HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-06, Page 5THE
Four Facts For
ezcter gldvotate,
publieh•d e. err Th,relaj )!,ruing at the Otg.•e.
—By the
Tedt1Li (W sl B3C1t11'TWN.
Gas Duller p;r annum if paid in adtauce, el
if not so paid.
idt'.ntL.Ssag Mewto. osa
Sick Women
To Consider
Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
ao Has an Unequalled Record of Cures -
Mrs. fa'nk¢osa's Advice is Confadeal-
3pFJ.ic.- tial, Fres, and always Helpful
No paper ids_ aidinued until all arrearages are paid
Advertisements without epe ified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made tor tranecient advertisements
inserted for Loug periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
Moderate ra:-_a. Cheques, looney orders. &c., for
advertising, e.r!,s:riptioas, et-:., to be trade payable
Sanders &
leefewlensl Card.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S..
Horror graduate of Toronto Univeriaty.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Office in Fortson', Block, wed side Main street,
Honor Graduate ot Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Poet
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable tnention.)
ABuminum, Oold and vulcanite Plates made In the
neatest manner possible. ' A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
OEce one door eouth of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
BROWN, Winchelsea. ficened Auctioneer
8 e for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Uehorne. sates promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Poet Office Winchelsea
this county and adjoining territories. to repre•
meat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary 113.50 per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct
from headquarters. florae and buggy furnished when
necessas5v: position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS.,CO., Dept. 6, Moron Bldg., Chicago, 111.
�crc4agls BaQkot Smola
capital Paid Up - 6,000,000
Rest & Undivided Profits 3,218,959
Interest at most favorable current rate: f r >u: .1 are
depoeited allowed on Savings Banka .ants ac 1 De-
posit Receipts.
Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available In
China, Japan and other foreign rountr:es.
Travelling Letters of Credit issued to tr3:,!lerC ID
all parts of the world,
A general Baukinrr business iransa.'rd.
F. IIEBDEN, S: rr or Ba.tN(axe & CIIn.r itreP.CTOa
3V. S. CHiSIIOI.M, Manager.
At Exeter and Centralia
Now ready for Ilse the best
Cement and Lime
That money can buy, also
for Everybody at the lowest
Jos. Cobbledick
Fi ere -That almost every operation
in our hospitals performed upon women
becomes necessary through neglect of
such symptoms as backache, irregular
sad painful menstruation, leuoorrhtea,
displaoements of the uterus. pain in
the side, burning sensation in the stom-
ach. bearing -down pains, nervousness,
dizziness and sleeplessness.
SecoND.-The medicine that holda
the record for the largest number of
absolute cures of female 1118 is Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It regulates, strengthens and cures
diseases of the female organism as
nothing else can.
For thirty years it baa been helping
women to be strung, curing backache,
nervousness, kiduey troubles. all uter-
ine and ovarian inflammation, weak-
ness and displacements. regulating
menstruation perfectly and overcool-
ing its pains. It has also proved 1
Invaluable in preparing for childbirth
and the change of life.
T1aftD.—The great volume of 131130.
Belted and grateful testimonials on file
at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., many of which are from time to
time publlehed by permission, give ab-
solute evidence of the value of Lydia
E. Pinkham'8 Vegetable Compound sod
Mrs. Pinkham's advice.
Fovlrrn.-Every ailing woman in
Canada is asked to aeeept t�
following invitation. It is free,
bring you health and may save year
Mrs. Pinkhatn's Standing Invitation
toWomen .-Women suffering from any
form of female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink -
ham. at Lynn, Masa. All letters are
received. opened. read and answered
by women only. From symptoms giren,
your trouble may be located and the
quickest and surest way of reoovery
advised. Out of the vast volume of e.z-
perience in treating female ills
Pinkham probably has the very knowl-
edge that will help your case. Surely,
any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish
if she does not take advantage of this
generous offer of Insistence.
