HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-06, Page 3WORK -WORN LIEN. tan Ootain New Health and Strew Through Dr. Wil - heals' Pink Pills. Mr. Edgard Martel, Y8 St. Peter street, Quebec, is une of tho thou- sands of workingmen threughuut Canada who cheerfully admit that WARWAGEDONBIGSCALE THIS VETERAN GIVES REASONS HISTORIC ARMIES AND BAT- TLES OUTCLASSED. Mors Than 140 Miles of Telephone and Telegraph At Liao -Yang. they are kept in health and strength l•cen,.,,rninv the ]tattle of 11Tukde n, through the use of Dr. Williams' fink i Major -GPI). ATuga,eku Re..Let/ant chief him,PillMr. a reporter who intcrviewe4 of the heudquurters wall in 'Tokio, hour, filamen Rooh healthZio Itiasts bete made some intrnv.ting stater condition of my couu'usls, strikingly with what it was nine mentor in a speech mule before the mouths, ago. 'Then 1 felt that I was Oriental Association. utmost at death's door, while now 1 The increasing magnitude of tho am strong and well. This happy I forces that face each other was change is entirely due to I)r. 11i1- pointed out by hien. Thus, in the hams' fink Pills. I ant a working- Franco -Austrian War of 1809, the man, and it is little wonder that armies on both sides totalled 238, - after years of diligent toil my sys- °°°; in the campaign of 1812 there tern was gradually run down. My were 250,000 engaged, and in 1866 blood got as thin as water, and I Prussia and Austria marshaled 430, - grew so poorly that -the least exer•- 000 of all ranks. tion would leave mo weak and trent- The Battle of Liao-Yantc saw 460,- bling. I consulted a doctor, who 000 in the fighting lines; the Rattle said that I was run down through of the : haho, 580,000, and the hard work, but his medicine did not. Ilattle of Mukdcn 850,000. help mo any. A few weeks later I IIALF A MiLLION JAPS, was forced to quit work, and short- ]lfaj,)r-Gen. Nagaoka did not ex- ly after that had to remain in bed plain (he proeesNea of his calculation, work of the limo. One day a fellow but inasrnudh as the Russians at w workman called to see me, and in- Mukdcn are not the to have duced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink fills Before the second box was finished I had a better appetite and relished. my meals, and with this calve new strength. In a few weeks I was able to go out again, and in about six weeks from the time I be- gan using the pills I was ahie to re- turn o-turn to work, my health completely restored amd my strength as vigor- ous as ever it had been. I attribute my complete recovery entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink fills, and I think every hard working than would be better for using a box of these pills occasionally. Mr. Martel's advice shoul(:be taken by every workingman. The only way to have health and strength is to keep the blood rich and pure, and the only way to get rich, strength producing blood is through the use of Dr. Williams' I'lnk fills, because they actually make new blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make tired, Worn out men and women vigorous and strong. Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • NOT INTENDED FOR USE. There aro some things which no matt can ever learn, no matter how intelligent and earliest a student he may be. "My dear, you look perfectly dis- couraged," said little Mrs. Nash's most intimate friend. "What is the matter?" "I am perfectly discouraged," said Ws. Nash, tearfully. "You know that foot -rest with the handsome em- broidered top that I gave George for Christmas? Well, I've noticed it had begun to look almost a little shabby, and i couldn't imagine why, for it Statute away from the windows and I've token great caro of It. And when I cause down earlier than usual from putting Janey to bed, last night, what do you suppose I saw?" The friend shook her heed hope- lessly. "I found," said Mrs. Nash, with bitterness, "that George Nash had s taken that footstool out into the center of the room, near his Morris chair and had put his feet—with his boots on, too—right on it!" ------.