Exeter Advocate, 1905-07-27, Page 2r
ROMANCE OF GEM RUSNES!h a1h1 ;m,any thousand , ii"j+" GREATEST "RAINMAKER
The Ruby Mines of Burmah Ilave
Given Fortunes to Illicit
15 h. n a gold "roast" occurs, all the
wet Id hears of i1. The Klondike
stamp( de of 1897 was trumpeted by
every newspaper 1n Christendom.
But with gems rushes it 18 far other-
tt ise. Secrecy and concealment are
the 11•atehworels of the treasure -seek -
res. o it• happens: that almost us
little news is allowed to leak out
concerning the newly -discovered din -
mond alines in Ilhodesia, for example,
as about thone etunlblctl upon in
liru%il in 1728, whe n over $5.1100,-
0011 worth of gents were unearthed
end carried away before the (:overn-
nreiet got even an inkling of what
was going on.
It is ever thus. In diamond min-
irlE, even more than in gold uniting,
the first con -tors get all the plums.
Almost the first thing heard about
the fa iiious •iageriiontein diamond
mines was that a Kaffir had discov-
ered a stone of 209 carats.
A thoustutd men set out for the
Flare at owe. One outstripped all
the rest, killing three horses in the
Process, tu,d bought the geld for the
(Whiled 611111 of $75. 'the beaten ones
ire the race consoled then's-elves by
scooping up on their own account,
handfuls of precious stones from
In July, 1871. again, a tramp,
hating taken »holler from the sun
under a mimosa -bush near ihtlfun-
tein, accidentally found a fine dia-
mond by scraping the soil with his
knife. Within twenty-four hours live
thousnnl digger*, were tearing up the
surrounding country, and many of
there► were putting forlunew In their
pockets with almost every stroke of
their pickaxes.
At first tho town, which to meet
the wants of the new comers sprang
up with mushroom -like celerity, was
called "New Renee" Afterwards it
got to be known as "Coltwberg
Koppe." And lastly it wa9 christen-
ed Kimberley, out of compliment to
the Earl of Kimberley. at that time
Secreture of SI ate for the Colonies.
Concerning the ruby mince of Bur-
undi, the average Englishman not
only knows that they were taken
over by the British Government when
we first occupied the country some
twenty years ago, and that the right
to work thein was shortly afterward
ticle•grated to a company. But peo-
ple on the repot tell a different story.
Even now there is it continuous
st ream of ndventurero-discharged
soldiers, bench -comber$, and others
-passing ever upwards from Manda-
lay to the +nines. And, despite the
efforts of the con)pany'i police, many
of them
'A couple of decades back, when
there were no police, 'fortune» were
sometimes made in a few hours. One
of the sights of the place is a giant
monolith, at the !nom of which a
poor, half -starve el. runaway liritisit
sailor stumbled neon n 550,(1(11) gem.
Ile soul his find on the spot for $4,-
000 cash, and died in 1'egu of deliri-
um tremens a few months later.
Another of the earlier adventurers,
Wko piefie66rd a few dollars of capi-
tal, heard from the natives of the
existence of the khanezliias, old bel -
(lames chaise hereditary privilege tt
18 to scratch like hens among the
Inil:n,s of the mines for stones that
have been overlooked. I (e. .sought.
their society, gained their confidence,
1 ght from them Horny fine jewels
at ridiculously low prices,, sold quick-
ly, reinvested again and again. and
in less than a year was rich "beyond
the dreams of avarice."
In the pearling town of Mergul
it ('hinese trader 'mined Uhh-
w'ay, who keeps his pearls in quart
'Reeks. Less 1111111 twenty years
apo he bought the gens from tho
Salon nut it tis --who n•erc of course
b; •ant of their value -at the regu-
lar all-rolind rate of fifty rents
apiece. 'I his wits for lilt! specimens.
Seed ',volts he purehuMcd by the pint.
When Mr. V. C. Scott O'Connor,
the Comptroller of Assam. heard the
story. he was not unnaturally In-
credulous; so one tiny he juurneytetl
specially to Mergui 10 interview the
lucky trailer, 'Thr latter at once
profircel for Mr. (►'t'urner's inspec-
tion n couple 0f the "quart t:ot-
tics" of which rumor had spoken.
'I•hey proved to he tu11 of penile of
till shapes and sizes, and yet repre-
sented only a fraction of his real
p:Ossc 6si0ll9.
