Exeter Advocate, 1905-08-17, Page 2BEGIUNING OF DISEASES LIFE ON TORPEDO BOATSTMANiTOULIN GAN DO HER PART aEW SPHERE OF WORK IN THE CREW SUFFERS SERIOUSLY IN :.ELD OF MEDICINE. A HEAVY SEA. Views Expressed by a Member of Quarters Cramped and Hot -Off!- SHOWING THE GOOD WORK the British Medica: cers and Men Share DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Association. Alike. ARE DOING. "The future work of lnedl-cine," l':nch of the torpedo craft carries a said M•. Henryc1Maudsley at the congrt-ess, crew of from sixty to seventy men, um OM° Ash Medical Association congress, and when ono considers the biro of Mrs. Thornes Burnley One of the which was held at Leeds, Englund, the Npacea in which it is necessary Many Who Found Health in the this year, "will be mainly to pry for these ►nen to move about in sent and stop the beginnings of dis- operating the powerful yet intricate Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, case. in fact, to each body, and to machinery, and find sleeping space fiilvet Water, Manitoulin Island, die at goat of old age, as every doc- also, one t marvel at the life Au • 7- In Y part.1 tor himself ought theoretically him- abuac(' a vessel of this class• b l ! )• er of in fruit, r uantities of which were To live in quarters the sir of an Canada seems to be testifying to the last season packed orf by rail its fur self die. ordinary dr Dods box is not the good work Dodd's Kidney Pills aro as Edinburgh. "Might not some good conte," he Y S' t; ask. d, "foil systematic enquiries in- life the everyday /40,41 cures to es- doing and (hero i9 no reason why to the product' and el tion u[ say• '1'e endure such life for hours at Manitoulin island should not do her THE ISSUE OP RACE. cunstuticnal disease tendencies 83111 a sUeLcl:, without sloop or (,rod, and Part. aftuty a Man and woman hen- In the twelfth chapter of the book Gilead - disease imunwilies by marriage un- to stand exposed in all climates- blesses theta for aches relieved and of .lodges it is told how the l:ile8d- ions of dillerent tendencies and i►w_ such i9 lite abient t► torpedo craft health restored. Take for instance ite•c Welt; forty and two thousand for officers and mien alike. the case of Mrs. Thomas 'Denies,. ntunilies? When a person had a dis-h:p1, III ( 1(IS at the renounce of Jur- I'here is no disc•rimiwation; that is She says: - ease like that which either parent don, hec,"siI they pronounced "shit). - had, lie might, still owe it to these why one secs beardless faces and "1 doctored for years and did not bolrlh" "bibbulrlh." That was a ` slender figures behind the conning seen' 10 get any bet ter. It seemed variations, occurring in morbid herr- towers when these lon • three and race issue- ity their faulty speech diejust as theydo physiological- 6. to b0 my hiducys that tuns the tree- the fort and two thousand ,roved Y p y b fuer-stacked ilfcrs rum into port for bin so I thought [ WOltld try I'odel'N Y } )Y•'I coal and water at frequent intervals, Kidney I'ills and they helped me ihemsolves to be u[ another race, Lu:1!'l' ON CANCER. which is necessar on account of and heytwere slain. 1108(1 ancient Y very much. Asked what was the constitutional , history and learn that in the dark THEIR LIMITED SPACE "I cannot say how many I have disposition, it asay, most likely to for carrying these necessities. In taken for toy house is never without backward and abysm of time the cause tendency to cancer, the doctor the comparatively smooth waters of them and whenever I don't feel rightagni of every man u( c race was discussed the local invasion and dis- u rninst the hand of ever inn of all the harbor the torpedo boats look i taken few. My husband also takes other races. Stranger meant (newly, tribution of cancer, its provocation very much like the motor racers in theta once in n while. 1 find themalie by local irritation, its 1 ilorcuhallsct- disguise, but they are far from be- a splendid medicine to have handy." sue ►lues lett itsc strongest. Len iheCe1tu lrace es entente' heredity, { Big the pleasure craft (hut the auto 1)odd's Kidney Pills are the great: have Noised. Almost universal toler- tlentent in the system. It seemed boats are, and they go where the est fancily medicine of the age. 