HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-29, Page 3A LUCKY GIRL. ;saved From Deadly Decline by Dr. Williams. Pink Pills. MAD ELEPHANT RAN RIOT EXCITING TIME IN AN ENG - "Woe ti 1 think of my former condi- LISH CIRCUS. tion of health," says Miss Winnifrcd --- '1't•rry, of West ltiver, Sheet harbor. The Brute Mauled His Trainer and t1.8., "1 reminder Invent a lucky girl that I um well and strong to -day, Gid! I owe my present good health entirely- to lir. I% lit ium' fink Pills. A powerful elephant ran riot at John White Could Get Nothing to There are very few Lle.ltls- �; 1 suffered almost all that ono can en- Hanger Circus, I akewe1I. Dc'rby- (lure (runt weakness and nervousness. shire, says the London Express. Help His RheumatismTill He .ng operations in which Sunlight I was as pale as a sheet, and wasted Preparations for the exhibition Tried the Great Canadian Kid- Soap cannot be used to advant. away. The least noise would startle were Just beginning when one of the a.!e. It makes the home bright me, and 1 was troubled with fainting eks}.hants, without the slightest ney Remedy, spells, when 1 would suddenly lose warning, ferociously attacked his 3!1.1 elfan. cotesciousaees and drop to tlw floor. trainer, Frank Bailey. The brute Yellow (Grass, Assn., N. W. '1'., , tB At other times nay heart would pal- viciously swung round his trunk and June 19 (Special). -Nu place on the s _ pitato violently and cause a smother- felh•d Bailey to the ground. 'Then prairies but can furnish some proof men in foreign legions is proof. Now - Ing sensation. Night and day mY h.• advanced, and to the horror of of the sett ndid work Pudd's Kidney akuaski insists. that the desertions nerves were in a terrible condition, ''ills are doing in wiping out too resulted not from a dislike of laili- the audience, pert eel his kne...on the Kidney ailments of the west. it volts tory service. but because the leen and 1 seemed to be continually grow body of the helpless trainer, who could not endure militarism as ,rac- ing worse. No medicine that I took cried loudly for help. war hero that tittle Edith Harrist.ise, .i1 Cerusany. i helped oto in the least until I began Wit it a solicitude flint was almost teas so wonderfully cured of Dropsy taking De. Il illiaums' fink Pills, and liv thea., and now Mr. John Shite is 1 ♦---_ tater I had taken a half dozen boxes, Inman, the other elephant ran nal ivin • un ex ►crien:e ubnost eta ro- I buttcxt against the attacking animal g 6 1 WHEN TRAVELLING ABROAD. 1 fell so much better !hal 1 stopped It forced him off the body of his lllarlal,Ie. — tukin • theme and %vent on n visit to "1 thin'.," Mr. 'Mmite say's, "I b 3 %:etlen. �ev,tral attendants note Rules for Registration of British Boston. I had made a mistake, 1 'cd It it should let the public know of the, benefit I got from i)odd's Kidn'y Subjects. Pills. 1 had Rheumatism for scars, I }.;very British subject is entitled and neither doctors nor medicines should he rlt•sire to do so, to register did me a bit of good till last spring himself at a 1triti h consulate, and 1 tried Dudd's Kidney 1'illr. Tlmey to obtein a ceItilicato that he is so did me a great steal of gooey. 1 feel registered. li..e rec•ommen nese Po(ld'a Kidney I An applicant of European descent, l'ills even stronger than 1 tails." who is not person,tlly known to the sss noeld's Kidney Pills cure the Kid-' co. ihlr olliccr, claiming Brie ixh net's. Sound,Kldn'ys strain all f+'eda nationality on the ground of birth of disease nut of the blood. Theywithin the British dominions :notelet tone up the body to its highest' produce a letter from some known standard of health and energyn noel responsible 1 person cert ify ing + to his identity uud British MIGiIT IIF WORSE. � nationality, or satisfactory et/de/leo Askin -"Is tho party who gave of some other des riptiun. you the tip straight!" lifter° Brills h nationality is t luint- ed r 4 he ute -although he isKnot t -"Yes, tengage !cin atcrook-raight 21 eni.dv.. yon the• g •o nd,eO hat ctJ ell business." claimant's father was a natural Askitt-"What is the nature of his born !:elfish subject though tile business?" claimant was born abroad, the f.,)- Knott-"lle manufactures cork- lowing evidence should be required: screws." • (a) A certificate of the birth of 4 the applicant. I'EI;SONALLY CONDUCTED (h) The marriage certificate of the TOUR