HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-13, Page 7.}.... �.. �...,.....„..„..„..r•v it before. We ought to have known! the place. if he roust, in order to WORK HARD FOR CLIENT MOST DEADLY OF ALL SNARES LEADING MARKETS
•t that no mother rouse resist such ap- discover Mrs. l•'airfux's medical man (�
► • {,cola.” That 1)o uurulher of the tirnu
and urge upon tum the absolute no-
Cobra Iias a 8ecord of
had ever read the pathetic lett IS hr cr»sity of that lady ln•:ng pruvide:I THE INSUSANCE BUSINESS IN 20,000 Victims a Year.
i •j• did out think It necessary or flesh.- with u capable nary. there was not UiIEAI)•�'l'UI'Iti.
A L AYLR •: CHINA Tho ludi:u► cubist, or cubru dr -
able to tell her. "1)o you know who so much luck or happy coincidence cuprBu tNuju lripudituls►, is 'he Toronto, July 11.-\1'hcut-1)nturiu
s wrote the instructions?” he went o1). about the smatter us might appear. How the Agent Gets a Chinese most deadly of all snakes. It inhub- -A sale of No. 2 red and %elite is
.i. "Vote will sat the signature Biffen.” fir hit the ttIckes with hi„ hest bull. Lady for a Policy- its India and ('e)Ion, Ilurmuh, the reported at 9633. ail the pricti• grn-
EFAIR j 1 have no idea, she answered, That was all. Anduulans, Southern (china. ludo- entity 97c to 914c. moose is dull at
LOYE �•'• agitatedly. • 'J'ho signet ure :seems to holder. China and the Malay peninsula uud : Nc to Hes. Jluuitul u --No. 1 north -
! be an talion +� toy Muthrr'ti•'• III. In a lively letter to his friends archipelago. In the Ilimalnyas its era, $1.1U to f1.11; No. 2 northern,
,• ''l o duul.l it 1. Mr. Marshall
•�:. ,. .•.sss�.•.s.•isgssi..� be an
The whole duty of the jam Thr Indy whom !lir. Alnrshall soot 1)L home. rho English
refirrsrnta'•it'u rnngu extend; to an altitude of eight $1.07 to $1.08; Nu. a WrUnrn. !►lc
S».•.�.•. .'. •. . . . . .of all insurance company ill a thin- 11)
kw partner in a firm of solicitors o1)_ d(wt1 to nurse Mrs. Fairfax urrivc,; 1 thousand feet. '1'0 the w'0sL it ranges to t►14c, lu'•0 ports.
I. in tho sleepy little town closely ven-
eil- est. Pott tells of the devious ways 1•Y to Afghanistan. North-east Persia Flour -90 per cent. potents aro
Mr. Alfred .Marshall, of the firm of tul,lc,t itself before hien-professional I . which ant iusurnucu ,ro Iosul is „I._
secrecy, the luwyrr's eleventh euro ed. She bore u letter of i1)lrud°c- I I Doily told South 'Turkestan, as fur es the quoted at $4.20 to $1.3o, buyers'
Color, Valley• and Marshall, solici tion to Ih. ,luhustun, 0umpurutively Prunched, says the London 1 ► east coast Of tho Caspia1) Sea.
texas, cost a1.d west. with l.ic to
turn of the Supreme ('hurt, haul risen ruandmeut and one of the must sac- so she Mail, (cobras are most active at night. 2Cc u,urr for choice 11uu:luhu-
1 red. A glance at the pitiable little a new -comer to Suxbridge,
from a clerkship to he junior partnercalled in the village 11) present il, -that of 1)►y agents," he writes. They feed on small animals. birds' hie>l "tents
are yuot,l ,.:IJ to
fn that teel1-knuttn firm by industry, figure helped lira to break it. 1• leaving her travelling -hug
at the "(onus in and says, '1'Ic•use, mustcr, eggs, trues. lisil 1)r iuscals. '1'hry ut-
"I drafted your mother's will," l e Wu (11081 you cuuu0 city Hide I:tl:ee 8K g $:, W►, s eou•I putouts, ;:, u:, to $5.-
ubilily, and duscrctiun-prtirulur it *itatlull. As the lawyer's letter sun_ tuck leu rousts and yWa11Uw' the ;30, Leiser:' $4.'95 to y:, 10.
the lust. like a good, well-oiled Hr►ie lI tvua 0 long time ago. but (luded with it request, "!f you will 000 Noulun. ('un talkeu insure, pfd- eggs Nhule. They drink e► great deal \1111 i.d-Iit'An dull 1)t $12, shorts
machine he did the Nurk required of ( remember r th;tt you ore not lett be Hu good as to accompany Mrs. gin.' '1'o which 1 reply. 'More bet- of water, although they call I,to for
hurt with the greatest dispatch and anything. hu you know the name q leryou tulkce 1)li4tfsaeu 001)10 nay 1 $17.30 to al - Alnn 10bu bran 317;
1 g PClare to green Turk, introduce her weeks, 1)r even months, in captivity.