'They 1 probable that its unruly proliferation helmsman of a niotor boat would tan be taken by young or old with Race hes tient abount. While raty, of cells, however, provoked and be- not dare to venture. perfect safety. They cure all kidney still preserve their are oidentity, trayed the awakening to activity of The ocean is the place to see the ailments, and flint -tenths of the ingress and egress are for the most the silent memories of the ancestral torpedo boat under way, and then sickness of the part free and open. The sons of one present day springs race mate freely with the daughters germinal growth. life on board the craft can be seen from bad kidneys. f Another point worthy of investiga- in its true light. Sticking their bows of another. \Vithuut loss of taste tion was how best to make a person into the long, green swells, the spray ♦ or taint of dishonor, R {'tench girl having a native tendency to insanity Hying above the signal staffs for- may marry R Neapolitan, a Swiss convert it into n good evolution in ward and the solid green water wash- A UNIVERSAL PROVIDER maiden a Prussian youth, a Nor - progeny. A variation for that was ing the low decks continually, is but wegian Olsen a German Gretchen, a what sometimes happened, one child one picture of life on the rolling Russian an Austrian, a Spaniard a of a neuropathic family dying in a deep in a mere shell of a boat. INDUSTRIES RUN BY THE Portuguese, an Englishman a Scot. lunatic asylum, while another rose In the harbor and when at sea in SALVATION ARMY. to eminence as a poet, paints', or fair weather the torpedo boats run — orator. with the hatches open, the tom What Gen. Booth's Soldiers Are EPILEPSY AND INSANITY. mending officer stuuds on !cutch clear Doing for the London of the forward conning tower, and It was asked why and under what the crew lounge 011 deck, but when Poor. circumstances was epilepsy of one the little craft begins to roll and generation transformed into insanity plunge in the seaway the hatches are The cial telegraphic addcas of the men's of the next generation, and how was closed, and, barring the stumpy social work gide of the Salvation it that diabetes and insanity go to- smokestacks, the vessels resemble Army fs "Sub el, London." '1 he gether in some families of alternate baby Whales at play. It is then that. Army sends its 011 gr out into the generations. When medical science the erste sul)crs most while at sea. sreettents to find the great submerged could answer these and nice quos- All must remain below decks or tenth-iho arca who aro absolutely tions it might then Aictate some place themselves in jeopardy. 'To 1ic'stitute. (1 gives thein cin wise engenic rules. housing; and excellent food, in return , venture above 'tchilo the vessel isI erkins, as they met in the street, for which the men v(ork, and thus In concluding the address, which ;tlungine about the sea with decks enable the Army to trade and mann- "you and I have lived neighbors for was closely followed by a large and awashtvodld be facture, says London Answers. five ,years." distinguished audience, Dr. Maudsley EX'I'1tEMi.'l.Y HAZARDOUS. The work is roughly divided into "Yes." said it was certain that there were Sometimes . the steward will essay "During that time ( have kept a laws of tnentnl breedingyet to be two classes -skilled arp unskilled. The, parrot, u goat, ra clog, and two to climb along the deck from the fernier cumiprtse9 carpentry, cubinet- discovered, and it wag;no more un- stern to the forward hatch with a marking, and mattress -making; the cats," {awful to enquire scientifically into Nmul:in - dish clasped tightly in his • "Yon bete." 6 1 b latter rag and paper sorting, and My children have broken your the nature of vice and sin than into h'emis. Ile is in a race with the noud-chopping. windows, nay goat has chewed up the nature and actions of poisons. !res. If he reaches 4119 destination The cabinet-making works are (ilt- your Monday washing, and my dog Hatred was as natural as hunger, forward he is lucky. If the seas get ed with all the Inst and most up lu crud cats have disturbed y•our sleep rind stood in no less need 311 seienti- thyro first the fishes get the food. date machinery, driven by electric u, nights." fie exp:anation than moral qualities In the event of the seas overtaking power, and here all sorts of the most • "Yes, that is (Nur." which were not dependent upon the 111111. then he has to scrn'nble back to,ndeanced carpentry work is carrion.''We have emptied our ashes over physical constitution and have no L)ia Kelley and await another cheater on. A recent order carried out by into your yard, borrowedyour Duo physical connection whatever. 'Phis 'Met is an amusing incident of Ufa this department of the Army was the tuns the opinion which although foo- aliened to watch the steward essay making of counters for the new prem- fence, rake, broken down your gnrdon Icred i7 the supposed interests of tho trip in rough weather• lees of a large London business firm. fence, and tried in various Other morality, was really n hindrance t0 intense hent prevails below decks Orders such its this conte in ways to he nyou 1 when the craft 18 under tray with know=n knows you ot" the growth of practical morality.I'ItO�I A1,[. QUARTERS; "Anti now, my dear sir, to show us hatchet. closed. and the humidity it ♦ one of the inconveniences to whist there is nothing in this trade that thnt you appreciate the situation of 1101' WEATHER AILMENTS. the crew of a torpedo boat is soh-' 111°Arn>_v is not capable of executing. affairs and have no ill -feeling in the jeand is ane of the most ob_ Luors, window -frames, benches. tables platter, I want to ask a favor of The best medicifte in the world to jectionable features of lite aboard the cabinets, ttooknhelves, the Arnty No- you." ward off summer complaints is torpedo croft, ns the hent is opprts- trails front the submerged tenth "Go ahead." llnby's Own Tablets, and it is the sive and fearful at times, with nil skilled workers able to turn out "I have four daughters, as you hest medicine to cure them it they four boilers under full draft, one these articles with the highest degree know, and all of then! are now attack little ones unexpectedly. At throbbing engines ttubbing 411141 of efficiency, Last year the sum real- ready to take piano lessons. Will you rho first sign of illness during the pulsating at fell speed of perhaps ism' by the sole of this class of work kindly, and as n neighbor, come hot weather give the child Baby's twenty -live to thirty knots. was p)(y10U, duan to Green's it me and help ` Employment is also found for a , 1110 to select a good -toned instrument Oen Tablets, or inn few hours the —T trouble may be beyond cure. TheseBRACKEN AS FOOD. large number of men as mattress and guarantee my financial ability 'Tablets cure 011 stomach troubles, makers. 'lite direct profits from this to pay him 810 a month on tho in - diarrhoea and cholera infanteine an(IThe •Japanese have worthily rte- work do not, however, amount to stalment 11188? if occasionally given to the well child ntonstrnted Cant they are well verse,) much, as the mattresses are mainly 4,—_-- gill prevent Iheni. Mrs. Edward in the art of wnrfore; now they seek used for the Army's own shelters. ELECTRIC I'LO\\S i.1 ITALY. ('lark, McGregor, Ont., says: ••I to instruct us in the art of eating 1llllltense quantities of seaweed use(! !!Why's Own 'Tablets for my lit- At the Japan Clul,, In Covent Gar_ are purchased; it is dried, and with Under the direction of the Italian tle girl who suffered from colte and don, London, Iln roil Suycmuatsu gate this the mattresses are stuffed. F.Icctnrtechnicnl Society the experi- bowel troubles and 1 found them! the n demonstrat1on o1 1he us, :•s to Whie}I the industry in waste -paper a pro 1110111. of plowing by electric power tnost satisfactory medicine 1 ever bracken -the ordinary common fere vides some astonishing figures. Every was recently made successful near tried." This is the experience of all -,nay be put in gastronomy. The:ncnt•ning Dna e -vans, arca with Rand• Turin. 