HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-08-03, Page 3ITER INSPIRATION YET LIVES IMPERIAL RAGE NEEDED Well-known Writer's Reference to Bea Wife's Death. . PROPOSED PHYSICAL LEAGUE IN ENGLAND. Jacob A. hits, well known as a _- - frequent cuntrihut(•r to the pages of Has Been Formed to Innprove the the New York Outlook, recently had Physique of the British the misfortune to here his wife. Since Peo le. them he hat been overwhelmed with P Message, of teernpathy from Outlook A strenuous and organized attempt readers. Ilia reply to these u1eN national in scope, is about to he r_ snges. published in a recent number natio to grapple with the growingand Strong After His Long Su. of the Outlook, is one of the most evil of th, physicul degenerate n of ferirg. Leautiful things we have ever read. the British race, says the Lun.l:,n "So many friends havo written to Daily Mail 100 and wine words of love and syul- Scattered up and down the coun- th 1 f tender appreciation of t ! leagues NIS GRAVEL WAS SURELY CURED DODD'S KIDNF.Y PILLS REMOV- ED THE -. ONLS. And now Reuben Draper is Well Bristol. Que., .July 24. -(Special)-- Reuben Draper, a well-known resident pu y t. ac o try art, various societies ant here, keeps the proof right with hien her uheen every one loved, as truly which aim, in one depprUncut or (he that 1)odd's Kidney fills will surely she gaof tier full bcart to all other, nt the physical development of cure the h dreaded (:ravel. The ve • the o • ,consists of t %su st ant ti one l (:ad's ehihlren that i am." says Air. the people. !t is num proposed to proof Itiis, "constrained to WO( you fursize of a handl bean and the other (arm n National Leuguo.fur Physical Waco to thank them here, since to balucatiun and improvement, \ehicln ns big as a grain of btu ley. He write to them all in n•pty is not pus- will not displace any of the agencies passed these stenos and was relies. - slide. 1 do thank thein from the ;,t present at work, but will make '•d of all the terrible pains they caus- bottomm of my heart, for myself and them known to out another, sheer- fret after using I)udd's Kidney fills for toy children. It does help to tain how their work can beet be sup- for a short time. 1 d's feel (hut we are kin. and that broth- 'demented where it is deficient, start Mr. Draper is confident that Du Kidney fills and nothing else caused erly love is not a phrase but a warm brunches where none cold, and thus cure, re, as he tried two doctors and throbbing fact. do something to extend the hermits his eu getting help, and was fors "They ask, many of them, what nm of physical truiuimg throughout the getting weak and despondent when I going to do now that she who was country. he stopped all other treatment and my inspiration of it all is gong? But It is hoped to form a branch in started to lake hold's Kidney fills. she is not pone. If in iuy semi I be- every parish, and then to associate In a week ho passed the large clone lievcd that, 1 should be desolate in- the branches into districts and the and four days later the smaller (Inc. deed. It is only that the river sep- districts into county or borough This cure causes a feeling of relief orates us once more as when we were units, over people in these parts as it of children. I know as well as I knew WORK TO BE DONE. shotes those terrible operations, long then that she is in the garden just bee o id where all her summers aro beautiful now, and that she is wait- ing for Tne there. "So T shall seek the path to that garden till 1 find it. I ata once more where I dreamed as a boy, and I know that I shall wake, as 1 did then, end find the truth unspeak- ably fairer than any dream. Nor do I fear to miss the way, for our Lord }Umbel( has chartered it so that I can not go wrong. 'I am the way,' He said. She went trustfully across the river with Him, and was not afraid. "So why should I be? I shall he lonesome, yes! Clod knows how lone- some. But I have the sweet memor- ies of the thirty happy years we walked together here, and what are a few \•earn of loneliness to the eter- nity of joy ahead where hearts are never wrung in parting? And 1 shall not he idle. 1 shall be doing what she would have me do, and in it all, as you see, she will yet he the inspiration, as she was all the years that are gone." —♦ BABY -S OWN TABLETS. Cure Hot Weather Ailments and Sir F. Maurice, Sir Hugh 11. Beevor, Summer Complaints. Sir Henry Lawrence, Sir .John Mac-, inch. 