HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-17, Page 5KIK
Ozeter glbuorate,
published et sty Thursday Morning at the 019,•e.
—By the—
POW_ t I NO 00
[ PU L
Una Dollar per annum if paid in (Ovules. •1.110
it not so paid.
a4u.x ;mass =stun oa .LPpUcea-
No paper discontinued until all arreara)teetie paid
Advertisements without specified directions ui11 be
yuWlshed until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for trans. fent a.hertiaements
Inserted for long periods. E.xer) description of JOU
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Chequer, money orders, kc., for
advertising, subscriptions, rbc., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Prefeaselesal Cards.
libDit. A. R. KINSMAN, 1. D. S., D. D. 13..
Honor graduate mf Toronto Uuiveriaty.
Teeth extracted without any ptin, or any hart effects
Office in Fansou's Blo. k, west ride Maio street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto Unix ersity anti Rmal
College of Rental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Atluminunt, Gold and t'ufranite Plates made in the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Ocoee one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
BROWN, Winchelsea. Li�•encd Auctioneer
H. the Counties of Penh and Middlesex.
also for the township of Uslorne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Poet Office Winchelsea.
this county and adjoining territories, to repre-
sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary $3.50 per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct
from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when
ueceasasy; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS.. k CO., Dept. 6, Motion Bldg., Chicago, 111.
5000 ! G RAPHERS
Annually, to feel the new positions created by
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want
YOUNG MEN amt LADIES of t;rxsl habits, to
We furnish 75 percent. of the Operators and
Station Agents in America. our .ns ychoot. are
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE
WORLD. Established 2*)) ears and endorsed by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a tL',() Bond to every student to
furnish hint or her a position paying front tit() to
e910 a month in States east of the Rocky Moun-
tains, or frotn 1075 to fila() a month in States wed
of the Rockies, Immediately upon graduation.
Students can enter at any time. No vacation..
For full direct
to our
regarding any oatf our Shootsarticulars r
writetudints to nnr a at any
N Cincinnati,
0. Catalogue tree.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
The wonderful power of Lydia E.
Pinkham's \'egetable Compound over
the diseases of womankind is not be-
cause it is a stimulant. not because it
is palliative, but simply because it is
the most wonderful tunic and recon-
structor ever discovered to act directly
upon the generative organs, positively
curing disease and restoring health and
I vigor.
Marvelous cures are reported from
all parte of the country by women who
have been cured, trained nurses who
have witnessed cures and physicians
who have recognized the virtue of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, and are fair enough to give
credit where it is due.
If physicians dared to be frank and
open, hundreds of them would acknowl-
edge that they constantly prescribe
Lydia E. Pinkltaru's Vegetable Com-
pound in severe cases of female ills, se
they know by experience it can be re-
lied upon to effect a cure. The follow-
ing letter proves it.
Dr. S. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigham
Park, Fitchburg, Mass., writes :
" It gives me great pleasure to say that I
have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound very efficacious, and often pre -
t scribe it in my practice for female difficulties.
" My oldest slaughter found it very benefi-
t tial for uterine treulle sone timeo, and my
mak weal er, and la surelyyoungest daugbter is DOTI n& in health
and "I freely advocate it as a moat reliable spe-
cific in all diseaw to which women are sub-
ject, and give it honest endorsement."
Women who are troubled with pain-
ful or irregular menstruation, bloating
(or flatulence), leucorrhoea, falling, in-
flammation or ulceration of the uterus,
ovarian troubles, that bearing -down
feeling, dizziness, faintness, indiges-
tion, nervous proetration or the blues,
should take immediate action to ward
off the serious consequences, and be
restored to perfect health and strength
by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound, and then write to Mrs.
1'inkham, at Lynn, Maas., for farther
free advice. No living person has had
thebenefit of awider r ese
cx in
treating female ls. She has
thousands to health. Every suffering
woman should ask for and follow her
advice if she want* to be strong and
WoGdti EtiOredi>tIy.
