HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-17, Page 3oe + ... , . , „0 , , ,Q, , , , � , ,0, , said that you risked your own IIIc were Ruch lovable [:Mita never! have said The Comedian manufacturer LEADING MARKETS .ti— least, she sighed softly. "1 have snit he knave. ♦ :Ne.% r nand that," said Cyril. suet so (t.l people. and never any They had Ihut sett of thing in the "There is nu need to mention that; who were so kind to m,•, 1) elan, onlay it tuns rho American 1'w all right. !tete, let us drug some "Bind to you! 1lutt could they palters which led thein wren :1 nu- 11l{I At)tiTl;FF-. of the wreck tenter out of the help it?" erica" toeunalisla have boon tr�lu,g road," and he hest to hell, thele, The warmth, and something enure• Torun!' o, Aug. 15.—Wheat—Oa- us that the l/ld l'uuntry was slow !sena-7'he new cru is r uute•d at -n THE HitIll 01 [INTle[IGII b 4. but he stopped su4141,,r1y, end his than wurn►th. the subdual pussi41n in __ Y 1 face grew momentarily pule his tune stn the blood to her taco. and behind the flews.'• he said. but r rt to 721e fur Nu. 9 d and whUe, can rte flail rh,• ire t \Shutt uv'' • outside, ihr old hieing rail t33r to Silt•, 7 f _`_ "Never mint, ' he s:ru the foot- and she was Silent fur a nwuuw.lt: b are s•s•inf; herr i( nothing Ir ., than Ulan will see that no our runs into then sudte•nly Ahe stoppctii w•itl► little business. (;nose and it.'• � ..Cool:, there is a {;low tvurut!" she tvondrrful." Anel lho:•' Canaeliu° spriuY err 73c lu 75c ul ouls,do mantthtcturers iouw what they wore• OR Ile took the one cau•rial;e !soup that 'exch.' 'al 1)•ieh f;irlish etngerut•8s, un41 points+. o et as still burning anti examined the in a Into voice, as it she fearer} to tall: ing about when they raid things Manitoba—No. 1 northern nominal- * hor5es with a prurtisrti tee.. startle• it. !like this. as they did daring the ly quoted at o. 113, No. 2 northern THE STE��.'ARD S SON "Nut touch damage done. wonderful "yes," he reale at once: "would you • day. The scope of their questions i bring > [.02 uud Nu. a northern 87ic to soy," he said, c•hrerfulty, "but the like to have it? 1 will get it for demonstrated that sufficiently. Tho to 8,1c, lake ports. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ . ♦ ♦ ♦Q+MO��.�e♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ '� runner you ""(1 they are horn•, the fou,'' and he went f11tward and cure- managers and foremen of the various float--Uoturto—A fair business is Vrii better•. Good -night." fully picked it up. • 'n a ct it is,"'depar•tn,ents especially lair! them- bo+ug worketi in flour from new U11A1'TEIt Xl. I111,. but the smile vanished anti a '['hen he went buck to Nur•u11. She he said, holding it in the palm of 1 se•Ivee open to be 11mnd,• the targets wheat f{,r export this month at $3. - In,• issue ul(1rn, fell upon her u.; ria• had obeyed hint su implicitly that his hand. "Il is not so pretty as1of this running lire. so extremely 2U to i:3.3iu, buyers• sackr, rust ant The footman, having brought int she seemed to have been used lei,. its light, and even that vanishes in' kind and full of anxiety that • heir tea eep,ipp(1ge, had retired, and:sine the hoelges and trees thing pint She looked up as he approach d her any other. See," Lind he held it in visitors should see everything which west. Mauitubu—l''irrt Patents aro though the r was as superbly de- the window at racing pace. with u t ucsliuu on her lips. for she' the full toys of the worn. ought to he seen were they. quoted $S.30 to $:,.ria; sw'uuds, $5 ti P I Ilan any our ever set been ably to I 1" ( g to ,e5.3u, and bakers', $4.90 to $5.