Hhor•ts m:l'J, at Toronto unit e••,)uul
exact and aakwl as few t(y 0401) of your mother's sole legntrn'!'• ,� Mrs. Fairfax. 1)11(1 see she is well Hide, ratchet) chow (Luka dinner)" without touching food or water.
No." This being nrrl►1)ged, the lady arrives Cobruy can climb, and occasionally I u+utH.
AS pussihla. Hilt the analogy run Are you acquainted with Johno1.4)
d, I shall be very greatly ob-
in her chair, accompanied by 1reeItelrle•y-Fuger purchasers lute paid
not be (:oriel farther, for Mr. �. lige•d," tho doctor immediately put 1ascend trees in search of fund. \s
Alurshall fiosstss,sl a heart and it
Edward 4 Slruugewaya'. on his hal.
maid -servants and her body Hervcu'(• a rule they aro not aggressive, and, as high 1)w 50c for No. but the
conscience, which the best utuchienu "Hu is my cousin," she answered; I have to go out and shake bunds unless interfered with 1)r irritated,
general 1.1100 queued is 970, with 450
"the louse of all my sorrow My "1 suppose you have never been
for No. 3 e•hru and •lac tor No. a,
lucks. to this deed -olive Hurn before?"' ho violently with Myself, then walk
they crawl along tho ground %rlth
For instance. during Ihree years or Httdher desired our marriage. 1 did said, as they wulkrd down the High backwards over the gang -plunk while neck undil1)led, looking like some at outside points.
so 110 had been uniting letters per- not love him, and 1-1—" Street. the 10413 skill closely yelled. her maids help hor along. Iter Art harmless snake; but the moment they
Rye -Dull; IiUc .outside.
lodically and quite automatically very
to "I know," he iuterriptod. "I sin
aro perhaps 24 inches long, s1) pro are dist urhed they uasunu: u t1)enaC- Corn -Canadian. 5:30 11) 54c. ChA-
1 very, very glad of lhat.'a "Oh, yes; 1 know S4(1W41g•• t'''ry grecs is stout'• in attitude. The poison 01 a cobra, thane ir,iglus; American firm at my -
t 111Sa a thing: always tory h "Why'." Shr could not help asking well," she replied. That was evident B I
the surae thing:- when she led the way across the COSTLY JEWELLERY. when thoroughly inoculated by a changed priers, (i4c for No. 2 yellow
"Mations-Weliens too instructed by the question. ,ark by a short cut of which I)r. "Chinese ladies love to be asked fresh and vigorous specimen, is quick- and 63:e to f,4c for No. 3 yellow, at
"Because John Edward Strange- 1
our client, Mrs. Fairfax, 11) acknow ways is ill the most robust hrnith, Johnston wax wholly ignorant. But, how much everything costs, which ly lural. Paralysis of I ho netVu lake and rail trrishts.
ledge the receipt of your letter, andsomehow, it did not Decor to him is really n nice fashion, as they wear centre takes place and death follows Pas -Scarce at 71e to 7th.. for N.
to inform you that she is no
said the junior partner. enigmatical_ to put two and two together. lovely stuff. She had gold brace rapidly. sometimes ill u few minutes, 2 west and cast, 75c for milling.
reason to reconsider Lha dosis' She IV. "This last i tieroweyou reparation.g
came t0 at. the reconsider
of your mar- In your letter to your mother "1 nm afraid you aro not going IrtH up the Middle 1)I the forearm, especially when the fangs. having
Rolled t)nLY-$1.7:, for rebs 1)t 11)►g1)
catto haven rely easy time of it," he valued at ! 1.900, and' pcurls, all prmetrulcd u veto, inorulaLu poison and $:, for barrels on O'nck horn; 25c
ria ey. 111 are yours truly. Co.uo, you asked her to help you—"
Bpwent on, "nor a very pleasant one. over her hair worth £ 3,000. tier immediately into tho venous (!reins- snore for broken lots hero and 40c
�. Valley. and Marshall." 'V'e'al I t very going
•'1\ell, 1 um going to do what I Mrs. Fairfax is really ill and very coat of lovely light cherry-colu+e;1 tion. The venom is harmless, how- oulaidu.