Now all the seen round about are
regidnrly fished lop organized fleets
of penitent. and such wholesale bar-
goilee are emieeeplently quite out of
the question. Vet it is lees than ten
years ago since n ragged beach-
comber from Rangoon exchanged hie
Inst plug of foenecO for n Kion which
afterwards sold for $1K,500, and
there is a half-caste now re,.Iiknt In
'Bombay who in 1891 loaded a small
1nnepnn with bends and other similar
trinkets.' traded nrnung the natives
of the 1., or known islarnls of the
archie•.111, o for sit months, (Inf re -
fume -it eel) $:(1.000 worth of penrls
tied :p In the corner of
Among the Jebel Slknit hills, be-
tween the Red Sea and the Nile. are
this so-called "('leopatra's Emerald
Mind." They eonaist of hundreds of
narrow. tortuous tunnels, tet .•r more
then n foot or Iwo In height. and
driven for mile's in all directions
.through the sell whist. To thorn
came, during the early days of the
Mandist rebellion, three de,vi tors
tlrom Baker Pasha's army. They
leiled for several wecl0, but found
to emeralds Worth speaking elicit!.
'Then two of the A(trent urcrs grave
op thin enforprl6e in disgilst and re-
turned to the coast.
'The third stayed on, nred n few
days later broke Into a "pocket'' 111
►stother explosives. hydrogen balloons,
or any force of (his kind 1 10 not
employ. it Was, as you knots, these
forces which were re6orted to by such
ruin -producers as Captain Drye•n-
forth, Jewell, Baker, Myers, Espy,
and °there. I never have made usn
of them, my results being obtained
by. the employment of chemicals only.
"Swine of the tests made by the
men I havo 10(111 ion:& were Nuece•sa-
ful in so far as ruin was actually
precipitated, but the groat drawback
taus 1ha( t he sunt of rain was too
email nr1.l the territory covered too
local to he of any real ben •1;). Ily
lay re stem 1 am able to make rain
fall in any locality i desire. In other
words, 1 attract the rain from one
spot and induce it to fall on an-
other. One cannot make :rain, and
neither can one create conditions
which do not already exist. But
these conditions (1o, and alwnvs will,
exist, and knowing this I innke a
moisture -laden atmosphere precipitate
in any place I desire.
But on his way hack to civilitatiun' ---
the unlucky digger was pounced upon CHARLES MALLORY HATFIELD
by Ili islr.s. who robbed hilt of his OF CALIFORNIA.
emeralds. and cut 1 with their ;
knifes in such a shucking n)unuer iSom:e Interesting Facts
This- hIeteorogical
Readers have doubtless heard of
tilt- wonderfully successful cxprri-
ieenti; in "ruin -making" recently
conducted by a young Californian
named Charles elallory 1(rttlield, for
that he became a raving lunatic.
rhe above, it may be mentioned. 14
in nu wive to be rcgurded in the
light of it legend. On the contrary
it is the substance of a sworn state-
ment made ley a certain Ahbadi na-
tive nettled Muhamenied Tal, and 'rola
his wife.
The history of the world's never- he has proved, without a &edit, that
ceasing ward' fur precious stones is he possesses the secret whereby the
heavens may bo made to yield their
showers when desired, and thus con-
vcr•talhe most uritl wastes into Ver-
dant pastures.
The agriculturists of Los Angeles
full of strange and
but surely nothing has surmise -ell, in
this direction, the story of the first
discovery of dianm►nd in Bahia. A
:.14(14' retuned helix Cineed s eels one have for the last two year:s watched
day tending his nineter's flocks, when 1h• experiments of Mr. 1lutfield with
he noticed a sheep was not browsing. considerable interest, and last au-
hxamrinimg its mouth he found a toms' they had become so convinced
(urge diamond emi,.•eleled i4( the ani-
mal's palate. 'lilts naturally set the
nsen thinking. Ile said nothing to
anybody. but carefully 190arched the
grating grounds, and soon aecuulu-
latc•d 7(10 carats of diamonds. 'I•he»e
he trie:i to rt.11, but wets arrested:
and eventually, to save his neck, he
confessed everV1hfng. 'the rush that
follower) has no parallel under simi-
lar circiimstaucee anywhere.