- corutcei and furuishud as the tents 11(141 beset nothing of the converse,-' She bent forward. so neer that the 'Phis Q kindness reset extruded to iug-ruos at the 11)1(1Court, it seemed u e de,cribe al! the phases e i which nn ill III the • hair is10. most ux huu,ely uud simple us the. accident progresses to the final caters-'; ,, , ew dean %'t-„..., neuuld m►t,•conflrl. life, breath C fast. and Ihr; looking the other true• when a .:hip Sf11!feed—Ontnriu—Bran has buott I I Int wend nr an inch or two of copper su141 al $ln to =lA, sou - little parlor at .ur(I frottage,. Uupho'? I ''lt is all right," he said, ansteer- stood still as a stunt•—but, ah! how+filing was gglerl away as a sou- $12. harts, Listening to Lord feet -white's cheer -I Norah knew and reulireQ nothing in• the look. "N4 it of them i3 unlike a stone with that fast •bustaccording to quality. �Innituba (ul, unaffected talk, \arab th41nght . _ •e mit 11 she experienced a jar, air b�— I vonlr. lty the time the party get. bran #111, and shorts $19, at. l'o- rt the wheels heti caught Muni sum" - to hurl, and the horses smut very Itttle ing heart and Norah, entirely 01) -•hack to Canada thyro should be eisifulle• how •h nicer it would be b ! the worse, tine the fright. It hats sur bed in the curious insert, touched) runts and equal points. thin • and frit the cartiu •o sway are,! S !, 'plenty of metrial in the aggregate If her father were a little less st.utele: 6 b been a eon( escape. and yam!" it with her forefinger, nota—Now, 82e to :S3c, u0te,rding and formal. , fall over: but as she toll filth it sl e �colhrt' to 01,e•n both a murine to feel hls; alt, 37c to :38c for No. His eyes wandered over her anxiou.e- "i don't (mile like it," she said, K "You refused to sing for us the was souse' • of hearing, amid the IAtore and a curio slop. Somme of L' summing and snorting of the bright- , ly. dyne•ing buck her linger and looking; those ('nnodians are assuredly born outside. liartey—New and old other night, Lady Norah." "I },:t\e conte (11T bitter even Ut:Liu up at 1 ' with u smile anti a tittle 1 , quoted at 4Uc tau 4ec, outside, uc- "ltul 1 will sing nett curd horse, and the voice of the: of Tanker parents, Ile was going to follow her awl cuucluuuu, the sound 01 another the horses," she suit, "fur 1 mu not frwinine shudder which he thought cordis[; to quality, c•veu frightened.' surely the most charming gesture hs SAI) 51111•: THEN 1111) NOT SEle. [{y•4'—:180 •to tiOe, •outside. open the piano for her, but 11uric voice "And you can walk'?" he askoa, shad ever imnl;inrd. "Nu, 1 am sure One circumstance which would not. ('arm—Caundinn, .;3c to 54c. Cha• Ferndale motioned to hint to remain If she taunted, it roust have been „0)1,, yes." 1 don't like it," and she laughed. (ham freights; Auloricsn, til;c for where he was, and Norah, without a only for a moment or so, for I "1 uw ufruie1 you w111 have tu' "'!'hen good-bye. glowwurn), ' he be so readily noticed by our visitors, (haor No. a yellow, Iake and rail without any appreciable nrciable interval she but which to me who knows what it 2 trace of self-cunscious11ess, and °lily. 1i walk to the !'anti," ho said, telae said. "ells fhfng, 1 pity you! hr: freights. the desire to please these two !atrial, saw the uppermost door of the over- tautly, "11111058 1 leave you in char_e added. innutibly, as he laid it .on , means to Woolwich was painful in souls who had crude so much of her, turned carriage wrenched open anti 41( the footman and brims; 54)010 kini the gross; "to he disliked by her!, the extrrtnr. was the •way in tvhirh 3 eu�—\\routed; 78e to Tic bid for ant down :11,4 sang the first thin; frill a Man's steno!; arra ruu11d her tons of this marvellous machinery No. outside. of cunve;v:u,ce from the t'111:u5e•, it is "i dare soy he is immensely Ce- , Milled Gals—>;S for cars of barre•Ix that .5 11( inial her baud. • The next nwnutt1 she war in the nut very ria " ilieved," Said :Norah. was lying idle. In the Bullet Plant It is mut at all probable thus r'utttl. the ars,s still encircling her, ,' Drparlu,cnl, to take but a single hr- On tat, here, and $1.75 for cars of ant. leukin u , she met Cyr,! Oh• no, nu," he said. quickly. 1 ".