HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-03, Page 7avY.
"f HE JAPANESE EMPIRE n ih ntshcamprIves sev rale bbureaupend
under the control of a Minister of
OF GOVERNMENT. These nine Ministers, together with
r a 31inuser-Presidcnt, or Premier.
form the Cabinet. One other official
enjoys ministerial rank, out w'atlu,ut
a stat iu the Cabinet -41w Minister
of (he Itni•eriul Iton,•.hold.
The n!flcial statistics for 1901 give 'Hui Miaist,a•s of War and Marine
the total population of the .1apanele are independent of party politics and
empire a5 47,900,000, not including do not go out of Mike at it change
Porno -a, whirls is reckoned at about of t ahinet. Ministers of State unit
3,018 /,‘ 410. 'There aro 4,111 nodes, Governmental Delegates have the
and 2241 persons over 100 years old, rlsht to appear at uuv time in either
the oldest being 119 years. At the house of the Piet and to address the
beginr.ins of 1903 there were 11,396 members.
forei„n 4 i. idents.-}---�-�
The theory of the Government of TAKE THE DRUD 1ERY OUT.
.1ara44n has always been that the
count 1•y was an absolute monarchy
ruled over I:y the teivorcigtis of one
unIrukt n d. nasty, and this therr:!
it s ale abeen s 1 en in it Sense an actu-
Information in Succinct Forret
Which May be Welcome at
This Time.
How to Make Your Occupation
Pleasant and Profitable.
Do it cheerfully, even if it is not
t DO it in the s;.irit of an artist, not
ably. for, though more than one ui DO
these sovereign.: has ruled :;t 440100 ,,Make it a stepping -stone to .otne-
only. their has always been a sover- titin higher.
eign of the imperial line, and hu has S
ala'ars been its theory an autocrat. Etndeavor to do it better than it
has ever been dune L•eforc.
3Iake perfect ion your aim uud be
satisfied with nothing less.
Do not try to do it with a part of
yourself -the weaker part.
Kcee'p yourself in condition to do it
as well us it can be done.
lteg,aril yourself as a coworker with
the 1'reator of the universe.
Believe in its worth and dignity,
no matter how humble it. may be.
4l0111 throuchout til^ worm.' Recognize that work is the thing
As a constitutional sovereign the that dignifies and ennobles life.
Enlperor remains. as before. Accept the disagreeable part ( t it
'1'111: SUPREME HEAD, as cheerfully as tho agreeable.
Choose, if it is possible, the soca-
combining in his person all sovereign lion for which nature has fitted you.
rights and exercising all executive See. how touch you can put into
functions with tho advice and assist- instead of how much you can take
once of Cabinet Ministers appointed out. 01 it.
by himself and responsible to him Remember that it. is only through
alone for their administration of af- your work that you can grow to
fairs. your full height.
There is also a Privy Council, cote- Train the eye, the ear, the hands,
posed chielly of ex -Ministers whout the mind -all the facultieo-in tho
the Emperor can consult on (natters faithful doing of it.
of State whenever it is necessary. Remember that work well done is
The declaration of war, the making the highest testimonial of character
of peace, the concluding of treaties, you can receive.
ars all in the hands of the Emperor. Use it as a tool to develop° tho
To hint also belong the organize- strong points of your character and
tion of all branches of the Govern- to eliminate the weak ones.
meat sere ice, the appointment and Remember that every vocation has
dismissal of 4411 officials. the fixing some advantages and disadvantages
of their salaries, the granting of
titles of nobility, of ranks, orders
and other emblems of honor, and
not only the punishment of criminals
but also all questions relating to
pardons, amnesties, commutation °t self ineffaceably on your character.
punishments end the re6abilitati°ih Write it indelibly in your heart
of disgraced persons.that it 1s better to be a successful
'11te F:ntper•or is in supreme. Com- cobbler than n botch physician or a
wand of the army and navy. In leg- briefless barrister.
islative matter:( he acts through and ` Refuse to be discouraged if the
with the ndvice of the Diet, which !standard you have reached dopa not
consists of two houses -Peers and ' satisfy you. that is 0 proof that you
Iloprestntat(vos. The summoning. aro un artist, not an artisan.
ola•ning, closing, proroguing and itis- 1 Educate yourself in other directions
solving of the Diet are of the Emper- I than the line of your work, so than
In 14181 the present. Emperor ful-
filled ie fourteen -year -ofd promise to
give his people the benefits of a con-
stitution. The fourteen years that
elapsed between the Promise and its
fultifnient "were no Idle ones, they
being employed du the gradual re-
moval of wish nt customs that bar-
red the way of national progress and
in searching fur intelligerv.° and wis-
not found in any other.
