HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-20, Page 7• *ASTING ANAEMIA. !FEATS OF WOMEN SPIES! THIS MUSICIAN IS DELIGHTED OF •.1 Trouble That Afflicts Thou - wands of Young Girls—Cured by TIIE STRANGE STORY Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. VERA SASSULITCH. 1,r. Williams,' Pink }'itis do only i '�— wee tiara 1, but they do it. well. They Fished Attempt to Kill Gen. rill the t. u,s fifth new, rich, red, poff, Then Joined the heitltli git ilii; blood, which deices Nihilists. teas ail traces of anaemia, head- 4•�ubackache, ackache, palpitation. ,ervuus- "r mess•, clip/inn's and desitondtncy. The • i nett Slued they snake brightens dull itater.•lesa; eyes, and brings the rosy glow of health to pale cheeks. In cw in,- anaemia ln•, Williams' Pink Title cure the foundation of con- r:uuipt ion as well. The new blood they actually make give new strength alai vigor to every organ in the holy, and enables it to tight whatever disease attacks it. That is why they are the best medicine in the world for girls in their teens—err women in middle life—and to all those whose blood is weak, watery or impure. efiss Mazy E. Pratt, Blyth, Ont., gives siren1, • testimony to the value of these pills. She says: "I was a sufiever for over a year with anae- mia. I was completely run down, had frequent headaches, spells of dizziness and palpitation of the heart. I doctored all summer arta was no better than schen 1 began. I had practically given up all hope of finding a cure when my brother ad- vised me to try hr. lfillfams' Pink and was made acquainted with their I'ills. 1 got four boxes and schen I secrets. 'These she at once coin - heti taken than I felt so much bet- municnted to the Russinn Govern - ter that 1 g.ot six boxes more, and inert, The truth was that the whole before I had taken all these I was tusiness, inclu:ing the attempt on completely cured. I in more thank- his life, was faked by 'l'repoll hint- ed than i can say for what the pills sell, and it was simply have done for me, as but for thein I A CLEVER RUST: would not be enjoying good he•tlth M+ to-riaee 1 stron' ly urge all weak to get from the Nihilists what could Fe !Is to give Dr. Williams' Pink not be got in any other way. There- eata Its a fair trial." set llliss Pratt's experience proves the :alto of Pr. Williams' Pink Pills to Czar's the succeeded heras every weak and ailing person. These chief spy There succeeded Emmat the who pis can bo had from any medicine became the Countess della 'Torre. She dealer from ur by mall uthe lir. Wil -11 •ns a woman of great mental ability hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50. Tre- Russian history during the last twenty or thirty yews would nut hate been what it hus been if there tied been no Vera Sa`sulitch, of whom nothing is heard in diene days. When the famous General 'Trepoff was only at the beginning of his ciu'eer she was his invuluuble assiet- ant. 'I'►epofl was the detested enemy of the Nihilists, and he was very anxi- midi to obtain inside information as T'runcisco, Se - Los Angeles. YorUund, to their doings and their plans. Sud- "1 suffered for years with Kidney fierily, one day in 1ti78, he was tired Trouble," says h1 r. l`row, 'which bo- Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se- at whilst deicing through the citrate aggrut'nitd with every attack attic, 1'irtoria, Vancouver at very streets of St. Petersburg by no of cold and cnused mo much agony. low rates. Correspondingly cheap other than Vera Sussulitch. Stip Thu disease developed into Gravel, [rites from all pain's in Canada. was at once seized by the soldiery, and was charged with the attempted murder of Tripoli', being tried in the ordinary manner; but, to the amazement of the public, she was ac- quitted! On her release. the Nihilists gather- ed about her, desiring to admit such a friend of the people to their closest had entirely ceased and I was again' "You pull teeth here, I suppose?" acquaintance. Inthis way she was enjoying perfect vigor, all of %%hich queried the wan, atter climbing the admitted to all their private circles I owe to t)odd's Kidney fills." stairs to the dentist's office. The fact that Gravel yields so "lea, air." readily to Uodd's Kidney 1'ills is "Just grub 'cin and yank 'em good news indeed, as it does away ou•t?