Exeter Advocate, 1905-07-27, Page 5THE exetex abvncate 'f housands of Women published eters Tbursla. 11,rniog at the oto, a ARE MADE WELL AND STRONG MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —n) the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING OOMPANY TERMS OF S('BK'RlpT1UN. t)ot Dolls: per annum if paid in ad.ance, *LSO i1 not w paid. iia w.Ztiatt a.gf =shwas oars JILpplLom- tiosa No paper tisroutMord until all arrearage,areaid Advertisements without specified directions will t.e published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for Irina lent ads ertiseutents inserted for long periods. E..ery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest et>le, and at moderate rates. Cheques. money orders, kc., for advertising, subscriptions,et• ., to be made payable 0 Sanders & Creech, PROPR I E'rUlts il'rofessi oi.al yards. abDR. A. R. KIN: -MAN, h. D. 8., D. D. 3.. Honor graduate of Toronto Vnlveridv. DENTIST. Teeth extracted without any psin, or an • bad effects Ofrti a in Fanson's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Dit. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of l'roethetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Allot inum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Auetleaeera ABROWN, Winchelsea. Lleened Auctioneer . for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Poet Office Winchelsea. WANTED.—LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in this county and aulJoining territories, to repre- seat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house Of solid financial standing. Salary $3.50 per day with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. horse anti buggy furnished when neceesasy: position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., k CO., Dept. 0, Jlonoi Bldg., Chicago, I11. —TIiI: mcrcQagts DaRKof GQaila HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Paid Up • 6,000,000 Rest & Undivided Profits 3.218,959 93 BRANCHES IN CANADA Interest at most favorable current rates from date deposited allowed on Savings Bank accounts and De- posit Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit issued available la China, Japan and other foreign r'ountrlee. $1 peC 'r slat for (?S. ra,,o vi 11 p eat.;e, rax w1U Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers is Aga I' Isom by a11dUl,te or malted in plain all parts of the world, a paokka�pgeeonrooelppttotp_rice. Write forPamphlst. A general Banking business transacted. 1 Thew004 Medicine Coss wladsor. Ontario• SAVINGS BANK. Recces* et Lydia E. Pfakbam's Vegetable Compound Rests Up,. the Fact that It Kealy Does Make Sick Women Well Thousands upon thousands of Cana- dian woven have been restored to health by Lydia F . l'iukham s Vegeta- ble Compound. Their letters are on file in Mrs. Piukham's office, and prove this statement to be a fact and not a mere boast. Overshadowing indeed is the success of this great medicine. and compared with it all other medicines and treat - went for women are experiments. Why has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound accomplished its wide- spread results for good ? Why' has it lived and thrived and done its glorious work for a quarter of a century ? Simply and surely because of its ster- ling worth. The reason no other med- icine has even approached its success is plainly and positively because there is no other medicine in the world so good fur women's ills. The wonderful power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound over the diseases of womankind is not be- cause it is a stimulant --not because it Is a palliative, but simply because it is the most wonderful tonic and recon- structor ever discovered to act. directly upon the uterine systetn, posit,' ctra►e° disease and displacements 1� restoring health and vigor. Marvelous cures are reported from all parts of the country by women who have been cured, trained nurses who have witnessed cures, and physicians who have recognize() the virtue in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. and are fair enough to Five credit where it is due. If physicians dared to be frank and open, hundreds of them would acknowledge that they constantly prescribe Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound in severe caeca of female ills, as they know by experience that it will effect a cure. Women who are troubled with painful or irregular menstruation, backache, bloating (or flatulence), leuoorncca, falling, inflammation or ulceration of the uterus. ovarian troubles, that ' bearing -down feeling. dizziness.. faintness. indigestion, nervous pros- tration, or the blues, should take im- mediate action to ward off the serious consequences and be restored to health andstreogth by taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. Anyway, write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Maas., for advice. It's free and always