\h. he didn't know when he was slanrr, I found that only one-fourth bags: 255 more for broken lots hero Norah would have made a fortune on I+ 1 can walk home quite t•asily, and well ulT," he said. the operatic stage, but she had a ISurne's eyes looking into herb with w41uld not glee you so much trouble! Nurub tof the machines were working. One and 10e outside. sweet voice that, though it had been alarm and anxiety—and something moved forward, and instinc- for the world." Ilively Iui.l her hand on his arm of the Canadians said to 11+e. "How carefuily trained, was as sutura[ as else that even in that, moment i -•. would not give nu• trouble.," again. good it ix of your Governumen[ to ('1)1;NTIt'1 PRODUCE. a bird's, and as it filled the room,' brought the blood mantling to her he suiti, quietly. "But ill noes flies, She had crossed round to the other allow these teen to interrupt their )Koller—The market cont inner; to softly lighted by the rose-shaded118 cheek• apace, and lite earl mig!at hear of side of him while she had been work for our benefit," but he little But a titin tone. Call(I les, Lord Ferndale looked at his %r't'—are y(h hurt?"knew the teeny of his remark. i "Xu—no, I think ant'• the ac41idrnl, and br alarmed on examining the ,;lutctvorw, and if was Creamery. prints 2lc to 2` c Rife with 0 mixture of sut,rise and your account• his left arm that she now touched, Ile liltlr knew that (bre was so flu solids .... 20c1to 2141 admiration. "are you sure? ;eh, you can't „\c•s, yrs," she assented at once,' 1igl,Ily as she toucher! it, she• small a prtcentage of earn to ha Uuiry lb. culls, good to "What a (It•ar, clever girl it is,'• tell!" he excl,ti11'c'(1' 1 will walk, please." j felt a faint shudder ret through him. looked after by these foremen and ch„ic,, 17c to lA�c "1'm not hurt. 1'nr sure.•• ” murmured !.oily Ferndale. "You must take toy arm,•• he, Ilrt hand flow frau, his arm, nail managers, as compared with busy du medium lac to 16c ' A rose in .1 mot!'' quoted Lord ''Don't MON el" he implored her. s:ttd. !rho slopped and ionkrd at him. tinter. And everywhere. almost, ,[o fibs, good to choice 1(ic to 17c Ferndale, in a low voice. "If any- "Please, please dun'[ sauce." And Sheput her hand on his arm, then! The 1110011 was shining full upon his there was the sumo story if one in- thing can molt Arruw•dule's heart, his strong arm wound round her, and [ do inferior 14c to 15c e seemed un o11sciously to lilt For utT drew back with am sudden color, and fact, and si:c saw that he had gone qu:rrd. "Full of work! 11'0 are a Cheese—The market is quoted un - she will." her eyes dropped as she said: 'deathly pale, and that he had caught long way front hull of work. We "You sin- ver beautifully, Lady her feet, so completely did it sup -1 + changed at Il le to 1110 per M. h y I "But—but I need not trouble you his under lip in his teeth. just keep going." As an official said Eggs—Continue 1 le firm, with the bulk Norah," he said. "You t give Port her. to 001110 all that way. ' !She stood fur n moment, her face to mac a week or two ago, "d(nlrsr us one or two more; remember, it is "I don't think I have broken any- gu store," he saidfrom red to white, then tit,• of business at 17 c to ilio. "1'uu cannot goingorders come along more briskly in , a !trait 1•., us. thing," she said, her color coming; "if you will not let me go with you, 1 red fled, and the white alone rw the near future than they have been Potatoes -60c to 75c per bushel' "1 will sing as long 08 you like; ant going. "\u, 1 am 8111.0 1 hut'o there Is only one other tray: 1 will mninr(1. haled Hay—$K per tun for std No. said Norah, situ 1 stet sh0 sen r n•rt ! 1)11, please, don't• 1 ate; rho doing lately, more discharges aro iu t timothy in car lots on track hero, P y b stay by the carriage and s •nil the; "You are hurt," she breathed, nail •evitnble.• r again. Then Lady Ferndale bound a poor horses!" 