HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-13, Page 51
Q zetex ;lavorate,
published e, ery Thursday Morriug at the Oro e.
—By the—
Rae Dollar per annum if paid in advance, e1.110
if not eo paid.
11.I'wrtSsiat 76at•s ors .A.pp]Sca•
No paper die ontinuea until all arrearage, are `raid
Advertisements without ippeelaed directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly
Liberal diecouut made for transeirut advertisements
inserted for long periods. Etery description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate raters. Cheques. money orders, Ac., Inc
advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be mule payable
Sanders & Creech,
Professional Cards.
A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. s., D. D. 8.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Uniteriet.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any but effects
Office in Fausou'e Block, west side Main street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Mao Poet
Graduate of Chicago S.•hool of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Atluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an•
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
BROWN, Winchelsea Livened Auctioneer
Li• for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
aleo for the township of Ueborne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
et Poet Office Winchelsea.
this county and adjoining territories, to repre•
Bert and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary t3.5,) per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct
from headquarters. Botswana buggy furnished when
neeeseasv; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., k CO., Dept. 6, Morion Bldg., Chicago, ill.
pElg7qls leek of Caga9a
capital Paid Up 6,000,000
Rest & Undivided Profits 3.218,959
Interest at most favorable current rates from date
teposited allowed ors Savings Bank account, and De•
posit Receipts.
Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available In
China, Japan and other foreign countries.
Travelling Letter+ of Credit ix ural to travellers lo
all parts of the world,
A general Ranking business transacted.
. F. IIEBDEN, suer or Itaascnas S Cnlar I::SP.CTO■
W. H. ('IIISHOLM, Manager.
At Exeter and Centralia
Cure For The Blues
Health Fully Restored add the Joy of
Life Regained
When&cheerful, brave, light-hearted
woman is suddenly plunged into that
perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is
a sad picture. It is usually this way :
She has been feeling "out of sorts'
for some time; head has ached and
back also; has slept poorly, been quite
nervous, and nearly fainted once or
twice; head dizzy, and heart -beats very
fast ; then that bearing -down feeling,
and during her menstrual period she is
exceedingly despondent. Nothing
pleases her. Her doctor says: "Cheer
up: you have dyspepsia; you will be
all right soon."
But she doesn't get " all right," and
hope vanishes; then come the brood-
ing, morbid, melancholy, everlasting
Don't wait until your sufferings have
driven you to despair, with your nerves
all shattered and your courage gone,
but take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege-
table Compound. See what it did for
Madame Josephine Rinville, Mastai,
Que. She writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—
" I suffered for four years with female
troubles-in1isrnmatton of the stomach and
fallopian tubee which caused me violent pain
and often torture eu much so that I coukf not
walk at times and attend to my daily duties.
Life was misery to we. 1 was so blue and de-
spondent I did not know which way to turn
for relief. I had tried the doctors but they
did nut help me. I was advised to try Lydia
E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound so I
bought a bottle. I am glad that I did so,
far I am well and strong to -day and the
world looks bright, for I have perfect health,
thanks to your medicine."
If you have some derangement of
the female organism write Mrs.
Plnkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice.
Wood's Ph
The (ircut I..'nutish Remedy.
A positive cure for all forme of
Sexual Weakness, Mental and
saroasa-ro Arran Erain Worry.Emissions, Sperm
matorr)oea, Impotency Ectie of Abuso or
Excess, all of which tend to Consumption.
Infirmity, Insanity and an early grave. Prioe
pkg.. per by forf• One will please, six will
care. Solddruggists or mailed in plain
package on receipt of price. Write for1'amyhler.
The Wood Medlcin• Co.. Windsor, Ontario.
In dead earnest for tradeand
the volume of it that comes
our way is proof that our
Goods, Prices and Methods are
We will endeavor to interest
Now ready for use the best Von in Pianos and Sewing
Machines. In new Instruments
Cement and Lime, we sell Canada's i)est makes,
and will make the Prices and
terms very attractive.
A few special bargains in
second-hand Pianos, Organs
the lowest and Sewing Machines that are
bound to suit you. Call and
See lis.
