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Exeter Advocate, 1905-06-29, Page 2
♦0+0+0i0 i0+0+ +0♦int+*+0+f +00". iQ+*+of*j s, tete oho cared for her, and she felt 1at that moment that rho \\•nail va- change all the wealth and t;raudour \vhicit had tin strangely beecuuo hers for any condition. however lowly, in which there shoulti be ,route ono to lovo and love ber int return.�1 • She went to the window and look- �"'■"�" rxl cut, and for a tonin ntshe Ti11•' Ali'!' OF MILKING. thought, that she would go for a ♦ Adrive, as the earl had suggested, but '1 11:s article will bo read by a few she slh•ank trout the clahoritto [mai- 1 ucsi Young fttrulers, and 1 Rupe with pro - Wood. !toss of summoning the groom of the lit to 111.• readers, writ( a lt, 11. —i 1tithks, and decided to g.) for u 1Yuud. Itut many u)d farmers \\ ill t walk instead. pass 1t Uy will( a saute. 1o:crtheless ,r•-_ ■ Q Millions Tt1� J 1'E:�VARD S SON As she was passing through the itis aturathatth.•roarotuan:rr� P[ ®hall unUte\\"uytohe► ran,to gut(deniers ttho have kept cows for EEEf( ■■ ::,),,,,,......f......+.................+.1 her hat. a footivan intoru:,•,1 reit. that learning to (silk. Like that his lordship would be g;:ratly' wort nets, bucking most.milking has a scientific Clack, Mixo or Natural Greon. 0©aloi1 rackets only CHAPTERCHAPTERV. ed window flooded the great hall obliged if slit) would would o to hint to most. of the directions given G with 'splashes; of many -colored light, the library, and opened the door for by seg+utit',c dutryuten are bucked by HIGHEST Atte/ AC.i) ST. LOUIS 1901•. when Norah \+oke the next moor- and Nurult lun!.cd round with an ad her. _ -- _ -- scientific knowledge. This may have �""- lag, noel, ruisiug; hersul( her '" uriraliun stpl'ru:+ching awe. The earl was s�ateel at his writin been learned in school, from hooks, bon•, locked round tho luxuri res `( giant ntisnxunagetneut, the calms one that will never let you know room, she felt bee tittered and cur. -A footman stood at an open door, table, and ruse as She cntered, and or by actual observation and ex- around the ater:ge farm are not a wits cost are dono milking, ono of fused; it was all ho different Le ,r,e and guessing it to bo the+ breakfast- stood expectantly. perience, but it Is scientific no mat- s'ery friendly proposition to tackle.. the "curve again and keep coming small and plain, though ;wetly tar- roow,she entered. "I nut sorry to trouble you, ter haw obtained. 1t. is dificult at lapeciullV does the hired man dread kin I." nished, little room at Cliff Cottage. Tho earl, in a suit of gray tweet. Norah," he said, "but I forgot to the present day to fad feria hands to approach this task if he is worn never milk with. the thumb and Then it flashed upon her that she louse beet perfectly fitfittingstt!n, ruse from mlt enliu0 matter at breakfast. You who take an interest in the subject.. to; a dits•s work already done, or if Hoerr. Never pull down upon tho was in Santkigh Court, and that she his chair, and, approaching her, took will n0e(I—mune}." In fact, nanny" (.ucn hands refuse he is hurried by the prospect of a tent. Never strip. You get less was Lady Norah Arrowdgle. her hand and hissed her foreheadtut "Oh, but 1 have some," said Norah outright to assist in the milking. instantly another remembrance hu had done the night before, and' quickly. even when an emergency makes it Uig day's work ahead. Boys oro milk. You ruin the Bake l ity of the sprae • into her wind—the rat serious led her to her seat at the head of necessary for them to du so. overworked by chasing on errnnrly, milk duct, and you make li: r a hard 1, Y"A small sutra no doubt," he said, Y getting up tho stock, doing chorea mil!, er or a "gurgles." Some one voice she had heard on the terrace. the tabus. "but scarcely