HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-29, Page 1'?' ettf EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ft. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1905. SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's (New Reading Natter appears in this space each week.) Like A Plant In The Spring. Tour ravings grow, when placed in (hi. ttank. A hank account cultivates and encourages thirfty h)1ioit,--such as all sur••essfulpeople have. 11.tans a "growing" a,count, to hi•'h you can add when you like and withdraw when you dead* in any sized a,mournts We add imerea to the pin• , iiwl and compound it FOUR times a year, on 31 Jan., :Iu April, 31 Juh, and 31 O'.•tober. New a• • omits are always welcome. w•e have the bort facilatie.for tanking at the most reason• able rates and terms consistent with constr' ative tanking. Wt. invite ).':r hutlness Branches in Huron County a'. EXETER. CREDITON, DASH WOO1), )IENS:\LL. Zrltic'H, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Oladrtwa■ & Starbwry, Solicitors JoetePlt Swell. )tanager EXETER, 1.a•hwood and %tui• 11 braw•hee. HAY FORKS AND SLINCS Get the old reliable Prov - en's Oshawa Track. Put up in first-class workman- ship, guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Leave Your Order at Charlton's Fair. Exeter. J. CHARLTON Legal. DICKSON A CARLING, BARRiSTER.9, SOLICI• tore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molaore Bank, etc. 411/4 Morey to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offkee, Main street, Exeter. I. R. CARL,le, B.A., L. H. Drcattoe ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mr:. It. N. Rowe spent Sun- day in Clinton. Miss Lulu Hastings is spending the holidays in Crosshill. Miss Lila Howard has reterned from London to her home here. Mr. Walter Morlock, of Col'nnhes, Ohio, is visiting friends here. Miss Annie Jones, L. R. South, is visiting Mrs. Trott itt Beamsville. Mr. Chas. Knight. of St.. Thoma, spent part of the week visiting here. Rev. Mr. Going, the new pastor of James st. church, arrives here to -day. Mies Hattie Shaddock, of Detroit. is the guest of Mrs. Etherington, Us - borne. Dr. Tennent has returned from Winnipeg, where he has been for a few weeks. Rev. Mr. Holmes wits in town Tues- day, being on his way from Gorrie to his new charge at Blenheim. Mr. Percy Browning is home from Caledonia, Minn., on a visit. He has been studying with his brother, Dr. Browning, for the past year. — Tnckeramith. DEATH.-- Bryan Cleary died at bis home on the 3rd concession, H.R.S., on Monday evening. Deceased, al- though once a strong, robust loan, had not been enjoying his usual goad `coNRY TO LOAN. _ health for several months. A couple we have a large amount of private funds to 10411 of weeks previous to his death he went on farm and village properties at tow rates of inter- to London for treatment and under - set. went an operation. The operation dis- mLADMAN k STANIIURY, closed an internal cancer, for which,of course, there was no remedy. He was taken honie and continued to gradu- LLOYD P. JONES idly sink until the end came. Mr. Cleary was 53 years of age. Organist and Choir .Master of the Trivitt Memorial .—__-_--- ('hunch. Tea her --Piano, Organ.' 'ole, Hsrmmiy. Modern methods. Thoroughness Greenway R. Mountjoy :Hui his daughter, lfiss Manitoba andNorthwest Mable, and Miss Ell:t Switzer returned to their holies in London Thursday. -The Grace church lawn social on Friday was a decided success in every way. The reit cream and strawberries pany. Ltd., Largest land''ompany on the Continent were delicious. The music by the controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land Parkhill Brass Band was is delight to ('rant. all Lovers of music. Fee a new hand Two Mentor Acres The cream of the the`{• certainly do well and deserve wheat lands of Wept.rn ('a•isda. Parties