HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-20, Page 5THE (Slater Pnorate, puhNehed emery Thursda) Morning at the Orfb•r. MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. --ey the— ADVOCATE Pt1BL I em I NO COMPANY TERNS OF SLBfiCK1PTION. pas Della, per annum if pald to edvanes, 11.60 if not so paid. aLwwstidaag =mites ors sy>.uoa- tioa No paper discontinued until all arrearages are .aid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transc-ient advertisements inserted for long periods. E.tery description of JOB PRINTIN( turret out in the sheat style, and forat moderate rates. Cheques. money orders, advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be trade payable 0 Sanders & Creech, PItorturrOKv ProrenaIsaal Cards. --- eibHtonor graduate off Toronto Uuiv eristy. S., DENTIST, Teeth extracted without snv pain. or any but effects Ocoee in Fansok'e Bl xk, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Oraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentietery (with honorable mention.) ABurninum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner po.sihle. A perfectly harmless an. aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Auctioneers BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer H. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of reborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea WANTED. -LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in TY this county and adjoining territories. to repre- sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary tk3.50 per day with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. Horatian(' buggy furnished when neceesaay; position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., ,k CO., Dept. ti, Moron Bldg., Chicago, III. Plerelialts ilak 01 CaQ2II2 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Paid Up - 6,000,000 Rest A Undivided Profits 3,218,959 95 BRANCHES iN CANADA Interest at most fat orable current rates from .late deposited allowed on Savings Bank accounts and lie. posit Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit Issued to travellers I. all parte of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS RANK. THOS FYSHE, G . MAtIA.IL Y.HEltnt:N, S'.FT OF BR.excit*a & CHIN? issracTO* CREDITON BRANCH W. S. CHISIIOLM. Manager. KIDNEY i',441pp TROUBLES Iacreasillg Amoag Womeo, But Sufferers Nccd Not Despair TILE BEST ADVICE IS FREE Of all the diseases known. with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney disease is the most fatal, and statistics show that this disease is on the increase among women. 'Huron Entrance Examinational Hullo, Florence V. Hunt, Florence L:tidiew, Eve E. J. Le a khett, oda L. I __ Love, Dan McCormick, Anderina Me- -- Kenzie, t listufcuulidates Kenzie, Mary McIver. Agues McMieh• Unless early and correct treatment's applied the patient seldom survives when once the disease is fastened upon her. Lydia E. Pins:ham's Vegetable Compound is the most efficient treat- ment for kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially prepared for this purpose. When a woman is troubled with psis or weight in loins, backache, frequent, painful or scalding urination, swelling of limbs or feet, swelling under the eyes, en uneasy, tired feeling in the region of the kidneys or notices a brick - dust sediment in the urine, she should lose no time in commencing treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound, as it may be the means of saving her lite. For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Sawyer. I cannot express the terrible suffering 1 bad to endure. A derangement of the female organs dekidney ed bouMerdoctoro Nl serous kidney trouble. Me tt17 me for a year. but I kept ng worse, un I was unable to do an and I made ftp my mind I could not live. finally decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound as a last resort, and I am to -day a well woman. I cannot praise it too highly, and I tell every suffering woman about my ca.e." Mrs. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, (ia. Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice to women ; addressIn confidence, Lyna,i Mass. Wood's Ph The Orval English Remedy. A positive cure for all forms a sexual Weakness, Mental and nano arms train Worry. F?ttiasiotta, Spa• ,rsetorrhoea, Impotency Effects of Abnso or all of which lead to Coneuniption. ]a>Orniitf Insanity and an early grave. Price is ph xis for es.. One will please, six win oars. Sold by alldro ista or mailed in plain paaWma on receipt of price. Write for Pamphlet. The Wood Medicine Co., Windsor,'saterlo. VIE RE WORIING In dead earnest for trade and the volume of it that conies our way is proof that our Goods, Prices and Methods are At Exeter and Centralia alright, Storehouses Now ready for use the hest Cement and Lime That money can buy, also COAL for Everybody at the lowest prices, Jos. Cobbledick The fol Ow/eV Is the + eel, Jose h 1cJlillan, Walter Mullin, • passed by the boards of Examiners, together with the walks obtained by each in West Huron. As these were the first examinations under the new regulations and the higher standarnes Smith, J. Edwin Sproat. Della standard, Agnes •n 1houlpson, Ag it•'1'orry, Earl 1'auEg- mond, Anne. ` demi. THIS MONTH We will endeavor to interest you in Pianos and Sewing Machines. Ill new Instruments we sell Canada's hest makes, and will make the Prices and terms very attractive. A few special bargains in second hand Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines that are bound to suit you. Call and see us, S. MARTIN&SON Ayer'sPi11s The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sum -coated, mild, certain. T cosssdpsdoa. Want sere Meek/ beard BUCKINGHAM'S e DYF IC IS rs K K r', K K ct t'C K K It VARICOCELE CURED MP NO NAMES CRIED WIITfOUT WR1TTNN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. 14 "Heavy work. severe straining and evil habit. In youth brought on a double varicocele. when i corked hard the aching would become sever. and 1 was often lald up for a week at a time. hope - but 1 dreaded it.cIIatried see al an clallRtta,whut soon found t ail they wanted was my money-. 1 commenced to look upon all why 1 as silofT £ rker Pohan muchamts. One 1 told him my condiy boss tion. me He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy and Keegan, as he [tad taken treatment from them hlrroelf end knew they w -r.• .quare nit skillful. He wrote them and got tt.e New fethod Treat- ent for me. my progress vets somewhat slow and dunes the Met. m--rt`.'s tr. *101 0t 1 was . nl. what dl.courag. 1 lfoweter• 1 continued treetm.nt for three months longer and sass rewarded with $ complete cure. 1 could only earn 1111 a week In a machine hop before trratrn.nt. n t.e t am earning l:1 and never lase a sly. 1 aish all mutterers knew of your ilk--N,hb. Cr rrri nt HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? ALOOD POISONS are the most rrevalent and most scrims ditea••'t They eels the very life blood of the vto•ttm and unless entlrrly eradtrated from the system ntil cause !orlon, eomi•1.^atlnns. HOware of Mercury. It only suppresses th. =)m1tomr—r.ar NEW ML -Mot 2 -stun• ly cures a:l blood •i -eases fore'.• r. tol•NO 011 MiDDL1: A,IF.D•Ni1%N.-Imprudent a, is or la•rr es•-esees have Dr ,ken ,town your sys•. to. You reel the r)mrtnma stealing over u. Mentally. phY'tcaitY ,and vitally you are not the man y.•u used to be or ehouhl bw Will you heed the 'Inger signals? READER Aro you a victim! Stave you fort hope: Are you intending to marry! 