HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-07-06, Page 1ettf iitoot
(New Reading Matter appears In this space each week.)
Like A Plant
In The Spring.
Your savings grow, when placed in this Barrk. A Lank
...-.-ount cultivates and encourages thirfty habits--.u.h as aL
successful people haee. $1 Opens a "growing" ae•.'ount, to
which you can add when you like and withdraw• when you
,lease in any sized amounts We add interest to the prin-
cipal and compound it Fol'R tints a year, nn 31 Jan., 30
April, 31 July, and 31 0,tvl.cr. New a. -counts are always
We have the best facilaties for tanking at the most reastn-
able rates and terms consistent with couservative ranking.
Wein% ite your bualncs.
Branches in Huron County et
EXETER. (:REDI'CON, D:AS11WOOD, 7.1sitten, CLINToe
aladtnan & Stanbnry,
Solt iton
Joseph Steell, Managrr
EXETER, Dashwood and Zurich branches.
Get the old reliable Prov -
en's Oshawa Track.
Put up in first-class workman-
ship, guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction.
Leave Your Order at
Charltota's Fair. Exeter.
ton, Notaries, Con,eyancen, Commissioners.
Coilcitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest ratesot interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
I. R. Caaua . R A., L II. Dtcssov
We have a large anac.tra of private funds to loan
cr: farm and tillage Frep(rties at low rates of inter -
TO Tilt:
} 31.50
))) 31.55
Moosejaw 34.00
Saskatoon 35.25
Yrinc. Albert 36.00
Rifscartb 32.25 Macleod . 38.00
nommen' ia 32.20 Calgary . 38.50
Arcola 32.50 Red Deer 39.50
Stratkcona 40.50
Going JUNE 13th. returning until August 11.
Going JUNE 27th, returning .August` (th.
Going JULY 15th, returning until dept. 1.3th.
Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Agent
or write to C. B. Foster, D.1'_t, Toronto.
Miss Allie Handford visited friends
in Centralia during the hoidays,
Mrs. S. Hardy and little son are
visiting in Michigan for a month.
Miss Eliza Oke, of Seaforth, visited
her parents here during the week.
Willie Smith, of Hamilton. is a
guest of his uncle, Mr. Wnl. Kunz.
Mr. \V. H. Levett left Tuesday on a
est. business trip to Glencoe and 1Vindsor.
OLA DMAN & STA NBURY, Mr. Herman Heitman, of London,
Barristers, ttolicitora.Mainat.. Exeter Ont is spending a vacation with his parents
Mr. Russell Frayne, of Brantford,
is the guest of his portents here for two
Jfrs. Dixon, of London, is on a visit
to her mother•, Mrs. Davis, Exeter
Manitoba and Northwest Mr, Meredith Jones, of St. Thomas,
is the guest of his brother, Mr. L. P.
Lands For Sale. Jones;,
Mrs. G. Easter•brookand Mrs. Harris
spent a few days in Seaforth during
the week.
Messrs. NV. %V. Hunter and H.
Evans spent Saturday and Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fold spent a few
days during the week in Paris and
Mrs, John Cookson and son, Harley
Stray Steer, S.tuders, spent a few days at Constance
this week.
Mrs. S. Sanders arid 'Iiss Clara!
Vamp.' returned from at visit to Lon-
don Tuesday.
Mts. (I)r.) McCallum, of Cressline,
Ohio, is the guest of her sister, Miss
Addie Morlock.
Mr. A. Cunningham and wife, of
London, are guests of the forntei's
sister, Mrs. Yager.
Miss Victoria Jtaig.hates milliner at
Farm for Sale Parkhill, has returned to her home
for t lie holidays.
Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial
Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ. )bice, Harmony.
Modern methods. Thereeeta ess
The 4askatehew'an Vali.' A ylanitola Land Com-
pany, Ltd., Largest Land Company on the Continent
controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land
( grant.
Two Millio■ Acres The cream of the
wheat (arida of Western Canada. Parties pun has -
frig now are given until 1st June to select their land.