Jos. Cobbledick I S. MARTIN & S O N
That money can buy, also
for Everybody at
'Hair Rene
VbII' sot mop , ` 1 . your hair? At this foe you whl sons
be without any halrt tot remember that HalPs Hair Renewer
fallin hair and mates half row. rn►'7!'IeiA:L. KIEL"
2. r t K t ; '( • i' ,(
K K , . 1\ It E �1
if Too Inherited se eeatraetsd tally Blood Diatom* you are never We unless the
virus or poison Ass bee& eradlc ted from the system. At time. you see alarming
symptoms, but Bre in hopes no serious results w111 follow. Hay. you any of the
following symptoms! Sore throat, ulcers on the !rogue nr to the mouth, hair fail-
ing out, aching pains. Itc1ilnee• of the akin, sores or blotches on the Daly, eyes
red and smart, dyspeptic stomach, aesual weakness—enlarged giants. Don't trust
to leek. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment -mercury, potash and
patent medicine., which .0 res. the symptoms for • time only to break out a`aln
when happy In domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment nn you spur NEW
METHOD TREATMENT le guaranteed to curs you. ot•R GUARANTEES ARE
BACKED IIT HANK BONDS that the Blood or Skln disease will never return.
Thousands of patient, have bees already cured by our NI -W METHOD TREAT. f
not •Tfor over /0 'batch up" but years, positive cure Tb. the
cues tioticltedrlmen4 no W. 11. Damao. NO NAME, USED WITHOUT WRITTEN OOP$INT. W, II. Perrassos
Before rr.atment
Tao New frothed Treatment Cured Hirt
atter Drags. Mercury. trot Springs.
•e., all rolled.
Wm. TT. Patterson, of Saginaw. Mlch., re.
late, tis experience: •1 do not :site notoriety
and e•pecial.y of this kind, but 1 fe.l 1 o s•
this much to Drs. K. & K. for the great good
they have done me. 1 had a serious brood aro
ease when a years of arse. The akin and blood
symptom! eradual:y developed. Pimples and
ulcers formed, running sons broke out, halt
became loose, pains In the bones and IAnt., Atte, Treatment
dysreptic a:omach, foul 1ieeth, Itchy skin, etc. Pt I. reedlese for me to say 1
tried doctors. 1 grew to hate the 1•>,)ka of one 1 vl.aed 11ot St rings twice for
four months each time. It helped me temporary, but in ,.s months after returning
home i was a. OA a ever. Finally • Doctor friend of mine • 1vise4 nee to err
Drs. Kennedy A Kergan. i1. paid he hal known cf them for over I year., and
as they made a .McialIy of' hem dIsea!es and treated the worst caws by the hun-
dred they ought to be re:•rt Ir curing thm 1 tv•-s efre1,1 of advertl.:ng dnetore.
but 1 took his advice. T'ey agreed to treat me under • guarantee or no pay, )
tvesriat•1 resit' flcanclat tanning and tweet th•y wore rerfe�tly responsible, so
1 commenced the new met' - d Treatment. The eruptions disappeared In two weeks,
the bone pains In four w'eks and In f,ur m.•n,hs 1 was entirely cured. Tee,
err, 1 can recommend the New M•tho•1 Treatment for Blood and Skin Diseases."
Consultation Free. Beeks Free. If unable to can, write Mr a Question Blank
for It me Treatment
�, ►�( K K K K K K ,• K
News of the Week. Doctors Left Forceps in Body.
Five miners were killed by a dyna-
mite explosion in Pennsylvania.
Lightning struck and injured ten
people in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.
Fred Felson was run ()Ver by it train
near Milton and probably- fatally in-
Victor Barnes. aged seven years.
was drowned at Cayuga while playing
on a raft.
By an explosion in a mine near ('at•ditf
Wales. it 1s expected that ISO teen
here killed.
Over twenty thousand people ttttt'ud-
ed t he great Liberal picnic at 1.tnitlun,
Out,. on Saturday.
Bishop :11cl:vay of Loudon laid the
corner -stupe of a $20,O0) Catholic
church at Stratford.
H. C. Wright's box factory and
planing trill were destroyed by fire at
Tine nd,tle. Loss $6,000.