Regard it as a sacred task given
you to make you a better citizen and
to help the world along.
Remember that every neglected or
poorly dote piece of work stamps it -
Stories of Huge - Fortunes Left
Hetes Tule Out to Be
jest as ct ery slave is descended
from a king. and teeny king has it
slave an:ot.g his ancestors, to the
very poorest of us is more o' less
related to possessions which it is
not hard to convince us are Wrongly
held by others.
Every family has its tradition of
this sort. which accounts, perhaps,
for the readin>Ss with which any
intprol able story is a eePted tilling
of miraculous fort unes suddenly
thrown at heirs groom Sick with hope
Thu latest example of this sort
consists in a "will" which tunit10d
from the back of an old picture.
which its owners were in.luced to be
licee would bring them property
worth a million dollars.
That is a modest suet in compari-
son with some which recently occu-
pied the minds of fortune -seekers.
Not lung ago Mr. 1'aisha Corey, of
Omaha, Nebraska, arrived in London.
armed, es he thought, with convinc-
ing proof of his titlo to "the $900,-
0(10,000 Corey estate, whlah has poen
for sixty -live years in the Court of
Chancery, ane' consists of stocks,
bonds, and gold."
In spit° of tho most praiseworthy
zeal, Mr. Corey could make no pro-
gress towards the reall'atlo„ of his
claim: so he invoked the aid of Mr.
Choate, the American Ambassador in
London. Mr. Choate took up the
matter, and wrote to the Court of
Chancery. with the result that he
was informed that the Corey estate
of $200,000,000 had no existence in
i'ndeterred by so chilling a preced-
ent as the foregoing. there came to
1•.n,land, a month or two later, hr.
.J. P. Blackburn, of McKeesport.
Pennsylvania, to claim certain por-
tions of England once owned by his
ancestors, who had sailed in tho
eood ship Mayflower. 1Iis researches
t.rought to light collateral branches
of his family In the Old Country.
They cherished the same traditions
with hintstlf, and clrlu•ly showed that
part of the family estates had cont -
prised the site of what Is now the
prosperous cotton - ,,wnufacturing
town of illackburn. Altogether a
sutra of $75,000,000 was at stake.
Beyond that they could not. progress.
All that I)c'. Blackburn was able to
achieve was the redemption of his
family coat -of -arms from the College
of Heralds. The rest of the ittack-
bur•n nosseseions had all been legally
and properly disposed of, and the doe
order of succession unimpeachably
or's prerogatives. You will be a broader, more liberal, observed
The (existence of tho Diet docs not. more intelligent worker.
however. limit the legislative power Regard it not merely as it means A Mitcham family had as bootless
of the Emperor at times when the of making a living. but, first of till, a chase after a entailer fortune, and
Diet is not sitting. At such times as a means of making a lifer a hag -1 in the end they had to take criminal
sudden emergencies may he met by er, nobler specimen ct manhood. -
Torredin v a �uinst the men who
Imperial ordinances having the ef- Success Magazine. f g ti
tett of Incas. Only these ordinances had instigated the hunt and caused
must never, accordingto the Con- AN ARTIST IN WORDS. expenditure of the sum in which they
atitution. chun;e or modify any of -- had been involved. Similar results
the existing laws Remarkable Gift of a Frenchman attended the "windfall" of a young
to King Edward. man who produced (( will endowing
The King has accepted a short his- him with *200.000 down snit $50,-
tory of his life, extending to some 000 a year. On the strength of the
45,000 words, and a small pen por- forged document he had proceeded lib-
truit of himself. 'rho peculiarity orally to "raise the wind."
ahout the two gifts is that they iii.„ Another such ruse placed the "rich-
• The portrait has been most. in- est man in the wo••Id" in a felon's
geniously ninth* by an arrangement of cell, whore iso languishes at this -
the words, tthich are written very moment, 'Phis teas .lames Alhert played in the band. Since then the "Tommy" Costs Britain a Millionminutely. The portrait is a very Marston, the Sher millionaire." teen have formed themselves into n: a Year.
good likeness of his Mnjesly. Tim as he was more generally known. At limited liability company, each hold-
• a+'list is M. Refers it naturalisedhis triul for obtaining huge suets of Mg at 1:5 share, un(1 the proceeds of Major-General Moody. speaking at
f'ronchmnn, who has cultivated the meets by (else pretences. it was rep the contests and concerts are fluid- a meeting of the Army Le'nguo in
art of writing very small letters. He resented phut he hull really believed ed. From t ho lime of Its earliest London. said ho strongly objected to
~hurts a visiting curd with the Na- in the story of his having inheriteddays, when it was a reed band and the use of the sword "'J'onu+y" ns up -
won 1154 first prize with "(rod Savo plied to soldiers.