For term., etc., apply to
131/NEST ELLIOT, A¢ent, Evrter
There +trayed onto the premises of Sila. Stc•nlakr,
Got ft, Lake Read, Hav Township, on or about -inc
lOth, a red steer. yearling, with a ring in the right
ear. nwriercan have same 1•y paying exile uses and
proving property.
Silas Stanlak.•, liar 1'. o
Dog _Lost.
A collie, answere to the mini, of -Hook-, void "1
tail. A suitable reaar.i .till *given for his retard.
W. .1. Ford, Exeter 1' n.
The ru'derrign.d i.• fee ring for stile that s aluabb
earn in the Town -hip of U.t.nrne, tieing 1n1 11, tbn-
cession 7. containing one hundred a,•r-s of first., 1 .s
land, well fenced and drained. There Is on the preen•
;mesa frame house, a good barn. shed, awl other out-
buildings; ten acres tint --1a., hardwood bn.h, an
orchard, two goo.l wells of water and nth.r cop., n•
senses. Posse..icn given in fall. For particular.
apply to R (' EVANS.
Ad, laide street,
House to Rent.
A neat frsn.t house. containing 7 rooms. situated
on Huron Rtre t West of Main Street: g•ris games.
hard and soft water, and in a de.iraiile Ioe$Ilty
Apply to
MRK. HARRIS, Huron Sur`, F:vet.r.
For Sale or To Rent.
The frame Muse on the - c▪ orner of William and
Millington •trees., owned by Mrs. I.aa, Itawden.
For particular' apply to
um, w11. TA1'P, Exeter
House for Sale.
Residence of Nn «. Kemp on An.lrew Stre.t
For particulars apply to owner.
Mn. G. Kemp, Exeter
oomme 1►mo••H•NtfN•NO
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re
modelling our mill.
M iss Stellar (i 1 egory, teacher at May-
field. has returned to her home here
to spend the Vit(' 41 IlIli.
Mr. L. 0. Fleming with his son, Rob-
bie, is at Cohering this week owing to
the illness of his sister.
Vey. Chas. }lox spent a few days in
Brantford with Miss A. Box, who he
111 in the hospital ther0.
Miss Anna Martin and her grand-
father, Mr. Jamieson, are visiting in
Mt. forest and Durham. Krupp. elf Hicksun, were v'isitor's dere
31 r• Perev Hooper•, who has been during the week. --Miss Freda Hees, of
in the Weet for some meanthe, return- the Seaforth (`ollegi.tte, is home feat
ed to his honk here last week. bolidays.--Farmers hate commenced
Mr. end Mrs, S. Martin and Miss to cut their hity. -Hay (Council suet on
Thompson attended the funereal of x Monday. -John Heltnettlet• has the
cousin near Teireintt last week. the contract of pestling down 0 nnii-
Mr. and Mrs. Auhry Buswell, of Woodhallll ,-- DOWN THEY G
North Manchester, ind., are s nt
rending School vacation has started.-SaO. WHAT?
a few weeks with relatives and friends Ford visited friends at Caledonia last
in and around Exeter. week, -Mrs, NV. St. Clair, Nils, Wtn
Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Locke, who have Sinclair and Miss Stuart, who have! White Muslins for Dresses and Waists
been visiting friends in town, guests of been seriously ill, a' e,we are pleatsed to
31r. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson left Mon- learn, convalescing. -James McEltea (__ _
day for their home in Boston. had the inisfortuue to /lave the flea + - --
Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes, of Blyth, was finger of his left hand put out of joint 1Oc. White Honita n Muslin for ei 12,.e. Cohn edMuslins for.. , 8j
the guest of Miss Pearl Rollins one day bra colt jerking away from him, -The 12.,e. fancy 0.10h mesh whit,.