sufficient for your pur- There are s-•vernl reason why this and (lenty of other work, and thou spec say "strip 'em clean,'• but Ll►is She gut out of bed and pooped, "1 trust you slept well?" he said. poses. I have opened an account for is so. Poor stabler, foul uarters, expected to get a big flow of milk is nonsense, and the practice should through an opening of the window his eye's glancing over her quickly. clerk and damp milking rooms. poor curtains, certainly not expecting to "Ars you leaking for Mr. I'stherick`l you at the biles at Ilchester, the P R ) from the ugliest, meanest, hardlot not be tolerated, much less culti- to\wn three utiles distant, and here cons, dirty cows, vicious and hard noising old brute in the herd. An•1 vaned. Milk properly. Milk until see tho owner of the voice, nor toil le departed by an curly train to ro-milking cows, ail tend to make the revive her memory of tho incident turn to his business, and loft his is year sheet: bunk." Kthis, while other people are husthsio each quarter is empties! and when 1 don't know what to do with at erase farm lien I averse to the around getting ready to go to town. you get all tho nrilk, quit. lint your overt' phase of which was strangely :compliments. Ile is all excellent it; I never had a chuck book before, task of tutikia!;. Another thi•(g impree•sed ou her mind. (man." which has much t. do with talking iO church, or to a concert. Besides teak is not done until you have Norah was not a sentimental young , "Ile was very kind," said Norah. Napa." this, the farmer has never learned called the cot, by name and gently lady, by any mman8, but she was; ant! "]'cs.,, "Permit oto to show you. You hired help dislike this job is that how to milk nevi is not competent to patted her sgde and made Sure that without a natural sympathy for ro-! Norah, feeling terribly shy, but have but to till in the amount in upon most farms the milker is ex- teach the bay anaelt about the bust- you have left her in a friendly mood. mance, and the mystery of the un 'saruggting hard to conceal any signs wriLiirg here and the ligates hero, and peeled 1.0 work in the field until nogg, even it he has enough interest seen, unknown visitor who had poen. of it, poured out it cup of coffee the dais at the top, and sign your dark, or as isle as the other heads name, and the bank—or, indeed, any work, and thea to put in an hour or In the boy or the herr! to do so. e n8:; all unconsciously, so c:(sto her, af- and ;noised it to him, for there was First, never try to intik a cow h pip Bank of foctcd her more than shetwould have no footman. one-elstr—wgll pay you the save slate! Ltvo milking and logit chores. Again, whose odder and (nota aro not per- liked er- Tho llallle Bank U1 Canada 1 "I dispense with servants in wait - draw the check. That is, If you do not atony farmers carry the idea that fectly clean and dry. 1•'or decency's: lit knockilat the door caused her to : in at breakfast," said tho earl, dente tn1)l'e thuln 0 couple of hundred milking is not much of a job anyway sake see that the Rink and udder are hurry into her dressing gown. It "flat if you wish it the butler shall Pounds, which is tho sum I shall pay and that any old. man or boy can brushed clean. 'l his takes only tt in to your account at 11(id8u►nn►er see to the. cows. lack of interest Tho first General 111eeting of lhr was {Inman, who had come to help bo in attendance." awl Christmas." minute, even it the cow has not been Shareholders of The home Bank of her dress. i "Oh, no," she said promptly. "i, upon the { art of the proprietor, curried previously. in the best Canada was held at the Dead Office "Good-tnorning, my Indy," she said have been arse!