Exeter Advocate, 1905-07-27, Page 7.
A harrowing story of the barbari-
ties prnetisod on the natives of the
Congo Free State by the Belgian of-
ficials is told in a letter f a Con
go correspondent to kir. James h-
elm., a West African nierehnnt, with
headquarters on Castle street, Liver-
'the once once flourishing %I1Iage of Ne-
onro lifhnye, soften the writer, hex
teen desolated. and 77 natives mur-
dered, b(•cause they did not bring in
sufficient quantities of rubber from
the forests to satisfy the Congo Gov-
ernment officials. Many other natives
including three women. hate been
barbarously 1Ilutc•d. One woman R
was tied to a forked tree. and slowly 1
cut to pieces. A pointed stake was a
force(i irto the body of another wo-
man. who w•aa Gnully shot. A third
woman's cheek and noes wore slit,
her right hand will left foot were
then rut oft, at)I she %Vita left to die. a
N51Ivee' huts, ten, according to the i
correspondent. are constantly being q
demented, and their inhabitants =
bounded into the woods in march
et rubber, WIIt(•h it is s •tial('( im-
ptvecihte to se -tore. 'these facts have n
cone 10 Iti(ht, n(1.1a the correspond-
eat, mince the depot rt Ire of the emit- g
mission Fent out be h1na 1-eopuld h
to in%estiJlntc the torte ite charges. h
Captain Darrari, tiller won Rent. t(V fi
the ltulinn Government to report ou t
the Congo Free Mate, stays that of
times. hate to 1.e mere alar.' -drivers,
and if they refuse t hey ere 1rent eil n' ,1
rebels. Every officer Ia nhligetl
take an oath that after he leave, the ,,
('on• -u service he eri11 ne�cer divulge t(
Whnt he has seen there.
asn.l'salele Intelligence of an In
(Sian Bullock.
Th. affection of a dog for its man
ter could hardly be excelled by t
devotion of an lethal* bullock, attract
Motee, to 1'andu, its owner. Mut
was un ordinary Indian bullock, say
th.s author of "Sport and Adventur
in the Indian Jungle." about fou
feet high alId cf the whitish brow
color mailmen among the bloated cu
tie iu native villages.
lie was thoroughly trained t
bunting by 1'undu, and secultel t
comprehend his master'e wither; in
tint itely. A glance. and Mote
would move forward or backward, u
required. A :notion of the finger, an
he would Iio down, or kick up hi
heels and rush about as if rand
Pandit did oil his stalking with th
aid of his bullock. and much of hi
success depended on iter intelligence.
An old piece of sacking, pointe(
with green daubs 011 0110 side to re
soluble shrubbery, on the other sid
wit h bars of vivid red, was throw'
over Witco's buck like a horse -cloth
and hanging flown to the ground
effectually concealed the crouching
Did he wish to stalk antelope, then
the red bars were exposed, and Motee
would grate quietly in a direction
oblique to, yet approaching the
herd. The bright bars would at-
tract the curiosity of the deer, and
they would approach so near as to
allow of an unfailing shot from Pan-
du's place of concealment under the
stomach of the bullock.
Was it a flock of pea -fowl that was
In sight, then the green side of the
Backing would be turned towards the
birds, and the Nu me stealthy advance
made, the pea -fowl exhibiting no
alarm, as the village cattle common-
ly range the forests in their neigh-
Moteo evidently took a delight in
hunting, as ho was on the alert and
frisked about immediately the old
man shouldered his gun. When the
game was killed—and Pandu seldom
missed—the little bullock would come
up for his caress. If he missed,
Illotee would smell the gun, ns
if he thought there was something
wrong there.
- Intereeting Gossip About Soule
Pr eminent People.
