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Like A Plant
In The Spring.
Your a.iuga grow, when placed In this Bank. A hank
account cultic ales and encourages thirfty habits- such as all
sur.•eaaful l.eopk have. *1 opens a "growing.' axount, to
hich you can add when you like and withdraw when you
please in any sized amount+. We add Intereat to the prim
cipal and compound it Ft it times a year, on 31 Jan., 30
April, 31 July, and 31 October. New a•.:ounts are always
We have the t.rst fa•ilaties for banking at the to ..t reason-
able rate, and terms consistent with conservative banking.
We invite your buslueea.
Branches in Huron County at.
tllsdsrsn & Stsrbrr .
Joseph Snell, Manager
EXETER. Dashwood and Zurich braches.
ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors tor Molaotu Bank, etc.
.ifs,rey to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
�l,� Offices, Main street, Exeter,
it-t.•Vaauxe: B.A., L. H. Dslaaon
have a targe amount of private funds to loan
and village properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers, Soticitors.Main et., Exeter Ont
Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial
March. Teacher—Plano, Organ, Voice, Harmony.
Modern methods. Thcrourbness
M 'fobs dNorthwest
Voters' Lists 1905
Municipality of the Township of Ste-
phen, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby gives that 1 have transmitted or
delivered to the persons .mentioned in sections 8 and
9 of the Ontario Voters' List Ad. the copies required
bysaid sections to be transmitted or dstlr.eed of
thlis, made pursuant to the said Act. of all persons
sypssrl ng We last revised Assessment Roll of the
wild .Dunle p lit to be .nutted to vote in the said
municipality at Elections for Member., of the Legis-
lative Assembly and et Municipal Elections; and the
said list wad Hest posted up at my officx, at Crediton,
on the tenth day of July, A, D., 1906, and remains
there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said list
and itany omissions, or any other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
said errors corrected according to law.
Dated at Crediton, July 10th. 1906.
Township Clerk
and an _
Lands For Bale. Clerk's Notice of First Post-
The Saskatchewan Valley k Manitoba Land Com• Post -
Mg of Voters' List 1905
Paoyy.� Ltd., [Arrrgest Land Company on the Continent
etontrolllmR entire Canadian Northern Railway Land
Tow Million Acres—The cream of the
wheat lands of Western Canada. Parties purchas-
ing now are given until Ist June to select their land.
For terms, etc., apply to
ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter
Stray Steer.
ere strayed onto the premises of Silas Stanlake,
Lemke Road, Hay Township, on or about June
, a rel steer, yearling, with a ring in the right
Owner can have same by paying expe noes and
ing property.
Silas Stanlake, Hay P. O.
House to Rent.
A neat frame house. containing 7 roams, situated
on Huron Street West of Main Street: good garden,
hard and soft water, and in a desirable locality.
Apply to
MRS. MARIUS, Huron Sir., Exeter.
For Bale or To Bent.
The frame house on the corner of William and
Wellington streets, owned by Mn. Isaac Bawden.
For particulars apply to
MRS. WM. TAPP, Exeter.
House for Sale.
Residence o1 Mrs. O. Kemp on Andrew Street.
Foe particulars apply to owner.
Mn. G. Kemp, Exeter.
In the .natter of the estate of Christo.
pher Willett, late of the Township
of Stephen, County of Huron, re-
tired Fanner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Ser. 31 of char.
ter 119of the Rev ise.l Statutes ollntario, 1.:17, that
a1 creditors and others having claim. against the rs
tate of the said ('hri..topher WIIIert, who died on or
about the 4th day of July, 10.0, are, on or before the
8RD 1)A i OF AUGI'ST, 1005, require('
towed by poet prepaid, or deliver to Joseph Snell,
Dashwood, in the count o1 Huron, one of the
Rxeutnn of the said deceased their Christian
names and surnames, addresses and descriptions. the
lull particulars of their claims, a datetnent of their
accounts arid the nature of the securities of en))
held by thou. And further take notice that after the
day last aforesaid the said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said dereas..l among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to •u,h
dams of whlch notice shall hate been given a.
shalk required, area that the raid Executors will
mot Mil liable for the said a'ects or anyart thereof,
to any !lemon or persons of whose claims notice
shall not have been received hy them at the time of
such distribution.
