Exeter Advocate, 1905-06-29, Page 610,000 LIVES WERE LOST! (:CItKl1AS 1:v.:R.1,1.1 m The regiuu•ul.y of the vire; and ••cath Gurkhas had net N.t turned EY THf: GREAT LARTHQUAIiEel .scut for morning parade. ; he second IN INDIA. of the two Hunte regio,•., iiccurrcd the greater lo':s. for two companies Ii2.abitants Roamed Streets Weep- ecru lit leg in two (urge duuble- storied barracks. '1 he building cul - int; -Poorer Classes Suf- fered Terribly. lapsed from the swell of the ground, burying the sulditii' . W0attn u ..1 chil- dren and followers with their wails. t: natjured officers and men from the '4410 e/ring barracks suc- ceeded in extricating; alive 213 of the insea t. •4. but 470 had been crushed to el h. 1n t he officers' compound ('o!1.1. I 1{o'riapo11, th.• commandant of ill • station, who was on the eve of Irtirilig under the ago limit, lost his tt,f.• and two daughters, and lire. !lobi, • the n.•'.le• married wife of a suss,•+!fern: ('ap•tnin DIuecroft, a I._ frontier ofliccr; Air. Parley, an 4I: t• of the Indian Public Wor:.s I,parte.,ret. turd Al. sets. ]-rix- 1o:. 1'o::ne 440.1 Levi. all of the ln- dlan ('i, it Seri. i e, were aln:ng the ki:led. leen thee •h.,t1s f,.11uv.4el at twenty- fuur is:mites past (i and at lwcnty- 1hrce etinutes to seven, and minor iIi t4a acre felt later, but the in- let! Rants had hurriedly escaped from the tottering houses, end. clad in whatever clothes they could Snatch up, were camping out on the t••unis courts. In the ground.; of the Savoy Ifotel. at Alusuurie, the scene was described by nn officer on sick leave as one of the oddest eosesible. Like others, he had narrowly escaped be- ing killed by the falling of bricks and plaster. Similar scenes were witnessed at Melton and ltatt•alpind and Dalhou- sie, some of the most important mili- tary and official centre.; in Northern India, t' here are large garrison can- tonn:(•ntr, as also at Itehara Dun, usually occupied by infantry, artil- killing big gauze, so it had been well WISE SAWS FROM OSLER tory, and the body guard of the Vice- understood that if by good luck a roy of Italia. For some time these bull should ho "raised" no harm • _ Flacons were cut off from succor, us would be done the anitnat unless the telegraphic cmnn.unication was brok- safety of the ptu'ty demutuded it. en o'T. i`hut-insane ie far from the "We had first to dispose of the railway, the nearest line being sixty captain," said father Gaynor. "11'14 Beware of the Black Chargers utiles away, and supplies could only had some difficulty in coaxing hire Which Carry the Tubercle be sent up nv a cart road. Lord into the fork of an ancient pine, but Nitch:•ner :th,• Commander -in -Chief. we did at length persuade hien to Bacilli. promptly despatched troops one it. John took his place on the WeIn addressing a class of students necessaries to the elistr•icls worst 0.f- of aboulder within reach of a de- I Dr. Osler once said:- fLeted, and issued an appeal to the cuyinl.; birch, whose ragged yellow! o , •'In the first place, in the physician army and the ltritisli public in aid batik shone in the moonlight, and I' or surgeon, no quality takes rank sat on the lower limb of the cep of the Gurkha reel:m.10s, of which with imperturbability. It is quality many Of the survivors had lust their lain s tree. 'Then, drawing n lung which is appreciu!ea by the laity. lett breath, the Indian lorded. that best± private properly, Hud are so injured often ulisundersto.4 by them, and as to be incapable of earning their wheedling blest. .John teas n mns the physician v.ho has the misfortnno ter player un the birch couch, Heti suddenly «familiar sound broke tube to be without it, who betrays inde- stillness. Agana he put the bark • 0181011 and worry and whoshows that horn to his lips. This time the call, he is flustered in ordinary emer- wns soil, the tnero coo of a lave 1n,gencics, loses rapidly the confidence comparison with the precious effort. i of his patients. Cultivate, then, gen- "The effect was instantaneous. Iticulen, such a jurlitious measure of Away down on the Inke bottom there) obtuseness as will enable year to ne-et was