General Luis Terrazas, Goteriur
he General
State of Chihuahua, is probate
1I the largest layaduwuer in the %corl
as well us the rie•hcx,t mini in Mex
s cu. it tah:oi an eight hoi:r's jou
o ney on a holt train to travel fro
✓ one end of his property to the othe
Liltinrt lI westit, 11,11 Ateer
t- can prin,et donna, has signed a
agreement guaranteeing for her
o season of forty-two weeks at a 'sal-
ary of $2,ilo) 0 week. As the et
gegen-lent is to lu••t fur six years, h
salary during that time will 8111001
rn --
r- W. G. Bartletrtan Could Get No
Relief Till He Tried the Great
a Canadian Kidney Remedy.
1- Wai+ella, Assn., N. W. T. July 17—
rr (MJ tf•iul).—'this thriving town fnt--
1t nishes ono of the most remarkable
mires of Kidney Dese'ase• that bus
t tem. been reported on the prairies.
o Mr. VYnr. G, f!at•tietnuu, a well-known
farmer. is the man cured and he
'I. makes the following state11leIIt —
11 j "1 had Kidney 'Trouble and it do-
e1 %eloped into Diabetes. 1 went to
.' the doctor but hip treatment was of
I no use whatever to me. I began (0
s take Podd's Kidney ]'ills in 1lecem-
" hr, 11102. 1 took them all winter
t 111)31 summer while I was unable to
' work my farm. I took twelve boxes
13 in all and in August. I was able to
el to $504,000.
s, The fluke of Sutherland, is no
only the biggest landowner in th
e Brit ish 'Empire, his relates in Scot
„ land alone extending over an area c
, nearly 1,500,000 acres, or more the
a sixteenth of the kingdom, but
ulso owns much property in Florida
e Wyoming and Canada.
Among Lord Robert's countlee
claims to distinction it is lit t1
known that he is ono of the lies
' and hardest riders in the Britisl
Array. In his younger days ho wa
nicknamed "Jehu," "because 11
rideth furiously," and even to -(fu
his staff -t be good riders an
well mounted in order to keep pac
with him.
The German Emperor not Ion
back received a peculiar present—
pair of scissors, but so exquisitel
made as to be valved at nearly $50
A steel merchant was the donor. II
had the Emperor's portrait an
some celebrated historical buildings
engraved upon the scissors. The en
graver is said .to have worked five
years at his task.
M. Ed( uard De Iteszke, .who, after
a long absence, is to appear in opera
this Kennon in London, was brought
tip orlgitra!ly ns an agriculturist. Ile
was always a lover of music, how-
ever, and after acquiring an u11 -
round experience of farming decided
to make singing his profession, with-
out actually abandonit.k agricultural
pursuits, for which he still retains a
It is related that when Sarasate,
the famous violinist, quitted the
I'aris Conmervatolre the advice wa.s
tendered him, "Wed thy violin, Sar -
melte, my son, but never wed a wo-
man." The great player is now over
sixty years of age and unmarried.
For something like thirty yearn past
he has enjoyed an immense reputa-
tion, and since the age of twelve he
has always practised six hours a
Here is a story of Mark Twain. Mr.
C. J. Guthrie, an eminent Scottish
advocate, was talking to Mark
Twain, when the latter naked him:
"Do you ever smoke?" "Yes," was
the reply; "when I am in bad com-
pany." "You aro a lawyer, aren't
you, Mr. Guthrie?" "Yes," was the
answer of the unsuspecting advo-
cate. "Why, then," said Mark
']'wain, "you must be a very heavy
smoker, Mr, Guthrie!"
Baron Alphonse Do Rothschild,
whose demise recently took place,
was the head of the Paris branch of
the Jtothschil(ls. His father, Baron
Jaynes, was the first financier, of
whom the famous story is told of
the revolutionists who waited on
him, inviting hint to share out his
wealth among the public. Baron
James remarked that he was sup-
posed to be worth 20,000,000 fr.,
and that there were 20,000,00(1 peo-
ple in France. "That is a franc
apiece; there, messieurs, is your
share," and, giving the half -doyen
astonished dea(lerR a franc apiece, he
calmly bowed there out.