The first instructions had boon irritable. If she takes to you you silk took five months to weave, and ever. if taken internally. nor is 1t
received a bung time ago. Since can. If 1 find you it suitable post,brought in contact with C
fatal when OUN'I`ItY PRODUCE.then, at intervals of about three will you tweet,- 117.. might try your bund at bringing coat a trills of £80- She tells mo
months. let tars addressed to Mrs. "1 shall .,0 very, very gratfut," she about a ret'onc•ilintiun between her she is No. 2 wife, her husband lav- a n►ncotes surface, such n1) the in-
all 'round are
teeter of the stomach or the eye.
Fairies had been forwarded to the rejoined. 'I have been trying so and her duughtee. I In)u v.' that ing four altogether. uncliuubed.
firm. With the brief int imat i„n long to get somethings_ to do, with would du her more good than all tho
"Wu have dinner of 14 courses. INDIAN 'I'itAl)l'1'It)N C'reulnory. prints ... 19c lo2lc
out. success. l'eo Ie Hify 1 ant Lou drugs in any surge';y•” 'She Htnukes clgnrettex all the t.ilue, reletea that ltuddhta provided the du trulida . 18o to 19c
1 y in the owledgc ns befur,•." No- p "!t she will let me T will try," and I have to hand her every dish cobra with "spectacles" to enable it. Dairy, M. roils, good to
Ludy in the office had ever troubled delicate. lint 1 ant suite strong."
to read those- long, closely -written "People would," said tho junior said the nurse, with some agitation. myself, And she has to rise and Low. to ward off the attacks of its old choice 150 to 16c
sheets, or, if some inquisitive cleric partner. "especially ladies. They "hoes the daughter object to a re- Shu drinks port, sherry, beer, chluu' e1)euy, the ib'uminny kite. These do large roar Ile to 1 5e
mean you are tau—" he Wail going conciliation?" pugne, anti then smokes a cigar. "spectacles" seem to be restricted to dul
o adiuw . 1:1c to 14e
perused them, h0 said nothing about to say "charming," but pulled line "Ser Strangeways saga. You won't Atter dinner her maid Bites !ter a the Indian species; certainlythey do
the fact. Certainly Nr. Mnrs1►ul! hadStrangeways; and 1 don't think silver burin and her powder box and do tuba, quoit to
never read utero than the signat 1r0s. self up and added "lady -like." Ile like g 1 not occur o1) either of the African choice 1.11c to 151c
Slaving curried out his instructions, %you'd not, have minded how long the he'll like you. But if he makes combs, and she does her hair.
Than cobras. do inferior .... ... 1 2c to 13e
which were definite, Mr. Marshall interview lusted, but other people things unpleasant tell me, and 1'11 I take her to the theatre, and w1) When searching for prey the cobra Clie..90-seetply to firm at Idle to
added each letter as it came to the were waiting, so he had to bring it plot Ins old 01111/11 Fred Alnrshall on eat nuts, oranges and biscuits. glides about easily and quietly, but Ile per pouts) for job lots on track
trundle kept in a drawer of his desk. to an end. his track." CIIINESE FEASTING. once excited he raises his head and a hrrI.
tied the red tope in n lent bow. re- "I'lensu consider yourself my "Pott know Mr. Marshall very well• a The next stage is that I rtccnn- lar�u part of his body HlruighL in
client," he said, as they shook then?" luny her to n Chinese festival at a the air, while the remainder is gull- botatoei+ New are (101 at 17c.
placed the packet, ane! thought no "illi yes; hers a good sort. There's
I 1 90e p :v -Nets are quoted at 80c
more about it. But this was not to hands, "and promise Inc that you ` temple up the river. Atter seeing a Bred brnenth in a coil as a kind of to 9oc per bushel, or $2.50 to $2.75
continue. will always take your lawyer's ad- no humbug about Marshall. if ho is procession of two thousand hoots, support. Itis next warlike move
per x•r barrel.
"• u lawyer." we rat and drink from solid silver melt is to spread out his upper ribs
A day arrived when, having peon- vice_ the head thus By this time they had reached the Baled Huy -Quotations are un -
ed the usual formal acknowledgment dishes and cups, and with gold chop- laterally, extending six or more
mansion, which stood in the centro sticks. There aro 86 courses 1310- inches downward from r'hunged at $7.50 to $7.75 per ton
of a lengthy epistle and signed it for Ii, of the park hetero mentioned.
for No. 1 timothy in car lots on
the firm, his attention was drawn tolieve it it you can) and they include converting his neck into a "Chin,
tho noun, which he lad written Mrs. Pairfnx dwelt at Saxbridge. "As Mrs. Fairfax will always see shark's fin, birds' rests, doves' eggs flattened oval disk four or five inch- track here.
mechanically at least half n score She was not the 'only client of her doctor, I'll take you up to her and other luxuries. We drink native es broad." This is the "hued," Baled raw -Ilett and unchanged
of times before. Messrs. Colne, Valley. and Marshall room and introduce you at once." wi.w and feu. Another houxrbont which is found In the Indian and, in at $5.75 to $a her ton for car lots
"Mays before.
nylnrd?" he rr9rete+l, in that sleepy little town. 'There was he went on. "She expects you, of arrives e►lungside, containing her small degree, on the Kurth Ahicaet on track hero.