Wood's Phooliodins,
The Great En1jt::'h Remedy.
A positive cure for all forms
Sexual tveakneelsa, Mental anti
mirORI AND Alma Erato Worry, Emistrions, Sper.
rnatorrhoea, Impotency EBbete of Abn�.o or
Excess, all of which lead to Consumption,
[natality, Insanity and an early grave. Pilo,
E1 per pkg., g for as. one will please, six wit[
care. Bu by alldrugglete or mailed in plain
package onreceipptofprice.WritetorPamphlet.
Terlfooti Medicine Co.. Wirzs•or, Qaiario.
In dead earnest for tradeand
the volume of it that comes
our way is proof that our
Goods, Prices and Methods are
We will endeavor to interest
you in Pianos and Sewing
Machines. In new Instruments
we sell Canada's best makes,
and will make the Prices and
terms very attractive.
A few special bargains in
second-hand Pianos, Organs
and Sewing Machines that are
bound to suit you. Call and
see 118,
• Act directly on the liver.
They cure constipation,
biliousness, sick -headache.
Sold for 60 years.
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S D Y E
a beaotitbl brows or rich black? Use riser as. a auwatsts •a... aaia.a •.., alae.,. 11.11.
K oc K ti 1( K tr< K K br K K K It G, ' t
No &her 4I••ase Is ao Ores–dont saner men a+ Van 'orefs. A+ 1t tnt.rfere•
with the natrIt,rn of the seen il organs It produc.s weakness, toga of s•m•n through
the urine. Jr: ay of th. Organ:, pains in th• loin., a. EIng In the bark, n••rvnu+nen+
d.epondenry. hashfuln.ss, pa;pl,atlnn of the heart, constipation. ant a eombinatton
of these results In compl.t• I.n44 OP MANHOOD Thousands of young and
middle•ag•d men are trouhl-d al'h STR[CTt'R8. If you have reason to believe
you are afflicted with It, don't n•el•ct It. it will ruin you. Don't let doctors etp•y.
Im.nt on you by rutting• s'r•tching or tearing It. Our MEW MF.'rHOD TREAT-
MENT dissoh-es the Ert."urs tissue hen.e It disappears and can never return.
Wer curt Vara-orel. and Srricture without operation or toss ofafine. The treatment
Tray privately b. taken at horn. S•m1 for our Free tlluatrar.,i Rook on VARI-
Kidneys &Bladder
All r=aunt complaints affect these organ•, hence the Wiley, ares great source
of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of the ba R, tendency to
urinate frequently, deposit In urine, eoldneas of hand, .r 1 .1 a el- sway re..rtng in
the mcrntnr. Don't n•el•ct Tout kidneys. our NEW METHOD TREAT/LENT
Is guaranteed to cure any disease of these organs or no pay.
s- No Names Used Without Written Consent.
0. W. Rowe, et Jackson. Mich.. says: 1 had
vartcocete In the secondary stage and two
s:rlctures of 6 years' sten ling. 1 WAS operated
on twice. un Jersoing great suffering. but only
got temp,rary relief( i was finally advised to
try the NEW IIETi(OD TREATMENT of Dr+.
K. & K. The enlarged veins disappeared In
ea weeks, the stricture tissue was removed In
eight weeks amt my sexual energy and vltstlty
returned so 1 was a man In every resp, -t.
1 recommend you doctors with my whole heart."
shore Treatment. after Treatment
tt'e 1-•'' art care N.rverie D•blltty, Lest Manhood, Vart-o-ele. F'rl•'•:rr, Plrynt
Diseases. tad::.) and Urinary C,ntpiatnts. CuaaWtatioa Free. B.n,ks i'12C, Write
for Question List for Hots. Treatment.
Pf /it K KICK KR.K Kt..K K% -K
K .K
Fruit Crop Report.
Ad%ices received from correspond-
ents since the date of the last report,
(May 27th), show that favourable con-
ditions for fruits of all kinds cont'
on the whole most excellent. Early
fruit buffered in some districts from
trite frosts.