hitt il)O tis. Colored 3fusliis in stripes
last week, She Was on her way to 1 Iamter at the Woodham hotel is laid jlusliu ft")) .. �.. 10 y F
Dorchester whet e dr. Holmes hasiseen up wit h an atta:k of malaria fever. and floral designs, extra fine
stationed. Stnnks 1)x.trtr. '/'his cornmuuity i!''}c.fauhcyyetcerisedstrilx•tt'hite quality onlySit
25c. plain White Poplin very tine
quality, ex tea width, lovely wash-
ing goods cut to 21
40t. Pitney Tabling for Waists in
pure white. fancy design, bi•il-
liautt white finish only.... 28
15c. Limey stripe Black Muslin, new
and up-to-date 12S
10,•. fanny 1Vhite 3lercerised Pop-
lin, crepe effect, very new and
pretty for 213
her sudden taking orf will be deeply 3:a•. White Vesting, wide width, 25c. fancy stripe 131k. M1)slin, Mer-
tnoureed by all. The funeral will tale very fine w•eaave, snprriur' tini.h, cerised finish With fine Ince es.
place to Zion ceineter'y (to -day) 'Thins- a big cut furlir feet in stripe's for 21
day. She leaves to mourn her demise
12'•c. Ladies' I31k. Huse warranted :35c. Ladies' Puritan knit vests re -
a husband and grown-up family,
+-_-__-- Fast Black ..... .... .... .... 10 deiced to 25
Crediton - - -
-- -- -
Sit. Ayuilla Sheers, of St. Thomas,was very much shocked over the sad
spent the holiday here. Mrs. Sheet e. and sudden death of Mes. Joseph
who has been visiting friends in town Stevens, which event occurred on
for some weeks, returned with him Tuesday last. Mt -s, Stephens was in
on 31onday, her usual health said had been attend -
Mr, and Mrs. G. Sheers, who have lug to her usual family duties, when
been visiting relatives and friends here, suddenly she Was seized with heart
have returned to their house in Brant-
ford. The latter last week and the
former Tuesday.
Mrs. \Nut. Westeott and two child-
ren, who have (leen residing here for
scene months. last week left for Ham-
ilton where they and Mr. Westeott
will snake their home.
Miss Carrie Knight left Thursday
last en a two weeks' pleasure trill to
Quebec, Montreal and other points.
She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
('has. Knight, of St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mis. tVrn. Hawkshaw have
their grandsons, Wallace and Roy
Shosenhurg, of London, visiting them.
Mrs. Shosenhurg will also visit Mr.
and Mrs. Hawkshaw this week.
Mr. A. Sutton, of Marion, Ind., is
spending a few holidays at his old
bonne here. Albert is one of the old-
est subscribers of the Advocate and be
says it comes as a most welcome visit-
or. regularly and full of interest.
WEDDING. -The home of Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Murray, near here, was
thescene of an interesting event on
Wednesday, the occasion being the
marriage of their estimable daughter.
Miss Ester Maud, to Robert Talbot, a
prosperous young fanner of Stanley
township. The ceremony was per-
formed at seven o'clock p. w., by Rev.
Thos. Davidson, of Varna, and was
witnessed only by a few of the inti.
mate friends of the young couple. At
the conclusion of the ceremony con-
gratulations were extended to the
bride and groom. after which a dainty
tea was served. The bride, who was
gowned in a {pretty costume, was as -
assisted by Miss Westlake, who also
wore a pretty dress. The bride re -
mg passed away. Truly 'In the midst
of hfe we are in death." The deceased !25c. fancy. Mercerised stl ipe, !want -
was an excellent type of woman, high- ifnl finish, extra fine quality
ly respected and loved by all who had \Vhite Muslin for only 10
the pleasure of her acquaintance an 1
Muslin 10
1.41. fancy cord mei wave stripe ex-
tra heavy White Muslin for.... 121
15e. Mercerised 1\'blit• ('heck Mus-
lin for lei
25c. White lotus C'luth, very fine,
with glossy finish, a bat -gain for 15
Herb. White, of Liman. is relieving 10 per cent. nff for cash on all goods, except Groceries and gooels already
Thos. Morrow, of the Merchants Bank cut in price, Produce taken in exchange for goods.