11a,•your blrod been diseased' Heve you any weak - es t•ur New Method Trevtmrnt w111 cure you. That It h.as d-ne for others t *it: do for y- a CONIIUI.TATI(N FttED. No matter who has treated you. write for an 5 neat orinton Free of Charge. BOt)lt8 }REFI -"The Golden Morti- ce. rttias't1e nn PI•ea••• et' Men. NO N.AMIN USED WITIIOf'T R•R1TTF. 1 CONQENT. TRiV %Tr. No names nn boxes or envelopes. Everything eonlldeottaL Question Wt mad emit of treatment FREE or (tome Treatment. DKENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Mich. Ave. end Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. —_. a ,K Kt', K K" K K?.K K Frank urpphy, Michael Ol'onnor, Rosa O'Keefe, tV. M. Pinkney, Earle Hoss, Emily Ruffles, Eliz.tht•thSillery, and many of the teachers well 1 doubt how to prepare fur the exauoin- atiun in written reading:audits, in the opinion of the examinees, some of the tither papers, tepecially t he gtewrit pity were rather loo difficult for the first examination under the new standard, the limed felt justified in lowt•ring the Mass stark• front 391) it's ) to Stilt, which is still an increase of from t; to 7 over last year. A rand giving the narks awarded has been sent to each Iti1pil, and the certificates will be issued, if tossihle, Zurich Ed. Aupel has returned from his visit to New 'lambing and Waterloo. -Miss Stoneman, of Hensall, visited at the house of her sister, Mrs. Thos. Kelly. -Fred Hess, Sr., spurts a new driver. -Mrs. Conrad 1Vagner, of Guelph. is on an extended visit to friends in this neighborhood. -We are sorry to lose the smiling countenance of Miss Arty titeinback, who left last before the reopening tit the se tool. 'Thursday for her future house in Sea - WEST HURON forth. --Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welker The number of candidates writing ht►ve moved here from Berlin. We wits 318. Of these 210 have been pass- welcome them to our midst.- Mrs. Jac. ed by the beard of exitiMeers. The following are the hight"4 marks obtained in each subject. Reading Jean Nlalluugh, IS. WI sting ---Irene Nicholson and Themes Elliott 511. Spelling--Thoruas Elliott 48. Literature -Lillian Jones 48. Arithmetic -Myrtle Pronseand !slit lel C'udmore 100. Grammer Elliott 95. Geography -Lillian Geiser 70. Composition - Irene Nicholson and Mona Kidd 87. Total --Mary Edna Pack. 558. BAYFI FLD Meta Irwin 863, Mamie McDougall 41)), Lizzie Robertson 393, Katie Ross 360, Alice Tippett 384, Leonard McGee 360. ZURICH. Joanna Elbert 388, Celia Mess 376, Ada Koehler 425. CREDITON. Mildred Braun 399, Ida Ewald 439• Bet the Finkbeiner 391, Mary Finkbei- ner 472. Lillian Geiser 503, Idella Kien- zle 431, Laura Meadd 46'2, Mary E. Pack 558.Gertie Short 506• Alvin McMurray 41)2, 1Vithtrt Meadd 450. 11ENSALL Mabel Cudmore 524, Margaret Elgie 414, Mary tiabkirk 407, Milton Ortwein 366, Ivan Welsh392. EXETER Lillian Antos 508, Minnie Amy 427, Lois Birney 454, Minnie Cann 418, Katie. Collins 479, Anna Dow 446, Eileen Fanner 446, Douglas Godwin 124. Ethel Harvey 397, Norman Hodgert 108, Lily Hodgert 410, Beatrice Howie 401, Win- nifred Huston 450, Lillian Jones 481, Bertha Mack 477. Lizzie Mack 436, Clarence Miners 431, Earl Spackman 415, Kathleen Stewart t 442, Douglas Stewart 468. GODERICII TOWNSHIP S.S. No. 1 -Annie Drysdale 421. No. 2 -Irene Hicks 435, Winnie Johnston 361, .Myrtle Prowse -197, Austin Sturdy 316 No. 8 -Viola 1Voods 4)51. TICK ER SMITi1 8. S. No. 1 -John D. McLaren 370. No. 8 -Robert Sinilie 3111, Leonard Sntilie 418. STANLEY Union N. 1---Nortuttn Johnston 415, David Stelk 126. (North) No. 4-3Iabel Stinson 410, Eva Stinson 376. Ne. 5. -- Olive Pollock 391. No. 6 -Willie Dav• i(lsnn 91)4. No. 7 -Evelyn Workmen 407. No. 9- -Irene 1/tingles 414. Mar- garet Esser 399. Huth Keys 360, Seth- renie Sherrie 409, .loseph Berhler *(1, Nathaniel Esser 413. Nu. 10 --Lizzie Aikenhead 383, Ernest Musteivi 360. No. 14 ---Edwin Gemmill 381, Meaner Hood :31/7. 11AY Sep. Schou) No. 1.--Stanislans Wise son 372, Joseph ('oiriveail 40'2. S.S. No. 2 --John McMahon -1416 No. :3 -- No. 3- Ethel 11i11 373. No. 4 -Alvin Surerus 467. No. 8 --Dorothy nut -tu- ner :36S. No, 10- - Bessie Munn 131), Wesley Coleman 152, Arthur Coleman :365, Roswell Dougall 388. No. 13 -- ('has. Dunsford 361. No. 14--- Mary Fee 415. STEPHEN S. S. No. 1 --Willie Sin1s :311(3, Havel(' Duplen 413, Wilfrid 'heights 381). No. 2-- Eva Hirtzel:181, Roy Hill 452. No. 4 -Nora brown :387. No. 6 -Edna Finkbeiner 388, Laura Ratz 139; Rob[. Henderson :160. No. 7 -Da t•id McKen- zie IZI. No. 11 -Lily Ehlers 431, Nor - 11111s Brown 363. Sep. School No. 1 -- Mamie Sullivan 897, Sara Stewart 387. USBORNE S. S. No. 1 --Lillie Oke 374, Roy Blatchford 360. No. t -Lindsay Gardi- ner 427. S.S. No. 4. -Eileen Caves 41)1. 