DAViD S('HROEDER f Exe•utnrs.
°ladrnan & Stantaury,
Solicitnn for Exe,utors, Exeter
Dated at Exeter this 7th day of July. 1906.
Local Improremeut.
6ranollthic Pavement.
TAKE NOTICE that the MIuniciLatl
Council of the corporation of the ''l-
lage of Exeter intends to construct a
granolithie pavement on the West Title
of Main street in the said Village of
Eteter commencing et a point at or
near the intersection of Jl►in and %Vel.
Iington streets,
Where the present grannlithi pavement term
'nates, them r n••rth al..ng the .aid we -t •1.1c .1
Main street to a point between the Northern bound.
miry M the priestly of George Mar and the Smith
end or the Anx Kimble River Bridge, and intends to
aeat.e vv.,. of the final .vat thereof upon the real pre•
e. tn.•re t, fnnhr
perty (o be mvn.+listcl) benefit t g
otabutting th,•reon, at au annual rate per 1't or,
usefronta4e, payable in ten canal anneal iwtal-
mints; an I a statement shnwing the land. baht. 1 -
sed pn.pnsel to he specially assessed for the said
work or pavement, and the names of the owners
thereof so far as the lame can he a■•ertained from
the Ise( revised alaertment roll and ntherwae Ie nn.r
lilei in the .race of the Clerk of the M inicyalitc
and 1. open for inspection dorm,; ofii •, hnnrs.
The estimated civet of the pavement i. 177x, on,
the cost of thh construction of the pavement nn the
t r r...ing' awl Nt per cent. of the cost of the
et portion of the pavement ist to be pro..d.d nut
aJ r general hinds of the Municipality. Thr legal
tapenees. r .t of printing and ether in idental ex
pease. (n: erred for and in re•pr, t of the pr soul:a-
tion (here.•f of the la{.1 work shall te. Lorne as fol
Neva: piper rent. by the said ratep•avrrs and so
per cent y the Municipality.
A 1'..Irt of Itevinton will Ice held at the Town
Hall. Rxeta•r, nn the ytlb day of September, 1906. at
the hour of a o'clock. p m for the; irp.se of hes,
Mg complaints east the pwoposed aseesn .nt )t
M the mousey of frontage eimsurements o1 an)
other cnnplaint which the ITROna It tcrret.sd may
desire to make aid which is by law ,•ognlralle M
Om Court.
Jtleile.PH PENIOR,
Dated at Exeter, this 19111 day of July, A. D. 1Rte.
Municipality of the Village of
Exeter, County of Huron.
NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have transmitted
or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8
and 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the copies required
by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered
off the list made pursuant to wild art. of all persons
apyearinpf by the lad revised Assessment Roll of the
said Municipalityto be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at ections for members of the Legiala
tire Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that
said list was first posted up at my flee at Main
street, Exeter, on the 17th day of July of 1905, and
remains therefor inspection,
Ele.Wnarecalled upon to examine the said
Lid, and if any omission or other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
said erroncorrectel arcordmg to law-.
Clerk of the said Municipality.
Dated this lath day of July, 1906.
Mrs. James Oke left Tuesday for
Kingsville, where she will visit her
son, Thos. Oke. for a few weeks.
Mrs, Wm. Snell, who has been so-
journing in Winnipeg for some time,
returned to the village Saturday and
intends retnaining indefinitely.
Dr. and Mrs. Atnos left Monday for
Brantford, where they will visit
friends. The Dr. will attend the Ma-
sonic Grand Lodge at Hamilton this
Mr. W. R. Agnes, of Gravenhurts,
Miss May Pollen, of St. Marys, and
Miss Nettie Hind, of Elimville, spent
part of last week as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Thornton Baker.