'Then you select the porcelain in the hot weather the little ones tit 'nllell, Sir 11. l'raik, Sir Hughl:il-material from which the filling is to suffer from stomach and bowel true- vent Reid and the Rev. 1t. ltuseell be ►nude. It comes in a powder. Wakefield. "People's teeth vary in color, and k sleeplessand•( pretty Wee, are nervous, weak, Tho Bishop of Ripon, In outlining artificial teeth are supplied in i y Itrauhle. 'Their vitality is lower the scheme. said it was a healthy nearly innumerable varieties of shape now than at any other seu.•n' sign that public attention was being and size and color and Outdo and Prompt action at this time saves a more and more directed to the plies.' spacing. These porcelain powders for precious little life. Haby's Own Tat- cleat condition of the people fillings aro made in many different lets is the best medicine in the world for little ones. They speedily relieve. promptly cure and give sound re- freshing sleep. And they are guaran- teed free from opintes and harmful drugs. 'they always do good -they cannot possibly do harm, and no home should he without the 'Tablets. especially during the hot weather months, when dangerous troubles come suddenly and nitnost, unperceiv- ed. Mrs. Alain Marticotte. Chlory- dormes, Que., saes: "I have used Baby's Own 'Tablets for diarrhoea and stomach tronblcs and always with the most perfect surcess. They are better than any other medicine I know of." Sold by all druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box by writ- ing the hr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. See that every hox bears the name: "Babe's Own Tab- lets." and the picture of a four-leaf closer on the wrapper. Anything else IR an imttntion. It will be the duty of each branch to ser that instruction Is furnished on the laws of health generally, to mothers on the caro of their own health and on the nurture and care of children, to girls on the methods of domestic and personal hygiene and of cookery and housekeeping. lefforts will he made to secure opportunities for physical exercises and open-air games for boys and girls, the desire of young men to become volunteers will bo encouraged, and marching drill, shooting practice and all healthy sports fostered. The proposed league has already se- cured powerful support. Among those who have promised to act es vice-presidents are the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York. a majority of the bishops, medical men of the highest eminence, great lawyers, scientists, education- alists, prominent mnnnbers of both Houses of Parliuuient and noted ath- letes. IMPERIAL RACE NEEDED. On a recent night a meeting of the executive committee of the league was held at the hotel Cecil. London, under the presidency of the Bishop of Itipon, when among those proseeit were, Sir Lauder Brunton, General thought to bo unavoidable in case of Gravel, are no longer nect+scary. MODERN DENTISTRY. Porcelain Inlays Made That Match The Teeth. "It used to he," said the dentist, "that everybody wanted his front teeth filled with gold; but now there aro plenty of people who regard gold fillings that show as unsightly, and who have their front teeth filled, and built up if required, with porcelain, which matches the teeth in color. This porcelain work Is ono of the later advances in the development of modern dentistry. "In filling a tooth with gold we drill out the cavity to make it larger within than at the opening, but the cavity for a porcelain filling is made slightly larger at the opening than at the base. The porcelain filling is held in place, not by the narrowing in of its retaining walls at the open- ing, as is the case with other fillings, but by cement. "With the cavity for a porcelain Oiling prcparcd, a matrix or int - pression of it is taken with a tiny sheet of platinum foil which is of the thickness cf one -thousandth of an ♦- TROLLEY UNDER CHANNEL. The • Tunnel Project Has Been Revived. The close agreement which has bye' ii reached between tirent Britain and Franco and the extahlishnu nt of an entente cordiale has revived the Idea of the building of a tunnel ler the Enelish Chantel. JAI. Bretton, 'the engineer who had charge of the oper- ations on the French Nide of the (battle]. and subsegncntly paid a snit to the works at Sangutte, &out seven tiller; on the coast west. el ('nlais, und.•r th.' shelter of ('ape Hine Net. states that a strong (1 - be, t is being made to olq n work again. 