HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-13, Page 3WTI/ter WOMEN SUFFER. PERSONAL POINTERS.
At All Ages They Need Rich, Pure Interesting Gossip About
Blood to Secure Health and Prominent People.
Happinosr, The habits of no other 'unfurl -eh
A wieenn nes-de medicine more than are more simple than these of the
t_ man. iter organism is More cont- J Kira; of the Belgians. His Majesty
plex, he; system more delicate. ]ler I rises at six o'citck, and works for
health is disturbed regularly in the , a couple of hours before breakfast. a
course of nature. 11 anything hal}- !meal which consists of coarse, dry
pens to interfere with that natural
course, she goes through unspe•ak•-
'uble suffering. In fact the health of
every function and the happiness of
bread, tea, and an ai.ple. The ntorre-
iug is !pent in the ti'amnaet100 of
State business. luncheon is of
homely fare. The King usually
every moment of a woman's life ilc- drinks filtered water, rarely wine.
peters upon the richness and the re- Ile takes outdoor exercise in the
pularity of her blood supply. That afternoon. Dinner is a plain meal,
is the simple scientific reason why for the King is fond of 'Ample joints.
I)r. Vile/tins' Pink l'ills aro worth
Ettore than their weight in gold to
twuuten of all ages from fifteen to
fifty. These pills actually make the
rich, red blood that brings health
and happiness and freedom from
pain to ewer, woman. Mrs. Neil
Ferguson, Ashfield, N. S., says: "In
Justice to you, and in -the hope that
what I say may benefit other buffer-
ing women, I take pleasure in stat-
ing that I have touts(' wonderful
hrmefit Doul the use. of Dr. Williams'
Pink, ('ills. When 1 began using the
pills I With so badly run down ' that
I could scarcely go about; at times
1 suffered eery much and felt that
life was a burden. 'Thanks to Dr.
Williams' Pink l'ills, 1 can now say
I am er.joytng better health than I
ever expected to have again, and I
can most heartily recommend these
pills to other suffering women."
hr. Williams' Pink, fills cured Mrs.
Ferguson because they filled her
veins with the rich, pure blood so
necessary to the health and happi-
ness of every human being. It is for
this reason that these pills always
cure such troubles as anaemia, neu-
ralgia. heart trouble, indigestion.
rheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitus
dance. paralysis. kidney and liver
trotihh.s, and the special ailments of
growing girls and women of middle
age. You can get these pills from
any dealer in medicine, but you
should be careful to see that the full
name, "I)r. Williams' Pink fills for
Pale People," is on the wrapper
around each box. It you wish you
call get the pills by mail at 50 cents
It box or six boxes for *2.50 by
vritingTlie 1)r. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
As the liner cleared the heads and
the heavy swell of the open Atlantic
became noticeable, dinner was served.
The twenty-six places at the cap-
tains table were filled, says Puck;
and as the soup appeared, the cap-
tain addressed his table companions.
"I trust that all twenty-five of you
will have a pleasant trip," he said,
"and that this little assemblage of
twenty-four will reach port much
benefited by the voyage. I look up-
on the twenty-two smiling faces as a
father upon his family. for I ant re-
sponsible fur the lives of this group
of nineteen. I hope all fourteen of
you will enjoy the trip. t believe
wo seven fellow passengers are ad-
mirably suited to each other, and I
nl'i laud the judgment which chose
from the passenger list these three
persons for my table. You and i,
my dear sir, are— liege, itewnrd,
brine nn my fish and clear away
these (lichee."
A particle of gold weighing one 1-
25,000,000 of a grain is readily dis-
cernible to the eye. A grain of
gold can bo beaten out so that it
mill cover a space of 8)) inches. (;old
wire so line can lin drawn that it
will take 500 feet to weigh one
grain. It ran be beaten into leaves
of 1-280,000 of an inch in thickness.
