HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-03, Page 6•'•o.,•o.; o o ;•• o ;.o.; •.; o o•; • ITELY MERCIM speed ahead!" "Hard apart!" by nor fired a shot in his direction; but Mensurr the juice, odd 1 :) cup gran- '! (called to the quartermaster. I he nutted that she was uuder way ulalwl sugur for such tit bull four U _ 1i\ I ' of a tett• seconds A blinding hast, ! wake, while the Japanese, dead as- sono is this drink that the miler- ! •' Amid flying fragments on rho tern now, was feat coining round to mewed "grape juice cure" for dys• HSS J S1Y S M�cruiser's upper deck, closely followed etarboar(. pepsic bus become a popular fed is 1 C {� t 1 I • I,y u sharp, shattering report, evok-' "Edge away to starboard. ho Germany, and there is nu doubt 03 His Love Goes Out to Him Who Suffers •• •} ea loud exclamations (rout the spot - collet! to the steersman, and then its beneficial goal;/y. shouted duet the tube to Mace') to ,..� oti•o•� o.� o.� �.•._.�.o.,..;.o•; o.; tatoas o1( st (1 *tt►uu C and the cap- go' every Pound out of her. "The' til\TS FOL{ 1IOMF 1.11'1:. ! fain understood at encu tho action t u( his subordinate. � b ggur wants to get away now, ands Brca(I re(p►ires Brent heat whet The tiff. Anduul.ol, a cargo bout• The steam steering -gear throbbed is trying to keep us in the lino of ! .. first put in the oven, but later i1 -^ I yet currying a few pastietweet an (etrrishl for ct menu.,(. ' lire; but he'll have a job," he coin - {I Y should be reduced. Uelur.gieg to one of the big Eastern ..why nren't we riot-;„!;?" ',tented,I !(ice water shoal+l never be thrown Son, remember that thou in thy 1 It is not on this account that ho is lines teas thrusting eastward across I'Ite uuate un. tett to the s toukin • I Indeed. the Russian would have a j I 1 1 away. Nave it after drawing oft the and Is In Need lifetime received thy good things, and received into the 11(s).m of Abraham, likewise Lazarus evil things, but now but because God is infinitely melei- hu i5 comforted and thou art tot-, fol, tender and luviug. Ile cannot tnenteele-Luke, x%i., tolerate sufleriug and misery. lily The 6bject of the p:,r.tIlo c( Laza- tete goes out to hie, who suffers and res and Dives is out to teach the is in need; but as in the natural doctrine of the world to come, bot world (Jot works through natural to set forth the evildoing (sf the un- agencies, so he does likewise 111 the named rich mos whoa► we cuu(ts,eely world of 504141 phrnetnenl and suciitl detigrutte as Dives, cud inci,l: 11 .1tty relations (God duce, not inlcrpost! by the infinite mercy and love of (:ed, ,s r miraculous agency to relieve which will out suffer misery and 3distress. This 1:,• 11. es through men wretcheiliwes to contieu(•, but will and women here on earthed. is their grant to the sick healing, to the part to act as the agents or aln:on- hu,gry plenty and to the friendless ors of God; theirs to feel ural show friends. forth the infinite pity and tenderness Now precisely what was the (8,111 of God toward n1I that. soe in need of Dives? is it that he etas rich mid or that suffer, and it is precisely this thercferc able to clothe himself finely which Dives faits to du There is the Indian Ocean. Presently her en- • tubo al the mime instant as it whis- job. for at that instant the .lap groes stuppcd and the ship began to (led front below, and also at that opened Gro again. A column of spray luso way, in obedience to the per moment the midtily, in a tone of arose under the Russian's stern, and rroptory gunshot of a grey -colored authority, told the skipper that ho oho s1((1elrnly listed to port. and then cruiser, which had gradually canto 1(i' would not allow him to proceed. The canto to a slop, both her rudder ort the starboard beam.! to swung( round front the tube. i and propeller being crippled. '1 thought the had finish: d with gutted threatens "She is helpless now." said the a Y 1 She says the g, 1 those tricks!" said the captain, tt to shoot hire if he touches the throe_'skipper; "but ne'11 get out of range, typical, well -set-up, grizzly bearded tie," 5111(1 ho exasperate/lly. for perhaps they will sink us for skipper. ! The cupatnin managed to choke spite." .1 ileum -launch, which had put off, I "Seems to he dropping by the down his rage somehow.irons tiro cruiser while the Andamani •••1'ltis is u serious matter." he!stern" stern" interjected Johnson. I wax signalling, demanding to know said to the young °nicer. "1 want "She is sinking, Johnson, and rap - why she was stopped, now euuno to get the ship out of hnrm's way: 1 idly. Sweep the ship round to port; alongside. The skipper (vent to the 1 you surely cannot object to that?; the mast help to pick the poor devils stnrbuarcl rail, and shouted down:I'I'hero are passengers aboard to con- 1(P! Hallo! What is the Jap saying ••We are the Andaman, for Singe- deter.', again" • pure and Hung Kong, with (1oteagain?"I'••'Resume your voyage. Am pro - meet stores. 1)o you want to come: not in the line of tire," said the, pared to pick up survivors.' " • aboard'? ' h -She evidently doexi not want us and live richly? 111 the heading of none of the pity and leu(•crliess cl 1{ussiun 4)flfeer presently. I Y "les," was the reply trent the' to bste►lero." this chuptcr, in the English translu God in his dealing with the beggar; launch, No; but we soon may he, it they I skipper' tion which we cotumonI t;sr, the .he is not n sharer with laud; his' Taller (.hair positions." The skipper As the Andaman resu►ned her Get the gangway !uttered for hint, 1 -she course at half -s ecd, so as to see King Jnuua vertfurg, this pat able is': conception of his life and t he oblige- and loin• hint up here'" resulted the !; rinccd at the stang;er. hr is al-� p • the end of the tragedy, the Russian thus described, "The rich glutton and tions of that lite is not, I 6 I g tering her course now. 1% y, g for s skipper, who then left the bridge she tlyfn. Johnson?'' -reaching Lazarus the Ieggiu'," But that is THE I►I1'1NE CONCK1'TION.b• g awl went to his cabin (1(r his papers. quite to miss the point. Dives 351 11•iittt he has is his to enjoy; what Ls i A rue moments altar his return Lu the glasses. not represented us a glutton; ho is "•)upanes0 flag, sir." not (.escribcd aa intemperate in any b11 '( i'fluuus and ho Jots not need ; the bridge thR chief mute returned I 1b "Ay; but what's she saying? book» and, with marvellous alacrity, her manner, us w1( ort 'tardy cunsidrr in- iiiuy ialt to the poor, neredy man 0084(uctng a Russian lieutenant, who like our private code -signal. lie boats were out, spreading like black temperance. Ile dressed handsomely, elite lies at six gate. , In the parable Uod's purpose and be fared well; so much we aro told (Iod's opinion are shown 1,1 1 he re. suddenly appeared to fly to pieces, with a tremendous e.xplosion. '1'110 Jap rapidly approached the spot, and no more. And is there any rea iception of 1 azures 'into Abraham's son why we should assume more titan bosun;, if we may so state it. 11 that? was (sod's design that he should have 'l'IiF: POINT (1 F' '1'1{1: STORY found love and pity and tender is missed if tt•e find hives' sin in hitt brotherliness at the hand of Dives, gluttony or Intemperance. At his eller had been endowed (Lith many door day by day lay the sick beg- good things that he might. have the gar. That Dives w•as not uncharita- supreme felicity of blessing and help - saluted the ofhters on the bridge George, it is, ton! 'Get out of don- dots over the heaving swell. -London with an indolent sweep of the hand. ger.' " lie turner) to the middy. Answers. 