�e with those terrible operations that �H Were supposed to be the only relief Is iare careful not to hurt.'- t the pniulcss kind?" trout this trouble. "Absolutely painless, sir." ',Then I'll call suntee he►•e else." HIS KIDNEY DISEASE AND GRAVEL CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Tried many Medicines but got no Relief Till He Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Rosedene, Ont., .1uly 10.-1 Special) —Mr. Samuel J. Crow, the well- knuwn musician of this place, re- lates an experience that mills to the already great popularity of 1)odd's Kidney fills in this locality. Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolen; nor the surface off linens. NUGIIT >RE>Dvcse EXMGM= Ask f*r the Waapa Sae - PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August. and :iseptererber the ('hirago and North Hestcrn Ity. will sell front Chicago. round trip excursion tickets to San when 1 was totally unfit for luny; Choice of routes, best of train ser- thing. cr- thing vire, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. Rules folders a and d"1 tried different remedies without the desired result and was in touch full lnfonnund misery when 1 decided to try 1)udd•s front 13. 11. Bticanetten,can GeneralbeobtaiAgent,e Kidney Pills, when to my astonish -l2 East King St., 'Toronto, Ont. 81 meat and delight I immediately be- gan o-gun to recover. "After using five boxes the ailment NOT THAT KIND. v�. t Iuth earl I'm after Vera Sassulitch played the part, of Government spy on innumerable occasions. CREW 01' SKELETONS. and boundless ambition, and when her husband died she offered her ser- vices as 'special secret agent to the Czar, and soon became indispensable to the Russian Court. Whenever a A gruesome maritime discovery is document had to bo secured, she se - reported by the Chilton Times, Val- eured it, and she allowe•1 nothing, paraiso, which may clear up a inys- not even a life, to stand in her tt•aV. tery of n missing 'British ship. This. Ily ono remarkable and dramatic journal reports that an expedition, roll!, early in her career she obtained which has proceeded to the Island ofA GREAT DIAMOND.(1uafo, off the South American coast th•• nnhounded confidence of the Czar. discovered on the shore the hull of n, information had been received by ship with n number of skeletons and •the Russian Secret Police that a plot many Doses of cargo. (inc of the!against the monarch wan being the Regent. MAWS of the ship bore the inscription, hatched cun`ointly in Home still One of the rrio_r•t beautiful diamonds "Castleton, Newport." This is pro- Parris. It was suspected theft the in the world is the Regent. It be- bably one of the fleet of Messrs. T. plot wan to be curried out through longs to Prance. Besides its (loryen- Ilenyon & Co., which trades betwt.en the instrumentality of n high official sions, which aro considerable, it the Bristol Channel and the west of the Cxnr's housell"Id• but all el- unites various qualities which further test of South America. She left forts to identify hire f fled, augment its value. \'.h• n rough it 'I hereupon this woman spy was put ueigh,d 410 carats. Its present on the scent, :tad he at once went weight Is only 1:16 carats. Its cut - to Some, wl►c,.' -h • in,ra1iated her- ting, tthich is of great excellence, re- sell' ith the Niail;sts, and at last (luired two years of work. It was found out the name she wanted. She valued in 1791 at 12,000,000 francs. "Phis, Indies and gentlemen, is the re unit( in haste t0 St. I'etetsbur•g This diamond was purchased in the wto'i remarkable collection of relics and informed the ('ear of what she rough state oy the grandfather of Ln the world," said the lecturer. had discovered; but he refused to William Pitt for 312,000 francs. 