— DANGEROUS DIARRHOEA. Prevalent in Sumpter Months — What a Mother Should Do. Children are more likely to be nt- tacked by diarrhoea during the sum- mer months then nt any other sea- son. It is one of the most danger- ous symptoms of illness in it child of any age. llut it should be remem- bered that diarrhoea Is a symptom, not a (unease. Never try to stop diarrhoea, because it Is an effort of nature to cleanse the howele and get rid of the decayed food -stuffs in therm. Diarrhoea is hall --but things would be worse for the child if diar- rhoea didn't, conte. While n mother should never try to stop diarrhoea, she ((horrid stop the cause. Diarrhoea is a femme OM of indlgeetion having set up dmrny in the food that Is in the bowel:. nod the way to cure it Is .to denture' the Iitt1' tender rowel: with i'atty's Own Tal,l,•ts. It would ac'rnt strange to treat diarrhoea with n laxatite, If we didn't remm,,,Iwr the cause of it. !loth diarrhoen.and ronstieution are the results of irttll- gest' rerunning different forms. and both are Vire(' by i'n!i%'s flan Tab- lets. Itut the 'rnblet; are more than n stere laxative. alley are absolutely e specific fur all tit minor ills that Ilene to infants nn l ,uung children. whether a new-born I tele or n boy or girl ten or to elle years. Here's s a shit r f proof. Mrs. taro. McGregor. Tlnnrilton, 1)nt., sats—"Wh n em- balm was teething he had dritiel Oen, nett t Pry CrOss end did nut sleep well. 1 gate him lathy's Own Trite lets. rind (here WWI no more trotd,le. 1 n•,w nlwa%q give hint the 'Tablets %then he has any little nilreeot, and h • is soon better." At this Ronson ore neither should be without Baby's (tett 'Tablets in the honer. You can i:tt there nt merit( ine dealer; or by n•nil at 25 rents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 11ro, kt We. Ont. So (IARi•:1.ESS of 11111. Joseph ?.f. Stoddart, ahose nc- qunintnttce n g ntilhors and ar- tists extends over two hemispheres and halt it century of activity, tells ibis story of a meeting with Edgar Salute, novelist and art, in London n trw months ago. "1 had just nr- freed in Loudon from i,iverpool, and nag hurrying down !'Tent street, wit f came face to face with Sal- t us. " said Mr. Stoddart "ile drawled an inquiry ns to where 1 ani burning from. and 1 remarked that 1 was just over from New York. " 'Aral 1— I'm hist going back,' re - keine # Rat .us,, '1 forgot my YM - Wile,' Ai WHY HE PINS HIS FAITH TO DCDD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Worn Out With Chronic Kidney Disease — The Great Canadian Kidney Remedy Banished His Pains. Acedia Siding, Kent Co., N: B., June 26—(Special).—Calixto Richard, J. 1'., one of the most highly re- spected t,spected men in this part of the court, try, has Joined the great army of those who pin their faith to Dodd's Kidney Pills. As usual Mr. Richard has good reasons for what he dotes and he states them as follows: "1 have been troubled with Kidney Disearo for forty years and the re- sult was 1 found myself a worn out inan at aeventy-two. But after using two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills I find alt my pains a're gone and I can employ all my days with the best results. I cannot let the mustered more than 380,000, it opportunity pass of letting the would appear from tho stntr,neflt of public know the great good Dodd's this eminent authority that the leidn y Pills have done ale." Japanese emits aggregated 476,000. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all rheu- Another noteworthy point is the manic pains by removing the cause— duration of present-day combats. It used to be predicted by military ex- perts that arms of precision and other deadly instruments turnishod by modern science must have the ef- fect of shortening fights. The opposite seems to he the case. Thus tho fight of Wagram in 1809 lasted 14 hours; that. of 1812 at Borodino, 121 hours; that of 1813 nt I,eipsig, three days, and that on the Lisaine three days. But the fighting at Liao -Yang went on for eight clave; that on the Shaho for five days, and that at Mukdcn for fourteen days. Everything is on a scale of increas- ed magnitude. At Liao -Yang the Japanese had more than 140 miler) of telephone and telegraph in opera- tion. MILLIONS OF