helpful. t. Wood's Phoep led!n., The Great English Remedy. A positive cure for all forms el Sexual'Weakness, ,Mental as serus,A,u Anil( Erain Worn Entxsions, Sym ntatorrhoea, Impotency Effects of Abase or Excess, all of which lost to Consent action. Inermit , Insanity and. an earl grave. TILOS FY8IIF., G . MaraoRt. P.IIEBUEN, Srrt or 1taAaCNae & Cum Ixaram-ma CREDITON BRANCH W. S. CHISIHOLM. Manager. At Exeter and Centralia Storehouses Now ready for use the WE IRE WORIIJS In dead earnest for trade and the volume of it that comes our way is proof that our Goods, Prices and Methods are alright, THIS MONTH We will endeavor to interest best you in Pianos and Sewing Machines. In new Instruments Cement and Lime we sell Canada's hest makes, and will make the Prices and terms very attractive. A few special bargains in second-hand Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines that are bound to suit you. Call and see us. S. MARTIN &SON That money can huy, also COAL for Evorytxxly at the lowest prices. Jos. Cobbledick HALLS V>EGIETAEISLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restores color togray hair, all the dark, rich color of youth. Stops falling hair, also. Sold for fifty years. n "`:'.','aa": iia 't-' '6( K KIK K K(..K KteK K K 118. iT STRICTURE CURED ►t li It YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. W NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. STRICTURE AND KIDNEY DISEASE CURED. '1 bad stricture fc r eleven years. It finally brought on Bright's risme of the Miners. 1 h..d an uric ctnr, ttablc stworing pain to the groin and feeling a. though' ,ruching was in th. urethra. My back was weak and I could scarcely ata p o.rr. franc was 1,11 of sedi• mens, Had • desire tourinate freyu.nt:! Pau:ilydnctcrs,so-called ,periali.ti, patent medicines, electric belts, all failed. 1 was dis- eourated. 1 had et ent hundreds of dcllars In vain. 1`inally 1 con- sulted Irrs. Kennedy & Kergan as the Int resort. I had heard a great deal st,,.ue them and concluded from the fact shalt` ey had been en rbla.h.d over is ).ars tl.at they understood their tntuness. 1 am del,et•re i with the r.tnln. In . ne week 1 felt better a, d in ■ few weeks was entirely cured. Mase gained' nteenpcands i i weight." G. E. WRIGHT, Lansing. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED ? !BLOOD O$. u. iih. most prevalent and most serious di They seethe serf lire mood o thevcram and unless entirely er r licated from t' ^ ar-.tem .vtll caw', .",,>us C rmpli. ations. !lowlife of Mercury. It r ::'r • :pptesses the r)mptoms—out N Mb. HUD positively Curet alt blood 4, f:rr'cr• YOUNG OR MIDDLE -ACED MEN.—lmprndeni sots or later est -eases y ental) i ever c n. Y You s t. ::-�.s steal n m)• your s ste,u. Y u cel theR 7 hsve broken owns r y , physically and aesoally you are cot the man you used to be or should be. READER Are yen a victim i Hive yen lost hope) Are on int.nding to marry) itis yomr hl.od b.en dressed 1 11..e you any weakness 1 Out New Method Treatment will cure ycu. what it has done for others,) will do a t honest pinion tree oi. 'flCharge.NCh,rgesteaso abl. No lewho has treateder NOOKS FRES— you. Golden Monitor" (illustrated ), on Diseases of Men. Seated stook on "Diseases of women" Fre. N O NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN OONSENT. Every. thins Confidential. Question List for Home Treatment Free DRS,KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. end Shelby 8t., Detroit, Mich. K K K'. K K K nK L e/ [Logan: Ttta•-d.ty, Richard Stews't was charged with a giieyolts assault on the person of his brother, John. 1tappt•ar3 1hitt the two n►en were quarreling when John stt'u: k Richard ; over the head with it club. The latter then picked up z► spade and with the side canoe down on John's forehead, causing such injuries that his life is despaired of, Ire is new in the Strat- ford hospital and Richard was remand- ed to the county jail for eight rays toawait the result of the injuries to to his brother. Goderich: On Wednesday Miss Jes- sie, daughter of Dir. and fibs. Alex. Stratton, autl Luther Robbins, of Ro- chester, N. V., were united in mar- riage, the ceremony ticking plaice at the residence of the bride's parents. The wedding was a quiet one, owing to the long illness ut Mt'. Straiten'. The bride, who was attended by her little niece. Norma \Vhitely, as dower girl, was given away by her brother, John. lief'. Jas. A. Anderson tied the nuptial knot, while Miss Grace Dyke played the wedding March. Mitchell: \V. R. Davis, agent fur the C. P. H. and Allan Steamship Line, ticketed the following parties to the points named: Mrs. F. H. Thompson ion! Miss Edith Rabb, Mitchell, to Brandon, Man., and re- turn; Mr. John Davidson, from Brun- ner to Ilinscarlh, Alan., and return; Miss Elsie Pinder to Portland, Oregon, and return; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Auley and two children to Ladner, i3. C.; Dir. \V,n. Colquhoun and Mr. Malcolm Mclnness. 