Mr. Justice Ileal, of the Supreme
Court of Que•e•nsland, who has just
been given leave of absence on ac-
count of ill -health, iR certainly qual-
ified for inclusion in any new edition
of "Self-liclp." Dorn in Limerick
fifty-eight years ago, tem was only a
child when his parent' emigrated to
Australia. lie watt apprenticed to a
carpenter, and afterwards found em-
ployment in the Queensland Govern-
ment rnilwny shops. At the age of
twenty-one he resolved to hemline a
barrister. A ('ntholic priest taught.
him Latin and (:reek, and hey learnt
all his lav himself from the diligent.
study of text -books. At twenty -
even he ails culled to the Queens -
and liar, and at forty-three he was
Judge of the Supreme Court.
in Park Lane, the home of dukes 1
nd South African Inillionuires, it is
nip ssible to buy a residence under
:100.000; whilst for n house in l'ark t
treet, which is not so "select," c
150000 is the minimum that Is re- t
quired. Berkeley Square. is another
costly spot. tied there i,: a house
ow for side for which $200,000 is
Icing a.Ited. 1n Mayfair and itel-
ravin there is ecarrely a house that h
as not cost at keel $50,000. Per- a
ops tht' district the.' i••".f both t
hell i,ratton tod e el 3,1 hos en value ien Chole in t
h 1Rmn,
a•hcrc n good house can be length! I
or $.15,000. Tlut anywhere in ]'teen- 1
illy or near 1lyde Perk the would- 1
house purchaser must be prepnr- t
:1 to pay anything from $125,000 c
Poisonniis nicotine in Gilmero is re- '
'the summer months are a bad time
for little ones and an anxious time
for mothers. Stomach and bowel
troubles come quickly during the hot
weather, and nlmost before the moth-
er realizes that there is danger the
little one may be beyond aid. In
every home at this season there
should be kept a box of Baby's Own
Tablets, and at the first symptom) of
illness they should be given. They
promptly cure cholera infant
diarrhoea and stn►nach troubles, nail
are just the thing a mother needs at
this time to keep her children well.
Mrs. Frank Moore, Brookfield, N.S.,
suss' "I always keep Baby's Own
'Tablets on hand in cast of etner-
gency. I (lo not know any other
medicine that. can equal thein in
cases of stomach OV bowel troubles.
And this medicine is absolutely safe
—ft is sold under a guarantee to
contain no opiate or harmful drug."
Von can get the Tablets from your
medicine dealer or by mail at 25
cents a box by writing the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Natives Barbarously Treated by
e' work.
Y "Now I am quite strong. 1 worked
e all winter without pains in Ins back
or any part of Irks body. l'odd's
g Kidney Pills cured me."
If the Kidney Disease is of long
p it. But 1)odd's Kidney Pills will do
° it,
a stoodrng it may take time to euro
M. Marconi has proved by expPri-
- meet the possibility of what may be
termed a "wireless" boat. This is
the application of the principle of
wireless telegraphy to the transit of
vessels on the sea.
When Baby had Ioald Peed-- When
Ke:her had Reit Rhsum—Whan Father
Ned Pilse.—Dr. Agnew's Ointment
gave the quicke.;t relief and surest cure.
'hese are gents of truth picked from tes-
timony which is given every day to this
greatest o1 healers. It hits never been
matched In curative qualities In Ecze-
ma, Tetter, Piles, etc. 35 cents. -103
Tho five highest buildings in the
world aro the Eiffel Tower, Paris,
984 feet high; the Washington Monu-
ment, 555 feet; City Building, Phil-
adelphia, 535 feet; Cathedral of
Cologne, 511 feet; Cathedral of
Strasburg, 466 feet.