The ()trot F.'nylia fft»redy.
A positive cure for all forme of
Sexual Weakness% Mental and
sterols apo Alin train Worry,Rlnurs(ons, Spur•
mutorrhoca, Impotency Effcts of Abuse or
Ifs all of which lead toyWeakne
care d by all druggist' or mailed in p allllI
package onreceoeipytofprice. Write tor Pamphlet.
The Wood Medicine Co.. Windsor. oatarto.
The lorse School of Telegraphy.
Ciscissati; otilo. Batfalo, N Y.
Atlanta, Oa. LaCrosse, Wis.
Texarkana, Tex. San Francisco, Ca1.
In dead earnest for tradeand
the volume of it that comes
- our way is proof that our
Goods, Prices and Methods are
At Exeter and Centralia alright,
Storehouses THIS MONTH
Now ready for use the best
Cement and Lime
That money can buy. also
for Everybody at the lowest
Jos. Cobbledick
We will endeavor to interest
you in Pianos and Sewing
Machines. In new Instruments
we sell Canada's lest makes,
and will make the Prices and
tel'tns very attractive.
A few special bargains in
second-hand Pianos, Organs
and Sewing Maehines that are
bound to suit you. Can and
See 115,
Hair Renews
Renews the hair mikes it new nein, restores the freshness. Just
what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for It always
restores the color. Stops failing hair, also!r.a:taa a'' �1aa'ai
t( 1 • (.( •
K% 116 fr.
OVlfa NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you, and make a man
of you. Under Da Influence the braln be.o:n,y a. flys, the flood eurtfned so that
•11 pimples. blotches •nd ulcers heat up the n. ryes b,..ome strong as steel, so
that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency di=appear; the .)ea become bright,
the face full and a Isar, entity returns to the body, and the moral, physical •rad
sexual systems tare invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the
system. The, various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man
and kr, w nt ve i.+ge at,a l 1 e a falere. We I::': i:e 4.1 the alfltc:cd b, consult us
eorfdentlally •rad free of charge. Dolt lel Quacks and fakirs tub you of your
hard-earned dollars. WE WILL CtRZ TOC OR NO 1'AY.
Peter E. Summers. of Kalamazoo.
Stich., relates his eagerlene.:
'•1 was troubled with Nrtvoue De -
Linty for many )ears 1 lay It to In•
discretion and ,tresses In earay
youth. I became very despondent and
didn't care whether 1 worird or not. 1
Imagined everybody who lonke.l at me.
guessed my scent. Imaglr,aax•
• dreams at night weak, red no my bank k.
ached, had pains in the La. k of my
head. hands ltd feet were cold, tired 1 -
In the n. rning, poor at petite. fing•rt
were shaky, eyes blurred. hair loose.
memory toot, etc. Numbness In the
fingers wet in and the doctor told me
be feared paralysis. 1 took all kinds of
meds •rnes and tried mens Arrt-cta•s
physicians, wore an electric belt for
three months, went to Mt. Clemens for
serosa rsgarrleter baths, but received little benefit. While arete tamers,,,
at Mt. C'ereens I was Induced to consult Urs. Kennedy & Ke'gan, though 1 had
loot ■11 tart in doctors. Like a drowning man I enmmence.l the New Method
Tnatm•t.l and It sated my :i'e. The Improvement way like magic -1 could feel
the vigor going through my nerves. f was cured menta)y, physically and sexually,
I T.ace sent them many tFatlents and withcontinue to do so."
W'Rirc Oland cure
�yc treat and cure VAFtit'OCF.L1',
CoNSCT.TATION FREE. BOOKS FRED. It unable to call welts foe •
tlotstloa Diank for Home Treatment.
K Kt K K `\K K'•K
Mes.Jarttes Dobsen and .ix children,
of (;alt. are visiting for at few weeks
at their aunt's, Mrs. 1, Cletus -tits.