A mother cannot watch her little
ones tt:o carefully during the hot
weather. 'Dysentery, diarrhoea,
cholera IufanUum, and disorders of
the stc•mach are alarmingly frequent
during the summer Inunthe, and un-
Ics-+ the mother has nl Mord an ef-
tiricnt remedy to check and cure the
trouble a little life may go almost
before you realize the ease is seri-
ous. At the first sign of any of
thesis niliiu'nls the also mother will
Ki.e her little one Itaby's Own Tab-
lets, which promptly cure till hot
ncalf hm•r ailments Mrs. John Lan-
caster. North Portal, N. W. '1'.. says:
"My baby was attacked with diar-
rhoea and vomiting. 1 at once gave
Itnhy's Own Tablets and the next
'ley she was an well ae ever. i ant
never without fire '1'nl.lets in the
house as i find they nee the only
medicine it little one tweets." Other
wire mothers will follow Mrs. Lan-
cnste'r's O'nnipb' and feep the '1'at-
lets pietism at imnd—their prompt
use Hint' sate a little life. Sold by
nil medicine dealer re or sent by trail
et 25 cents a box by writing the
Dr. Williams' Mealeine Co., lirock-
v i;Ie, Ont.
1'u1•:rI :11KKC'i:.M.
Ifos'slnfr—i don't object so much
tri 1't nny kissing her dog, but T pre-
refer her to kion me before and not
alt er.
'Ail' ins—i know; but dent you
*reduce the dog has his preference,
T)ie c-1 seo that a I;nrglar woe ar-
restee) lost night anti two clocks
were tolrnd on hie person.
Ned—Welt. probably if he hadn't
inken so much time the police
(wo'lldn't have caught hint.
Mrs. 1'nrvennn (Arranging the new
h„alae)—"it's no use. Richard, your
study would look vulgar in red or
green. I rend that a greet society
order WAS recently found• in a brown
study --so you must be up to date,
Anti pave a brown stiely tool”
lttr. Washington Duke, head of the
Brent American Tobacco Company,
who has just died in his eighty-fifth
year. had a long and adventurous
career. Originally a planter in one
of the Southern States, he fours()
himself ruined by the American (Civil
44'ar. lie then determined to go In-
to the tobacco business, and his son,
Mr. J. 11. Duke, has many a tale to
tell of the rigid economy then prac-
tised in the firm. Mr. Duke was
reputed a millionaire several times
over, and drew a salary of $100,000
a year as president of the tobacco
Lady Berry has just been appointed
registrar of births and deaths in
South Melbourne. She is the widow
of the late Sir Graham Merry, who
was twice Premier of Victoria and
who for six years was the Agent -
General for that Colony in London.
Sir Graham, who befell the battle of
life as an apprentice in a Chesea
draper's shop, was heavily hit in the
Australian banking collapse of a de-
cade ago, and during the closing
years of hin life enjoyed a political
pension of *2,500 a year. An un-
successful effort was made to con-
tinue the pension to his widow. Iter
new appointment is worth about
$750 per annum.
The German Emperor has among
his other treasures several seals
whihh he values very highly. One,
which is enormous, was a present
from the Czar, and consists of a
fine tofaz nearly 5 inches thick and
quite 6 inches across. It is engraved
with the czar, and consists of a
crown of Prussia, and is said to be
worth something like 81,500. Of
course', it is much too large for any-
thing but very exceptional occas-
ions, and the one used officially Is
of lapis lazuli, also engraved with
the German eagle and the initially
"W. I. R." For private correspond-
ence the Kaiser uses another one.
a very handsome red and white
The Earl of Leicester has practi-
cally all his life been a notable ex-
ample of the good results of the
simple life, that is; not that counter-
feit of which self -approving votaries
write to the papers. ifere is a arae
whom any fine day, when he is well,
you may meet in the fields in a well-
wornnuit. He will be on foot with
his gun over his shoulder, anti no
array of beaters about him. Or If it
he iii nch-time, look for him under a
hedge; he will be there, munching
bread and cheese anal onion, washed
down by a draught of beer brewed in
his own house. He was born nearly
eighty-three years ago, and has been
twice married. Ills first child was
born when he was twenty-two; his
cightcet,.th when he was seventy-one.