Messrs. W. C. Huston, L. H. Dick-
son, I. R. Carling, J. A. Stewart, W.
J. Ifeamaan and C. 11. Sanders are at-
tending the Masonic Grand Lodge
meeting at Hamilton this week.
Rev. and Mrs. Godwin left. Tuesday
morning for Detroit and from there
twill take the boat for Chicago, Mil-
waukee and other American points.
They will he absent a few weeks.
Rev. It. .1. JI. and Mrs. Perkins left
on 'Thursday lata to spend a few weeks
holidays at Lyle andd Lindsay. Mr.
Perkins' pulpit will be occupied during
his absence hy Prof. Burgess, of Huron
Mr. S. M. Sanders left Tuesday for
Toronto and Whitby, and will prob-
ably visit Winnipeg and other points
west in the interest of the Farmers'
Co-operative Machine Co., before re -
tut Hung.
Mrs. Swale left on Wednesday even-
ing for London where she will visit a
few days prior to leaving on an ex-
tended visit at various ,oints in the
United States, first visiting her eon in
Oxford. Mich., then in Chicago and
later California. She will be away
about nine months.
The Misses Allie and Nellie Ifedges,
after an extended visit at the home of
their sister. Mrs. James Dearing, Stele
hen, left for their home in London
Monday. i.ittle Miss Aline hearing
went with there, returning Tuesday,
accompanied by Miss Annie Hedges,
t% ho will visit stere. for 11 time.
Dr. Jas, Purdon, of Edmore, Mich.,
a former teacher of Usborne township.
called on friends in town Maturdayand
is now visiting it sister in Usborne.
The I)r. met with a severe accident to
one e• eve n
err of his knees severe' m nths ego
1 1
and as a result it is giving him much
trouble. The indications are that the
injury is of a permanent nature and
that it will continue to give him
trouble. On his wily here he visited
the Battle Oreek (Mich.) Sanitarium
in the hope that he might better his
Mr. 0. 0. Gibson. accompanied by
his son, Mr. .1. M. Oilmen, of Mt. Louie,
Mo., gave the Al1V.CATK a pleasant
call en M it nrdeew And renewed his sub-
scription. Mr. Glister', who is a native
of 1. shortie, has for A number of years
been paying otxasionel visits to the
scenes of his boyhood lave And former
toils, ;and he says it afordm him a
great pleasure to revive the old nieur.
uriee by an sessional visit. Mr. Gib-
son is among the test and most pros-
perous business men of ye I,.anie.
Both gentlemen left forGoelerich Mon•
day morning to spend a few days.
Mist Mabel Walters, Miss Della
Treble, and Mr. and Mt',. Vin. Hawk-
shaw left Friday for the Northwest.
Mr. and Mre. Hawkshaw will visit for
» titne with their son and daughter at
Souris, Man.
\Vennnsos.-Willia,n .1. Verner one
of our highly respected young resi-
dents fittingly celebrated the 12th of
July by taking unto himself a wife.
The young lady of his choice is Miss
Margaret. Ellen McLeod, of West Wil-
liams. The interesting event occurred
at tate Methodist parsonage, Parkhill,
the ceremony being �performed by the
Rev. S. J. Allin. Will's many friends
join in wishing himself and estimable
bride all the happiness that this world
affords. -Miss Laura E., daughter of
Thos. Nichols, of Brussels, formerly of
this place, was on Wednesday. July 5.
united in rmart•iege to Mr. Wm. Dun-
can, of Brussels. Rev. Cousens per-
formed the ceremony in the presence
of about 100 guests. The bride received
tunny be:uttiful 1[n•esents,atnloug which
was a beantifulsilver service from some
Hensall friends. The happycouple
will reside at Brussels. We oin with
Mrs. Duncan'$ many friends here in
wishing herself and worthy husband
a pleasant sail over the matrirnonial
Mrs. E. P. Paulin is occupying the
cottage at Grand Bend. -Orville Ehnes
is taking his holidays and his work
here is being looked after by George
Powell. -Alex. Zimmer has built a
fancy iron fence in front of his proper-
roperty which adds to its appearance very
much. -Henry Guenther and his fath-
er returned from Buffalo Tuesday,
where they were attending the funer-
al of the latter's sister. -Mt'. and Mrs.