2nd cabin, to Liverpool and return; James Pinder. to South Bend. Washington; Miss Lilly Guest, Cromarty, to Livet'pool. Dublin: it is an old story that troubles never const' singly and we think such is the case in the family of Mr. P. Woods, of this village. After the double death of last week, we have this week to chronicle the serious ill- ness of Mr. John Woods, who under- went an operation for appendicitis a few days ago. Three doctors were present and the operation was success- fully accomplished. Tho patient, though by no means out of danger, is progressing favorabiy and the bright- est hopes are now entertained for his recovery. Mitchell: Few clergymen, if any, ever got a heartier sendoff than Rey. A. McAulay, who was pastor of Knox church for the past five years. Ex- pecting a farewell sermon Sunday evening the church wascrowded to the doors, but the congregation wasgreat- ly disappointed as but little reference wits inside to the severance between pastor and people. Monday evening a social gathering was held in the church, when an address, with it purse of $150 and a handsome Bible were presented to the retiring pastor, and an elaborate and:costly pearl crescent to Mrs. McAuley. St. Marys: Shockingly sudden was the death of Charles P. Selvedge, an esteemed resident of this place, on Thursday. He bad not been in the best of health for some time and bad been engaged by Jas. A, McLaren to do astute light work on his premises, when he was suddenly stricken with heart failure. Everything possible was done for him end medical aid sum- moned but before the doctor arrived the vital spark had fled. Ile was born in 6o,ii rsetsbit'e, England, on Dec. 9. 1810, and was at the time of his death 58 years, 7 months, and 1 days of age. Seaforth: The following were tic- keted to distant points last week:— R. S. platys to Montreal and return; W. Pickard, to Winnipeg; Mrs. T. B. Utnhlehy and family to Pittsburg, Mass.; Mrs. J. C. Bertram to Detroit; Mrs. Gen. Sperling to Wolseley, Assn., James Beattie to Yut•kton, Assn.; Mrs. Andrew Calder to Brandon; William Jackson and mother, of the London Road, Hay, to Cat!gat'v: Mrs. J. Aiken - head, Brucefleld, to lir:union; R. J. Drysdale, Hensnll, to Lipton, Assn.; Misses A. Mclhetith and Maggie Mc- Dermid, and D. T. McColl, of Bruce - field, to Moose .law; Mrs. Matins and Miss Myrtle Bengough, of liensell, to Estavan; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephen- son, Varna, to Muosonhin; WWm. O'C(1- nor, Jr., Dublin, and Mi. and Mrs. R. B. Laidlaw. to ('nlgtu'y; Wal. Fell. Stafte, to Stratheona; Mr. and Mrs. V. Kneeht.el, Seaforth, to Edmonton; T. W. Adonis to Regina; Geo. Canino, Seaforth, to I)eloratine; Henry S. Yeo, of Staffs, to Victoria, B. C., via lake route to Duluth and Greet Northern to Portland and Victoria anti return vin C.P.R. Around About Us, Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. Day id Cook mourn the loss of their little daughter at. the age of 2 months and 19 days. Mitchell: Wm. Campbell, of Statfit, has been sent to the county jail, being of unsound mind and dangeruns to be at large. Clinton: 11, 1). Wilson and family have moved to Winghanr. where Mr. \\'ilson has taken a position in the furniture factory. Seaforth: L. Kennedy, who has been a resident of Seam th for a cou- ple of years has bought a confection- ary business in 1Vinghaul. lloinesville: Thursday, July lith, Mrs. Holmes, mother of Co. 'Treasurer \V. J. Holmes, entered her 100th year, having been born in Kilkenny, Ire- land, in 1893. Parkhill: Whilst assisting at t sta• ble raising at the Powell House 11 few days ago Henry l'.e' atnat►gh fell down it distance of twelve feet and was se- verely injured on the head. St. Marys: Frank Markey, Sr., had his left hand badly injured in a ma- chine at C. Iticlhardson & Cos 'Tuesday. Two or three of his lingers were broken and the flesh was cut and torn. Hayfield: Rev. E. C. Jennings, who has been rector of Trinity church for the past seven years, has been trans- fer red by the Bishop to Kingsville. Ile preached his farewell sermon Sunday. Seaforth: Miss Grace M. Elder, of Ited Deer, Alberta, and daughter of the late Janus Elder, of Seaforth, was on July llth, united in Marriage to John J. Gaetz, of Red Deer, Alberta. Goderich: Miller & Walker is the name under which the East street liv- ery business is now being conducted, Jonathan Miller having taken in part- nership with himself, W. H. Walker, of Ingersoll. McKillop: Bert Hillen, youngest son of James Hillen, and who won the gold medal at London Business Col- lege, has accepted a good position in the office of the Dunlop Tire Co.. To- ronto, his salary being $700 per annum. St. Marys: Wednesday, July 19th, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Purdy. East Nissouri, was the scene of a pretty event, when their eldest daughter, Pearl L., was married to