- "Two hundred pounds—tour holt couplet] with a lack of knowledge .1p - in her subdued manner; "I hope our "1 hope theyhave served sone- . tired pounds a year. 11'!)y, 1 shall on the part of both the proprietor'' od and brushed before beingtaken p y i nut know wttut Lo do with su uruch patty. Limited, on Saturday, Juno Com - ladyship slept well." thing that you will like," he sok'. and his men, has made the dairy end into the milking stall. In some cas- 10th at 12 o'clock noon. '!'hero was "Oh, yes," replied Norah; '•I al- indicating the silver covered Olsen: 1)10003'." of many farina unprofitable. ways sleep well." with u wave of his white baud. ""Che "Doubtlessyouill find it go es it Is necessary to wash the teats o large attendance of Shareholders, willTHE MILKING S'T,\BI in warm venter or wipe them careful- elites( all the Subscribed Capital ''Ves, my lady; will you have hot cook will learn your tastes very quickly enough. Dresses aml—fenlnle lister?" quickly. Thank you, no," for Norah apparel generally—are expensive, I should he clean• dre, lig ht and coin- ft' tut gently with being represented, either in Person or "oh, cold, please." said Norah Lad offered to help him to some believe. I place this money at your fortable. The cows should bo gentle A CLEAN DAMP CLO'1'IT. by proxy. Amongst those present promptly. mysterious dish. "I only take toast absolute disposal, and you will un- and easy Milkers. 'I he milker should But two points must he borne in were noticed—Eugene O'Keefe, Ed. "The bath is ready, n>.v lady. I for breakfast." derstand, of course, that ,as I nun be allowed ample time for his work. mind In this connection. It cleans ward Sock, J.P., Thomas Flynn, T. Rill coma when your ladyship rings," A footman entered with tho post ignorant of all such matters, you Neither the milker nor the cow nothing to wain it with dirty 1t. Wood, E. G. Gooderhan., M. J, and shewent into the next room, ha and laid it on the table. will procure your own wardrobe. If tihould be harried or worried. Not water; cold water will not remove Haney, (`.1:., Lieut. -Col. .Jame! where Norah heard her at tho ward- "Permit 1110," said the earl as the sum is nut sufficient, pray let me sue cow stable in tw•r•nty is con- dirt, besides It chills the udder and Mason, 'They. Long, Hon. J. J. Foy, robe. courteously as if ho were addressing know, and I will increase it." siructed with regard to the above ch^cks the flow of milk. The other IL A. Smith (Osier h P. Hammond). .1. IL seemed strange to be so waited an ordinary visitor, and he sported Ila hod managed to dc8trov all the point to be remembered is that the Murray. Isaac Itody, it. N. upset, hard and foot, and Norah and rend his letters with leisurely pleasure Norah had telt in the gilt, requirements. hilt of the• dairyoch, William Cooke, William cows nI the country' are untidy it udder must be carefully dried before C'o erethu,;ht with a smile wont aa helpless grace. acid her smile vanished as ho bowed not f{thy. Some of them are kick- milking. Tho hands and the teats Crocker, John White, G. C. Gilmour, creature a fine lady must bewares In Norah was hungry after her sound her out, for she understood that he,ers, loony of them ars hard milkers must be dryBurin the process of E. It. Brown, .1. Cooper Mason. 1Yid- coursc+ of time. night's rest and cold bath, and its i►+teactc(1 to imply that he had dig 'and lige grerclhlo to milk or fiondUe. the mil:.ing'1"he prmcti of Spit- titer Hawke, .Ins. Gunn. L. J. Coa- y1'hen she rang Harman appeared a good breakfast, looking round tho claimed all concern or interest in her b teat's, R. e. .Jas. ( W. T. liernahnn, clothe Very little care has been taken In ting or milking upon the hand to It. T. Kelly, 11et, I'as0, Alalth,'\v (lith,a couple of morning dresses on handsomely -furnished room as she With the check book in her hand selecting the farm cow, and, as wet the teats it' a filthy one and will her are,, dict so, and occasionally allowing hermany an otherwise excellent animal not be tolerated by an up-to-date ()'Cotutor, A. Mc('ube, .1. J. Fare - "Which will you have, my lady?" glance to rest upon the aristocratic Norah went up to her own room,well, C. E. I. Mc1\'illiahrg, (Hated - she asked, as if the question were of face opposite her as it bent serenely where Harman was stitching fresh is ruined by bad training or subs- dairyman. It poisons the inilk, in- ton), John Ens, .1. J. Doyle, J. 1'. 