n rush and commotion, and out; the exigenei(s of practice with 1,rm- of the darkness Carrie a series of Hess and courage, without, at the hoarse greets and the shaking' same time. hardening the human of millets like (ho rattling of; heart by which the live." ax -handles in a bag. Openly and ; Iiere is one of the great physician's with no attempt to follow tine sha-references to death: --- (lows his lordship carne out on the; "Pneumonia is captain of the amen plateau of rock. 1 of death. It is the ole) man's friend. "it was now up to John to litre It enables hint to escape those cold him to us. f expected to hear him; gradations of tI cny. It is a pain - give the cute call once more, but 140 less rel. 41-e front the troubles of life. dirt not -and herein lay the Recret of .This patient had a ten cent piece in misfortunes. Instead of the coaxing his mouth MVC0nl times to pay his call of the cow some deuton tempted ferringe. One foot was in ('ha ron's him to give out the hoarse cry of ; boat lett( the time. Saline infusions defiance of a bull. Then. tt ilhuu(!saved hint. What a rlisu i 111101 t. waiting to watch the effects. he be-; le I. have been to the old watch- gan to tear the curling bark beim man! The only regret that he can the birch tree by which he had been have is that ho will have to undergo silting. ile made all the noise he It again." could and punctuated his gyinnastics with subdued GRUNTS FROM '1'111, HORN. .:n.lae and pestilence in recent e, .44., 144441 41one their worst anuelhg t. ,ung mullions of Delia. Such dis- h- r may be foreseen anti provision made for curtailing their tlmgnitude. Against the elenielital forces of the (er 4he11t10ke no such auticipttt r,nl or r!. purl of Government or people ), le ethic, for science still gropes with 1141411,11.1g steps to explain the origin of the earth shaking convulsions. l'ossibly sante connection may be found, as the French ast►•ononcer, the AIA,u Mureltux, has recently argued, between 1Il a radio -activity of the sun its manifested in the greater size of the sen s; ot 5 and volcanic: disturb - /Antes It. :1.• earth. 1 ut the data of (fess r,, r• in this 144.141 of n:tlurtlt taw are as 'et innutll•icn!1' definite to es(al feel their dedncti• tie ars scienti- fic teethe. 'lit.• eeient of the recent do .star in India, the magnitude of 111 o; tenth 14 , the n'.nuber of its victims and the widespread destruc- tive of property it caused even in an Eastern toiletry, ethere numbers for little, slang, it as one of the worst int icliu11e of the kind ever suffered by Ten the•lsand lives at least are believed to have been lost, and in a great stretch of country fifteen hun- dred mil,•; long r0'&1l' rely a building was 1411 , tending or unimpaired by the elec....! i1411 of earth traitors which )hook t l.e w hole of upper India dur- ing the nicht of April 3-4. The sud- den experience of the inhabitants of the gete'i"4 covered was the most terrilae 1t'irh:11 Iiting n1Cuore-, sur- passing in •.kilt nee and extent the frrent earthquake of .111410 12, 1897, which was felt over a large part of India. FOCUS A•r Di(ARMSALA, The focus of the present visitation has 1.• n located with tolerable ter- tele' er- te•i4r in the n: i:_hl:o• hood of ala and the Kaneru Valley, south, rn skirts of the Blume - 'r he wave traveled along the r n range. Its e'fects were felt ..r I\. 41•, and even further in the 4•' ''.• , I chore was one of the 14 .' • e • in the Plein of 11irr111- r• r1. .4.• 1 h e upper end of Bengal, 1141., fr.,.4 he southern bare of the 1!i ..l.tcn::. But the total destruc- tion of lrllarniSll la, 11 p011111er sum- mer roe, r and the administrative headquarters of the Emigre District, pict u•cs.lucly situated en a 10110 - lain spur 111) miles northeast of La- hore. and some sixty-five huudreel feet clove sea levet. would show that the focus of the disturl'auire was close to t,jiat spot. With unerring accur- acy the delicate seiwtnugraphic in- struments of Prof. Milne, in the isle el 11 is ht, at rola, the hydrographic station at the head of the Adriatic, anti other scientific ()beerratorics itt- dicatec! the 0444 t time at which the shocks took place. and located the centre of disturbance in the same (1444- (nt. '1 )14rcabouts have originated the s0i,mhi: disturbances of India, which though less numerous and violent than these of Japans and the l'act'ic coast of South America, have been 11:.110 the less appalling during the last two centuries. Vevey great dim -- ter: antic in India since 1720 has been traced to the mountain: of the reel le est or northwest. 