John F, Meyer. of Stratford. The cere- mony was performed in the presence of about 75 guests, by Rev. Mr. Hite hest, of Kintore. Goderich: Emily Hale, widow of the late Neil McKinnon, died at her residence, on July 13, aged 09 years. Deceased was ill but a few days, her illness no doubt being partly the result of her blindness, which came nearly two years since. and about which. al- ways having been of an active nature, she grieved sorely. I31yth: After an illness that lasted 13 weeks, Miss Margaret McComb passed peacefully ,away on Friday evening, dropsy being the cause of death. Deceased was in her 81th year end was one of the pioneers of this part of Huron county. Miss Mc- Comb was born in Paisley, Scotland, and came to Canada with her father's family in 1811. How's ThisP We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J.CHENE1 & CO., Toledo, 0, \Ve, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeau's, i.►nd be- lieve hint perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALmNO, KINNAN & MARVIN, \Vholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's family Pills for constipa- tion. St. Marys: Jos. Beavers has gone on an extended trip to Pacific Const. During his absence he wiil visit the Lewis & Clark exhibition at Portland, Oreson. Mr. Beaver hes resigned his osition of Treasurerof the trusteeboard and pew steward of the Metho- dist church which he has held for the past thirteen years. T. D. Stanley will e his successor. Clinton: The townspeople univers- ally will be very sorry indeed to learn of the death of Hiss Nellie Combe, youngest daughter of Mr's. .1. II. Combe, which occurred early Thurs- day morning. Deceased heti been in delicate health for come time, though able to be around up to within the hist eight days, when her illness as- sumed a critical nature. Blyth: Mise Kate Bart' severed her connection with the Illyth post -office Saturday. For the past three years and a half she has been the popular and efficient essistant to Postmaster McKinnon and leaves the Myth office to accept an important position in the liiodet'ich post -office. Her position in the Blytoffice t% ill be taken by Mies Aggie Gosnhan. of Morris. Seaforth: J. C. Greig has been ap• pointed Cletk of the Seaforth Division coml. in place of John Beattie resign• d. Mr. Greig is well quatlifled for the position; he will make a good and care- ful official anti we,u'e sure his appoint- ment will be eminently satisfactory to the brasin•ss publie. Mt'. Beattie has al -to resigned his position as Police NIaigistrate. 13oth resignati take effect the first of next month. is g.uh: On August 2nd Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson, of 1tol1ymouut. :,rt nmpanird by Mr. James Davey, I•otonto,('u1. Mesrri ►,wifeatnd datugh• ter, Stratford, will leaive for El►xton Point, Muskoka, where they will spend at t h, having rented the rot tags of Hon. Eclwi►rd iBlatke. Mr. 1 ona 1 on .s I itta cd it at eft nl 1 tench, for which he paid $!i(N), marl the outing will en'siainly be a most pleatsint ane. St. Marys: Thos. ('cozier died Sun- da y. un•daay, .filly 111, tat the residence of his s' n•in-ltw, \\'n►. (iatltraith,in hisS3th year. HP twits a native of i'eebleshir•,', 7i Ao.land. and carne to Canada when it I,,.t. Fifty years ago he moved to the f.o m in Downie, ttlunit three miles limn town, where he lived until nine tears tigo when his wife died. Since then he has made his home with hie d.toKhter. Ile leaves a family of firm' Sons and two daughters, MUST STAND HER TRIAL. Ingersoll. Ont., July 25. --Mrs. Robt. Klye, the woman who shot and killed Dave McGee on the morning of the 18th, had her perliu►ina'y hearing be- fore Police Magistrate Morrison here yesterday afternoon, when the mag- istrate committed her for trial at the Fall Assizes. Vsborne Council, Council met July 13. All the tnetn- bers were present. Minutes of Inst meeting were read and approved. Three tenders for the construction of the Elinlville creek drain, not includ- ing the covered portion, were received: Connelly & Waters, 88780; John A. Nicholson, $8'37); August Guhr, $7910. The tender of August (luhr was ac- cepted and the Reeve authorized to have at proper contract hours executed and signed. Accounts, amounting to $130. were passed and orders issued in payment; also a payment of $4:d) on Gardiner drain. Council adjourned to meet on Sept. 2nd, at 1 p.m. F. Morley, Clerk. The Red Rose Flavor and Strength NO Ceylon tea nor Indian tea alone can have the "rich fruity flavor" of Red - .7;e '1-ea,because neither variety in itself possesses all the qualities of strength, richness, delicacy, and fragrance. Fac has its o u tar qualities, but each has its weaknesses. liy combining the two in the Red Rose proportions, I produce a tea with the " rich fruity flavor" and strength of Red Rose Tea, a flavor and strength found in no brand of Ceylon alone. Red Rose Pre is good Tea T. H. EstebrooKs St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg, Thames Road rat Ovens will he at the Coalmen ial Hotel, Esetir, Satoshi), August 5. See "Ad." After a pleasant visit with friends in this locatlity, Mr. W. Miller has re- turned to his home in Kinca idine.