purehaa- cre(lit.. The entertainment in the ball ir:g now are given '.iutil I.t Jane to ,elect their land. was called to order by Mr. J. Sitnp9On, of Parkhill, who gave it short and pro- fltable address and then introduced the new pastor, Rev. Mr. Newton, who delighted his hearers with a short ad- dress. Miss Jennings and N1. Hodgins sang several very sweet songs. W. J. Wilson. J. She►•ritt and Rev. J. F. Sut- cliffe wet a' called on and gave short ad. dresses. The Band played several pieces in the hull and closed with the national anthers. Proceeds amounted to $50. Barristers, Soh itor.. Main .t.. Exeter Ont Lands For Sale. The Saskatchewan Val!.: .t Manitoba rand Com - For terms, etc.. aptly to ERNEST ELLIOT, went, Exeter Farm for Sale. One Hundred—Acre Farm, Lot 9, Corr. 7, 1'.tor, Town+hip. Recond lot .oath of Eliu,t ills, the prniwr ty of the undersigned. The sleeve it a first-class prot(d farm, well drained, with goes/. large bei• k Louse, bank tarn. 70t3d feet, driving •heti and hn_ pen; one acre of rot, hard; toacrrs of bah principally hard w •sol. For temp. and ether part i,'ular• apply to Jamey Heywood or John Heywood. Elimville, P.O. Farm for Sale Thu undersigned is offering for side that t aluablee fano in the Township ret I'dearne. Is ing 1.4 11. Con- , r.einn 7, containing one hundred a'rrof first -,'lass land, well fenced and drained. There is on the prem- isesa frame hon.r, a g al harn, Yhel. and ..ever "„t. huiklin a; ten acres tint-, lass hantwm.l hush. an orchard. two grind welts of water and other comer'. iener.. Possession Risen in fall For partb'ular. apply to R. 1'. E% 474 !Mr laid, street. 1.on•tnn House to Rent. A neat frame hnnse, . nntaining 7 rooms, situated on Huron Street We,.t if Main Street: rood garden. hand and .net sate,, and in a desirahlr lo-aiity Apple to )IRS. H.tRR'S. Ilpron Ste.. Exeter. For Sale or To Rent. The frame house rn the corner or ;t'ilfiaoo and Wellington streets, owned by Mr.. Iva' Itawden. Por parti,•ulan apply to SIRS WM. TAPP, Exeter House for Sale. Rr.,deme of Ilea G. Kemp n., .Andrew Ntre.l Fut particnlara apply to owner Mrs •. hemp. Exeter. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re modelling our mill. (MISTING and CROPPING DONE PROMP'i'LY. H. SWEITZER \\'1:1,t`INIi.---.\ fashionable church wedding took pi tee in the Roston 1lethediet church, here, \Wednesday, slurps 21, at 2:30 p.m.. when .1r, \V. .1. Wilson's eldest daughter. Alice was mart ied to Me. Richard \\'. Rus- sell, son of Mr..1. O. Russell. of Patk- hill. Rev. R. 1.. Wilson, of Staffa. ioiele of the bride, assisted by Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe. performed the ceremony. '['he church was la'autifully decorated fir the occasion, t he color scheme being given and wrote. At the end of each aisle arts inn ;It h through which the }nide passe([. (Seer the arches wet e the letterer %V. and R. As the bride entered the church leaning on the aril of her father, W. N. Humphries played 1.0.F. Picnic at Grand Bend' So(10111 A most pleasant evening was spcnt �at the house of Mr. and Nits. John ancy White Muslins for Dresses and Waists , Each succeeding union picnic of the ',eolith, on June' :'.9rd, it being the 1 it Exeter Crediton and Dashwood Led,;. es of the Independent Order Foresters Iat (ireful Bend seems to eclipse the ( preceding one in point of attendance ,,and enjoyment. On Thuvsdav, Jtine Lid, the picnic lot 190.i took place and the attendance was all that could be desired; in fact, it was probably the largest g•tt her•ing at any one picnic on the shore of old Lake Huron at the populat summer resort. The day was cool and pleasant. Perhaps the only unpleasant feature was that of the roughness of the lake, and the conse- quent failure to indulge in the pleas- ant pastime of boating. The ('rediton Band was in attendance and kept. everybody