'You wish to examine our papers?' "She means business, you see. 11'o queried the skipper, after a i-a'1ought to sheer off two or three for►nal't fes, miles." "No, thank you." reg lied the 1{ us I Ile then t rdered the reply to b0 with a most affable smile. " "Quite unnecessary, • Your cargo and run up, "Not allowed to move. destination are as you say, but you also have no board a supplement.ary " • "Private or international code, � sir? "O ,rt I wonder how the got mail 11(' the Far 5alst, and my ot•-'holdsof tt," y hlo in the customary sense of the ing those who were reedy. Doves hail dors are to demand the Japanese A string of (tags was soon flutter - word charitable is clear trout the taken these bounties of clod and used portion of it." ' ing from the halliards, but onlyto fact that it was at his door that them for himself, treated them as his, The others looked amazed. John- conte down again with a run the Lazarus' friends laid him. Such suit- own; conceived of his life as one to . Iron, the third, and the quarternts- nest ' te, for the cruiser had sistence ns ho obtained was derived be lived for himself, for his own ter on the wheelhouse, looked aux-, promptly signalled, "Cease signall- from Dives. it roils that which fell amusement and satisfaction; failed to iously at the "old marl," and wait- ing or 1 lire." front Dives' table. what was super- grasp the glorious opportunity of ed. i "What do they mean by that, among the most refreshing drinks Mitres. whet Dives did not wish, olivine living which had been given • "The litter's face clouded and his. sir'?" the captain angrily asked of that can be served: which was given to Lazarus. Laza- hint, and so had disowned God and lips compressed; then, in a herd, dry: the middy. Black Currant Cup -To each pint rus was not driven away or treated the divine in himself; cast himself I voice, ire said: "The are suspicions because yon j 2 ! i J' of black currant nice add 'Its. 'cith cruelty, as 110 ordinarily inter- out from the company of (:ods coo- "You have been correctly informer!;t used a secret colo, and they won't weak green ten. Sweeten to tastepret cruelty; day by day he was Jeenneti 1 • self, through his choler but by what right d4) you snake your allow communication with the e1(- and cool. Servo in Lull glasses with the lower course, his denial of the demand?" I emy." icy. divine within him, to the eternal es- "Thin Japanese „tail Is contra- The Russian kept up a [urians Circ, Pineapple Lemonade -Make syrup traugrn)ent from (lad. to !lades and band." `w'ithout apparent effe, although the ctlthoug torment, to use the Jewish phraseo- "No, no; not at all. Please con-� by boiling 1 pt. wafer and 1 cup logy and picture of the life of the troy my compliments to your call -,slow, accurate fire of her adversary sugar 10 minutes; add 1 can grated had made n woeful miss of her upper pineapple, or the same amount of ricalld use it for stock instead et w'ate-r. '1'o remove pane of glass lay soft soap over th0 putty, and attar a w lours they 11(83' be easily i-e►novcxlfe. '1'o soften hard putty pass a red hotpoker over the su►•fuce, which trill soften It, so that ill can be easily removed. '1'o make fly gum, boll !Meted oil with a little resin, until it forms a stringy paste when cold. Spread this on a paper using a hard brush Ik•(ore cooking sago soak it in cold water for an hour, pour that oft, wash the grains well. After this process the sago may be simmered in milk or stock as desired. When there are no weights i1( the kitchen bear in mind that two table+ spoonfuls of caster sugar 0r flout nveruge 4)110 ounce, and rho weight of an egg is nearly two ounces. Plain Currant 1Lctaf-Work silt ounces of well -washed currants, ane threw ounces of sugar into twe pounds of bread dough. Blake like u 1uul. '1`o stone raisins easily pour some boiling water over and stand for two minutes. Then cut them open and press out the seeds between the linger and thumb. Moil green vegetables as follows atul they will keep u good color:- O . Have a large Hahrow 3 full of feta - NI E ( boiling water, throw in the vegeta- bles and cook fast without a cover aft to the pan. �R Fried bananas cooked as follows aro delicious: (tut the fruit in three lengthwise, dip each piece in flour, and fry in hot butter. Drain or paper and serve hot. Band sugat and lento!' with them. Ilur(1 Itiscuits-lltako a nice smuott stilt dough, with the hest whit. flour and uVw milk; add a little salt Roll out, divide into biscuits ant prick all over. hake in a brisk over for about ten minutes. Chocolate tilling for sandwiehes and sponge cakes a an he made thus: - (:rate some good chocolate and place it in a saucepan to heat through. stir it to prevent burning. Spread this evenly on the bread or sponge cake while hot. '1'o glaze onions for steak, boil them in water until they aro hall cooked, strain and put them in a stemma with a piece of butter. a pinch of powdered sugar, salt, a cup- ful of stock; let them cook gently till done. The liquid will be reduced and the onions colored. 