Miss Gertrude Miller has returned
borne looking hale and hearty after
two weeks outing at Grand (lend,
Mrs, I. Clements and her niece, Mrs.
J• 1)oh,;en, of Galt, .pet►t Sund+ty tit
('rcditun with the fin rter's daughter,
Mr, Matthew Winer. - .\lls. Duncan
Mclhtulta►II is rusticating at (.rand
Bend.— Rev. N. F. James spent last
week at his home in Strathroy. Mr.
Leroy ('oultice accompanied hits. -
Miss Lilly Heywood has ret uruedfrom
a pleasant visit with relatives at. Plug-
town.—Misses Rhea and Lula Godbolt
are spending a few weeks at ('rnmarty.
(Intended for le,t week.)
llenry \Vickett is laid off work this
week with lumbago.—The Epworth
League workers returned from the
(irand Bernd sonnet• school Moodily.
—Jauaes Brophy ream tied home NIon-
day from fort Huron.—Mrs. Si, Wal-
lis, of Centralia, and Mrs. James, of
Sylvan, visited their sisiter, Mrs. Jas.
l)'a11io, recently,-- Robt. 1Layter, whn
has been receiving treatment at the
Clinton hospital for an injured knee,
has returned and we are pleased to
state that he is now able to walk out
and use the limb,—Gatlin G, Gooding
threshed over 10111) bushels of wheat
and barley for John '.ti oret;or in half
a day and over 50(1 bushels for D. Fos-
ter in reboot the saute titre,—Rev. Mr.
Newton, the new rector of Grace
church, commenced his work on Sun-
day and made an excellent impression.
Itis sermon was able and earnest. He
is an impressive speaker and the mem-
bers of all the denominations wel-
come him to our vicinity and hope his
labors amongst us will be abundantly
1 tressed.
Grand Bend
Mrs. Gill, Sr., has fully recovered
from the effects of her recent accident.
—Two young deer have been tturchas-
e-d by a party here and are now on ex-
hibition in the orchard on the south
side of the river. ---Mrs. (Rev,) Sut-
cliffe conducted the services at the
Methodist cherub on Sunday evening.
--Mr. Ware Oliver has bit) a poems en-
titled " A Trip Across the Atlantic "
published in patnphlet form. The
poem Is it lengthy one and gives an
account of scenery along the St. Law-
rence end inGreatBritain,as well as
e t
a description of the Atlantic in calm
and storm. As the verses are true to
facts, they will be read with touch in-
terest by Mr. Oliver's friends.
DRATH.—Death entered the hurts of
Mr. Ware Oliver, on Thursday. Aug.
3rd, and robbed hien of his loving help-
mate. 31rs. Oliver, who had attained
the age Of (k3 years, W118 an old and
highly esteemed resident and by her
death we lose a good citizen. De-
ceased was a good and faithful wife
and ever thoughtful mother, and her
memory will be long and lovingly
cherished by her fancily, her relatives
and numerous friends. The funeral
took place on Sunday to the Sylvain
cemetery, the Rev. illi•, Sutcliffe offici-
ating. To the sorrowing husband and
family we offer our heartfelt sympa•
thy in this dark hour of heavy sorrow,
and trust that God may give theca
strength to bear with patience the
last and most severe affliction.
18 Crushed in Landslide.
Spence's Bridge, B. ('., Aug. 3.—The
most disastions landslide in the hist-
ory of British Columbia occurred about
a quarter of a mile below (his place on
Sunday after•nonn, when it large bank
of gravel broke away front the mount-
ain on the north side of Thompson
River, hurling itself into the river anti
on to the Indian reservation ort the
smith side. completely demolishing
every building and kiliing at least
eighteen Indians.
Mew It Affects nem.
4a £Iplce gtltde who has had many
tea* dtpertence in mountaineering
hus describes the behavior of differ -
ant nationalities when they get to the
fop of a peak.