The. Duke of St. Altnns. as here-
ditary ('rand Falconer of England,
has the right of providing falcons for
the King's uw', but So far the duties
connected with this office have not.
troubled him. In the time sI. the
Stuarts falconry was n favorite
iloyal pastime on Ninth sides of the
Channel. but now few people affect
"hawking" as it sport, though the
Duchess of Marlboroukh—almost the
only well-known owner of falcons.—
had formerly an Idea of reviving the
ancient pastime at Blenheim. An-
other privilege possessed by the
Duke of St. Albans is that of driv-
ing down Rotten (low on the uccax-
ion of the Coronation of it Sover-
eign. n right which he Shares with
iloyalty, the importance of which is
renli•rerl when it is remembered that
Rotten Row 114 really the Kine"; wny.
and that 11 has never been a public
The Quern of Denmark once paid
n visit to the Danish colony of Ice-
land where the good old Write') ex-
erted himself to the almost to show
her everything that was worth stet -
Ing. 9)ie Queen paid ninny cunipli-
Inents to her host, end. having
learned that lie 111)14 n family man.
gen ' sl} inquired how many chil-
dren he had. It happens that the
Danish word far "children" be al-
most identicnl In sound with the
icelon(111 word for "sheep": ro the
worthy Iiiehop—whose knowledge of
Danish was not no complete an it
might have keen—umderstoe,el lien
\lajesty to ask how many !•heap he
owned, and promptly answered:--
' 1'wt hundred." "Two hurslr'd
children!" cried the Queen astound-
ed. "(tow can you t nisiih' nmin-
Inln Ruch a nisnher?" "Easily
ennelgh please your Minjeety." re-
II.e.l the prelate, with a cheerful
soil "In the summer i turn them
out upon the hills to grnsee. and
when winter comes 1 kill and c.tt
Made by Cures Like that of Simon
V. Landry—He Tells About it
River liourgnis, Richmond Co., C.
11.—July 3.—(Special).—Among the
many men in this part of Canada
whom Dodd's Kidney fills have re-
lieved of aches and pains and weak-
ness and made strong and able to do
a good day's work is Mr. Sinton V.
Landry. Mr. Landry has numerous
friends here who can vouch for the
story he tells of his cure.
"I was bothered for over a year,"
he says, "with lame back, weak
legs, palpitation of the heart, gen-
eral weakness and shortness of
breath; in fact I could not work and
was a total wreck.
"I could not get anything to help
me till I tried Dodd's Kidney ('ills.
liut they dill me good and no mis-
take. I used three boxes and I'm
back at work again."
It is tho cures they make that
make Dodd's Kidney Pills so popu-
lar. 'Their popularity has grown
steadily for thirteen years. It must
bo well founded.
"I would go with you to the
end of the earth," he asserted pas-
"Not with mc, you wouldn't," elle
replied coldly.
"Why not?" he demanded.
"For two reasons," she answered.
"One is that I'm not going, and the
other is that there isn't arty." -
When one meets the prosaic new
woman one has to bo careful what
one says
Tester' by Time.—In his justly -cele-
brated Pills Or. Parmelee has given to
the world one of the most unique meur-
cirnes offered to the public in late yearn.
Prepared to meet the want for a pill
which could be taken without nausea.
and that would purge without pain
1t has met all requirements in that di-
rection, and it is in general use not
only beeausu of these two qualities. but
because it is known to possess altera-
tive and curative powers which place
It In the front rank of medicines.
Mother—"Ethel, you naughty child,
what have you been doing to make
Charley cry so?" Ethel—"I've only
been sharing my cod-liver oil with
I ' , dear rutunta. You said it was
so nice."
Kidney search LIghte—Ilave you back-
ache? 1)o you feel drowsy? no your
the loins? (lave you dizziness? have
limbs feel heavy? Have you pains in
you a tired dragging feeling in the re-
gions of the of
tliese Indicate kkidney tioubland en.Saouth
American Kidney Cure is a liquid kid -
specific and works wonderful cures
In most, complicated cases.—Dit
Mr. Lawrence 'Holden, coroner for
Laneastcr and the South Leetsdale
district, England, has just celebrated
the 1.hfeth anniversary of his ap-
po;nl meat to the office. It is an in-
teresting fact that Mr. Holden is the
oldest living coroner, being seventy-
nine years of age, and he is also the
oldest in point of service. Moreover,
ho is said to be the only coroner
who has held office for fifty years.
Miss Thin—"Don't you think my
new dress is just exquisite? They till
say so." Ronnie—"Oh, lovely! 1
think that dressmaker of yours could
snake a clothes -prop look graceful."