Tho Flagging Energies Revived.—Con-
stant application to business is a tax
upon the energies, and if there he no
relaxation. lusMI.101c and depression are
sure to intervene. These come froin
stomach troubles. The want of exer-
cise brings on nervous irregularities,
and the stomach ceases to assimilate
food properly. 111 this condition Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills will be found a
recuperaU'e of rare power. restoring
the organs to healthful action, dispell-
ing depression, and reviving the flagging
liarry—"They told me Blanche was
deaf. but when I changed the con-
vereatfon to diamonds she heard
every word." Arnold—"1 don't think
she is stone (leaf."
"My Physlolan Told We 1 Must Ole,
but S oath Ameriran Kidney cure cured
me of that awful f'right's Disease."
This is a sentence from a letter of a
well-known business 10011 in a western
town who through overwork and worry
hurl contracted this kidney pestilence. It
will relieve instantly and cure all kid-
ney diseases. -102
"Waiter. these are very srnall oys-
ters." "Yes, sir." "And they
don't appear to be very fresh either.'
"Then it's lucky they're small; ain't
it, sir?"
8leeplcasnese—When the nerves are
unstrung and the whole body given up
to wretchedness, when the amine) Is fill-
ed with gloom and dismal forebodings,
the result of derangement of the dlges-
tlte organs, sleeplessness rooms to add
to the distress If only the subject
could sleep, there would be oblivion for
A while and temporary relief. Parme-
lee's Vegetable P1118 will not only In-
duce sleep, but will act So beuescrary
that the subject will wake refreshed
and restored to happiness.
An American Intends Making Ef-
forts to Locate it,
A treaRure-hunting concession has
been secured from the Guvernment of
the Republic of Costa Rica by Aug-
ust .1. (:issler, an American. It gives
him the right to explore Cocos lK-
attd for buried treasure for a period
of two years.
The island comprises about twenty
hoesand acres, and lies off the
oast of Costa Itictt. 'tradition says
hat ftenry Morgan. the buccaneer,
buried gold and silver to the value
of L4,000,000 on the island and
never returned fur it.
The story of the buried treasure
as been generally known for years,
11(1 several attempts have been made
o locate it. tip to this time all at -
emote have been unsuccea*fol.
(fishier ham been living tin the 1s-
nnl far several yenrs past, and It
R mnlrl that he made some discover -
es whie•h led hint to believe that
he story of the buried riches watt
orre('t .
Ifc suddenly made a trip to the
mete! 111 Costa Itirn, entered into
iegotintious with the Government
11Hh:N I,OV1•: GROWS ('01,1). m
Ile found her weeping Ir
"W'het's wrong, dear?" he asked. Is
"lou don't love me any more,"
she sobbed,
"What a foolish little woolen!
Didn't 1 stag Itorne from n b1)'•eball
game to -tiny to be with;you? liavcn't
I given up tobacco for your sake?
Aren't we going driving to-morroW?"
"l'ea, but we had fah for supper
to -night, and you didn't tell Inc to
look out for the b -b -bones'."
Dyed by steeping the leaves in a n
(11(11011 of tannic acid. This iR the s
tethotl adopted by a German chem- t
1. .c
"1 have just been rending the ac-
count of a railway wreck in whish
every occupant of the smoking -e ar-
riage µno more or less injured, while
the root mf the pnesengers in the
trnin escaped without herrn," amid
sid dodge. "'there Earn." tried Mex.
'fudge, triumphantly. "there is an.
other warming against the nes of
lubll• a.,.•
uthorities, and secured the concis-
ion by pledging the Government a
hird part of the treasure in the
venthe found it.
Since Re•cnring the cenceesion lass-
- ler has made a trip to the United
i states, and elide there purchnoed
1 tnngnctic Ore tindery. drills, and
other npparntna. Ile has returned to
the Island, and is now ready to start
I A number of workmen engnged by
Gissler have gone to the island froin
I Costa Mica.
i It is said that the treasure buried
by Morgan was taken from Spanish
treasure ships rn route from Mexico
to Spain, and was in bars of gold
and silver.
it ie not nlway,: a mark of kind -
twee, (•1 III aae°R nn open cuuntennnce.