The improvements to be mode at
fort Stanley harbor will make it one
of the best on Lake Erie.
Auditor -General McDougall has sent
in his resignation, with a 1-egllt'st for
increased superannuation.
Fred Brothers, aged ten years, was
shot through the head by a companion
at Strathroy and fatally injured.
It is stated that the Conservatives
will protest ll !tan's and Smith's
elections in London and North Oxford.
Messrs. W. A. E. Moyer and H. W.
Dillon have purchased The St. Cath.
arines Journal from Mr, E. J. Love-
Mr. Arthur Johnston, a victim of
the London street car accident. has
developed erysipelas and may not re -
Freddie Simons, eight and a half
years of age, was drowned whileswim-
ming in the Don. The body was re-
The United States Government will
prosecute practically all the railway
companies for neglect of cattle itt
It is announced that the Hon. Geo.
W. Boss, ex -premier of Ontario, may
become Governor of one of the new
The Chicago Record -Herald reports
36 deaths and 1,677 people injured as a
result of Independence Day celebra-
tions in 150 cities.
Jose h Pautacey, half-breed, son of
Chief 1�'ttnacey of Fort William. jump-
ed overboard from a boat and drown-
ed in sight of his parents,
Lurti Roberts in the British douse
of Lords said that the life of the em-
pire depended upon the reorganiza-
tion of army methods.
Not ma Twigg, aged seven veal s, of
Kingston, saved a 1itth' boy named
Staley from drowning by holding him
up with her ptuttsol till help crone.
How's This?
'Wt' offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CH ENEY & CO., Toledo, 0,
have kr
n F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be.
Neve him perfectly honorable in all ,
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm,
\V. t.1nNo, ICINN.tN & M.tnt•lN,
\N'holesale Druggists, 'Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the glutei
anti MUCOUS Sill•fitCes of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents]
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's family I'ills for constiptt-
I'he Provincial Government have
appointed }lock. Adam Beck, London,
P. NV. Ellis, Toronto, and George Pat-
terson. M.P.P. for South Water loo, to
constitute the electrical power com-
lieepeler, July 11,—The physicians
who ate believed to be responsible for
the death of Mrs. Adam Meyer, Ger-
man Mills, by leaving a pair of forceps
in her body after an eperat100 in Ber-
lin hospital, are said to be offering
large suets of money it) an effort to
hush the matter.
Feeling in this section runs high.
While actual threats have not been
made, even those not acquainted with
the family continent angrily, and with
caustic point upon the carelessness
which caused 31rs. .\levers three years
of agony which was out explained un-
til tt week ago.
.les. 1leyet• underwent an operation
three years ago fo] tumor and she
was believed to have recovered, until
she began to complain of intense pain
in the region of the abdomen. It With
only last Wednesday that resort was
muds to the X rays, which discovered
the presence of a pair of forceps, five
incite: in length. Another operation
was performed to remove the forceps,
but Iles. Meyer died Saturday.
St. Joseph's New Industry.
MI. N. M. ('satin's [[perseverance
with regard to St. Jostsph, on lake
Huron, is about to he rewarded if the
following report is true: -One of the
largest and most substantial of Canada
brick, terra-cotta and tile plaints hut•,
been bought by Buffalo investors.
Oliver H. Cabana, Ir., the well-known
business peau, and Phos. Lannen, one
of Buffalo's hest -known contractors,
have secured extensive interests in St.
Joseph, a thriving little Canadian
town. After the recent big fire that
swept Toronto the scarcity of bricks
made building a difficult matter. As a
consequence bricks were imported
front the States, a heavy duty paid on
them. and prices jumped from $7 and
$f± a thousand to $14. While brick
wete scarce in Toronto, ,11r. Cabana
and Mr. LanneI took a trip to St.
Joseph and there bought up what is
considered one of the finest clay depos-
its in that country. An extensive
plant has Leen installed for the man-
ufacture of bricks and drain tile, and
it is proposed to manufacture terra-
cotta in the near future. Extensive
deposits of aluminum have been found
in the clay there, and the little town
is rapidly growing. The investment
of foreign capital has giten great im-
petus to the place, and it now boasts
the fact that it has the only factory in
Canada that ntanrifacttitt's pipes used
in some of the finest pipe organs on
the continent. An hotel has been
'milt at a cost of $150,000 and will be
opened as a stnutuet reset t. Althoagh
ten miles from the railroad, an electric
bus carr des passengers to St. Joseph
through the finest gulden country in
'1 billy -nine men %vete caught in a
mine Fite at Dortmund, Ptussitt. and
were killed.