1fuututuu with you." their seemed to he ntnx,st A sob in and $7.50 for new. No, 2 i8 very duet, and discovered, with delight,!j SIt took ten guides to show the. "Neve mind tho horses." Ito said, ' dull at $li. h he cuu+tht her lip in her t0 -•tit, the simple words. visiturA round, for their number that their two voices blended to- almost curl ly. "!Hold on to my non i and Blood irresolute for a space 1Baled straw—is quiet and un - duet. perfectly. 1 and walk just three steps; no •e.) while one could cutout len, then rho (To be Continued). mode it. necrsaary to divide thew up changer! at $5.50 to ere per ton for 1 into as many parties. and so each "Uh, my dear. if you only belong- mind! looked up at him. car lata on tru.k here. ed to 11101" she exclaimed involun-I "I hae-en't even broken my leg," , detachment followed a inn welt a If yo'r trill be thatso kind," she said. blackboard on which was painted a tarily, with a sigh, its she stooped to she said, forcing a laugh. "An(i, I i Ho thought. the tassel hieTrotting ?110\ I'RI:AL 11AItK1✓ 1 �. kiss her don't see how 1 could have (luno. I vivid red letter. along bn- Wus it no wonder that Norah's stn nut in the least. hurt—and do, to send the footmnan, and turned, a hind these "banner bearers," they Montreal. Aug.5.—(:rain-7'he du 1!l t le• sigh escaping hits, but Nur:th GANUGHS AT WOOLWICH g eyes: grew moist with leers of happi- Please. not. to think of me! Theisui41 folie innoently: I went through the Main factory, tnand for oats is increasing, and sed bursas Bullet Plant, No. 1 Cartridge Fac- !ng for local consumption lno, aifairly tOOtnail gratitude Lir that when the \5,11 741(1 tell him, please, that I INSPECTION OF THE GREAT hent No. l white are quoted at footman announced that the carriage; Ile paid not the slightest regard; twill send him as Ful, it he wu,ta tory tied Shell Foundry. !loyal Lab- Y: until he had assured himself that she 3 1 BRITISH ARSENAL. oratory; the ('entral I'ower Station. Ilile to 47c per bushel; American was waiting she should start with it''" f clipped nt 4ri c; new cru ► No. 2 dismay? �ruuld walk without pain. then she, ' Building Works Department; ViewiI heard hien draw a breath and tour-. "les, yes," 110 aafd, and he buto:The Sight Was An Eye Opener for [Stanch, Turnery, West forge. South white, to nrritr, 39v to 0c,.aud No. !.inti Ferndale wont out of the e t the 11u•ssage to the footman and Waal 3, 3Kc t41 39C per bushel; new cru room, and returned, bearing in his mer, "'1'hun•c God!" with fervent' back in an instant. the Visitors From the Boring MihI, Itoyal Gun Factory; and i I p own hand a dec•untr of wine, and solemnity.I Dominion. the Wheel factory, Carpenters' Shop . feed barley is (muted at 19c to 50c, "Sit down and rest; (Mita still, "You t take my arm," ho said, insisted upon \uruh's drinking a I and though he tried to speak in a! Of all the wonderful things which and Main Factory, Royal Carriage r eflour—flaultoba spring wheat pat - please!" he said. Department. glass. 1 matter -o1 -fact voice, there was a sus- the Canadian Manufacturers' Associ- Y "teeter obey, deur," said !,adv "Yeti," obediently. Ienter, x5.30 to 83.40; strong bakers', Ferndale smilingly, "lie is a dreadful She looked up for a second and picioush• joyous thrill in it. sea base s1,;n sone they landed in --i e; Norah would have declined, but it $5 to , , 111; winter wheat. $5.:SO; tyrant, and fearfully obstinate." met. his eves, still full of the deepest thus country, nothing—up to Friday AN UNEXPECTED BANQUET. straight rollers, 8:3 to $8.15, Ind in — When Norah had gut her things on anxiety, then lowered burs sudden!