, An allijtator is a h'eofSflrl creature,
and yet it presents all epee coenten-
nnre when M the very act of taking
you in.
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean ztnd fresh with Sun-
light Soap. as
20 Ayrshire Bulls—four to twenty
months old; Ayrshire Females all
ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs.
Apply to LION, W. OWENS,
Menlo Dello. Quo.
happipcss begets health. Buy a
farm in the celebrated ]loose *fountain
Dtsttitt where ever}ant• IS prosperous.
and crop failures unknown. Carlyle is
four sears old; has five elevators, w•+th
capacity of '200.000 bushels. The men
%%Iio built them knew their business.
'l'hev are filled every Sell son. The 11.
C, X1c1•'ee Laud Co. of Carlyle. ssini-
bola, have 200,0510 acres 01 imprii rmi
and unimprov.d ,arm lands for sale in
this district. 'l hey suis :t your cures-
puudcure. Further information and
particulars cheerfully given.
LI::AItN 'J'ELI.CRAPIiY t4. -'It. R.
Accounting. $50 to $100 per
month salary assured our graduates n -
der bond. You don't pay us until you
have a p081(10e. Largest system of
telegraph schools in America. I•:1I.
dossed by all railway 0l1icial8. Opera-
tors always in demand. Ladies also
admitted. Write for catalogue. Morse
School of '1'e)egraphy, UIneinnatl, O.,
Buffalo, N.Y., Allan**, tta., La
('roese, Wis., Texarkana, Tex.. San
Francisco, Cal.
"It's ridiculous for a young man
to get married as 13008 as he comes
of age!" said the elderly bachelor.
"Think no, do you?" said Henpeck,
languidly. "Of course! Why, he's
scarcely old enough to be his own
master." "Well, he isn't• it he gets
A Lady writes. "1 was enabled to re-
move ;he corns, root and branch. by
the use of Holloway's Corn Cure.
Others who have tried it have the same
20 HAVE $250,000 INCOMES.
Returns Show the Number of
England's Wealthy Men.
The British Treasury has issued
parliamentary return of the assess
relent payments on income tax fo
1903. ']'his shows that only twent
persons in Great Britain were in r
coipt of incomes exceeding L50,000
year. In all, 433,017 people pal(
tho tax upon a gross assessment o
L120,821,876, while 28,050 publi
companies paid on 1283,070,021
The greatest number of those assess
cd, 138,402, pai(1 on incomes I.e-
tween £160 and £200. Their assess
meat amounted to L25,905,194. Th
list declines gradually till the in
comes aro between £1,000 and £2,
0(10, which are taxed on a gross as
se>smcnt of 18,614.359. Only 42
pay on incomes between £5,000 and
1:10,000 yearly, and 200 on 110,000
to L30.000. The total asscstonen
on the letter is L3.91O,094.
The Irish figures show that 19.855
Irishmen paid income tax on a grog
total of X4,629,707, while 1.115
companies paid upon 16,232,873
Only one Irishman hos an income o
over £50,000. His exact income Is
estimated by the assessors at 178,-
Judging from the assessments the
luments of Government, corpor-
ate and other public officials have
risen by 120,000,000. in ten years
the incomes derived from farming
have fallen by L2,000,000. The in-
comes of property owners have in-
creased 531,000,01)0 and the Incompa
of the business, professional and pri-
vate employment classes have in-
creased £30.001,000.
Fragrant as Fresh Violets
TEA comes Cs the home FRESH AND PURE as when it left the
plantation to l•e manufactured with special care, and closely sealed in
f)es't 8e Wltbeet Them Is TeltrNase
They Are Always Ready to Serve
Lunch Tongues Veal Loaf
Boneless Chicken Dried Beef
Brisket Beef Soups
Jellied Hocks Baked Beans
A.s* yorr Grocer
The Booklet "floto to Make Good 7Ainps
to lar' gent free.