Even In the llritfsh isles genuine
gent rushes have Oeell1 iNf from time
to titre. One of the t. etievesee
4(t his power to "make the rails fall'
when he cho':e that 1111ueng then' they "1 11411,' cumletted demonstrations
11111(10 up a purse of $1.0110 anti in- during every month i4( the year turd
formed the young meteorologist that nlwnye with satisftuclure results, and
if he could produce in their district I can attract rain as easily in July
18 inches of rain between December 4(.v in •inuuary. Die work has ro far
and May the money 611(1111(1 he his. hen cemened to Southern California
On Starch 29111 last, one month 1.e- but nothing would suitme better
fore the stipulated Buse lin:( expired,
he accum1:lished this feat and the
:1.000 was handed over to him.
11r. tintfidil i$ a young man of
1Wtme1-11711:•, and though he has. front
his schoolboy dors, been interested
fol way started some years buck by in the science of nicteerelogy it is natural con(htsons are more Illeer- supply try hostflr cruisers. Lord
an Edinburgh merchant named Un- 0111e dieing the Last leo yeast( Owl nide 'I' his tieing s0, i bel ere ny Kitchener has, therefore„ taken pre-
gcer, who claimed to have found In
certain Scotch rivers pearls varying
in value from $25 to ?'150 apiece.
1-fundreds of peasants. as soon as
the news was bruited abroad. joined
in the siatrch. !•'4(r the meet. part
they were disappointed. lint. some north of 1'uycsndenn, and there cos- the success( T have met with there
fete among them fished tip prizese strutted a tower of stone and wood. leads nus 10 the belief that the saute
And one laddie of Sixteen found!Within this Luilding, which tens with- results might be obtained in any
enough to make a necklace. which he out roof, he p lnrnd 104 galvanized
Fold for $1,75(1.-Yearseen's Weekly. evap or•at,net 1811$. each about 2 feet
Agunre, and arranged in tiers one
♦- ("above the other, Leto these palls
How He Makes Examinations and the nature of which, nrclleste to say,
Administers Medicines. he will not divulge. "11 I did to,"
he said, with n laugh, "every man
The method of treating sick Per- would lec0:1.0 Isis own rain -maker
suns adopted by Chinese doctors in and thin my u.ceeatiun would be
some cities is re 'Istr to (lilt of the go ie. As you u►ay believe, it was
other physicians of the United States o,sly by deep and prnlunped study of
and those of Great Britain, says tris• ('110,605 of certain 1 n)Wn phenunt-
Chamber's Jom•aal. They depend nue in Nature that I was rile to
much, however, un the examination ,;,ruin those results which, t bdie:ce
of the pulse. 'I'1►cir sense of touch is lairs soused the interestof the en -
so wonderfully developed that it is lire scientific world. her sliver
said they can determine the condition rears 1 have been n close student eef
of the heart as well as some of the uu•t.orulugy, but it tans only al the
other organs merely by the treble- end of the fourth year that i sue-
ness or strength of the bents; but
they say there aro 4(o less than furunirtg a theory of hypo
twelve different movements of the ar_ thesis on which to base mV eaprri
sign ao Government
Sian (:ueernutwit has 2U0,(h men
in Central Aria on the Afghan fron-
tier, and this noteithstuutliug the
war'lii the 1-ar Fast. It is also un-
happily certain (hut unless the Brit-
ish navy be enormously strengthened
in the near future the traieeport of
any large body of reiufurc.•nic sty
across the uceun to Delia cannot be
un(ertnken till the Ilritish fleets have
gained d.ei-i%e vic(ories over their
possible ant;tfiottista. Nof. Withstend-
ing o;rt Most is assurance to the
IBriti,lt public. the Admiralty refuses
(0 guarantee Hate trues:enr't M tho 00 per cent. palc11ts, buyers' sacks,
imi(.al stages of ea61 and west. with 15e to 20e more
A (:Itl•:A'I' WAR. fur choice. Manitot u flunk patents
'thus India will pato 10 rely upon are quoted at 15.30 to $5.(30; se,ond
her own rcaurces for weal a, or per- patents, e5 to 85.30. and balers'e,
haps months, though should the An- $4.90 to 55.10.
glu Jupnne6i nl;:ancc he I Xteiuksi, the (lets --No. 2 are quoted 4:1c to 44c
situation would be 1rainsiorIileeI by west, and 45e to 4rc fast anal north.
a stroke of tho pen. But even so. Parley -40c to 4Se for No. 2, 44c
Japan cannot be asked to defend for No. 3 extra and 44c for Nn. 3
India for Its. India must be pre- mit side.
pared to bear some considerable• part ltyie-)Oe outside
of the bt:rden, rod the United King- Corn -Canadian, 54c to 55c, Cha-
dom. which eieforce» mien Lidit% them freights; American, ('el 4e for
free trade in the interest of British No. 2 yellow uml tile•. for No. 8 yel-
mantefacturcrs, muse. also be. ready to low, lake and rail freights, Ontario
bear its $hare. po:nt,y, dud 634' to 6:14e on track
'1 he policy of Lord Kitchener has Tur•os00
been to render India self -dependent. Peas Scarce and in demand at 72e
to 7:'c for No. 2 outside; 75c for
gelled Oats -$5 for caret of barrels
nn trace( here nod $.1.75 fur care of
begs; 25c more for broken lots here
and 40c outside.