'l'o boil a tongue successfully It should be first soaked in cold water over night, then drained and wiped dt•y. Place the tongue in a large Pan, cover it with cold eater, and when once it boils up sintn%er gently from two and a half to three hours. For potato cake, boil some tioury potatoes and pass them through a coarse wire sieve. Take one pound of this mashed potato, three ounce( of butter, a pinch of suit, and mois- ten with an egg. Roll the cakes out thin and bake in a quick oven. F'Olt 'I'III: PICNIC BASKET. All sandwiches should be made front stale bread, not user two (lays old. The bread should be cut ns thin 85 possible and the crest remorod. Where it can be done as with melted cheese, butter, deviled ham, etc., the bread should be spread while en the 14)81. With Lettuce--ilutter the bread, then spread with felled ,b,•--•.n(g; 10 01 place a lettuce leaf lexeett t lit slices. Chocolate Saudw fiches -Melt o square of chocolate, acid 8 table- spoonm sugar, spread 014 bread, sprin- kle with grated or shredded cocoa. O ut. A Date Dainty -Remove stones f chop tine and spread! between slices ocean, and during a fair run. descend(•tl, k on plain bread. Graham bread is us- "('ruiser's moving, sir!" crb•dl He caught the eye of the "third," together for 5 minutes a cup sugar ;axially nice fur those eandw'khes. Juhnta►►. t who winked significantly. Just (1108 and 8 qts. water. Remove from the •'Ah! 11'hnt's she snying?" queried; the engine -room speaking -tubo whis- fire and, while the syrup is still hot, the skipper, striding to the bilwcu- teed, and the two hastily returned to dissolv(• in it two i )'t. glasssee of j ONE WAY OF 1KIS(11'iN(1 "FIT." lar -case. rho bridge. currant jelly. Add three lemons and III 'Slnnil fast -sorry to co you,' . At one time or another i% P Lt the (mist of the ship stood the three oranges, sliced thin. 'Then everyone is ince(! withe per nearlyem of Johnson rend off. "She's after nn-' Russian midshipmen, with half a set on ice until chilled and serve in other 'trite, sir," he added, as he (107,•11 ()f Itis nun. They were leaning , glosses partly filled with crushed ice. how to keep "til" -equal to the de - swept the glasses silting the course on their rifles watching the cruiser, 1 Coffee l'unrh-Make 8 or 4 qts rich, In:Isle 11x1110 upon the brain and she welt heading, and saw a moonier . and exchanging remarks in the spot- strong coffee. When the coffee is cold 1885cles. The titnlity gets low and Miles nway on the starboard quarter. tery tongue, while the sentry. rifle In pour it into n punch bowi and sweet- the brnin dulled, and whilst the coming „lung n course parallel to hand, leant against the engine -roan) e11 with a recoup Lunde of 2 lbs. gran- wealthy Lind benefit from a change of that et the Andniu(t►• skylight, looking intently into the elated sugar by puttittg i pt. %cuter elircnbe. the majority of people have "Hy .lure, ell-, the Russian line teeildering depths of gratings, glist- into n saucepan over the fire. adding to ee(1'c other wens for r•rulr,•rating caught n tartar this lime!" cried ening rods, noel shining cylinders. ,thee sugar turd letting it buil gently the health. The c••ld-bnth-eyery- Johnsun, jumping; at the sutnr t me As Thr cnpt�in and rtnll4' approach -;until it is s1( thick tint it "hairs" rnornin}; prescription. se, Lenofcial to to the ldegraph, ane! ringing "Full rd, the }roup seemed more rxclleellywhcu dropped from a spoon. fat it titan3', dues nut milt a -e 1. 114))1). 1411(1 _-_- - - - .