HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-22, Page 5T H E O zeter \lbvoclate, publish: t . • : r: Th•ir'ia Startling at the uttl e MAIN•STREET, - EXETER. -By tha- ADVOOATE PURLIONINO COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ga. Dollar per annum if paid In &duan:e, $100 if not s) id.wor.lalaik Ra:o• oat JL�pltea- Cioa No paper doe outinued unt'l an arreara,;es are paid er Advtisements without spa Oiled directions will he published until forbid and charged a• . ordingly. Liberal diwouut made for transient atiaertisenients Inserted for long periods. Eaery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques. money orders, tc., for advertising,'tubs -riptions, et-_., W be made payable • Sanders & Creech, 1'RoPRIETORS rr.fertaloaal Cards. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8.. D. D. S.. Honor graduate of Toronto Univerista. DENTIST. Teeth extra, ted without any pain, or any bid effects Office in Fausou'e Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Lydia E. Pinkhani'a Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for all those painful ailments of women. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Com- plaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflam- mation and Ulceration. Falling and Displacements of the Womb and con- sequent Spinal Weakness. and is ppeecu iarly adapted to the Change of Life. Every time it will cure Backache. It has cured more cases of Leueor- DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.11.S rhma than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible DENTIST in such cases. It dissolves and expels Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal Tumors from the Uterus in an early college of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Poet stage of development. That Graduate of Chicago S.•hool of Pro+theta.• Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Atluminum, Gold and Vulcanise Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- causing pain, weight and headache, is aetthetk used for painless extra tion of teeth. instantly relieved and permanently Office ono door south of Carlin; Bros. store, Exeter. cured by its use. Under all circum- stances it acts in harmony with the female system. It corrects Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Weakneea of the Stomach, In' tion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervousd Prostra- tion, Headache, General Debility. Also Dizziness, Falstnesa, Bearing -down Feeling, Auctioneers [[]] BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer Ll. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and tenns reasonable. Sales arranged at Pott Office Winchelsea. ANTED.-1.ADIF9 AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to repre- sent and adtertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house of .olid financial standing. Salary $3.50 per day with expenses &chanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy- furnished when necessary}; position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., k CO., Dept. 6, Monon Bldg., Chicago, III. -THE- Book 01 THE- Boo►of Oaai1a HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Paid Up 6,000,000 Rost az Undivided Profits 3.218,959 95 BRANCHES IN CANADA Extreme Lassitude, "don't -care" and " want -to -be -left -alone" feeling, excit- ability, irritability; nervousness, sleep- lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the •' blues," and backache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterus. For Kidney Ooaipiaiata and Backache of either sex the Vegeta- ble Compound is unequaled, You can write Mrs. Pinkham about yourself In strictest confidence. USIA IL r1 1U&U Bal►. CQ., Lyn, Nue. ThTheodti Phota fledln e Great Is,tg]1ia Renudy. A positive care for all for•als or Interest at most favorable Current rates from date FrainSexual R yy. Em, ionaaland deposited allowed on Savings Bank accounts and De. , atorra.so Ansa pses y Kit Iy1A{ f dime posit Receipts. at oess.Aora. of wolrrtcy Eabcts of dbwle or P all wide an to grave.°mumption. Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available le Ioaadty and an earl= grave. Yrioe China, Japan and other foreign countries. toe ill i]I Travelling tetters of Credit issued to travelten In earn "palldru gate or mailedpIn plain all parts of the world, troll feoa reoety01110 Loa R•HNtor 1?ampb1.c. A general Banking business transacted. h• tW0 M IM Co., Wlad.or, o. SAVINGS BANK. THOS FY,IIE, Gil\URAL MapAORt. . F. IIEBDEN, Scrr or BtAiiuii & CHIP? Isarsctoa CREDITON BRANCH NV. S. CIHISHOLM. Manager. WE RRE WORKl$ In dead earnest for trade and the volume of it that comes our way is proof that our Goods, Prices and Methods are At Exeter and Centralia alright' Storehouses THIS MONTH We will endeavor to interest Now ready for use the best you in Pianos and Sewing Machines. In new Instruments Cement and Lime we sell Canada's hest makes, and will slake the Prices and That money can buy, also terms very attractive. A few special bargains in secondhand Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines that are for Everybody at the lowest bound to suit you. ('all and prices. COAL see ll s, Jos. Cobbledick S. MARTIN & SON • isKeep tee boMels r�1�Ayer's Aod the gest medlcTis- Arer's Pubes; Want your malstacbe °r beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Sbesstlhl brawl srrk Clad? use ma mat tows smsaaattaaee. ■n.y a s BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. £ K. Established 25 Years. .tltir NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT. He was surprised at hew the stores healed -"l took your New Method Treatment for a serious blood disease with whi. h 1 had been attlh•ted for twelve years. I had consulted a score of phy- sicians, taken all kinds of blood medicine, visited Hot springs and other mineral water re- sorts but only got temporary relief. They would help me for a time. but after discontinuing the medicines the symptoms would break nut again --running Before Trrest,sest. s'•res, blot' hey, rheumatic pains. Atter Treatameatt, looseness of the hair, swellings of the g?a'ids. palms of the hands scaling, ttchane-s of the skin, dyspep- tic stomach, eta I had given up In despair when a friend advised me to consult you, as you had cure,, him of a similar disease II years ago. I had no hole, but took his 11,1v ice. in three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and I became encouraged. 1 continued the New Method Treatment for four menthe 501 at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared I was cured 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since- toy boy, three years old, 1+ sound ;,n.l healthy 1 cer- tainly can recommend your treatment with ell my heart. You can refer any person to me privately, but you can use flats testimonial as you wish." W. it 9. We treat Merinos, Debility. S'arirocele, Stricture. NItal Weski'ss Blood sad Skis diseases, triaary, Bladder wad hldaer complaints of men and women READER `sae roc -turn a vlctlm' Itave you lost 1.nrc' Are you intend- Ing arry ^ il.ae )nnr blond been diseased' Have you any weakness. Our Necv. Mettin.l Treatment will cure you iVliat it has done for others it will do for you Ce,NBI'I.TATI(sN FREE. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. ('hargee reasonable a)K3 PRPP --"The Gulden Monitor" (Illustrated), on Diseases of men. Sealed Book on "Di of Women" Free. NO N.%111:e t'SEi) t1'lTl1101•T WRiTTI:Y CONSENT. Every1k1as ee.adeatIal. Aue.tloa Uat and cost et trrneaiest DpKENNEDY& ICElehigan Ave. and Shelby St.. Detroit. Its. HURON COUNTY COUNCILti Around About Us. ----- tit. 31.1).: Mt. Brown, suet with a Ismaili ..c.:dent recently. lie w•ae climbing into his fish wagon when the I but se ata' ted for wand and he was thtuwit aerie's the ftaont of the rig. This resulted in a bruised side and a Iii oken t ib. The June session of the county •un. it opened on '1'ue.daty afternoon with all the members pi eaten except 31r. Lamont. Warden 31illet address- ed the council at some lengt h, refei- ing to the suit pending between the township of Ashfield and the county with rcfrreuce to the Purl Albert washout, W the addition to the house of refuge and to the bridges under contract. The Wardru's eommittee Wet al (iodet ic•h On Maid) 7th and received two propositions for settle- ment front the township of Ashfield, one of which was to stilwit the mat- ter to atbitration. A iitotioe was in- troduced at the present session of the council to leave the matter to arbitra- tors, consisting of tw'o competent engineers with power to :appoint a thitd, but it was voted down. The building committee of the house of refuge stet at Clinton on Mouthy. The architect was present and said the work so far had been fairly well done. The work, the committee said. would probably be about finished by the end of the present month, and the eot.itnittee, with the solicitor if he were tequirt'ei, were empowered to make a settlement when the work was dune. A request of the ratepay- ers of the townships of McKillop and Grey for a grant to assist in opening up the toad between lots 1 and Int, lith concession, 31cKillo1), as a station of the Guelph-Goderich road would