• Qerman, be says, as soon as he ar-
rives at the top wants to know the ex-
act height of the mountain he Is on and
of every peak around him.
A Frenchman goes Int* raptures over
the wildness of the scenery and the
beauties of nature and sometimes ac-
companies bis remarks by an attempt
tS embrace his guide.
The Englishman, when he has "done"
his peak, plunges his ice az Into the
snow, looks around him and then says,
"I say, open the baskets and let's bays
something to eat."
Lmastb of the Law.
The phrase "the length of the law"
ewes its origin to the enormous length
of some of the parchment rolls upon
which the ancient statutes of Great
Britain were Inscribed. The present
day odicial title of the "master of the
rolls" Is a reminder of this ancient cus-
tom. Some fa: it idea of the bulk of
tbe English records may be obtained
front the fact that a single statute, the
land taz commissioners act, passed
In the first year of the reign of George
IV., measures when unrolled upward
of 000 feet:
As Ibsen Theory.
In one of the published letters of
Ibsen he says that while he was writ-
ing one of his plays he bad on his desk
an empty ale glass with a scorpion In
It. Now and then the annual would
grow sick, and the nnthor would throW 1
a piece of soft fruit to It, whereupon
the scorpion would fall upon the food
fesi..ta.fy, empty Its poison into It and
then get well lignite. "Is it not a good
deal like this with um poets?" lbselt
continues. "Nature's laws apply In the
domain of the spirit also."
A t.oas Sentence of Sla Letters.
Here 1s it sentence of thirty-two
words which some ingenlons person has
constrnctell of the six letters found fa
the word "maiden": "Ida, a maiden: d
mean man named Ned Dean, and Me-
dla, a mad dame, made me mend a di*
and dime anti mind a mine In a dim
deu In Maine "
'Irs.:\, Mclutttsh, of Port /imam, i
vi.i1tng rt'lat1ves iti rued around '-gatl
.tv. 311:s. _llbert McLean anti sister
Mis' Hope Willis, of Minieapoli:
Minn., ate un a few days visit to rule
tke's in this locality.—James Heyde
spurts a new wheel these days.—Mere
1V,lter Hill, who has been quite ill u
late, is, her i►iu►y friends tvili be pleat
ed to learn, showing signs of improve
meat.-1lessrs. Fred and ('has. '.Vint]
sot•, after a sojourn in New ()Mari(
have reterned, and look as if that pan
of the country agreed with them.
Eli Mawson, has returned from a six
months' stay at Stratbcona, Alt 't'i't 1
The eat harvest was checked h
Tuesday's rutin.--(ieorge Rook has re
turned from Detroit somewhat in
proved in health. ---Miss Jessie Lust.,l
and Miss Maggie McDougal, of Hit
best, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
F. Luxton.-- 11r, and Mrs. A. Fraanci
and Mr, and Urs. W. Ford spent Sun
Clay here with .\1t'. and Mrs. G. Hook
--Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates sten
Sunday in Riddulph.—Miss ('lava Lux
tun :end sister spent Last week in Lon
don. --Mr. A. Mavis and sisters, 0
Farquhar, were guests of hiss Ret:
Essery Sunday. --Miss Addie Caves, o
St. 'Phomas, is visiting under the pa
rental roof. --At the home of Mr. S
Skinner to Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Neil, a
son. --Alts \V. Dickens spent Sunday
with "friends." --Don't forget the date
of the laden KS. picnic Aug. :Doth t(
Grand (lend, Everybody welcome.
Around About Us.
Parkhill: Friday while engaged rr
work on John Iatnghtnn's new boost
Neil McLatcblan, of Sylvan, fell iron
the roof to the ground, a distance o
some thirty-five feet. The scantlini
on the roof, where he was shingling
broke and he slid off and fell to the
ground. A broken arra and severe
other In rises are the result.