'I he worst iecurded is that of 17:17, when 300,- 000 penins are said to have perish- (' 1 In Pineal. Delhi suffe'r_e1 in 1 720 and 1803, 11,.(1 I.;thnie has felt fre- quent earthquakes, esee.^cially in 1827. Its flinger is due, sOisns►- gra(h,•rs explain. to its proximity to n l0^:1 were of mighty st!11er:•nn- ,44n fortes which raised th.• great iel- Jacent mo :ntttin range at n period whith in a geolc'girnl s; ase is com- paratively recent, and are h•'licvt•d to be dial In operati4• . 14,.11.• to spas- modic r.•curren'. s of t le4.0. 7'\1'O ftl',(:IONI- Ai'1'Ia"lila►. Two distant regions. that of the hills en.l that of the plains., were 0m- breced by the recent upheaval. 111 the hills the population is sparse. but is gathered chiefly round official tu•ttlessents, cerement fits and sana- lorin of the white British m.idente. Such place's as i)hart•4sa:0, Dalhousie, Simla, and its surrounding hill homes of the Itritish governing Hasa, Mee.00rie, Ihhra,a Dun and Naini 'rat '1 he stone buildings of these MOOSE CHARGES A MAN..1'U itease fuely h spc•cichalth le hitt heldlu• mu mts;at•llbuutntie but the old captain found no enter- teiu0lent in the sight snatching 111y rills, phial was Haut hint, blazed al- most perpendicularly down in the direction of the uet►ose Whether his aim was good or not we never had proof, for the bull tuppltel over as if the had Been hit, anti then recov- ering himself made off in the moon- light down the hill." 1),. John '1'. Finnic. of Montreal de- clared o-clared that a moose bull when in- furiated would make a 1111111 ran for his life, and he knee- tt'hat he was talking about, for he had had au FATHER. GAYNOR'S INTEREST- ING STORY. Mistaken Call to .a Bull -Deer Will Attack Man, as Well. After a lou; discussion at Quebec the other l'dy by members of the North American Fish and (tante Pro- tective Association as to whether mouse under certain c ircttlnstances Will attack human beings, the tee -- diet of the majority of those pre - experience. Ile went further and said sent was to the effect that not suety that even it red deer would attack it moose but the little red 01' Virgiuiu man in the rutting season. lie also knew of It case in which a buck deer had got into a street of Wtstnlount, eaie' tuft he heed never heard of a' a subu01) of Montreal, and had tit - well authenticated 0001 of u nlousuI tttckcd two women, who were rescued nituckiu); a an, and asked for per -I by' the motorman of a passing cur. 10044) experiences on the subject. lie, In confirmation of the stories of did not have to wait long for tie red deer, 1i- (1. 'hIel' all fish a"1t answer, The fishery commissioner el Grime ('omni ioner of Vermont. his own ince, !fir. 1). c. solidi, said 0 friend of his in \ich d nt once said that Ice knew n Incl1 whr, char• ,! entered a paddock in which deer were George Washington 's reputation ter otnfined for the purpose of a itttC- vcracity and who Once told bin that ing them when the buck immediately he had been treed by an infuriated gave chase. bull moose. and had he not walla.(' Some time ago n giant bull moose the tree up after him he would un - ;undertook to challenge the advance duubtedly have lust his life, i of an express train on the main line A story tele' in perfectly sober tan-, of the Canadiani otitic Railway.gunge by a Roman Catholic priest 0. Brandon, Mai nitoba. The en- gunge u revelation to mane of those' ginger tooted his whistle and slowed present.. The priest, Path •r Gaynor,' up the (din, but the moose was is a well known sportsman and hent. upon fight, and tossing his ant - who spoke from his cnvn ex -j leers in the most defiant manner dash- naturalist,peri('nre in the New lirunswi•:k