's best dress." jures the tents, and should bo a I' the deepest importance. over the letters; and papers. lace on Norah r itrnt!ary a trace. Logan, J. P. Franks (AlanufacLur- "Oh, I don't care," said Novato Presently, having finished with "I came fur my hat," said Norah, penitentiary ors' Life). On motion the chair was al- looking round for it. derstood that this was the public 'the hunrla should be warm, dry taken by Ifir. i'ugtio O'Keefe, chair - Harman ,'ou le nsideredchoose rthe ematter with lye in altpile. udand edlooked em racrosstcat "Yes any lady." said Harman, and wood.of the kind, sir. The and clean. A rough hand, a damp , "Nothing man Provisional Board of Itirectors, evident conscientiousness, and at last her. she fetched it, together with her or cold hand i8 not acceptable to a and lite General Manager, Lieut. - selected one of white pique, with "t fear you will Iind it dull hero at gloves. She seemed to have taken therpube. woodJ'hi8is ends down aproperty."gate cow with a sensitive udder. A good Col. James nertilMason, acted as Secre- small black leaves. the court, Norah. 1 regret that I complete charge of Not -lilt's ward-privateteat has a soft, buckskin -like cover- tarp. "If your ladyship were not in deep cannot go up to the house in town, robe, and almost, as it seemed to cover - "Then I bows to apologize, which 1 int; this it' sensitive and suscrplible Norah, of herself included, and she do nt once and sincerely,"said Cyril to cold orany other irritation. It 'the meeting ole was; ca'Ied for rho morning a lavender sash would bon but London duos not agree with Inc.purpose of electing i)be'ctors and to great improvement," she shg;gtn+ted. and I rarely remain there longer halt expected to hear her say, nurse. "It is a mistake that only rn you desire your cow to bo an easy "Don't get your feet wet. toy lady, stranger could stake, and 1 am n milker, with teats that feel like vel - remarks by-laws. The Chairman in his Non+h nettled, and took up the than a few days."remarks stated that over 11500,000 hair brushes (orgetfuliy, but was r� "I shall not be dull here," she and don't forget to keep the sun off stranger. All the some," and he vet, bo careful never to milk her of the capital stock of the hrnk had min(!„1 of her "fine lad6 laughed, "I rim sorry you did not. \\Ith cold or dirty hands. Many n y” condition said; "it is all so new and strange Your face• ' conte a to warn Inc half-en-hourbeen sulsc;ihed, and that S`-'SO,OOG by Darman gently and respectfully to ate, and 1 do not wish to go to It was ntniost with a sigh of relief Pcow has been poisoned and had her in rash had been id in to the .liin- taking them out of her hand. London." that she found herself out in the gar- later. for I should have finished my udder ruined by the dirty bunds of lipid "i can brush it so nisch bolter, "Of course you will have togo to (len, and she made her way across sketch." a careless milk0r. (liven, for illus islet of Finance nn 1 It<•ceiver-Gen^r- ml, as required a the !intik Acts that. my lady," she murmured. bo presenleel, but perhaps Lady fern- the lawn toward the park, looking lir' spoke. with perfect good humus, trntiou, a trifling scratch upon the q "]es, that 1 nm sure you can," dale will be kind enough to chaperon about her as she went, and