How It Affect. Thera.
AnAlpineguide w
�lho has had man
years' experience in mountaineering
thus describes the behavior of differ-
ent nationalities when they get to the
top of a peak.
A Oerman, he Bays, as soon as he ar-
rives at the top wants to know the ex-
act height of the mountain he Is on and
Of every peak around him.
A Frenchman goes Into raptures over
the wildness of the scenery and the
beauties of nature and sometimes ac -
companies his remark's by an attempt
to embrace his guide.
The Englishman, when he has "done"
his peak, plunges his Ice ax into the
snow, looks around him and Wen says,
"I say, open the baskets and let's have
something to eat."
The severs -year-old son of Mr. Grace, Leagih of the Law,
barber, of Mt. Catharines, was drown- The phrase "the length of the law"
ed by falling into the St. Paul street • es Its origin to the enormous length
race -way. Beatrice Fowler, of I'ett•o• Of soII]e of the parchment roll. upon
lea, of about the sante age, fell into an which the ancient statutes of Great
old water hole and was drowned. $rltain were Inscribed. The present
in Parliament -Hon, W. S. Field. day o®cial title of We "master of the
ing's budget speech was one of the rolls" Is a reminder of this ancient cue -
shortest on record. Very few changes tom. Som. faint ides of the bulk of
in the tariff were announced. A plan the English records may be obtained
to enlist the aid of the hanks in col- from the fact that a single statute, the
Iecting United States silver money land tax commissioners act, passed
and shipping it back to the Hautes was
i V the first year of the reign of George
IV., measures when unrolled upward
of 000 feet:
~rafter Ili: \While fishing at the
Maitland 00 Monday. Oscar, youngest
son of Mr..1. H. Reid, had the rids -
As Ibsen Theory.
Good tea must be grown
under proper
LO damp or swampy lands in a warns, humid
climate produce tea of rank, rapid growth,
coarse in texture, woody fibred, rudely flavored
makes a cup heavy, murky in color, roug-h-ta,ti:i:-_
--it is pi)or tea.
But the Indian and Ceylon tea.i used to make
the Red Rose brand are grown on the high lands
of India and the mountain sides of Ceylon.
These teas are grown in clear dry sunshine,
they mature slowly, the leaves of the Ceylon teas
are tender, delicate, finely flavored, but not strong.
The Indian teas thus grown are full bodied,
richly flavored, smooth in texture, strong.
Such Indian and Ceylon teas combined in Red
Rose Tea produce a cup of a rich rosy brown, strong
and stnooth—all the richness and strength of Indian,
all the delicacy and fragrance of Ceylon teas --that
" rich, fruity flavor " which belongs alone to Red
Tea—more qualities of tea excellence than any
Indian or brand of Ceylon alone can possess.
Red Ros
e T. H. Estabroolis
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
is good Tea
The 12 -year-old son of George Win -1 A young Englishman named }3rid-
} ofLondon,atNew Hain -
hisKpttom broke both of dlebank was drowned t Ht m
his al -me ae the result f falling from a j burg, and F. Johnston wits drowned
cherry tree. I at Macleod, N.',V.T., while bathing.
Queenston Cement
Don't be misled by statements of agents handling
cement paying large Commission. Go yourself and
see Queenston walls and (loots but in your own
locality. Our 'tarrel contains as many cubic inches
ns any other cement, and as cement is gauged by
measure, not by weight, your cement will go as far.