•- intent on their ship: and no % iii h•r coal before adding to tee coffer. Add those who have to forge th.t luxury j -she was 4)n fire. toluenes of black a big lump of ice, and last of nil, 11115111 du nurse than try a tepid lI how -4. of .)chotnitand the priests srnvke %%teething upwards. Suddenly, cover the entire surdue4' of the coffee plunge nt the concha.' 4)f the (Iny'» that kept th • threshold put therein (Etre Was a • Meted yell behind with a rich whipped cream, and servo work. it is deelnr,d to be most all the Itlom'y that was 1 rought into teem. The skylight sentry's rifle in (fainly Tittle china cups. 'lite healthful. and that it cnn(1uces to the settee 4)f Jehetah. . . . Ati-) they clattered on the deck, while the man cores any h0 partially frozen i1( an inerea•tel vitality has been proved in g;nee the money that way ttcighetl hinlmOl( reeled away with his hands ice create freezer before being put several eases. The tenter should be out +:011, the hands of than that (lid pressed to his fare. • into the punch bowl. With the nddi- nt , temperature of about sixty der th• 80:'1•. that hail the mere,,ht 4)f • So Intent were the middy and his tion of n !urge lump of ice it will rte grecs, 0(111 the hath should not Iasi the ho t'0 of Jeh(n(111: and *the paid men on their burning ship t hut they mala cold n lung tline. I more than thirty seconds. If tilt 14) tits ccu•penlers and the merely };1111)00(1 round at the noise.' 1.r Sp -Add to the juice of build,:-, that w1 ought open the Being completely o1T their guard, 12 lemons the grated rinds of (1 and t house of .3.hovah, and to the lemons soul0 seconds elapsed Lclure they Act stand 04,,r night. 'fake 0 lbs. HALF M11.1.1<)N 1'i1AN('S. and th.' hewers of stun', VA for buy- realised that they tcere dominated white sugar and make n thick syrup. In Prance it is not. only the unedte ing tinder and hewn stone to repair by the Ilritish captain and sante of When cool add the leotnnn juice, Cnlcd %rho plunge in the public lot - the lee indite; of the huus0 4)f J1410%111 lir• officers Leith revolters in their strain and bottle 11'hen tiering a ******* * COOLING DRINKS. Hero are dirue:tions for preparing some delicious beveruges which are placed at the rich man's gate; day by day the rich man's supernbun- entice so far provided for his wants that he did not starve to death. 11'e are not to think nt Lazarus as being an especially righteous man. world to come. lain. and tell him that I cannot- (corks. She could still answer her that I refuse to comply. '11110 mails fresh fruit, and the juicy, of three helm, I:ueeter, for presently turned to starboard, and headed a THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 0. Lesson VI. Josiah's Good Reign. Golden Text, Eccl, xis.; 1. -- LESSON Wolf 1.) STUIthleS. Not e---1 hes_• Word Studies are basal on the text of the Revised Version. 'i h. I:. i .11 of Anion. -The wicked 1l:en„ssrh was succeeded on the t le : of Judah by hi» equally wick- '. 'vu, Amon. The two parallel ac- (.� it» of his reign are fount! in 2 ( hien. xxxiii., 20-25 and '2 Kings ext.. 18-26. Although his reign w'8s short it is of special interest to use -h1: a his 1141110 occurs in the genea- logical table of the house of David - in my charge belong to the Itltttsh Government, and are even more 1(t-' course that would 50011 place tl:o [, 6 to come under the influence of stem- %sesa a then the career!" 1 Turkish Delight -Grate a fine, large hers of this reforn party during the The lieutenant repealed his ro-, Andaman between her and the en- pineapple into a hotel and cover with early years of his life, is not curtain. (nark about contraband. enty boiling water; allow it to stand 5 And in the twelfth year he began '•Excuse me, hut toads are not ('c'Od heavens. they want us to hours, then strain off the clear liquid to purge Judah and .lertextl,•nn-'!his contraband," retortt•el the slipper;'Protect them now!' cried the carr and sweeten to taste and freeze to a loin, vcnling his indignation 1(1 the soft snow; serve in lasses with a would be at the age of verily. "and 1 am legally right in refusing' Russian. ti High places --Local. sanctuaries on to give up any part of them." I •'1 don't quite understand," said spoonful of red raspberries in the hilltops in different part» of the land, "!tut," ):rg;vd the lirutenatlt, in 1 bottom of each glass. the young officer stiffly. 