Lever's V-% (Wise lien(1) Dlsinfec-
ant Soap Powder dusted in the
beth, softens the water and disin-
Doctor (to pressing creditor)—"if
you must bring your bill every day,
at least you might c with your
heed tied ftp. SO that people would
think you were a patient!"
help your children to grow strong
and rebust by counteracting anything
that ennses Ill beallh. Orn great cause
of disease In children Is woe nes. Ito
move therm with Mother (troves' Worm
} atermlaator. It newer falls.
Covet oneness kills charily.
A good repentance needs no encore.
You cannot hAlc the lusts you
I:sery right thing loved enlarges
the life.
hinmv it homely surd holds a heav-
enly blossom.
1t is easy to be patient with the
wan in the mirror.
Teo creed that is slior(er than a
life is long enough.
You would better damn a roan
(la n despair tit hint.
It takes mire than a white tie to
cover a (lack heart.
1l is always envier to do it big
thin; than it little one.
Education is simply the art of
creatlog environment.
Every time conceit iq puncturisl
character is strengthened.
'1'hc perfume of life comes from the
flowers of afTectton.
Present virtues may do more for a
people thnn pnst t ictories.
You cannel measure the holiness of
others by your own habits.
it minket; tinny a tnnn blush to
look nn hnnent horse in the face.
The right is never found by the
nssertion of your own rights alone.
Some people think to redeem a
haat flay by decanter of heaven at
it fR a pool eern:nn thnt stays
I tv ith n m:nm when he 19 swapping
Caution is the opt nine of the eyes.
suspicion the closing cif the heart.
Mane men nre blaming their luck
oho ought to lay it on their living
Maw prenchers are trying to prove
their love of Gad by their hatred of
A tittle Sunlight Soap will clean
cut glass and other articles until
they shine and sparkle. Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
MicSosls—M' dear, Wye know y'
round me of money.
Mrs. Mc5osh—li.decd', In what sway,
McSos'h—Y-you talk.
Mrs. atcSosli--Well, you remind me
of tnoiiey.
McSosh--Jlowrhat, m' dear?
Mrs. Mesuslt—You're tight.
It attacked with cholera or suiarner
complaint of any kind send at one S r
a bottle of lir. J. 1). Kellogg's ltysol.-
tery Cordial and use it according to
directions. 1t acts with wonder' n n a-
pidity In subduing that dreadfel Pe-
ens* that weakens the strongest man
and that destroys the young and
tato. Those who have used this cholera
medicine say it acts promptly, arid nev-
er falls to effect a thorough cure-
Dobson—"I tell you what, there's
nothing like a bicycle for a man with
n nervous, irritable disposition. My
wife says I'm a much more agreeable
plan than I was before I got a
machine." Jenkins—"Why's that—
because It takes you outdoors so
much?" Dobson—"Not only that;
Taut whenever I feel like blowing
somebody up I go down and blow
up my tyres, and then I feel bet-
You cannot be happy while you have
corns. Then do not delay In getting a
bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It
removes all kinds of conte without
pain. Failure with ft Is unknown.
"What are you crying about, my
dear?" 1 have just been reading the
old love letters you sent me before
we were married." "That's funny;
I was reading thcrn the other day
and they made me laugh."
Rheumatism -- Whatt'o the
Cause ?—Where's the Curo? - Teeneti.oir
ranting uulse of this must painful of
diseases is poisonous uric acid in the
blond. Smith Atnerican Rheumatic
Cure neutralizes the acid poison. Re-
to-lievcs In 0 hours and cures in 1 to 8
days. -114
'TEA because it is tightly sealed in lead packets, not lying about loose
like ordinary hulk teas. BLUE RIBBON is carefully watched from
PLANTATION TO HOME and ple.tses all.
Convalescent husband (first day
ulitr enols) --"nava 1 been very ill,
Wife—"Very, very ill."
husband—"I suppose it will bo
months before I shall be able to get
out again?'
Wife—"Not so long as that, I hope,
dear. But you mustn't talk. Try
and sleep."
Husband (second day after crisis)—
"You t be tired out watching
over ate, dear?"
Wife --"A A little tired; but I nm so
thankful the danger is past."
1lushnntl—"You just wait until I
get out again, and if I don't sur-
prise you with sontethiug my name
is not John Santis. And the doctor,
too. Ile is a wonderful man, to
have brought me round ns he has.