'fhe French Channel tunnel works are en a scale %%filch quite put into the shade the (htennel tunnel corks nt the foot of Shakespeare a 1'IitT, Poser. Tin! funis 1 on the Frcn-h side is constructed for about three-quarters of n mile under the Pett in the grey chalk formation, and, excret that water has been allowed to nccumulnte (roe' the "weeping" of the nn;rl'ote'c•ted strata. the tunnel le in practic/illy the sante condition ac 1•. h! n the work was stopper) s y. n `4 ago. This is also the case s%ut'1 the vapid heading at Poser, nh h tuns about it utile to sen. M. Bretton said that it is proposed to i:inke a double line through the tuned. and the distnnee would be teeer•eel le al out hal(-an- h ur. ettr•tri- cse• ! 'he motile power. The tile - 1„ , , 'el be driven at fifty feet n dt1>- ,,l. .1d he completed In from throe 1„ p. in,. according to eh-cntn- t. ,, • the cngine'erine point t ( IOC, M. Itretton thought the re, -.1 ruction (f n ('hannd tunny' 1.1 be comparatively simple. Jaren in twelve months was sup- plied by Genenny with t16.391 hooka, (treat Itt•'tain Leine second with S7,- (10fs, This'eas to 1901. The fol- lnwinc year Gr. -at Britain supplied Jaren pith user 315.000 honks. Ftllc•- ."Vou never heard of women enIhlery einhe77111g or running off with Ceeir employers' nlunec ' Ile .-"Not eelifteht :or when it 10ee hap- pen they Generally 1 oke the employer too." What shrunk your woolens Why did holes wear so soon You used common soar.. SUNLIGIIT oar RLDUCE LXPLNSL Hak Oar aka Ossa... Mae I,'u 11 SALE- L41:011 F.NOLi9H BER1:. r bless, .rows bred to my imp. besieges*. tnnd,. to bread, one hoar fl: for se•-•k•e. Priers right. Sam. Snowden, Box 39, Bownianrille• $4.20 FREE TO AGENTS Your addle -es sent to us will bring you full information as to how you can obtain u $1.20 bonus free; be• sides easily make $3.00 per day sell- ing our goods. Experience unneres- sury; anyone can sell them. Address, Canadian Brunch, Box 07, Stirling, Ont. J)ItOPF:I(TY BEGETS 11AP1'INESS, happiness begets health. Ituy a farm in the celebrated Moose Mountain District whore u%eryunr IN prosperous. and crop failures unknown. Carlyle is four years old; has five elevators, with capacity of 200,000 bushels. The. Dieu who built thein knew their business - They are filled every season. The 1). C. McFee Land Co. of Carlyle. Assinf- boia, have 200,000 acres of unproved and unintpro rid farm lands for sale in this district 'I:hry soiu-it your corral. - J fence. Further information and particular•+ cheerfully given. AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR BALE 20 Ayrshire hulls -four to twenty months old; Ayrshire Females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to HON. W. ()WENS, Monte Bello, Quo. Newed-"According to you, I never told you a single truth before we were married." Mrs. Nuwed-"Oh, George, you weren't quite so bad as all that! Don't you relnetnbcr you always used to say you Were un- worthy of me?" No one need fear :nolera or any sum- mer complaint if they hale a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial ready for use. it corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is • medicine adapted for the young and old. rich and poor and is rapidly be- coming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. Considerate Mother (to governess) -"Miss Smith, don't let Alfred and .Jeannie sit down on the d,tntp grass, for fear they should catch cold. %Chen they are tired you can sit down and take then* on your lap." nurae'.ODod Weeds -"T ern n profes- sional nurse," writes Mrs. Eisner. Ilall- fnx, N.M. "1 was a great sufferer from rheumatism -almost constant associa- tion with hest physicians 1 had every chance of a cure if it were in their and that a wider and nobler coacep-, shades, and if the tight shade cannot 'ower -but they failed. Souui Amer tion of Christian duty was now en-, be found among the standard oe- can Itbeumuttc Lura was rceommennea g P -today my six years of pain scan as 4ertained A great statesman had tiers, then the shade desired can 1.o a dream. 'I'wo bottle cureel into -100 t rely said that it was of little ad- . produced by 'nixing. It is quite vantage for Britons to possess lin-' practicable to find a powder or to portal realms unless they were an Ins- I snake a mixture that will match any perial race. The proposed league tooth perfectly. wished to impress that truth upon"Ont of this powder an inlay In the people. !baked which lits the cavity in the 'They wished, then to create a ;tooth perfectly if the work has been national council, alive and vigtlnnt, done properly. The inlay, as I which could supervise and encourage i !said, is hold in place by adhesion, existing agencies and which could es- !with cement. There are ninny shades tahlisl' such where they did not at , of porrelain material, there are also present exist. thane inlay cements of many shades. A meeting to inaugurate the new league will he held at the Mansion house. under the presidency of the Lord Mayor. 