'I'wo power cars, each fur - mothers Baron explained that in Jaren and. trucks, and men tvith begs, go the ' mothers who have used tl•1s nmrli- i 1 Wishing 2n -horse -power, were ata - cine• beep the 'Tablets in the hone in Cilina the plant is in universe{ use round of tete Ltrn11on business prG,n- tinned one on each side of the field. during the hot weather the and ns net article of loud, and seeing that lees, and collect the accumulation tat The plow Is drawn to and fro by you can feel that your ••11ildren nee it grew so plentifully in England he. paper and means of cables, and 11118 backward safe. Sold by all druggists or cent considered it his duty to bring the; 1tt 111gly'1 OF :\1,i. 801[!' or forunrd equally well. 'Three rnen by snail at 25 cents s7. box by writ- suggestion forward. laniary snm{dus • track it c •s to the Army's eettlo- are required to manage the nppnra- ingt the lir. Williams' Meilicine Co., of the "delicacy'' were bonded rouu'1•,merrf, where the tnrekilletI walkers tis, one accompanying the plow, and )lrockville, Ont. and pronounced to be good faring: set to work at furling it. It will one attending to each of the power and those present were ♦ 1 Inter- 'surprise twist people to learn thnt cars. It was found that from to extoll by rho Baron's (1escriptirt ut,the waste -paper so collected is sorted 15 acres could be plowed in 13 (1 El' OUT 01'' 'PHIS i1Alt1'!' tin' 11)1•thurls folinwcwd in "'king it.'into no fewer than fifty -t we different hours. The ele'^tric current used is There are n great number of people 4. Nemeses. huge presses puck this pap- taken from a trollet line. who have fallen into n habit of never UNFOUNDED. er into square bundles as hard es Iron; sacking is stitched found them, ••11'hy don't you go to work?" said feeling well. No umtter how soundly "They say," said lies. (ldcnstl''(and thew are ehtppo(1 off 10 1litoral- n charitable Indy ton tramp. before they sleep, Dna good their nppeliles, "that she married him under a nes- ' Iv) all parts of the world. Last yeag or how healthy they appear to 7.•e, apprehension." the Army collected 7.035 lona of whom /:ho had placed n nicely -cooked every inquiry in regard to their con- "Oh, no, she didn't," replied her' rIlllf. 1 would," replied the vaq- waste-paper, obtaining ter 7.t n stun rant, ' if 1 had the tools." "What ditiun nreitee the softie sterl'opyped, hasle•ss. ( seen the whole thing av11 over 850,000. sort of tools de you want?" asked depressing answer: "Not very well," myself. It was under a bell made out (*1)101 avrrkers are e►ntrinced in "About the ennu•," or "Not so well." 1 of some kind u7. red Iluaera. ' ' the hostess. "A knife sod kirk," • sorting. another cines of goods. The They are like the often that /4134) tell Salvation Army hes a subs•cribers''said the tramp. their pet yarns so often that then "John," spill n pH to her heft department, to which all manner nI -.4--,—,, really carne to believe thein Haan-, fellow one night recent Is*, "you've het4rog mous objects are sent from -- I BABY'S INSTINCT. selves. 'Phis ailing habit is eNpech11Iy • he/n 4rin6inc (01100, haven't }ou?" 4111 parts of the e try. 'I'heso! -- n( rive during the spring. eotple, lie admitted that he had. "Why do range fn variety Prom n pony to glass l Shows He Knew What Food to who auger from this habit hill find e,,,, drink it?" she pal.el. swells, range and fence teeth. All these aro Stick To. that self-cunti(1r'nce is 8 wonderful be anew'ered, thoughtlessly, '•1 slid It forted and sold, with the result that tonle. Their resisting power. that to -night le ea 11Se I was rowing to whet is a verb useful little income to Forwarding h innate force which is given for self- see you, 1 wanted to keep nwnke." the Arany. protection. is n safeguard asaloft Ile is 'oohing fora new girl now. lit a(tod-chopping, again, the Sal - Charles an 1 physical ills. ('hnrles f1 rtvin, Herbert 'tpeneer. S,(lr•srrian (reconmmending blue neck- in lusttry. Army 1t ne t at mitvery be {imagined ble Bogart Liens Stovenlir,n, lir. (nn1'r''I tie n•ith large pink spots)-"Ilut that the nicel}•-packed little bundles Johnson 41,111111nay •14'11 c•minent't(.ouldn't you like one like that? ['nm of fireweed purchneed at the grocer's men conquered real p6".