'Their introflection into Israel was hi Persuasive tones, "if it is illegal. fullOrangeade---Impregnate a few lumps "Likely not,'' said the captain imitation of the +►;stems of surround- redresslwill r be given by my Govern- drily; "but don't you sco what your of loaf sugar intwith tt;he oil s) oraien gas ing heathen net ions. the worship u dear site I don't doubt that ship r doing?" you can readily from the rind of four at local sanctuaries tended to en Y Perfectly." adoption of 1118113' other heathen for one moment." said the captain,' •'She is going to use us 118 n oranges. ;toll as many oranges as practise, and cyto to the fostering with a queer little lough. "hut 1 screen, ' you desire to use, squeeze the juice, of the belief in local divinities. The ata going to holt to 111)' legal rights The T{usshtn mhrtr allowing 8 to .1 cit. water. 'Throw gged his shoul(1- f•ont the start. 11"hat yon hove no the skins into # pt. water as you centralization of worship in one place eek ria was silent She lemons; cool, strain, and add 1 qt. J t, 1 c • ice water. among the Hebrews' brew» teas n Great belt( right to demand i certainly am not .%It is w but .1 shall record as n squeeze there, let them stand a short going to give up. tithe, press them n little, and add in ntnin ails l ; in its purity the be- The Russian. whose pn,:e seemed cowardly, mean action -a disgrace to this venter to the other juice. The lief in one God. your (lug, sir!' Asheritn-The masculine plural of now to have assumed a mole inns- ecru highest Ilavored ornng0x should Ashcrnh ns Asheroth is the feminine plural of the sante word. Thu Ash- (rinr were wooden poles of great vine it Chron. iii., 14), and in that of planted beside the local altars as a the a►xc�t►v of 0100 Lurd also (Mat.t. 1 ..tailol of deity. On them wn» Pottle - i., 10). It is also mentioned in con- nect' with hi» mon Josiah in Jer. i., '2; xxv., 3; anti 'Legh. 1., 1. Amon nscen:les! the throne in the year 611. 11. C., at tho It)11;e of twenty-two years. and reigill'd two years, living succeeded in (18(J by his 5011 Josiah. Durim' him short reign Amon repeat- ed nil the idolatrous practises of his father's earlier years. The sad state e( il,*airm durine his reign may be in- terns.' partly from the statement tont ':.lic walked in all the ways that his father oared in, and sl•r%ed the idols that his father eerved. and w'oi•lehip e:l them," 2 kings xxi., 21. and partly hunt the state of affairs•ehich succe•ssterrs, Josiah, found and sere: ht to change by a thorough re- fel e- fern.cttime Anton tram the victim vitally of palace intrigue, lichee slain by conspirators who, in turn, were broug ht to justice by the people, and him youthful sun Placed un the exttnd hie reform measures beyond throne. the boundary of his owe kin :dot„ 1er•se 1. Josiah -Kin. of Judith into Samaria. then an Aeserinn ft en, 11. C. U:il) to Il. C. (!t►8; the Procin(r. indicates the practical in won of Amon. the grandson of Ma- def'er)dence from Assyria. which .1u- nassch. Ascending the throne at the (fah at this time ensued. The eerie. nge of eight years, trio early part. nation of this state of atTnirs is that of his reign during the years of his the Ast.vrian empire though nett yet minority w•ne ewid. rely chnr•ncteri'c•l .et.•rthrow"n was 1(t This tittle greatly be fel• lutrous pr•nct leee such ns had l w, alene(1. been inrr"41110.d and fostered under I in their ruins -'Che Hebrew of this both his 1.t her and grandfather. ,phrnee is obscure. The translation 111• n nt i1( t he toot the reins of of the Authorl'('(1 5'ersion "with to it flocks," that Is, 0X1'34, seems to Te e1linlly admissible, 7. tit n Manges -A reference to lh( wershi11 4)t the suit he the .lotrs will be found In Kines x5ii1.. 