partly Bros., are always wide-awake to their
closed the deal for the purchase of a interests in this respect and as they
dwelling and intends moving here du nothing by halves a thoroughly up -
with her husband in the near future. to -date over -hauling, regardless of
Mr. and Mrs. Durwood formerly re- cost, will be the result of the change.
sided in Exeter and their old friends Many of the timbers have been replac-
will be pleased to hear of their inten- ed by that of new, and a good, solid
tion of returning. brick wall is being built to the elevat-
A quiet wedding took Voice in the or part and back midway of the mill.
First Methodist church, `Vindsor, on The entire frame work is to be (-livered
Saturday afternoon, Aug. 5th,when with a coat of iron, making it not
�( of only waterproof but fireproof as well
Miss Margery Della Hili, dao
from the exterior point of view. The
the late Isaac Hill, was unitedin mar-
nage to Mr. Thomas M. Wool, of De• proprietors are to he congratulated on
tavit The bride will be at home 4138 their enterprise. and the farmers may
near future eX c. 't.
Hnnttmlt street after Sept. 1st. Dtrs. in the n r (R' t, n see their
Wood will have the best wishes of her favorite industry in working orderWo(
niftily friends here for her future hap• again in 'industry in
than ecerito meet
pineCs and piosperity. their demands.
Fernie Free Press: "E. J. Eacrett, of Qrottirt.
Spokane, is visiting F. C. reams, Mr. `o less than forty 4144()i term from dif-
Eacrett was forme' ly connected with Street ports of Canada a and United
the Fernie Free Press and aft trwitidr States took pint in the big Saturday
ran the Morrisev Despatch. Since go. in London on Friday and tiaturdt►y
ing to Spokane he has taken over the last. Three events were played for
Spukyne Daily Report with whish he money prizes avid the ehan+pionship of
has been very successful. Mr. Eserett by Coined*. The championship wits won
Jimmy Hell, of Lyndon, in a close
intends taking a medical a 'se in b
Toronto, commencing this Fell." Eel. ion►for 111C3ith 3itnd('i19(11.eietTwo Exeter
is expected home some tune next platers, Messrs. Ed. Treble and Geo.
month. Andersun,and t.we Seafoith men,Mes-
The Central Busineas College of ars. Reid and Beattie, played in the
Stratford ie recognized to be one of first two events. While the three last
the hest Commercial and Shorthand named did not make a very good show -
schools in the Dominion. At present ing, Ed.Trehle did well in t«rah events,
there is a great demand in the Hind- In the first series he was one of the
nese World for the young men and last five men to he defeated, having
women who have a practical education first downed two players before he met
and those who desire to meet with defeat at the hands of Fox, of Toronto.
success in life should take a course in in the second series Ed. defeated three
the C. B. C., for we are informed all men and when darkness carne on Sat -
graduates get good positions. Those indoty night he stood to win second or
who are interested should write for a third money. He and his opponent
free catalogue. Fall terns opens on decided to divide second and third
Sept. 5th. money and toss a coin fur)sition
A large n'imber of our townspeople which his opponent won. Rd. has
were in London last week taking in been pitching in line form Intely and
the Old Boys' Reunion. The reunion he will yet give those cup holders a
wag an unqualified success, the attend• fine old walloping.
ing old boys numbering about 15000. Acclde.ta it ITsborse.
the weather fine, the city gaily decor- Mr. Matthew Routley, ar., of the
med. and the entertainment pleasing loth concession Of Ushorne, rust with
and whnleemne. in every uarticulsr the Unfortunate ,urcident of having
the affair was the greatest of its kind one of his legs broken on Friday last.