St. Marys: Thursday morning r
quiet wedding was solemnized at the
residence of Thos. Douglas, Newcastle
when his daughter, Miss Ann" M., be
crone the wife of Franklin J. Laneas
ter. of this place. The ceremony wa
performed by the Rev. J. C. Wilson i
the presence of only tbe imtmediatt
Seaforth: The following were tick
eted to distant points last week: G.H
Love, Tucketstnith, to Winnipeg; H
J. McMillan, Hallett, to Chicago; Wil
Broker, Egn►ondville, to Carrington
N. D.; Miss Lillie Bristow to Lima
Ohio; Mrs. F. Hallett and two daugh
let's to Louisville, Kentucky; John Mc
Williams and Thomas McKinnon tt
Chester, N. Y.; Miss Belle Soole tint'
Will Dougherty to Detroit.
Clinton: Hich. Fisher has returned
home from Jlanitoba, owing to his
father having met with an accident
while working on the farm. Some-
thing went wrong with the reaper,
and he inserted bis hand among the
machinery, to discover the cause, when
the horses took a step forward. thus
setting the machinery in notion, and
cutting every artery in the back of bis
Tuckersncith: John Wise, of the
Huron road, had his barns and con-
tents destroyed on Monday. They had
been cutting oats during the day and
nhoitt 5 o'clock put the horses in and
trent to the house for supper. Shortly
after smoke was seen issuing from the
barn. and running there. a fire was dis-
covered in the tnnw. The horses were
tin tied out just in time to save thent,
hot a mower, (-tatter. and some imple-
ments, together with three pigs, were
consumed. The house caught fire sevr
eral times, and it wits only by the per-
sistant efforts of the neighbors that
this wits saved. There was a small in-
surance on the barn, in the McKillop
Mutual. The fire is it mystery.
Every rnt.n ones it to himself and
his family to master a trade or profes-
sion. Read the display advertisement
e,ftlie six Mor.cSchools (if 'felegiaptly,
in this issue and learn how easily a
voting clan Or lady may learn telegra-
ph)' and he ias.ured a position.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The only safe effect mil roosthly
medicine on which women ext
depend. Sold in two degrees of
strength—No. 1, for ordinary
cases, 11 per box ; No. 1 10 de-
grees stronger tor Special
Cases, ii per box. Sold by all
druggists. Ask for Cook's Cot-
ton Root Compound; take no
Tae Cook M(Hilo ice Co.. Windsor, Ontario
" Psvclitxs " has restored
thousands of people to buoyant
health and strength whose condi-
tion had been regarded as hopeless.
It is at once a tonic and flesh
builder, containing remarkable
properties as a blood purifier and
germicide. It wilt strengthen
and heal the weak lungs, force out
the phlegm, and drive away the
cough, no matter of how long
standing. " PSYCHIns" tones up
the whole system and drives tett
disease, heals the decayed tissue
and restores lost energy. Its use
daily will prevent and ward off that
most subtle disease consumption,
OR. T. A. •LOCUM, Limited
17111 King at W. Torewte, Oanad•
The Difference Between
Unskilful Tea
THE qualities of different
distinct difference between
ing methods and the
Several kinds of teas may
fully selected they will not
Expert and
teas prove that there is a
expert Red Rose Wend-
methods. -
be blended, but if unskil-
combine to make a perfect
blend ; they will retain their
istics with their roughness and
Such tea is bitter, poorly
there is much of it in bulk
market). It emphasizes the
knowledge of combining qua!itiei
fect blending, poor selection,
other causes of poor tea.
But my expert Red Ruse
grades of strong. rich Indian
nae individual character-
harshness emphasi.•e,f.
flavored in the cup (and
and package form on the
of inexperience, lack of
of different teas, imper-
and the hundred and one
blenders select the right
and delicate fragrant
Rose Tea with entirely
Ceylon teas, and produce
new characteristics—a tea with
that " rich fruity flavor"
and better than any brand
—a tea so exquisitely different
of Ceylon alone, that no one
who once tries it ever goes
Roseis good Tea
T. H. Estabrooks
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg,
back to Ceylon again.