be situated on lot 3, vas sent to commit- tee. The Reeves of the two town- ships were present and spoke in sup- port of the grant. Rev. J. NV. Hod- gins has sent in his resignation as trustee of the Seaforth Collegiate and there isa motion before the commit- tee to appoint F. Burrows in his place. Some other clatters before committees are a motion to grant $25 to repair the bridge at Wingham, a request from the Reeve of Wroxeter for $20O to assist in )lacing a lock-up in the new town hall there, a Motion to grant SANS towards improving the gravel road south of Winghatn, and accounts from Listowel, Parkhill and Harriston high schools for Huron pupils. Dr. cods, 11. W. Erwin and Geo. Erwin, of Baayfield,were present yesterday and addressed the council on the necessity of a new bridge at Bayfield. The equalization of assessment was taken up last night. ishister--McQuillan---that the Poli- tic School Inspectors be authorized to apportion the several school moneys now lying in the hands of township treasurers, among the several ntunici- palities to which they belong, accord- Seaforth: The death of Mr, Neil ing to the average attendance. --Car- Hill occurred at the home of his tied. McLean -Ferris -that the ('oun- daughter. Mrs. Ernest Lawrence, in ty Councillors appointed to look after McKillop, adjoining Seaforth un the cement abutments be paid $2.50 a day. north. Since the marriage of his Castled. ('antelon-McLean-- that the daughter last winter Mr, Hill has bylaw for the incorporation of Zurich been making his home with her. Sun - be laid over till the December session. day morning he Wats out itnd around Carried, Bryans-Gardiner-that this and after dinner he went to his room Council do now adjourn till the first to have a sleep. After a couple of Tuesday in December, in the town of hours his daughter went up to awaken Brussels. -Carried him, when she was shocked to find hint dead, he hawing apparently ble'pt away. Deceased, who was 73 years of age, was a native uf the north of Ireland. 3lilclmll: While assisting; at Juts. Pot let's basin -raising Monday, 31r•. %VIII. Hodge, of 31itcltell, got his foot crushed by one of the heavy beasts, it being turned over unnoticed by hint. 31r. 11. Lawrence. of Logan, also had his hand hurt, Hubert: '%'ire wife of Geo. Hann, -t., met with ii nasty accident one day last w•t•ek. She was outside, carrying a milk itoc•k in her hands, when she slipped on the wet ground, and in the fall the crock was l.roke'n and cut bet ly, tactsetaypeteingherly, one of heeyes willow- t'sc Fullartoe: A quiet wedding took place un \%'edue.dity, June lith, at the home of 30. and Mrs. T H. Fran- cis, when their eldest daughter, \%'itt- itifrt•d, became the bride of 31r. Alfred J. 1)ow. Ouly.t few tuf the near tela - tires of the lit ide and gtuuui SI1.11' present. 31t. and 31rs. Dow will liar om the fat 111 !eat' Russeldale, liuilett: 3h. James McGill, who. recently .ld his farm near Constance, has 'mocha -cal the farm of 31r. 0. apt oat, on the McKillop and Hullt•It town line. paying for it the stun of $5,(N4). %'his farms contains one hun- dred acres. has on it good buildings ;and is within ultimo three miles of Seafur th. Mr. McCall gets possession in I)ctohet•. Dublin: Friday there passed away an aged resident of this place in the person of Airs. William Carpenter. Having been a great suffer for some time, her death Was not unexpectt d. and she had the consolation of having most of her bonito at her side at the time of her (teath. His remains were interred in St. Patrick's cemetery itt this village on Sunday morning. Dublin: On Tuesday morning a very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick's church, when Miss Welsh was united in marriage to 31r. Ed. Flannery, of McKillop. The bride. who was given away by her father, looked charming in a gown of brown voile, with lace trimmings and a beautiful large white chiffon hat, and was attended by her sister, Miss Annie, who wine a becoming suit of reseda green with lace trimmings and large white hat, while the groom Was ;Oily supported by his brother, 31t. Jas. Flannery. PARTIAI. COMMITTEE REPORTS. The Auditors reported having exam- ined the treasurer's statements, and found theta to agree with the hooks and vouchers in every particular; that tiie receipts Were $119,5(11.11; disburse- ments, $11S,S11.81i, leaving a balance u f $ 752.25. Finance committee recommended the payment of some 39 accounts, and reported having examined the audi- tory report. County Propert)) Committee report- ed that they found the jail and Regis- try office in good order. The Equelizittlon committee report- ed recommending same assessment as for iii. The Education committee reported re the letter of Rev. J. NV. Ilodgino, resigning the position of trustee of Seaforth Collegiate Institute, 00 •u• - count of removal to (7hatharn, that his resignation be accepted and Dr. F. Burrows he appointed in his place. The Jailer's report showed 9 prison- ers: 3 for vagrancy, 1 on remand. 