Louie Miller, of Winnipeg, are on a
two weeks' visit to the ormer's people
here. -A game of baseball was played
here on Friday night between two
home teams- -Bachelors vs. Benedict..
At the end of the sixth innings the
score stood 16-21 in favor of the for-
mer. We expect another game to be
played in the near future, as the Bene -
diets think they can do the Bachelors.
At the game Friday night August
Schrader promised the winning side a
large bouquet of !choice flowere and
sure enough he presented Wesley Mil-
ler, on behalf of the Bachelors, with
the promised reward, who promptly
received it and placed it in the show
window of Mr. Kellermarl's store for
inspection. -The Edighofferand Klein-
sti ver picnic on Monday wase pleasant
affair. -Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fdighoffer,
who have been on a two weeks' visit
among friends heie,left for their home
in Pigeon, Mich., Wednesday.-Ru-
dulph Eifert is spending the holidays
at his home. -J. D. Goetz has purchas-
ed this blacksmith business of W. J.
Cleland, of Stratford. The business
will he conducted by Mr. (ioetz's son,
A. H. Goetz.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Oliver Graybiel Las taken it
position in the Sovereign Bank here.
NV.? wish Oliver Success in his under-
taking. -Mr. Herman Theiler has mov-
ed into his own dwelling. -Mrs. Roth
erinal has had a fence built in front of
her property here whichreatly lin-
prov .a the same. The work was done
by Mr. Henry Either, of Crediton, and
is a credit to the builder. ---Mrs. Mansz
and two grandchildren, of Tavistock
and 31r•s. Dnni:1 Oestieicher, of Credi-
ton, spent several days in the village
with friends during the past week.• -
Several from here attended the races
in Zurich on Friday night. ---Farmers
are busy haying. The crop is on the
whole a heavy sue.- \liss Lilly lfart-
leih is spending her vacation at her
home here.-- MIis. Lydia Haug, of
London, is spending the summer
months with her people here.- Mr.
Ed. EdighofTer, wife and child, of
Pigeon, Mich., :u•e spending two weeke
holidays with friends here. -Messrs.
Andrew and Samuel Ilir•k who have
been here attending the funeral of
their father, left for their homes in
Seattle and North hakota, respective-
ly, on Thursday last. - Mr. Tobias
Guenther received the sad news the
other day of the death of his sister.
which occurred at her home in Buffalo.
Mr. (;menthe: and his son, Henry, left
on Saturday to IM in attendance at the
funeral. -Last Sunday tbe annual
Cbikiren's Day celebration was render-
ed in the Evangelical church here.
The day was all that could he desired
and the exercises were splendid, each
and every one performing his or her
part ably and well. The collections
fear the day amounted to about 8':.8. n
fitting climax to a Rood program. It
was Missionary day in the Sunday
School and the collection will be con-
tributed to the mission cause.
OBirr-.tity. - Since we last wrote
death has entered our quiet commmn•
its. and removed from our midst two
of our elder inh.ihitants, also an in-
fant child. We refer to the death of
Mr. Andrew Bit k, who departed this
life on the 25th of June. Mr. Birk
WAR a native of Geaniany but ('ane to
this county when quite young. He
followed the (menet', life end by thrift
and industry etircee'ded in laying rap
a goodly share et this world's goods.
He had reached the good old age of
nearly 77 years. He leaves to mourn
his death. his widow, 3 eons and 3
daughters, besides a host of friends.
His remains were bald to rest on the
28 tilt., in the Goshen Line cemetery.