slopping and a graceful ease which charmed („at, ns by a briar, and a milker fen soon as the other trquirnnuntx of lied assented Norah, sinking into the you. Do you platy?” to look back at the house, which rap- Norah, but it seemed In &emu way to fresh from sorting potatoes, and the rho fans Act had I►eii runts of comfortable chair nod resigning her- "Yes. 1 have worked very hard at Peered larger than ever in the bright incense Guildford Berton, with the eerfil)cnte authorizing tho Prospects are that in a few dans, you bank to begin self. "1'm afraid I confuse you ter- my music." morning light. "Having informed you that you are business would 110 is- i will have cow with sore tents, eis- ribly, but 1 tun accustomed to du- "'There is a piano in the (h•awing- It was deliciously cool and shady trespassing, 1 shall be obliged if you a sued ):, th. Treasury 1'.o,rd. This will retire, sir,'' he Raid. leased udder and an irritable temper' would be duce by Ihm enol of the pre - got everything for myself; but I she!l inroom—a your grand of i:rar1rUsand ono under the great oak., and with all a Cyril Burne looked at hint with Then let the touch be gentle. A Rent month, but the bank could rot get used to it, 1 dare say." in your own route. 1 trust. every- young girl's delight in the beauty of firm grasp should be accompanied "Oh, yes my lady." thing was to your taste in your a sunnier morning, she wandered on, mingled surprise at his discourtesy, begin business until their new ('rein- s x t; patting b p Py real gentleness. Ito not grasp Norah was silent fora minute or npartmcnts," ho edgiest. ( .akin. to and patting the big dog, and amusement at his pores) tori the teat harshly and abruptly. A is.'8, Nos. 8 and 10 King street weal. two, utat•veling at the ease and skill "Yes, indeed; everything is so who stilt kept close beside her, as if Hess•were r. tidy, probably in uh0 curly with which the staid brushed the long beautiful. 1 was admiring the pretty he had undertaken to guard and "Cerfn1nly," he said; than, as Le fete gent le, quieting preliminary part of August: that then the trans - with \eipel his brush, quietly Ile strnktss are always to be given bo- fer front the Home Savines t Loan pain hair without inflicting tho lent'( furniture and things before I went protect her. still, ""1'o wham docs this property fore the real work of milking begins..;•(,mpnny would be ronsun,n,atetl. pain or inconvenience. 'Then, still to sleep last night." After n time the park grew Wrote' thinking of her last night's adven- "I hope that if (hero should bo dense and more wild, and the ground upon which I tun trespassing belong, 'Phis cn)rns the cow, reassures her, and the bunk would begin with 11.8 toreshe maid: anything you desire you will at once broken into little hills and dales, ntay 1 ask?" ,gets her good will, ((arms the. udder, :bend o91ce and Toronto branch rat "Who sleeps in this part of the express your wish; it shall he grati- and Norah climbed one of these, and, "To tha.Earl of Arrowdale," he re- and is n gond practice for many ren- 8 alts( 1(1 King street west, and with house''" fled. I a ill sort that you have a BUR- seating herself at the foot of it tree, plies', curtly. sons. 'Hien the real milking begins. two branches, one nt 78 Church Cyril Hume glanrerl at him. The teat is firmly bel. gently grasped one usually but your indyship, pile horse, and that 801110 one be took oil her hat, and called the dogretort, the present bend o01ce of iho ".\m I addressing the Earl of Ar- with the whole boort it )'ossibl0 rindITonte Savings & Luso Company, lir. 1'etheriek rle(]t in this wing last found to teach you to tido. I fear to llo down at her feet. night. and my room is next your that 1 shall be but a poor companion ile coiled himself tap obediently, I row•dt►le?" Ire asked. I a high up hold taken. 