•u.11 ilia In spelling n lot of thein this year." ' are made from wood pieke( up hero Mier to pursue their 14041.. if they Knrcnstfe ('ustomcr-"indeed! wiry'and there haphazard. 'The Salvation hart declined to stork he'aus • ".f not clever of you, I'm sure." Army, for example, has its tinrlref- 1((ling,• very well they ttm(ld neccr J - _ !ynnls (tacker) with bene ticeemplisho(1 eny(hing; o1 note. `- lrliO1'' I'IJ'S OF PLANKS, • Pure soap!" You've heard the words, 1 n Sunlight Soap you have the fact. SUNLIGHT REDUCES EXPENSE, Ask ttsr Ike eetageas Bar. THE WORKINGMAN'S TEA Should be Rich. Strong and Full Flavored. Mor! than medicine is a steaming cup oI Fragrant TEA. FOR SALE BY ALL LIVE OROCERS Superfluous Nair Porminen;ly Removed T it' 10.1ile Uavrhnc nn Si a !teleran 1 caecr- cd drug which n• vcs hair nvnm face, aro. , neck. or any part of the body instantly and perIIIaneatly, so will Fend to any one afflicted Without any expense but a postage stamp. Don't judge my ticata.ent by unsuccess- ful attempts of others. I have sintered for years with this atiliction will now Iny Ide's work is to help others from this humiliating trouble. Sty treat- ment is easy and accomplished at home, and 1 will forfeit $sun if (t fails to remove hair. Don't suffer longer. Re- lief is now yours for the asking. Writs now lest you forget my .ad(:cces. DOItO'I'l1Y 1(1,A1'tr 1s1:', North Ser. teenlh Street. I'liiludclehia, 1'a. A telegrapbct earns from $510.110 to $1!(00.00 a year. Po you'► 1t not, let us qualify you to (10 so, Our tree telegraph book explains everything. Write for it to -day. it. W. SOMERS, Principal. DOMINION SCNOO 1 Of 1f EE }RRPHY %?Alto AT A1141)1(1I I. Al.nrn•1'A- 11 Adelalds 57.. 841 t. Toronto, Oat. j` 2508 acres -22 miles north of 1 81gnr r; 8 miles from Airdrie railway depot; convenient to church, schools, PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. stater, etc.; splendidly situatevt; magni- ficent view; first-class soil; good water During Juno, July, August and supply; up-to-date improvements; well - September the Chicago and North built grouse of eight rooms, fitted with all modern conveniences and drainage Mestern Ity. will sell from Chicago, Rustem; stable, cattle sheds, bugrep round trip excursion tickets to San &lied, workshop, corrals. etc.; good fences, all new and substantial; will be Francisco, leis Angeles, l'ortlund' told as a gong concern, with stock. Orr.. (Cowl:: & Clarke Excursion), Re- crops, raachtnery, tools and house fur. attic, Victoria, Vancouver Rt very niehiugs; this farm Is all plowable, and is especially adapted for growing hard tory rates. Correspondingly cheap fall wheal and for mixed farming. Full farce froin all pointe in Canada. 'particulars on application to Gray Choice of routes, best of train ser- woe, Airdrie, Alta. vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. dates, folders and pnol'fat'fY BE:(:1:TS IIAFI'INE7I$, full inforntntton can be obtained happiness begets health. guy a E. in the celebrulml 7.1001,4, ifountai! from 1t. IL, Bennett, General Agent. District whore everyone is prosper,us. 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 4114(1 cr0(r failures unknown. Carlyle Ia four years old; hes tiro ckevators, with capac1ty of 200,000 bushels. The men '-- ♦ STILL IN DOUBT. who built then! knew their business. They are fined every season. The 1). Lo Not 1►elay.