}!'se'0tn(•d to her that it would unit' 1,,,1—had inmprc•sral thein like their bags. $2.35 to $2.15, and Ludy Ferndale had wrapped the and watched hint under her Ion); emphasize the situation, and once 1 tisit to Woolwich Arsenal, writes Hunters' Experience in the Wilds Millf$'J 3 Manitoba bran in bags, roll shawl round her, "nuking me 11511014 as he hurried to the side of more she put her hand upon his arm. Dart LeUte In The Kentish lndepeud- e into a Parcel post bundle," as Norah the coachmen. ihr did not nntic(• that ho bud Khen dent. of Labrador. $10; shorts, $19 to 520 per ton; On - her the right one, Instead of the left. turlo bran, in hulk, 814.80 to $15; laughingly declared, a mat! caste for- (Inc horse was Standing quivering b Townrda the close of the tour, During the summer of 1903 [.coni :shorts. 41+19 to #20; rnouflle+, 1i21 to ward in her 1 t and clunk. in ever limb, but the other %%u8 still For a minute or two they were ail- tru• , our or two of the Irss sterno dna Ilubbar 1, .1 r., Pillion Wallace int ns they made the i' tt;+�' aloe • ; $24 pe: ton, as to quality. "I'll send her with you, dear," lying in the rout, apparently lues- '' ons o[ the Indica were looking tired, and a hull -breed Crrr Indian, who Oats -1'110 demand for rolled oats said Lady Ferndale, but Norah show--; tr{cabh bled u, with the harness. the Innn filled with the petfutuv of thea but only , or two o1 them. One proved hitt:self as hero, started to ex - j 1Y is I' led, and prices are unchanged sunuuer'• night. Above !hent ed that rho could be as obstinate ns) She noticed fluff he se•enu?d to lake• Kexpected that the men would bo able Plow lh0 l.abrnttur wilds. Phis per ► mus, slowly sailed upward, a thrush 1at x2.10 to a2. 1' per hag. The Lord Ferndale. l'sco, and pule! -blank r� in all tho details of the equation i 1to stared it—We always associate the Pose was only partially carried out. market rot cornmeal is quiet but fused the escort. (with instant promptitude, and re(L hedge, steel" 101110"irh in the lott•e•r of endurance and the male Winter came on long before Hubbard fire( at $t1.45 to 11.30 per bag. "Why. what could happen to me in tvulchhhn, still under built -!aura([ hedge, and the bats whirled through Canadian together—bol the ladies was maty to turn back, the pn,vla- Hay—Nu. 1, 88.50 to 59: No. 2. the silver light. a close carriage between here and the lids, as he took out a claspknlfe anti 5torah tt'as still trembling n little, were a revelation. The wife of the Ions were exhausted. game ens $? 50 to l8; clover, mixed. S)3 :,0 to C8urt, dear Lady Ferndale?" she 'cut the trace, and gently, but firmly President of the Association, Mrs. scarce. 1111 the journey to the coact 7 an(! oro clover, ami to St0 3) for lout, as she had said. she Has not a puro "Please don't send her! 1 got the struggling, panting burse un frightened it eas not feat • that W. K. (:eurgr, confided to ter. in a Hubbard was taken ill, and perished car Inter. you so much trtitible! 1 ou wouldn t , 'I lie coachman and footmen stood shall not like to come again it I give to his feet. quiet moment between the clangof of starvation while his rompnuions caused her beim to hent so fast that q Provisions—Heavy Canadian short It almost seemed to her us it ho one department and the rumble of were in search of aid. Wallace had cut pork, 820 to 391; light short send her if—if I %%ere your dough- for a see lllll I eyeing the wreck and must hent it. another, how it was done. "Our pro- found some protir.lons which had cuts. S1S to 519: American rut dear fat heel's, $19.2: to $20 75; com- pound lord, 57c to 6le; Canadian pure lard. 10Ic to 11c; kettle render- • ter," she added shyly, 1 wiping their perspiring foreheads; •I'he silence at Inst (tett tangible, gramme 18 mapped out for us, with been thrown aside on the inland trlp, • Sornh'r right!" exclaimed Lady the tuuUnon's hat was gout and his almost emhnrrassir,g, and suddenly ?thing big un it every day, and and had returned within a few hnn- Frn41nlr, "But. mind, we take you coat torn. Norah ahn••t stopped, we have to keep going. But every- tired feet of llubbatWe lent, but at your word, and you are just to "Are you hurt in any way?" de ,•• hotly is so exceedingly kind to us could not Itird it. In he Lure of come to us as if you were our 'laugh- /11811110/ Cyril Ihunc, 'Lady Ferndale. Ahe said, in ard, llc to 12c, according to quality; ter. '['hat's n bargain, my child.""No, sir; thank you, liut her lady- (one of remorse. "She will think that we don't mind it a bit. The the Labrador Wild" Mr. Wallace tells hams. 19-. 