who is spending his holidays in Toron-
to.-Dolinion Day brought several
visitors to our trw•g. The following
are a few we noticed: Messrs. Chas.
and Jas. Nichol, Jno. Wright and 3fiss
Lizzie Riley, 'smiler); Wilbur McMur
ray, Sarnia; and Miss Elson, Landon;
-Tho Public school (leased on Friday
for the summer holidays. One of the
lady teachers. Miss Susie Saulter. re-Khiva
oplestone & Gardiner
One (loos' north of Post Office.
signed her position and will attend the
Normal in Toronto next season. She
has been a very successful teacher
while here and was well liked by all. --
Chas. Kienzle's large hank barn is rap-
idly nearing completion. When fin-
ished it will he one of the best in this
neighborhood. -The Sunday School of
the Evangelical church held their an-
nual picnic at Grand Bend Tuesday.
A game of baseball was played be-
tween the scholars vs. officers and
teachers, A five inning gale was
held and the latter were defeated by a
score 22-11. J. Iloltzman's pitching
was a revelation and Saul Brown sur-
prised them all by his quick run to
bases. Although the lake was rough
all had a pleasant time. --The Literary
Society held their picnic at the Bend
yesterday (Wednesday.) --Mr. Frank
ceived a nurnher.'f beautiful rresents. Smith and bride, of Toronto, visited
friends in the village Last week. %Ve
The evening was most pleasantly ntly (extend r eigrattilettiou,.--J. G. Wein
spent. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot have set- had the misfortune to break !woof bis
tled down to the sterner realities of ribs last week by falling out of et tree
life on the old Talbot homestead and in his orchard. -At the Council meet -
we trust their future may he tilled ing held on Mond.ty nor townsnusn,
with sunshine. 31r. Sam Brown, Was appointed Tp.
- Treasurer, as successor to his deceased
Centralia [(1lit r. -Our hand furnished the music
THE FESTIVAL.--Notwithstatnding at the Strawberry festival held in
the threatening and disagreeable wet
weather of Satiuday last the Straw-
berry Festival in connection with the
Centralia on Dominion Day.-- Miss
Mary Bettand is visiting her uncle
and none Mr. and Mrs. Israel Smith,
Methodist church was well attended at B.uuiltun thief week. -The past
and all things considered was a com-
plete settees. A large number were
in attendance and every person seem-
ed to enjoy themselves. There was
an abundance of strawberries and
cream and other choice delicacies
week hats given sur people one game
of footleall and one of baseball. (In
Thursday evening the Shi pka lays
came to town with a flag flying and
one of their number playing at mouth
orgatn. They were going to shttine us
while the program of sports proved an for goof) hot this did not quell the bold
interesting feature. 'rhe baseball spirit of nut boys in the least. They
match between Creditrin attic! Central- played a good clean game of football,
tit was not completed owing to the wet
weather, the score when q'littirig be-
ing a tie. The conceit In the evening
was of a high order and a fitting tribe
use in cuueluding the el ty', program.
The proceeds of the Festival amount-
ed to $1115, while that of the ceincert
tots $55. The Crediton /land fun nish-
ed mimic for the day wince) wits high-
ly atI)I10 feted.
Fred 11.-4., Sr.. lit, ,t,u led to exca-
vate for the new dwelling he will erect.
this summer. - Wes Sch.eellig has gene
to Detroit to spend the stimulus' in his
brother's dental office. - Ed. ('urvin, of
Stanley, on Wednesday narrowly es-
t -sped being trampled to death by a
horst• while getting his rig ont of the
hotel shed here. - Miss Edna Wur•nl
was in town last week.-aiss 31ary
Bassow, of !smiler), is home on a few
months' vacation. --Henry Faust, of
Caro, Mich.. is here on a visit. -Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Heicert have ret'Irne'd
to their home in Platteville, after a
pleatgant visit at the hien,. of 31r. and
31rs. J. I'reeter.--Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
but were obliged to go hugs*' after at
defeat of2.11. Try again boys. Mon-
day evening the Centralia stalwarts
came hawk again with fire in their l'y'e
arid thirsting for sweet revenge After
the defeat we gave them at baseball Mi. Paul Coates had et stiecessfnl dirt
Inst week. The rain spoiled the gone bee on Friday and alto Mr. J. Harding
and the full innings couldn't he play• one on Monday. -Mt. and Mrs. Anhry
ed. When the grunt* vents called off the Buswell, of South Indiana, arrived
score stnrsl 11 :i in our favor. Lnean here friday to spend it couple of weeks
Irish Nine is coming here Friday. this with 31r•. Buswell's parents. ---Mr. W.