LETTERS. In the war with China, a few years ago, the number of letters sent home from troops in the field throughout the whole war was 12,000,000, whereas in the single month of De- cember o-celnber last the men despatched 15,- 284,000 letters to Japan, and re- ceived 14:,567,000. Again, whereas the sums lodged by the troops in the Postal Savings (lank during the campnlgne of 1894- 5 aggregated only (1,600,000 yen ($3,000,000), they totalled 20,000,- 000 yen ($10,000,000) in the pr'uient war up to the end of December last. This war proves, in the opinion of the .Japanese star, that whereas con- trivances of war were expected to minimize the value of the soldier's physique, the letter pos)stt'ss'i; in reality more Importance than ever. SEAWEED AS FOOD. A Most Nutritious of Vegetable Foods. Feaweed is eaten on the constie of Scotland and Ireland in vast quan- tities, and, though unpalatable and flavorless, is nt times the chief food of some of the poorest. When dry it is richer than oatmeal or Indian corn in nitrogenous constituents, aril takes rank among the most nutriti- ous of vegetable foods. 'l'o prepare seaweed for the table it shoeld be steeped in water to get rid of the salt with which it is im- pregnated, anti a little carbon 'e of soda remove» the bitter taste, which to some palates is most disagreeable. It should then be tdovett in milk or water till iluginotts, and is best flavored with vinegar or pepper. Fungi are almost eterywhcre large- ly eaten, though In England less at- tention i» paid to them than they de- serve, and few kinds appear at. table. A curious error is to suppose that fungi are eatable and tondetuola poisonous. No erich line of demnr- ration exists, nor. strictly speaking, hoe the name toadstool tiny precise meenittg. Very honor fungi nre edible, oral the common agnric usually eaten in England Is not the most palatable nml wh •lrsome. Few fonds) are more envoury, and none are greeter favor - ileo, than well -cooked fungi. nn(1 the gouts of vegetarians yearn for them. —Penra( vs it Weekly. • lirown (to Sharpe, who prides him- self mn hi» spelling)—"f bet 1 can Rive you n word you can't spell..' Sharpe (scornfully)—"1 het you can't." Brown—"Very well. now do you retell 'need,' meaning to need bend?" Sharpe—"Foot! K -n -e -a -d, of roersee' ltrown—"N'rnnq." Shnrire—"11'r.enge Meneing to kneed bread. you said, didn't ton?" Brow n 'Vow." +hnrpo — "WeD. il'n k -n -e -n -d, f tell you." 11row•ir—"Not at all. You k -n -e -n -d ,lough, hut you n e -e -d bread. It's n simple word; sorry you couldn't spell it." Said nn Trish justice to n bluster- ing primmer on trial: "We want nothing from you, sir, but silence, and very little of that." iJric acid in the blood. They put vigor and energy in place of the pain. FINED FOR A LAUGH. "Insulting behavior" is a very elas- tic charge in Australia. It may eluding railroad fare, Pullman tour - cover anything from pitch -and -toss ist sleeping cars, all meals in the to man -slaughter. Its latest appli- dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is cation comes from Bendigo. In that $165.50 from Quebec, or 1160.50 golden city, where the late Marquis of Salisbury tried his luck as a dig- ger in 1825, the authorities of a Methodist church decided to suppress juvenile giggling. They introduced a policeman in plain clothes, and he detected a couple of small boys laughing during the evening service. The boys were brought into court on a charge of "insulting behavior," and fined 10s each, plus lis 6d costs. There are very few of us who have not been guilty of this crime at seine period of our lives. LOAFING IS BAD. 11,1100 Reward LZ1LNSZ will be paid by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who :an prove that this soap contains my form of adulteration whatsoever, er contains any injurious chemicals, Ask fir the Octanes Dar. as PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR To California and Lewis Clarke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A personally conducted eecursion to the Pacific coast via tho Grand Trunk Railway System and connect- ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, and