'l hen gentle and the other at the present brunch suite." for your, and that you will has' lone- and laid his head in her inp, when) "No, sir!" replied Guildford Iter -,and item pressure IS made, the pros .•A•' of the company. No. r,22 Queen '•'1•here wax no one. no gentleman, i, at tithes." suddenly ho sprang 01) and uttered ton. (sure beginning from above, the first street west, corner Hackney street, I mean, sleeping in the house except- "i ani used to being nlone n great low growl. "Ilia lordship's sun, perhaps? Orcontractionbeing of the thumb and and would have at the beginning int tic—father"—she hesitated a lit- deal. 1 have alien spent days and AL the same moment. Norah heard nephew?" I the forefinger• and lunntcdgntely fill- :about $%I,.i00,0tttl of depoat8, and t1e at the novel word—"and Mr. days without speaking to any ono the dolt thud of a horse's hoofs upon 'Neither, sir." And Guildford lowed tpy a roltrnrUnn of the bot -,over !►,1100 depositors. The C'hnir- 1'etheriek?" except in Cntherine."g Inophee's face darkenc•tl. t, mon also s'na'rl that the stock Lha soft turf in the little ludo bo encs of the hand and n very slight g chained to the spot by her inter- + "Nu, my lady." replied linnnnn, "Catherine? ,\h, yes, pardon me, I low her. ( � I)O11'r11'Altlt JiO'I'IOv, bouk9 of the bone were still u;u•n with a faint expression of surprise in had forgotten. Catherine Bays, your She looked down, telling the dog oat, Nuruh looked (11)811 at them,i1•i'he experienced bund follow» iho for subscriptIt hn her to be ulet, and saw, not n horse- n xullett datwninq of tear, rur g a. glassface, which Nonny few visitors. s. in the mailed 1 n►n suer. i shall he quite man, a'r she expected, but a yv,,,,, for 8 i,h all self -Possession t.hore was! milk current part of the waw to the the usual by—Intra of n hunk were R I g'solnwoh • uhout iho sun outlet.. There is a knack shot( this then passed inti adopted, and the Mr. Guildford Bert un used to into happy A -millet -Mg about this beauti- roan seated goitre, an easel. Ile was4 h Y f3 artist ,ort of the milking that some op - gat stay, but he has got a cutin tel place when it is One, and on wet almost 1 +diately below her, and that indicated a high spirit little )Q in the village, just outside tho day's there will be books and 11111sic." she could sur him without being seen agent to brook the kind of treatment ernturs never acquire. 1'11 be limn, tatty." "1 nor obliged to you for taking so�herself. Tin was evidently unconscious Guildford Merton was dealing out to 1. gentle, toknow tow just sthow o k know aJunti !•Is Guildford his only Christian chcetful a view of the prospect," he of her nearness, for be was pointing him. Lame"" asked Norah. said. "i regret that the tttnte of my with rapt nbser•ptien. It was also "10 relation?" said ('yell. "An in- how touch force to use and when to "1,•s, any lady, I think so. 1 never health will not often permit rue to evident (hut it tons not at him ('as-� Ntnate friend?" sI up the pressure. are things that the laller being also General Man - heard of his having nils- other:" accompany you. anti 1 hate niso a per had barked, fur he glanced at "1 not rt friend of the cnrl'8, sir, it can he learned bo(((le by nrtual ex- sorer. Then it. would scent that the two hent'} correspondence, 118 you see," him with perfect equanimity, and' you insist trpott an 11nawer." perience than from hook. But At n 101hss•rgwrit mr•r•t1ng of the men were absolute strattgers! It wan and he waved his hand to the letters. then kept his eyes fixed watchfully in "Oh, I don't insist," snit! Cyril some operators; have never learned new I'oar.l ,.f I'iroctors Mr. O'Keef.t strange and ins sterions! ihimien "Although 1 have long since ceased the direction from whence the sound puri('; "but 1 was curious t0 know (beer, because t hey never knew their vent clecterl l'residettt and Mr. Flynn wound the beautiful plaits of hair in to take cul active part,in polities• my of the horse had pruce.