HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-20, Page 4► ► 05zeter buocatc, A Chapter on Baseball. Hail, Wind and Lightning Now it came to pass on the sixth , Kill, and Damage Property Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, JULY 20, '05 NOTES AND COMMENTS Up to the present time all fines im- posed for infractions of the Liquor License Act have gone to the munici- palities interested. In future when an information is laid by the license in- spector, ur any other officer appoint- ed by municipalities the municipality will receive no benefit from the fines imposed. ss The Dominion Parliament proposes to increase the pay of its members. The Premier is to get $12.000 a year, of Kyle and beseiged Dougall, who is the leader of the Opposition $7,(100, the ilenedictcaptaip, in his strong - Senators and Members of Parliament hold, which is nigh unto the marsh $2,501, ex -cabinet Ministers, who have called Needeep. served five years, $3.5110. Judges sal- And brought with him a certain ar) aro also to be increased. Such :s wise man for to judge which tribe month that the captain of the tribe of Benedicts which dwelt round about Dashwood, which tribe had touch skill in the batting of the ball and the catching thereof -st rode through the country. And, lifting up his voice, he cried: "Who will come out and fight with us?" Then spike Kyle, the leader of the tribeof Bachelors, which inhabit- etb the village of Dashwood and ex- teudeth out into the borders of the township of Hay, and he said, "I, even 4, have by me nine mighty awn of valor which can withstand thee." And thus it came t4) pass that war- fare was stirred up between the neigh- boring tribes. On the fourteenth day of the seventh month cause the tribe the proposal of the Minister of Justice and the Parliament is now consider- ing it. The result of the deliberations can, of course, be readily guessed. The increases are large. The sessions have been long, but who snakes them long? Not the people. Business might be dispatched much more rapidly if the members would attend the House and quit hair-splitting. Then they would not be voting themselves more money. A proposal that would bo more in line would be one aiming at deducting $8 or $10 for each day's ab- sence from the House. • s How many trustees in Huron coun- ty can read the following from the Welland Telegraph and not plead guil- ty? There are trustees in Welland who from year's end to year's end nev- er visit their schools, and yet they would be offended if anyone would hint that they did not give an intelli- gent supervision of affairs. No one supposes that a farmer can manage his faun over a long distance telephone or that a wan:tfacturer can direct his factory by the aid of the G. N. W., that a storekeeper can litre a success- ful business if he indulges in the ab- sent treatment. and yet there is a pre- sumption in some quarters that it man can give efficient service on a school board and yet never enter the school. It is a wonder these schools with the careless trustees do not go to the dogs. It is a wonder careless trustees do not waken and try to discharge to the full extent of their capacity this most im- portant public trust. ear The cemetery committee, we under- stand, purpose placing suitable tie posts along the front of the cemetery as the old ones are useless and will not secure horses properly. We would take this occasion of strongly urging on all who feel themselves abblo to make a deposit in the permanent fund of the cemetery for the permanent care of their lots, or if they would prefer make a provision in their will for a sum to be applied to the permanent fund; the interest accruing from this fund, as it grows larger year by year will greatly strengthen the hands of the committee. We believe that it is the desire and expectation of those in- terested in the cemetery that in future it shall be gradually improved and kept up, and one of the main condi- tions of such improvement will be the support given to the permanent fund. We trust this question may receive the serious consideration of all who are interested in the welfare of the cemetery. Hay Attu sheets. -A few days ago Mr. Thos. Johnson, treasurer of Hay, met with apainful and distressing accident. He was feeding his horses and had un- tied one of then) to let it run out on the gr•ats°. The horse instead of going out crowded into the same stall with tlie other one. Mr. Johnston in at- tempting to get it out kicked at it. le some peculiar way Mr. Johnson's leg got caught in the horse's tail and before he could loosen it he was drag- ged through the door and for some distance in the yard. While being dragged through the door his aim hit the timber and Ives broken above the el how. Ile was otherwise bruised and shaken up. 4Ve deeply sympathize with hire in his mishap anti trust he will soon he out Again. Ayer's Bald ? Scalp shiny and thin? Then k's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured hair Vigor the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. 