Montreal and 'Toronto July 6. Tho route will be via Chicago, thence through Council Bluffs to Omaha, Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops will be made at each of these It:aces and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, otc. From there the party will con- tinuo through the famous scenic route of the Denver and Ilio Grande. through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thenen to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port- land. Oregon, Seattle, Spokane. and home through St. I'aul and Minnea- polis. The trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on the Pacific const. The price for the round trip, in - and from Montreal and $150.00 from Toronto. This first trip is designed as n vacation trip for teachers, al- though many who are not teachers will improve tho opportunity of tat- ing the trip at tho remarkably low price afforded. For full particulars address E. C. 1lowler, General Agent and Conduc- tor, Room 308, Union Station, To- ronto. Pleasant es syrup; nothing equals It as a worm medicine; the name is Mo- ther (orates' Worm Exterminator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. Ilusband—"Well, Madam, you've got your wish—you've married a rich husband." Wife --"No, dear, I've married a rich man, but a poor hus- band." Pains, Like the Poor. Are Always With tis.—That portion of man's lite which Is not made up of pleasure is largely composed of pain, and to he free from pain is a pleasure. Simple remedies aro always the best In treat- ing bodily pain. and a este, aura and etuiple remedy Is Ur. Thomas' 1?clectrie 011. You cannot do wrong in giving it a trial when required. FORTUNE )LADE BY QUACK. Thousands Go to Be Treated By An Ex -Carpenter. Recent legal proceetlines have brought to light the enormous pro- fits being made by a quack doctor named Ausineler, who abandoned the trade of a carpenter for the more lu- crative occupation of trading oat public credulity. Ausnucier, while working at h.s lawful trade, was fascinated by a nctv»l,aper report of a certain quack doctor's profits. He abandoned his carpentry and announced to his fel- low villagers in Kirchganclrrn, near Arenhauser, in South Germany, that an angel had appeared to hint in a vision to tell hint that the divine power of working miracles had been conferred on him. The peasants took him at his word, and cause for treatment. MAKI'.S 115,000 YEARLY. During tho first year of his prac- tiee he took in 11,500. Thi; increas- ed to over $15,000 the second year, anti to $25,000 In the third year. 11Is regular income is now estimated at from 110,000 to 1'10,000 a year. Ausnlrier has now been a quack for five years, and hin practice has attained such dimcissions that a special service of omnibussee has been estnhlls'hrd to convey hie pntl- ents from the station. 'Three new trine have leen built at. Kirrhgan- (hrrn, and are sepported solely by Ausmelcr's patients. 'the quack Is busy from curly morn- ing till rote at night, and generally contrives to trent from len to fifteen patients an hour. Itis fee entire from Si to $2 for each eonalltntien, nervy -ding to the prosperone appear- ance of the patient in queselon. Tltl':A'I'S AL1, I1Is1•:ASI'1V, lie treats both internal and exter- nal (limey. For the former he (109(11 hie pntients with temple. herrn- lees rcrniellio. which for appearance Sake he keeps in labelled rows on a shelf. Nearly every bottle Containt* the some remedy, but. it tears it dif- ferent label and (•nhalietic signs, which creme a deep impression on credulous rat icnts. Torr mxter•nnl complaint 811Is remedy ie n nlit,l form of musenge. whirl] he performs t it h many Wee. GI'.rei 111•:coMill•:N11AT1oNS, One of the tno't curio:is (enterers of his activity amino the past five years Is the fnel Hint a mniority of his patients believe that Goy hnvo (helve(' real benefit from his treat- ment. The result hoe been that they recommend hits to trim's. His fame ae n healer has spree(' nil through (:ern1nv, Austria. nn1 Switeerinne, nn 1 tern to the Pattie and Polish level/raft of Itussin. terrine ear slimmer. Ausmleier tainted terse Polish peasants front