-When, through debut- "Ma, they ain't no doubt about U. Mcl•'ee Land Co. of Carlyle, Asslnl- tatcd digestive organs, poison ands Its bola, have 200,000 aures of improved way into the blood, the prime consider. it. Our William is either goin' t0 bo rind unimproved farm lands for sale In (tion is to get the poison out as raped- a genius or a fool." this district They solicit your currea- fy and es l .,roughly as possible. Ls- '•1,441(1 sakoa, pa, what makes you penitence. Further information and lay leeryy mean disaster. Parmelee'& particulars+ rhrrrfully c t. rn. Vegetable Pills will be found a most think NOV valuable and effective medicine to as- •'1 just ketched him tryin' to sail the wtrudcr with. They never drown the cat in the well to see it fail. They go at once to the seat of Uro trouble and work a permanent cure. the story was true about it haulm' nine lives." VERY NEIGHBORLY. Some persons have periodical attacks "My dear Mr. Taylor," said Mr. of Canadian cholera, dysentry or diar- rhoea, and have to use great precau- tions to avoid the disease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit. is sure to bring on the attacks. To such per- sons we would recommend Dr. J. I). Kellogg's Itysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. It a few drops are tuken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be ex- perienced. •r„n't 41)tow yours•e'f to become a 011%000 the mix^rahlo little absorbers 7.f 1104114 h and happine)4, • .ln: ee-"•flow do yon expert, to arm. %Ni,n1 4h! party 310 the other end , t the line Buys nodose; fou hold the r. eels r to ,. oslr ear')" Smith - ••1 ('ori'1 n n•.t to hear. It's my Wife 1 i:1 1..l -int.; to, and if isn't of- ten 1 • �t the chance to do all the 1a1!•le� as11 r.um• o1 the livt(•ning." -'Ilal.'on, old rmtn, what are 71141 .. log; to (I(?" (Aura Friend - "Nit 1i g;." Yore--"Itoty nbcnrt a walk' 1 think it ttow:141 d0 us '1(4111 good," glum Fri,•illl-"So do 1. Y0nd•n; o!'' Forwarding a photo of n splendidly French ships are usually namedRf• handsome and healthy young boy. a The Prussian government is erect- happy mother writes truly an Ohio ing at Stettin a building composed ter French provinces or towns, vic- totvn: of imitation sandstone, granite and Dories, ideas, or sentiments, but no "The enclosed sandstone forms the French names, excepting those of the picture shows my 4 marble. The s year old (grape Nuts buy. greater part u1 the exterior. Tho ((realest rmcn in their history, are tnarnca'ork is of brick. All the mndu use o1. german ships hear the "Since he was 2 years ole( he has 11811108 01 (:ertnnn rivers, purls, pipetsblocks, window-frntnew sills, columns eaten nothing but Grape-Ntus. Ire rout, balcony and portal ornaments states, and chorncters in German 'O- mit, and gets this toms three ernlure, whilst Spanish sl•`.(.s are times a day. 'Phis may seem rather art of imitation ,tone, and are so almost invariably named atter cities unusual, but he docs not care for exactly cast and numbered that they or great commanders Jets anything else niter he has eaten his can be toted together and set with Grnpe•Nuls, which he uses with milk little or no chiseling, The pressing specially bought for this and no or stamping of the molted pieces is and other purpose. The majority of the or cream, then he is thro;tgh (lune by beide from three to tour Sumner Croup chopping is done by hand, but the, with his meal. Ih'('n on Thanksgiv- weeks are required for drying. Tho Aruty has also wonderful machines, ing 'flay he refused turkey and all cost is *•iced not to exceed half that for ite111(1.folk.innnlltlmrr'l7�.gh is n dlinitPron4 lt'(4" into which mood gods in one end as the good things that make up that 1,} nature! Mone, and the durability fever that. nrcon4ptntr. 1t le liable 7.v segmenta of planks, and Names out great (ginner, and Rio his dish of is equal.eau+a merlons (norm Clive thJw the other as nicely chopped firewood Grape -Nuts and cream with the beat faster than it can be cleared away. results and none of the evils that 'Tyle Widow -"I want it man to do Inst year the Salvation Army pr- the other foolish members of odd jobs about the house, run on cr- duced the immense total of :11'2 roil- the family experienced. rands, one that never answers back, lion bundles of firewood, all of which "Tie is never sick, has a beautiful and fa always ready to do my bid - was sold to the London County complexion, and is considered a very (ling•"- Applicant -"That's a hus- Council and other regular purchase- handcotne boy. May the i'ost,nn band yetis want, ma'am," ors. Company propser and long continue -- Again, the Army is n market gar- to furnish their wholesome food)" Ifo -"The astrologer described you (lever on no tnconsltlerahle scale. Al Name given by Fostum Co., Rattle exactly and said th•-,t T would tnarry Southend it has a large farm. fully Creek, Mich. you." She -"Whet a wafto et stacked and equipp(•d, and finds not There's n rener,n. Rend the little money! 