in a gay and lively mood, Bro. C. 11. Merrytfeld, P.H.C.R., and Bros lt. 1). t'au,eton. WC. R., were pre- sent and delivered excellent addresses to the assembled people at the Park, as also did Mr. T. B. Carling, who was chairman. At the conclusion of the address the bated led the way to the recreation grounds where a program of sports was carried out and prizes given with the -following result:- Mar- ried wen's race -F. Treble, Neil Bell- wood, J. Yellow; young ladies' race-- \ltss Yearley, Bessie Wilson, Nellie Handford; young men's race -F. Del - bridge, F. Kerr, 1'. Disney; girls race, 14 to 18 years-011ie Poore. Edith At- more, Flu Atmore; buys' race, 14 to 18 years -W. Wolfe, R. Willett, S. At- more; married ladies' race -Mrs. J. Lawson. Mrs. W. Bowden, Mrs. Ezra Teimen; boys' race 12 to 14-S. At- more, Roy Davis, Oliver Musser: For- esters wives' race -Mrs. Mat Winer, 2nd and 3rd prizes divided between Mr -i. W. Bowden and Mrs. J. Hoffman; boys race under 12--S. Attm)'e, I.et, Musser, Joe Johnston; Companion Forester race, gold pin, given by Corn. Nellie Merryfleld, won by Florence Kydd; boys' race 8 to 10- M. Melsaac, Gordon Geutz, F. Shaddock; girls race under 12- Ferree Peck, Selene Eifert, Beatrice Graybiel; Smokers' race, over 40 years, box of cigar -W. S. Ruwpph; boys' race, 8 years -F. Shaddock, W. Humph, Leon Treble; Foresters' race, tender 40 years, gold pin, presented by 1'.I1.C.11. Merryfleld, won by F. I)el- bridge; Foresters race over 40 years, Forester's badge, presented by P. H.C. R. Merr•yfield, won by G. E. Anderson. A seven innings base hall hatch he- tween ('.'editor, vs. Cameron Siding, resulted in favor of Crediton by a score of 10--9. Grand Beni Messrs. E. Brenner and S. Hessen - berry have their pleasure yacht. -Nitta. Stubbs, after it few weeks Stay at her home here, left riesday for Parkhill. where she has accepted it posit ion at the Hastings House. --Farming have commenced haying in our vicinity.-. The Directors of the Hay Stephen Fire Insurance ('us met here Saturday on business. -Mt', Jos. Brenner while in the woods last \Wednesday cutting wood the axe clone in contact with his foot causing an igty gash, which will lay hitt ori work for several weeks. - The Foresters held their annual un'on picnic on Thursday, which was :t a ac- cess, although the lake was too rough for boating. Khiva The fainters have started 11) eat their hay and report a good crop, - Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Rourke were visiting friends in lhlblin for •t few days last week.- "1r. Katz has finish. ed sawing his stuck of logs, tut had tbe misfortune to have one of his big circular saws broken the last day. Luckily none of the n,1'n were hurt. -- Nliss Katie Currie is at present at her home waiting on her mother who was eery sick with e; v-ipelas. \We• huts' to soon hear of her ►ecovery.---sir. Grey, our telt nut,. 14 ,tumid again to Supply the people with lots of gond tea.-- Miss Tilly \\'itzel has returned home from London, looking hale at.d hearty. Centralia ila Be wise, good people. sold spend Dominion i),ay at the Annual Festival in Centralia. The strawberries, the music, the program of sports, the ad- dresses, and the concert, will be un- equalled anywhere else. You'll meet your friends at Centralia on .July 1st. -Great preparations are being made Lohtngrin's 1Vedding March. At the here to snake the lst of July celebra- :alter. whi,•h was a bank of ferns and tion as su('cess.--Mr. Milt. Atkinson, ditisies, the bride was met by the who has been laid up for sorne time, groom. The groom's brother, Master left for Victoria Hospital 011 Monday. 