parents. (c) The birth certificate of the fa - To California and Lewin and ther. Clarke Exposition, Port- Where the nationalityis claimedland, Oregon. by descent from the paternal grand- father under the statute 13 Geo. 11 I. A personally conducted excursion eap. 21, evidence in nckfitlnn to that to the Pacit,c coast via tyle !:rand In paragraphs (a), (b) anti (c) above Trunk Railway System and connect- a hoMad be requite d as to- ilet;lines (eaves Quebec Ju ' ly 5, all (d) 'The marriage of the paternal Montreal and Toronto July O. Thegrand-parents. route will leo vla Chicago, thence (e) 'I he birth of the paternal through Council -'Shills to Omaha. grandfather grandfather within the British do - Denver need Colorado Springs. Stops minions. will be made at each of these p:area ...4,...--. and 4,_- and site trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Crook, Carden of the Gods, Mrs. Grouch -"]f 1 should die yon etc. From there the, party will con• would never get another wife who flout through the 'nutans scenic would look after you as 1 have route of the Denver and ilio Grande. done." Mr. Grouch -"No, not if I through the Royal Gorge to Salt could help it." Lako City, thence to Los Angeles. San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, fort- Wo All itave Missions in the World. - land. Oregon. Seattle, Spokane, and There is it work to do for every 11•un home throe h tit. Paul and illinnea- 011 earth. !hers Is a function to per - g form for everything nn earth, animate polis. The trip will occupy about and inanimate. Everything hits a thirty days, ten days being spent on mission, and the mission of Dr. Thom - the Pacific const. as' l:cke:toe is to heal burns and wounds of every description and cure The rriee for the round trip. in- coughs, cold +, croup and all affections eluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- of the respiratory organs. 1st sleeping car:(. all nu•uls in the dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., Is First Passenger -"Aro they a hap - s; 165.50 front (Nebel., or i• 1(0.50 113, family?" Second Passenger - from Montreal and $150.00 from "i'nm not. The old man is seasick, Toronto. This first trip is designed but his wife and the girls have man as a vacation trip for teachers, I. dc -mer." though many who are not teachers will fnnpro•o the opportunity of tak- Bought Yesterday -Cured To•Oay. beg the trip at the remarkably low -lyes. 0. Y. hurt. of 211 Broadway, price ariorded. Mew York. says' "I ani surprised and 1'or full pstrtIceilnrs address E. C. delighted at the change for the better - !hinter, General Agent and Condos- In my case ht one day from the use yon', Room 808, Union Station, To- of Dr. Agno:a's Catarrhal Powder. It ronlo. worked liko magic -there's no excuse for et person suffering pain with this AN ESTIMATE. • rt-ni dy within reach. 50 cents. -81 Stampeded the Audience. EVERY PLAGE ON THE PRAIRIES HAS ITS CURES CREDITED TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Your Money's Worth of fragrance and lull ri.h (laver in every peony of however, in stopping the pills too ret hcvl fu,warc and carr) n et' soon, and I began to go back to my out of the arena, and the erring elo- forrncr condition. I then called on a pliant seemingly conscious of his well known Boston doctor, and after guilt, quietly followed than outside. explaining my case, 1( Id him how lir. Every one thought the danger was minions, fink fills hue helped mo over but a succession of terrifying before. Ile told me to continue their truutpetings and the violent swaying use, saying 1 could take nothing bet- of the marquee slowed thnt the ter, and 1 got allotl:e-r supply and beast was still in a 1)nd humor. soon began to regain health. I took BROKE THROUGH 'TENT. about eighteen boxes in all, and they 'Then there was a tearing of canvas fully .and completely restored e my and the elephant thrust. his head and health, and I have had no eic..ness trunk runk through the hula he had made I)r. Williams' Pink fills can do just and again roared at the audience. as mach for every weak nervous, A prink ensued. The spectators pale -faced young woman, who is slip- fearing that the elephant would burst ping from anaemia into deadly der through, made a wild dash for the cline. They make new, rich health_ exits. It is remarkable that he the giving blood, and that is what every stampede