woods ed toward the engine. The engineer near Ludgate Lake, within ten miles! thereupon opened the tlu•otlle. The of the city 01 St. .lobe, where in fight lasted but a moment. The bull's company with an old sea captain he i horns became wedged in the pilot, went with .lobe, his Indian guide, soland he bellowed anti kicked, but to hutch the experiment of no avail. The train pulled up and the retrains were cleared away. "CALLING" A MOOSE. The season was not yet open for ♦- deer 111 reel! will under home coital - lions assualt 44 man. Premier 'Tweedie of New Brunswick SAYS SOME THINGS ABOUT THE CLERGY. thine, while many widows and or- i'hnns of the 1.1110(1 need provision made for them. Along the hillsides exten'o dam- age was clone. Though the weather at the time was bright, clear, and warm;, the valley looked as if it had 10011 swept by a tornado. hocks had been loosened on be hillsides, and had crashed dont), blocking the road- ways, and making their passage dange•roas. A number of landslips took place. anal (h' surface of the earth eras broken by gaping fiseares. ANCIENT i3UiL1)1NGS, 11044 n 111 the plain the terribly der etredive nature of the earthquake was was et !dent in the cities :old vil- lages. Imposing ancient builainge were shaken to their foundations and o'.e: tl.roe n. At Lahore the Golden Mosque and the Moa(110 of Wazir suf- fered great injury. 'Modern public buildingR presented a wrecked appear- ance. NTany of the piena(h s and battlements of the railway station fell tender the shock. Much of the upper port of the fecad0 of the Term !full was thrown to the gro::nd. '1 he llohauured4n inhabi- tants paraded the sUrets weeping and offering up ferventpray. re. At Agra people in bed both felt and saw 1Ite motion. Hanging clothes senyed to and fro, the water in the baths I't4it 'fill•: ri,EncY. Other sayings by 'Dr. Osler, are: - ••1 suppose, 05 44 body, clergymen ••No sell -respecting moose email re- nre better educated than any other, fuse this gage of battle. With 0 yet they are notorious supporters of snort and roar he charged up the nil the noetruna and huulbugee.ry hill. Soon the hull was charging in with which the daily and religious upon us, believing ovidretly that our . papers abound, and i find the farther sp•lashe(1 over, and natives squatting clump of lr(xr?e eoncpnlce, his enemy.owns they have wandered from the their on the ground smoking heusual As he swirled in among us I realie Council of Trent the ny more apt the morning hookah were (bt'Dante! head 0(1 that n few ntorr, feet o/ tltitnde are to be steeped in thaumaturgic over heels. would help my case• most consider- rind (Salenc•ial superstition. and there w•us her bee- hastened terefore to clam- "'The common ,=' ase fibres seldom Delhi suTOr,(1 1p::c I y no less of life as at Lahore, but the r b , 1 his reach,which brought become modulated before the age of ancient. capital of Ih. Moguls shows 1110 Nose to the enptnin. 'forty. '1140 earliest they are 14.414 evidence of the earth wave. The roof "Hudrlrnly thiugR brgnu to huh microscopically iv at the age of pen. The Indian at the first onset of of the marble s,a1 qua near the De- the mouse had sought safety in 1)1' Ire('nty. !bey usually begin to ale wan -i -kits c, 'lapsed and the minaret.birch tetebut the power stubs, be- pear at the nge of tete nty-one." of the taboo gala was thrown ing rotten, gave way with him. The' "('hoose a freckled err' for n wife. down. rustling nettle by his excited efforts They are invariably nte,re amiable." Of the distress occasioned to the to climb attracted the attention of i '•Punctuality is the only n't•eweary 4 illage rs and poorest classes terrible • the bull. end he charged on John's I virtue; have this, and all others will accounts me given. All means of a ! tree wilt t. further ado. badded." s-nn!y sal slstenee were swept away 1 could witness the Indian's Fran- "'1 he odor of bronchlectasis is irrepnrnl.ly in a mem(et. Injured tic efforts to shin up to the heavier potent: it bears the Standard 011 men 1.1044.11 wearily for scores of lura, ehee. where he could be beyond strnen." molts at the point of starvation to the reach of his adversary. ile clung "No farmer in this country goes obtain Government help from the to his rifle, holding it out from hint through life without an attack of nearest station. ih►t the deaf roll ns ho climbed. The spltl hoofs of 4,. 