'Here, for instance, is the skull of believe her, as the man named was 'rhe llukc of Orleans, then Regent Alexander the (trent," he announced, one of his closest attendants and of France, acquired it In 1717 for impressively, holding up a small , most of. his friends. "'Then," ex- the sum of 3,375,000 francs. skull selected at random from a pile claimed the countess, "I (rust prove According to St. Simon, who gives on the table in front of him. to your Mnieerty that what I tell an interesting recital of the pur- "liut I always• understood that you is true. In Mill an hour f must chase of the stone, there is quite a Alexander the Great was n large crave permission to see you again." different version from that, ordinur- man," spoke up a gentleman in the Wit, 11 lino kft the Czar she at •once ily accepted: "'Through an extremely rare oppor- tunity an employee in the diamond mines of the Grand Mogul was ale to extract one of very large size. He found means of embarking and reaching Europe with his diamond. Ile took It to England, where the king admired It, without. however, deciding to buy it. A model of glass was made in J''agl;ind and the roan was sent with the diamond and model to leaf, who proposed it to the Regent for the King. The price frightened the Regent, who refused to buy it. 'rite state of the finances was an obelneli' on which the Regent insist- ed. Ile feared incurring censure for so large a purchase, while there tons trouble in providing for the most pressing necessities and ninny people were left in suffering. "i applauded this sentiment, but I said to hint (haat it was notsult- a1.le to exercise the same economy for the grentest King; of Europe as ♦ "But you don't want to be hurt, "Yes," said the married man, lined- do you?" itatively, "when you see a woman "Olt,it isn't for ate. It is for the hanging out a line of clothes, and ofd woman. She's got to have eleven the line slips and lets the blessed tut pulled at once, and I want it to hurt down in the mud, that, my boy, is her so that she won't be able to the psychological moment. in which open her mouth at me for 7t month to leave that woman alone." of Sundays.' - A Sure Curo for Headache.-13.11.ms headache. to which women aro sunject than men. becomes so nett•, in genic subjects that they are utterly pro- rtruted. The stomach refuses food, ear, there is 11 constant and distressing ef- fort to free the stomach from nib -chi 11 has become unduly secreted there t'.ri- melce's Vegetable I'ills aro a speedy al- teratite. and in neutralizing the (Reit.. o( the intruding bile relieves the Ars- sure on the nerves which cutter' fist headache. 'fry them. •---♦ How the Duke of Orleans Obtained ort 'Talbot ciu•ly in Apra, and had of since been heard of. -i AS ,A ROY. audience. "Quite so," replied the showman. "What I tarts showing you is the skull of Alexander the Great when a boy. SICKLY CHILDREN. Moro children die 'during the hot weather months than at any other seitsun of the year. Their vitality is then at its lowest ebb, stud nn at- tack of diarrhoea. cholera infantunt or stomach trouble may prove fitful in a few hours. bur this reason nu home in which there nro young child- ren should he without a box of Baby's Own 'l'tihlels, which promptly cure all stomach and bowel• trou- bles. if the 'Tablets are given to a well child they will prevent these ail- ments and keep the little one well sought out the officer in question, and handed over to hint A PACKAGE O1' PAPERS, impressing upon him that on no account must Ite allow them to leave (tis person. "Keep 1110111 with you," ehe sale. "en your nol.lei person they are safe; in my hiding -place they may be found." Iter fascinations were goo much for the officer, and ho agreed. Site then returned to the Czar and at once said to hien: "I Leg that your Majesty will now at once summon this gentleman to ,t torr pr(wvnce, and that you observe lonely the count's deg•ortntent and features when he sees me at your s.ide.'' A few minutes later the offi- cer entered the apartment, and schen he saw the countess r. ith the Czar he renlized the stale of affairs and t;rnerl Pial.