:U'►•Lt.r. -The olooul, on the to hole,
was very heavy. The period of bet-
ting was not yet over when most of
the reports were received from the
Maritime Provinces, lint every indica-
tiuu points to, medium to full crop
except for early varieties. which do
not promise utot'e than :t light crop.
The prospects are for a medintn to
full trop in most sections of °uteric.
Panne, -Indications point to a full
I'iu ia.-There are excellent pros -
(wets for plums in aimost every sec-
t .
Pieseilis.-Allowing for the winter
killing of 1899 and lik1:3 the prospects
for peaches are very promising.
OTHER FRUITS. - Indications are
that cherries and bush fruits will he
an abundant crop in nearly every dis-
trict. Some losses occurred to the
strawberry crop from the late frosts.
SPRAYING.—It is reported in near-
ly every district that more spraying
has been done this year than ever be-
from England report that the tipple
crop there will be a short one.
Finan. who formerly pitched for the
Lucan Irish Nine is pitching good ball
for the American Soo teanl.-Clarence
B. Read left last week for Durhatn
where he has accepted a position at
the Standard Bank. -Miss Daisy Orate
of Victoria Hospital, London, is home
on a visit. -Fred Fox bas gone to New
Ontario, where he will join a survey-
ing party. -Torn Collins, of Winnipeg,
is renewing acquaintances in town. -
Mrs. W. Wadsworth, accompanied by
her daughter, of Winnipeg. Man., is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins, -Misses
Laura, Roberta and Kathleen Fox
have gone on an extended trip 1,
Vancouver, B.C.-Rev. J. E. Holmes,
new pastor of the Methodist church,
preached his first sermons hereon Sutc-
day, which were listened to with rapt
attention, -Irvine Gipson, who fell out
of a window the other night, severely
injuring himself, is getting on as w ell
as Can be expected.
PRESENTATION. -Prior to leaving
for his future charge tit Thamesville
Rev. J. A. Ayearst was presented with
two purses of gold from the Lucan
Masonic Lodge and the member of the
League. The Rifts were accompanied
by flattering addresses. During his
stay among us he bas endeared him-
self to all, especially the young people.
not only in his congregation but in the
village as well. We trust that bis
labors may ever be crowned with suc-
How's ThisP
%Ve offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot he
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CH EN EY & CO., Toledo, 0,
1Ve, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, end be-
lieve hint perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and nlucnuS surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price75 cents
per 1 Ittle, Sold by all druggists.
Tate Hall's family Pills for constipa-
Thos. Stewart, of Colorado, visited
at the home of his uncle. Mr. Peter
Stewart, of the 3rd concession. -Jos.
Dttyrna's, of Manitoba, is on a visit to
his parents. Mr. John Day -man. His
sister -In-law, Mrs. John i)ayman, of
Whitewood, Man., accompanied hint.
iii nnn.-ruckersmith again loses
one of her fairest da.i ghtet•s and thit-
her( is the gainer. We refer to Mr.
Michael 1% illianis' daughter, Miss
Mary, who gave her heart orad hand
to Mi. Joseph Waters, at prosperous
and highly esteemed young fernier of
Hibbert. The young people drove to
St. James' church, Se'nforth, where
the ceremony took place. the swine be-
ing performed by the Rev. 1'. Corcoran,
on Wednesday. The bride, who was
attired in a neat and becoming cos-
tume, was assisted by her sister, Miss
Maggie, while theroom was support-
ed by his cousin, Mr. Hugh Durkin, of
Stratford. A large number of young
people wit [teemed the interesting cere-
mony,which was enlivened by several
instrumental and vocal selections by
the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Waters have
taken up their residence on the Wa-
ters homestead about a mile and a
half south of Dublin. We predict for
the young people at life of peace and
1IcGillivray Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, at Town Hall, McGillivray, June
20th. Present:. J. McGregor, Reeve:
.1. Robinson, W. T. Liens, W. Maw -
son, and B. F. Marr, Councillors.