541('(lSia-SoiI:i.' early, /tome late, would have 1 veil heat ler hail not the the moose nettled viciously on the some all the time.•' rural populntiort her 11 already afield, stones ns he projected himself In "John ns known to himself and settlements hate suffered the I1:etel in the cullltntor and his sons busy in John's (needier, and the next mom- John as known to his Maker are to- tite cataclylatn. reel the iteentee, the Ilelds, the %%omen anti children eat he was beneath the birch ! tally different from John as known mostly indoors at the cold early hour also out of doors, though.the cot- ••'Then i sew an unustanl sight. The to us." of the morning. contributed propor- torte of fluid Walls and thatch roof Indian went up the tree 445 it some, "As much pity sh.nuld be given to tionatnly to the rell of victims. The dupw net collapse with the sudd, n friendly hand had given hien a hoist.' n wornaa's tears ns 44 goose going 1 i•-eregal :txlge• al Sill" W'44$ itself peril of the dilapidated buildings of rind the se pewee(' out into the barefoot." Rlnittin Lady ('urrnn. the A,norienn inlpo0crlsheel ancient families which opera. Ile nftcreard assured me that "Jaurnlice is the disc/tee your wife of the Viceroy of inlIn. whose area feature of the entice 0( Bengal. , he found for a swift second a foot -+friends diagnose tor e -o11." return to the country niter her rcc- In some of the hill villages, hon0'.er, ' hold on the antlers and thus gave!_ rnt illne•e was hailed with pleasure WISi: SILde m b . p the total Dere of life ran never be I himself the necr•ssury lift upward. •••p•mhe'rclp bacilli ride into the tun by etere sleben of the community, accurately estimated. The eeidters My own impression was that thegs Belt• escaping ns by a miracle. sent !o inter the corpses at places moos(' did (he lifting end that •lobo on bla,k chargers -coal smoke and 'Ihe greatest 108s of life was inflict- only had the luck to travel in the dnst." where not hotter was left standing lie Fos;'iciuns of a arae with 441 rat Dharinsala. This hill settle- were obliged to desist on account of right direction. The bull was not ::.4711 is the hrnrklnartcrs of 1100 regi-tromvicyet dung With hire, however. Circl-' white hair. n 11:114• lnouslach0 anti a 14. 4,1', . ( 1:t:r:.has, the hardy native nate 41ry were t those h0whonittsa sudden ing, he came hack to the ehnrge, heli World complexi• -n: he has served the drone) ,te • 1ittie brown leen" whose depth mercifully seared the horror of lowing forth his peculiar battle g"da•' iderante cued tit h?Inv ega:.lilips aro lingering torment Ihn,ngh being,gru,n(. "Ile /n deaf mutt) is n happy man. 1111111 th • ::erre 41 •1: • of Lite .f44- crcahe l in the debris. '1 he Govern- gr, the unusual happened. 1 We ere no wnrv. o') with him than run ,a •, onei et lee e ! 4, . of comrade- meet of India has st:Ill 1( n re•li, 1 had 514.11 on the famous melee the 1eterten rine.." (hip will, 11'.• white it ,h r.gimrnfs fund and 11.18 an4h'r Iinflnrfal bar- , )round known as the Popple Knoll "There Are 1n'ura11' ensrs in nmerii- (oi:t ti ,n 1'.14r". at n: f:mnii npflignv• r(tn pine•,I np„t its Fhouldots, it s in (',tnn.,.e. a herd of moose feeding, cine. in'orricibl•• vires in (11'.1 ter, 4,t e 41 e a..'-‘ /.4 w r• 1 ht in early winter. rend I end watehe I en;( Pelee-oh:1,1e mics in la,v.' 5ii 1 n, An th ' r \•• '1' ';0titin well that under the administration of t(rm While the hulls reached up and "pier, is a 5111,4ll boy eco will not 1.4), el Curios In lia is better Able to wit h their forefeet (bcw• d14g own the (elk to any 0,•. Ile ill make a stir 4-81910the exprn•"s to he 1111'11111A for birch saplings within reach of the' tele• it an. Do not en'ourng(• him 'I he ecu Osten) e n +' 14'11 'alt of t!'