1).n.glas, was ting bearer, and looked -Mina Lucy Andrews has returned real elite in a suit of white. Hiss from Toronto and Miss Lily Elliot (iltdys Wilk insolent Ripley, gowned in from Clinton. Mr. Bryon 11 irks spent pretty white Bedford coed and wrest Monday at 11*ytield. Any attistetion, of pink peonies, was flower girl. The Bryon'? Miss ids Krause left last bride who was prettilyattired incream Monday for Edmonton, where she silk eolienne over white tifTata, trim- will in futttr•e reside,---yeveral from rated with chiffon lace and velvet and here ,attended the 1. O. F. picnic at weatintt a heidal veil, 't as assisted by the Bend on the'22mi. They report a het siot .1. NliswCarl ie. and her cousin, very plensiint tithe, ar usual at the Nliss Myrtle \l'ilson, who were both Bend. of coarse. -Oar boys intend attired ;71 meant leuiscnne silk acid having a game of baseball with some (griffon tiinuuingt, and ,;irry'ingresew, o11tside team here on the 1st of July. The groom was suptortrel by T.' riet0 -Our creamery is doing a rushing trade these days. Torn will have to engage an extra 111an next year. -The mire paid for hogs was V Qi per cwt. - 1)ui nig the last tlsn Week01 we have turd our eide'walk• fixed up. Mr. Frank Abbott vettttinly deserves credit for 1he111annel in which the work wad done. and the usherm were the hrit3e's broth- ers. A. C. and \V. A. Wilmot). After the ceremony, as Nit. Humph' tee play - ,d Menders-ohn's wedding nrrlrh, Clu- b, Chit he•brial pity matched to the residence next to the church, where they received the cenggtttulittinns of 200 guests, aster which all set down to the wedding dinner pint idea. The almost number- Cn''O K ANIM.tLg. M r. Sant. hicks, less displ.,y of present*. costly and 2nd con.. 1.'rrtn'rne, his Field three more tpe'nntiful. attest to thehigh esteem in heavy draught colts. The buyers' are which the bi id,' i8 held by it host of Mr. Ben. Williams, F:limville. and Mr. friends in this vicinity. •.fr. and MCA. Connell. of ('lend.'love. This is five Russell left in the evening fur it trip to heavy draught eolts.tieing three tears Toronto. Hamilton and Niagara Falls. old, Mr. Hicks hn ie.IJ inside of two On their return they will spend at few niontha, ell of which he ha* raised hint - days at (ireer.w,ty before starting for self. The pr ice pod for the five was York ton, :\ssa., where the groom cin- $910. Mr. ilick.. has five heavy draught duets a ,,ii'cessf.11 jewellry business. stares that have had seventeen coltwin The bride', tr,1t•elling dress was of An four yenta and are raising sixteen (If aster color. The best wishes of it hist then!. Who says good brood rnerea of friends will follow the ming couple don't psv! These mares will all regis- to their We stern home. ter in the Toronto bobs, DOWN THEY GO. WHAT? occaslum of the alai of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ford front their honeymoon trip to Dt•tr••,it. Tl e evening was spent in ntusie. games and (lancing until the wee small hours of the mro- ing, all lea ti lig fur their respective homes esti-hirer t1 i. :old Mts. Ford a long and happy life. - Crettuu (i \'.Ratz, \l.1'., :std wife, of Parkhill, spent Sunday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Chats. '!.wicker. -('has. Kien- zle held it eery successful 1;1.11 raising on \\'ednesday.---Weld hits been re- ceived here that NIrs.Joseph Heist and one of her daughters, who itccolupan• led Mr. Hoist to Mississippi State last December, are ill with lualari:t fever. Their many friends is the villal•e and neighborhood sincerely hope they will soon recover, --The Foresters' picnic held at Grand Rend last Thursday was a very stt('e('nsful affair. Our Band, under the able leadership of Prof. Jones, certainty did themselves credit and merry were the praiseworthy re- tiarks heard concerning the music rendet ed. Since ,ir•.Jones took charge of the Band our boys have practn'ed diligently end we must say we are proud of them, not only for their mus- ical talent but also of their respectabil- ity wherever they go. -Thr past week being the Jubilee week, has brought many visitor's to our midst. The fol- lowiuR are s few we have noticed: Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zwicker, London; Mr. and 31 re. Eidt, Auburn; Rev. G. Brown, Chesley; Rev. C. F. Brown, Pittsburg, Pa.; Miss :thistle, Rodney; Miss Sweit- zer, Waterloo; Mr. and irs. %Vim. Sie- bert, Plattsville; Rev. C. S. Finkireiner, Sebring ville: Rev. J. C. Morlock, 11il- verton, and Mr. and Mrs. Edit., of Hes- pier.