no one suffered serious in- growing girl and woman must have Jury. to retain their health. It is because An attempt was made to capture these pills actually make new blood the animal. but he careered madly that they strike at the root of all round the fold, and eventually :cues common ailments of life, such as Mr. George Coleman, the rnnnnger of headache and sideaches and back- the circus, with his trunk, (lung hint aches, indigestion, palpitation of tho to the ground, and gored hint about heart, kidney troubles, sciatica, the body with his tusks. rheumatism, neuralgia, St. Vitus Ultimately the animal was pacified Dance, and paralysis. Ilut only the and secured in irons. genuine pills can do this, and the Medical n•sis.tnnce was ohtain••d. sick one should see that the hill and the injured trainer was removed name "lir. Williams' Pink Pills for to the in 'rn►nry an.! the manager to Palo People" is printed on the wrap- his hotel. They are h1 n critical con - per around every box. Don't let tiny- dition, but the doctors believe they one persuade ,you to take anything will both recover. else. Sold by all dealers or sentby mail at 50c a box, or six boxes for MILITARY FUNERAL. $2.50, by writing the Dr. Williams' A firing party from the local vol - Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. unteer:s and yeomanry who are en- + camped in Chatsworth Park was af- terwards procured. 'They formed a COMING KNIFE BLADE. row of khaki -clad men. A short distance away the doomed elephant Sheffield Is Going to Turn Out a wets secured with massive chains anti Marvellous Bit of Steel. ropes. At a safe distance in the rear Every one knows that to sharpen thousands of townspeople and leaul pencils is bad for the razor -this lagers stood intently giving on ordinary razor• th.ene unusual proceedings. The ole- !)ut a day is corning when a man phant tens forced to his knees, the will be. able to shave himself, cut the order to lire was given, and a met -- leaves of the latest magazine, execute meat later he rolled over dead. fretwork, and, if the humor takes ♦_ hint need his patience endures. cut down trees, with a pcnknifs.that may NOT A NEW PiI':C1' be carried in the waistcoat pocket. "1 admired that Inst piece you For in .July Sheffield is going to, played, professor, Inunerisely," said place upon the market a water- Mrs. Caswell. "It ha 1 a kind of hardening tool steel capable of main- wild freedom about it, you know -a taining a keen cutting edge longer sort of get 1111 mid go that just suit. than anything of the kind hitherto ed me. Was it a comprsition of our producer). A bin(le of this steel will own?" not only remove all traces of a three days' heard and carve a railway buf- fet sandwich with e,illaI facility, but it can be hamn,•red with iron hors need hent to an angle of sixty degrees without breaking. It will also cut glass, just like a diamond. This will not increase its populrcrity with pro- perty -owners aril the pollee, perhaps. Files made from it wear four times as long. say the makers. as those made from any other kind of steel. and it Is expected that this marvel- lous arveI- lo us pr•nd'iet of modern invention will be snlest1.10 in bulk at about sixpence a 'sound. With a small blade of this, remark- able steel nn expert. recently shaved s(wue hair from his arm, and then slur heel a knotty Gillet of red -wood In a way which would have reduced an ordinary knife to the semblance of n sow. 'bit on re -testing, the. edge wily found exactly as at the outset, without n dent. and Just the thing for an •'easy (shave." IN A VIENNA CAFE. "•Ma(lam," frigidly responded the eminent tnusicinn who had been hir- ed for the occasion, "1 was putting a new E string on my violin." CAUGHT. Miss ('assay (coyly) -I saw the cutest painting to -day of the--er-- w•hat is the name of that little god that represt•slts matrimony? Mr. '1'imutid-Well, now you've got Um. Miss Passay-Oh, Mr. 