4 -- BREVi'I'IES. It doesn't take a particularly sharp 'l'lhe proper shade of cement having been selected, and the surface around the cavity and that of the back "f the inlay having been suitably roughened to make the cement hold the better. you mix the cement and apply it. and set the inlay into place, there to be held until the cement has hanlenchardened.fellow• to cut up capers. It is human nature to swallow flat- tery 1'b ck to is also toted in building tory and gug over the truth. a{► back teeth, but it is used more It sometimes happens that the bond for inlays in front teeth. where other kin 1 of fiIli nes would show. The of contention isn't worth picking. `tome fellows do a lot of running around without making much pro- gress. Some people get religious with as idle forethought ns a child gets Measles. A girl tnay he called nn angel in spite of the fact that she wears her wings on her hat instead of her France has just given the parish of Nc. ills -aux -Tonneaux to Belgium, and th.tt nation has abandoned Itie- res to France, the latter country guinimg some seventy square yards of territory by the transaction. They Drive Pimples Away.- face cov- ered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of Internal irregularities which should long slice haste been con eclod. The I+.cr and the kidneys aro not perform- ing their (unctions in the henithy way they should, nod these pimples are to let you know that the blood protests. 1'urau•Irc's Vegetable Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their eacel- leau. A remarkable hotel stands on tho Sahara desert. From the windows on two sides nothing but pathless (anti is seen, and on the third side over 2/10,000 paler -trees are in view. snaking of these inlays calls for the exercise of fine art and skill; but the Leser s Y -Z (Wise Mead) DtNafect• modern dentist fills there require-' ant Soap Powder 1s a boon to any Merits and makes porcelui►► ininysl home. It disinfects and cleans a1 whose presence would not be discos-- the same 'line. ercd except upon the closest inspec- tion." W111' PO YOU WAIT. shoulders. Why do you wort till ears are deaf Before we speak our kindly word, And only utter loving praise %ben not a whisper can be heard? Why do we unit till hands are laid Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes Close -folded, pulseless, ere lee place and Bread May be Against You Within therm roses sweet and rare. For a Time. And lilies in their flawless grace? WRONG SORT. "Really, doctor, I think your bill in a trifle heavy." "Well, i like that. Haven't I cured you entirely of your corn{•lninl?" "Yes; hut, you see, you've g1i\en Inc another in Its place.' Only those who have had experience can tell the tartare corns cause rain with your hoots on, pain with them off -pain night and day; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Cora Cure. A change to the right kind of food Why do we wait 1111 eyes are sealed CURIOUS EXl'i:1ti " 'I•:M, can lift one from a sick bed. A lady '1'o light and love iii death's deep 1 in 1leiden 111., says: trance--- I Cur' have been the trim ruin) "Last Spring I became bed -fast Pear eistful eyes -before n bend experiences of Mrs. Elizaheth iluiiard with severe stomach trouble aceumn- Above thein with impassioned: of Kentucky. She began life ns Eli- panied by sick headache. 1 got worse glance? rabeth Hird, of Harrison County, and worse until 1 lifetime so low 1 ( Kentucky. Iter first venture reut- could scarcely retain any food at all, Why (10 we wait till hearts aro still side the horse nest ens made when nit hough I Died etery kind. I hail To tell thein all the love is ours, she married n Mr Mort in. When Mr. become completely discouraged, had And givu them such late meal of Martin died she married Edward given up nil hope and thought i was i praise. ('row, n farrier. At his death she doomed to starve to death, till ono Aird lay above them fragrant flow- mated with MIllintn Robin and 'heel day my husband trying to find snn►e c►'a? happily until the inevitable change. thing I could retain brought hood 'fht•n havid Buzzard, n widower, ape some Grape -Nuts. How oft. we, careless, wait till life's petered, and Mrs. Robin beonnle Mrs. "'To my surprise the food agreed Sweet opportunities are past, Iluezard. Into the Hilliard nest she with me. digested perfectly and with- Anr1 hi't'ak our "alabaster hox carried one little Martin, two little out distress. 