Write us for information. Freight rates and es-
timates cheerfully given. 70 cents per barre), strict-
ly cash, f. 0. I). cars, Queenston. Go in with your
neighbor and get benefit of carload rates.
dot tune to have a fish hook from ;m-
In one of the published letters of '
other boy's line caught in his lower Ibsen he says that while be was writ -
lip and it required the services of a' ins one of his plays he had on his desk
4 ,tot to have it removed. , an empty ale glass with a ecorptou la
Seaforth: While operating a print. it. Now and thou the animal would
ing press in the News oMce Wednes- j grow sick, and the author would throw
day F. t rnpleby had the misfortune to { a plece of soft fruit to it, whereupon
gest hi'. left hand caught as the press the scorpion would fall upon the food
wasclosing up, with the result that I furiously, empty Its poison into It and
the index finger was severely jammed then get well again. "Is it not a good
and the nail torn Uterefmnt' ' deal like this with urs poets?" Ibseal
continues. "Nature's laws apply In the
dotnain of the spirit also,"
Nit. Carmel: The death occurred
here on Jnne 30, of Angus Mcinh re,
aged 66 years. 13 has been a resident
of this district for about 35 years, and
holy( s a wife and two children --Annie
anti Malcolm both at home. The fun-
eral took place on Monday.
iia }•fleld: Rev. Mr. Snell spent a
few trays in Clinton Last week, his wife the word "maiden": "Ida, a maiden; 1
being ah inmate at the hospital. He mean man named Ned Dean, and Jfe•
left Thursday for his new field of labor dla, a mad dame, made me mend a die
,11 Marthtat•ille, near Petroleos Mrs. skirl Clime and mind a mine In a dim
Snell will join him shot fly. Before den in Maine."
leaving Bayfield the Ladies' Aid pre•'
sealed Mi 4. Snell with a pnrs.e con-
taining $25 ,and members of the church '
game her to handsome set of knives ami
A Laws Sentence •ft Sl& Letters.
Here Is a sentence of thirty-two
Words which some Ingenious person bail
constructed of the six letters found In
Grand Bend
!Atom. - As a rule ministers
nr►ke frequent changes in the field of '
Libor, lied not so with Het. S. A. Cor-
riere, the beloved p tstoi of the Gr',i,nI
Bend and Corbett Pre -:byte: i.ut chill ch-
em. In a few weeks Mr. (' it•riere will
have been nn t his circuit t went y -t hree
t'eat's. Yes. a ling time. indeed, hit
if there is one who would not swish
Bev. farrier, 10 stay forever, tie has
riot yet been heard from. Bev. ('ar-
t sere is 'imbedded the right man in Oesett P.w.re,
tit" right place, rind tete prosperity of Miss R'Itherspoun-Do you believe,
the work on his field. has indeed been Mr..Tlm.by, that there le In us a sixth
re'm:irkable, Many 'riptide will join sense as yet developed -perhaps oev•
in wishing that many years may vet undeveloped-perhaps
Jiweby - Yes,
chosen wotk in this district. Loam, horse sense!
f'asey--"1.1. hard luck about Kearney.
01 hear he Karl to have his leg cut off
he'chmno the ankle nn' the )(nee. Cas-
sidy -.\v, the docthcrs decided that to
save the whole leg they'd have to cut
off part of It
So Much For "Imam's.
Papa 1 hear „'u were n bad girl to-
day and bad to he whipped. Small
Daughter -Mantilla Is awful strict. if
I'd 'a' known she used to be a school•
teacher I'd 'a' told you not to marry
Itc'+p.tted Mr. ('.airier.' to early on his e
to be developed/
Had Galloping Consumption
Twelve Years Ago—Lives To -day Through
Using Psychine.
"it is twelve years ago since Psychine cured m•
of galloping consumption. i caught the cold work-
ing as fireman on the C.P.R. The doctors said there
was no hope for me. 1 had Night Sweats, Chills and
Fever, and frequently coughed pieces of my lungs.
I was fast sinking away. was advised to try P,rchine
and two months treatment put me right en my feet
again. !late had no return of long trouble since
Peychme saved me. To -day i work on my farm near
here. 1 am six feet tall and weigh over 1;3 pounds.
Use my testimonial and photo if you so desire.-
esire.•Aug. 2711., '04. A, g, MUMIORD.
P$YOHINC is pronounced 81 -KEEN.
For sale by all druge.sts at Si.00 per t •,t, • . For
further advice or information write or call at In. T. A.
Slocum, Limited, t» King St. West, Torente, (•actJa,