tionnl Anthem written round tho from a deceased uncle an estate in the King..in n contest in ce•lehra- "1 belie%:• the word is costing the
edge of it. Another curiosity was a;Ontariohalt the size of Ireland, upon 1' of the coronation of Geoge 1\ . country a uiili' a year," he said.
grain of wheat, on which M. Soler
' wIiihich were gold and diamond mines It is breaking down the self-rcltppa
had inscribed: i galore, making hint, as the papers sot the baud has won about L':r,44O0 in
prize meuey, not to trent inn another , of many
soldiers, and it prevents
Ilia :MajNovember
King Edward succeeded
1'do(l forth at the time, the richest. man thousand or two in instruments. neon joining who otherwise would ho
learning or service to the State and born Novroat 9th, 1841, succ1901, in Ilse uworld. ll0 lived •In the •gr0al-
tu the throne .1n •y 2'2nd, 1901,,rst luxury upon the money uurrowetl cups nn(I ntednls. Ftiuco 1881 tl,e ,„Idlers."
a few representatives of the highest crowned Au est 9th, 4!102, nutrrtal hand lana taken part in nearly -44)11 The General also consitrred it
S on fho strength of his great 0xpecin- contests, and carried otT no f.•\%,.1 scunanlous that there should be at
taxpayers in the country, elected for Dlarch 10th, • AMP,. •to the 1'rinr(evs 4ions, Feel as. hortses, wore til, than 134 first prises. present '21,OVu then confined ill mill-
ill'perioda of seven years. ih(e total Alexandra of Denmark -born Ilereut-
richest of garments, boasted of Ist' conductor, Al r. Alezauu!er tui' tory prisons, and he thought that 11'A1.0 MAIIKIo'1M.
number of members of this house is ber Ise, 1844. I
869. Their A1n carica have hell ;smiles:
tyachas and palaces and Royal inwita- •'Abr," ns he is more familiarly when oar.) a soldier was imprisoned 1
The House of ltepresentntit•e9 has (;(•urge• l iince of 11'a a horn Juncltions, find wont always armed with known) ()nem is a Stnlybridge man, the array should iel him go and try Buffalo. Aug. I. -Moue -Quiet and
871) soots occupiedI,y members from 804, 1801, married .I, R 0th, 1814:4, some ha If -dozen re%olvers. in reel ity. but ell the tern live unit arc i•utlae'? .omhething else. steady. Wheat -Spring. weak; No.
the various electoral district:. elect- to Ih'incrxs Victurin 1i 44v "f 'Peck, he way a draper's nsslstant earning eel in the neighborhood of "Mess's.' , The ehsolcte Mallot Art for the mil- 1 Northern. $1.151 asked; Winter,
ed by n secret single ballet. The i'rincess laitike, bent February 1 $7 a :week. Now It is wed✓rgoiig hot• the most port , they are eng.ig it 'LI, the arguel, might e. ilk adwnii_ No. 2 red. 90c. Corn -Weak: Nn. 2
electors n'ar erste .1,npnnese, subjects •)) 4hree year:' proal •ert4tude. eil in blenching, Printing; red sly.• 1 age be revived, and bort should Lo yellow, 112c: No. 2 corn. 6114'. Oats
j I til, 18147. mai rola .tiny. ' 7 411, 188!1,'
of not 1 ss than 25 yt ars of age, who to Alexander, hale. of rile. ! A couple of years ago the Mile Eno works. and spinning mills, one, i„- trained for the army just as they -tweak; No. 2 white, 361; No 2 mix -
have gatid tot (a1o1ut $5 in Princess Vieturitt, born July 6th,Fwnrkhoaso was ringing wit h the fid- deed, being a coal miner. uveae for the navy. ed, %6jr. Rye' --Dull, unsettled; No.