Minutes of last meeting read, approved
of and signed. lilens-Robinson-that
B -iaaty No. 7 ot 1903 to raise the sum
of $300 for the purpose of renovating
school house section No. 11, as read a
first and second time be now read a
third time and passed -Carried. Maw- s
soil -('lens -that accounts amounting e1
to $5022.10 be paid. Robinson--Maaw• T
son --that this council adjourn to meet i
on Monday the 7th day of August at
one ti cltx:k p. n1. --Carried.
%VM. FRASKR. Clerk.
Lambton M. P. Dead. { .
Ottawa, July 4. --Dr. T. G. Johnston.
Liberal member for West Luria(' in
the House of l'oalrnuns, passed away
easily this morning after an illness of
a mouth's duration. Eryeipelue, the
result of a cold contracted while
travelling in the ears from Aylmer to
Ottawa, was the immediate cause of
his death. Yesterday the doctors ex-
pressed some hope of Dr. Johnston's
recovery, but during the night he
suffered a relapse that ended fatally.
Goderich Elevator Burned.
Goderich, July 3.--(Special►--Near-
ly at quarter million barbels of wheat,
at smoking, blackened heap, and the
immense elevator of the Goderich Ele-
vator & Transit Company reduced to
twisted iron and ashes, tell the story
of one of the most disastrous fires that
has ever occurred in Godericb. The
lire broke out at noon to -day. It
originated in the lower part of the
elevator, and before being discovered
had practical eentt•ol of tate grain
storehouse. A stiff wind from the
tette ensured complete possession for
the flee fiend. The elevator had a
capacity for nearly three-quarters of at
million bushels of grain, and contain-
ed '&1.000 bushels. It was all of the
No. 1 hard variety and was rated at
$1.09 per bushel in elevator. The loss
in grata will be $240,890. The build-
ing was of wood. with metal sheeting.
It cost $100,000, and there is an insur-
ance upon it of over $100,000.
Stephen Council
The Council of the Township of Step-
hen convened in the Town Hall, Cred-
iton, on Monday, July 3, 1905, at 1 p.
tn. All present. ,1linutes of previous
meeting read and adopted. Anderson
-Yearly-that Samuel Brown be ap-
pointed Treasurer in the place of Chas.
Brown, deceased. Finkbeiner-ns a n
atnendment that Gotlleib Brown be
appointed Treasurer. No seconder.
The motion was declared carried.
F inkbeinet'- Vebb-that James Hod-
gins be appointed caretaker of the
Town Hall -Carried. Anderson -Year-
ly -that By -Laws No. 9 and 10 of 1903
to appoint Treasurer and Caretaker,
having been read the thud time be
passed, and signed by the Reeve and
Clerk. -Carried. Tho following orders
were granted: -J. Hays, tile, 80c.; J.
K. Klump , culvert and counuissioner
$0.50; H. Doyle, auditing. $4; J. Brok-
enshire, do.. $4: Do., Cumtnissioner,
$2.50; J. Madden, do., $2.50; R. Essery,
do., $2.80; J. Sweitzer, do., $10; F. Mc-
Keever. gravel, $11; G. Orange do.,
$8.10; J. Ziler, do., $2; J. Doyle, gravel
contract $10; W. B. Geiser, do., $14.40;
H.I.. Kraft, do., $20; N. Baker, do.,
$1.20; J. Ziler, do., $19,50; C. Fahner,
do., $1; M. Leary, do., $40.20; J. Law-
son, concrete culvert $5.50; %V. Picker-
ing, do., $0; G. Mawhinney. putting in
concrete tile, $8; P. Krauft, concrete
tile, $01; W. Pickering, do., $11.75; S.
Mcbachein, rep. bridge. $3; J. Devine,
do., 81.60; Geo. Hartle, do., $2.50; J. 0.