2 for assault, 1 for theft, 1 for street walk- ing, 1 for insanity. The Building committee met at the House of Refuge Wednesday. The architect was present, and a thorough inspection of the building was made. There is still considerable to be done. Road And Bridges committee recont- utended the printing of the Engineer's report in minutes; advised that abridge he built between the townships of Tucketwmith and nattiest, known as the Morrison bridge, the sante to be a concrete arch, span of about 15 feet, Perth to pay half the cost. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions front teptitahlt phy- sicians. as the datnage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., cont ins no mercury, and is taken interna lly, acting directly up. on the blood And mucous surfaces of the system. in buying !fall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio by F..1. Cheney & Ce. Testi• mmnialsfree. Sold by all druggists. Price 75e. per hot tle. Take Hall's Family !'ills for constipa- tion. St. Marys: Jos. Farr has sold his confectionary and ice creatn tinniness in the Moore block to the Misses Smith. Millett: While Messrs. Thomas and }Err Admits were engaged split- ting wood the head Clew off •1110111NP Axe and struck Ern on the arm and cut hint so badly as to requite four- teen stitches Mitchell: Messrs. Rohr. 11. Roney and Robt. %VNtson, lubber(; McPherson, Cartnonock; Willinnt HArper, Full•ar•ton, and airs. Arthur 31ntttD, Mitchell, were ticketed this week to the North West, ('Tinton: After an illness of neat1)- 1 wo yiwo years Re/lct irk McLennan died on Fl ;day evening. Ht' was A natike of Roashire, Scotland, where he w.IS born sixty-three years ago. hut tot three decades he was a resident of (';inter). Clinton: Although in declining health, the death of J. M. Dowzer came nue xpected on Wednesday morning. Deceased, who had been employed with the Doherty Organ Co., gave up work a year ago, on account of consumption. He went to Coloredo in the hope that the change would check the disease, but he came back no better, and gradually lost ground. He was a young elan of promise, a member of Willis church, With in his 32 year, and held in the very highest esteem. He was a mem- ber of the Odd fellows Lodge, ;and was buried under their auspices, on sat lir- day afternoon. Seaforth: The home of 3Ir. and Mrs. James Wilson, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday when their eldest daughter, Margaret E., was united in marriage to Air. Roy W. Scott, eldest son of 31r, James Scott, of this town. The ceremony was per- formed at 12 o'clock noon, by Rev. F. H. Larkin, and witnessed by a large number of the relatives of the young couple. Miss Ethel Wilson, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Mi-. Rohett Scott, Jr., of Paisley, was groomsman, while Clarissa Scott and Luella Smith acted its flower gills. Mendlesshon's wedding march was played by Mies Beatrice Scott. Distilled Sunshine Did you ever have a headache that mad e Sunday feel like wash- day ? Q Perhaps you have been drinking inferior teas. Q No, you don't need medi- cine -- all you need is a package of Grand Mogul Tea. Q This tea combs the kinks out of the nerves. Why ? Because it is rich in thein (the flavoring essence) which is just concentrated sunbeams. Grown on the high table lands of Ceylon. this tea contains the ele- ments of a pure nerve -food. Grand Mogul Tea 4 There are no other teas "just as good as Grand Mogul. So 30c, 10e and 50e per pound Ci Sold only in packages lined with Ear-tiglx paper. Premium ooatpetts in each padya The cost ef ftmi capons is not taken out of the els -but is simply a put d the a . eminng appropriation ed Rose Tea 66 IS GOOD TEA " It is good tea because it is made of the young, tender, juicy leaves of the tea plants of Northern India and Ceylon. These leaves contain a large percentage of Theine, which is a mild stimulant and an aid to digestion. This is why Red Rose Tea is good, not only while you are drinking it, but is good after you drink it. McGillivrayClinton: Josh. Rands had the mis- fortune to slip on a piece of orange Mrs. Chas. Johnson. and little Vernapeel, which threw him 011 his breast.R'ilsou, of Kenwood, agent is few d.tys across a step, breaking two ribs and at the home of J,('. Dorman, 7th coq., otherwise injuring Wu'. during the week. -Jerry Dorman had a lain raising on Thursday. -Miss Lizzie Darling has returned from a vis- it to her sister, Mrs. Alam Bloomfield, at Denfield. -David Robinson bas gone out west. -Miss Mae Harris, of Park- hill, spent a few days during the week with Miss Gertie Lewis, at Brinsley.