IBlt1:Ait ilsUh'1"S.
Toronto, July 25. -Wheat -Ontario
-Holders of No. 2 red and white aro
askitr.: 90c to 9:tc, cast awl west.
Goose is nominal at 7`'C to eve, aticie
storing at 85c to 87e.
Wheat -Manitoba -Nei. 1 northern,
61.12 to $1.13; No. 2 northern, $l.-
09 to 311.10; No, 3 moth en. tl(►Ic to
91 te.
1.1u :r -Ontario -$4.15 to $ 1.25 for
than to test nay sesteru east of the In the past, artillery, ammunition,
Rocky 1lfouretaine. for 1 a4(1 confident rifles, saddlery, and all the thousand -
that I should be eq•rally successful. anti -one requisites of an arty hail to
"Our Eastern States. as yoe Inns bo mooned from England and
possibly he aware, contain more t•4(- Europe. In the event of war a
utility ie the ata:osphere, while the pi pt stop :sight be put to the
he has become known as a Huecoss- "h•: artificiai forces 1 en ;e'' v matt cautlonnry steps. A cordite factory
fol "rain -maker." As soon as ho n e•hf he obtained a_ n 1;•.:,.Ie- has been opened in southern India
offer received the of $1,000 under title •1....: No pltu:e. .lr ;'O, I ioc of the hich
wcan turn out powder as good
conditions already mentioned he country is ,x) unfavorable to the ►. 1 Abbey,
as that produced at Waltham bb y,
pitched his camp on a l Holl in the production of rain by nrtifloal me- and this ata sating to the Indian
Sierra Madre Mountains, four miles thud» as Southern California, and taxpayer. A rifle factory is nearly
quarter of the globe." -London Tit-
Sees Menace in Russia's Two Rail-
roads and Her 200,000 Men
on the Frontier.
The London Daily Mail says: In
the last few years the military prob-
lem in iitelia has been completely
transformed by the rapid extension of
large masses 80 that their cnnuunn-
the new Russian railways southwardg
throat h (:antral Asia. 'Three ecru$ tiers may learn how to heretic great
ago, 4(t the close of the freer War, bodies of men; the brigades and di-
thers W115 only one 1{assist line 11610118b1 pence are trainee under
which approached the Afghan Iran- the generals who world lead in w•ar%
t ser. and Ulfy 14418 the 'I'runscaspiun 'Transport for n great henry is being
teries in the human body, all of
merits. The past three scare have provided, so an to ennble the troops
which can he detected by feeling the hest levered to rnrryinR out, on Itaul11uy. It was not in nterrup rnpi.11y to take the field. Pur the
lingers, wrist and turn. i 0 0 1141 0 0 1 lines, a series of tests which ltd communication with the railway hilrl(rr instruction of officers pn !n -
When a patient culls on hits for ex- I note cnII 'rlen-0nslrations.' $yslenr of l:uro;enn Rus$ia. and to dint Staff College will be opened
an,ilathes the doctor first presses! "The first of these deulnnetrati,)n,• reach its terminus on the easter:
this simmer at 1'cohtli, which will
the arml, wrist anal fingers, touching; 1 mails in April, 1902, in tical Itiegi shore of the ('nspiun troops hgtl to b0 ultimately (hanged for <lucwill
nearly every part. Sometimes ten er County', and tholth it resulted only be conveyed •in 9leamlera Across t ( be ultit enteal.cl have been perfected for
fifteen minutes ie occupied with this in a light lutists i way greatly tn- sternly waters of the (.'ns -pian ties. the supply 1 of bursas nod remounts,
really to begin turning out rifles at
Ishapure, and here again a substan-
tial sating to the Indian GOVeI•IIm(•Ilt
will result. Artillery is to be mane-
facturrd in the Hanle wily, while gun
carriages will he procured
at elubbulpore. A horseshoe factory
at C'au•npore• will be able to meet all
the dernatels of the Indian army.