•'it would bun coincidence it she another. n rising young doctor and course•" husband and three singing girls, crud cobra, but is entirely wanting in Lho
were the little widow I mot at the "141 school chum of the junior part- They were met at the door by the of whom hu will probably buy as form foanttl in South Africa. Above
Hngleys'. 'St. Anne's (trove, titrei►t- ner's-.1 .Johnston. Two days t sekeeper. a motherly woman, at No. 5. the hood protrudes the head, expec-
ham.' IL was at St.rrntham, 0t after the lawyer's interview with Hight of whom Mrs. l'luro shrank "I ask No. 2 if she is jealous, end tent and held horizontally, facing
course. Wunder if she's the same?
Mrs. Aluylurd he paid a visit to his back. But the thick veil was sutll- she says "No, not a bit.' and asks rho foe.
'Asir (lenity, I should ver ouch like to old Hchuulfellow. tient disguise for the moment. 11te it No. 5 is really pretty in my Probably the average annual num-
"Why, what on earth brings you to "Phis is the aurae," said the doe-, ltd •ment. It is all the queerest mix- her of the cobra's victims in India
Itnott.•• judgment. 1 by the Ogilvie Flour 'Mills Company,
Ingoelled by curiosity, 1)r H(tnMhing Saxbridgre1" exclaimed the doctor, tor. "Ales, Brovfli-\Tea. Clare 1 (urn of morals and manners. Up to taunts which la placed at about l.inuiterl, that they had advanced t.hn
stronger, Mr. Marshall brought out ns Mr. Marshall entered the surgery. hope you will get on well together." now wo have not even mentioned twenty thousand. would be very prier Ie,0 a barrel to g:,.7:, for Royal
"Nothing wrong with 1),y affairs, I "[ am sole we shall," said the busi0OSH, but after about three (much greater if it did not poasras1Ilou,,.hotd and to $.,.40 for tilenora
the packet of Mrs. Alnylord's lottery hope?" nurse. boiling out her hand. But
and read every ono of them. Mrs. Brown did not IAke it. She w„ekH' palavering she will eventually such a nervous temperament, tvhiclmipatent. the Lotto of the Woods Cono-
r Tho were written by a dau •hter "No; I'm having a dny o!T.insure. It is 0 queer business. and often leads the snake to strike at,• {,any it+surrl netters that thele would
( to her mother, craving forgiveness in Thought I would look you up," was glanced, in n Letcllderod manner, ono requires the patience of Job And a moving
object hongbefore it is
1 from the nurse to the doctor; then. 1 nut. udtn$a 1) for and would snore
1 terms that would have melted the. 1)10 reply• a cast-iron digestion."
near enough to tench the object eff00-
rhAl.'H kind of you, and 1'un g1++,1 as if distrusting her ears, unuttered, _'• R:,.30 to $:mile for patents and $5 to
4 he1)rt of n grindstmu•, if it had one. tually, 1hug truatinq a 'urge amount 55.10 for strong bakers.
} "0h, 1)13 mother," one of them ran, to ser you, but for a man who never "It can't be," and led the way up- of venom.
takes n holiday it's not a good :antes. MAN OF THE FUTURE. Millfeed-Jlanitol:a bran in hags,
"i[ 1 could only he A child again.
when a cobra strikes he hisses nu -
It T could only kneel at your fe,•l e(ough excuse."
They found Mrs. Fairfax in bed, tingly and immediately reassumes his fin to $17; shorts, $20 to ;2l per
"1'hnt'a not complimentary to you. and, as the doctor had said, very ill He Will 73e An Earlesa, Noseleas, erect position, and thus he continues tun: Ontario bran, in bilk, $15 to
and feel your kiss o[ fro (50011 on; Hairless Creature.