Libby, McNeill 8. Libby, 9hicago
During June, July. August and
September the Chicago and North
Western Ry. will sell from Chicago,
round trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Portlund,
Ore. (Lewis A. Clarke Excursion), Se-
attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from ail points In Canada.
Choice of routes, best of train ser-
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
return limits. Rates, folders and
full Information ran be obtained
from B. II. Bennett, General Agent.
2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 81
r Some hitherto unpublished facts
about the habits of the African pyg-
nmien are contained in a pamphlet
I just published by Col. IIarrison, who
t brought front Central Africa the
c party of little people now in London.
. , The pygmies generally marry at the
_ age of eight or nine, and the Wren
buy their wives with three or four
spears and ten to fifteen arrows, ac-
g cording to the market value of the
lady. 'they pay by instalments, and
- not until the last arrow is handed
over in the lover allowed to take his
8 bride. A man way have as many
wives an he can afford to buy. The
birth of a boy is welcomed, but when
t n girl baby arrives the unfortunate
'creature is soundly lashed by the fa-
ther with a bunch of plantain ieaves.
R ----
Norma derange the whole 'oaten).
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de.
rasullenernges womanonlyantcoi sgives restcents to(o try'
. It ts 25
it and be ceelvilll•ed.
Wife Made Wise Change in Food.
Change of diet is the only way
to really cure stomach and bowel
A woman says:
"My hueband had dyspepsia when
we were married and hod 'suffered
from it for several sears. It was
alnroet impossible to find anything
he could eat without bad resells.
"1 thought this was largely due to
the use of coffee and persuaded him
to discontinue 11. Ile (11(1 so, and
began to drink I'.uttunl ]Food Cofiee.
The rhonge olid him good from the
bosinnine, his digestion improved. he
suffered touch less from his nertoine
nese, anti when he added (]rape -Nuts
fond to his dict he was '300(5 entire-
ly cured.
"My friend, iitre. of
Vicksburg, (my former home) had
become a nervous %creek 1)I u from
d%opepsin. Iilc licine'm had nn effect.,
neither did travel help her. un my
Inst visit horse, mime months ago, i
persuaded her to use (Drape -Nuts
fond. She was In deepair, and con-
sented. She stuck to it until it re -
',dosed her health so completely that
she is now the most (nthusiastic
friend of Grape -Nuts that I ever
knew. She rats it wittl create or
drys, just as it comes from the pack-
age—keels it in her roots and eats
it tv warier she eels like
"1 began enling (irapo-Nutq food.
myself. when my baby was two
nlnnthm old, and 1 don't know what
1 should have done without it. My 1
appetite was gone, 1 Was 8.0ak WW1
nert•olra and afforded hut, very litllo,
nourishment for the child. 'the
(mare -Nuts fond. of a bbrh i tome l
grew very fond, speedily Ret ell this
right ngnln, and the baby grew
healthful, may end beautiful as a!
mother c(nrld wdoh. Ile le to•'e, yearn i
old now and • ata Grape -Nuts food
himself. 1 wish every tired young?
mother kn•'er of the good thnt Grape 1
Nide aoul•I do her."
Naives given by I'ostum Co., Bet -
le ('reek. Mich.
']'here's a rt neon
The ink -plant of New Granada is a
curiosity. The juice of it can be
used ns ink without any preparation.
At first the writing is red, but after
a few hours it changes to black.
Awful Experience with Heart Otssase
—Mr. 1,. J. Law, Toronto. Can.,
writes.—"1 was so sorely troubled with
heart disease that 1 was unable for iA
months to Ile down In bed lest 1
smother. After taking one does of Pr.
Agnew's Heart Cure, i retired and rifept
soundly. 1 used one bottle and the
trouble has not returned."—VV
A gold medal, a pipe, and five
pounds of tobacco constituted the
Kaiser's gift to Franz Grunwald, an
inveterate smoker, who celebrated his
104th birthday at ilurg (Prussia) re-
Removes all bard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, atlrtbw, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. bare $b0
by nae of one bottle. Warranted tae
afoot wosdertai llletaleb Vora seer
A man being brought before a mag-
istrate un a charge of horse -stealing,
the justice, the moment he saw him,,
exc./aimed: "1 oe'o villain in your
countenance." "It in the first time,"
Paid the prisoner, Very cooky, "that
I knew my countenance was a look-
ing -glass."