1 1, where the chariots and hers••s d •4icated to the sun-god are spoke n •.f as hating leen rel10tts1 frown (he grate of the tette 1 •. '1 h • tt orshi;r of the sun at Jeru!ta'etn is also „tent:need h}' Ree- ked '1:7e!c, (iii.. 181. T1115 tsnrticulnr 1,,t:1( 4,1 1(IoInt rc stns ( o'ruron both nrl:eri • the r»iginnl inhnbitnnt•-' of 1'aloa'n,' n,;tl neione the 14thyien (111s an:I )role these in all pro',abili1e it e ee• ewe. d by eh • .letta. (a `11.1••1(:,n-.1e:ording to 2 Kilt, s5 he vete a -4't fes, times rngravcn the name. the icnte;r, or the symbol of the god or goddess worshipl,erl at that particular shrine. It is (Bovie. possible that ninny of they! A.h-•r'in1 were. planted Weide al- tars at which Jehovah only 'was worship! ed. Graven in.ages-'g'hose carved in wood Lind stone; that i», engraved. Molten images* -vintages made trent molt(„ metal and cast In molds. 1. ilan)in1-C4)mpnrc Word Studies on lesson for July 2. 5. burnt the bones -The disinterred remains of tented priests. Thus dese- crating the altars in the sight of all the people sty bringing in contact with then( that whlch was dead. it was nls0 an act that tended to bring In dishonor the priests. (l, in the cities of Mannsseh and Ephraim and Simeon, even unto Na! htnli-'I'hnt Josiah was able to r• 13' into his ()Mn feet ; I: I•:cea awl tarried (41 n sees! issue n 111(11.•1.,1 1'0 14,11,1 '.h,,h 1: •:,:e epoch-mat`iml tromp. I. • on t • ., : 1. '1 he main fenturtst of rte r. fern were the d••nmitre and th r.•etgh 0.'1'0%101,n el the tempt •. tt. ..offal, r •hip nt Jer- (.• '• tn, et !he .,1 of focal 1181' 3.w ' oeI I! ' - )1111/40111. , ., ert,r►t:; t h• year, \\h.' h folbrived t+• i,fur,•ntii' little is 1nou',,. seven) to have Leen years •f t caro nn,l prosperity. Finally in 11. C. (l("( ,loteah entered mew the ill - ad %is^d clunpairn n¢nlnet the kite_ ei I•'gt'pt. who had he tided Sarin. nn.) n • 1• test his life in the 1 ante Le •' • (comp. `2 I.•oz, •%iii.. ' 'II;.• reeeteir- Marginal rending. e : „rho 4 hroiorle•r... :1. 'n rho •:ch13) t- ear -,1t th.• a.,,, t►. ,1vel 1)t'v came to iiilktah the of• n. heel) Priest. and delivered the money i:, ' fan to see% after the cod .1 --in the account in 2 Nines we ren,! i.:)' iJ -Iain((; n)1 the e'rnrs 1,f (11- ,hit they were Belt to ililk,nh t%3lh lienal the -lin' and idolatry there heft e1 nee -entre to hint to "stem," that fe, 1•.•11 a small elft•••• cart t' of fnitheit to reel on the total of the moltercel- t• . s of .1. hntnh, nm! this 1' 01(4 in the temple. 'The nccoent of i included smite men , th'• r' l''in Z of the temple (verses ` •, • 1 011,•; .l 1,0e•iH• n. ; lt' I a) rem1••(15 one strongly 4)f the the kine of his ,eie.il,er unaerta. na retied net I.v t. ' 1 • • 1'. t• n•) 1. 1• ' • night after God and ! Jo' e l e c 1)t t earlier. "But .Te- ALI•,• ,1, : er reform treacuree, 1(r 1'nl,lctet the poi. '1 to a0: n ,host *teeth.% 1 9e,.1 I;ad the good (,none ani s -•t it 1•esido the sitar, . . . In terful air, gazed thoughtfully across the water nt the cruiser. "Your refusal." he said, at length, "is a breach of the laws of neutral- ity, 0nd I ant afraid" -bis tone Le - came apologetic -"Pty captain will put a prize crew aboard you. I ant going nbonrd for instructions; mean- while, I shall leave a guard in charge IL he selected, and if not found sour 'I'he Jap ceased firing, but the Itis- enough to impart an agreeable acid, Hiatt kept up a furious but inettec_ lemon juice may lie added, with the live lire, as, although she scored caution that it must not he 115(51 severnl hits, no resultant damage freely enough to impair• the distinct was apparent. 