1 could have t'.,.td yes the the slightest difficulty in selling its hook, "The (load to Wellv'illc," in same thing uyt•elf it you had asked produce. A very huge trade is done ere 7 pkg. tae.'= . T N U I:. ' ''1.: t: o. '.b --Ga SOME LATIN SAYINGS. Ile who is better than the worst is not good. Not he who has little, but he who wants more, is poor. Ile who can do that which he wants to do, is happy; he who wants only to du that what he cull (10, 19 wise. We are all servants of the low in order thatwe may be free. All excellent things are rare, and nothing is more difficult to find than that which is perfect in its way. There is no saying which nas not already been uttered. fraise the work after it is finished. It is true that friendship cannot exist except among the good. Wisdom is useful because arise men think highly of virtue. 1.•'c,rgive thy neighbor teeny times, but thyself never. No roan's life is too short if he hits fulfilled the tasks of perfect vir- t''e irm u perfect manner. The vitiate of great men is worthy of imitation, not of envy, A (food Name Is to be i'rized -There have been imitations of Pr. Thomas' Ecleclrle Oil which luny have been in- )urtrrus to its good name. but if ro, the injury has only been temporary. I:oodue•s must always come to the front and throw Into the shadow that which 4s worthless. So it has been with 1•;rlr enc 041; no imitation can maintain itself against the genuine ar- ticle. "lies,- said the fashionable moth- er, "1 was dreadfully ttorriell tes- terdoy." "'low tins Mari" "Why, the nurse went out and lett the atom, with the baby for nearly two hours." Lever's Y -Z (Wise }lend) Disinfect. ant Soap Powder 10 better than other powders, we It la both wap and disinfectant. llo-"I would lay the world at. your feet." Site (haughtily) -"My dcnr sir, it is there already. Don't assume credit for the law of gravi- tation." Mother I:rnves' Worn Exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in children 1 adults See that you get the gentile': when purchasing. iMI'I'A'1'ION SANDSTONE. Protect Your Property --WITIf— DIA F=R�7 exriNGUISN4R A err powder put up Is reefs) tubes, 22 in.kes long. it seta Ins(setlr eslints'sh the most (.81044. teen.e of so al or (44. Price 7.3 0) este, 330 OJ des Write Crad evriptirs nailer The Diamond Dry rowdsr Cris Ar!NTS [atln;Wahiir 00.. Taranto, Ont WANTED WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES SOLI) AGAiN. -You advertised," said lite gullible one, "that you had discovered the key to success." "'IYue," arinitted the other. "Well, It didn't help me a little bit." "'ho reason for that," answered' the other, pleasantly, "is that you have been buying the key instead of selling it. Il has brought me nue- cess." ue- Cef8." Prevent disorder. -At the first toms of Internal disorder. I'S Mirk f.'s Vegetable }'ills should hs resorted to immediately. Two or three of there salutary pellets, taken before going to bed, followed by doses of one or lou pills for two er three 444544(5 In (18 (0, - Lon, will servo as a preventive of at- tacks of ,lyse, psh. and ahup ll the ,•co - forts which follow .n .the train of that (.11 disorder. The 1008118 tiro simple when the way is known. Elsie (aged fives --"I Io hope 8(11110 l)utrhIlIscn will Inv u-ry me when 1 grow up'" Aunt Mort' -"Why, deur?' 1':Isip--"'('aux' 1 want to be a duch- ess!'. Thee llsI,In of l:glinston. says' "1 have removed ten (urns from my feet with Galloway's Corn Cure." Header go thou and (10 likewise. NA\'A1, NOMI:NC1.A'1'ltltf•:, Shiloh's Consumption CurePoli -ung Ton 1e 1. sfteesant to tete, 1V111 4410.1. tbetn qulctly and hiss nu unplen ant after affects. At s'1 .lruprists, lb•, '/) sr,47.t.1' a re pt r:e. ' (-+