Ignorance is a curse --genie thy.
eelt ' is a goo l admonition, whether re-
ferring to olio s physical condition or
hahltudee. The man who is acquainted
with himself will known how to act
when any disatrangemeht in his cnn-
dit Manifesto itself. Dr. Thomas'
1•:rteetric Oil is a devil and Kemple
remedy far the eradication of pain from
the system and for the cure of all
bronchial troubles.
State lotto -len add to the incomes
of foreign Governments. In Italy.
they bring the Government in n sum'
of nenrly $ t 20,100,000 a year. 111
Prussia the profits of the public 1.:
tery amount to no less than ee 0.
000,000. The Dutch Government
gets the nice Tittle sum of $250,000,
profit out of its lottery. Portugal
mnksm about $350,000 in this way.
Denmark makes a profit of $300,000.'
And in llrarie where the Government!
doe not itself run the lottery, but
collects a tax on the receipts of prl-
vute lotteries, the amount realized is
Luke l)alkhash, i11 Asia, is remark -1
able for the traeal►nrency of the un -1
ter. the limit of siyihillty bring'
eighty feet.
Prot.ct Your Property
Ivis OIAMok
A dry powder put up la ramal tube.. H
inch as Ilene. It slit instantly aailarvial the
most f,' o.0 ft&sons of wi cA or oft. Price 1300
each, 130 0V dos Write f,r .1 et.:rtptire sirnul&r
tale Otamend Ory Powder Ind Attars
airtime tomer Cue. toren to. Ont wells,
An Irishman, on being made "gan-
ger," wished to show his authority
to those under him on the first morn-
ing of his promotion. "Now, look
here, boys," said he; "when I say
cntnntinee, you have all to com-
mince; and them that Ann't corn -
mince when I say contmince won't
commince. So commincel"
Nearly all infanta are more or tars
subject to diarrhoea and such com-
plaints while teething and as this peri-
od of their lives is the meet critical,
mothers should not be without n bottle
of Dr. .1 1t. Kellogg's Dysentrry cor-
dial. This medicine 1s a s ,eciGc for
such complaints and Is hIgh,,y spoken
of by those who have used it. The
proprietors claim It will cure any case
of cholera or summer complaint.
2,800 silkworms are required to
produce one pound of silk.
Japan's annual tobacco crop in
about 40,000,000 pounds.
Lifebuoy Soap — disinfectant — Is
strongly recommended by the me(Ileal
profession as a safeguard agalnot In-
fectlous diseases, 22
A family living in the (-fly of Tifla,
in the ('aufasu8, «instate of five
members whose temildncd nee in 395
years. The father le 105 years, the
mother 95, and the three eons are
all over 60.
■ I bolters ff fa be the sweet effective
eSiesady for the Stewtaeh and Nervee
err the market." is what A'.e.ie I'at-
terson, of mask%ille. of
Routh American XervIne, for. she save,
La (hippo and the compllcat+on. 01:1:11
followed it left her nest to dead with
Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Olive el 1.,-
vette Shattering. It cured her. -100
"Perkins --you know Perkins?—one
tercel into an agreement with hij. Wife
soon after their nmrriage ,twenty
years ago. that "whenever e•ilper Inst
temper or stormed the other wan to
keep silence." "And the scheme
worked?" "Admirably. l'drkins has
generally kept triteness fur twenty
\S'hen the little folks take colla
and coughs, don't negle:t
and let them strain the tender
membranes of their lunge,
Give them
CureThe ^_
It will cure them gniclrly, and
ftrc 'gthen their lungs.
Ph- elearnnt t' take,
Priem, 25e., RW • sed lf,0e. eel
T Ji It --