--Alen to that of Mr. Christopher
Willert. who died on Tuesday, July
4th. Mr. Willem was also a native of
Germany but for many years had lived
in ('snafu, anti for the lest 7 or 8 years
has been a resident of our village. He
was quiet and inoffensive, a gond
neighbor, and a faithful member of the
Lutheran church under whose rites
he was buried nn Thursdav l tet, Rev.
Fifert ofilcieting. --- On 'Wednesday,
July 5th, the infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Jviceeh Hartleih, permed over to
the great beyond, aped 11 month, and
1 day. We extend to all the sorrow-
ing friends the sincere sympathy of
the community in their loss.
Dennis Collins and daughters. ,1rs.
John Mclsaae. visited the fornler's
daughter, Mrs. B. Mulligan at Dublin.
-Mrs. C. Kenney and fondly, of De-
troit, are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. McCann.- Flax pulling has
started. The first day the Crediton
gang carne back they went on strike
with the exception of two men, the
trouble being higher wages. Fred
thinks be can get the services of the
Indians. --John Quainan was home on
Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank (flavin,
of 6t. Marys spent Sunday here with
the former's parents. --Mrs. Peter Mc-
Kenzie visited Mrs. Cunningham :me
day last week. Rumor has it that
some of our young men are contem-
p4latiug tnatrituotiy.-Win. Wine, of
Sarnia, paid our town a flying visit
last week.
away on July 0th another of
.home's most respected and highly
esteemed residents. We refer to the
demise of Joseph Morley, in the 64th
year of his age. The deceased had
been a long aufferer from heart trouble
which developed into dropsy and caus-
ed much intense pain. Born in Eng-
land thedeceaaed came to Canada with
his parents in 1844, settling in London
township. Some time later he marri-
ed Mise Nairn, of Blansbard, who, to-
gether with one son and three Baugh-
ter., mourn the death of a kind hus-
band and *loving and devoted father.
Mr. Morley west' man of sterling prin-
ciple, honest in all his dealinge and to
know him was to appreciate his good
qualities. He was a consistent metn-
ber of the Methodist church, a Con-
servative In politics and a valued
member of the Woodmen of the
World. under whose auspices the fun-
eral took place on Friday,
Mise Weir, of Toronto, is visiting
her cousins at R. R. Wilson's. -Miss
Gammon, our teacher, has banded in
her resignation, she having secured a
school near her home in Forest. -This
is excellent haying weather, fine and
warm.-W.J. Wilson k Co., have the
new crop of lemons in stock. They
are good keepers. -Henry Shank and
family, of Parkhili,are visiting friends
in this vicinity. -Mr's. Mary F. Wilson
is visiting her nephew, Rev. R. L.
Wilson, et Staffs. -Miss Cummings.
who is connected with mission and
hospital work in the Festern part of
Toronto, is spending the holidays with
her aunt, Mrs. Lrulrie. She gave a
very interesting address and report of
her work at the Boston Methodist
church prayer meeting on Sunday
evening. -J. H. McGregor. of Detroit,
is visiting at .Ale home of his uncle,
J. McGregor. 'Reeve of McGillivray. -
Miss Mae Wilson spent Tuesday and
Wednesday with her friend, Miss
Recce "Merritt. who is home on her
holidays frotn Toronto.
Myl wasn't it hot this week? -Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Sweet, of Detroit, are
visiting relatives in this vicinity this
week. -Thomas Morrow, of the Mer-
chants Bank, has returned from To-
ronto, where he spent his vacation. -
Miss Carrie Either, of Elkton, Mich.,
is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mre. Chrietopheri Eilher.-Berry pick-
ing is the order of the day. Although
plentiful the fruit is stnall.-Several of
our young folks in order to escape the
heat of the day on 'Sunday drove to
Grand Bend, and enjoyed the cool
breeze off good old Lake Huron. -Miss
Lizzie Gould.of Exeter, spent last week
with Mrs. William Hebden. -George
Either is unable to work on the brick
yard, owing to an injured knee, caused
by being struck by x piece of brick. -
Mis. Krupp and family, of Waterloo,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tobias
Wurtz.-Miss Mary Bertreind returned
home from Hamilton, after a pleasant
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Israel Smith.