Gn'i in nho had ronlc to the district to wort as harvesters. They adter- tised hint 10 w411 at Lome that dur- ing the ensuing nionlhe over 2( it patients jomrnesed 1,000 nines Inoue (:alma to Kirchgnndcrn to have 1Mir' ailments cured by this ex -care pelt. r. Idleness Is a Crime and Spells Deterioration. Experts are in cordial agreement with Sir Oliver Lodge, who, during a recent discussion on the possibil- ity of reconstructing society on a scientitic basin, declared that the idea of people living without work- ing and yet without disgrace was re- sponsible o-sponsihle for touch incompetence and some misery. ler. Bernard Ifollnn-ler, President of the I?nglieh Ethnological Society, formed to »turfy huaunn nature, with the view of solving sociological prob- lems, agreed entirely tvitlt Sir Oliver Lodge. Ifo said: "In my opinion the up- per and the lower clastics in this country do not unix sufficiently. At the American an:1 Continental schools the rich man's son and the poor esnn'S son rub shoulders, and have a splendid erect upon each other. The former learns human sympathy and ninnies:es from the association, and the latter obtains refinement. "Idleness to a crime, inasmuch ns it. has n very writers' erect on the bre..in and the physique. In the low- er classes continual loafing, maker: the man revert to the beast. In the up - ger clnssrs It perverts the character and spells deterioration. Nothing conduces more to bring out bad traits than idleness. "1 nm in complete agreement with Sir Oliver Lodge tthrn he says that the prison and the workhouse system is radically wrong. Personally, 1 believe in criminals helping crimin- ate. in Amrrlra a colony of lads alio had nerved terms of imprison- ment was established with perfect surcees. They have their own police court and rmgulntions, and are tomer- eared by young !ail -binds. That eon only ban established a very high sense of honor." • IN COLONEL'S TOWN. Things Happen. From the home of the famous "Kcyhrlrl heryartah of ('artmrn'ille," away down South, comes an t'nthu- siaslic letter about Pustum. "1 ens iu eery delicate health, mi- tering from indigestion and a nerv- ous trouble so severe that 1 could hardly sleep. '1 he doctor ordered cane to discontinue the tees of the old kind of coffer, which was like petition to me, producing such extreme dire turbance that 1 could not control myself. But such W19 caw love fru- it urit that 1 could not get Puy awn cnn- Nent to give it up for some time, and continuedto suffer, till my father one day brought home a package of Pos- ton' Food ('ogee. "I had the new food (trin'c careful- ly prepared according ,, r, direction", and gave it a fair trial. ll proved to have a rich flavor and made a healthy, wlwlestxnm and delightful (Irin<. To my taste the addition 1 create greatly improves it. "Mv heelth began to improve as soon as the drug erect of the old cof- fee was removed 11n41 the I'ostum Cores hid time to make ite intluenee felt. My nem 0119 troubles were speedily relieved and the sleep which the nh! eteTee drove from my pillow elwaye came to Soothe and ttrcng- then rue rifler T had drunk I'os'turtr— in it very short time 1 began to sleep better then t had Co, years before. i have now used i'nstum Coley for several }ears rind like it better and find it more beneficial than when 1 first b'cen. It is an unepenknble 10 to he relieved of the old drvtries; end 'tel nosy." Nnnte given t y I'ose- tuur Company, Ilattle Creek, Mich. There', n r( alum. ilend the little book, "The Road to Wellti.le," in each pkg. DO YOU WANT PURE TEA ? not mixed with sweepings, dust or ref use, but the a311C 0 Ia3'7 YOZTSITLiYiliiiie carefully selected, manufactured and packed in lead tea PRESERVE THEIR FRESHNESS. That's why you want 1 IO W TO GM` FAT. The stairs leading to the mystic apartauents of Mies Carol Bromley, a Iwauty doctor of Oxford street, Lon- don, England, are thronged with :arcane. of lean people. Miser Brom- ley claims that she has discovered the secret of making thin people plump by means of pueunuttic suc- tion. Unique as the process stems, the principle which underlies it is highly ieientific, though quite