Thus self -dependence in every direc-
tion is being attained.
'fhc orguniration and training of
the Indian troop» are now being coir
thiels& with a view to efficiency in
war, and however much the lessons
of the campaign in South Africa
have been ove=rlooked in England.
they etre not being Iesioriel in India.
'the troops are brought together in
examination. Then he may ask if cuurneed. However, 1 persuaded Now, howeter, n new military line
the patient is married or single, and myself that possibly it. w(1» a «lw'ehas teen completed from (►renburg,
also his age; butthis is about the ,.,,incidetire, nrmn eI
nf eo 1 detci
d to in European Russia, to 'Tashkent),
limit of the examination. Apparent snake another test in Mnv. 1 did I which is on the 'I'ranseaspian system,
ly he can tell the nature of the lis- 6o and rain again followed -another and tromps cart be tient direct from
ease without questioning further, and lisht dri.rle, it is true, but I felt 1St. 1'etet•9hurg or Moscow to Central
if 010 caller wishes a prescript' he. that it could scarcely he disc to' Asht. The Otenburfi I'nshkcnl Rad-
writes one in the ordinary (:hinese • cha11(1' was is Ii process of belt; extended
churucters 011 11 generous sized square. •••the tuliott•ing month 1 determined note hward. and in the tea future is
of paper. i Ito be linked u) by new lines with
Hinging n bell, ho hands the pre' -,l4( snake emelt •1F dr•:nonslrntion. 1
lune, ns You are probably aware, ei 'the great Siherial Railway, which
41.1)0 iun to the Chinese attendanttrnver6,-A Northern Asia.
who enters, for •each physician has one of the rainless motet in South- •Thr, construction of thiH new line
his 01111 shop, lilted with the ingreel- • ern California, and in looking up
lents which he uses in treatment. 11 the records since 1849 -ditty -live Ihat hrnught. 1Kuropenn R{umein close
he hos n large prieclise be y eine: found (,tial un testes .l un(» :to irnita, and has made the British
ploy n nul.he chemist, who make, eerily did rain fall. It tens, therefore• :Empire
de n ntul 1'ollel' In its
up the prescription. e:nJ0r very unfavorn)le condition» f I
One of the curious features 111 Chinthat row third Inst tans note, pad Ito n Japanese soldier, who has nude
cse medical treatment is the way inret after three days ruin fell. i i n personal study of Nein nief the
which the physicin4(e administer their i, ieh1 mention that the result of it`►,ian frontier, Russia w11P be able
remedies. Nearly all the offices of 1h:•se three demonstration+ was the S h ne great tlitliciIlr 14( glare an
the principal doctors have what nmay'seine- aro:y (f trate 500,001) to 000,000be call
ed n tea room 11ttncluiie,il A SI,IG II'r 1►Itl', t.K, men upon the Indian frontier and to
'I'his is a spacious apur•trn0nt, well
frequently ornamentedwith "'thus. encouraged, i decided 10 in-
lighted,Oricntnl pottery and pictures 11141 rrt•nea lee force of energy to four _-
containing small tables, each wit h tittlesw
that hich .1 had 118011 in the As to rho eminences( of this con-
two or three chairs. If the invalid first lists. in urger l0 see it I could elution little doubt crn be felt, Hence hank T. Bullen Tells of His Ex -
docs not wish to lake his medicine not 0lituin a really satisfactory hill In the present war with Japan 'tui- perience With One.
et home. he is ushered into this of rain during .duly, the driest month sin has heron able to transport with- \ty first experience of the octopus,
room. and while seated at one of the 4hruuuhout Southern ('all ornin. The In a !'car 500,0'8 01011 from Europe writes Prank T. Millen in "Creatures
tidiest drinks his prescription as les eircumaarrces tinder which 1 madeto Munchnrin. and to keep thein of the Seu,' ten$ in a little bay in
would n cup of tea or n Klass of : my fourth demonstration could there in lighting' coedition. It i» Stewart lelund, New Zeeland. A
wine. With hut few exceptions the
scarcely hues been inure unfucerrnbl, true that Ce nixed Asia it 1101 84( I1 river 11011e1 into title bay, IIUh'PAIA) MARKETS.