- Miss Anne Harding, of the 2nd con., is on a visit to London friends. -Rev. C. B;u'Itrtp has returned to Toronto af- ter a pleasant visit at the home of Jos. Amos. --We are pleased to learn of the improvement in health of Miss Lizzie Darling. -Whaler Morley visited Thed- ford friends Last week. -Our boys have returned from Carling Heights. -Man- dy Watson, of the 12th con., Mr. Hed ley and Wm. McEwen had the mister•• tune to lose valuable horses recently. --The Ilth concession is seeing a good deal of building this year. Messrs. Harlton, Sholdice and Pickering are all bus)•, -R. J. Hamilton at the recent examination itt medicine succeeded in passim, with honors. We are always pleased to note the advancement of McGillivray's sons, and we congratu- late Rob. on his success. Gasoline Explosion- London,Ont. June10.---Thismorn- ing or - ing Mrs. anieux, wife of Mr. John Manieux, of 1V William street, was badly burned by a gasoline explosion while she was preparing dinner. The stove did not burn properly, and Mrs. Manieux started to fill the gasoline reservoir. when the explosion took place. She was thrown down by the shock, and the burning fluid went over her face and body, setting fire to her clothing. The woman screamed for help, and ran into the yard. with it little child following close Lehind. Neighbors hurried to her help, but be- fore the flames wets extinguished she was 1,0 badly burned that her condi- tion is critical. Her baby was also badly horned about the face. The tire tit igade extinguished the blaze in the house. which is only slightly damaged. Mrs. Manieux is 3.1 years of age, and her husband is employed in the Lon- don Rolling Mills. The mother and child were the only persons in tiie house at the time of the accident. CANADIAN "PACIFIC �' Y• WiLL SEI.!. HOME SEEKERS. EXCURSION TICKETS To THE NORTH WEST WI..Ipeg Mowbray Delorai se Souris Brandon LyIste. Lenore $3000 E.t.vs■ 113 00 Yorato. (' (31.110 Sadao 33. SO I/twins 31.66 Li { $33.TS fileseaJ )} 32 00 Saskatoon Ml.lots ) Prise. Alb* SI.scartk 32.26 Macleod Moeseos.i. 3220 colliery Arcola .12.50 Red Deer stratticoaa 40 S0 Ooin JUNE lath, returning until August i1 Going JUNE. 27th, returning August :.9th. Going JULY 1.',th, returning until Sept pith Full partindar. from Canadian Fecal • A,gc•a ore rite to ('. R. Footer, D. P. A, Toronto, 34.00 1525 rt 3.00 35.50 39 SO Seaforth: While assisting at a barn raising on his farm in McKillop, on Monday, Mr. Peter A. O'Sullivan had the misfortune to have :t large stick ohfatim ll)•.ber fall on his foot, I tttising it DROWNS AT WROXETER. Wroxeter, Ont., June 11. - George Laing, second son of Mrs. Robert Laing, was drowned wtlite bathing in the river here to -night. Ire is suppos- ed to have taken cramps. The body was recovered about twenty tnimttea later. but all attempt- t, resiiscitate proved futile. SAP -O -REN -O "1T EVAPORATE$" Odorless Non n)13 Joatui Noe -.uftsium.... The Wonderful Cle3170r ty111 save the Writ' y h rl•ewife 111307 useful dollars. a loins e.1ar-- est or (bloat of fahri••+. carpo!.1 or silk waists beyond belief. DUST entirely reo►av,>d OERMSb I t 1 n' 3 .o to y t mrod COLORS roiturel liko now SIZING renewed in c.rput s ALL IX A Fi:W MOMENTS Volt A FEW GEN 1• d sad a child can do i' wi'li SAP -0 -REN -0 flet it at your grocer's The HuAFbnan A Teeter Co. Toronto NOTICE To Fariliers aDa the Pu.11hic in eiicrai. As the spring is coning on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Halm Street. Easter. One door South of Metropolitan Hotel That's where you will get the highest cash price for them. Queenston Cement SOLO DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO THE CONSUMER Don't he misled by statements of agents handling cement paying large Commission. (to yourself and see Queenston walls and floors but in your own locality. Our barrel contains as ninny (•chic inches as any other cement, and as cement is gauged by measure, not by weight, your cement will go as far. Write us for information. Freight rates and es- timirtes cheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, strict• ly cash, f. 0. is cars, Queenston. Go in with your neigh hoc and get benefit of carload rates. ISAAC USHER QUEENSTON, ONTARIO 1