under- standable. The pneumatic suction machine sucks at the hollow flesh at the rate of several hundred sucks to the minute. Halt an hour's treat- ment five days in the week for a month under the sucking tnachino is warranted to practically transform a skeleton woman into a fat lady. Worths -to Musician'—"Do you think there is any music in me?" Proft's- sor—'"1 here ought to be, sir. I have heard nous conte out." A sous Stomaeh and a flew Temper travel bead -in -hand and aro precursors of mental and ph steal wreck. Wine hundred and ntnety-nine times in a thousand food ferment (indigestion) 1 the cause. Lr. Von Stan s I'intap ple Tablets keep the stomach sweerd digestion—keep the nerve centres well balanced --they're nature's panacea— pleasant and harmless. 35 cents. -88 "Father," said the enutll boy, "why do they call a speech at a tnnquet a toast?" "My son," was the answer, "it is probably because they are so dry." Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial Is prepared from drugs known to the profession as thoroughly reliable for the euro of cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, griping pains and sumer complaints. It hm as been used successfully by me(liital practitioners for a number of veers with gratifying results. If suffering from any aun0ner complaint It !s ins the medicine that will cure you. 'f re- a bottle. It. sells for 25 cents. -r E 22 Sammy—"Going to move soon, Totnmy)'' 'l'uul►ny— •Yes." SAM rny —"Blow do e•ou know?" Tommy— "How do I know? Didn't me mo- ther lemme break a winder to'other day and didn't say nothin'?" Have You a skin disease?—Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald head, ilingworm, )Eczema, itch, Barber's itch, Ulcers, Blotches, . Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots. Prurlgo. Psortasis, or other eruptions of the skin—what Dr. Ag- new's Ointment has done for others it can do for you—cure you. one applica- tion gives relief. 85 cents. -87 "Bluffly told me he was going out every day thin week to see if he couldn't fad work," "Yes, and ho was successful." "'That so?" "Yea. Ile couldn't find it." BEA SHORE EXCURSIONS. It you are going to Asbury Park, the Lackawanna will s011 tickets at greatly reduced rntes July 1, 2, 8, via New York. Choice of routes. Finest scenery. Full particulurs and booklets can be obtained at Lacka- wanna Tourist Bureau, 289 Main St., Buffalo. "And so your father objects to my calling?" "Oh. no; he objects to my being at honro when you call!" Dropsy Is One Positive Nen et Kid. noir Disease —Dave you any of these unmlatnkal,le signs? Puffiness under the eyes? Swollen limbs? Smothering feelin? Chancre of the character of the urine?'Exhaustion after least exer- tion? If you have there's dropsical tendency anti you shouldn't delay •n hour in putting yourself under the great South American Kidney Curc.-8U Algy—"hid you ant: your father if you could honor my by accepting my Mune?" 1'reyda—"Yrs; and he's gond to the bank to see if they'd honor your name there." Lever's Y -Z (Wise React) Dlalnfee- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. NORTH FOR TUBERCULOSIS. Sanitarium tobe Established Under Midnight Sun. The learned doctors of medicine have cstabliehed, to their own stttis• Gartree that the open-air treat- ment for tuberculosis is the most ef- fmctitc. that plenty of fre.di, cold air will cure consumption of the hinge noel other pulmonary dirceasea. So Sanitariums have been cutablish:'d in higher and higher latitude. 1t remained to set up one almost in the arctic region. Now that has been done nt Wascnjniive, Lapland, a little place nn the sd'oree of Lake Tornc in et i Gest pt; turesquc but most isolated region. ('nly It few 1.npps, driving their tramps of rein- deer are even from time to tune at h'assnjauve. 