Illcdieine is In liquid form nnf served 11161 yet in lee „ha « half ince the rich. so densely populnlyd, 4(r ser pro- notable for ill line fl Iers; and the Buffed°, .duly 25 -bloat -Quiet and 3
hot in dnlnty Chinese bowls, far hcttticsrt .duh rain for thirty seven tluctivu a country 115 Manehurin, but crow of (he Chip i« which 1 one then pro -
timely. Wheats -Spring 5l'strong; No. 1
-1 of it is (minp0sed of it tlecoc years 1•46 (1(1(1. In Incl, there Rn.y n' il'nst this must leo set the fret « miler soon discovered that tho N(r8(13', t, 81,1(3; No. 2 led, on track
lion of herbs. 1nnly ono slaty ruin in Felty -five y(sih$
that there are len rnelwucs abutting evt8iest 11ay of catching them was to 914'. ('ern -hull nod unse•1. lel; No.
Kath titbit, contains a howl 011 that H)r,pnr6rd it, ♦iz., thiel 4(t 1RR4. upon Ihr 1tyIinn frontur, where,►$ to wade nhnut on the line sandy bed 2 yellow, 011e; Nu. 2 earn, 131 Ir.
raisln6 and tabun the (Mem ant Manchuria there is only ane . with bare feet, tho water being only
brings�I n the tnedillne he also brit yi In th • ells of San hlrf;o almost 1 lord Kitchener was among the 1111 to arid -thigh, and when they toll t►1118-�ilrnn er; No. white, :If,le;
inch full, while all Parts ..f t}1r conn- R the flat bol wriggling under their N1 2 mixed, 34c. Curial freights --
in pk glnr:n of (eµ11 wnt(r. if the first to realirn the gravity of the Y RK R
drink it hiller, as it usually the ie, the • tunnUlicsc`nsanuch nsin `A' inches ter or l'h ll` situation created by Ihr. construction
moles, to trend firmly and stoop, Sit adv.
patient ran clot some of the raisins 1 of the new rnilwpv. He i9 insulter -
in the sand until they had
to remove the trite, while with the inY In the nnoinlahl5. Strange In the flounder safo between finger and
tar, not n drop o/ rain full in the ly and pre-eminently a railway gen ! NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET.
water he rinses his mouth and 1 eral. fry railways lit recnrl.puered the
thumb. Then they would raise him r
north of Los Angeles, the fnll•beinl; and 4(t him in the hu strapped New York, .duly 25 -Wheat --Spot
throat. Then he is ready to go' Smitten; by the help of railways heh / { tP
_ tett Wyly cunfn•tl to San Diego cruAhel the Inst vestiges of Boer uti
aeons their shoulders. firm, No. 2 red n menet In elevator
other examination and dose. County. 6 Iry and by ive discovered that the and 94:e f. o. b. of oat; No. 1 north -
e "Time after time 1 have tea.& ley sintnnre m Smith Africa. It thus • hearer the sea the finer the flounders, ern, I)uhilh, $1.101 1. er, b. nBeat;
tris not. Inapproerinte flint, after
*- evefem ttlse n the conditionshave burn mid s4( • sunny nhetnl,an 1 was 1Co.. 1 northern Manitoba. 81.10
most unfavorable for rain. and 11 wan h lust) ncce,mpeirhed his Work in the
ending in the help tete the mi)uth of 1, u, b. afloat.
NOT A 11'1LI.1NG VI(."I'IM. remitrkit' le tit uhsrert0 hot', in a , Bruns: ital, hes ,hneill have 5rlect(1I the rivulet and pirking up 60100 fine
InIIA ns the Rrli1 of hes activity, specimens Sullenly i 1reed mem
while, one eou1d 14'1cc1 the. pI )n
The tient, '11111.agedneuUun gas, curious way in which the foree� p much thnnRh his presence as organ.8ouecthinR like a flub of jelly. .•'ear•
ed suspiciously nt the 116repulal'11'• curl+Ic>v p;rndualiy beetle to Millie nee
tont nod nfcrrrncr tens reeled in ling- inp( a sting, 1 made to step 4(0, only
lurking tramp who had knocked pt , land at the War Office. to feel both my lege gripped in 6ev. the offering at the Western Market
the ntnnesphrie. 1 remember p de K R' 11
her kitchen dour. "What do you tnn6Uutiou 1 made in September, • T1f5 first t.tep• on rvnrhing huUn eral place:+ by something that clung to-/ny was rather heavier then a
want?" she asked. i!ul 'this month is also one of the ens t0 consider the necl 6sit les of ns if it would rat into the Nosh. week ago. but the quality watt yen-
"N'wrld yr iniad givin: me apiece driest. in 0:10 part of the country. Indian do fence, tthich had before his i stooped, end felt a long. whip- (rally poor.
o' per, tna'rtnl?" he said, tonins: he en treated with insnllieirtf like tentacle twisted round ray rig;ht. Expert cnttb, chofrc. $4.110 81 !►O
ousels Sri rpin felling whatever.