2c, to ilea aceordena to "1'm eitu(•ss to it," said Lord Oilier that it 18 worse than it is, and 1 English people seem as anxious to something of their haid,hipi: !size; h:n„n, 13c 14) 14r; fir'+h I:illto Ferndale. ; ' 1 thb,k—I hope—she is all right,” forgot to send her a message," allow us ev,aytlutg us we are to see Demi it" the steady gnaw at the pit !ahn11•,i,' h"gs, 410.7:, to 510; eine'. 'l'htw both went to the carriage replied Cyril. "That's all right, he said. ''I everathing. of our stunnmchs, we had cut down Z'r..i., for mixed lots, bT.(itl for and Lady 1'rndale sernnrd, as Ahe "Thank laud fur that, sir!" wrote a line or 4180 ,Utaing you were As i bowed my best bow on behalf our weals to tho rtinimmn► nntount 1, t- " held her in her arms nn41 kis--1 her, "a111en!!'' responded ('aril, almost haft, and sent it by the coachmen." of l:nglanl and her people we passed of food that would keep we alive. • is ,.__tirrni([la stock. 17' ter 17i : as it she could scarcely bring h rs •If : innudihl, . "Yoe 51e111 to have thought of into the comparative calm of the For nearly two weeks we t ad been 1\0. 2. i le. to earl'with her, anti the 11151 5 trnhi "Yes, sir. I don't knew what my rear}Thing." Royal('nrrirtgo I>epnrtnu•nt. the prisonccA of a relentlews A10/'111.• creamery, Tele to saw of them thew were standing arm- neuter and mistress would have dune "'That WOO not much to think of, There were 501110 `23(1 of them—lhn All of us telt we had entered on a •22ir; untie -[;railer, 91 je to 2241.'; in arm 011 tho steps waving !heir . it anything had happened to For," Lally \Drab." manufacturers, their wives and the race against starvation. i dotty, 1Rc to 20c 4 hands nt her. His voice shook. "I've been in his \"d set I forgot it," slue breath- ladies who •err passing lhrvntgh the While we erre orating the shore' Norah !nuked out at the nicht—the? lordship's mortice for tweet} 70trs, ed, with self-reproach. qualifying peeled—there ens searcrly we Righted three little ducklings bob -1 13U['t'ALO GRAIN MARK1•ele my _to "Oh. don't blame 701115011," hen en- bang u , and lawn in the tumbling above tthe hilas ltops—her s-hrrmtwhole�ttbein� speak11(Iof'ebut,'' he lookedst the �agomentt�►mint them with•out there amust waves,lend repeatedly diving. They, lhnlialo. Aug. 13.—flour—Quiet and 1 K , sniff. "Why. the shock alone was thrilling like sono) a.•nsitita tlutsical ttreek wit h dismay, "It's n,t awful enough (o (!rive everything out of . hr a few over gthe other 51(11•, despl[rm ere too far oft to reach with a pit- •easy. Wheat -11 inter uneasy; No. 2 11151runuul, 1100 heart melting under one! nil it would hove hes•n n deal �'"Lir hood. I think you have behalf- the romantic passage); of the emigre tol, and Hubbard took his rifle. It red. 84jr; No. 2 white, 84c. Corn the influence of the lovable couple! worse," he added with resperlful e41 wonderfully." tion n rut's guide hook, for i wile seemed almost like nit a(.1(M; a Ily,dtsll; Nu. 2 yellow, Ole; No. 2 corn, She had Just left. Fora time she 7011, rssitees, "if y, hadn't been for . "How- strange that you should earnestly and � repeatedly urged to with a salmon, flat with our I(i0c Oats te••ak; No. 2 whirr, 2lic; leaned back in the luxurious rnr-;you, sly, catching thorn as you did. have tltrcanll �'r there!"shew "aid. I mean ,make the trip to (ho Dominion 80100 thoughts on food, none of ,s wore int '''41 2 it}ir, �•clui 2 end via ley. (i 2, tin a and recalled [heir kindness to It's a mercy you wasn't gut down errsaed with Ihr incongruity th.