'thee Davis 485, Pearl Hunter VS, Flossie Hunter 381, Edna Luxton 362. No. 6 -Wen. Elford 443, Alulena Hey- wood 421, Vera Washburn 448. Ruby, of Pigeon, Mich, is on to few month; visit to fi ietltls here. --Orville Ebnes, of the Sovereign Bank staff, Dashwood, is speudieg the ':[cation at his home here, -The many friends of Arthur \Vassar will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from his attack of typhoid fever. His place at J. Preetel's store is being filled by M. Faust. -The Misses Voelker, Lorenz Decher and Mrs. Jac. Shoemaker, of Pigeon. Mich., are visiting relatives in this vicinity. -Phil. Sipple is building a cement porch its front of his resi- dence. -'. m. Kyle, who was kicked by a horse he was shoeing and obliged to lay off work, is around again. -Dr. Geo. J. Schellig, a former Zut•ichite, was recently at Detroit to Miss Anna W. Vogler, of Detroit. George's Wally friends here extend congratulations.- Mesers. Edgar and Clayton Faust. of Caro, Mich., are here on a ytsit.-Mrs. Henry Demuth and children, of Port Arthur, are on a visit to friends here. -Mrs. James Laidlaw ani Miss Allie Schnell, of Sanilac Centre, are spend- ing a few days with friends here. - Mrs. Sullivan has returned to Detroit, after it few days' visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer- man. -Gordon King, who has been en- gaged with C. Schrag as baker for the past six months, has returned to his home in Clinton. -Our baseball boys drove over to Crediton Friday to play the stars of that place. Judging by their countenance we think they were defeated. Never mind boys try your luck again. -Dr. E. J. Hagen has lo- cated at Emerade, N. D. Michigan's portion of Uncle Sam's dispensers of pills and hitters have not been jest to him, they having refused to allow him to qualify as an M.D. in that state, and as a result he was forced to go Nest. Dr. Hagan is, however, quite optimis- tic as to his future, and we trust be will reach the top of the medical pro- fession in doe time, no platter where he may hang out his shingle. (BAST HURON ('LiNTON HoNolts.--Clifford Andrews, Shirley Bawden, Mabel Brown, Dean ('ourtice, John Cantelon, ('Ins Davidson, i.eile Ford, Frank Foster•, Amy Gunn, Rolt. Gihhings. GI tdys Herman, Marguerite Herndon, M .ley Hall, Etta Johnston, Agnes Middleton, Maggie McKenzie, Ruby Manx hatn, Itosie McCaughey, Myrtle McM:ith, Inez Millar, Alphon- sns Quigley, Frences Rhodes, Melville I snsford,('latrenre Renee, Jeanet Hut - ledge. Harry Twitchell, .iohn Wise- man, Elva 11t'iltse, Teddie Weir, Mur- iel Wilson. ResseI.-EIIWJIrd Blake, Irene Carter, Anne Challenger, Anne ('uopland, Edna Elroat, John Flynn, Mamie Fester, Iga(eelbt Glenn, Flossie Holland, Ruby [fill, Robert Irwin, Myrtle Mci.e•an, Ei es May McCartney, Pearl Moore, Bell t Sundercoek, Jennie Tr irk. Mary Taylor, 'Thomas Tighe, Oscar •febbetl. 8142A FORTH Ilimei11( ,-E:u•l• 13e11, Rev Ricks, Christina Borgard, Anne M. ('lark, Mary I. Coleman. ('Isms 11. i)ever•, St. John i)irksun, 11. ni v Fowler, Pear- son Grieve, .- ,lt Mary ILabkirk, John .1rtI Ilan, Nett ie 1' thick. Bert Speare. Clio Mee, Spnrlintt. Lillian Strwarl, Elsie Whitmore. I'At+ .-11nt. nnlole, Agne••a A. Cat no, Margaret Cleary. Mettle fluff. J:unee dalton, Nor•ba•t Derwin, Albert Dickson. 1Vm. Ihe•eh- ert v, Harvie Dot ranee, Rif Dorr ane'e, W. Elliott, Elliot Fait•helrn, Lillian Faulkner, Ed. J. Flanagan, Pearl 11. Floyd, Nellie Gillespie, Frances Wylie, Thornes (iovenlork. Helen A. Grieve, Oreille Hebkirk, Violence 11 ,11.0),1, Sadie Holinan, Frances Houston, Maud How's ThisP We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh ('inc.. F.J.