'l'inrntid, thin Is so sudden( FOOD IN SERMONS. Feed the Dominie Right and the Sermons aro Brilliant. A conscientious. hard working and eminently successful clergyman writes "1 am glad to bear testimony to the Mr. (1oodart-Ah1 you've heard her, then? She certainly has the gift of song. Miss Chellue-Well, I hope that's what it is. 1 ehould hntc to think she paid anything for it. THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Itns good openings in nanny places In Ontario for Agents. The high profit-.'nrning power of the Company, coupled with Its lower roles, makes It all!Itctivo to buUt insurers tend agents. If you have never been cane/owed to Insure In Ihle Company, or if there Is no agent ht your locality, write fur particulars. .1. O. McCARTHY, Fie tldy-Mism (!rimes doesn't look so young as she did a few years ago. Duddy -And yet she is severed years younger, according to her own story. Y.eert Dl Relieved In i0 Minutes -I1.. Agecw's Curo for the !foam gives perfect relief in nil rages of (Irgetnlc or Nyanja' thetic Menet Disease In 8o tnln- eito:, and speedily effects a euro. It ma n 'merles.• 11•111edy Jur Palpitation, Mhorinexr of Breath, Smothering Spells, l'aln in Left Side, and all symptoms of 8 Diseased heart. One do's convinces. pleasure amt inc'renseil urrnntere of The common brick, if very dry. will efficiency and health thnt have come absorb n quart of water. The per - to .rte from adopting (.rope -ruts as feet brick of the human variety, how - one of my articles of diet. ever, although he Is ale aye dry, "For neveral years f wag much die- doesn't absorb n quart of water in a A literary man in Vienna, possess- tressed during the early port of each year's drinking. herein is seen the or of the learned degree of doctor, Clay by indigestion. My birnkfust, superiority of mind over *natter. used to take his midday refection at usunlly congesting of oat meal, mil': n well-known cafe in the Austrian and eggs, seemed to turn sour noel 1 Manager for Ontnrlo, sten SI10IIK 1:XCUiRSIONS. capital. one set day the place was fulled to digest. After dinner the 111 Toronto St., Toronto. If you are going to Asbury Park, less fully attended than usual, and hendarhe tool other symptoms fol- the I nrkaw 11111 sell tickets at the miserable stale of the weather {owing the breakfast would wearDRIVEII FROM ARDIY. greatly reduced rates July 1. 2, 3, induced roost of the visitors to seekaway. only to return, however, next via New York. Choice of pintos. their various eumploytnenls as speed- anorning, Eighty Thousand Deserters From Finest scenery. full particulars and ily ns possible. "Having heard of Grupe -Nuys fond, Kaiser's Forces. booklets ran be obtained at 1.ncka- A Recognized Itegulator.-To tering the When proceeding to follow their J nanny concluded to give it a fair Eighty thousand deserters front the %tr ua 'Tourist Bureau, 289 Main digestive organs Into symmetrical work - example, the learned doctor was as- trial. 1 quit. the ace ref oatmeal newt (Berman arm are now livingin En u St., Buffalo• Jnr s the Bin, of physicians when they tonis.heil to 11nel, in place of his eggs, 811,1 made my hrcalcfasts of land, Ilullnn d and Belgium. enduriu a and a !.sheet •urterrng from stomachic shabby and weather-beaten head -K Irregularities, and for this purpose they ('rape -\uta, cream, toast and rose- privation, even starvation, in pre- can prescribe nothing' hitter then Par- coveriotr, a real Paris hat, shining4 I100DOOi•:h. , tune. The restell was surprising to ferenco to suffering the hrutalitie•s melee'Rai ♦'eRetahle Illls. which will hs with sparkling brellinney. Ile could 1'reddy-I'm the unluckiest man nn,'tend a pleasant mediclna of ae,ry,,•,.. ()illy attribute this tuns! magical inlprnteil health and total abeenee of of the German military service. This earth' virtue in bringing tt,e refractory organs change to the delicate attention of. the distress that had, for so longe a is one of the ,.intements which Ar- Into subjection and restoring than to 6time, followed the morning meal. Aly Hoer Nowakowski, himself n deserter, ('holly -What's up now, old chap? menial action. f11 which condition only sumo friend, and hastened to din-! R Freddy -i called on my intended can they perform their duties properly play the tcquieitiof, with no Iittteldlgestfon Merano once more anfisfae- makes In his book, •"1'ho Lust last night and her father's ride to his fancily. tory, the headaches ceius'd, need the Army." which is now creating a 6 dog bit p 11e, SICKLY OCTOGENARIANS. The next dny n young man ne-io'ef feeling of cei,rov retu,is'f. Since sensation throughout the empire. Tho hook is a terrible indictment (..11"11Y-1 ,city rough, old— '''bey were neither of them brilliant corned him at the cafe end pulitdy'thtt time, four yelps f 1 hour al- Freddy--Ilold un; theft's not