Atnerlcan n o ey) nt best. In iniperi- 1868. 1 Ings that it enter! nine(' n million- -♦ Major Roper ('aldheck maintained 8 offered at 671c.
al int• s for one year previously if i Princess Maud, burn No end!e 21;th'nlrrsv. The heroins of the fiery err- that the degeneracy apparent in tho
`- FARCE I21 REAL LIFE. )oaks of the IStitish ernes wars raaseeel LIVE S'1'OC'IC 31.11Ik1•:'r.
on land. fur two years if in other , 1861►, married July n 1, 1890, to lain{y lice.! up to the part. To til` L1 t:o nerssily for enlisting t.0 r'•t•
((stet iPriuce Cheries of Donn ark. i('hnpJl,in of the institution She pre -Thr Wrong
Man L'ttuts in Insane ••ir ihlee in ordrr to maintain the es- 'loi'oi,t"• .lug(. 1. -Thr fulluw�ig; is
1 I T 5 Executed by .1. .1of0r, ��_1)1M r disposing u. ` ofsotto
Asylum. I t It were totted I.tk'u i
hack to the 11)11+1 which he had Left
to claire the fortune declared to be
ri4'htly' his.
i f c,ear,e wills do turn up in out -
of the %tnv places. and bring about
startling clintuxes its the lues of un -
suspect •d legatees. ('no nobleman's
wi 1 lay hidden for years in the hg
of a ):ee!stead; another rune to light
years altar the ship Schiller., in
which it was being (strt•0il front New
%eulittel to !'upland, h,01 f,t.Illered
on the Sc.11y Isles. Yet :,nethr last
testament Walt lits: 0•. eere(l entered
strong the ordinary. items of a day
ledger -a place in which it was ns
lit' le suspected to exist as that
which came horse in s i. its front
Egypt, to pr0e'(nt 114 • spread of the
plugue rasing in the district where
lh: will hurl been t?,•art,�i,
1'IiANT0.11 I'uIt'l'tiNI s.
Tho into Duke of Settlerl:Ind left
over four scorn of trills; while the
one and only instrument settling the
affairs of the late Lord Choylcsutore
was stolen by a Luggage thief on
tho tailway,
1'est-uto:-tem tangles often result
from the caprice of the testator. This
happened to bo the carte of (t twculthv
Liverpool merchant recently' deceased.
it was known that eterything that
he 1oss(•ssed ut death would go 10
his only son, with whom he had not
for years been on );nod terms. When
the will was sought, it could not be
found for a long time. At last it
turned up accidentally, hidden in u
Bible. Surprise succeeded surprise.
The testator had left his "all" to
his son. but that represented nothing
but a little turndtur'u and loose cash
in the (lead teen's pockets. He had
secretly disposed of all his wealth to
various charities aurin•_, the last
years of his life. That was his w•ay
of preeenting his unloved son squan-
dering tho fortune which the father
had worked so hard to accumulate.
The search of this disappointed le-
gatee for his phantom fortune was
no more futile. than that whish is
every (lay being conducted where tho
legatee, and not him that bequeaths,
is the one in whose bonnet the bee
buzzes. -London Answers.
SANC'1'1ONI•:h 14Y '1'HI; INI.7r.
Projects of law may he initiated ley
tho Government in either of the
houses of the Diet, and either house
may make representations to the
(iovetn.lent. or present addresses to
the Emperor when public business de-
mands it. The vel ing of the annual
budget is in the hunts of the 'louse
of Represent at ivies.
The house of Peers is composed of
all members of the Imperial family,
all Princes and Marquises with here-
ditary tenure and of a certain 1111111 -
tier of Counts, Vise is nisei ISaron,.
elected for periods of seven years.
'There are also a certain nnmbe• of
persons nominated for life by the
Emperor in roeognitton of their
Famous De aris - Discovered by
Stanley On a Visit to
Cul. Harrison has eerived in Lon -
eon by way of Nal':es s.11l es•xan-
drlat, hating acCoIlI) tele .1 the uur-
ney fruit Ludo, 1,1(444 n:i1_, 1'e;.und
1'hartu,uu, in 1104nty-three and one-
third days. s.'• s UR' 1. n, .1 11 1.101:•-
Mall. Nrctlless to say, he O%V111ed
to being ready fora rtst, as lilt. dis-
tances (alone were very great to cover
in the short ti,ee 01ail•ible, front
Ledo to the 1turi I'urt•st and buck
being tater 1,000 mike, tthich was
aceoni1tished in five weeks' journey -
The return journey was particular-
ly arduous, as al the (l0l1.eys were
givon up to tho pigmies.
Colonel Harrison tells nn interest-
ing story of host' h.• came in touch
with the pigmies. and, as a neater
of tact, it was perfectly well known
that one of Zhu ubj(x'ts of his ex-
pedition was to sector. it possible,
for medical and scientific purposes.
a few of the tiny inhabltarts of rho
great forest.