• with terror. and strong. Mrs. •Iosel t T. Pigeon, • '•It is as 1 informed your ),fn- Ilryson. (inc., says: "My little eneil(,t;ty." nal(' 1144 countess. "If you teas 8ttncked fifth colic and dinrrh- H ill search bim you will find the ten, and I found Baby's Own 'Tale lets so satisfactory that l would nut I•r.,uf. It wa- found in one of Itis for a private individual; that the now he without thein in the house." +'idan -Lents. '1 he Czar ordered (hot honor of the Croton should he con - These 'roblets nut only cure summer I1e shhould be cxilott to Shelia ter sidereal and the opportunity of pro - troubles. but all the minor nihneatsl1,fe. at there was n general iinpr'.•c curing a diamond which would eclipse that afflict infants rind young child- (sten that ho was nuu'dero(I in his all uthers in Europe should not L0 ren. They contain no opiate or cell. harmful drug, mid any be given with equal safely to the new horn baby PERCH. C1 \' or well grown child. 'There are trio. A GIANT i,,,,eh;:�ed. lento, Leclerc speaking; to til' of the rnetlirine anti mothersA sea -perch nearly 7 j feet long 111 '• 1114 repr.s.'ntid 10 the possessor ehould see that the t'.urds "ilnby's and % ele/ling 460 pounds tuns caught cif rhe dintnond that it would be 14"- Oan '1'nblet8" and tl:e fonr-len1 rl•t- hast wibter in the River 1btoghly, r'o Ode to procure the grunt shut he ver with child's head on each leaf is India. The condition 01 ifs scales hci'I hupl•cl for, and the lose that found on the wrapper e.rnnnd Inch indicated that the feel wile very o1(1. t stutild Le occasioned by breaking it hos. As you value your child's life 'rho largest Indian senperch prey- tip into pieces, so that the price had do not Le persuaded to lake it set,- iously captured, as far as the re- teen reduced to 2,000,000 francs, in- stitute for 1111hy's Otwn 'Tablets—t h0 curds shote, was taken in 1780. It eluding the syrups that would come one medicine that makes chgi'Ire'It wits 7 feet, in length, and weighed from the cuttings. 'The lin rgain wap %('l1 and keeps them well. Sold i)3' about :100 pounds. +renc•Indl•(1 in this way. The interest nil druagisls, er you (alt get them by mail nt 25 rents n box by writ- "'Talking 11holet inventions." said the allele (mount. could be raised, Ing the lir. Williams' Iiledicinc Cu., Brockville, Ont. lost. I did c not leave1 ► the o ink u of Orleans until I had obtained the Promise, that the diamond should he ' of 2'')'11,000 fro ncs was paid until IN '1'111: WIt(\ti f3LACI' . 'l'hn tourist loft the train rat ev cry cite)) me ter." elation mud went nhend to the hag - gage tar to risk if his trunk Was Pale. "Are you quite sure," he asked the baggage officer fur the sixth time, "that niv trunk is safe?" "Rckorra, 1 WI 411 1he Lund had made) ye an elephant. instead of nit ass," was the exasperated reply, "ate' then you'd 8ltuys have your -link In front of you." IleilV NICE or 1(11g the business man. "i have n 11111,. anti in the meantime '2,000,000 francs machine in my place that would in precious stones teas hypothecat- tnake me n millionaire if I could only ed." k••i-p it guieg bell the time." '•1'141 In the celebrated rohheryr at the don't say so! What le it'?" "A Garde eieuble, in 1792, this stone t'. ns stolen and concealed behind a roof timber of a bnrn. Asn result er n prorlatnntion it was r.coverell 1,v n municipal otlicer named Ser- g'nt. The }regent Was the most beaulififl jewel in the coruMillion crown of King !.oils XV. Later, it was held by Vnnlerberghe, a banker, 88 n Pledge for his advances. A historian of the times states that the Wife Of the hanker took the opportunity of wearing it while it Was In her liugfhate s gtusvec4ion- 'T1te First Cowell in his turn pledged the Regent to the )lattvian Government to procure the funds which were lacking niter the 18th Brumaire. i carr he ornnmented his Austerlitz snort with the celebrated s es dintnon.f. which, in the words of Va- font n l',ht well hate l pensc'd with the arnainent. "l'es " said the fair young girl, everybody 811ya I'm just the (deter.. Of tnmmn.' "11.•11," replied the gallant youth, "you're certainly a very flattering picture." Wo a fere! n •nrl. t n. 