I'll reme►nber hits. I suppose a
couple of weeks from now will see
rue alt right again?"
Wife—"Possibly, dear; but don't
worry about such matters. Let your
mind rest."
husband (third day niter crisis)—
"What does the doctor say about me
44'i(c -"Ile says you're doing splen-
didly, darling."
iInst:and—"Doing splendidly! Does
he call it doing splendidly to lie here
like a log and pick out faces bumf the
paper on the hell?"
Wife --"There, there, don't be un-
reasonable. Everything that is pos-
sible is being done for you."
Husband fourth day after crisis)—
"isn't it about time that idiot of a
doctor was here?"
Wife—"Ho will be here presently."
1Iurbnnd—"Presently! You aro
wars(' than he is. I'm going to the
office next week, anti don't let there
be any mistake about it."
And he did go, and then he went
hack, and stayed there for six weeks
before he could again leave the
Curious That a Tired Preacher
Should Have Such Desire.
A minister speaks' of the curious
cfect of Grape -Nuts food on him and
now it has relit ted him.
"You will doubtless understand
how the suffering with indigestion
with which 1 used to be troubled
made my work an nituost unendur-
able burden, and wily it was that
after my Sabbath duties had been
lee formed, sleep was a stranger to
my pillow till nearly 41113 light.
"i had to be very careful nil to
what i ate, and even with all my
care 1 experience(' poignnnt physical
distress niter moats, rind fay food
never sntisfivel ine.
"Sir nuvtths have elapsed since I
began to use (;rapeNuts food, and
the benefits 1 hate derived frotn it
are very definite. 1 no longer suffer
frotn !miner etion. ii 1 1 began to
improve from the time Grape -Note
Appeared on our Ingle. 1 fend that
1)3' eating a dish of it after my Sab-
bath work is done. (and I always do
so now) 111y nerves are quieted aud
rest nod refreshing sleep are ensured
me. I feel that I could not possibly (lo
without Grape -Nuts food, now that
1 know its value. It is invariably
on our table—wc feel that we need
it to complete the meal—and our
children will ant Grape -Nuts when
th.'y cannot be persuaded to touch
anything else." Name given by Pole
tum Co., Pattie Creek, Mich.
There's n reason.
?lead Ih•• famous little book, "The
Road to 44cllveille," in sacb pkg.
Dainty—Delicious--Attractive to the Eye
and satisfying to the appetite
Libby's (1lavor)1 Food Products
Ox Tongue. Potted Chicken. Deviled Ham,
Dried Beef. Brisket Beef. Lunch Tongues,
Soups, Corned Beef Hash—all as goc'd as
they are wholesome. Easy to serve
The Booklet, "limn to ]fake Good Thins to Eat" sent free.
Address Libby. McNeill & Libby Chicago
During June, July, August and
September the Chicago and North
Western I{y. will sell from Chicago,
r 1 trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland,
Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se-
o-attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from all points in Canada.
Choice of routes, hest of train ser -
sive, favorable stopovers ,Ind liberal
return limits. hates, folders and
full information can be obtained
from It. 11. Bennett, General Agent.
2 East King St., Toronto. tint. 31
It is very difficult to conceive at
what an enormous distance we are
from the stars. In lecturing on as-
tronomy, Sir Robert Ball has found
it bard.to impress upon his audiences
this fact, so he now asks 1119 listen-
ers to suppose that a railway has
been made from 1A)I1(IoIt to one of
the most remote stars. If only ono
penny per hundred miles were chtt.rg-
ed, the fare would run Into a fabu-
lous sum.
As nn instalment on account of his
ticket, the intending passenger might
commence with taking to the book-
ing -office the whole of the amount of
the National Debt of the United
Kingdom, which, in sovereigns, would
require over live thousand large vans
to carry it. Hut before a third-class
single ticket could be issued the
would-be excursionist would have to
pay a further instalueet of one hun-
dred and three million pounds! Cal-
culating this nnuinnt ut teupence per
thousand miles, one gets a flim 110-
j,ion of how far away 801110 of the
eters are.
It In a Liver Pill.—Many of the a11.
menta that man has to contend with
ha'ro their origin in n disordered liver,
which 1s a delicate organ )particularly
susceptible to the disturbances that
COMMO from ire cgular habits or lack r.
caro In 'sting and drinking. This rte•
counts for the great many liver regu-
lators now pressed on the attention M
sufferers. 01 these there In none super -
for to l'armelec's Vegetable ('ills '!'beer
operation though gentle is effective. and u
the most delicate eau use theta.