&Ie hits brought six of than along
with hint, and all of them aro
the genuine Stanley dwarfs, not the
surged spurious specimens whish
have appeared in one or two coun-
It was not easy to win their cnn-
fdence. As the little expedition
struck the forest it f(.und small vil-
lage after village. The natives were
apparently well disposes. They conte
in In the: evening and danced before
the visitors, but in the middle of tho
night they disappeared mysteriously.
This happened on three successive oc-
casions. ilea at lust another vil-
lage was encountered, where the in-
habitants were more friendly. and as
luck would have it one of the boys
in Col. Harrison's party could speak
Swahili, which was understood by
the pigmies. The question was put
to then( as to whether they were
willing to accompany the white
A Remarkable Lancashire Musical hunter on Isis travels for "so many
Organization. neons." They were told that they
'I'lto "Hess's-o'-th'-Barn" is the would be carefully looked after and
queer title, of an English bund, coin- brought hack again, and they readily
posed of twenty-four workingmen acquiesced.
hailing from a little village a few OLD A'I` 'I'Illlfl'Y-TIlRBE.
miles from Bury, in Lancashire, horn. of them are males and two
which has been delighting Paris los of them aro females. Their height
ers of music. In former days in this curies from 3 feet Y inches to 4 feet
village tila'o stood a barn like strut:-
Taller(S inches. than this they never
tore licensed for the sale of intuxi- grow. Of the women. one may have
cants, and the fame of Bessie, lila to be left behind in Cairo. She is
landlady, was sufficient to lead to'old, and, unfortunately, is suffering
her name bring given to the small front the effects of wounds inflicted
hamlet which subsequently clustered
round "the hero." The Christian . by poisoned arrows, presumably in a
Hunte of the worthy lady, as tho: tribal raid. Her ago is about thirty -
spelling shows, got a little damaged three, but then few natives live be-
nt use, but the place still beers its yond forty in any circumstances. Iirr
curious cognomen of Bess's-of-the- great attractiveness lies in the fact
Barn, as it would be called without that facially she is strongly sugges-
the dialect. rtisions. tive of Simian relationship,
There is not a great deal known as: On the other hand, the voungcr
to the origin of the fa,nous band, girl, who is only about twenty-two,
owing no doubt, to the fact that the is exceedingly goodlnoking. Some of
(nen, who aro like a band of broth- the woman are really very hand-
ers, conduct their business without some. 'There were two daughters of
forn►ality, and no definite records one chief who wire notable for their
have been kept of what actually took good looks, but unfortunately their
Place over a hundred Years ego. farther would not shore them to go.
when the com,hinntion ons first. Undoubtedly the tribe belongs to the
formed. iL is known, however, that Nevrold family, having thick lips
IL was founded by three brothers. t,n•I 10Sry and dark complexions, with
John, .fumes and Joseph Clegg, cot- curly hair,
ton rnnnufaeturers, who bought the; �T
first iustruma+ts. music and uniforms!WHAT'S IN A NICKNAME.
and two nt least of the brothers'
Ts.r •a1 u. Aug. 1.-9. heat -Ontario
.--N, red and white, 8:)c to 'J0z.
tion:.•.• is quoted til 78c to 80t', unJ
spring til s:,c to 4440.
Mlunitohn-We quoto No. 1, $1.15
to 81-17; No. 2, $1.09. No. 3 it
unchanged ut 1104c to 91c.
Flour -Ontario -9U per (ent. pat•
cuts, 411.13 to Z$ 1.23, buyers' sacks.
West, with 15e to 20e more fol
choice. Ystiitoba, Bret patents, $5.•-
80 to $3.1;44; *we 1 patents. $5 to
$5,30, and bakers'81.90 t o $5.10.
Millf•e•d-Ontario-Itrsn, $11 .50 to
$12; shorts h!gh.'r at $18.30 to 1'9.
aluuitubu-$17 fur bran, $19 for
shorts. at 'Toronto and ettoiti freight
(tuts -No. 2 are quoted at -I-1c out-
side. according to location and
freight rates.
Barley -No. 2, 46c to 17e; No. 8
extra. •11c to 45o, and No, :i, 43c
Rye -Prices are quoted •tuutinntly
at 60c Outside.
Corn-C'unadiau 1. unchanged at
5.10 to :,5e. Chatham freight.:. Am-
erican easier at 634c to Ole for No.
2 yellow awl 03jc• for No. :1 yellow,
lake and rail freights, ()marl.) points
and 63e to (l34c on track, Toronto.
Peas -Not siest at 72c for No. 2
Lolled Oats -$5 for cars of barrels
on track here, and $4.75 for cars
of bugs• 25c more for broken lots
hero and 40c outside.