•n.i ' q her and forgot all else; but suddenly, under 'em and kicked to bits." the h11rses first took fright?" day. I Atter 1{ubbnnl (Irrd, oar of the ; 44 le. Pana) Pint a A steady. K + Tho men are for the most part big, I almoet with a shock, she found that: "Never mind that. Lot us ser what "Ye•s, 1 was watching the owl, and ducfter s turned over. 1\'e addled her thoughts had rimersl awl that tln,nn ••' et done," and he went anti 80e it n, swooping • across the road strung limbed, clear eyes, and given g P I.1 Vi: STOCK \I.11tKI'.'1'. b F, i b to looking you straight in the face to it with feverish haste, and found I 0I1(' wandered to some ore else, 7111 examined the enrolee... in front o[ [hem. 1 thought they tch••n they speak to you—as they who that it had been stunned by a bull I Toronto, Aug. 13.=)'rade nt the she found herself thinking of !'aril "The ehe•el's broke. sir," announc-• would b0 startled. It"—the 00100 .weer horn in 8 !earl whir you have ;that had barely brazed Its bill. It i Western (rattle Market was slight ly Thiene! c.(1 the footman. � flashed into his face for n moment— eing roam to turn round, and where En- +vasa lucky shot, for 11 rho bullet tx?tte this morning, espeinlly for sin It ecele thou med tht rHl upon any to I0,0uwb t woo`1 ' nd said the e(nchmne polt.'s gone it odoleft dolefully.; there." Ile rcould notther a tell her Ithat rop(•an vices are not quite the most had gone through the duckling's body bitter cls:;a cattle. these two, and she tried to drive "1'm afraid it's impossible to take he had returned to the spot where familiar element. Their ladies lack thero would have been little left to Es ti 't alto medium..8.1.30 1 40 him from her mind, but Iuokieg out her tnrh•ship h he added, re- he had tern her in the afternoon, the :rig is frigidity of tnnnn•r, and 1 aft Tho next tiny we floundered on do others 4.110 -1.30 of the window she saw that they luetnntly. ' that he might dreamt of her in the nre mostly w•ome•n of "presence." Bulls 3.00 4.00 were ascending the hill on the other ` "It is not very for to the Court. glut • g, and perhaps get a glimpse � Perhaps there are no "petities" 'through marshes and swamps. Vire Cows... .. 3.11~) :5.75 aide of Rhie•h Lade Ferndale hal I will ser Lady Nurnh safely home_" of her on her wary hack to the'nmm�gst your true Canadians. All caught no fish and killed no game. Butches'• piekcel 1.20 -1.30 speak to hits, and Pack Thank f'e'et, sir." ('our1. I'm rather fond of moon had one attribute in common — they of e,rge, with his pack and rifle. was ,,;?d to choice 4AO 1.20 hupped to [ , • ( g .,.... he rano a;;a,n. Rill, then." said ('aril, for the Mg about in the evening. I am so were as kern to know the why and +n advance. anti Hubbard and i fol -fair to good ..... :1.50 4.00 wherefore and the ins and outs of low'('(I 1i . track through the snow, ;[.25 Would he accent 1.ndy 1'rrntl:mk•'s two ern still seemed shaken and sun- l;la4 1 hnp[►e•notl 10 be !brut." do common ......... 2.50 irrtitatlnn anti !rate aantleigh'! How fused. if you are mitre air and the' o am I—so were we all," t+ho evervthinq as your English tourist In the distance we heard n hang! do cows 2.:,411 3 ",0 quickly Lady Ferndale had taken to footmen are uninjured, you had Leet- corrected herself. "What made the is cursory. , the•n, hang! hong! throe shote in all. [[111+ 2.50 :I.1 Itis,'! -Yes, he %tam a gentleutnn, ter I,•ad the horses to the village and horses stop?" she asked. innocently.! I'rna ally t r came npD►t (:gorge'+ p,•elerA 3.'10 4 00 111[:Vh,LI,1�i1 01' YOI/No PT`.orLE. pack ,cal. the 11111" lake, and wafted c though he might only be an artist. !raft him hero be the carrinl;e until' The car'riagr caught in the trunk 1---- du medium ... :i.31) 1.