Seaforth: There died at her reef-
in Harpurhey, on Wednesday,
Ann Jewett, relict of the;
Francis Fowler, its her 88th year.
canse of death was an affection of
heart coupled with the infirmities
old age, and carne after about ten
Mitchell: After sev tal moot sof- hs tf
ing the beloved wife of John Jacques
this life on Saturday at the
of 07 years ani 2 months. The de-
has been a great sufferer but
borne her sufferings with Chris-
patience. She leaves behind he-
an aged and sorrowing husband,
sons and one daughter.
I Seaforth: Mr. John Weber has pur
; chased the barbering business of P.
Mulcahy and has taken possession.
I Clinton: Mrs. Straughon, of Kansas.
: who is visiting her sister. Mrs. Lucas,
had the misfortune to fall off the plat
form on Tuesday and brake her arm.
St. ,Marys: Word has been received
of the death of ,Ura. Luke Spearin, sr.,
which occurred at London Friday al
the residence of her $on it the advanc-
ed age of 05 years. Mi s, Speairin was
formerly a resident of St. Marys, hay
ing moved to London anly a few
monthsago. Theremains were brought
here Saturday, the interment taking
plaice to the St. Mares cemetery.
is Ely to learn, easv to write and tty to read after
it is written.
The students of the Forest City Business and
Shorthand College are subjected to the test of the
Business Educators' Association of Canada for diplomas.
950/ pass and 65% take honors.
Catalogue will give you some pointers about our
system and is free for the asking.
School terns—Sept. till June inclusive.
:.� '= J
-:`r•�' r e• '/,'
.lit ��1. �'
J. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bide.,
Principal. LONDON, ONT.
ldzlikatbatlli ilk*. rldtslkaial3t daillisAlsa. illisaisalkslik all& adtstk shah
The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age.
What does Oxrdottor do' It Kites the body an affinity for faXYUEN, and makes it absorb
natitre's rex italiaii,gg tome -oxy gen-through et err more Disease simply cannot May in the
system that is surcharged will) oxygen. Dyspepsia, Rh,nnuliarm, 1'exer. Indigestion, Insorn•
"la end all disese.ingdr'ankh teforeorvgrn and 4ax,4Innot gites the Lorry oxygen. Read
what those who hate used it say.
col. R. B. Hamilton. Provincial hoard of health Registrar General's Office, Toronto, Can ,
write, Auiu.t Stat, 19,1,1, ••My e'st'ersnce u ith ttxydonnr hat leen tnn.t taUsfa,'tory In et Cry
respect. Personally 1 , nn t oti h for its etfh•len, y in acme cases, set. h a. Is,gimp,.and .ex ere
strain. in both instance. its action Icing remarkably qutck, and the result,. agreeable and
For more chronic affections. ouch as neuralgia and rheumatlam, my wife has experienced
oAt, and (AIM lint 1e oittint,t an Oty donor for 'natty tintits weight in
ren great localt.enw
Send us your name and addre•e and we will send you our booklet "T'• bully explaining the
workings of this wonderful instrument.
DR. H. MANCHE fief CO.
1 Fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2269 St.Catkeritfe St., Montreal.
Mf'FIU^IrWV, MFtiIIPT'OrMir'rF.'PMFgarlIrigiWI" lair lir
Queenston Cement
Don't be misled by statements of agents handling
cetnent paying large Commission. Go yourself and
see Queenston nulls and floo,s but in your own
locality. Our 'nn tel contains ns many- cubic int -hes
as any other cement, nnd,•s cement is Ranged by
measure, not by weight, your. cement will go as far.
Write us for infortnation. Freight rates and es-
timates cheerfully given. 70 cents per hnrrel, strict-
ly cash, f, o. b. cars, Queenston. (io in with your
neighbor and get. benefit of carload rates.