Butter -Prices are first its tono.
ereune•ry, prints 91c to 22,
do solid:. 20c to 210
Dairy lh. rolls, good to
choice 17t' to 18c
do 01(•dlutn ..•. 151, to 16e
(lo tubs, good to choice . 16c to 1.7c
do inferior ... 14c to 150
Cheese -Prices have (t firms tone tit
104c to plc per lb.
Eggs -Prices are unchanged at
171c to 18c.
Potatoes -Pricer( tiro unchanged at
$2.2.5 to $2.50 per barrel.
Baled Ilay-$7.50 per ton for No.
1 timothy in car lots on track here,
and $G for No, 2.
Baled Straw -Cur Iota on track
here are quoted unchanged at $5.50
to $ti per ton.
Montreal, Aug. 1 -Grain -The de-
mand for oats bi limited at 491c for
No. 2 while and 481c for No. 3 white
per bushel ex -store.
tiarley-Is firmer at 54e per bushel
ex -store.
Flour -Manitoba shipping wheat
patents, $5.30 to $5.40; strong
bakers', $5 to $5.10; winter wheat
potents, $3 see straight rollers, $5
to *5.15, and in bags $2.+45 to $2.-
Mil Ifeed-Manitoba bran in bags.
$15.50 to *16; shorts, $19 to $20
per ton; Ontario bran in hulk, $14.-
50 to $15; shorts, $19 to 520;
ntuuillie, *2_1 to $24 per ton, as to
Oats -$2.40 to $'2.•124 per hag.
Cornmeal continues quiet at $1.35
to $1.45 per hag.
Ilay-No. 1 $8.50 to 59; No. 2,
$7.50 to $8; clover mixed. $6.50 to
$7. and pare clovi•r, $6 to $6.'25 per
ton in car lots.
Eggs -Straight stock, 17c; No. 2,
nutter -Choice creamery, 22c to
224e; undergrndes, 21 j to 22c;
dairy, 141c to 20c.
t'rovisions-heavy Canadian eltort
cut pork, 520 to $21; light short
cut, 518 to S(9; American cut clear
fat back. 518.50 to $1!1: coin!
lard. 51c to file; Canadian lard, 94c
10 91e; kettle rendered, I0jc to 11c,
according to quality; hams. 12e, lac
and 144c, according to sire: bacon.
1:le to 14c; (mesh killed abattoir hogs
$10: alive. $7.25 for mixed Inas, $7.-
50 for selects.
Cheese --Holders are asking 1ljc to
10te for townships, and 104c t0
102c for Onto:it's.
( nndld files m) s( ,r tear ai•an°. e I I I h will" 1' , sl S'f t.n ills snit n .... t hr• range of 'I10...S -
suhjects of not lees than 80 yeat)i of Officer of the Academy, 344.tinture .\r- 950,00(1, in slime such as ,lure 1, tir..,:n the poorest and lowest rltak tie' rpEsport cattle. 10 t• 04.s -0 t.4.7•,
age. '1 he talon Mg are (lisqualified: tIst, Paris. 1(100 for cha'rir.ehle institutions, and 'filer,. ere 1111 the elements of a 1►0., m0dhu„ 4.a0 1.50
The wrllin way cul'e legible. bn' 11 1 ti a true slaty froth who wcro frequent Iv 401101 nt in 3...0
Officers of tho Imperial household. !: I \ slanut a s n p 1
so forth. e, Main as were regar(-
three actfarce 111
t.:i ns Ilona fide, and the laxly had ; n l'holet, 1 rnnre. rel nti h ( , d ,IiysI ue, in +nota) 11!•ro
judges. public nnditors, revenue rel- a magnifying glass mote the task u( 4111(1 intellit;euee, and t hey were net
11 Si.Soler 1 i i f 1 d comfort.
It green n ntembor of l'h01rt'e Sown
Iector9 police ullieialt nmrt ra to rending it. more easy.