"11e," screamed the cross-roads or-
ator, "who puts his hniid to the
plough must not t.tern hack."
"What's lie to do when ho gets to
the end of a fuser?" asked a farts
Removes all bard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses. blood
spavin, curls, splints. ringbone,
sweeney, tome, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, cte. Nave 1150
by use of ono bottle. 11itrrauted the
wast wuudurlil blemish Cure Bee:
Miss Shugger--"What a self-pos-
sessed woman Miss i'nssay is!" Miss
Pepper—"Yes; and I don't think
she'll ever get a chance to dispose
of the property!"
sudden deaths en the Increase
—People nppnenutty 11111 and happy
to -day, to -morrow are striken down,
and In ninety-nine cases out of every
hundred the heart 1s tho cnusc. The
king of heart remedies, 1)r. Agnew,
Cure for the heart, is within reach
of all. 1t relieves in 30 minute!, and
cures most chronic cases. -911
The plains of Hungary are well
ndnptc(1 for the raising of geese, and
trate Iters in that country aro often
entertained by seeing, from passing
trains. grent flocks of gcee0 feeding
in the fields and watched by goose-
oosesherds. So many fenthcr•s are yielded
by these that four "bed -feather mar-
kets" are held annually at Buda-
pest, and at each kat from 000,-
000 to 700,000 po'irnls of bed fea-
thers aro placed on sale.
"Every household ought to
nn encyclopedia," observed the
"1 think so, too," responded Mies
Flutterby, brightly. "'They are so
handy to press crumpled ribbons and
glowers, and letters and things." -
pro -
Protect Your Property
A dry p wrier put up In metal tnbei, p9
b'e Ie.( 1: will Instantly atle;rui'h the
most (Ir,,,, film,' of wool or on. Price 83. CO
e tel,, $30 W doe write I r.1 sviriptire elrralar
The Diamond Dry Petveer fire /VENTS
flame uleherco., Toronto, Ont. MANTED
20 Ayrshire Rills—four to twenty
months old; Ayrshire Females all
ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs.
Apply to IION. W. OWENS,
Monte Bello, Quo.
Fond Mamma—"Charlie, why wero
you reading that book on 'Education
of the Child' last night?" Chnrllo—
"I just wanted to see whether I
have been brought up properly, mam-
rd rather be dead took suffer nen in
the tortures of insomnia, pnll,itntinn
and bervous twitching of my nnuecics
Induced by simple neglect of a little
indigestion." Theo are the for. eful
and warning wants of a Indy nhn pro-
dalms that oar cure by South Ameri-
can Nervine when eipry ltuug else had
failed wan a modern miracle. A few
dotes gives relief --(,
"My rlear," said Mrs. Henpeck,
"I'm positive that our George is
thinking seriously of matrimony."
"Well, I only hope so," returned
Henpeck, with unusual spirit; "1
wouldn't want any buy of mine to
be so unfortunate as to regard It as
a (oke."
A Oenefnrtor to A 1 --The soldier, the
sailor. the fisherman. the miner, the
farmer, the uiaiimanlc, and all who live
Ilves of toil `ffff11 spend their esiat.•nre
In the d,.11 re,uf Me of tedious tasks
and who are eipesed to Injuries and
aliments that those who toil not do not
know, will food in lir Thomas' Erlec-
trlc bit an pxcrllrnt friend and bene-
factor in every time of need.
Mrs. Upmore—"Ilow is your exper-
iment of livid_ in the country suc-
ceeding?" Mrs. Ilyems—"1t isn't
so bad as you might expect. It
costs us more, of course, to hnvo
our butter and fresh vegetables
brought out to us from the city, but
we don't have to etitertnin nearly as
nuich company.,,
Worry wont cure a cough. W I:cn
yeti fitel a cough holding on—
when everything else has failed—
It Is gttaiantee'1 to cure. 11 1!
we'll refund your money.
Prices: S. C. Wet to A Co. tr4
rec. See. gal. I..Pey, N.V., Toronto, Can.
- _!
T N 11 ISaVE NI) 27-0.5