1 began to gain Of ointment' at the very last? Crows. and one little Robin. One little ltuzrnrd was nlrendy there to welcome the other birds. strength at once. my flesh (which 11ae1 t eI'n flnbhy) grew t-rmer, my health Oh, let us heed the living friend improved in every nay net! every Who medics with us life's common d.iy. rind in a very few w. , '- a 1 gain- Ways, rel 20 pounds in n.•i_! • 1 liked Watching our eyes for look of love, rope -Nets ia, will the' f. • 1 motif hs And hungering for a mord of prase! I ate no other fond. ;i• 1 ale'ayS felt —`-4 ns veli setl.afied ar'. ,:11ing as it 1 "qty good woman." said the learn - had sat doer to 0 see bangt:et, ed judge, "von must Fite an nriawer "1 had no teturn c f the misera1 le in the fewest possible words of which ) n sick stomach nor of the headaches, you are capable to the plain and that I used to have when i me other simple question whether. when you food. 1 ern now a well woman, do- were crossing the street with the ing all my own work again. and feel baby on your arm. and the omnibus l that life is worth lis h g. was coming (town on the right side "(heaps -Sots food has l•et•n a god -anti the call un the left. and the send to my family: it surely saved my life and my *80 little boys have thriven on it uune'e•rflrlly." \nine given by I'ostum ('u , !tattle ('rte.'(, Mich. There's n reason. Get the little book. "The Road to Wcllviny," in each pkg. ,brougham was trying to pass the ;,brougham yeti sae' the plaintiff l,e- tueon the brougham and the cab, or whether and ellen you saw him at all, and whether or not near the brougham, cab. and omni- hes. or either. or any two, and which of them respectively, or how it teas." If By This Time You That Ars Nati Corntno¢d geitZV TEA 1s to BEST on the MARKET It must b- the fault of the advertising, not the fault of the TEA. so you can't have tr el P. BLUE RIBBON IS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE, THE BEST MEXICO '1 here is no place in the world where fortunes are being made as east's' and quicl.ly as in Southern Mexico. A great dcal of Canadian capital is being invested in rubber. cattle, sugar, etc. The climate is healthy. The trip by rail taken about the sante time as to Vancouver or California. The new Can- adian Steamship line runs direct from Montreal. For mixed farming, cattle raising, fruit, lumber, manefacturing textiles, sugar, cofee, and especially rubber, the possihilities are simply wonderful. Although the rich native grasses grow every day In the year, butter is brought in from Nova Scotia. and costs City cents per pound. (:old. Bogs fatten very rapidly on Jucca or Alfalfa, brat Breakfast Bacon is fifty cents per pound and lard twenty -Ove cents. Two crops of corn are raised in the year and the price is never lower than $1.20 to $2.00 per bushel. It is clairne•d that cattle can be raised for the price of the hides. Re aro issuing free printed matter about Mexico. Address Chimalapa Land Company, A8 to 410 1'on_ o St., 'I'ornnt 0, (int. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western Hy. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full information can be obtained from 11. H. Bennett, General Agent. 2 East King St., 'Toronto, Ont, 31 TIIE DIFFERENCE. Thera is a good story told of Sir Chioh-Chen Lo Feng-luh who was formerly Chinese minister to Englund Years ago leo was secretary to Li Hung Chang. Ile is a very able man and among other accomplishments speaks and writes English perfectly. The story is given in "'fife Navy as 1 have Known It." 1.i hang Chang is reported to have said to him. "1 don't know how it is we send our hien to Europe and America, and havo foreign instruc- tors in our colleges, as do the Jap- anese, but we do not seem to derive the advantage from their instruction which the Japanese do." 'l'o this Chioh-Chen Lo Feng -lith re- plied: "That is quite true. I was a class- mate of the Marquis ito in England. Iie is now prime minister of .Japan, and 1 am your excellency's sacro - tory." For inflamncation of the Eyes. - Among the many good qualities which l'arinelee's Vegetable Pills pobo- sides regulating the digestive orgnns. Is their efficiency In reducing bnflumniation of the eyes. It has called forth mei,. letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complalat and found a cure in the pill.. affect tie nerve centres and the blood In a surprisingly active way, and the re- sult is almost l,urnedlately seta. The total length of the railways of the world is stated to be 454,000 miles. Dropsy awd !taut Dlimate,-"For ten years i suffered greatly from heart. Disease Fluttering of the Heart alio Smothering Spells made my life a tor- ment. Dropsy cel In My physician told me to prepare for the worst. 