'pith ' f t' gtu'1 , n at Ss las unit ersilles. v/t . s 4" rat t N .P Th r he T'' ..411/••", ecid oe' A clergyman was recently telling a marvellous story, when his little girl said, "Now, pa, is that really true, or is it just preachingy' No 1person ehou1d go from home with- out a bottle, ul lir. J. U. Ketiogtg's dy- sentery Cordial in their possession, as •lt.u:p,. at water, cooklnel climate. etc.. frequently brings on summer complaint, tnef there is nothing like ber..g ready with a sure remedy at hand, which often- times sates great suffering and frequent, ly valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a widespread reputa- tion for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints. The commercial wealth of India, with its population of 300,000,000, is said to tie in the hands of less than 90,000 persons. Warrier%Voos—Through damp, told and exposure many a brave soldier who left lin native hearth as "fit" as man could be to light for country's honor, has been "invalided home" because of the vulture of the battle grounl—Itheuma- tisun. South American Rheumatic Cure will absolutely cure every case of ilheu- matism in existence. Relief in nut: hours.—t8 GAVE UP JOKING. The following amusing story is told by a man who attempted to play a practical joke, but was thwarted in Ef CLIii! SPAYON LIN:Mi:1Vli a very unexpected way. ile sues:— Small 'Tummy—"'The teacher want- Removes alt bard sett or callouseeS "1 tint very particular tiLuut fns- ed to box my ears this morning." lumps and blcndihes from horses, blood tening the doors and windows of niy (grandma—"Ilutc do you know he spavin, tush,, splints, ringbone, house. I do not intend to leave ("i111', 8mnll 'Tommie—'•'Canso he Iwccnoy, au[Ils, sprains. caro and them open at night as an invitation wouln't have boxed 'em if he hadn't swollen throat, coughs, etc. Savo $30 to burglars to enter. You see, 1 was wanted to." by eau of one bottie. Warranted the robbed Try doing that, and I never most wuudmirl Llciutah Curo over mean to be again; so when I go to To Thoso of tiedentnry Oc)ctu patten — kuowb. Yen who follow sedentary uccupar�n.t bed 1 like to be sero that every which deprive them of fresh sir and . :- door and window is securely fasten- •rcise, are more sono to dleonlera nl ed. rho liver and kidneys thun lhri.r wl.0 lead active, outdoor lives. The tot rile "Last winter my wife engaged a Will find in Parmelee's Vegetable Pols a strapping young colInU'y girl, nn(I tesiorntive without question tiho n'uat the new -coiner wits very a wele8.4 tlhcacfuus on the market. 'Chou arts racily procurable, easily taken, tit: c t. about the doors.;at night. On one peditfuusly, and they are surprisingly or two occasions I conte downstairs Cheap considering their excellen:o. to find a window up or the back --- door unlocked. I cautioned her, but A certain young an told his girl it did no good. I therefore deter- i ththe other night that if she didn'ttrained to frighten her. I marry hint he'd get n rope anti hang "i put on false whiskers. and one himself right in front of her home night, about eleven o'clock, I crept "1)h, please don't (lo it, ifarry," she down the back stairs to the kitchen, said. "l'uu know father doesn't where she was. She had turned %vela you hanging round here." down the gas, and WAS in her chair 1 —____ WHY DON'T YOU QUIT? if you are using poor tea. Try and you'll see where the good comes in. We Know the Quality Is There, and We Want You to Know It Too. A TEST 1S WHAT WE WANT. �...r - ; Altul•:104 ATTENTION ItlI'oRE r-r>uu buy a farm. writs we fun our Protect Yur f aria Itu11etin; we have a large :from.list PIr011erty 1choose from. we Can save you ---Ko'tTf1— stoney. Try us. ‘40 D$Ai"ON FIRM Fx G U ISNER A dry p •wine put up in m -tat tit*., n IncA•■ tont. I1 wilt Instantly etliszui,h c'ta most fnnuut a:.m, of west or oil. Price $3 00 oath, $30 0) dot w•r,te for .1 extriptiva circular The Diamond Dry Power etre mein. 11111 xUn,;ulshsr Ile.. Toronto, Ont. WANTED l' .t LET THE BABY SLEEP USE , Wi LSON S FLY PADS Do YOU Wltili TO SELL 'mutt farm? if you do, send us a lull and complete description and lowest price and we will place it on our 1Igt and list it in our next lielletin, which will be issued soon. if we sell your I farm. we charge you es per cent. commission. if