week, dean). ('x11011 for 4:30 p.111.- - A. Davidson left Saturday tee spend the
Akita twee weeks age) Miss Clara Clark vac.rtien at his home in Barrie.- 31r.
accnnopanied by Mis., Ida Klause left (ieo. Rook. who has spent the last
for 51101heoiaa, Alberta, nn at very int- month visiting his sister. Mrs. \Ven.
teresting mission. It is expected that Trott, of Beanlsville, returned hone.
31r. Freed ('lark, sun of 311-. ,las. ('lark, tiaturday. -31r. and Mrs. iL. Coates
of this village, and Miss Krause will spent Sunday with friends in Exeter.
he 11000 roan and wife itt the above \lt•. Julie) nnt'I Miss Susie Quirrin spent
place tin• latter, part of this week, itf- the 1st at their horse in Klevee-A1-
ter• which they will leave for their fed ('nates and Shirwood Hunter en -
new blame, 175 miles distant, which juved the lake breezes tilt July 1st.
they will have to drive. We wish Why go alone boys? -31t. and Mt•s. C.
there every happiness. -The new pas- 0. Daltr•y,of Toronto, visited with 31r.
tor, Rev. Mr. Andrews, of the .fvthei- and 31rs. J, Esse•ry on Sunday.--Se•v-
dist church arrived last week and etc- eral from here attended the picnic at
copied the pulpit on Sunday. The alt- Centralia ou Matur•iay.- Two of our
tendance• was large and his hearers young glen fought an old time duel on
appreciated his disceiree, Prior to Friday last. We would like to know
enuring here his friends Trent Salem w'hn .•orried off the "prize." --Haying.
and tit Ivan ':hen rhes, waited on hint is 111e tinder of the day.- - Our school
at his hnnie' and presented I ' with a children are enjoying their well earned
purse of money. holiday.--- Edna Ltrxtnn, Pearl Hunter,
PRETTY We:iinien.- The hums of Ethel McCurdy, Eileen (laves, Flossie
Mr. and Mts. George Lawson, was on Hunter and Alice f),tvie were in Exe-
ter on Wednesday and Thursday eif
last week writing "n the Entrance
Exams. We wish there success.
rhe Misses Gerrie White and Lillian Master Fred, son of Mr. 13. Cunning-
Irtng, of Toronto, are spending the high's °et with the on misfortunelast.of hay -
holidays at their home here. -Miss trig his leg broken Friday The
Pearl Stanley left last week on a two injured member was dressed and the
months' holiday trip. She will join little fellow ie doing nicely.
her brother, T. E. A. Stanley, B. A.. _ - at Irogmois,and will sail on the "Allan
liner, "Victoria" from Montreal on Miss Hutton has returned to her
July 7th, for Liverpool, and will tour home in Trowbridge. -lot's. D. iJrqu-
through the British Isles, up the Rhine hart spent a few days in Ohat ham and
to the lakes and mountains of Switzer- Detroit during the week. -Mr. White
land and to other points of interest on has returned to his home in Ailsa
the continent. Craig, after it visit here with his aunt,
Mrs. A. Brandt. ---Mrs. Trott has re-
turned from a month's visit to Strat.
fold. --J. C. Horton. who has heen on
the Sovereign Bink staff here, for
about at year has been promoted to the
Toronto Branch. Ile was a general
favorite with the young people here
and while he will be greatly missed
we congrrttulattt• him on hi, advance-
ment. Ills }place is taken bete by R.