$lei; shorty, $11► to $20; :noodle, $21
.r my brow, ns 1 used to do in th,• •rack," said the junior partner. "If and very irritable. to ort as long 1)a lunger nunuas if
days that s00nt 1)0 very, very tong you wv,1)'t believe that. I've come to For a young man, 1)r. Johnston , in the prehistoric period, even, a sure at•enue 01 escape 4)00)4 not pre- to $'3'1 per ton. no to quality.
y see you for the sake of the 0141 days, had it good bedside manner. Ile Marts mouth had ceased 11) be nn in- sent itself. The turning from left to Vats -Prices are unduanged at $2.-
j ago! Oh, it you world only Hca Inc• walked gently u , to the old
perhaps ,s you'll credit Incwhen I say K 1lady striiment fur grasping food: It is right, as above, mentioned, (Duerr_ 40 to $2.19j per bag. Cornmeal is
let me tench your hand, I should he 1 Ismuuthed bur pillow, and s moko
so happy! All the world would he that i've collie *0 consult you." 1 still growing, less prehensile, his lutes the so-called "cobra dancing" also gctef at $1.:35 to $1.45 per hag.
so bright. Every night, every morn- "What fur? You're the picture of cheerfully( front teeth are smaller, his lips aro which many base attributed to the flay -No. 1, $9 to $9.25; No. 2,
ing, I pray that. I may be forgiven. health, man. What's the matter "'Phis is better," he said. "We shall thinner and Inas muscular; he has a influence of music, hut which, coin- ;7.75 to $8.15; clover, mixed, S6. -
Mother. do forgive your daughter.•• with you?'•get along all right now. 1 can Nee new organ, a rnnn(1B,l• not of tree- !tined with the appearance of faint- 7:, to 57.25, tend pltre clover, $6.50
Air. Marshall tore the reply he had "A touch of heart trouble, I'm the new medicine is doing you good. I a►cahl,• tissue, but 1)t Lone and )4trel oras and death which these snake, to $13.73 u r ton In car lots.
1 nm s1)glad you suggested a '1
written into very small pieces and afraid.'gg' -a knife and tuck. ''hero is no era- sometimes assume, is properly refer- Ileunv-$1.0;n to $3.(i.i per b1)»}i.•1;
"Stuff need nonsense+•• (bongo."
enure another:- ••No. it's hereditary. My father, "That's 0 iug," Hnid'the invalid, son why things should slop at rho able to the nal ural tactics of defence $1.51) to $1.3.3 in car lots.
•'•.V1lient, We aro instructed by .rest- legibly. "1 Won't. 111)50 n rood fun- Partial art Mein' division thus 1)f- and nttnck, while the "faint i1) Horley -White closer in c b, 1 24e
our client Mrs. Fairfax, to acknmc_ my grand -father, and my 6 Kforded; there ite eters reason. on the simply a temporarily weakened con per Hccli(1n, in •,n• pound :artiness
lodge the receipt 1)t your I.tter, 01.1 grandfulhrr all suffered *from the ern', doctor. Who's the young
Y extract, In 10th. tins, 7r to 73c, in
contrary. to believe my statement dtttun clue to RH extreme nervous
xaMe COMIllnt lt.•e wumnn?" and excitable lis posit'
reconsiderto athat she s,i no rertautt t'• I'he rlickcna! '1'nke off your cont "Thr nurse• A1r. ATnrshnll Hent that sons• cunning exterior mech:►n- d alt inr, tiny, ec to Ojc; buckwheol, r3c
11 the dreini she came to (1otvn, my dent lady -Mrs. Clare." ism will presently masticate and in- to It4c, ns to quality.
at the thew of your marriage. !f, and wnistront1) I'rr►visions-Ilene' Canadian short
hotcever, you will be Ho good as to 1>r. .lolins ton produced his sloth- "'fell her to lift her veil. I tvun; salient,• his dinner, relieve his di P111;14 FOOD.
call at this 001(0 and ask for 11r. oscol"'• 111)11 in five minutes pro- to ser her face. tuiniahing salivary glands sort 10^I h, cut pork, :t2') to $31; light short
Marshall, that gentleman will be pounced his patient. Aa sound n1) a With trembling hane!s the nurse 011(1 at Inst nit ds anisti them. There was ostnhlishevl in Italy cul, $18 11) $19; American (Ht clear
hell. obeyed. I hen, rebut Is not. needed lis,'I some five years ago, by private par- fat hocks, $18 to $18.50; compound
leased to seg o1)." ,rues. 11'hnt use Is there far ester- ties, a1) enterprise called the Italian lard, 7c to 740: Canadian lard. 94c
p Having signeslyit for the firm, the '1'o which the junior partner re- "Clare -rut Inst!" it ens almost a 1
unior partner copied It in his pri- marked: "You would meter make shriek, but not unjuyfnl. nal ears, noir, and brow ridges now? Society of Permanent Chemical Tem- to 14)1e; kettle r'nder.41. 1040 to ile,
vatuletter book and went 00 tcith; your fortune Aa n lawyer, .lack. So ".Mother -dear mother!" (elect the�'I'he two latter once protected the s{uclfon. for the. analysis of food nccurdin} to quality; hams, 110 to
his work. But he could not give his You won't even earn n guinea by nurse, and fell 11n her knees at the' oyu from injury In conflict and In products and otlicial cert Meat ion of 1• le: l:ncpn, 1 2c to 11c; fresh -1 !Berl
mind to it.. The (.'hnncory brief h•• writing n prescription?" bedside. fulls, but in these days wo keep on their purity. the cotnmercinl firm's abet tole. hoes, $9.25 to $9.50, alto,.,
was outlining lacked Interest; h.• "No.'' "(creat (: tten!" muttered the doe- our lets and are at p••nee• Directing subscrdbing to it stamp their tout! $6,50 to $13.75 for tnix,rl lots; trier( 9,
could not get on, 80 he packed up • "VMS well. '!'hen let us talk tor to himself. "'Phis is just like his thoughts in this way, the render pt•eubtcls with Its gunrnnte1, and it $; to $7.13.