1 tried Dr. Agnew s Cure for the Hears. One dose gave great relief. ono bottle cured Inc completely."-feref James Adams, Syracuse, N.Y.-10? Mrs. dearly -"1 dreamed last night i had such it perfectly lovely new hat." Mr. I Icarly--"'l hat's the first dream of a hat your ever had that didn t cost me money." One of the greatest blessings to par- ents is Muther Oraves' Worm Extermin- ator. It eflectually •spelt won+,+ and gives health to a marvellous manner to she little one During the past three years 180 os-su;db rs have her n found per - mars lit ernploytnent in Great Britain. "Thy 1011 Weill" says Druggist O'Dell of Truro, N.H. Want any better es. merit of ) dente of the rest 1r. Von Stant Pineapple 'falters as a curs for all forms of stomach trouble than that they're In such great demand? Not • nauseous dose that makes one's se•ry Iuleilira rebel -but pleasant, quick al t harmless -a tiny tablet to carry In your pocket. :15 cents. -101 ELEC'I'IlIC EARS FOil SIDI'S. Ships it ill soon have ears -tears that will hear the approach of It t ,1 pedu-hunt that the tnpluin see, or that. will hear the 'gond of the fog -bell or the eases beating agninst a dangerous reek on .+ stormy night. 'I'I.e:-e electrical to are more sensitive than human yet-- because at-because the sounds they will hear t,u sounds wh1115 travel und.•r enter, Protect Your Property -----WITH --- 1A DIA"o, FIRD O E CT, G U tS14F� A dry peeler put up ie s -tat tubs*. r3 In,b'a lour. Is will in•ta•tly •ttiotvith Pie moat furw.si i i en.• of wood oe oil. rrk. 43 CO each, (30 90 to Nrae ford loco wire circular Tho Diamond Dry roweer Firs VENTS 1t:In;uishsr Co., Toronto, Sat WAMTTO _ . 'Ia ` 1w +_•- •certrl'-.= • PROTECT YOUR FOOD WI LSON'S FLY PADS KILL THEM ALL AJs O Papa_ IMtTAT10 .. The grineipolity of Liechtenstein, situated between Austria and Swit- zerland, is the only country in Eu- rope without an army. It Coresall Crede -Here are a few names of clergymen of diflcrcut cretds wbo are firm bnce.eta in Dr. Ageew's t'utarrhnl Powder to "live up to the preaching" h1 ail it claims. Bishop Swnatinan, Rev. lir. Langtry tEp{iscopalian), Rae, Ur. Withrow and hey. Dr. Chambers (Methodist), and Dr New man, all of Toronto, Canada. Copiers of their per- sonal letters for the asking. 60 cents. -10k It is estimated tSitt i2IY.')0J worth of dia.uotele are stolen cserJ year from the Faith Atrium dia- mond Iain s. N thing 'I'bat Should be Rubbed In.-Wl.enescr pain Is felt in the limbs or hack, take Dr 'i'hemos' F.t•lectrtc Oil: pour • little. in the hand. and ap- plying( it to the mortal beneath whici, the pain lirs. rub briskly. if th• first applirat due. not ■nowt re!•rt. which Is not uaualty the rase, k••p rubbing. The 011 will grodnslly prnctr•te to the sheeted part and relief wilt come. Assistant-•"Phnt gentleman you sold a bottle of hair -dye to three !weeks ago was here again today." I(arbr'r-"Was he after another bot- tle'?" "No, sir. He wanted to know if we kept wigs." ENGLISH SPAVIN LiNIM NT ltemoses all bard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, I.loud e pavu+, curbs, $ plints, ti ng boos, S weeney, st(flibs, sprsi u, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. hat• $3o by use el one bottle. Weftralued the must wund•rial Illemish t wit titer known. Maud-"MnJur, is it true that osteo during the war one of the t'e emy died to save your life?" Major illuntly-"Yes." ldaud"Ilow nublef j Iiow did it happen?" Major Blunt- ly -"I killed him." �e•�, M Coughing is an outward sign of inv.rad disease Cure the disease with Shiloh's Consumption .,�a `k+ .fir a Tho Lung ` medium whi'•h transmits sound be! Tonic ter than air. it is this snperieri' of the meter ns a sound-trnnsmilirr that has brought about the new in- vention. "•A simple look is all I crave," snit, the young Mari to the heiress. "'Then I'd advise you to consult a mirror," she replied. a:l•l the cough wi:1 stop. Try it to•ntght. if tt th•^-n't benefit you, we'll g:•.c your money Lack - Prices: A 0 weer 6• Co Vic ")c ti LeRoy. It. V.. TCeoxto,(.ae. 3' N V __ — ISSUE NO. 30-05