all. scholars, but theyliked to move with remarked:-• , wncr haft Grapes -Nide food on m of rho brutality eef the German mill- y tary system, and is a combination Now the girl refuses to marry Inc the times as regards their knowlcxigo "Doctor, nllow mo to claim toy; hrenkfnet table, of Nownkowski's own personal ex- because she's afraid 1'11 bring hydro- of current events, so the deity news - hat and to npologize for the appar-1 "I was delighted to firm oleo. dint I,.'ibence, graphically felling the„ys- Ishohin into the familyn paper was regularly delivered at oat mistake. The fact was, however, whereas before i is ran In woe Grape- Genetic cruelty which drove hint to _ - ,. their humble domicile, and it was I lind no brelln, and you had one. Nuts food 1 was emit nervous and desertion trout an infantry regiment, •Ionuie's duly to read out Burin g I did not know what to do to pre- became easily wearied in fhe teork where he was servingas a private, r` �j t breakfast time all the most interest - vent. my mw hat from being Spoilt of prepnring s.•rmeme and In study. across the frontier nto Switzerland ing items d of the ay. One murnl►>.:, �.�- to (ho rain, 811(1 n'•1 knew yours n marked imprnvrn'f 11' in this re -last year. and the tales of his fellow-- e`S © ,,.'•` after %coding !trough the latest in rould not he made worse thnn it ('s epeet remelted front the thnng(' in my deserters %thou) he encouuteretl in I borrowed it, rend now return it, diet. 1 am ennui+ e.'sl that Grape- Switeerlstnd, Trance, Holland and with thanks.” TEA. Keit there by proper bantling from plantation to store. JUST TRY THE RED LABEL ic / t •s _; L( Let Libby Serve Your Soup Tomato, Julienne, Consomme, Chicken. MuI.ii=atawney, or 0,1.11 will please the most fastidious. They are quickly prepared --delicious to eat -always satisf.actoty. Libby's (F;auoal Food Products Corned Beef Dash 'Boneless Chicken Vienna Sausage Ox Tongues Soups Barn Loaf Your Grocer has Meru Libby. McNeill d. Libby, Chicago ( (. 9 913 LET TOE BABY SLEEP USE WILSONS FLY PADS Tho Sympathiser -"Did you get t.lto appointment?" 'Ile Out -of - Work -"No; I got the disappoint- Cucumbers and melons aro "forh'ddea n►ent•" fruit" to many persons so constituted that the feast indulgence Is followed by y, attacks of cholas, dysentery, griping, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT etc. 'these persons aro not aware that Removes all hard sett or calloused 11etheynl,nveu on e 1 ando ela botr tle of content ttl)r lumps and blemishes from horses, blood J. 1). Kelloggs f+vsentery Cordial, spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, medicine that will give immediate relief, awewney, slit)):, sprains, more and and is a sure cure for all summer conn. throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 plaints. I'AC'IFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and Septetnber the Chicago and Nole h {{estern Ity. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to `pan Francisco, I.os Angeles, Po::land, Orr. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), 1e- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of trnin ser- '.i.e, favorable stopovers end liberal ret urn limits. Ilatcs, fold.rs and full information can be obtained from 11. 11. Itcnnett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 3t A small boy, writing a composition on Quakers, wound up by saying that the "Quakers never quarrel, never get into a fight, never claw each other, and never jaw back." Bio added, "Pa is it Qunker, but I really, don't think ma can be." ee ellen by ubu 01 0110 bottle. Warranted the most sunder' JI Ulcmish Cure eser kuuwn. NOT IMPRESSED. "Ile says he will never marry if 1 jilt hint," said the impressionable girl. "Well," answered Miss Cayenne, "maybe such an arrangement would make a number of people happier." Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Craves' Worm Ex- terminator is it pleasant and sure cure. i1 you lova your child why do you let it hurter when a remedy 1■ so near at hand? "I want to buy a clog collar," said the customer. "ties, sir," Ito plied the absent-minded salesrrtfn, who had recently been transferred to that. department; "wont bizo shirt do you wear?" The Pall of Rheumatic Paint. -when a eulercr finds pc..netnent re- lic( In such a ntoritorloue medicine as South American Itheunialic Cure, how gond he Is to tell It. C'. W. Mayhew. tf 'I'heme:evills, (Int , couldn't walk of feed himself for months -four years ago three bottler. of this great remedy cured him -nut a pain since -isn't that en- boureheuotat for rheu,netic sufferers? -82 We have usually found that when a body of men meet for an interesting change of views they separate as they met, each with his own vitas unchanged. 