his papers and went benne. Ho had 111 t old linuw...
Fred Marshall." 'Then he did a very may presently conjure up n dila, purchaser hos itt any 3into the right Eggs -St raight stock, lac to 104c;
never dune such a thing before, and Seeing that those ole' days were thoughtful thing. Ile hurried to the strange vision of the latter day face: to request fret• an analysts 1)r any No. 9 I le.
as he missed through the outer ofnce, passed 1101113 miles from Saxhridge, telegraph (Alice and wired to the' "EyeIH
's large, lustrous, •antlful, mond- sample he may Henri in. The enter- Butter -(choice. creamery, 20e In
_y7 remarking that. 11e was not. return- it was remarkable 111115 quickly the lawyer:"Better take another day fill; above them, no longer es•parntr4 prise has obtained the ndhereuve of 23)4c: under -grades, 1 9$c to 2114•;
inti. there was much !ging of el- gossips got Lurk there, and how off. i think you will be want ed." I by rugged brow ridges, Is the lop of a very considerable number of the dairy. 1 51 to 160.
bows nnnon •s the clerks and ninny, soon the Junior part ev r ascertained The junior partner (ought tho next the head, it glistening, hairless do nt', 1 -est huuww, and controls food par- (-hectic-Ontario. 9;c to 1(k•, 1)r 1
whispers of "What's up'!" I that. I►r. Johnston's most profitable express, taking with hie the in- telete and loss tet no craggy Hove pn•rnt' to the number of 500 dif- Quebec, 93e to !►,r.
Punctually at 11.30 next morning patient was a Mrs Fairfax., Who wins sIrurtion8 his firm had received nevi rises 10 disturb by its unmeaning feremt kinds.
the junior partner wits in his place very 111, worrying herself into the all Aka. Clare Alnylord's pathetic' shadows the sytntetry of that calm �� BUFFALO 31AItICI•:I'ti.
Always well groomed. he W1144 part - grave owing to the undutiful conduct letters. llo reached iaxbridge. in1fare. no vestigial ears project; the itutTulu, .lily 11.-Flu+rr steady.
rulnriy so on this occasion. At ten of her daughter, who had married, good time to turn the writer of the, nmootlt is a small, perfectly roun:l 1V111' SOMI•: 1'EOI'3.F FAIL. Wheat -Spring firm: No. 1 Northern,
o'clock the commissionaire brought against her wish and now refused to; Instructions, 33 r. Strangeways, out 1 aperture, toothless and gumless. jaw- a 1 .11: %Vint, r. Nu. 'l red. $1.1►a.
in a card. ' be r'•conrlded. Innd he been allowed "f the house. aIle to add a (elicit to testi.unaninal, no futile 0 tions The failure of most people is owing (.cernyellow,.nger; No. 2 yellow, 601c;"Mrs. Mnylord, sir, to see you. Its t' + to think about it, the doctor Mrs. l'airfax's �•i11. which !,e had disturbing its rnrn'Iless net it lies, to the fart that they Zook too high
No. 2 euro, 5111(. (lute -Dull but
appointment. she says." (night. also Iutve considered it re also brought. 'I'1$• codicil was 001n- like thu harvest moon or the evening end too far away from their chants•s.