ever held anywhere. The occasion
was also the fiftieth anniversary of Mr Robert Gann, of the 6th conces-
the Daily Free Press, and the publish- Rion of i'9horne, was the victim of an
ers in honor of the event published a accident on Monday last, in conseq-
well•written end beautifully illustrated encs of which he now lies in a very
edition of fifty-six lieges on Set urday, precarious condition with but little
August 5th. The Free Frees ie, in a hopes for his recovery. Mr. ('ann had
word, a credit to the city and to West- been working in the mow in the barn
ern Ontario, the garden of the world. and during the absence of his son and
Word has been received here of the
Mr. George (sillies, who were working
death of Mrs. Jas. Harris, of Work• in the field, in some manner fell out of
loan. N. W. T., a former will -known the mow to the learn fluor abnnt seven
+nd much respectedresident of Steph- feet below. The fall . •ndered him un
cn and Exeter, who died July 29th, conscious and in this c ,edition he lay
after a short sure.e from kidney and until the other men returned to the
stomgch trouble. Mrs. Harris was bard. He was at once re •ed to hi+
among the very earliest settlers of the home and medical aid sommelier]. hot II
West and by her kindhearted deeds, his condition at the time of writing, i9 i it p•rys to get a tmeinee. education
partieulsrly to the new -comers in the very critical. it is supposed Li. spine i and it pat:. 10 get it in the h r.l whi h . an do n,nat
rairlP rot ince, she endeared herself is
badly injured, and, tying a very' old I r,e 41. rtadrnta af:.r tl,.) eradnat. Thu A. tinol
p p i• re.•ngni.e.1 !zit 4e,.:,4,4,44. ;ft: 31 be.; Iln„inem ('eller►.
to every person who had the pleasure man, hi. fa covert' is tet y doubtful. .nada. l ,t . .. nrr L.itinn..
if her acquaintance. Mrs. Harris vis- a tl .
ted many of her old friend. here only
a f. -w months ago. and her death will
learned with deep regret by them.
Ontario, Her funeral was very Isrgely attended.
of the
Mooney revolutionized this
tracker. He mads fah
admit that they never knew
how good crackers could be.
by making such delicious
crackers u they had nev.r
tasted before. Then he set
folk to eating Mooney's
crackers who'd never eaten
crackers before. In a year
he had all Canada eating
Cream Sodas
You'll see why when you
try them. Haven't you Buri.
osity enough to buy a boot at
your grocer's?
Conseil Miurtea.
Council met in the Town Hall, on
Friday, July 28. Absent the Reeve,
and Councillor Levett. Wood -Muir -
that 1. Armstrong be acting Reeve. -
Carried. Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved. A petition from
the ratepayers along Main street from
Wellington street to the south side of
the river, asking that the proposed
granolithic walk be not laid until the
existing board sidewalk become un.
serviceable. Muir- t.Vood-that the
petition be filed until next meeting of
the council. -(tarried. Wood -Muir -
No appeals against the street water-
ing assessment, the same was confirm-
ed. -Carried. Council adjourned to
meet on Friday, Aug. 4.
Council metas per adjournment in
Town Hall, on Aug. 4. Absent Coun-
cillor Muir. Minutes of last meeting
read and approved. The petition filed
from last meeting was again read and
on motion of W. H. Levett, seconded
by J. Wood, the prayer of the petition
be granted, the Council deciding not
to proceed with the new walk. -Car-
ried. Levett - Wood --that the Coun-
cil offer a reward of $25 for any infor-
mation leading to the conviction of the
person or persons who are house
breaking, and petty stealing.- Carried.
Armstrong-Levett--that the Reeve
and Treasurer are hereby authorized
to borrow $1000 for current account. -
Carried. Wood --Armstrong-the fol-
lowing accounts were presented and or-
ders drawn onTreaenr'er for same: Jos.
Sutton, street watering, $25; Queen
city Oil Co., gasoline, $11.4'2; Connor
Bros., repairs and grinding tools, $2;
G. Cudrnore. 300 feet of lumber. $4.80;
Rich. Qnance, label., $4.50; Wan. Par-
sons, do., 86.75; W. Brimacombe, do.,
$4.37; W. Davis, do., $1.12; T. Welsh.
do., $4; (leo. Cudrnore, do., $10.75; F.