. . . o rr a 0oy nn ngs o ctxury au tom 0r seldom Inrkhtg in enurk•g o
�1 having 1 n' i )sn ue twa9
either of the sercirce (Army unrp not us•• a magnifying( gl(tse when he all ended
in Oho police -court, when• planes avng aero u. r. e • i In dealing with what se :.elle.:
I 1 1 the Mayer r in charge 0f ti
Ito., hu11a
Ito.. COWS
!hitchers', picket)
110., cholso
a. 7.i 4.0o
-,(4 3.751
9 75
3 25
navy), pric'els• teachers of print try ' • .,.l,11111 n 1)0111, clear bond, with to Inch• was called to account f•u placed .y e . , , o valet•
Irhoots. OMein Is connected with the let 1es ,,haul the sire of a Ph" iheSe said luxuries -fur which sh,• its" citizens, who wcro ordered toil"pernicious onstage," Major chuitnxm ...
n reels and all elm hens. ile uses Will" ink of his had not paid, nor hoped to he nhl•• take him ton madhouse nt Anjcrs. I bcs•k said that. last yrnr 1".1 rn., cows. choice Our
vera ine'a!fe ta, ,.11t2 (1.•t,•rted, •t.(,e,e ► 2 era
cru s0. i wart' Ihsei•aerg" fur iii.Hrun( tt
'teething, ha
own manuhte•tem•e, mid he writes with to l.(•g(►nnd out net docile alt. (gad the
have been or nee
f'N14134 l!it11f1NAI. tib\ 1'I:N('l•.
The president of eith, r house re-
n quill pen. M. Hofer has nn album
pill of appreciative lettere from dis-I "UN CEP: 114)1.LAN1)."
inguisheil people of all 1ntionulties• Afore t'eeently still we had Pierre
•(it7 e, n salary of 1.000 c,•ti (about ------♦ tilers, the Spnnish vilingo Idac. -
0o In our Honey) per ane:un: 4 smith, fearing ns clnl•nnnt to the
FOREST 01'' I'11'.1141' 'fithl'.i4. t
the t ic(•-pre.ddenls receive 3,000 yen o ass 7 stat. s of the Marquis de Cruse
(nlaut 81,500), and til'• ordirary The moot extraordinary forest in Itse'r.,. I1usta of pe0ph' ()rceptel the
t,rntters 2.000 yen rai,.)nt *1,000), Ih•' 0011(1 is one discovered by 1►r. ' iSeemlenty as genuine until lite
Irnv4'ling; exg•,.etse+. 11.•10,t1.ch, which occufries at table- n on •h= a '0, when it one distovert•d
A member may, if ne rh.tn�e•+. de- land seine ids miles broad, at a that the 1011ntial millionaire was
!line to receive n saint_.. tool there height of :i('0 feet or 4110 feet above ;the unaophisticnt.ed loop of an un -
sop nlrcn(I3 been some instances 0f the set, near the West Coast of scrupulous bond et adventurers by
this. The Hot is to Ie renvo:.4'd Africa. The trunks of II'e trees 1.1 whom he anr) his sympathisers had
It ery year. '1'110 t,rst 'e'.cion Dae in 41115 peculiar forest are Oft. in Mame- he•n mercilessly exploited.
1(490; in the fifteen years site., there tor. nn(1 yet they only nitain n Soni( of these fortiori -.wolfs at r.' Ili,.
Save hc0n, owing to itis•-ol^tie n», I:oight of 1ft., giving the trey. the outcome of creel h , I .g ..,1 v
twenty four sessions
appearnn(t' of n round tahie There tho case of nit cl(1 n:, i.. •I ,,. ,„
The Brat ten yenrs of 0.0 i`1rt may are neve- more 11400 tn., leaves l 11in. tile. in sere. 1 to lin 1'I. .
be ,v,,Jd to hat, 'leen axprretncalal, which ailuro a length of Eft. and n' tnt•nt, sold n11 Cat: I. h
t, el of I Oh houses -n- breadth of 2f1., the 'lowers forming to cone. from Ate', . ., I:n:l(tn•
escort took 111)11 inn saloon and 1111- i illi:1 tw.•re e:iscluu g ea ass •Ont lik. , t • Dui.' bul!r; lu
til him with drink. Theit result tuns become "irk". and 21 .'.' 1.1 et• , e 1'eedei'M, short -keep ..
that all three arrived nt the asylum I Con'uiet.ted to military prisuts,. Ito., mc(11nm
in such a sante of hi/warn/• that I 1444., Ilghl ;1.1)0
the director was unable to tell which ► R111())141::):1:1',
nckrrs, eholce 8.(40
was the l.niatic, so 1.t. telegellpheel to •A ' �t'I'OI:1'. I►o., conunon ...... ... 2 'l3
the Alnyor of (1101,•' e.a'.(ing which It., built '1.001
ons the crazy man. '1 he Atnyor re Ad01111. an Asr;traut aril=nn, niter- 1{xp;at I'Wrt, per cwt. 1.440
plied '•1,egrartel," but the operator
transmitted it "le grand" (the tall
0110). The trio were then measured
and the tn11ts1, who was one of the
escort', ons pine eel in at st.rait-
Joel es.