1 hats used y•- a 's Bali V1ger for over M tsars i am nog tl tsars old and hats 1 hest, growth of r• -b brows kali. due, 1 thInt, on Dirt!, to Ails ca Hair VIS,tu( " Mrs M. •. &uira. llel1e.111e, 1u. in s • Dotal*. , c ava• Oct. At1 At-UU1e. for 1.,.0A..:1 af•::� Good Hair throe, rngr friends or relatives seffer with Fits, Fpilci.;y, St. Vit.:s' Dance, tit 1•ailing Sickness, write rut a trial bottle and valuable etc ,se en such diseases to Tart l.r.asio Co., 1)q King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell of can obtain f', you LEIBIQ'SFITCURE should be overcome. Now the captain called Dougall, be- ing fearful, sent messengers unto the abode of one Pfaff, a roan of great strength and valiant in the fight, which begged of him saying, "Hear us, we pray thee, and give ear unto our supplications, for we are in ex- ceeding great peril, being beseiged even this day by our enemies, and our master desireth that thou wilt conte over unto the battlefield and help us, and he shall lade thine asses with the fat of the land. Hut Kyle, seeing this wise man draw nigh, opened his mouth and spake unto them, saying, "Let not this strange man fight against 11s lest we be overcome, but if it be thy will that he so do, then let us bring forth on our side this counter -hopper which haileth from Kellermann s store." And the judge answered, saying, "Even as thou wilt, so do," Now all things having been put in readiness the strife oommenced about the setting of the sun. Whereupon the beseiged force being in the field, one Wesley, a sweet singer in Isreal, seized a club and made as though he would defend the honor of his master. But thrice struck be at the ball mid thrice did he grievously smite the air. Then rejoiced the men of Dougall but their foes clamoured the more against the judge. Insomuch so that curtain of them that stood by said un- to bis fellows. "Put, I pray thee. some- thing into that babbler's mouth." And, being smitten sore. the cap- tain Dougall waxedexceedingly wroth, and he and his legion, with those that stood by, conspired against the judge. But he, knowing their hearts, heed- ed not their vain disptrtin s. Howbeit as darkness fell on the land the host of Benedicts was driven from the field with great loss, and they rent their garments and wept for their defeat. Likewise also wept all those who watched the battle with eager eyes in expectation of a complete route for the Bachelors. A HITITB. Hullett (leo. If. Sprung and Miss Davis, of Winnipeg, Man., are on a visit to rel- atives in and around Hullett. WxuniNo.--The peal of wedding bells called a number of friends to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shot. - brook, con. 13, on July :Nth, to witness the marringe of their only daughter, Alberta, to Gabriel Sprung, a prosper- ous young fernier of Manitoba. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Clement, of Londesboro, and the wed- ding march was played by Miss Etta Cash, of Seaforth. The bride who was given away by her brother, looked charming in a gown of cream eolienne trimmed with lace and carried bridal roses. Mr. and Mrs. Sprung left amid showers of rice for London and other points. The presents were both num- erous and costly, showing the high es- teem held for the young couple. The many friends join in wishing them a long and happy future. - - Tackersmith. Miss Nellie Devereux, of Ottawa, is spending the summer holidays at the home of her father, Ed. Devereux, Huron road, east. -Owing to so touch wet weather the farriers cannot make much headway with the haying. -Mrs. Black, Sr., left a few days ago on a visit to her sons and daughters in the West.- Messrs. Horace and Willison Townsend have returned from the 'West.-- A number of our farmers have purchased bay loaders. -The old schot tl (rouse in section No. 2, which has stood the storms of forty years is no more, it having been torn down to make room for the handsome new building now being erected. The lest of the old material from the old build- ing will be incorporated in the new. - Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Townsend, former residents of this Township, but now of 74cLenn in, Algoma, are on a► visit to friends in this township. it is 19 years since Mr. Townsend went to Al. gonia and we ate glad to know he has prospered there. When he went there . he settled on a bush farts and he has now A farm of 1130 acres without a foot of waste land on it. He sums to be well satisfied with that part of the country. McGillivray Miss Christopher, of London, has been at pleasant visitor at the home of Mrs. 11. 