Wein, piles and gravel, $2.50; J. Bro-
phey, drawing plank, $8; Exec, of
Chas Brown, deceased, 0 months sal-
ary as Treasurer, $15; Do.. as Caretak-
er, $10; C. Prouty, gratuity, $25; C.
WValper, others, work at Port Blake,
810.50; J. Motz, rep. culvert, 75c.; D.
Farmer, do.. $1; It. Hicks, do., $3.50;
E. Short, do., $2.50; T. Oliver, do., 50c:
W. Eagleson, do.. $1.50; A. Warner.
do., $1; J. Smith. do., $6; J. Carroll,
tile across road, $11; J. 1Villert, bury-
ing sheep, 50c.; J. Barry, ditch under
swam, 87; J. Querin, concrete tile, $3;
IL,Stanley, work on Saubte bridge 75c.
Council adjourned to meet again in
the Town all. Crediton, on Monday
August 7th.
11. Silber, Township clerk,
Quite a number from here took in
the picnic at the mountain on July 1st
and report a good time. -Rev. Mr.
Cranston is recovering from the effects
of his recent accident. While assist-
ing at a barn raising a brace fell down
striking hint in the face. Although
semewhat disfigured he was not ser-
iously hart -Picnics are the order of
the day, -Miss Susie McLaren has Miss
Stuart, of Mitchell, as her guest. -Mr.
Hugh Wright, who some time ago got
a piece of steel in his eye and was ob-
liged to quit work, has resumed work
at the foundary, Hensall.--Mrs. Cous-
ins, of Detroit, is on a visit to friends
here. -Miss Jennie Botley, while com-
ing in contact with agate had the mis•
fortune to lose some of her tooth. --
Miss Mary Currie, who has been sof-
feting from a severe attack of pneu-
monia, is showing some signs of lttt-
prot•enleuts.--Miss Maggie McKaig,
who has not been enjoying yery good
health, left last week for the We8t in
the hope that the change will benefit
her. Mrs. G. Miller and Andrew and
Mrs. E. Drake have also gone out
Mrs. T. N. Forsythe and sister, Mrs.
Andrew Bell, left, last week on a two
months' trip to Manitoba and the
Northwest. Wo wish them a pleasant
and profitable visit. -Wm. Dinsdale,
of Parkhill, visited his brother, Thos.
last week. -Mrs. Henry, of near Lon-
don, and her sister. Mrs. Weyhrett, of
Port Huron, were visitors at the home
of their brother, Alex. McMurtr'ie,
during the week. -The people of the
Methodist church have erected a new
fence around the church property. -
Wm. Tragtiair, who resides west of
here, has been prostrated by an at
tack of paralysis, but we are pleased
to state that he is mending. -Mrs.
Herbert Hoag, accompanied by her
on, of Grand Falls, Montana. is here
n a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
. Mcelymont. Mrs. Hoag hes been
n ill health for some time and we
trust that she will soon be restored to
her former health.
Miss 5. Galloway, teacher in S.S.
N. 8, is now enjoying her well-earned
holidays at her home itt H,arri'lon.-
Jatnes finder, an old Hibbert boy,
who is now engeged in the grocery
business at Sotlth fiend, 1Vashington
State, is visiting his parents at Mitch-
ell and friends in this vicinity.-Con-
gratelateine are being extended to Mr.
Joseph Waters, who on Wednesday
w•ta united in m trri:tge to Miss Mary
Willietns, of Ttaakersinitb,
1Ic011lir.'rayj -'`r—
Strawberry socials are the order of
the day. -Farmers have commenced
haying in this vicinity.-Roht. Paton
sports a new robber tire buggy, -Thos.
Belts and fancily, former residents of
McGillivray, have moved to Craik.
Acsa.-Mrs. 1Vrn. Culbert is under-
going treattncnt at London for a cat+►•
ract in one of her eyes. -The remains
of the late Mn. Waller Thompson, of
the 7th concession, who passed *way
et Watford on June23th, were interred
at Parkhill Tuesday.