\ (1 er right. dnys the 1. iet Im's 1(ife
mpinined of ('est•rtion. yho to-
e•.eel (1 visit from Legrami, who
1Si her sympathetically that her
i, snivel had gone mad and that he
himself hoot taken hi:n to the
ase gum.
ed Amin, :on a''i::n. r,i'. And Anna
rdmeel Ad,,lg h. '.nnilo'r nristocral,
A'f•ed, nn nt)0 9' :ode . sttio-ed :Inns,.
Anne nlh,rred Alir'(1. .Ilfrcd nl-
(h•rssed Aunu, ,tl, Hiles; ndntb'alio•I.
Annn as+0n:rd n r.tre:rent. Alfred
d',jl reit Amin. Anna nd:eoaisheel AI-
• (red. Alfr.'4 retorted uggressivettess.
Alh•,d's audin'4)y n'a,ueel Anna. :11-
fr•'I attempted abate., leg Anna.
Annn, afraid end nettat. el. ncgnnint-
ed Ad011, (lei( n•'rt:,..1 Alfred. es..
Do., Lucke 3.00
('ult sheep, per cwt. 2.50
Lambs. ewt O 25
Calves, rat, 3.50
1)o.. each ...... 2.00
~elects. per cwt...
I .i;;ht s. per ewe . .....
Fos. per cwt. ......
1.1:\ hl.I\(1 1•:I•'i•'1:('T 0F' 'I'It.11ei•:.
I!.•t.'('see of fortune heel compelled
rvl nl' se l A I '1 nwhilly ,, )+)sition i
the prr t 1 n •
crimson clusters. 1 to claim $410,00e .e ), • ',, •t •.. a, a, ; i,. ,. !,ole affair (hos enure to f•ed, a•,g;e ttI ,. 1 g .n. to ncee pt a I n
♦ n' n ••t.1. 11,1d Ije•'', ,, .I 'I: .4 10 h•' • j ..r.t I4..1 the truly fnreicat coin iii- Ad 'It ane:.' r.•'t \ If' ''s. Alfred at- dr' _r:...,. .•ewe.
Nile - ''You tare very deprec..'.t. 1 ! ' • "1 m t' i'.,„ e 'I hr is a: of the nITeir Is (lint the )(rine lar' et! Ai!olf. '1 n 1, 11.01 t -t. ilia a • 1!. , , • „I like it?" asked her
didn't F now . o'r care.' so much fl► 1,r . 1'• t • v h ,i 1. I ,,, s re •Zen vas so unhinged by At!elt. Anna nlieewt snnbiletra \l- i ,. i! .• ,.:, at (lie clnsr of the
'ring trained ant tb+ct )Ilse d. and
the principles nt t•a•rl v go•. ernnirnt
wee teint,(rlmrly :•stars:i•+h'•d !n I,rrc-
i'O.• •. rru►itr i)').' 11.'v ill,. (:over:t- your nee!e.•' 11e--"1 didn't: list 1 ons
at. 1 lea et.' r in ' 11.1•:,i t- was ih' ne'ens of keeping hiss in art will is,
11)nn e•.• n . .! :.4.t.. 1:1
and nn' !• .• of to , .'..1, with l(erl:tr,'l net to be n hn mimed Austria eft fleet her, nr- remitter conversat Ton n hllttaref
pri' at.. 1 h1 •. h, ex e•; 8 h , 0 ! • t) S.: 1' ' t.y. insane to he placed in no Tic 10 At An'wer:', nod. ateays shed- tine•% a day with persons who never
collet l •:.i'c,r. t 1: on••c t0 vitro. 114,1 e•):.(.• (Ing al.road afterra1.4. have Nus.»t introduced to ono!"
r h • • thnt hr 0oul,l only Fred. Alfre:1 abdicated nl).oiutel:. I r•e • ay.
rele?eod under strict Annn nete;.lerl Adolf• A11111 1• , horridly hmnilintb,g(," r'ni.1
rc. iliance, fatale the limn- and Annn ahrullly nl•!eeor,.l.'1 111'1 Miss Hymns. "Dee has to engage in
nee! t•, 1)41111eit • )1,.11.4' Altair<, T'or- insane: asvlun, the lest year of his
eign Atlairs. Finance. t'onttmnticn- lit.•, and now that he has left me 1111
tions. Agricu`ture and Commerce, hit nton(3 1'te tut to prone that he
l:tlttcatt:on, •Instice, the Army and was of sound mind."