- F.' notary, of the Merchants Hank, Lucan, wits in the village Sat- urday. -During the storm on Sunday night lightning struck the chimney on Jos. Heist's house, doing slight dam- age thereto. -The school examinations have commenced this week. The pu- pils have worked hat'd for the exitus. and we expect our school to present it good meet d. Claude Bliett,the Prin- cipal. 11118 been appointed Examiner for the Entrance exams. in 'run ich.- Our Doctor has ptu chased a pointer', and his name is "Prince."-- Wedding bells ate ringing near this burg this week.-- Rev. Henderson left for his new field of labor last week. \\•e wish him et :•t y Success. ♦\' Isom so.-Theresidenee of Nlr.anil Mrs. \\'u1. Lewis was tl►e scene of an interesting event, on \Wedm'sdas',Jt,ne 21st. when their yo•nlgest daughter, Mies Emma. was wedded to M►•. Harry lt;rpley, of Finlay. Ohio. The Rev. R. W. Knowles, of Fullerton, tied the nuptial knot in the presence (lithe im- mediate 1.'Iitites of the contracting patties. The happy coiiple left the day for their honeymoon trip to Muskoka. accompanied by the hest wishes of their many friends. nesseH.-The grim reaper removed from our midst last Tuesday, one of the most respected citizens in the per- son of ('hat les Brown, who slept peace- fully aw.ty at the age Df 73 years and 1:3 days. Nit. Brown was always an active wet keg in church work, especi- ally in the Sunday school, of which he was 8iperitotendent for fourteen years. Ile was also the township 'fieasit'cr for fifteen years. and discharged the duties of his office with great credit. 11is death has (Noised it breach which will be hard to fill, not only as a citi- zen but also in his public and church work. The fundal which tt•a8 held on Friday teas very largely attended. Ile leaves to rnoii n his drtllise a widow, five sons - Joshua and Ed wail]. of Se- brwaaing, Mich.; Moses, Elkton, Mich.: Aaron, Bright, Ont., and Semite) of this village: also three daughters, Mrs. Finkbeiner and Mrs. lticucler, of Se- hewaing and Mes. Schlueter. of Pigeon. Mich„ besides a large niuile'r of other relatives and a(vlaalntances who have the sympathy of the entire commun- ity in this their hoer of bereavement. Jrnn.t:l: SFKVICF.S.--The 501th anni- versary of the Evangelical church took place on Friday evening and con• tinned until Monday night. Through- out. the meetings were well attended, and they were of great spiritual bene- fit to all who attended. Rev. C. S. Finkhei Der, of Setae ingt-ill". preached a fine sermon ors Friday evening. Rev. Geo. Brown, of ('hesley, preached on Saturday evening. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon Messrs. 0. F. Kilher. ('hriste'pher Eilte'r and Tobias Wirtz relater) their (-arty experi.•0r.' in rhi- tu'ighbophood when the congregation WAS fnrmu•d and itproved vet inter- esting. Sunday mottling Rev. S. R. Kneteht 1, Presiding Elder, preached it trowelfillsc'rt(1On.after which .t fellow- ship meeting was held and the Holy Conl0111ninn served. On Sunday of- tern(on the ct11irch was crowded to the doors. Letters were read by the resident poster, Rev. Damen, from for. iter ministers and nnenrhets of this church. Sanday evening Rev. Knetch- el pi retched en English sermon. Mon- day a ft 'i fllHlfl an old-timej reyet'meet- ing wits held and on Monday evening n meeting in the interest of the young people took piece. Adds ecce were giv- en 1,y Mr. Falwa id Browns