She was accompanied by her slaters
Tillie and Millie Bertrand, who will
spend a few weeks ilt their home here.
-Mrs. Dan. Sweitzer, Misses Carrie
and Susie Kuhn and August Kuhn of
the Sovereign Bank staff are camping
at Grand Bend this week.
BAMEIIALL—Last Friday evening the
Zurich boys came here to play our
boys a friendly game of hall. Owing
to the wet weather the grounds were
not In a set y good condition and it
wan agreed to play only seven innings
a side. The game was well played
throughout and several good plays
and catches were made on both sides.
When the game was closed the score
Motel 6.6 in favor of the home team
with one innings to spare. During the
game Hinter Gower, one of the Credi-
ton players, was struck in the face by
the bell while at bat and had hie nose
broken. There is some talk of Heusall
coming here on Friday evening. -The
Band was in attendance hast week and
will play out again on Friday night.
The sports eotnntittee have had it
turnetile placed at the gate.
K111111) Wiliam ON DUTY.—Stnrt-
ling and shocking was the news receiv.
ed here on Saturday last of the death
of Arthur Cockwill, who was killed in
a railway wreck near Nelson, B. C..
Fred*' last, while on duty as fireman
on • C. I'. R. engine, the particulars of
which have not yet been learned. The
young than was well and favorably
known here. having served an appren-
ticeship as a carriage-huilder with Mr.
Wm. Winzel, and was the eldest son
of Mr. James Cockwill,of the 11th con -
reaction of McGillivray. About seven
hcare ago deceased went west from
ere and aear later entered the ser-
vice of the C. 1'. R. as a fireman. in
whose employ he has been ever sine.
He was T( years of age and was highly
respected by all who knew him, and
hie premature demise will he learned
with much sorrow and regret hy his
many friends. The remains will be
brought here for burial in the Exeter
cemetery and will likely arrive shout
the Oust of the week.
Pairs Lace Curtains 200
At old prices; but new goods.
No, we had no necessity forced upon us to advance the
prices of our New Lace Curtains. We bought them as we
have always done, through our Manufacturers' Agents, and
bought Early, thus saving the 20 per cent. advance, Weare
in a position to sell Lace Curtains at as good value as ever,
and Much Better to the Cash Buyer, because we give 10 per
cent. off for Cash on Every Pail' of Lace Curtains.
Prices range from 25c. a pair up to $7.00.
10 Per Cent. Off For Cash on All Curtains.
Don't forget us in Dress Goods and Silks
Don't forget us in Boots and Shoes ----we have the hest
Don't forget our Men's New Hats
Don't Forget Us ! For we can do you good.
Poplestone & Gardiner
One door north of Post Office.
Our baseball team intend playing
the Crediton teazel shortly. -Mr. Hor-
ton, of the Sovereign Bank, Toronto,
is spending his holidays in this social-
tty.-%Vs.. Kelehon, of tbe Hensall
Engine Works, has made an assign-
ment for the benefit of his creditors.-
Hensall is beginning to talk up a Hen-
sall Old Boys celebration for nett year.
--Mr. Jackson. of Montreal, is visiting
at the home of his sister, Mrs. Gra-
ham.- Mrs. John Dick and children.
of Clarksburg, is here visiting her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. -Fay
McDonell is spending the summer hol-
iday. at Detroit. -Miss Melinda Ort -
Wein has gone to London to visit her
sister, Mrs. Hassell. -Mr. and Mrs.
Johns, of Guelph, spent a few days at
the home of Mrs, H. Cook during the
week. -M. Ellwood bad his household
effects shipped to Brantford last week.