'the young man was interviewing the 'tern parent of the only girl in the world. "Of course, sir," hr. Feed, "toy salary ie not colownl. but 1 can give ger all the necessities of Nets food produced this result rind Belgium. hrtpe(1 1110 to n 'derrh• condition of The author insists that the major - mental and ph"•drul strength• try of deserters he met were forced to "I have known of several persons to Ileo by the abuses of tlermon mil - who «ere fee -merle troubled nil 1 Rtarism, and that the privations they Lune. and who have been helped as i endure and even starvation are far have been. ley the line of (Irape•Nii's preferable to Jho ill-treatment they fond, on my recommendation. among were subjected to while members of tho German army. Sixteen thousand Gennnn deserters(. hr aseertse, are now serving in the French foreign legions in Algeria and Madagascar, places to which no man but one who cares nothing for his life will go. The service of these life and sot.,8 .mf its luxuries." "My whem acne he mentioned the Hey. d'•or Mfr. Soilly.'' relbed the stern now 9 ,,lIssinnar;y in Chinn." parent, "you helve 'scarcely Improc•SI Nome given by Postural Company, your (Poe in Me:- society if you dee )!itife ('reek, Mich. nett 'meta' that rlhr convi(es all the -There', a reneon " luxuries of lin ►..r none eteressnry (tend f he little honk, "The ilolel that the ,ecessiti.•.. ' to W'ellville," in each pkg. .Judge (in the court -room) -"I've lost my hat." Counsel-"'J'hnt'$ nothing. I lost a suit here yestcro day." W'amh greasy dishes, pole or pens with Lever's !try Soap et pee der. It will remove too grease with the ge•eatest ease. Kate -I suppose Bertha was doe lighted to see you? Funite-tike sere ttinly seemed very glad to see tyle grey hairs in my head. '''here are a number of vanctle• of corns. Iiolloway's Corn Cure will re. .novo any of them. Call on your drug. gist and get a bottle at once. A WICKED WORLD, BUT ---- It's a wicked world, but there isn't a bishop who wants to get out of it. What rashes You Ocepondent? -rte, Om stomach gone wrong? Ilave the torte centres grown tired and indent? Are yon thrtMenet! with nervous pros- trat►ons Mouth American Nervinn Ir nature's corrector, nmakes the stomach right. ghee a world of force. kcri.s the emulation perfect. A regular 10u.titu- tIr.n builder toe rundown people. one lady says': "1 owe my life to 11."-84 GOT TO LiSTi:N. The curtain lecture diners (rove others in that rho audience can's sneak out in the middle of it. !(offer no 'lore -There are thm,san.ls who live tnf.erable II%e% 'Misuse dys- pepsia dulls the faculties and abndows er,►lencs with the cloud of deprc•stmi. (h.e way to 4119.r1 lee vapors that be- set o-set the victim," of this disorder Is to *tiler them a course of I'artnetee's Yew: - table filles which are among ton heat v.• etahle pil15 known. being easy tb take and are meet etncacioue in their action. A trial of them will prove this. Lt'MiNOt'S SHRiMP'S. Luminous shrimps have been dime covered by the 1'1 ince of Mennen in the course of his deep sen fishing in the Mediterranean. They live at a depth of 1,100 to 1,000 fathoms, and are studded with small phos- phorescent spots, which light their any through the gloomy depths. The harder you cough, the wore fel/ignite fromthe front, she t: r 1 the cough g. LG. to another page of the paper . said: 11}1hiltl.oh's "Iferbie, it Hoye here that another octogenarian's (lend." Co it w "What's net octogenarian?"' An n�l�V :� 0111 "Well, I don't quite know who'����� The Lurg they nre, they must be very sick , • Tonic creatures. You never hear of them but they're flying. is guaranteed to cure. If It ..._� r'.ocsn't benefit you, tho druggist If Joseph's coat of many colors will give you your money back. w•nm 1111 overront, we can easily nun- Tr' as: S. C. WELLS A CO. 1101 dersfane) %thy he los.! it so quickly 7c s !t IiR ey,N.Y.,Toronto, cars. It is harder to keep nn overcoat on the back of the small Troy them to - grow hair on a bald head. T N U ISSUE NO. 25 --QS