. ! i soh- 1 h.' r' lief of Ill" 14.111, and th' "Tara- young cotes and straddled the tree' to tnit.' tion of pahlir luiiaio,;s (hall ill for- to keep them down. But I had n,. •'A great university has a deal to t 1 ;r ri^, . n r. 0'1 tiler periods of her history. iden that an nn cry buil would a1lo 1t i' r. n \'., ! '1 is r.• ! i 1 function -to trash and to thinit.' h..' I.,'. *� "� the same tactics •'It anent he &•Hied (het In dell - A SEI1Mlc)N 'I'IIA'f TOLD. N1, As 1.4 h.: • were • 81440.8 r4 Eii. Th••,, tions te4 re. .4!' i4'wly e -', , a from OM' ,.n I there -quart,-- to minstee, Ali ryr-w11nrss tin the te, ' .h number of the meek -rem of the nee. ! plied his forefeet in the nttenc;4t. to their brims net th,lve who practise 1.+ •:. the :1(10 ns just under t 11r. 'I'ownsen.l's concr.►;ation at Tun- reach John. John was now in real withThtherowir amoutallhs.' n • i•t• t s of 1h.e tr:•ar,nr tchlch wits tridgn Write, Fnelnnth have sent to danger. lie had I'y flee time reach-, "w'fl1ambition!'beymal fall rat fen tinware rust 6 o'cio011. ' th.•ir lei, inter pnekr•?s of enlunbl. 0e' the highest hrnneh lhnt woul,l that of dein; the day's work well.j' en 1 which :msec! the )•rent tett neon -1 jewels an'eng tither things, with re- sustain his weight nod yet the ---1----- her of fntaliti(s. Meet of the Euro- quests that they shall be devoted to hinting brute nil but struck him at iA civil engineer is not monarch of Peons were still in heti, 1 Chri�tinn work, each Jump. all he surveys. 1 '1'O GET A'1' .AN )1:NEM l'. • ings eith the public jest n lit'le • Jlot,d by nn eloquent append mad.' •'-That is just whet he tried to de, touch of h!mnbug is immense•lc c:•e- te them n few orales ecu to cease nevertheless. Standing fin his hind tivc. but it is not n:ecessary." Tait ing un hie pride in personal . feet. his Brent head, with its lone. "There are only two sorts of she- . a,ornnce.t and worl.ily pee%srsciuns. horselike neizele pointing tweet -(l, ht `ic•ianv-those whn prraetir«. with KEEPING STATE SECRETS EMPIRES WERE SAVED BY SILENT DIEN. Ditcretion of DDI. de Blowitz, the Correspondent of the Times. When Mr. i'rederick (:rtenwootI the famous journalist, was entertained at a banquet recently, the well- known story was recalled of how he perfumed a service to his country which r, -.lilted in perhaps the finest coup dithenacy has brought oft for getter:.buoy. In that incident Englund scored troucndously: but it nearly cost her n war with 1•'runce--a fact that marks another secret well kept by a jourtedist, though in the ncuney- market Hien would have been ready to purchase it for a huge sum. Just after the transaction h114 1:1. n set- tled, the I)uc Peewee, the Foreign Secretary of 1'rence• was entertain- ing a few friends at his house, among whom was M. de Illowite, the famous Paris correspondent of the 1 ondon "limes." 'the Due, in high fettle, was playing billiards with a lady guest, who looked like win- rling, whin an attache entered with son:0 telegrams. The Dec read one. turned red. then pale, wiped his brow, and suddenly strut'. his cue on the tittle, 111tO1\I•: IT ACROSS ITIS KNEE, and threw the pieces into the fire. '1lcevl, teeing up to M. de lilowitz, he said he had just heard of the sale and purchase of the Suez Canal sh•u•es. the whole thing having been kept concealed from the French Gov- ernment. "It is an infamy!" he added. "1t is Eltglund's way of putting her hand on the Isthmus of Suez, and my personal failure has in no way re- tarded o-tarded the act. I authorize, you to say what you have Just seen. I even beg you to say it, and to add that Lord Derby will have to pay for it With that he strode from the room mull Bring: "Vas, I swear that lie shall pay for it!" The journalist saw what a stir the •"rimes" would create 1 he world over when it appeared with th,8s piece of information. France certainly had reason for anger. She had, at great expense of labor, genius, and money, risked and accomplished the building of the Suez Canal, which had successfully altered the charts of the werchant marine of every country of the globe; and now Eng- land hail coolly stepped in in the dark, rind possessed herself of the benefits, 11011(10n! and material! But M. tle ltlowitz saw that, in the