('HENEY & C'O., Toledo, 0, We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve hint perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firot. 1VALn1No, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally. acting directly boon the blood alnd MUCOUS surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by nil druggists. Take Hall's family Pills for constipa- t ion. How Red Rose Tea is Grown Elis a native plant of Northern I ndi.t. Trans- planted to Ceylon it lost much of its strength and richness, but gained in fragrance and dt'lic icy. at is why Ceylon tea is not a strong tea. That is why I blend Indian and Ceylon teas together—that is how the strength and richness, fragrance and delicacy of Red - hose Tea are secured—that is why Red Rose "I -ea has that rich fruity flavor." ed e is good Tea T. I?. E' tabroo)is St. John, N 11., Toronto, Winnipeg Litean Messrs. coursey Bros. and T. Kelly have sold their Clydesdale stallion, "Golden Thistle," to Mr. Chris Steven- son, of Staples, for a good figure and shipped him on Thursday. They have just received another two-year-old of the same breed. -During the stoi ni on Saturday lightning struck near Cook & Son's electrical power house and following the wires into the power- house regardless of lightning arresters the armature of the dynamo was burn- ed out. The lights immediately went out and at the time of writing are still out. -While bathing in the River Sauble two of our young men, Orval McComb and Wm. Stewart came very near losing their lives. It appears they made an attempt to cross the river at a point where the water was running rapidly and was over six feet deep. They had gone a few feet when they lost their footing and they were soon at the mercy of the turbulent stream. W. A. Shields was near by and went to their assistance, but the two young men were so excited that they grasped bold of hien and he too was in danger of his life. Mr. Ed. Mc- Lean was also present and realizing the danger of the struggling inen rushed in and suceeded in landing the the three, but none too soon for the first two,forin a few seconds morethey would have been beyond human aid. Goderich: Mrs. Nell McKinnon. formerly Miss Emily Hale, died Friday morning at her residence, at the age of OS years and five months. St aui1e John 11. McEwen, who was badly shaken up and received some bruises in a runaWay accident the other day, is able to be around again. --Dan Mc- Coll met with a painful accident a few days ago, while at work et Win. Tay- lor's barn. Ile was carrying a heavy stone and itt some way lost his balance and fell off the scaffold and fractured his ankle. This will necessitate him laying off work for a few days. -Na- than Peck and family have moved to Egmondville when they intend resid- ing. --Alex. Mclleath's sate trill hnd a narrow escapee from destruction by fire recently. 1Vhile the men were away at dinner the tire broke out, and was noticed by neighbors, who immediate- ly cause and by hard work on the part of every person. a portion of the build- ing and all the machinery was sated, hut help was at hand just in the nick of time. Heti there been adelay of a few minutes longer nothing could have stayed the flumes and the entire mill, machinery and all would have been des0oyed. It is not known how the fire started but it is supposed to have been caused by it spark (,-ntn the furnace. Mr. Mel3eath did not have any insurance but fortunately the loss will not be heavy. He is deeply grate- ful to his neighbors for the way they tltrned out, end for the valuable as- sistance they rendered in saving his propert y. 1` ermen. -The !Methodist parson- age, Corinth, was on Tuesday the scene of a quiet yet pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Rev. 14 A. Miller, of Oil Springs, Ont., and Miss Margaret J. Clerk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clark, (tithe Baby- lon line. Rev. A. E. Lloyd performed the sacred office, which blended the