"I don't know about that. I Indeed, if you were t0 ink( the
attention. But a s:r.nll part of the I(p(. 1 lure it 4(R, and felt n rlamera (10 good to medium. 4.80 'Lti(1
can't env 1 like the tanks of }or." Indian army raft «vnilahle for war which mode ne suite giddy
do others 4.00 4.81)
trouble t° look neer the tttr:h•oro-
"1 know 1 ain't vert ins fault.
'. on the frontier. The suis allotted t° But no sooner had 1 retnosm4 one hulls ...:1.50 •1.0(1
ma rim, turf it ain't. my fault. p logical records n8 far bac!( ps the the flatten puny was in.rlerlualr. sun ky Ilung, than nnother held me. ('0118.,, :;.00 :17!.
can't afford to dress any better." ('x1~•1 you would find Ihnf rain &ruin{ ntnounliup( to only (17,00n0(N►. pal and nncrlhrr and another. The anter Ihrtchrre' plrke•rl ... 1 50 4. (1
I'm not sp0u (1 r nl yon clothes it grodehor in `+uuthrrn ('nlifornin i( 1 to chnleu ....-,• 4 20 4.50
p, had refrained for noun• scare nt or Wn5 8hnlieW, but 1 beget to feel le, g
nitogrlhc11 1'ou don't loo!( dont." n Brent r tI''e' r nl•oaf the stone Gp;ar( 1hau);lt It 1 rnu6t ho .raKgrl leen, drowned fair l4( pruull :I. SI) 1 00
"1'm tcillia' to confess Il, mud'pilt• 11 ens dere to this n4', Ihul T de
t(clninrl 10 aro if rain coulee nnf Ir( IllE DAWIER HA11 CROWN.
and tletourrd by this horrible thing. do Conti! ll 2.7!► :B..ill
I guess'Anil 1 don't." induced to hall during thine rainless;light the tote for mil- I.ortunntely I retnhied Hume pr18- do cows 2.50 :1.75
Anil you don't loe.c ns If you ever Attest n hard Ii 1 (n(0 of mind, and drawing my sheath ltulls 2.50 :1.3(1
are your heir, or took any surf month. pail while 11( trete f,nc,ing Italy purposes has been raised till it knife, 1 reacher) toren cautiously to heelers :i.f30 4.00
through Oise of Ih.e limees1 dry spells now elands at about L'22,000.000
of car( of yourarlf." where I fell the rnnln holy of the do medium 3.:1(1 3.00
on record. No rain had fallen In sterling. an amount which Air. (trod- thing.K
"Well, 1 reckon that's 'cause 1 live and avoiding my bore flet, i do bulls 9.511 R. ') gg i
elm •• to Helot(." 2 50
3 on
loot Anforecaste In for 1M flays'. and the dicated stnlrhrd ylendily into the central nnrt Stackers, good 8.50 3 s(0
water elnineil wish eepin. and 1 Export came per cwt.
of the beast I tots successful. for do rough to cone2 50
preeently I felt the clutch of the ten- Mille
titelee round my legs relnx. I snw the Mitch cowe. end' 1.7050 to4o..tolg
• • 1 1 you do." she atter the pie, '•1'
1 75
nature's fault!"
could, ttiercfort, have leen hr.•rlly- orous apposition from those who did sm.11eetl the odor of 61n1r musk, do bucks, per tat8 0(1 3 25
turn. unfptornhlr. but in fen drys a not 0(1111i( that torte alone can repel ,hick till cuttlefish emit when die- do culls, tach 2.50 3 50
Mr. 'I'hirdfluor-'•1 herr thnt lies. shower fell, nod in four days we hall :fl the attack,' of force. i'he troops tiit•l'ed
Spring Iambs, each2 50 5 2!.