"Dust a chair and show the Indy markable that his friend should have prchensivc. 1t revoked everything:star, in the wide firmament face." They forget that the gr1•:uest thin;;. 11111; No. '2 white, 1)74; No. 1 mixed,
in," said Mr. Mitrshull. been so deeply interested In that that wen:befo.e it. s a a roses they trample the daisies wok r rr,•ights--Slemly. Such is fhe face the professor ba are' the enmities( In hunting for :'•n' Iff0-,►1)'L Ne. 1. 78c. Canal
One glanre at the slight figure nmu
¢ure in moist tu•rat(ve patient as to pre--
holds in Iho future. __
deep itlo,lmints was enough. She wit .4 %eel the subject fromdropping by, A couple of months later Ars. Mar- (;t •se parallel rnndificaIions their fest. They are blind to the
the little widow he had met at the asking question atternt
question, uil;shnll asked her husband a question. will also a1TN1 the body and limbs. chances and blessings near IHca+a'' I.I1'1: STOCK MARKT 114.
hagl'y»'. The recognition was he finally learned that the duct ur� "When 1 cat 11,s1 to »,x• you at your .•l:vrry day so ninny hoary conn oto they aro looking 1)o fur away 1"r I'oronfo, July 11.-'I h' following is
was seeking n nurse for her. Atr, (Alice you soil you were very, very .them. i•:terylh1ng dep,•n'la 115 11n•
mutual. Rmuch energy nvr required for e'igry the ruu,;e of qu0lnL:oris:
"1'o have tart before," she said, ns 3tnrshnll was also greatly int e -ell. ( glad that 1 did not love 310 tial: it grotto forfil,}Il}, n carntl power of the hind to sir ofipo,r•In1 Extort cattle, choice .$1 1)4)
she look the newly -Ousted (buil he in Airs 1'nirhlx's heir, Mr. '1'hrnn •e- Strnngrwuys and »u could not marry tics, It Is the pluck and det,•rnuna $ 5 15
k let har v, seises on nowt num after 1'1)., nlcfliuHl d 75 1 !►0
hn(1 placed for her. "1 did not know ways, d • rrihed by Lhu doctor as "n, lin What were you thinking 'mf!" ,linner� 'Phis May And ran b0 nvoiol- lion to lay held 4 f 1t and wring trop+ 1'1)., bolds ... 3 50 8 75
you were Mr. Marshall of this firm." had lot " but so attentive to hi- ' "Oh, 1 was just looking ahead,' it eters possibility that we lo, k
ed. Alan's knowledge of organic Ib., Ilght. :t un 3 50
"You See 1 nut -Alfred Marshall of Hunt that he called every nlurnit+s. said the junior partner. "If you had rather than the chan,• of getting to t 50
i -Icy witU ns 'lolly. Already ito., cows :t l'1)►00
the stony-hearted 511111 of l'ulne, 1'.+l- \fuer that iufurnMti(1n had leets obeyed ��un' mother, you 15ouldn t h• can supplement the gastric glands the top u( life's ladder. Butchers', picked . . I 73 4 Hi
ley, need Alarshnll. Believe rue, 1 ehc11.91 the Lawyer changed the sun,-; have 10•,01 a widow then and 105 t v III tilupp devices. Every ry ductur .—♦ 110., choice 1 7e+ 1 75
news felt (Hholued of I before. 1 j,•ct, went hark to old days, nod n••, wife now." -London Tit- (lits. 1th„ ,t,ltninisler•, physic implies that u o., n ole&, 1 '++0 4 :,0
asked you to call, Airs. lloylord-" Maims! there or thereat is until it ♦ th,• I:o lt)l fu+;rtions lav be ntlthat I31.A('h Ct\INV,
Do., c,utllt/on :I r,1) 4 90
"Nus my mother forgiven inr'" was time to leave. Then,(1and not I 1N1►TA'`I 1111(1(1A'riOti. ally superseded. We have pepsin. A ss rattle ph.•nru„ n n has leen I., . c'o.1s, choice :I 50 1 25
she interrupted, the pretty Cue until then, he gave n little infer I , gastric a••id-
(fghting up will n .511151,• which the 11(111 himself, 1 A great irrigation project involt•- I1) 1)011' ..3 urtir.rial 4150 5)! 4 i, ,', n11, in Ih•• 0411 region'1101 Ito., hull•. 2 5I) :3 i0
1 know e,+f what like mixt ores. Who, aho+;t l'o,rr, in Ihr Swiss canton or red0,s, Shu: r 1' . 1 30 4 75
junior partner thought ndornhlr.