union of these souls in matrimonial ties. Mrs. Miller was beloved by the whole rulntuunity and her gentle and amiable disposition conquered the hearts of ninny, who are indeed sorry to see her going away, but trust that ns she leaves behind at host of lonely ones she will never forget thetii, and we know that her kind word and Fen. es!smile will soon find their way Into many Si id hearts where she is a1N)111 to est her lot. Rev. Miller was a for- mer tesi,le•nt of Varna and made a host of (riewis while there. That Rev. ami Mr Miller may have a life of peace .anel !tepidness coupled with health anti prosperity, is the fervent wish of their many friends. Blyth: A few weeks ago Mts. TY. abella Crittenden killed a large milk snake. Friday afternoon she killed another. which she found coiled in a corner in her cellar. The snake meas. urea five and a half feet in length and to terminate its existence Mrs. Critter• den used a hoe. Wingham: A happy event took place at the residence of Mr. W. J. Henderson, Wingbaut Junction, oa Tuesday evening, when his sister. Miss Nellie Henderson, became the bride of Mr. Thos. Small, of Listowel[. and a former Winghaunite. Fullerton: Mr, 1klwatd Guy, an old Fullerton township boy, proprietor of the Colliery hotel, Owen Sound, died suddenly Inst Thursday. Ile was Ul years of age and leaves a wife and daughter to mourn his loss. Mr. Guy for many veers kept an hotel itt Tara. Wingham: A pretty wedding ea - livened the home of Mr. and Mrs. I). Fryfogle on Wednesday evening, July 5th, when their daughter, Miss Minnie. became the bride of jos. A. Cumming. of Listowel, formerly of Wingham. Rev. D. Perris tied time nuptial knot. Colborne: Glen A., the infant sea of Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Jewel, pass - away on Saturday morning last, the funeral taking place to Colborne cem- etery. The bright and cheerful little fellow was stricken with whooping cough and bronchitis set in, resulting in death. Clinton: Mr. G..1. Itorke, who was for Soule years a foreman in the I,tcal organ factory, and left here to atm, •pt the position of stlperitlteedent of a furniture factory at Meaford, has re- tired from the tnanefacttiring business and taken an interest in the Pork River Furniture Co., of Park It.ver. North Dakota. Debits. leas, in ; Mee - ford Mr. Rorke was presented with an whitest; and a gold w ttrh. Queenston Cement SOLD DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO THE CONSUMER Don't be misled by statements of agents handling cement paying large Commission. Go yo►u•ielf and see Queenston walls and floors but in vont own locality. Our ttarrel contains as manly cubic inches as any other cement, and as cement is gauged by measure, not by weight, your cement will go as far. Write us for information. Freight rates turd es- titnates cheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, 511 ict- ly cash, f. o. b. cars, Qiieenaton. Go in with your neighbor and get benefit of carload rates. ISAAC USHER QUEENSTON, ONTARIO "Stomach Catarrh" it is a fatal waste of time to trifle with snuffs, powders, inhalers, or other dangerous nostrums, with the idea of curing Catarrh of the Stomach. Once Catarrh has reached the stomach it can only be eradicated by creating pure, rich blood. Catarrh is a germ disease. The stomach and intestines become nests for myriads of these tiny germs. Local applications have no effect on them. They must be driven out —the stomach cleansed, the blood purified, the system toned up. " P3YcHiNE " will positively cure the worst form of Stomach Catarrh, by purifying the blood, cleansing the stomach, and destroying germ life. Thousands have been cured of the prevalent malady, through this remarkable dis- covery, " PsYcIIiNE." Druggists recommend it. GRUATIEST OF ALL. TONICS CHINE (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) ALL DRY001$Ti•ONDOLLAR.TRIAL CRIB N. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, 17IP King Street west, Toronto, Canada