We wish Mat. every success. -Miss
Jennie Shaffer, of Toronto, is home on
a visit. -Alex. McEwen has Bold his
fine farm of 150 acres to his son,Hugh,
for $10,OtX). Mi. McEwen, we under-
stand, has purchased a residence in
London and will move there in the
Grand Bend
Several new boats are to be in the
service this season. -The material is
on the ground for Boeeenberry's new
hotel. -Mrs. Fowle, who was injured it
few weeks ago,is rapidly recovering. -
Campers are arriving daily. -A quick
Innch counter on the grounds tends to
give the place more the appearance of
Coney island.- Mr.Rannie, of Hensall,
is building a fine new cottage. --Mrs.
Young is moving around these days
by the aid of a cane. -Mr. Heaman, of
London, bought a large piece of land
across the bridge from Brenner's hotel.
A gang of men are putting up a large
quantity of wire fence. it is the in-
tention to make a deer park, and sev-
eral of the animals will be placed
therein. --Jos. Brenner is building a
fine new residence for himself between
the hotel and txostoffice. The cement
foundation is completed. -A eunimer
school will be held at Grand Bend park
this year,comtnencing July 31 and can-
tiniting to August 6th. The meetings
will beheld under the auspices of the
Epworth Leagues and Sunday schools
of the Methodist churches of the Exe-
ter district. Sessions will he held
morning and evening of each day, the
afternoon being spent in recreation.
Speakers from Japan, China, Toronto,
London and many other places will
take part. Special music will be pro-
vided. Delegates from all over the
district are expected to be present.
The public are cordially invited to all
Hay Council
The Council of the Township of Hay
met in the Town Hall, Zurich, on July
3rd. AH present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and adopted. The Clerk
was instructed to write to the Council
of Hensall regarding the ditch just
west of that village: that in case the
ditch is made deeper and larger than
the original By -Law specifies the Coun-
cil of Hay will require Hensall to put
a suitable guard alongside the drain.
A number of accounts were passed.
Council adjourned till Tuesday, Aug.
1st, at 2 p.m. F.HEss, Sr., Clerk.
— -11110.-
Seaforth; Fd. Barnet got his right
hand badly cut by a saw a few days
ago in the factory.
MARTIN --In Lucan, 00 July 12, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wul. Martin, a daughter.
ANnHR$OS—In Usborne, Con, 6, on
July 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes An-
derson, a daughter.
BRKNNER-In Zurich, on July 12, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Brenner, a daugh-
HORNEY—FEROtta()N --At the Rectory
on July 1!, by Rev. R. J. M. Perkine,
Mr. Wm. Homey, son of Mr. O. H.
Horney, of Usborne, to Miss Maggie
Ferguson, daughter of Mr. John Fer-
guson. •
VKNNER— MCLKun-At the Methodist
parsonage, Parkhill, on July 12, by
Rev. 8.1 AIIin, Win. J. Venner, of
Chiselhurnt, Huron Co., Out., to
Mise Margaret Ellen McLeod, of
West Williams.
am -
ourr :eI;.--1n f'linton, on July 7, Har-
riet Elisabeth Frost, wife of Rev. J.
Greene, in her filet year.
GILFiet..IN -in Usborne, on July 8,
Mary Gilfill,tn, aged 75 years and 4
MKADIt--In McGillivray, on July 8,
Alice Ann, widow of the late George
Meadd, aged 78 yetu's, 7 months.
SHOKnorrost--in Parkhill, on July 8,
Geo. M. Shoebottout, in the 68th
year of his age.
MOMKttv1L.LK--in Kirkton, on July d,
Jennie M., beloved wife of John
Somerville, aged 2i) years.
Moiu icy -At Whalen, on July 6, Jos.
Morley, in his 64th year.
floniN•os -In !mean, on July 11, Isa-
bella, beloved wife of Wm. Robin-
son, Mr., in her (lard year.
NEiL--in Detroit, on July 12, John
Nell, in his 66th year.
Just received another car of Samson
Brand Portland Cement ---unequalled
for Walls, Flooring, Walks, etc.
Plymouth Binder Twine is acknow-
ledged the best and cheapest.
Gold Medal 650 fie, Silver Sheaf 600,
and Ply Special 500 feet.
Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.
..tir Furnace Work a Specialty.