-(bed, who if. tray, if you were not the sort importance. Vire-President.nf. a thotk coil at the back of the shape- former colleagues pay me the fres- Norah hod Just limo to observe hin1xelf, that he had a+cthorieed to This article tells you their Import- --+— _as_ ly head, and finished dressing her anent compliment of consulting ate." that the artist was young and hand - withthe 'sUunger within his gatcw'�ance, and it you desire to ben gond with discottftes Lord Arrowdele is' milker and to manage cows with 111' \!. BEAR 1',\1N iS1 S1'. mist resit, and Norah got up and "Perhaps I could help you,' said some, and tress wondering who he Y• walked to the window. Mannan was Norah, with a mixture of timidity was, when (t,.ildlord Berton, mount- not fortunate in his choice of :profit yon Hurst set al+out to acquire ler. .1. 1'. l.ockart 111ununery, the there before she could reach it. and and eagerness, "1-1 write a plain e(1 on a powerful binek horse, came, friends." I1Ito grasp and the touch of the best famous British Aunrg,non, grays it is opened it for her, and Norah stepped hand for n woman, and 1 used to riding into the glade, and ('aspt•r' The thrust was delivered so calmly, )))ilsers. 'There is a reason tor all often extrenpely difficult to e'(ins+te out outs (he intense. She was look- write all native's letters— She rose erect, with n Ino, drop growl. with each perfect ease, that for the this, and if the milker tries very the condition of a patient with 0'- Ins down. rnnlliug the singular in- stopped, warned by the sudden frown it was obvious that Mr.Guildford moment. Guildford ionto thenad Lau hard ito will find out the way' at the gird to his power at m(1anding; a se•- talent of thn preceding night. when which dstrkened the earl's face that Berton was tintn favorite of ('ns '►v,•rwhelnxd to resent it; then, either • snore (lone its is iearning how. 1)0 were operation. Often n weakly look - n hell clanged out so sonorously awl she lta(1 trodden on forbidden ground. per's, but Norah succeeded in quiet- he 111+Ist have t 11,91 his horse with not continue to er(uerze the lent iii; itr!i\ulu:al, she looks as 11 ho suddenly that it stnrtle(1 her. "'Thank yon very moth," hu s,+id. ing hint, anti was going; hack dome( his spur, or fho animal had gee+wn after iho milk current has passed +s•uuld not. stnn(1 a severe operation "The hrenkfast. b.11, m Indy." ex- dryly: nod with try eourte+y', "best 1 the hill again, feeling 110 desire to Impatient, for he sprang forward, oh(. i'orelhle compression of the well, Alands it galla well. and lice Planted Harman, and she opened the snail not dream of troubling you." meet the newcomer, wh+•n she heard and ons almost upon Cyrll's back, molls of the duct is Inlurirnts If the versa. 'Phis+ Is neco+u,t(•rl for by tho dressing -room door, and st I hold -1 "It would be no trouble, but a him speak, and instinctively stopped. Cyril turned aside with the swift teat is comply. lto not drag or pull is that q person of poor physique Ing it Just, n Norah thought, as it pleasure," said Norah. "Good -morning," he 8101, in a tone• 110ss of n practiced athlete, avid, seir- duwnwnrd upon the tent. Prop the who lands n sir• nnohs life has viten for n princess to pass out. "Perhaps you would like to drive of cold displ.