no sale is made through us. we make no charge. Ruth- erford I & t ilc tt !'state Agents, glI Ilton. aga- 1(. ARM Plitt SALT; --040 ACR1('I west II 17 and south tr 18, (1, U west, In the famous Glenbero district: 525 acres under cultitation, balance hay and pasture; A 1 wheat land, but would make n good mixed farts; al- ways Leen free from frost and shall; ehundauce of good water, good frame house, stone elevator, capacity 12.000 bushels; other out -buildings, comfort- able, nice maple grove. Also north I 13, 6, 15, 820 acres, a first-class grain faro,; can plow every foot, all under cultivation, fair buildings. Plenty of Cpod water. Write or call. W. A. ard, (ilenboro, Man. BALL STON LAKE—Country seat, stock and poultry farm, 117 acres, on lake front, new house, 11 rooms and bath; gravity water sys- tem in house; large barn, carriage house, poultry houses, yards, brood- ers, rabbit. hutches; .10 minutes Sura - toga and Schenectady trolley; beau- tiful site for hotel or sununer board- ing house; write for price. CHAS E. STEVENS, Ballston Lake, Saratoga County, N. Y. FOR SALE Most satisfactory results have been• secured by the use of "rad' Pen- 2,000 acres of wood lands, en bloc cils" for destroying cancerous or in lots to suit purchasers. thin - growths. lir. Wni. Harper, president cipals only dealt with. .E. W. IIAY, Falkcnburg Station, Ontario. of the University of Chicago, is cited as n notable example of the efficiency of the radium cure. Ilard and soft corns cannot with- stand Holloway's Coro Cure; it Is ef- fectual every time. Get a bottle at. onto and be happy. Poeticus—"ifave you read Shakes- peare's'Love's s Lat wn's Lost'?" Cynicus—"No; but I've taken a girl to the theatre 811(1 had her talk to the man next her all through the show, Too Many Poonto dally Wlth Catarrh. —it strikes one like it thunder -clap, de- velops with it rapidity that no other disease dons. Or. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the ratlice.l, quick. sole and Upleasant cure that the di,ense demands. se the moans, flrevent Its deep -seating and years of distress. Don't dally with Catarrh. Agnew's gives relief in ten minutes. 50 cents." -97 AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR SALE 20 Ayrshire hulls—four to twenty months old; Ayrshire females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. , Ui \11VI: Apply 1 t o II Y. UN5 Monte Bello, Quo, SPINNING BY ELECT11TCIT'lg.• The manufacturers of Lancashire, England, are greatly interested in a new spinning -mill, of 84,000 spindle's which is to be both lighted and op- erated entirely by electricity. The current is taken from the mains of sl power company. 'Phis is the first orae. tablishnient of the kind in Eaglaud- Try the lire sound asleep, as 1 Could Ho Dr Vor, Stan's Pineagpto tell by her breathing; but the mo- ment i struck n mulch she awoke. I They're hun.gy tc carry—take one after eating—or whenever you feel stomach dis- tress coining on—suRacrs have proved it the only ronto•ly known that will gitc in- stant relief and permanent cure—nu tong n chnlr try the bock. and, before I tedious treatments With yucletfuuablu haul made n '0, sho itit inn over results—best for all sorts of stomach the head, forcing me to my knees. I troublesf 85 eer,ttx.-1)0 Iricd to get up, tried to explain who I wits, but in train. Before 1 could "Mr. Sentterton prides himself on out oft• c get a the (. r turn she struck g,s c s r ick trio beings strictly hupnrllnl." "Yost," eget!): and it wan only after 1 had answered the tinnmiatlt' man; •'I tumbled up the Muck stairs that sho once went shooting with him. lie r•nve the alarm. Then she carne up didn't seem to care whether he bit t r, me room, rn(rpe(I rat the dour, and the rabbit, the dog, or one of his friends.'' expected n great yelling and sreatn- inti, but nothing of the sort took place. "She bounced out of her sent with a 'You villain!' on her lips, seized coolly announced: 'Mr. Dash, please g;et tip! I've killed a burglar!' " COMES A TIME When Coffee Shows What It Has • Been Doing. "0f late years coffee has disagreed with ate," writes a matron from Moine, N.Y., "it's lightest punish- ment was to ntnke sue 'logy' and dizzy. and it seemed to thicken up my blood. 