0. Graham. --John Armstrong had a valuable horse killed by light- ning recently. -G. 1). McVicar has purchased over :3110 acres of land near High River, Alta, where he has locat- ed. --Miss Helen Brown, milliner at Brinsley. has returned to her home nt Aden Craig. --Mrs. II.('. lirehnm gave an address on -'Dress and nidsto t.cnrt ty" before the Parkhill Women's Inst i• tute last week. -During the reteent electrical storni several local telephone lines were burned out and a nutnbt•r of telegraph poles throughout McOil livray verve shattered by lightning. .lrs. Caesitly has the sympathy of het many friends in this her hour of sot - row. her mother, Mrs. Meedd, hit vine been called horse. The sad event tont plaice on Monday at Centenary. The deceased had been in good health up to less than an hoer before her death. Ma,t'it di 'j she Ate her bretdfest at 7 S. ne and at twenty minutes to eight 1he• call came and her spirit. went Only.. Nix daughters and one son survive h• r -(leo. Hindmarah is int.. the sip e, business.-Iletry•pickiiig is now th. order of the day. the crop, we and.', derstand, being very 1.,1ge this season. Sanford, Man., July 14 -Robs. Burns a young farmer, was found on the roadside by a neighbor this morning. lie had been struck by lightning and instantly killed. Tilbury,July 15.-A severe thunder- storm passed over Tilbury and vicinity vesteiday afternoon, accompanied by hail. which has brought considerable havoc to the corn crop, in some in- stances completely cutting it down. The loss is in calculable. The follow- ing losses from lightning are reported: Hugh Latimer, lot 16, con. 9, Tilbury North, barn struck and totally de- stroyed; N. McNerney, lot 18. con. 8. Tilbury East, barn struck, damage small; Chas. Shivas, North Back line, Tilbury East., barn struck, damage small; Thos. Rounick, lot 18, con. 18, Tilbury East, barn struck, damage small; Robert Mills, Middle Road, South Tilbury, stable struck, damage small, but a valuable horse killed in- side.af building. Florence, July 1.4. -Hurrying hotne from it berry patch to reach shelter, Mattie Broad, 18 years of age was over taken by a thunderstorm and killed by lightning within a few steps of her own door. Miss Broad, who was em- ployed at Florence. was the daughter of E. Broad of Dante. She was horse helping her younger sister in the ate sence of her mother, who is in Chat- ham hospital suffering from cancer. Essex, July. 14. -This town and the country within a radius of two miles was slashed by a terrific bail storm to- day. Masted but twenty minutes, but it did $25,000 damage to the corn end the tobacco crops. according to certain estimates. The plants were whipped to pieces. The storm was of the cyclone variety. It came in a streak about 100 yards wide and swept on for about two miles. The ground was covered with hail -stones as big as pebbles to the depth of one inch in the town. Winnipeg, Man.,July 15.--A storm of almost of cyclonic force swept the city about midnight. Winnipeg does not furnish a parallel with the horror of last night when caught in the sudden gale. The high brick wall of the form- er. Hoover &Town Manufacturing Co. building on James street, crashed down upon the two adjoining houses, killing four of the inmates and injur- ing more or less seriously five or six others. It was almost midnight when the storm was at its fiercest and at hur- ricane was playing general havoc in the city. that absolutely without warning the whole west side of the four story brick building fell. The crash could be heard for blocks around and the frame cottage adjoining was crushed like niatcbwood, the debris being hurled through the brick wall and roof of the next house occupied by Mrs. Finneran, as a boarding house. A call was at once turned into the fire brigade and police station. Every ef- fort was made to rescue those honied beneath the debris. It was some time however, before every one of the two houses was accounted for. The list of dead ions follows: H, W. White. W. Steinhoff, two sisters named Reilly. List of injured: F. Bennett, badly br used; A. F. Gledhill, J. Steinhoff; Comber J. Anderson, hand crushed; D. Ferguson. No other damage was done in the city, with the exception of chimneys, awnings and trees being blown down. it is not known wheth- er any serious damage was done throughout the country owing to the prostration of the wires. Seaforth: Little Tommie Dick, son of Mr. James Dick, had