•t+sure. Iraq the bridle, looked up at (luUcl- tent. gently. It should not Ise ntnhe tnurti t:nr0 highly d14 life (I none The sun pouring through the paint- this morning?" he said. "The wrath- The young limn at the ease! looked ford Berton's dark ince. Ito Co;r or s',rit upward when it is c(tntrs th.rn onn of robust physdrgut er fS Particularly fine. 1f so. pray up. " I'nke rare, sir," he snid' rel. aged. Milk rn idly, but de not "Take your hold front my bridle!" , i' who Lads, n life of ease solei inrlo- or(ler the carriage. The groom of "Good -morning(," he trspnnde•rl,rush the ?oh a. if you were pwsping tense, whhh makes but slight ca 111 11to stnblen wilt hr• in attendance to Nornh'S heart leaped and her face' exclaimed Guildfunl IA•rl<m 111 n love crater or shoveling cunt. Some onegreat of receive your commands whenever you crimsoned, voice, and 11e bent forward with his g upon his notes centres for g, send for him. And now I will ask It utas the voice she had booed on tthip rots ed. I will tell y,tr to milk fast, but be suel(Irn at (telly. The mental tett you to excise me," and he rasa and the terrace last night. With her H"itho,ut doubt it would hien fol1(71 sure tau milk well whether }you m1{k dilion rat a patient prior to epees( lett the ronin. 1)004 upon ('msper's reline to keep (1l+ ('yell Iurne'x head or shoulders,fast rr rot. (let up a cime to tion has a ennstidernhle ln+htenre',pnt Nora!) sol for a few minutes think- him quiet. she stood and waited to lost rat t hat moment Casper, with a xtendv rhythm, Milk in time to the the dettloinnent of short;. Pat fent! Mg over all that he hail said, with hear the• vales again. 1 i growl. broke loose from Norah's working of the rote's jaws if she is who dren(1 an operation and who aro an aching rain at her heart. "Are you no -ane. sir. that you are hand, and sprang at one hound toeating hay, or to a little melody of g„ q stole, of com.idernble mental B P ward the two men. cheerfulness that will cones to your anxiety Is fere the to+8e tliet10 is ati- it was etident that if her father, IrMirnssing?" demanded Guildford the earl, did net net+atilly dislike Lor. Berton, and with so overhearing 9011 'the horse rose on his hnnnchcs so mind. ministered aro mot's liable" other he did not entertain the slightest af- ynplcasnnt a manner that, as Norah suddenly that lluildfot•d Berton vests M111k on, 11 you get the innk, Lett (.hints 1(e lief equal, to develop shock for her, and Ihmt he intended saw, the young painter looked ftp Alar n, and Norah, with n cry of when you have thoroughly emptied a than those oho... nu Mel equilibrium is her at inn's length, with surprise. 'the caw hix hind- ntnrm, run down the hill. 'quarter Lave, St. 1)0 not cnntin'ue is undistr:rl_o•I. e i 1 upon empty -- - 1h r.ilk n to ion n sn n — t u to a a•A Berton sprang hl. q f 1 n c I It find been lonely nt (lift ('allege some trace {luxfi, ms it with resent- Guildford P q"'"' since her mother died, but she had anent. at the other mnn'x lone; but feet, clutching; his whip. then stopped lent. I'o not go bac!c to n lent Smith—"'Thew s:ay 'Enpeck's wife seine one to love there in the faith- his voice tans perfectly calm and a*Mdevily, and both men .1nod as if once gilt have 1^ft 11: !' yn,1 hrgtn rides him with a rod of iron." Junes Jul and devots•rl Catherine; hot hero sett possessed ns he replied: turned to stone and stored at her. this with n y'ocing cow, you will Ihat's ris:ht. 1 saw h,: ch,Mn1 ,at Saiitleigh ('ourt there was nJ ►A0, 1 was not aware of it. I un-' (To bo Continued.) make het a slow or uncertain milkvrr him with a poker the other Sty.'= INE HEIII Of SANI�EIGN .� 7 { ,, ihr* aT . is now the Faverrito following elected Directors:—Messrs. Eugene 0'1<c. re. Thomas Flynn, Ed- ward Stock, .1.T'., Thox. It. 11'ond, E. G. Goodcrhnn►. M. .1. }Haney, ('.- 1:., and tient .-Col. ,lathes Mason, .,1111.1•••••••• ••— Disease takes no summer '+u'.:catidn. If vou need Coll and strcn_;th use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Srou (0, see sarnVa SCOT( a sowNI, t'hembt,, 7 seer 7.•, hntart4 tar- (rad ju on; all dr■g g.its 400 4C 1 r