Dunlop, of 31ilverton.- 31rs. A. D.
Johnston and Zurbrigg, of Seyinore,
!Vis., are visiting at the home of
their Installer, J. %V. Orttvein.-Rev.
and Mrs. Shaw left last week for their
new home in Lyons. Prior to their
departure Mis. Shaw was made the
recipient of a very handsome cluck,
accunip+utited by a very flattering ad-
dress from the members of the Kippen
circuit, expressive of the very high es-
teem in which 31r. and Mrs. Shaky are
held. They made a host of friends not
only thi•oeighout the rounds of their
circuit, but also in our village and sur-
rounding c;oentry. among all classes,
and the bast wishes of the community
at large go with them. They were ac-
companied by 31iss Bessie Ketlp, who
will spend at few days there.- W. C.
Davis is recovering from the effects of
his recent accident. While leading a
horse it turned suddenly abound and
kicked hint in the abdomen. injuring
him somewhat. --Mrs. and 31rs. 1Veis-
miller have returned from Wellesley,
where they attended the golden wedd-
ing celehrattion of theforniei'sparents.
-.Mr. Grigg, of ('lifford,is the guest of
his daughter, Mrs. John McArthur.
Ile is accompanied by his neiee, Miss
Thompson, wbo is from the ''Lind of
the Heathen'," and is spending a year
with relatives in this country. -000.
Trott has gone to Grand Bend for the
sucntner --Alonza Ortw'ein and }ride.
of Petroleat, spent a few days here last
week.- Mrs. George 'Field has return-
ed flout at three weeks visit with rela•
tives at Goderich and Detroit. She
tray au•cotnpanied hntne ley her son,
who is at present engaged aQ short-
hand professor in the Detroit Rosiness
1lniveteity. Mr. Todd, after it few
weeks' visit here. purposes leaving on
an extended trip to Alpena and Then
der Bey Island to enjoy a well earned
3lissAggie Hunter spent the holi-
days with her parents Mr. and 31rs.
R. Hunter. -Mr. And Mrs. D. Spicer,
of Brantford, spent the holidays with
his brother and sister. -Mr. S. Hunter
is spending a few days with friends in
Chat barn. -M�`l�•� Jas. Heywood has
bought the?Tt'thuod property smith
of the village for the sunt of $11,400. --
Mr. and .Mrs. Flank Cook, of Yar-
mouth spent the holidays with Mr.
and 31rs. 3I. Elford. - --Mrs. J. Itowcliff•e,
of Exeter. is visiting with her daught-
er, Mrs. S. Pym. -Mrs. Rev. Fair and
son, Roy, are visiting relatives in
St tatferll. Rev's. Fair and James
have arrived on the circuit and took
charge of the work on Sunday last
each making a very good impression
on their hearers. --Che S. S. Picnic
was a suc(•ess considering the Rhnwery
afternoon. the church being used for
the speeches and program and Mr.
Herman's harn for the eating. The
Hensall Band gave some very fine
selections and all seemed to enjoy
themselves nicely. The pro.•eeds
amounted to over $110.00.
- -
NN e(Iness,lay all astir and ase the gay
Mcs. Eacrt•tt hint returned from) ;t her cef cement street crussmizs in the and f.ecinattiig figrn•es flitte•sl in and
t wo weeks' visit with her daughter,
Mrs. M. Himpsen, at 3lnoresville.