— Mrs. A. Cole is on n th's visit, to friends in Owen Sound. Mc- Donald, sr., who met with an accident leading is reroyrrinWhileg. a cow along the road, she became lin- Manageable and knocked hint down. - -M. Thompson has the foundation tine der his barn completed.— T. Cann is able to he out driving again, although his lower litnbs are helpless.—Fanners in this section have finished haying. So fair fall wheat looks splendid and gives promise of a good clop. There is jolt the slightest sy tnptnnhs of rust on the leaf in some Ineali tit's, but noth- ing to do any danor.ge. Fat niers c(,rn- tuettce'd gutting wheat this week. St. Marys: Itobt. Johnston, an em- ployee of the Horse Shoe Quarry; Co., while loading stone on the car the oth- er day, had bis right hand caught by a large stone slipping down on top of it. Two fingers of the hand were badly lacerated. Goderich: Robert Durnin, tt ho n as committed Thursday for trial, was brought before Judge Doyle the fo'lott'- ing morning and sentenced to three months' imprisonment in jail at baud labor. His offence was the stealing of some coins from Geo. Beckett's show- case. 111 AILAILANIAnge.a&. aaLailealleaSkelikaliealleAkarkilitifbanasacia&ARLAIa 11 OXYDONOR The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age. What does Oxydonor do' It gives the body an affinity for OXYGEN, and makes it absorb nature's revitalising force—oxygen—through every pore Disease simply cannot stat in the system that Is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepela, Rheumatism. Fever, Indigeetiom, Insom- nia and all disease simply vanish before oxygen—and Oxydonor gives the body oxygen. head what those who have used it say. dEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. Col. R. B. Hamilton, Provincial Board of itealth Registrar General's Office, Toronto, Can.. writes, August 31st, 1901, "Sly experience with Oxydonor has been most satisfactory in ever respect. Personally- 1 can voutrh for its etneiency in acute cases. such as la grippe and severe strain. in both instant -es its action being remarkably quick, sand the results agreeable and permanent. For more chronic affections, sttch as neuralgia and rheumatism, my Rife has tap r•rienced very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many times its ..tight in gold," Send us your name and address and we will send you our booklet "T" fully explaining the workings of this wonderful instrument. * DR. H. SANCHE & CO. 61 Fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2268 St.Catherlrae St., Mont real. tIFIFrORNPrarAr» >OrstE(Wrlir 'Ur AVIV' g'¢I V' Air V' 1 t Queenston Cement SOLD DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO THE CONSUMER Don't be misled by statements of agents handling cement paying large Commission. Go yourself and see Queenston walls and floors but in your own locality. Our harrel contains es many cubic inches as any other cement, and as cement is gauged by measure, not by weight, your cement will go as far. Write us for information. Freight rates and es- timates cheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, strict- ly cash, f. o. b. cars, Queenston. Go in with your neighbor and get benefit of carload rates. ISAAC USHER QUEENSTON, ONTARIO Use Your Judgment It is not likely that you will attend more than one College in your lifetime. It is therefore important that you choose the right school—your success may entirely depend upon the school. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College has had a reputation for years for its equipment, thoroughness, faculty, demand for its graduated pupils, anti you take no chance with it. School term ---September till June inclusive. Catalogue free for the asking. J. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Pdaclpal. LONDON, ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th, CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. it pays to get a business education and it pays to get it in the r hoed which ran do most for It. students alter they emigrate. This tichool le recognised to be one of the he -t, Business Colleges in ('arida. All oar graduates secure positions. Rosiness Colleges frequently apply to us to secure our graduates as tea• het,. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOT'I' tl Mt'I.ACHLAN, Principals. . EXETER MARKETS. CHANGEi) EACH \VEDN i -HDAY Wheat (old) 00 95 '38 10 Oats 10 10 Peas n0 00 Potatoes. per bag . 75 80 Hay, per ton 6 :r0 7 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 15 Flour, low grade Iter cwt 1 2.5 1 25 Butter 15 Eggs 15 Live hogs, per cwt ti :13 Shorts per ton 211 IMI 1.11 1s1 Wen per ton lc 'ti to Barley