�.n poor and unknown. It he left tient- 71111 inn help to get it all away." ,( a tree and the near 110080 fell," i It was all so delighUvlly new to for him to aT+l'rar• do bulls 9.R0 3.50 I •i,;h she w•oltd, pe -Imps. never see "Yes. sir." he said; "but 1'd better he replied, simply. "The coachman them, for thea are no au h things ile had killed two write. While Stockers, quad 3 50 8.80 hint again! The thought se'iiw.I to take rhe he,rses hack to Ferndale ns 1)118 not to blame; no one could it as Government Ordnance Factories in waiting for thorn to cook, George do rough to tom.... 9.50 lt.(10 drive all the hnppinr•s out of her w,on ns possible. My mistree+ mill held them from the bazar! Cnnada. They revelled in everything ••Lit from the n'•ckg a piece of skin twit, 1.75 2.50 heart, and she leaned back and drew be terrible anxiM,e if we're lair, and "Poor men." she said. "You will with the Imre enjoyment of re•presen- nnl fart for each of ns. These We Milch cows. inch x0.00 5(1 iM the shawl runnel her as it the night tsar} an nccicdent has happened— be able to tell Lady Ferndale how ;tepees of a yunng people w'ernnal on the end of n stick, taking Export 0Res, per cwt4.00 1.15 had suddenly Neentie 001(1. which it has." Lit all hnppenel, and that they were' Thep marvelled at the biggest erne" great care not to hent them enough do bucks, per cwt3.00 :t 25 The carriage hnd reached the top • Cyril nodded!, and taking nn enter not to blame?" (In the world, stood reverentially to permit n single drop of rho oil do culls, each 3.00 4 00 of the hill and ices going clown on l,•pc from his pocket. wrote on the' -Yes. it 1%01 be an assure for all `seared et the fireworks from tit" to •?r'nn from the Ltl: three, hall- `!,ring !stabs, rn(h ... 5.00 6.25 the other side, ail she lee•nt forward flank site in rather shaky character); ing on Lady �'rrndale." great etre! making inferno. There raw as they war••• we me thein greed- ('nt'es, per lb. .,. :i1 6� to look at the Cat" upon which for there Rasa fanny feeling in his, "Ah, Yoe: you will like bet 80K ily. anal found there 41, lieiuus. if i+ do each 7.►►0 10.00 was just one serpent when a detona- Carl{ !Surae had been Rutting, when arm: mach." really wonderful how tench happinct*e Hogs, selects, per cwt 7.25 0.00 e cthinC while flit tram n I "I,ndv Norah is quit" safe and nn- "You have a •nt w h •[ v peening'►' for went on for their especial benefit, that bit t game brought uR As to lights %Oft 0 04 she tree•snw and eros' the road. it ens an; hart. and will have reached the he (irked, and his voicewilesubdued but they spoke in hushed whispers te�awe4101 Q Iho htee fn"ty do fats oft l and its screech x11 stnrtlwt her a ; Court Infill you get this. The n the sympathy; the touch et her hand, under the Shadow of the new shining. 00 0,00 little c11nchmnn Rae not in any way in the sound of her water was thrilling novelly* wire seas. and waned In admitted that • never before hnd we sat e,eRn fu such a ban, net, TOO ANXIOUS It etemeti to have stattn.(' the • fault. Ce.rfI iharnee • through him. tier very nearne•es to know in a minute whether n11 those 7 irorsee ev great tiea1, for she felt the! Ile rend this to the men. and they him tens costing a glamor over him, stories which thew had henrd even —♦ Tim3.in!+--i bete that fellow Plant. carrirCr swt•rve• cons ton standstill ! touched (heir hats grntetully• so that 11 teemed almost ivlpo'sibU 011 the ('titer aide of the Atlantic ilaehrlor—"I am *red that a mar- ern. lie ie alecnvs talkie( shop. tot- a eeeond, then rush forward so I "Thank you, sir," said the coach- to epeak any words than ' I love ahnut their being defective Were true. r{ei man inn live en halt the leen•no Simkins• -flan•• ,► the nn4ertskrr9 sharply as to jerk her on to the front i mem. "it's vary good of you to you! I love yon"' "They has to sell their papers, that a single roan requires." 1'Iar- lennkins—Yea. F.% cry rime 1 m.et beat. With a rutile she picked herself Ispeak up for us, but you haven't "Ab, yes," said Norah; "hers asvw sir," murmul'ed the guide apologeti- tied Nan—"lea. Us hat to,Y him he asks after my health.