of Sebe- weing, rind !tet-. Yaeger, of Zorieh. The church wits heautlfolly decorated with ferns and streamers. Ati approp- riate motto in German was pieced in front of the organ: "1855 Bis hieher hat ins der Herr g.'holfen ltM►5," These special meetings will live long in the beat is of our people. A souvenir book ie being printed in remembrance of these meetings. It rnnteins a com- plete hietory of the church. shewinj photos of the former pester'. and ORM cers of the church up-to-date. The book will cost 35 cts. each and ran he got et Mr. S. Brown's. 10c. 1V'hite !limiter) Muslin for 12'.'. fancy open noesis \\'bite Muslin for ..... 12e', fate' Memel isedstripe \Whitt' Muslin 15c. f•,ney curd :and wave stripe ex- t la x -tea heaty White Muslin fey .. 15c. Niel -cruised tWbii.' Check Mus- lin for . 25c. \White iwotus Cloth, very fine, with glossy finish, a bargain for 25c. fancy Mercerised stripe, be:iut- iful finish, extra fine quality \\'hitt' N1:,-Iio ft's only ...... 35c. White \'esting, wide width, very tine weave, super oil finish, it hig cut for 12', '. Ladies' 131k. Hose warranted Fast Black • 8} 12Ae'. Colored Mullins for.. .. 8e 500 yd.. Colored Muslins in stripes 10 and floral designs, extra fine quality only 81 111 25,'. plain \\'Rite Poplin very tine totality, extra width, lovely wash- ing goods eat to 21 40•. Fancy Tabling for Waists in pure white. f:u,cy design, bril- li:uit white finish only28 15 15c. fancy stripe Black Muslin, new 1utd up-to-date 121 40.•. fancy \White Mercer'ise'd Pop- lin, crepe effect, vet'y new and pretty for 28 25.. fancy stripe i31k. Muslin, Mer- cerised finish with fine lace ef• feet in stripes for 21 35e:. Ladies' Puritan knit vests re - 10 (lanced to 26 12} 16 10 per cent. off for cash on all goods, except Gr'ocer'ies and goods already cut in price. Produce taken in exchange for goode. Poplestone & Gardiner One door north of Post Office. St. Joseph Miss Mary I)enouly, of ('ourtt-ight, is on it few weeks visit to friends here. -Mrs. Nelson Masse and Miss Phoebe Denomy have gone on an extended visit to Harrisville, Middlebury and other places. \Ve wish them a pleas- ant time. -Jacques Reaumean, who has been engaged with fishermen here for the past six months, left last week fon Port. Huron. -It is reported that N. M. Contin it,tends suing tbe Town- ship of Hay for damages, on account of his automobile being upset in the ditch and damaged at St. Joseph. - Louis Denomy has Jpl teed his hat 11 on a stone wall, and a18o a new kitchen to his house. EIituville Quite is number- of our young folk spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mi. and Mts. Richard ('oasts, on Monday evening. -Het'. ('Doper left on Wednesday for/Wellborn and Rev. Fair, the corning pastor, is ex- reted in re on Thursday. --Thr' Junior. othall Team expect to play ,t game with the Exeter hots on Thursday evening a nil sue confident of winning the glints --The 1?limt•ille FoDthall toys wrist tD Granton and played a thatch there nn Friday evening hast ru,d teturtied with the lam els, tt•inning by a Score of 3 to 0. The Granton boys will play here on July 1st. -The S. S. picnic 00 July lst promises to be as good as in the past. Good program and Music and other amusements are being provided and :t first-class time is expected. Every tody welcome. even the Editors. -If you don't go to Elim- vine on July 1st, why take in t he big excursion to Godcrich on July title -- The: cement bridge and culvert !mild- ers are busy putting in a number of new culverts around the village .end vicinity. McGnliv ray D. \Wevatherspuotl has cumlpleted the '(Tient work of 31r. N1cPheason's barn. Nliss Mary Belle Brownlee has ce- tirmed from her visit, t , Pat shill. -- Miss Anna Belle Hutchinson is on a visit to friends in London. --Another of out. young sten 11418 C01111. to the conclu- sion that the words "it is not good for 1111111 10 lire 411011e" are r ret rest and on Wednesday took unto himself 41 wife. We refer to N1r. John Gillet t and the yo11ng Lely of his choice is Miss Henry. of lepnden township. We extend to the hippy cnu�de Out' twit tiest cun- gr:atnlation-,- We are {{pleased tit learn I f the number of N1c(iilliV1.cy boys who have been successful 10 paseln this year's e'xarns. at the Yarling colleges 1 uwltt.L NAriH- At Sarnia, on June and universities: ('.K. McVicar second 21, J. Wiilis Powell, of Exeter, to year with honor', and J. O. Bice, sec- Miss (iertride•, daughter of Mr. and and year tit the London Medical ('ol- Mrs. Arthur Nash, of Sarnia. lege: 0. Glendenning second year, and \VoD oA:.l, LAw'yoN-- In Stephen, on R. B. Potter, first year at School of June 'be by Rev. It. Knowles, Mr. Practical Science, Toronto, -Miss D. Joseph Woodall, to Miss Lizzie, M0(ieaty3' has gone to Craig to teat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Law - dressmaking with Ni re.Yelf. -The grow- sun, all of Stephen. eth for the past two weeks has been tuarvellotts. A large crop of hay is DEATHS now assured, spring crops are now --- corning on nicely and the growth of \VILLIN. on J11110 .2.,Z -aboard a ('.1'.It. snot* is almost visible. Fall wheat is train, near Hutltst•ille', (1iskoka, heading nut 0ii'(•ly and the prospects 1Wi111\'ii10., win of the late Janars are for gond earps all around. Willis, aged 22 years. Chlselhurst We are pleased to learn that Mise Wangle of Seaforth, and who ranks among the hest in the teaching pro- fession, has consented to remain as teacher in S.S. No. 7, Hibbert, until Christmas. The children are very much taken up with her and she with thettethus both teacher and pupils are well satisfied. -The Orangemen of this district are preparing fur the celebra- tion at Clinton on July 12th. -Rev. Mr. Shaw preached his farewell ser - tion here on Sunday. He spoke with much feeling and members of the con- gregation were correspondingly ittfoet- ed. Mr. Shaw has been here two years and has made many warmfriends and there is general regret here that he 11418 been removed to another charge. He tiny labored earnestly, faithfully and with tnarked intelligence here and we trust his efforts in his new field of labor may he crowned with success The best wishes of all accompany Rev. and Mrs. Shaw to their new honne. BIRTHS 114)1111et.---in Exeter, en June 29r•d, to Nils and Mrs. Shirley Bobiet•, a daughter. Seel.!.- At Crediton East, on June 19, to Mi. and Mrs. Frank Snell, a son. MARRIAGES. I(AI.1.6Y--LEwts--At the residence of the bride's parents, on \\'ednesday, June 21, by Rev. Mr. Knowles, of Fullerton, Harry E. Hanley, of Find. ley, Ohio., to Miss Emilie J., (laugh. ter of Mr. Win. Lewis, of Crediton, Sy1iTH- SMITH -111 Lindon, un June 22, by Rey. Aylward, Mr. Harold Smith, to Miss Agnes Smith, of Hen- sail.Du 1 soN- - Deetior.N --At thehome of the bride's parents, on Juno 21, by Rey. Dr. McLean. George Dir•kson, of Mchillon, to Lily E., only (laugh. D ter aoKh- ter of Nits and Ali-. John 1)eiholnl, of I31yth. SMITH ()Derr -- In St. Marys, on June 21, by Rev. R. C. Rolph,'Miss Annie Otiett, St. Marys, to Clinton Smith, St. Nla i ys. l3.'ILOK'rt'- IiNtoHT At the residence of the bride's parents. on June 21, A. P. Knight, Sylvan, to Miss Sarah 3., eldest daughter of \\'. 11. Barrettof Parkhill,NKu Kt'Nv-I.%MIS -- At St,Janies'cburch Se'.forth, on June 21, by Rev. Fath- er' North gt{rat'e's and ('orcotan,('olin J. Ketone -fly, to 1-.Rzahetit, daughter of Stephen Lamb, ell of Seaforth. AOT WEATHER GOODS! Screen Doors from 86c. up Screen Windows from 20c. up Screen Wire Cloth from 10c. a yd. up. Hammocks from $1.00 up Oil Stoves from $1.00 up Ice Cream Freezers, $2.60 up. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store, All Stores will be Closed on July Oth, '05