'The heaviest Was when it upset my stomach completely, destroying my appetite and making me nervous and irrigable, and meat the to my bed. After one of these attacks, in which I nearly lost my life, I con- cluded to quit and try Postuni Food Coffee. "It 'vent right to the spot! I found it not only n most palatable end refreshing beverage, but a food as well. All my nilinents, the 'loginess' and dizziness, the unsatisfactory condi- tion of my blood, my nervousness and irritability disappeared in short order and my rarely afflicted stom- ach began (prickly to ret•oter. The national airs of great coun- tries are short, while those of little countries art) lung. "God Save the King" is 14 bars, the Russian hymn is 16 barn, and ")toil, Columbia!" has 28 bars. Siam's national hymn has 96 bars, and that of Uruguay 70, Chili 76, and so on. Sen Marina has the longest national hymn, excep- ting that of Chinn, 1:hing Piles -Itr. Agnew's Ointment le ;•roof ng t the torments of Itching recs. '1'h^nrends of letiUmoninls of cures effected by Its use. No case loo aggravating or too long standing for et too soothe, comfort and cure. it cures In front 8 to 0 oughts. 85 cents. —65 "19 Mabel jealous of her husband?" "Jealous? i should think so. Why, DO tile honeymoon the wouldn't even let hint admire the scenery." (Inc trial of Mother Oraves' Worm 1':x. terminator will conviu(o you that it sale 140 eget. no a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see 11 It does not please rou. He (sighing)—"Ah, may 1 not hopo that you will be mina for ever?" She (softly)—"1"etc, you may hope as long ns that if you wish." it flea" he, The s'pnt.—There are few Lifebuoy Soap — dislnfectant — is remedies hefur.! the public to -day as strongly recomntendc(1 by tha rnrdlr.tl r11i. ucioue in removing pain oand is a1- profession ria a safeguard uguutst i0- luI mgt and . Tholing l ttectrary fila- , /ecllOUe discuses. 22 orders as Pr. Thomas' T•wers tic Oil 1t las demonstrated its )rowers in thou - rands of instanrecaanda large numberA writer, discussing the lost art of el tesUn.onlala a as to its great value 1 is a medicine Could he got were there early rising, say's, "'llte proper (41110 occ•asiun for It. It Is for sate every to rise is when sleep ends." That's where. a good thing to learn- 1)o you know, 'l'Illtl',I- 0000 REASONS. "Sambo," said the owner of a country place to his gardener. "con- cerning that tree I wanted you to cut down, toy wire thinks it had bet- ter be allowed to stand." "Well, alt think it ought ler come down, Massa Brown," was the reply. "What are your reasons for think - if we hadn't been that In a paper, tee should have gone on believing that the proper time to rise Was when you were right in the iti•!st of your soundest sleep. What a blessed thing it is for this blind old world that there are some men in it Who know nearly etcry-thing. Ing so, aatiltto?" When you think you hateeneed a "Hc --I1, sir, do first rcnson am int cough or cold, but fin4 a dry, de tree done kep de light off de green- hacking cough remains, tbero 13 house; de Remit'' reason nit fiat it's danger. Tako gettln' old; and de third reason stn dat I cut it down last night."" 1Shiloh's 1115 1101tttY. �Consunipuon "1 say, Samboo," saki a gentle- 'Th I began to rebuild and hate steadily man to an improvident negro who Cure Tone Luitg ic a conlint+ed .lentil nob. Irave a good had just lust n job for the third or appetite and nin rejoicing in sound fourth time, "nrin't you worried at once. it will strengthen the health, which I owe to the use of over the question of wherewithal to' fostum Food Coffee." Name given support you?" by Tortoni Co., Battle ('reek, Mich. "Lordv. Marie Henry," was the rt • -, n reason. ply, "1 ain't worryin' about where -I lungs and stop the ,',ugh. Prices: 8. C. t': antes k Cr. +'11 2Sc SOc 11. LeRoy, N.Y.,Toron'e,c'ao. ter e INP•0• e.— Rend the little hook, "The !toad withal; I's worrying;' about do whera,--1 ---------- _ tssy� xo: SU-- 05 16e Wellville." found in each pkg. tore fur de herein." 1 T N U e.