'There was no delib_ flavor of the orange. Allow snout j crutiun in her fire. It seemed as Ib. sugar to the quart of orangeade. though her gunners reasomel that Fruit. Poach -Here is a fruit punch tho foster they fired, the greater fit for the gods. Boil 1 11). suer of a midshipman aboard you!" ! their chancres of hitting. This made with an equal treasure of enter, fcr 'J'he ntidshipm,ul wag summoned oniit very' uncomfortable for the British 5 minutes. (:rate a pineapple and to the brise. the armed guard put, ship, and such conduct w'as even boil in 1 qt. waster for 15 minuteI aboard, and in a few' minutes his more unscrupulous than the captain (the pineapple may be clopped, if launch etas speetling back to the had believed possiblee preferred), strain through a jelly bag, pressing out all the juice and acid the juice of 4 oranges, 12 leptons the sugar syrup, 4 pint strong fresh- ly made green ten, t pt. juice front n eon u( st ra cherries and sufficient. ice water to make 5 qts., adding more sugar 11 necessary. Current Pinch -Currant Jelly is the main ingredient of this drip • Buil cruiser. Ile ordered the passengers below, To the few pnasongers the contain and everyone off the )ridge. It was turned, and explained thnt they only needless risk to remain there. nerd feel no uneasiness. us it was ••i suppose you don't Irish to re - only n molter' of vexat' delay. (Hain?" he risked the, middy. "1•(111 Not that a few )tours' delay matter- ean't help your people. 011(1 you ed on that particular voyage; but might get killed. "Where's John - captains hate to be pulled up In mid-, sen?" ire turned and asked as they end for all that was Int! out for the house to repnir it" (2 lefties xis., U, 11, 12). 1'. 'I ho 0'. e1, • •. 'i here 33' Ho pnrctll •1 In '2 L 1, - ler the rest of this, vers• or f..: „•'.r 18. 'the sons of the leohnthitee-'the descendants of K0h8th, the stroni of the t )u•ee Netts of t.e _ i. nen! lotted in 1:e e•I. t i . 1(i; Num. iii , 1 7 ; 1 ('hrote ti , t. 113: xxiii., 6. IA., 1' •--1(en(h. rs of tho priestly frits of Levi oho were set apart for rho 1(q trial 5 rice 4.1 regieien in I'rnel. 114)w einnifeld e4 r,• their 4hrti's is i„4leatr4 in part in this verso 11151 the n •xt, some bc•in s s'cil!- fu) with Instruments of music, an 1 ()there being writ es, and °nicer,, awl porters. betide, hocked by a formidable nut„- • tablespoonful of the syrup is 51.111- teres. they are patromeed by all ber of his crew. dent for a glass of ice tenter. classes, and a Cnlni» (11+(10 ten + fh•4 11niacly reached for his sword. Mulherry Shrub-Sgae(te the juice j'ist 101.84) Pattie Fortune nor. kind "lf you ;resist, I'll firo!" cried tl:o from mulberries, let stand 10 410y14, than he ons ever likely to heel Acs. captain. Covering hint. "(lite up or until fcrtnenlalf4)8 ceases. Remove culnpius. ills mune Is i1?, /Cue, awl your nems, and you will bo all right. scum carefully and lour into n he. took a whole ticket In the last. (l'e Shall land you at Colombo. But fresh vessel. 1.et stated 21 hours is5,te of l'nnamn loiter)' hoods. IIs we are going to get out of this." . and (mein pour off. 'I'o 1 lb. loaf has just receite'1 n:rlitiration that The ship trembled with the Libra- sugar allow 1:1 oz. Juice. When it he has Breen the grand prize of Hon of the engines, now going at : begins In 14)i1, strain through jelly $100,0(10. 1►r. flue was chief sures full speed. ' bag, bottle and seal. When desired, g:011 to the hospltnl at Calais. 11herou} the nubble. choosing the till a gloss hull full o1 the syrup and Letter part of %elur, (01414.41 hes arms :.Il up with ice water, A Si1.IKi:N 1'.11'1'1. pith a shrug, and t.ete au order In' (:rape .1iiire--''!'his 4.1ightfully re- ";tuner!;•," mild Mr. Dein„, "(1t his Wren. who ivaneoiete'y cave t:p' f'.•sl:r.(14 summer drink may ho made. you 1)'liere in ;otcrino,t owner• their txc.:p ons. f ,r .::n(,St 3 or •1 c• :•ts n quart het- ship?" 'lle. nrnu'd gu:.rd b,.i•. resat r,-,- 1'••. Pick over the grapes, rejecting "1 dune.„," wee the simmer. "1 d(•ted pee(•rtcr.1. the -:- t, 1 1 - rill en-ncnd more. nlit14"( rover with don't sco 0s the g;4)ter'nnet 113 54) 11¢• eel '41, the bridge, mid 1 e •.rite r 31) a poreelnin-line,l kettle, heat er'I nn' philnnthropic 1.1 C0llc<teA' of the ship. '1'o b:. •- e -1,/el: tnn"hing:), 1184 c4)uk until sill taxes as tv pi 1st• us the Lest If Ih:r.r.ian (r::,scl net! 4t : . ,I 11.11 fisc jtece is Lee:. Lruio in jelly bag. any barge lI."