Ilash rnore, the Innllnrly. is laid t.p Ihr hsavie* t September rein flint hod nen defile for work on the front ler. 1 tell guile eerfnin that. had i been l'nlvrs, 10. :SI S+
afth n nervous s11(srk." ll:. Quids fallen luring thirty years, enter the rltolt fat limb!. :_li(!itions. In id sew nt 1w'eter out of my do etch 2.00 10.(x$
week -"Vet. One of tier new board- "My ...stem k '•sorely new, no- hove been raised to ni nit 10N),(Nr(► depth lw one of these cregteires, only hogs. seliel8, per cwt0.35 (1.00
(ee wanted to pay her it Wruk In ad- thing similar having 0-•er before been turn. Ia(n this total is not « large a miracle could have saved me froth to lirthts 4) 10 000
vntict.'' attempted. Pornbe, d,nnmite or force with which to meet rho possible drowning. ' do tats 010 0.00
maintain that army there
i Ili 1 I(:I I'I'I NO (!ON urrtoN,
a1w•uy e a. difficult. problem, as the
South African war showed.
Not the (cast important of- Lord
Kitch eter's retort's has been the r�
organi'ntiun of the Indian police, by
which, it a cult of about one mil-
lion sterling, armed corp$ of police
Will lie provided to keep order when
the army is at the front.
'I hat all these rneusure» have cost
money goes without snrin1. You
cannot have security for nothing, and
though •In(:nn manages her defences
on a ridiculously smcill num, she
dons it only bot•au$e her people have
accepted compulsory service, and are
imbued with u spirit of devoted rmslt-
sacriree a hieh, unhappily, la 1 a'a1-
ieled in few Western cu4(uuunilie»,
But the wealth of 1n11in is growing
1►y !vele and 1,oun1s, so that 11 the
burden increas.•s, 6t, also does the ca-
pacity to bear it increase.
Crenreery, prints ,... ,., 19c to 21e
do r:olids 18c to 19c
Dairy ib. retie. good to
choice law to 17c
do ineellum 14c to 15c
do tills, good to choice 15c to He
do inferior 13c to 14c
Cheese --'the market is steady, with
a firm tone at 1040 to 1(►1c per
pound for job lots hero.
Eggs --('rices are unchanged at 174c
tolHlc for candled, 1t31c to 17c for
general run, and 14c to 144c for
1'otttto;»-Are steady nt Roc per
bushel arid $2.25 to $2.50 per bar-
Baled 1Tnv--i'ricler are unrhnn'o d at
$7.50 per ton for No. 1 timothy in
car lot,' on track here and Pi for
Nu. 2.
1181(1 Straw -Market continuew dull
and ie easier at 85.50 to $(3 per ton
fur car lots on track here.
310N'I'Rl':AI. efAILK ieelS.
Montreal, .duly 25 -Grain -There is
a fair de,unnd for nuts to 011 immed-
iate wints at 504e for No. 2 white
and 41'c to 494c for No, 3 white ext
Flour -Manitoba Bering wheat pat-
ents, $5.30 to $5.40; strong bakers',
$5 to 55.10; winter intent», $5.50;
straight rollers, $5 to 55.15. and in
bugs 82.25 to $'2.•15.
Millfced-Manit ol•a bran in sags,
$l5.50 to 810: shor(14, 519 to 520
per ton; Ontario bran in hulk, 514.-
50 to 515: shortU, 519 to 520;
mouille, 821 to 524 per tem as to
Oats --Priers are unchanged at 52,-
40 to $2.421 per hag. Continent also
unchanged at $1.35 to 51.•15 per
Hay -No. 1. 59 to $9,'25; No, 9,
57.75 to $8.25; clover, mixed, 16.75
to 57.25, and pure clover, $(3,50 to
56.75 per ton in car Iota.
Provisions-llcavy Canadian short
cut pork, 520 to $21; light short
cut, $18 to 519; American cut clear
fat hack, 5114 to 51!+.51); comp 1
lard. rife to 01c; Canadian lard, 94
to 104c: kettle rendered. 1(14e to 11c
according to quality: hams, 12c, 13e
and 11Ic, according to sir(•, and
bacon, 12c to 1.1.' fee h killed abat-
toir hut;$, $925 to elf ell. olive. $0.-
50 to 50.75 for mixed lots: selects,
1:ggs-.' t rn fight stock. 17e: No. 2.
Butter -Choice cronmery, 21 e 10
21 lc; under eratles. 2n1c to 2nfc;
dairy, 161c to 171e.
Cheese -Ontario, 0:c to 9Ic; Que-
bec, Ole to 93c.
home, returning the next day for an
1,1V1; See t('K MAi(K I:TN
Toronto, .lulu 25. -Tho tun of rat•
rick sates has been farther inere•need
to guara1(10 India ngninst external
egg!( eeeioti. Consequently a com-
plete reoreaniention of tho army has
been carried nut in the teeth of vig-