the misfortune to get his aim broken last Friday evening. He was looking at the foot- ball thatch and getting too neaar the players was hit by the ball. Pure Tee Hygienic Packages Users of Grand Mogul Tea pronounce it the beverage of good health Grown on the sun -kissed mountains of Ceylon, it has the delicious and mellow flavor of purity. Q Prepared by machinery from plantation to cup. The packages, lined with air- tight paper, pirated k from store dust and microbes. Never sold in bulk nor in poisonous kad. The effort to substitute some other tea to be " lust as good" is the desire of some dealers for an excessive profit on an inferior article. Grand Mogul Tea Qsold at 25c. See. 40. and 50e per pound Lock for the premium cou- pon and list of rem,ums in each package. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe eff.ctual n,r.nthl7 medtetne en which women tun dspend. Vold 1n tw..d. rr r+t.f arrength- No 1. for ur.lnary eases, 11 per box : No. 2, 10 dt- grear atron ger for Special Camas, t! per hot. 8014 Special all firtiggi.ts. Ask rot• Cook's cot- ton Rune Compoasd; tabs no aRhatitute. ThO Cook Madficin. Co.. W. who,. Qatari' #416 ,s0 1 IWa1MEW .LW.1IW)L'WLWkiW.l( y—�� �fa BY•ROYAL' WARRANT' MILLERS .TO H.R.H.TME'PRINCE•OF•WAIES • . A perfectly 'balanced' flour is one which c'intains the greatest amount of nutriment in its most easily digestible form. No single variety of wheat will produce *well balanced' flour. It requires the careful selection of different kinds. The makers of ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR have more than a hundred elevators, scattered throughout the greatest wheat growing country in the world, which enables them to secure the very pick of the wheat that will yield perfectly, balanced flour- -The kind of flour that produces the befit, the largest and the gtrongeft loaf- -The loaf which contains the greatei`t amount of bone, muscle and brain -making protein and die lowest percentage of waste. ROYAL HOUSEHOLD makes bread which reduces the labor of digestion—and gives greatest nutrition for least stomach effort. It's the 'balance' in flour that makes bread easier to digest and gives it many ottih..r qualities which are usually attributed to other causes. Ogihri z's `" /Royal l Household " Flour. A FAMOUS SCHOOL. CENTRAL 8T8ATFOitD. ONT. This is the most successful Conimer- stal and Shorthand w hoot in We.te-rn Ontario. The courses are up•to-date and practical and teaching iv done by experienced iu•tnactors. During the past school year we have had many more applies. stone from leading Moines houses than ue hail students graduating. Writs for tree catatoauo. ELLIOTT & McLAC11LAN, Principals. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat (old) Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag , Iiay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cwt Butter Eggs Live hogs, per cwt Shot Brat 90 38 40 tin 75 050 1 `25 Shorts ,per tun DAYS 'LO (X) 16 tat 1 per ton NOTICE 30. ToFarmers and the Pu1io 95 40 40 09 fel 7 (X) 2 15 1 25 15 15 0 25 11) UI 11; IMI NEXT THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated to Art of Parliament 1s5.5) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fund— • • • • • . • • • . $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH UPTICK 1101'18; 10 a. in. to 3 p. in. SAT171DAl•S, Ina. in. to 1 p. m. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed a Saving Bank Department: Del.o'lla of til and npwanta retched. Interest cons i i-ilt ded half -)early and added to principal June 30th and December 81st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DicKsoN & CARLING, Solicitors. N. U. IiUHI)ON, D1anager. FOR THE io geueral. As the spring is corning on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones. All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main street, Exeter. ilaralon1.Smith a,f Slettopolitnn Hotel That's where n hill get the htghesl cash price for them. WE WILL OFFER THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN FURNITURE Ever offered in Western Ontario at the I)rtshwh(►11 Furniture Store. We have the stock and it mala go, if you want ani thing in our line you should not miss this sale, "CTNJZER►TAT`ING We also carry a large stock of undc:takieg siii•t•' • -. In ties give us a call. P McISAAC, .. 1 iltP( Dashwood, The salvng•• wheat at the elevator wee sold on 5at11111.1y to 5. M.Natirn & Co., of T•.ronto, $14.150. Meese.. %tc :Bairn & :'n. Are shipping the grain to Toronto And welling to to riae•l'. I Clinton: 1Vhileoperating 11.•jnint et- et th•• organ (artery Inst week, Mr, 18. Lawrence had Iwo fing•'r a .., bridle lent that he hay !•inr a h.•• n kid or ty,n k.