circumstances, such language from a Foreign At:Meter of France about the Foreign Minister of England atm -met- ed almost to a det•ler44tion of wnr. So the correspondent tore up his; al- ready written messaee. and when the paper appeared 11, ,1 day it men- tioned nothing of the occurrence. The 1)uc. W'l10 HAD COOLED DOWN, sent fur M. de I!lowitz nn:l thanked hien a est warmly, sne•ing: "Volt have acted ns 44 Mend of pcac. •, Vont,. ten years inter It appeared that Ili land and Russia were about to Is to amts. Just after our muddle in the. Soudan, en ling in Gordon's death at Khartoum, Rus- sia otidently thought the time was appropriate to 5(1.100zc the best terms o:11 of us in Asia, end, while a Joint Commission was delimiting LEADING /MARKETS 111(1:A UR'T 1 1 I'S. Turonto, July 27.-- wheat -Ontario -The market is steady ut t)8c to *1 for No. rel and white, cast (tel trot. (loose is nominal at 85c to 86e. Manitoba -Another advance in Winnipeg prices has raised local quo- tations to $1.071 to 81.08 for Ike. 1 northern, 81.044 to 81.05 for No, 2 northern and 91c for Nu. 3 tan -th- erm lake ports, 6c more grinding in transit. Flour -Ontario -Dull; 90 ler cent. patents, $9.411 to $4.45, buyers' sacks, cast and west, 15c to 20a higher for choice. Mahitobu-Firm; first patents sell at 85.40 to $s.:.0; second patents. $5.10 to $5.120; bak- ers', $5 to $5.10. Atil Ifeed-c ►nt:u•ier-itrun, 812.50 to $13. Shorts limn, 817.50 to $18 for cur lots outside. Barley -Nominal, 45c for No. 2, 43c for No. 2 eetru, and •!lc for No. 1 malting outside. Ity-t•-Nu demand; 60c outside. Corn -Canadian, 52c to 53c, ('hat - ham freights. American firm; No. 2 yellow', 621c to 621e; No. 3 yellow, 62c to 0214 lake and rail freights. Oats -Sales of No. 2 are reported at 45c to 4151c outside, and of Man- itoba oras on wrack at Owen Sound at 46e. Rolled Ours -$4.3., for cars of bags and $4.60 for barrels on track here; 25c more for broken lots hero and 40e oet'. de. Peas --or to 71e for No. 2 west and east; .e for milling. lluckwhe:tt--50c to 60c east or west. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -The market is steady, and is expected to continue at about pre:- dr -- sent prices. Creamery, prints ... ...18c to 20c do sonde ... ... 18c 19e Dairy ib. rolls, good to choice ... ... 15c 16c do large rolls ... 14c 15c do //Helium .. ... 13c 14c do tubs, good to ch'c141c 151c du inferior 12c 13e Cheese -Job lots sell at 101c to 104c. Exports continue to increase. 7'he number of boxes shipped from Montreal since May 1st is 305,009, compared with 263,203 a year ago and 411,4'2:3 in 100:1. Eggs -Prices hold steady at 1(14c to 17c. Potatoes -Ontario firm at 60c to 70c on track Toronto. New potatoes imported sell at $1.25 per bushel. Baled Ilay-No. 1 timothy is mint- ed at $7.73 to $8 per ton for car lots on track 'I'otonto. (Baled Straw -Trude is only nom- inal. MON'1'Itl:A1. MARKETS. Montreal, June ''7. -Manitoba spring wheat pat0111s, $5.40 to $i..- 60; strong bakers', 85.10 to $5.30; winter wheat patents, 5.50; straight roll 'rs. $5 to $5.15, and in bags, $2.40 to $2.50. Millteed-Manitoba bran• in bags, $17 to $18; shorts, 820 to 821 per tun; Ontario winter wheat bran In bulk, 816.50 to $17.50; shorts, 819 to 820: moraine, $24 to 828 per ton, as to quality. Outs -friers rule firm at $2.221 per hag. Cornmeal is unchanged at $1.:35 to $1.45 per long. Ilav-No. I, Cl) to 89 25: No. 2. 87.75 to $R.2..; clover mixed, 86.75 to $7.25, and pure clover, $0.50 to $6.75 per tun, in cnr lots. 1Senns-('hnire princes, $170 to 81.75 per bushel, $1.50 to $1.