tifr.. (1orlpy, "1 \Vindsur. and 31t'• 31 ie. Rend 1),u;,nd. of Ste atford visit- happy. and well they might he for tin
Fr,u,ris, of Fulls -ton, sisters of Sties ted friends1101edaring the week. 311-s. thaltdaev the Vows Were taker) float
Chas. Fritz, is recover ing nicely from manse Mr. Joseph Woodall and Miss
the effects of her recent operation. Lizzie Lawson loan and wife. At 2;30 1
31r• Ft az spent a few d.tye at her bed- p.m., 125 guests assembled on the heel
side in the leuidon hospitals lset week. there to await the coming et the brill-
--Mrs. D. Studer, who was visiting at al party. Shortly after the groom
the hnnie of her p•trent8, w.w called to took his place, followed by the bride,
her home in '1'avisto •k. Wednesday, (kilning on the all lea of her father, and
owing to her hush,' lel having blond beside 1110,1) stood 31i'•s Fl, e'nceSins,
poisoning in hie hand. --31e'rers, .Alf. of I)etreat. end Mr. Wilfrd Lawson,
Faust and Ed. Win in left \Vedne.(laty who assi.tesl the. heigiy couple through
for the !Vest. They intend spending the trying ordeal. The ye•teulnn7 wee
a short tines at Pietism] Oregon. Soo- performed by the Rev. It. Knowles, of
cess huv4- --The ?swish P,sblie Srhool Full.u-t011, after which an elaborate
rinsed Friday for the summer 1lolidays. wedding tea w•ia partaken of. The
It. F. ytelk, the late pt Melted. left bride and bridene:sid looked very pret-
Mnnday for Edmonton. Albert*. i)tir • ty in costumes elf white silk. The
ing his stay herr he has proven hits- friends evidently appreciated highly
self to he honest and upright in his en• ixith hl ide and groomedging by the
dresses and was highly thought of by number, the value and the beauty of
Mrs. 31e1 lock, and seen, Walter, and loth remits and resident a of this sec- the gifts presented on the oecaseinn.
ggr•andadanghter. 3Lar•v, visited the tion who wish hint au(cess in any un- They left the same evening foto a brief
f'ernsen's flog, .Alr,e•t t, in Dette'it dirtin della kiog he 7411Y decide h' enter 0P"),•visit in 1►etrnit. 3f r. and 31rs, Wood -
holidays. g Mae
Mise Perl Niehulstn ale() left Monday All have taken lip 1heir residence In
Mrq. Thee lam) aLd children, of Lie. fot North 1)atkc'te to visit t-elntiveq. our vill.tge and that the path We now
tow -ell, nrrire•d Tueedey to visit with Mrae Kate Hart his gone to her home so radiant with hlppite/es, Mirynever
Mts. "well. They will spend some Neermal School at Toronto,
in lcTe tfter the sitis the wihaecpenyingthe
tty tsthe
time aGrand rand fiend. Nema
eon -
holidays. gretulstions of their many friends.
village.-- 'I Misses Lizzie 'I'r'winne•r out of the bossy it because .incite evi-
end Louise Worn) are tonne on a few dent that something einusoal wens tak-
we.tks visit from Detroit.-- Mr. and ing pilo'. I:vety one was radiant and
D. Mill, ore het guests at present.
Mrs. J. (1, vtanhury returned 31on-
dt'y evening trout at several weeks'
visit with her patents, at Whitley.
H. Basket' :Ind wife, after spending
few days with his parents here, Ie-
teeDot) tit Detroit Tuesday root nirig.
Dr. Anderson will spend next week
al the Raid. 31rs. Anderson expects
to remain thereluting the summer.
Dr, Geo. Selden, elf ingersoll, is
visiting friends in town. The ir. has
jest Qucees•f,clly completed hie dental
31 iss 31. Perguatrn and 3Ir. V.
Borley spent the huliel sy with the
Litter's sister. Mts. Georgo ('ulwilt of
Eric F. llielby. aged 27, was drown•
ed near I'hat harn.
nnptrrt.-- in Buffalo, on Jady 3rd,
(4t'cilia Snell, Inlet of the 1-.te win.
Helper. fermetly of Exeter, aged 41
year's, :t months and 211 days.
creen Doors from 85c. up
Screen Windows from 20c. up
Screen Wire ('loth from 1Oc. a yd, up.
Hammocks from $1 .00 up
Oil Stoves from $1.00 up
Ice ('ream Freezers, $2.50 up.
Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.
All Stores will be Closed on July 6th, '05