"oh, by the way," he said, •"vo+n• iug an expenditure of about $25, then. should not the lon:nch be (I-
"1 hope she will," he answered. "i patient, Mrs. Fairfax, is n client of 1(144 alt ► bus been Authorised by rho s p the (:risen». l h • wide stretch 1)l ('o., nN d,uln 1 3:r 4 GO
asked you to roll his -nose I wished ours. i know the very nurse for
Secret ars. of Steal for Indio. 'l'Lo tin+ntel,v Su(rrrnnn(nlyd alloielhe•r' snow has suehlevlly bleu transformed 5'o., lir ht 1 "0 4 2.i
"A teen who c,+,.1,1 not only leave into a Inst. sweep of jet black. 'Ilii» 1 11., I.111 IS " 14 3 U
to show y(1u se 1 thug couple
ill); her. et
1 �s011ddy 11herr down?" r sense of the word. area n,nunand,•el by ('les canals nithou ih ,
his dinner t 1 he roo..e d, but film is owing to the x+01(1 11 fulling inset) Nf or kers. choir•,. :t ,u 1 1N1
the packet he took out n c Ito ofI nhout (i,l:►0 s•Iueue nu te.t•:r it to ho evu.5,,at41) and
digest• th, rou1)try of enornous swarms of titorlres, e(1nur.(n :! :,1)1 }; (►0
1 ( rd, ttotlJ have to t o o n ,e 911:1)11 flock fn+rt, without wings.
Est ort ewes, per co t. :t -se :3 !►0
Those are the instructions upon' ( "It t 't 1 t i 1 f f 1 c n0 Cut prutid,41 with two lung legs that 1'(1., 1,uc!•s :l n0 :1 25
which We hove been acting for about vr1) hal b (ter Irl' her the old girl { tl it I •rtnutt0d lhlt
three ye•nrs. V'ou ser they are sign -
n w t (
permit him to wove like it /Crass-
sheep. 1 er ewf. :t *it) :l '25
ed "Letitia Fairfax.' is that your rlbntcd calmest. a (t { ►srtonle•'•e and .' n, n bhp{;e:'. I h, r , towels fall in such Spring lambs ....
'1 30 1'. 25
thor's bonitoriting?" SttrnnKewav•I knout Umut 1 M r,ndnnq i( ' i t f 1h future forms
clouds lhc•t the profile of the (3rlsons (•1elves, cwt. :S 31 (; tit)
Airs. Afaylord rose involuntarily; call them "lane11 snow." 1'0., each 2 nil lU 1)0
the papers fell from her trembling 1 F1 t 'logs, .r Isis a 40
handy. t„ 1011 hen unvthinq "' ���•r�
"No -net!" she exclaimed. 'Ih 1 'I w I it.rr Is Httic4) th• t ry X11 1)l (old 1 1'Iv INntrhinR Young Wife -"I don't s e why we he., lights and fats 6 IS
cant K• 1 A penin rook. 1 have ad-
v ler
t i
"'That's wh} I'm ashamed 11f this doctor convinced that his (ltend'sl "Sorrow (1f ('h n.1) 11)r nt Lha last
(Iron, not excluding the junior part; hereditnry affection of the heart '5,la century it has ,h.n.el its (stirs,*
vertis'•'I lot o,.1 daily for more thah
ase," said Mr. llurshall, picking up all 11onsenc0, the lawyer tiny very well twenty-two times. and n,tv fo :v two wee:,s.' 11Il'hnnd--"Advert ise
tb,• Id Vers,
sat isms' with the result of his visit . hit o the ova tluous h .1 1• o+:t:1 ;toil f for a Knfnl-lorm'cin� our, my dour, and
••Ibul why --what does It :neon?" Seeing that he hod journeyed to Sax- milt's distant from Ihtt of 100 year•+ you'll ha:•• a do•en appliran,v ►.0-
' rho( we ought to have suspected bridge to call on tivt'ry doctor in ago. fort you 1.unw wh,11',, you are."
Montreal, July 11. -No. 2 white
oats sold at. 50c, and No. :4 white
49c a bushel.
Fluor -Following the announcement
,n H•rs and bonded them to her. I wish you would, said the floc- only a small pout of it. will I lea I. i 1 •hunt
or. a 1 she y 11 rend o yours. e,,1 for a nUlmb,r u %.:u s h h, ..
% r %' n this nren s e. n••ev over Irl, foo I ditn•stn+; ('13,115
is very hard to please." 1 u :3 000 a unre 11111)4. will 1.0 Ir- I his is. 1.1 le" ern In•I yo•t herr, the
"1'11 do that . l'on needn't let -• '
( c w•or ng out u , '
ant body." ♦ of thin;s from the data of the pre-
- Not
rei"Not i. Don't like him well ,'Hough {, SOltltl►1V Oi ('11,1NA, mn .
They shook hands and parte,', the a 'e. o e 'e o
the hors f...1) -"Tents to tee, mister,
flint Ain't a very bit( pi ee 0' meet
for Such nn animal." Attendant-
-1e laity ceeitt 11'4r a small 15,•ce o
meat 1:1 yeh• e):t'a1)1, hrrt it's big
enough fur the lion.
You enet't A30'nys tell whether 01)
man 14 •0 attentive to his wife 1pe-
ca'+se he lot, •. her so much or is
afraid of her.