(10 in cur lots. Iloncy-White clover in tombs, 121c to 121c per section, in 108 sec - tic northern bouutiary of Afghanis tion,; extract, in 10 -II,. tins, 7c to tan -a country we practically protect 7jr, in tial Ib. tins, fie to Glc. -the 11w -eines claimed the district 'Buckwheat -6c to 61e, as to qua)- of I'ettjd+11. drove out the Afghans, icy, who were actually in possession. Provisions-Ile/lee ('nnnd'nn short. cut ;pork, 81(',.Sl. to $17.5o; light and occupied the place theineelt•es. short cut, $10.50 to 817; American A crisis naturall:• followed, and Cut clear fnt back, $20; compound investors fecance shy of putting motl- ey Inrd, 61c to 7c; C1uc44ainn lard. fife ; in the storks of the countries con- to 71e; kettle rendered, 81c to 'J{c, cern:••1, except at reduced price:(, according to quality: hams, 12e to while in the hundred and one ways 14c; bacon, 1241 to lle; fresh killed that t• ar nRe:ls trade basin ss was nbnttoir hoes, 89 50 to $9.75: niix. lessen.d. Diplonjntic /went !Mime:, eel, 86.50 to *41.75; select, $7 to however, went on, end as Mr. (:last- $7.25. stone ons looking at the pictures at Eggs -Straight stock, 151c to 1(10, the Metal Acndeiuy on May 2,;d, and selects, 17c to 118: No. 2. 141c. Lord Granville. the foreign Steve- flutter -Choice creamery, 194e to tare'. trent up to hire, and told hien 11►yc; undergrades, 181c to 19c; the whole nffair had been satisfac- dairy, lee to 16jc; rolls, 151c to torily settled. 161e. Had this news attain leaked out, Cheese -Ontario, 0 c to 91e; Que- ll would have been worth fortunes bcc, t)lc to 91c. to (Minders. They could have bought storks and shares at the coni_ T11'i•'1A1,0 ItlAnErr4. iteratively pow pricer they had gene 1111(781o. N.Y., .lune 27. -Flour. - to, certain thnt a rise would follow; Strong. Wheat -Spring, lirin: No. 1 but the o.'rret wit. kept until it was Northern, $1.1111. Corn -Unsettled; ton late for anyone to lake advent- No. 2 yellow, 6141; No. 2 corn. 591e. age of It. -London Answers, ()ate -Strong; No. 2 white, 351c; No. 2 mixed, :14c. Canal freights- Steady. NEW ERITISH BATTLESHIP. CAT'I'LE MAR10E1'. Will Combine Characters of Cruis- 'Toronto, June 27.-T1r marker til- er and Fighting Vessel. day w1R pracl ic•ally unch 'tee - in Ibis year's navel programme el. 'There were hncreneed re- provision was le far constructing e'1'ii'ts, the bulk being of the kind only one battleship, but it now 04,- that is not readily bought up. The pears that this vessel will he ('((11(41 general tendo• ens not the hest. in fighting power to any two Which I Export Cattle -Trade was rather she will meet on the seas. She will slow, but generally values were un - be appropriately nnmrrl 1 .14.8. changed. I(nying teats etly at the Dreadnought, and will have a spee,l 1 beyer's own fagures. Prices are still of 21 knots, or two knots more than $ ' and f5 25 per cwt. the swiftest of her consorts now l:ail''h.•rs' ruffle -The ?trete (teen se afloat. instead of reciprocating eat- trifle easier, with heavy arrivals and glues, she 11 ill have turbines of 23,-; a slow sale. The Wheelies were mile 000 indicated horsepower, n:d "I:n-, (1f the fair quality. i'rices are 85 gin,•c•ring" states that her armament • rind 85 13 for choice picked lots. Will comprise ten twelve -nett trap-; Stockers and Ire !ers---'!'err,• 10548 ons, each throwing 500 Ib. shells rat net nn ovcrsnpply• 011.1 1'rtr'i, r tet the rate Of eh.mt two a 11110411e. w.th , (11:, li9:0 was not very brisk. The 144-t trotters are retorted (leen t') a mu�z10 energy of 48,000 foot -tons, t The pre -tree hitherto has been to $'1.7:., nn11 g 1 stockers to 23.80 have tour (aeive-inch guns with a I'''" c:'.( number of smaller weapons, but they ,titch ('ewe--'fhe 25 ufirred Ful.! tin - Dreadnought will have nothing smell- chai,ged nt from $30 to 850 eacuh er than this primary 'teepee, except The trade le fairly steady. small pieces for repelling turps•('o at-; Calves -Receipts veer n little 1e - tack. ; yond a limited demand. but privet The new nrmonred cruisers will, it r..n,n1ncd unrha,'geI The bulk of is said. have a rale of steaming o(1 the oiferieg;s sold Well. 21S knots, and Will be equipped with Sheep and Lambs -There has 1.'y;n no gut smaller than 1he 9.2 in , no change in the position of the which discharges fl 3Rn 114. shell. The ; market and wires hove cot alter' r:• new destroyers a III have a speed of Hogs -The market wins Well el, an'l 36 knots, equal to over forty miles up. 'i he exp. et. d fel :n 1 o? an hour. In each class of vessel full In the reTerines owlet/ to the het advantage %till b0 taken of all rho w rather did not nlatertaline 1't its! lessons dc'lueed from the present war. are still 34.65 and $6.40. 4"