Gillespie, teaming, $1.80; W.J. Bissett,
salary to July, $31.25. C. B. Snell, elec-
tric lighting for July $91.16, less $6.27,
$R5.811; Jno. Cottle, flowers for ceme-
tery, $21.50; Geo. Ford, fencing dump-
ing ground, $10; Wm. Hedden, brick
for cemetery, $10.50; (;has. Wilson,
labor at cemetery $'20.25; Jas. Willis,
do., $21.75. -Carried. Wood-Levett
Council adiourn until Friday, Aug. 11.
J. Senior, Clerk.
Council met as per adjournment in
Town Hall, on Friday, August 11. All
present. Minutes of bast sleeting read
and adopted. 'fenders for graniilithie
walk were received and opened from
Messrs. A1f.Ti►ylnr,Sanders and 'Treib-
ner, Hawden and Sweet. Levett-Muir
the tender of Messrs Bawden R Sweet
at 101c. per square font, hying the low-
est, be accepted. --Carried. Armstrong
Wand -the tillage rate of taxation he
19 mills on the dollar for all assessable
1property within the Municipality for
1)05 anti 0 ly•latt• try prepared confirm-
ing the same. --Carried. Armstrong---
Wood-that. a Hy -Law be prepared
and submitted to the ratepayers, ask
ing for $18,(KNI for electric light pur-
poses. Lovett- seconder- -that the
Council do not submit a By•i41w at
the present time. Reeve declared the
motion curried. Levett -Muir--the
Clerk write Mr. John Ford, caretaker
at the cemetery, asking why he does
not submit hooks and vouchers before
this Council as requested. -Carried.
1Vood-Muir-(buncil adjourned to
meet on Wednesday, Aug. Z3.
Additional Loral:: on page. 1
Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical
Examination Free,
Syracuse, N.1'. believing in clnirvoy-
anr,• 111 ant, thee,. is 11) gainsaying the
fact that the doctor can explain the
source and cense of your disease either
mental or physical land has restored to
health ,and happiness many helpless
invalids ell their lives. Send lock of
hair, name, age and stamp to
Syracuse, N. Y.
Fall Term
Opens Sept. 5th.
Strange to say ahnut a year ,ren his
.nn. Thomas, met with ,t similar acrid-
ent by failing out of a tree and injur-
ing his spine. from the effects of wr i• h
he has since been an invalid.
No.inrr ('nurse. ire uentl, a .dg, to n• to .e, lire
nor graduate. a. tea. hero.
Write for free eatalKue.
PI incipals.
T. Hawkins & Son's
Nails, Glass, Oils, Cements
Heating and Plumbing
And you will find it is the cheapest spot in town
k, The demands in Furniture
_ change with the season -as
well in our lines as in clothing
or anything else -as cool furn-
iture is as necessary to com-
fort as cool clothing.
if you want to get comfort and
pleasure out of that shady porch or
verandah you want one of our Rattail
Chat rs-wide seats, easy backs, al-
ways cool and comfortable, exactly the
thing for veranda, parlor, hall or lawn.
The Leading Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Craveiletles For Ram Coals.
For Rainy Weather
or Sunny Weather
or all kinds of Weather
Our assortment is large and consists of nothing
but the best. In colors of' Grey, Fawn and Tweed
Our showing of Cravenette Coats is of the new-
est r � designs, style and finish. Ask to see them.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford ready•to-wear clothing.
Mir NValir Nir lir'VAT' 'Ur 1W'g'v'tl>F'Ur lir
Dining Boom Chairs from $4 a set to $15.
1)iniug Room 'fables from $G.50 to $22.
Sideboards from $10.00 to $32.00.
Couches from $5.00 to $25.00.
' W. C. HUSTON tie oor . rut t .pec mans tore '
hulk alli,s aft AL ilk Atiik Ana 411•Akalkalla atltiietAll& ilk AL
Big Clearing of
Child's Straw
Sailor Hats.
50c. Hat for 38c.
40c. Hat for 25c.
20c. Hat for 15c.
All New Goods.
A fine assortment
from which to choose