Red Rose
Te a
Because of the care in Selection and Blending.
My agents in the east are expert tea tasters, and
every lot of tea that is sent down from the Gardens has
to pass their inspection. They take samples from the
chests and carefully taste them, then if the tea 6 fully
up to the Red Rose standard, it is accepted and shipped;
if not it is rejected.
The most important test of all, however, is when the
tea arrives here, as during the passage through the Red
Sea, the very great heat often affects the Tea very seri-
ously. Immediately on arrival, samples are taken from
each lot and subjected to the most rigid tests, and only
those teas which have retained all their original flavor
and strength are used fur Red Rose (the balance is
jobbed off in bulk) .
When blended and ready to be put into sealed pack-
ages, it is tested again just to make sure no mistake has
been made in the blending; nothing is left to chance.
Will you test ns by ordering a package ?
T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B.
The Ottawa Parliament will prob-Russia and Japan have appointed
ably close about August 1st. + their peace plenipotentitiaries.
sAta��4.A.atk ili..A..aaas. ilaaasalawslas.+ikai..A. Mal
The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age.
What does Oxy donor do? It gives the hodan affinity for OXYGEN, and makes it a1,.orb
nature's revitalizing force--oxygen-through every pore Disease simply cannot stay in the
system that is surchar,ted with oxygen. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Fever, Indigestion, Ineone
ria and all disease simply vanish before oxygen -and Oxydonor gives the body oxygen. Read
what those who have used it say.
Col, R. B. Hamilton, Provir.••ial Board of Health Registrar General's Office, Toronto, ('an..
writes, August 3Ist, 1901, "My experience with Oxydonor has been most satisfactory in es cry
respe•t. Personally 1 can vouch for ite efficiency in acute cases, such as la gripe and sea ere
strain. in both instances its action being remarkably quick, and the results agreeable and
For more chronibi affections, such as neuralgia and rheumatism, my wife has experieneed
very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor far many times Rs weight in
Send us your name and address and we will and you our booklet "T" fully explaining the
workings of this wonderful instrument.
61 Fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2268 St.Catheriue St., Montreal.
Queenston Cement
Don't he misled by statements of agents handling
cement paying large Commission. Go yourself and
see Queenston walls and floors but in your own
locality. Our '.arrel contains as many cubic inches
as tiny other cement, and as cement is gauged by
measure, not by weight, your cement will go as far.
Write ns for inform:►tion. Freight rates and es-
titnate, cheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, strict-
ly cash, f. o. b. cars, Queenston. Go in with your
neighbor and get benefit of carload rates.
There is nothing else in the
whole world that will bring
back the color to the cheek,
restore the dormant energies, revive drooping spirits, or
put new life into the tired, listless, weakened systema as
as PSvcnrNE" will do it. There is really only one great
tonic, and that is a' Psvclftr•E." Combining all the pro-
perties that make rich, pure blood, bringing back the lost
appetite, driving away melancholy, creating new strength.
Arnprior, Ont., Sept. 16th, 190;.
Dr. Slocum, Limited s
"It'+ twenty years or more since i used PSVCHI 4E, and i write these word*
not to gain publicity, hut that suffering and ailing humanity may learn of its great
merits, i had felt weak and mos:-rable for a long time; had no appetite, or
couldn't obtain proper sleep. Was unah:e to work or enjoy life. People said 1
was so old my constitution was breaking up, but, fortunately, through using the
Dr. Slocum remedies I have proven this false. i'SV'i 1(L\ E is the only remedy 1
ever took that agreed with my stomach, which was exceedingly weak. Twenty
years have passed since my recovery, and I am now eighty-nine yearn old, and so
strong and well that 1 work ail summer in my gard.'n.
The Dr. T. A. Slocum, limited, - 119 Kine Street West, Toronto