'I he railway connecting the village with Norway and Swan• en, rune through it country so neer-rely settled that for 124 miles on its line there ie not one depot. It Is planned to build near this most northerly sanitarium n smnll station for the steely of biology and physics. I he 'torn noel farina of the section could he studied there, too, as well as meteorological rind electrical phe- nomen•t. So It iq probnblm that. the remote hamlet will become not only the resort of Invalids but of soy - ants. TT( ---"T am told that he ha* morn money than he knows whnt to do frith." She—"Ifni he, rrslly! Such Ignorance must be Miss." WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT OgWARE M IUDOTITUTIE PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, Auguste and September the Chicago and North Western Hye will sell Irvin Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis k Clarke Excursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, hest of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return' limits. Pates, folders and full information can be obtained from B. Ii.. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St.. 'Toronto, Ont. 31 "What was the longest engagement you ever took part in, Colonel?" "It lasted two years, and then the girl married another fellow," Olye Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pate of feet iithout any pain. What It has done once it will do again. Jones—"Now, it you were in my shoes, what do you think you would do in the matter?" Brown (examin- ing thein)—"Well, I certainly think I should get another pair." Ilghty Veers O'd — Catarrh tufty Veers. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cures him. Want any stronger evidence of the power of this wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis, ShamokIn, Pa. He aeys:— "I look upon my curs as a miracle.', 1t relieves in ter minutes. -89 SOLDIERS' PAY. The soldiers of the United States are better paid than in any other army in the world. They receive $13.50 a month, while the pay of the other nations is as follows: Aus- tria-Hungary, 75c a month; Franco, 11.81; Germany, $2.60; Great Bri- tain, 17.50; Japan 62c; Russia 12c. A Pill for Generous Eaters.—There aatres many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who. atter a hearty meal aro subject to much suffering. The food of whtcb they have pattaken Iles like lead In their stomachs. headache, depression. a *mothering feeling follow. One so afflicted 1s unfit for buelnesa or work of any kind. In this condition Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will brim relief. They will assist the asslsnllatioa of the ailment. and used according to direction will restore healthy digestion. "Do you ever advise your patients to take exercise, doctor?" "Oh, yes; it's perfectly safe to do so. They never take it." ENCLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Rernotes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from borres, blood Spaeln, curbs, splints, ringbons, sweeney, sttfa'y, sprains, sore and swollen throat. coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wondgetal Blemish Cure Ouse known. She— "Goodness, ilenry! iIow queer trilby looks! I think he in go- ing to have a At." He --"Hy George! I believe you are right. 1lhrre is my camera?" Good Digestion !Mould Walt on Apps tlte.—'1'o have the ttooa:,t well is to have the nervous new() Rel( %sty dellcate are the dlgestise n,genv in reme so senalttse are they that atrnns- pherie Changes affect them \'.i. c., that' become disarranged no 1 •': '' - „ t.1 liter 1s, procurable than Psrmelte's Veg.;table Pi11.. They will amidst the ,ilge ' . ,. se that the hearty eater will suffer no la - convenience and will derive all the t,eno• at. el his food. Somebody told Henpeck the s=tory of the 1.ndy and the '1'igev, d,jlcrib- ing vividly how the poor lover stood trrniblirg before the door of the cage, wondering whether his fiancee would chooses to a(lrren'I'r hien to another woman or hand hint over to the jaws of the tiger. "Pooh!" comment( d Henpeek., "that's how it Is with int' at home. Every time 1 go in the gate I never know whe- ther i'nl Ruing to meed a Indy or a tiger." Oak r,................, Do yott catch cold artily t Does the cold hang on I Try Shiloh's Consumption Cure Tonto ung It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. 1f it doesn't cure you, your r.:oney will be refunded. P41ew.e 8. C. Wants ti Ce. :00 17c. stic. SI Lenny, N. Y., Tor'•oto=e s. T N 11 ISSUE NO. 20-40